#i wish i could just send you on whatsapp the link to this blog
obsessedwithstuffff · 9 months
there's SO much poetry i want to write about you.
i really hope you will find this blog.
you never will.
you will never look for it.
its like its all in my mind.
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The marriage pact - A new pact
Henry Cavill x OC Alice - multi-chapter
< Part 3 | Part 4 A new pact | Part 5 >
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Disclaimer: some strong language
Author’s note: Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me? Enjoy another tooth achingly sweet fluff chapter my dear readers ❤️
Word count: 1.557
(Link to my Masterlist)
[ Alice.in.writing.land ]
Dear readers,
I’m pleased to inform you that I have passed the princess approval test. Teeth were brushed, laughter was about and she even made friends with a furry companion the size of an adult bear. All and all it was a lovely, sunny Sunday and I can’t wait to bring her along on my adventures of today, which will include.. sheep herding!
Now you may wonder why a news reporter would go sheep herding, but did you know that Jersey used to have its own, very unique Jersey sheep? Through some unfortunate neglect and misunderstanding these sheep went extinct and now their four or six-horned heads no longer graze about. But! As per usual, we humans found out a century or so later, that these sheep and their many horns were a blessing to keep the nature on the island healthy, and thus they were re-introduced. Albeit this time in the shape of a fewer horned, more human friendly Manx Loaghtan herd, whom we’ll be meeting today.
I cannot wait to see if my fellow Alice has a knack for befriending other furry creatures as well, so keep your horns and fingers crossed - we’re going on an adventure!
The jeep tumbled and shook as it drove over the bumpy country road, the habited world slowly coming back into view. A welcome view too, because we had a fun, but also truly exhausting day. Little Alice had drifted into a slumber, her small body leaning heavily into my chest as she clambered onto a pair of fresh wool socks she had received as her gift.
I could only imagine what she’d be dreaming of right now. Probably, it involved lots of chasing of and cuddling with sheep. I yawned and watched with blinking eyes as Maddie and Frank’s house finally came into view, the afternoon late when we finally arrived.
‘Thanks Jonny.’ I smiled at the friendly bearded man behind the steering wheel.
‘Sure thing Ali. It was fun having you two…’ He hesitated, seeing the toddler as she was still far away in dreamland. ‘..You know what. Let me help you out with that.’ He winked, quickly swinging open his door and moving to the other side of the jeep. I sighed a quiet thanks as he pulled open the door, effortlessly scooping up the small girl from my arms.
‘Up you go! Hello little Alice. Looks like you’re home!’ He cheered, putting the sleep muddled toddler on her legs. I slipped out of my seat and thanked him again, my arms swiftly lifting Alice back on my hip before she’d fall right asleep on the sidewalk.
‘Well have a good one! Looking forward to the article.’ Jonny said, brushing some of the toddler’s hair out of her face. A sweet gesture.
‘I’ll make sure to send you a copy. Good night Jonny.’ I waved him off and turned around, my eyes catching some movement a little distance away, at the opposite side of the street.
And not just any movement. It was a dumbstruck, frozen-in-place, Henry, his large blue eyes blinking at me. He was clearly confused, his eyes briefly slipping away from me to look at the truck as it drove off into the distance.
‘Hey!’ I waved, a bit unsure of what to do. I could only figure what he was thinking right now; a man, a kid?! That’s not really quite the image you had sketched the other day. Biting my bottom lip I quickly crossed the street, walking up to him, tired toddler snugly held onto my chest.
Henry remained quiet as his eyes now moved to the girl in my arms, her bright blue eyes giving him a studious glare.
‘Hey..’ I repeated, trying to grasp his attention, my smile a tad awkward as I pulled up the toddler a bit higher on my hip - she sure was getting heavy!
‘Hi.’ He swallowed, quickly hiding something behind his back.
‘You probably wonder what the heck is going on.’ I bit my lip, looking down at Alice, his response a mere nod of the head. ‘..Maddie, my friend, had to rush to the mainland to help out her mom, so I offered to help out and watch over her little princess.’
Alice looked up at me, her eyes sparkling with passion. ‘I’m no princess!’ She muttered. ‘I’m a sheep herder!’
Henry’s pensive face broke into a tender smile, watching the little girl as she snuggled back into my chest. ‘I see.’ He let out a quiet sigh. ‘Sorry..I didn’t mean to..bother you..I was just..-’
‘In the neighbourhood?’ I laughed, nodding at the house. ‘Come inside. I need to put this sheep herder down before I break my back.’
‘Alright. The sheep herding princess is..asleep!’ I cheered, plopping down on the couch next to Henry, our bellies filled with food and the evening young.
‘Good. I eh..wanted to show you something by the way...Here.’ Henry said, offering me a piece of paper, our fingertips touching as I took it from him, my nose immediately scrunching up when I noticed what it was.
The pact.
