#i will protect nami swan and robin chan stuff
cienie-isengardu · 2 years
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Luffy With A S/O Who Has A Tattoo Of The Jolly Roger
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A/N : this is a request from my sister so I’m excited to post this! This was actually really cute so I hope you enjoy! :)
Summary : In which, one day, Luffy finds out about his female significant other’s hidden tattoo of the crew’s Jolly Roger.
note : if you all would like a post of where the crewmates might have their Jolly Roger, or have any ideas or thoughts yourselves, please share! I’d love to hear it.
“The crew is rather lively today, aren’t they?”
You smile at the sight of Luffy running around with a water gun, chasing after Usopp and Chopper and spraying them with it.
Nami and Robin sat on the lawn chairs beside you, the shade of the umbrella taking over your bodies to protect from the heat of the sun.
Nami was wearing a white bikini, Robin wearing a black bikini top with a white skirt that reached her knees, while you settled in a white tank top and some light blue denim shorts.
Sanji was coming down from the upper deck, having just exited the kitchen with a silver plate of beverages on top.
Brook and Franky sat off to the side, Brook drinking his tea and enjoying the sight of the trio, while Franky watches in amusement as well, whilst tinkering with his torso.
Zoro laid by the railing, swords at his side and arms crossed with his body leaned back. His eyes were closed and he was resting, but you could tell he was listening in to everything.
“They always are.. it seems we can never get just ten minutes of peace.” Nami exhales heavily, shaking her head disappointedly as the sound of yells and laughter filled the air.
Nami’s comment caused Robin to giggle as she turns the page in her book, that was resting on her lap.
“It’s always fun with them around.” She points out, keeping her eyes trained on her book.
You laugh along as well, Nami only sulking for a brief moment before seeing Sanji returning with fresh drinks for them.
“Nami-swan~, Robin-dear~, [Name]-chan!~ here are your freshly made beverages!~” Sanji sang, lowering his hand with the plate down, setting down the drinks onto the table for the three of you.
“Thank you, Sanji.” You and Robin thank the blonde in unison, Nami immediately grabbing the glass and smiling brightly. “Thanks, Sanji.”
As Sanji swoons at the three of you, you turn back to your captain and lover and call out to him with a grin.
“Luffy! Are you thirsty? Come here, Sanji made drinks!”
Ignoring Sanji’s small protests that it was only meant for the ladies, Luffy’s eyes lit up and he grins brightly right at you. “Ooh, yeah!”
He quickly runs over, still dodging Usopp’s and Chopper’s water attacks with ease before landing right in front of you.
His straw hat hung around his neck, resting on his upper back and wore nothing but his red shorts. Water glistened against his skin in the sun from the splashes of water from Usopp’s shot.
“Seems like you’re having fun.” You sit up from your chair and held out the fresh glass that Sanji had placed down for you, holding it out for Luffy, who took it after thanking you.
Luffy stands in front of you and brings the glass to his lips, taking a long sip before exhaling in satisfaction.
Luffy smugly grins. “Shishishi~, Yeah, I keep hitting Usopp and Chopper easily! They kind of suck at aiming.” He mindlessly states aloud with a laugh, Usopp’s brow twitching at his words.
“Oh yeah?..” Usopp began fiercely pumping his water gun before smirking and pointing it at Luffy’s back. “I’ll show you the skills of Mighty God Usopp! Sniper King!” He shouts and pulls the trigger instantly.
Luffy only grins cheekily and moves aside before the water made impact.
Unfortunately, you became the target.
With Luffy having moved aside, you were shot in the face which resulted in your clothes and body to become wet and completely soaked.
“Haha! You missed again!” Luffy laughs wholeheartedly at the sight of your wet form, pointing at Usopp as he doubled over from laughter.
Nami and Sanji gasps at the sight, Sanji’s anger building up as he shouts at Usopp. “USOPP! YOU BETTER GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AND APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW! HOW DARE YOU SHOOT [NAME]-CHAN!?”
Usopp sweatdrops at Sanji as Brook’s laughter fills the air. “Yohohoho~ that was quite unexpected!” Franky joins in the laughter as well. “That was definitely a suupperr~ shot!”
Robin giggles and smiles. “That was certainly quite the aim. Are you alright, [Name]-san?” She hums, turning over to you, who was recovering from the shock and wiping your wet face.
You couldn’t surpress the smile forming as you chuckle lightly yourself. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just water.”
Seeing Chopper walk over with a hand towel, you smile gratefully to the little reindeer who was currently in his monster point.
“Sorry, [Name]! We didn’t mean to get you involved.��� He apologetically smiles, you taking the towel from his hands and began wiping your face.
“No worries, Chopper.” You assure him, standing up straight to go change when Nami audibly gasp at the sight of your back, her eyes widening.
“Huh? What’s that on your back, [Name]?”
Since you got wet, your shirt was wet as well and the water expanded towards the back of your shirt, so it exposed your skin.
You hum questioningly and turn around to see her eyeing your back, the others widening their eyes at the sight of it, besides Zoro and Luffy.
“Woah! Is that what I think it is, [Name]?!” Usopp gasp in awe at the sight.
“When did you get that done, [Name]-san?” Robin asks, sitting up and setting her book onto the table.
“My, that’s quite a magnificent sight.” Brook hums, nodding at it.
“YA-OW! That looks great, [Name]!” Franky grins, giving a thumbs up towards you.
“It’s really cute! When did you do it?” Nami smiles, leaning closer to inspect it properly.
“No matter what it is, even if it was something else, it sure looks amazing on you, [Name]-chan~!” Sanji swoons, admiring it.
