#i will say that AC is going to be more enjoyable if you lovehate the dreamer trilogy opposed to just hate it
neurosses · 5 months
I remember you saying in a different ask that AC is gonna be a Lynch brothers centric fic based on Supernatural (which, as a former die-hard spn fan I cannot wait to read, my God), and now I was wondering if there will be romance elements based on the show as well? Are we getting Adam burning on the ceiling in chapter 1 or something? HAHAHAHAH sorry I’m just too curious (and excited)
HELLO... YOUR ENTHUSIASM IS REALLY SWEET. I am going to be sparse on details, not because I don't want to talk about it, but because the story is filled with so many twists that I don't want to accidentally spoil anything.
Adam and Jordan will both be part of the narrative as romantic interests! They will not be burnt alive on the ceiling in Ch. 1 (LOL). While this story is primarily about Ronan & Declan, other characters (incl. Adam and Jordan) also leave their mark on the narrative.
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