‘Oh. My. Word.’ I started laughing aloud, studying the hand drafted “contract”, both our names and signatures neatly placed at the bottom. ‘How old is this even?’ I gasped. ‘Pff..well..we were what..thirteen? Something like that? I just started senior school.’ ‘Dearness me. Oh, I actually saw your mom yesterday and she was being particularly vague; “You would never guess what Henry asked of me yesterday” she said, and then she added that you’d probably wish to show it yourself… Very..very mysterious.’
‘Well, I’m a mysterious man.’ Henry winked at me, reaching out for his glass of red wine and finishing the last sip.  
‘Hardly.’ I retorted, smiling. I watched him for a moment as he sat back in the soft couch, his large frame sporting a tight and comfy cable knit sweater. He looked so huggable. Ugh! What a teddybear of a man he was.
He raised a careful eyebrow, testing me. ‘Well, dear Ali, do indulge me.’  
‘You work crazy hard and live a crazy A-lister lifestyle. But all you really want..’ I pointed at the contract. ‘..is rainbow coloured dreams. And..’ I pointed at his finished glass of red wine, shrugging.  ‘..perhaps another glass of red wine.’
Our eyes met, our lips curled into masks of friendshiply banter, but the underlying tone clear. We had been sweethearts before. Many times actually, our paths having crossed in every stage throughout our lives. Sometimes just being tight knit friends. Sometimes more. Could we do it again?
‘I didn’t bring a rainbow coloured pen this time, though.’ Henry said, gesturing me to look at a paper that was hidden beneath the initial contract. I furrowed my brow and turned over the paper, finding a new contract.
A..a real marriage contract.
I blinked, studying the document, then looked over at Henry, my face stricken with confusion.
He smiled sweetly, reaching out his fingertips to caress my hand, the pads of his fingers callus and warm. ‘I know your previous lovers had some..commitment issues. So.’ He shrugged casually. ‘I just thought it better to show you I’m not one of them.’
‘Wh..’ My voice croaked, my throat suddenly very dry and my heart buzzing like a humming bird. ‘W-what?’
‘Well, we pinky swore, remember?’ He chuckled. ‘And..of course I’ll let you off if you do not want to give me a shot. But..’ He sighed, smiling. ‘..it sure is funny how we keep running back into one another, right?’
I finally managed to get some of my breath back, the contracts now lowered on my lap, my eyes studying him, face serious.
‘Really? Is this a joke Henry? Tell me this is a joke.’
‘Do I look like I’m joking?’ He asked, looking indeed quite..serious. I swallowed and put the papers on the table, right in between our wine glasses, the air so very thick in my lungs.
‘Hmm..’ I licked my lips, curious and slightly unsure eyes looking back at Henry. ‘I don’t really believe in fairytales Hen.’ I shook my head, my mind reeling. 
‘You don’t have to. I’m being real Ali. I am.’
‘A contract doesn’t suddenly make a relationship work, Hen. You should know that better than anyone.’ I shook my head, wanting all of this to make sense. Why me? Why now? Why here? Why, why, why?!
‘I’m not asking you to sign it. I’m just showing you the commitment you seek. I want it Ali, I do.’
My heart was near jumping out of my chest as his words floated through the quiet living room, an open fire crackling somewhere in the background. I blinked again, still quite dumbstruck.
This was going way too fast. When I had said that the clock was ticking I didn’t mean; come make babies with me right this instant. Right? Right?! The past few years our only contact had been through over seas phone calls and Whatsapp messages. Heck. We hadn’t even kissed since we reacquainted two days ago and sleeping together? I think we hadn’t done that in..what? Ten years? 
My eyes moved over him, his body folded into the corner of the couch, large chest leaning forward, eyes hopeful. He was obviously trying to keep a friendly distance, though the wish to move closer was clear. Move closer to..to…You sighed, eyes now moving towards his lips. Those sweet, full cupid bowed lips.
‘You better kiss me real good, Cavill.’ You whispered, looking back up into his eyes.
It was an invitation he didn’t need to be given twice.
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rueur · 4 years
Morning Pages No. 61
Monday 24th August - 1:04pm
I know that it’s a bit late in the day to start this entry, but I needed another bit of a morning off. Evan and I had an early night last night but we had sex first. We were both so tired afterwards due to consistent daily workouts, that we ended up falling asleep naked and staying asleep till about 8am. To be clear, we went to bed around 10:30pm, so it was a long night of sleep for both of us. I’m grateful for it though, because even though my calves still hurt like crazy, I do feel refreshed and like the healing process is underway. What did we do this morning? The son of a bitch restarted Breath of the Wild and we’ve both been playing on his new save file. I have to buy another copy of that game because I really want to replay it now. Even so, I have a lot of work to do and I’m yet to make proper headway on Julie’s new site. It’s coming along relatively fine in Squarespace but I’ve only worked on it for about an hour and I’ve yet to add the privacy policy and finetune a lot of the product links. I feel like we’ll absolutely need to add some copy for the products, and definitely put a disclaimer about the use of fabric softener either at the top of the description or below...or both? It’s pretty important.
