#i will say tho i'm actually proud of the fact that i drew this with zero references
strawberriisncreme · 6 months
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ichigo might be a little late to band practice 🤭
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just-a-drawing-bean · 10 months
I love your art lots and I love hearing people talk about their art so I'm asking some of my dca moots a bunch of fun art questions, no obligation of course
What is the art piece you are proudest of?
2. What is the art piece you've spent the most effort/time on?
3. What art did you spend the least amount of effort on?
4. What art piece/pieces has crazy lore that you could spend days explaining?
5. What piece is so completely different from your usual style?
If you want tag an artist who you also want to see answer these questions feel free to though of course no obligation
Aw thank you!!! This is interesting ok hmmm the proudest piece is hard to pick because a lot of the other ones in this post I'm proud of but I guess this one. I had a lot of fun designing him and making him a silly little angry fish. I want to draw him more.
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A piece I spent the most time and effort, apart from an animation, I'd say this one. It took a while to draw the flowers and pick out the correct colors since I was going for a particular art look. the fact that I drew this from an ask lmao, I got mega inspired by the suggestion.
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Ha, what piece did I spend the least amount of time? oh boy I do a lot of low quality doodles and fast art but a more finished piece that was fast would be Fornite Eclipse because I literally speedran that and my friends kept me on a timer lmao although I did go back to shade a little. But an actual fast doodle is something in like under a min like this sun or something drawn in gartic phone which has a timer.
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something with a lot of lore.... its not my lore but i could talk about the story and characters of Sleuth Jesters all day... <333
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Something that is way out of style is the Spiderverse boys since its trying to match that comic colorful energetic style. very fun tho
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eat-worms · 2 years
yall, knife trick updated and I've been loosing my SHIT.
(I'm doing my schpeel for this under my wip for this piece cuz I want the final to be not so cluttered. )
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ok so this fic like... almost single handedly resparked my love for making digital art. I had made a piece or 2 before the one I did for knife trick but they were very experimental and dazed and haphazard. I find it beneficial to draw from reference, but it isn't what I love about art. and so I read this fic and just was so so excited to do something with this wonderful world and these wonderful characters built from very little canon interaction. and I just drew. and I spent like a whole 2 weeks only drawing after that. it wasn't fan art for knife trick after that first piece. but I was so proud of it. and I saw what I could do. and I was inspired again by a vast and heartwrenching fictional world. and I haven't really taken a long break drawing since. and something about the tension and the luster of life these characters bring I find so enrapturing and rare (for me) in fanfiction and this truly has that. SO. HERES MY WIP after the new chapter. gosh this moment. oh and that quote, it made me cry, I saved it on my phone let me get it.
"The thing about saying goodbye is that they say goodbyes are the hardest, when really goodbyes aren’t all that hard at all. Saying goodbye is as easy as saying any other thing, in fact almost exactly that easy. As one leaves the grocery store and says goodbye to the cashier, they don’t feel bad at all; as you hang up the phone on an annoyed parent you might feel quite relieved to say goodbye.
Saying goodbye depends much less on what is said and much more on what isn’t said.
Sometimes the people saying goodbye are not aware they’re saying goodbye, and years down the line they will think to themselves, was that really it? The very last thing I said?"
like I'm SOBBING OMG. also rans autistic coding (not really coding, I think its confirmed just not spoken by the characters) is just... so important to me. I've been trying to get just an adhd diagnosis for over 2 years now and a lot of people in my life are saying I'm likely autistic, but regardless of all that I SEE my self in ran and it's so cool to see him learn more about himself. I have another diagnosis appointment tmr morning actually and it's like... wow. like the amount of self-reflection and frustration ran goes through during this story because of his differences with the culture around him. and how he always feels/is literally trapped because of this. it's just so real and personal. and even tho Watson is an asshat and imprisoned him before he got the answers he needed... he still got them. Ran and Jackie's story is just so special I'm glad I'm here to read it. it brings me so much comfort. also fanfic writers for this story... im coming for you. I probably already have come for you tbh 😅. Ok. I think maybe one person is gonna read this wall of text but that's alright, I just want it out there. this story is special. please please read it if you haven't. I'm going to go and re-read it again and finish this drawing!