“Ah, it looks amazing, [Name]!” Chopper compliments, returning to his smaller usual form.
You bring the towel down from your face and smile at the others. “Thanks! I got it done in the last island we visited.”
“Got what done?” Luffy tilts his head in confusion, crossing his arms at the others’ awe of your back.
He didn’t understand. You didn’t look different. “Did you get a haircut or something?”
You laugh softly at him and shake your head at his question. “Nothing like that. Here.”
You turned around and moved your hair and towel down. You then lifted the hem of your shirt to expose your lower back.
Zoro, who was listening in, opens his eye to see what the crew was so excited about. His eye widens before a small smirk took over his lips. “I see, not bad.” He hums, approving of it.
Luffy just blinks a bit, staring at your back blankly before his eyes widens in surprise, completely shocked from the sight.
Right on your back, similar to the place Ace had his tattoo, was your own tattoo of the ship’s Jolly Roger, just a bit lower.
A skull with crossbones, as well as a straw hat, printed cleanly across your skin and matched well, as if it was always there from the beginning.
“Cute, right?” You grin at Luffy’s reaction, pulling down your wet shirt again and faced your captain.
“I thought it’d be nice to have the mark of the Straw Hats. What better than the Jolly Roger?”
The others smiled at your response and hum. “The tattoo looks great, [Name]. I wish you could have told us, maybe we could have had one with you.” Nami sighs and you giggle softly.
“Don’t worry yourselves about having to get one. If you guys want one too, be my guest, but this was just my own choice is all.” You say, waving your hand dismissively towards her with a gentle smile.
“Man, that’s so cool! Why didn’t you tell me about this before?!” Luffy eagerly shouts, eyes turning into stars for a moment before he looks up at you excitedly.
“I guess I must’ve forgot.” You sheepishly hum, rubbing the back of your neck with your hand. “Anyways, at least you guys saw it now.”
Before the others could question you any further, you pick up your stuff left on the lawn chair and smile at the crew. “Well, since I’m soaking wet and I’m getting cold, I’m going to go ahead and shower first.”
With that, you began walking off with a small hum of a tune, making your way over towards the bedroom to grab your change of clothes first.
Luffy watches as you go, a small grin still across his face as he chuckles heartily. “Shishishi, I didn’t know [Name] had a tattoo of the Jolly Roger. That’s really cool!”
“It is unexpected of her to suddenly get a tattoo or mark out of the blue.. but that’s our [Name]-san! Yohohoho!~” Brook joyfully laughs, Usopp smiling and nodding in agreement. “It’s definitely the real thing, it looks just like it too.”
“I wonder why she chose her back of all places though.” Chopper innocently hums, glancing down at his water gun and shook it to see if there was still water in it.
“In any case, it looks great and that’s all that matters. For now, I’ll get started on dinner.” Sanji smiles, taking a cigarette out of his carton and lit it up with his lighter.
You let out a satisfied and pleased breath, letting the towel rest around your shoulders and hair air dry. You wore a t-shirt and shorts this time, feeling comfortable from your shower.
Going into your bedroom, you became startled at the sight of Luffy sprawled across your bed with his eyes closed.
“Oh, Luffy.”
Hearing your voice, Luffy snaps awake and sits straight up. His body was still wet from earlier so it did dampen your sheets a bit, but you didn’t mind.
“[Name]. Took you long enough!” Luffy hums, crossing his arms with a pout forming on his lips. “I was waiting for you.”
Your eyes soften at his action and you smile lightly. “Sorry, Luffy. I lost track of time while I was in there.” You explain, making your way over to the dresser, picking up the hairbrush.
Luffy nods, signaling he understood as he watched you began heading towards him and took a seat at the edge of the bed, where it wasn’t wet.
You began brushing your hair, noticing that Luffy was staring at you and you glance over. “Something wrong?”
“Can I see it again?”
Knowing what he meant, you turn so your back faced him and lifted the back of your shirt to expose the skin.
Luffy stares blankly for a few seconds before giving a small smile.
“..you chose that spot for Ace, didn’t you?”
Your eyes widen at his question before a gentle smile appeared on your lips. Nodding, you spoke. “Yes, I did.”
Luffy looks down, his smile widening slowly before he eventually looks back up with a cheerful grin and closed eyes.
“I see. Shishishi! Well, it looks great!”
Luffy reaches his hand over and carefully glided his fingers across your tattoo-covered skin, admiring the sight of his mark on your back.
A warm smile casted over his face as he then pulls your body back into his chest and hugs you tight.
“On the next island, I’ll get the same as you, but I’ll get it on my chest! Sound good?” Luffy hums, arms wrapping around you as you leaned into him.
You chuckle heartily at him and nod. “Sounds good, Luffy.” You turn your head and peck his cheek lightly, causing Luffy to smile wider.
Luffy returns a kiss onto your head and smiles lovingly with pink-tinted cheeks.
“I love you, [Name]!” Despite his voice sounding so cheerful and childish, it was the most sincere tone you’ve heard from him.
You smile back at him with closed eyes, hands placing themselves onto Luffy’s arms around you as you curled into him more. “I love you, Luffy.”
“Oi, dinner’s ready!” Sanji’s voice calls from the kitchen, and you hum. “Mmh, it seems Sanji has finished cooking.”
“Yeah, Sanji made lots of meat! Let’s go already, [Name]!” He quickly lets go of his hold on you, leaping off the bed as you sat up straight and fixed your shirt.
“Okay.” Luffy grabs your hand and began pulling you up and out of the room, quickly heading to the kitchen to feast on the delicious dinner awaiting you both.
“Time to eat!”
A/N : heyyy, hope you guys liked this and enjoyed! :D I thought it was cute.
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