I’ve been chatting to Sarah on Whatsapp. I feel like Sarah is a bit of a better influence on me than Wren, but I hate that I’m comparing them both in my head. I just feel a bit disheartened in my relationship with Wren, because of all the horrid experiences I’ve had with them over the course of this year. It’s been quite confronting to see how Wren acts when they’ve decided they’re in a more dire situation than me...like I’m not even sure if that’s what’s happened, but that’s what it’s felt like to me. I can’t understand how they’ve just been able to decide that just because they’re living alone, this time is harder on them? I don’t know. And even if it is harder, which I can admit that it most likely is, that doesn’t mean that I should have to incorporate addressing their pain into my life on a daily basis. I was willing to chat every day. But I also don’t want to feel like my life has to be placed on hold for them, whenever they may want me. I’ve felt like that enough in this friendship as it is. I’ve given them whatever I’m capable of giving, and I’ve given them a hell of a lot more than I’ve given any other friend I have ever had. Except, maybe, for Malith. But Malith has certainly given me more than I’ve given him. Goddamn. I’m fighting the urge to delete this whole paragraph, but I deserve to express myself. This year has been fucking hard for me. I’ve not been suicidal, because that part of my life is over. Even if Evan and I break up, that part of my life will always always be over. It’s no longer an option in my head, to go down that route. It’s a time-waster. There are better things to do than yearn without end, than wish for better than you’ve got. I’ve been dealt both a bad and good hand, and it’s only bad because I see it as so. It’s only good because I see it as so. Wren needs to learn that everyone has fucked up mums, figuratively speaking. Everyone has SOMETHING that they wish they had lived without. Everyone has SOMETHING that they wished was just a smidge better than it was. I don’t want any part of explaining all the fucked up shit that has happened to me over the course of my childhood. I don’t want to have a dick-measuring contest when it comes to depression and trauma. Fuck that. I’d much rather live in the present and be happy with the life I’ve built for myself. Even Wren needs to feel their privilege to a certain degree. It would be ludicrous if they didn’t. Two apartments, a job that they love that compensates them really fucking well, and an abundance of resources that provides them with independence and agency. I have so little of all that they have, and I’m working my ass off for next to nothing in return, just building up a resume that may not even receive a stolen glance at the end of all of this mindful building. Who knows? My fate rests in the hands of people who I feel quite sincerely don’t want me to succeed. I have a name and face and degree that is just...unhireable. But I don’t let that beat me the fuck down, because I know that I work harder and fucking smarter than anyone else on that pile of resumes. So I keep going, knowing that my work will become of a benefit to whichever organisation I end up representing.
My whole being right now is just revolving around entering the industry, like properly becoming a content writer and being able to actually use my degree to begin to pay off that motherfucking HECS debt. I know I’m swearing a fucking lot, but I feel like it’s actually helping me so I’m not going to stop. I don’t care who reads this and who judges me for it because at the end of the day, you’re the ones reading these sensitive pages on a blog that I’ve told nobody about. How did you get here?
I’m feeling paranoid, fired up. I can feel it in my fingers. My hands are freezing cold, and Evan’s in the one room that has the heater and he’s sitting there on his ass with the door shut. And I’m starting to feel like maybe I always find myself on the outside because I allow myself to get there. I have to start standing up for my damn self, but also...I know how to choose my battles, I suppose. Is it knowing how to choose your battles if you partake in a MINIMAL number of battles? Like a fractional amount of battles to the battles that you could have potentially fought in? Fuck. Nicky’s sleeping on my white vest. I may need to patch that up, but the inner fabric is so sheer, I’m not entirely sure how it’ll respond to a needle and thread. I may need excess fabric...we’ll see.
My cross-stitch order is on the way, and I’m excited to begin this new activity. I bought a hot air balloon pattern for Wren, I’m not sure if I’ve already said that. I’m looking forward to learning how to do this, because apparently it’s quite similar to knitting? Or at least the basics of knitting. I’ve heard that cross-stitch is a good introduction to knitting. After this, it may be good to see if I can give crochet a go too, but it’s also a little bit intimidating. I mean crochet is all about three-dimensional creations, whereas cross-stitch and knitting are generally more...patterned art, scarves, and blankets. Still functional, but more veering on the side of two-dimensionality. I’m a touch surprised that ‘dimensionality’ is a word. It feels like the kind of word that a primary school-aged student would assert is ‘ACTUALLY A WORD’, even though you know it’s not. OH, listen to this fresh hell! That ‘SNACCIDENT’ Typo lunch mug thingo we have says that the word ‘SNACCIDENT’ is a VERB, which is plain RIDICULOUS. If the word ‘accident’ is a noun and they’re claiming that ‘SNACCIDENT’ is a verb, then a sample sentence using that word would read as follows: ‘Henry snaccidented’. VERBS ARE FUCKING DOING WORDS. In no CONCEIVABLE UNIVERSE would ‘SNACCIDENT’ be considered a VERB. My fucking lord. These pages are just RAGE-FILLED, aren’t they? Which is actually pretty interesting, because I don’t feel mad? I feel fine. I feel a little bit annoyed that it’s almost 1:30pm and I’ve not done a lick of work either today or yesterday. I’m thinking I should send Julie a text today asking if she’d be free to meet up again sometime early next week, maybe Tuesday or Wednesday? I feel like I could make great progress on the website during that time. We shall see what happens. We shall see what I eventually get around to doing. I need money, gosh darn...