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drwcn · 3 years
Hello~ may i ask you something about Chinese culture? i'm a white person and i know that wearing traditional clothes from other cultures (for example as a street wear) simply because it's beautiful is disrespectful because it's also a form of cultural appropriation. A few months ago one of my friends and i were talking and exchanging facts about our cultures and lifestyles and i made a comment about how stunning some hanfu she showed me were and her first reaction was " oh you like it? what's your favorite color i can buy you that one! " and she was quite gleeful and seemed to be unaware of the ethical problem behind me wearing these clothes.. i kindly refused but it's been puzzling me for some time now and so I'd like to know a bit more about it so i can maybe educate myself on this matter and explain my position better next time such as why I can't wear these clothes. i'm really sorry to drop this important and not so simple ask on you but i actually don't know anyone else i could ask, also know that you don't need to answer this if you're uncomfortable or anything tho! it's such a long text omg again sorry for taking up so much of your time aldhsks i hope your day will be great 💝
Hi friend! 
From where I stand if you want one, you should get one, especially if your friend is willing to help you pick a nice one. :) 
Here’s the thing about culture appropriation - everyone has a different opinion on it, so even if I say something, another Chinese person can disagree and that’s valid. 
I have a feeling, just a feeing, that if you go to China and buy a hanfu and put it on and walk around in it, most Chinese people aren’t gonna come up to you and say hey! this is cultural appropriation! In fact they might ask to take pictures with you.
That’s gonna be different if you did the same thing in New York, or Montreal, or Sydney, or London. 
I’m not a sociologist or anthropologist or political scientist, but I am a young person who has a lot of incongruous feelings towards cultural appropriation. There are obvious answers. Any action whereby an item/accessory from a certain culture is used in a mocking or offensive way, or is used as a costume or a gimmick, is of course entirely inappropriate. This is the obvious answer. But, the question that is often asked, and the exactly thing you are getting, is: what if I’m not intending to be offensive? What if I just like it? What if I want to honour it and support it? 
And the answer to that is complicated. 
I am a CN diaspora, and from what I’m seen and experienced, the term “cultural appropriate” comes from a place of fear and feeling of threat. For countries like the US where the population is very diverse and there’s a pressure to assimilate and fit in, there used to be a time when immigrants felt they had to do everything in their power to be more integrated into the new community they landed in and that meant turning their backs on the culture that they’ve left behind. 
The movement we see more and more nowadays is the reclaiming of some of that lost culture and the embracing of every aspect of one’s identity. However, the part of us that’s not quite “white enough”, that we’re just starting to build up the courage to be proud of, is still so tender, so raw, so vulnerable to any kind of assault from outside forces. The fear that we used to feel, the fear of being completely ourselves, it never truly goes away. It’s in the memory of being embarrassed to bring cultural food to lunch at school and wishing your mom could just pack you pizza. It’s the awkward moments when you can’t wear the shorts you want like the other girls in your class because your immigrant mother/father says it’s not appropriate. It’s loving a wuxia story and having no one to share it with because all your friends are non-cn and you’re 14 and everything is embarrassing. Imagine carrying that your entire life, that heavy mixture of shame and fear, and waking up one day and suddenly some pop artist is using aspects of your culture in their music video. Just for the aesthetics. And for that they’re getting millions of hits on youtube and making a fuckton of money. 