I feel like I’ve been writing a lot about money during these pages, and I understand why. Money has become a bit of an issue for me since moving out, which I know...doesn’t necessarily need to be said. But you must understand that I’m studying AND working AND working AND working AND working. And I’m still not making that much. It’s frustrating. I’m trying not to think about it right now because of lockdown and the fact that the bulk of my situation is currently out of my own control, but this is all really because of the house. Just knowing that Evan and I are ready for that step is enough for me to just want it now. The issue is - as is usually the case - MONEY. If we had enough for at least a 10% deposit, that would be insane. But a 10% deposit on a house valued at $500,000 is $50,000, and combined we only have HALF of that. If we could potentially get some rich parents or guardians to match what we have, then we could actually do it. But who even has rich parents or guardians? And I don’t think my dad would sign off on this until maybe after we’re married? I’m fighting the urge to go check if the house is still even listed online. I’m hopeful that it’ll be up until we have the money. Or maybe until we can get to a combined $30,000, to give us a bit of a buffer once we’ve given the rest of our money to whichever gross corporation decides to grant us a loan. Ahhhhhh. Why does this world try its hardest to strip you of all your agency? Why is it that so many people struggle to even find a place to be? A place to call their own? It’s cruel. I can only hope this archaic order is on its way out. I was hoping the realities of climate change, or police brutality, or perhaps even COVID-19 would pave the way for the people’s revolution, but I now feel it may be something more innocuous, more unexpected. Something that the bigwigs won’t see coming, as the people themselves won’t see it coming. Even so, everybody knows that it’s on its way. The ultimate fight between the oppressors and the oppressed, and the one brawl that may reveal the future of western society. Democracy is indeed dead. We’ll see how quickly the next system comes into place, and exactly whose side that system will be on. And as for the universal base income, I find myself rooting more and more for it, but I also know that it may be provided to us as a band-aid, built to keep the people’s revolution at bay. But as long as there are billionaires, there’s no way that the revolution won’t be coming. Exponential growth cannot occur unless it’s built on the backs of millions, billions. This current system is just not economically viable, which is ironic considering that ‘economic strength’ is usually the reason capitalists vouch for capitalism. I believe capitalists are just people who haven’t shirked their ‘American Dream’ yet, who basically still believe in Santa Claus. I’m not even sure what to call myself. A social capitalist? I believe people should feel compelled to build their businesses and to innovate their industries, but I don’t believe in penalising those who have ‘valueless skills’. I also refuse to believe there is such a thing as a ‘valueless skill’. Perhaps being able to write stream of consciousness entries is a valueless skill. That may be the only thing.
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How to Make Money from Multi-Level Marketing Business from Home
You can make money from multi-level marketing business from home online. Making money with networking company requires you to build a network of team members. Your network is your network in networking business. You need to create an autopilot system that brings in prospects daily to be able to refer people and make money. This is not as hard as you may believe. Here are some secrets to making money online from home based business.
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The Top 8 Secrets to Making Money from Multi Level Business Opportunity
1.       Find a good Business Opportunity
2.       Find a sponsor
3.       Create simple website
4.       Develop a traffic generation system
5.       Funnel the leads to an email list
6.       Keep your list engaged
7.       Make business pitches
8.       Make Conversions
1.     Find a good Business Opportunity
You need to find a network marketing business that pays well. You need to take your time here and find a good network or multi-level company that has a good compensation system. Find companies that pay with both legs of the binary system. Most of the multilevel companies will pay you only 10% of the points on the short or weaker leg. This means it’s very hard to make money using these networks as the company is left with most of the money. A good company should be able to pay you using both the legs of the binary. That way you are paid whenever you bring in any business. There are a few of such companies but they do exist and members have registered serious growth and made six figure payouts within 6 months to a year. I personally have been a member of a good company that pays over 80% of its revenues to its members. In the 1yr have been an affiliate of this company, I have made over USD 300k. Many of my downline members have also registered good incomes of course depending on how much effort they have put in their businesses
2.     Find a sponsor
Finding a sponsor to join a network marketing company is very important. You will need a sponsor that can lead you to success by sharing information about the business. You need a leader who will share any new information on how to build your business immediately they get it. A good leader moves along with his people. Your leader will also give you a sponsor link under which you can become an affiliate of the company.
3.     Create a Website
If you want to have a strong online presence with your networking business, you will need to have a website. This can be a simple 1 page landing page where you will be sending people from your social media, adverts and articles if any. This landing page is usually a short sales pitch written with a very compelling sales copy. The aim of the landing page is to introduce the business to the client without delving into much detail. You landing page should be able to achieve 2 objectives namely: - to get direct sales and to collect email addresses through an opt in form.
4.     Develop a Traffic Generation System
Once you have your landing page ready, you need to include a lead generation form. This can be in the form of an email collection form. You can ask your prospects to share their email so that they can receive a short tutorial on how to drive traffic to their website for example. You may also ask them to share their email for them to get a copy of a free eBook on how to increase their online conversions. The idea is to create an email list for you to be able to follow up with sales pitches after that.
5.     Funnel the Leads to Your Email List
You will be able to funnel the leads you get from your email opt in list by making some repeated sales pitch overtime. This works very well and you can achieve over 40% conversion rates over time. But you need a killer free give away or email tips that really improves the prospects way of doing business online. Bear in mind that they not only want to join your business opportunity but they also want to know how they can get traffic, convert to sales, make money. If you tell them these tips in advance, they will have no option than to sign up since you have answered their questions even before they asked them.
6.     Keep Your List Engaged
You need to keep your list engaged by sending those frequent but useful emails. You can make a few short articles on how to get leads online without using money. People react very positively to tips that are adding value and providing a solution to a problem they have been struggling with for a long time.
7.     Make Several Business Pitches
As you continue to send them these tips through emails, don’t forget that you should make sales pitch for your business opportunity. Make the sales pitch as many times as possible until it latches on their mind. Eventually they will buy into your opportunity now that you have already shared with them tips on how to make it work.
8.     Make Conversions
Your final job is to close the deals and start making conversion and sales. Making an email list is the most important part of all this just next to getting traffic to your website or blog. Don’t be hasty to make s ale on the first day. Concentrate on building your email list and sharing the opportunity periodically. Your prospects will buy when they are good to do so but of course with a little persuasion. I wish you all the best in your business and happy selling. Find out which business I have been working with for the last one year and made some good income using the exact system I have shared here.
I'm an independent entrepreneur with a sales and marketing background. I have a beautiful family and have been searching high and low for something I could do to replace my full time income and spend more time at home with them. Recently, I've been fortunate enough to find a few systems in the home-based business arena that can generate approximately 5 figures monthly. These are systems that I've been able to automate & they only require a few hours’ work each week. I'd love for you to contact me! Whatsapp: +254722661827. All emails and calls come directly to me.
Read about one of the newest and most rewarding work at home business opportunity here: Most Popular MLM Company 2020
You can request for more details about crowd1 by sending me an email to [email protected] You can also sign up immediately to crowd1 using my sponsor link here: https://crowd1.com/signup/bazillionaire   Or send me a whatsapp message here +254722661827
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cloudmartial · 4 years
What is Cloud Computing? Growth Hack Your Way To Success
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Cloud Computing, Everyone is talking about this, But what does it mean? In this blog, I’ll try to answer all your queries, So that you can understand the power and benefits of the cloud. If you’re a big company, you need some computers to store your data and run your software applications. So you get a server room. It might look like this:
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Instead of having to maintain all those servers, you can pay for someone else to do it. There are public vendors like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google that offer this as a service. Then your data is in their server room, which might look like this:
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You don’t know exactly which servers your data is on. You just know that they have allocated some servers for you automatically based on your needs. This is cloud computing. Basically, you can define it as renting resources, like storage space or CPU cycles, on another company’s server. You have to pay only for what you use. The company providing these services is referred to as a cloud provider.
History of Cloud Computing
Though the internet was started in the 1960s, it was only in the 1990s when the potential of the internet to serve enterprise was discovered, which then led to further innovation in this area. As the connectivity and transfer speeds of the internet got better, it gave a solution to new sorts of firms known as Application Service Providers (ASPs). ASPs took the existing enterprise applications and ran them for the business using their own machines. The clients would pay a month-to-month charge to run their business over the internet from ASP’s systems. But it was only within the late 1990s that cloud computing as we know it today, emerged. The cloud computing service has grown almost 80% year-over-year in the last two quarters and is on the step to hit $7.8 billion in revenue in 2015, 4 times the 2012 gross sales of $1.8 billion. Interesting, ain’t it? Now that you have got a good idea, what cloud is, simply take into consideration all of your daily actions online, and you’ll understand that quite a lot of your work that you just do online relies on the cloud. Like all the social media interactions and video streaming websites are all on the cloud, something that you just store online is again cloud, you paying your electrical energy bills online, online shopping, everything! Let me explain you with an example, Consider you planned to host a Hotel booking service. Before the cloud, you had to buy a physical server and host it. So at any time when a customer wants to book a hotel, he sends a request from his device to the server. The server processes the request sent by the customer and sends data back to the consumer (customer’s pc). If the server and the consumer were having a chat, it would look like this. Client: I would like a book for the XYZ hotel. Server: Here are the available rooms for the hotel {101, 102, 103, 104 …} Client: I’m booking 101, 102 Server: Blocking the rooms, awaiting payment Client: Here are my card details {CardNo: XXXXXX, CVV…} Server: Congrats, they are booked. The customer’s pc and the server communicate with packets of data. Your server would be capable of deal with 1000’s of such requests based on its configuration. However, what occurs when the demands exceed the server’s limit? Say 10k — 20k requests? It is a similar case when ten to twenty persons are pinging you on Whatsapp. You will try and reply to all of them one after the other. However, you would take plenty of time. However, on the internet, this delay is unacceptable.