The very thing that had caused you so much grief, so much mockery and stress, is being used and monetized. How could you be okay with it? Especially when commercialization often comes with sexualization and objectification as well.  Now what if it’s not some famous person, what if it’s just a random citizen who wants to put on a kimono or a hanfu? Is that okay? Then it really depends on who you’re asking and what their relationship is with their cultural identity. Personally, I don’t really care because the community that I grew up in was very accepting of my culture. I never experienced as much cultural threat as other cn disasporas in other communities. So, like your friend who is CN (I’m assuming), I don’t feel as though my own identity is being infringed upon if you were to wear hanfu. In fact, I would take it as you being interested in my culture.  But imagine someone who comes from a community where they weren’t allowed to freely express their unique cultural idiosyncracies, where they felt much more pressured to assimilate and fit in. I would think that you wearing hanfu would be absolutely seen as cultural appropriation in that case. Because the bottom line is, if they wore hanfu in their community, they would’ve probably been mocked for it, and so a person who is non-cn wearing hanfu just for fun, cheapens the struggles and the pain that they must’ve experienced ongoingly in their life. In simple words: imagine an unpopular kid at school had a mole on their face, a mole which earned them constant mockery from the popular kids. One day, however, one of the popular kids decided having a mole is “cool” and “sexy”, and drew one on their face and began sporting it around. Suddenly everyone is doing it. That kid with the mole is probably thinking having a mole is my thing, it’s part of who I am, I can’t change it, and you made my life hell because of it. Now, not only are you being a complete hypocrite, you’re also taking away a part of my identity. You’re removing the mole from it’s origin, from its context, and you’re drawing it on your face just because you like the look of it. 
There’s a reason why Chinese people from China don’t care if you go to and buy all the hanfu you want. A) it’s generating business, but more importantly B) Chinese people in China are secure in their cultural identity. Being Chinese is their every day life, it’s their norm, their background, their default. By you wishing to try Chinese clothes, eating Chinese food, to them you’re simply going with the flow of their society. Diasporas on the other hand have a completely different relationship with our culture. We’ve had to fight to carve out a space that’s just for ourselves, and no diaspora’s experience is going to be the same as another. Therefore, our relationship with our culture, and with the term “cultural appropriation” is going to be very different. 
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fandoomerthesequel · 3 years
Hi hi. Here to shower you with the love and appreciation. Really, I mean it. Just like odinnadtsat-mun said, I've heard lots about you from otverzhennyy-mun, and we all adore your art. The Viktor and his puppies artwork is so cute (I love the one in the back especially). And might I add: that donna x pyro agent, well hello cute npc ship how you doing? Sign me up!
I cannot express how much your art really brings joy to us.
Also, the way you draw expressions and poses, as a fellow artist I have to say I'm in awe. And gosh damn, I don't know if anyone complimented you on this but be proud of those hands. Holy shit man, you draw good hands (*wheezes*), those are so hard to draw. Keep up the good work and I wish you good luck and fun in your oc remaking!
No need to respond to this, just wanted to pop in, say hello, and thank you for the follow. I hope you have a wonderful week!
Signed, Duke (sir-huffman mun)
I had a whole ass heart attack 😎 honestly, cant believe anyone would actually talk about me? Like, to anyone? And thank you! When i drew the one in te back it was for filler becuase that side looked uber empty, and then i got attached, he is my favorite as well.
Now that ship came becuase i was making two seperate doodles but donna looked like she was looking at the agent, and then my crack ship became, my ship.
In fact i drew it again, becuase you reminded me of it, and i got motivation lmao. I love cuter ships becuase as much as i love angst, i have ocs for that.
Okay, so, with all yall saying you talk about it, i got super excited and happy so with this one, i told my friend and i was just being dumb in general lol. It really does mean alot to me and im honoured that yall would like, like my stuff??? I dont know, im not used to people just telling me that i guess. And im very glad that my art has brought some joy into yours and your friends lives.
Thank you, its the tying my worth to my drawing and therefore just gettin good as kids would say ~~ive mostly gotten over it tho lol~~ . Hands are my favorite thing to draw! Hands, eyes, and sometimes ears, are my favorite things to draw, although noses are fun as well.
Although ive mainly been otverzhennyys fan, and only just started kinda scrolling through yours and odinnadtsats blogs, i think of you three as my peers, and more advanced and bigger blogs, so it really does flatter and honour me, that you guys even enjoy my content, and to think that you guys are like, kinda fans really makes me happy and just, giddy i guess.
Also i hope you have an equally wonderful week!
And here are the two images i drew for ✨ you ✨
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Hands are really fun
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cinnella · 3 years
I felt inspired to make a thread of my progress this year after seeing other peoples' because HOLY SHIT I LEARNED HOW TO DRAW H U M A N S (I cannot emphasize this enough, my art skills were based on animatronics and FURRIES, I did not know how fucking humans worked!)