Why can’t we add extra servers?
Yes, that’s an answer. Say you purchase or rent ten extra servers. Now they will work as a group and share the load. That works effectively. However, your service won’t have such requests on a regular basis. Compare to some holiday or vacation time. The variety of requests drops down. The extra servers you purchased are actually jobless. You can still be paying for their electricity and bandwidth. In some conditions, you possibly can never predict when requests are at a peak. So it’s needed for the servers to be prepared. When the subsequent peak time arrives, your servers could also be outdated. Hosting it physically has lots of different issues like power outages, maintenance costs, and so on. Since this includes wastage of resources, this isn’t an efficient solution. The cloud was developed to deal with this. The cloud provider is accountable for the physical hardware required to execute your work, and for keeping it up-to-date. The computing services provided are likely to vary by the cloud provider. However, usually, they include: Compute power– such as Linux servers or internet applications Storage– such as files and databases Networking– such as safe connections between the cloud provider and your organization Analytics– such as visualizing telemetry and performance data
Types of Cloud Computing
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Public cloud This is the most common deployment model. In this case, you don’t have any local hardware to manage or keep up-to-date – everything runs on your cloud provider’s hardware. In some cases, it can save you extra money by sharing compute resources with other cloud customers. Businesses can use any public cloud providers of various scales for there deployments. Microsoft Azure is one example of a public cloud provider from Microsoft. Advantages High scalability/agility – you do not have to purchase a new server in order to scale Pay-as-you-go pricing – you pay just for what you utilize, no CapEx prices You’re not answerable for hardware updates and maintenance. Minimal technical knowledge is enough to set up and use – you’ll be able to leverage the skills and experience of the cloud provider to make sure workloads are safe, protected, and highly available A typical use case situation is deploying an online software or a blog web site on resources or hardware that are owned by a cloud provider. Using a public cloud on this situation permits cloud customers to get their web site or blog up quickly, after which they can focus on maintaining the website without having to worry about purchasing, managing, or maintaining the hardware on which it runs. Disadvantages Not all situations match the public cloud. Here are some disadvantages to consider: There could also be particular safety necessities that can not be met through the use of public cloud There could also be authorities policies, trade requirements, or legal requirements which public clouds can’t meet You don’t own the hardware or services and can’t manage them as you could wish to Unique enterprise requirements, such as having to maintain a legacy application, could be hard to meet. Private Cloud In a private cloud, the company create a cloud environment in their own datacenter and supply self-service access to compute resources to customers in an organization. This provides a simulation of a public cloud to your customers. However, you stay completely responsible for the purchasing and managing of the hardware and software program services you provide.  Advantages This method has a number of benefits: Private clouds can meet strict compliance, security, or legal requirements You can make sure the configuration can help any scenario or legacy application You have control and responsibility for security Disadvantages Some reasons that teams move away from the private cloud are: You have some introductory CapEx prices and should buy the hardware for startup and maintenance. Owning the equipment limits the agility – to scale you need to purchase, install, and set up new hardware Private clouds require IT expertise and experience that is hard to come by A use case situation for a private cloud would be when a company has data that can’t be put within the public cloud, maybe for legal reasons. An example scenario could also be where government policy requires specific data to be kept in-country or privately. A private cloud can provide cloud performance to external customers as well, or to specific internal departments such as Accounting or Human Resources. Hybrid cloud It is a combination of private and public clouds, permitting you to run your applications in the most appropriate location. For instance, you would host a website in the public cloud and link it to an extremely secure database hosted in your private cloud or on-premises datacenter. This is useful when you have some things that can not be put in the cloud, maybe for legal reasons. For example, you might have some specific pieces of data that can not be exposed publicly (such as medical data), which must be held in your private datacenter. Another example is a number of applications that run on outdated hardware that can’t be updated. In this case, you’ll be able to maintain the outdated system running in your datacentre, and connect it to any public cloud for storage or authorization. Advantages Some benefits of a hybrid cloud are: You can maintain any systems running and accessible that use out-of-date hardware or an out-of-date operating system You have flexibility with what you run locally versus within the cloud You can benefit from economies of scale from public cloud suppliers for services and resources where it is cheaper, after which supplement with your own equipment when it’s not You can use your own equipment to fulfill security, compliance, or legacy scenarios where you need to completely control the environment Disadvantages Some issues you will have to watch out for are: It might be more expensive than selecting one deployment model because it involves some CapEx price upfront It might be more sophisticated to set up and manage resources.
Why can’t we add extra servers?