Without further ado, this is gonna be a Syro thread because I noticed I drew him the most out of the five (he also seems to be a favorite amongst my mutuals)
Everything's under the cut cause it's long!✨
May 18th
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Okay, so this was like the FIRST ever drawing of him, so there's no tattoos and barely any piercings, these got added later. And it was also an entry for The Arcana Festival 'Love Like Yours' which was hosted in that month. Uh, needless to say, I hate looking at it now. What was that lineart?? What is that anatomy?? And poor Julian's massacred!!✨
June 4th
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This one was made on Bisexual Day of the Pride Month for obvious reasons. I also wamted to display Cal's and Sy's brotherly love. And I had a thing for transparent backgrounds apparently. But I have just one question for my past self- What the fuck.✨
August 29th
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Now here I can say that he's starting to gain somewhat of a nice shape and overall anatomy. I don't have much negative things to say towards this one because I actually kind of like the way it came out (and it was also a present for Celestia's birthday, @dreamyasra 's mc)✨
October 3rd
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My only excuse is that @sahanableps is a thirsty bitch for this buff-wuff (I love you tho). First and foremost, I was still learning how to draw muscles (still am lmao) and I also needed to show off his chest tattoo, that's all. The only thing I hate is the hair- what even is all of that?!✨
October 8th
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Once again, @sahanableps strikes with her thirst (not gonna lie, I did too, this is still one of my favorite outfits). The only thing I can complain about is his lip piercings, cause I was still drawing them way too close to the centre. And that he wasn't as thicc and buffy. Other than that, a total snack.✨
October 15th
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The first ever drawing of everyone's favorite blueberry, Wynne. I put like a whole ton of effort into this one and yet, I'm still not so satisfied with it, some things are way off. But I can't say I hate it.✨
October 17th
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Everyone wanted to see the poor baby get beaten, so it happened. I do have to admit that I made his arm too big and the eyes just the same.✨
October 20th
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October was really just Syro month, wasn't it? Honestly this is probably the best I've ever drawn his face structure, no lie. My only complaint, once again, the hair. Just- what was I thinking? ✨
November 17th
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And THIS!! THIS IS MY FAVORITE FUCKING DRAWING OF ALL TIME, I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING! Everything down to the lineart, came out the way I wanted it to, especially his hair and Wynne's expression and make up. *chefs kiss* That day was definitely my day!✨
November 29th
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And the last addition to this thread is, obviously, his sprite, which I'm very proud of. I'm proud of how far his design has come, and how far I've come regarding it. I'm most proud of the decrease in eye size, I won't lie, those things were fucking huge. And the fact that he actually looks like a fucking human being.
I'm often way too hard on myself and say that I'm still not there, but I don't take the time and realize that I've already come so far and in just 8 months. That is an achievement that I should recognize.
So if you're in my situation, in my place, where you think that you still aren't good enough. You are. Goddamn it, you are! Look at your progress, no matter if it's art, or writing or whatever! Yes, you may still have a lot to improve, but you're improving every. single. day. And that's just as important! Give yourself a break and don't give up. Your future self will thank you so so much.✨
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doctorsiren · 4 years
I'm a big fan of your art and snapshot has killed me. I really love all the designs, Also Npc etho looks really cool! Will there be more him?
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:D tysm! I’m pretty proud of the designs, but it’s funny because I legit forget everyone’s NPC designs (NPG, Mumbot, and RoboCleo are the exception) anytime I need to draw them, and I am too lazy to go back and look at a past part to see what the design is (which is why designs and heights are so inconsistent in SSAU whoops-)
But yes! Fun fact: E-tho (NPC Etho) doesn’t actually have a mouth anymore. His mask has a speaker, which works as his mouth
Although no one can really make out what he’s saying because the speaker is so muffled and garbled like a New York subway PA system :)
I love how it was kinda forgotten that SSAU!Etho canonically has ninja powers(??idk I don’t watch Naruto-)
Also I accidentally drew Grian’s hairstyle on me bc I wasn’t paying attention and when I noticed, it was too late and I was too lazy to fix it
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