Yes, that’s an answer. Say you purchase or rent ten extra servers. Now they will work as a group and share the load. That works effectively. However, your service won’t have such requests on a regular basis. Compare to some holiday or vacation time. The variety of requests drops down. The extra servers you purchased are actually jobless. You can still be paying for their electricity and bandwidth. In some conditions, you possibly can never predict when requests are at a peak. So it’s needed for the servers to be prepared. When the subsequent peak time arrives, your servers could also be outdated. Hosting it physically has lots of different issues like power outages, maintenance costs, and so on. Since this includes wastage of resources, this isn’t an efficient solution. The cloud was developed to deal with this. The cloud provider is accountable for the physical hardware required to execute your work, and for keeping it up-to-date. The computing services provided are likely to vary by the cloud provider. However, usually, they include: Compute power– such as Linux servers or internet applications Storage– such as files and databases Networking– such as safe connections between the cloud provider and your organization Analytics– such as visualizing telemetry and performance data
 Why move from On-premise to Public Cloud
There are a variety of advantages to shifting from on-premise technology to cloud-based technology. Of course, which benefits you take into account will depend on lots on how you’re using it. Are you utilizing cloud computing as a consumer? Are you utilizing it for your online business? This is essential because the benefits are completely different for each. Cloud Computing for Consumers If you use any of the Google Suite apps or things like Dropbox or Netflix, then you’re already using cloud computing! Cloud computing is only a method so that you can use the technology of others, often over the internet. With Dropbox, you’re utilizing their servers to store data. Instead of utilizing the internal memory of your personal laptop, or your own hard disk, you’re utilizing theirs. With the Google Suite, you’re utilizing their programs, regardless that you didn’t set up them on your laptop. As a consumer, you would possibly already know its advantages. The services offered are often free or available at a low price. It is convenient to make use of. And the software program is up to date with none effort from you. Cloud Computing for Businesses The advantages of cloud computing are just a little completely different for companies. This is as a result of companies have a different perspective. Cloud computing isn’t just a tool to make use of; it’s a way for the enterprise to generate profits. What this implies is that the choice to make use of cloud computing might be primarily based on how it will help the business earn money. One of the principal advantages is that cloud computing options for companies are often a subscription-based model. This is especially good for small companies, which tend to have less capital. You will not have to purchase a variety of hardware just to handle the data of your online business. Another good thing about cloud-based options is accessibility. You will not have to worry about lost hard drives or damaged laptops in the workplace. Because the data is within the cloud, you possibly can access it from any system Cloud computing could be very helpful for companies and individual customers alike. You simply have to check the pros and cons.
Types of cloud providers: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and Serverless
Most cloud computing services fall into 4 broad classes: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Serverless. These are typically known as the cloud computing services or computing stack as they are built on top of one another. And knowing about this model will help you to decide which model can make your business objectives easy to construct.
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1. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) Infrastructure as a Service is probably the most flexible category of cloud services. It aims to offer you full control over the hardware that runs your application (IT infrastructure servers and virtual machines (VMs), storage, networks, and operating systems). Instead of purchasing hardware, with IaaS, you lease it. It’s an instant computing infrastructure, provisioned, and managed over the internet. 2. Platform as a Service (PaaS) Platform as a service indicates cloud computing services that provide an on-demand environment for developing, testing, delivering, and managing software applications. PaaS is designed to make it simpler for developers to rapidly create web apps or mobile apps, databases, and other network services without worrying about setting up or managing the underlying infrastructure of servers, storage, network, and databases required for the development. 3. Serverless computing Serverless computing focuses on creating app functionality without spending time, continually maintaining the servers and infrastructure required to do so. The cloud provider handles the capacity planning, setup, and server management for you. Serverless architectures are extremely scalable and event-driven, only using resources when a particular function or trigger happens. 4. SaaS: Software as a Service It simply means running applications at public clouds. The user makes use of these apps through the Internet. These apps are maintained by the Service Provider. Some, e.g., of Service Providers are SalesForce, Microsoft(Office 365), Oracle, Google(Google Apps), and so on. Salesforce was the first firm to transform the world of Saas, and from that point, different companies have seen potential on this market and launched their apps.
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Top Advantages of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a giant shift from the standard method companies think about IT resources. Here are seven frequent reasons organizations are turning to cloud computing services: 1. Cost Cloud computing reduces the capital expense of purchasing hardware, software program, and setting up and running data centers—the racks of servers, the 24 by7 electricity for energy and cooling, the IT specialists for managing the infrastructure. 2. Speed Most cloud computing companies are provided self-service and on-demand, so even huge quantities of computing resources will be provisioned in minutes, sometimes with just some mouse clicks, giving businesses a whole lot of flexibility and taking the strain off capacity planning. 3. Global scale The advantages of cloud computing companies embrace the flexibility to scale elastically. In cloud speak, that means delivering the correct quantity of IT resources—for instance, more or less computing power, storage, bandwidth—right when it’s needed and from the appropriate geographic location. 4. Productivity On-site datacenters sometimes require a whole lot of “racking and stacking” hardware setup, software program patching, and different time-consuming IT administration chores. Cloud computing removes the necessity for a lot of those duties, so IT groups can spend time on reaching extra important enterprise objectives. 5. Performance The largest cloud computing companies run on a worldwide community of secure data centers, that are commonly upgraded to the newest technology of fast and environment-friendly computing hardware. This gives a number of advantages over a single company datacenter, including lowered network latency for applications and higher economies of scale. 6. Reliability Cloud computing makes data backup, catastrophe restoration, and business continuity simpler and less expensive as a result of data can be mirrored at a number of redundant sites on the cloud provider’s network. 7. Security Many cloud providers provide a broad set of policies, technologies, and controls that strengthen your security posture overall, serving to defend your data, apps, and infrastructure from potential threats.
Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
There are benefits from cloud computing usage; however, it’s undeniable that this method also has some drawbacks. The risks involved with cloud computing you should know, such as: 1.Risk of data confidentiality There is all the time, a threat that user information can be accessed by a different user. So there will always be a fear of data protection. 2. Depends on the Internet connection The internet is the only way to use cloud computing. When there is no internet connection in your place or the internet path to the cloud provider is in trouble, automatically access to your cloud computing machine might be disconnected. Now that is the place the most important obstacle is happening in developing countries and remote areas that do not have good internet access. And the weak spot of the public cloud is where everyone accesses the same server and server and can increase the risk of attack, and down the server. 3. Data Mobility This refers to the potential for sharing data between cloud providers and how to retrieve data if, in the future, the user makes a process of terminating cloud computing services. And there is local storage where the data can be used at any time as needed. 4.Low Connection It does not work nicely if the connection is slow. The quality of cloud computing servers is among the most important considerations before we decide to provide a cloud computing server service. When the server is down, or the performance isn’t good, we will be harmed because of poor server quality. 5. Security Cloud hacking cases, the past few months have proven that not all cloud suppliers are as safe as they declare to be. As an enterprise, you can’t afford to have sensitive details about your organization or your clients fall victim to hackers. One of cloud computing’s best disadvantages is that you don’t always know which providers you can trust. This cloud computing drawback is common to SaaS providers than with Hosted services. Because of the popularity of SaaS services, they get targeted more often, and more simply, than a Hosted provider.
Future of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing and the tech behind it, there are a lot of potential opportunities and capabilities. Cloud computing can open an entirely new world of jobs, services, platforms, applications, and far more. There are so many possibilities beginning to form as the future of cloud computing begins to take off. For instance, distributors and service providers can get on board to develop new and alternative ways of selling their products and companies to the cloud customers via the cloud expertise. It opens up an entirely new platform for designers and internet builders. Businesses and organizations can set up themselves and conduct enterprise far more reasonably priced and professional. Social networking and retaining in contact with buddies will get an incredible deal more straightforward and effective.
How to Kickstart your Career in Cloud Computing
If you want to learn more about cloud computing and start building your profession in this area, listed below are 5 steps that I would recommend.
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Step 1: Build a solid foundation Cloud computing is a big area that covers a variety of subjects, vendors, and technologies. It would be best if you began with a deep overview to grasp how cloud computing works, the key ideas, the primary benefits of using it, and so on. It’s important to acquire a solid foundation before starting your profession. First, it would help you understand if cloud computing is the right path for you. Second, you’ll need to have a baseline understanding of the foundational concepts before going further. Step 2: Understand the sector and the players Take some time to look at the market. Who are the leaders? Which technologies are in demand? How are corporations using cloud computing, and what are the present trends? Which positions can be found in your country? Take the time to learn extra about the industry. This will assist you in identifying the areas of expertise that you may want to focus on. Step 3: Learn more about a specific domain Architecting, security, operations… There are many roles to think about within cloud computing, and also you’ll need to initially select an area of specialization to begin building your experience If you’re a bit confused in regards to the sorts of positions available. Start studying extra about your area and the providers available within the different platforms. You can even select to grasp your abilities in a dedicated platform like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure. Feel free to share and comment, And if you have any doubts mail us at [email protected] Sources: Azure Fundamentals, Quora.com Happy Reading!!😉 Read the full article
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gwenlyttle-blog · 7 years
How to Schedule Whatsapp Message in Android or iPhone
Hello Guys, Today I will inform you concerning How to plan whatsapp messages in android: Many of time we neglected to wish some of our companions like wishing somebody upbeat birthday. The minute when somebody adore the most to us any one will love the companion who wish him upbeat birthday on 11.59PM. likewise checkout double whatsapp technique. This thing the greater part of time we do on whatsapp or Facebook. This application run only magnificent in my cell phone and huge numbers of my companion utilized this application. So I shared this application with our blog perusers.
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This application Will Schedule Whatsapp Messages for Free. also, folks this application stores the information base and can be sent later. For sending Messages u need to ensure that your information association or WiFi is on. In the event that you need to Enable Chat Heads in your Whatsapp, at that point checkout this guide. I have significantly more cooler and best whatsapp traps in this blog, you can likewise look at that from Homepage. You can plan messages on Whatsapp with the assistance of this guide essentially.
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Also Read How To Change IMEI Number of Iphone using Latest Methods
Formally, in Facebook we can't plan message nor on Whatsapp. so folks no opportunity to neglect to wish your affection one. Some days back there was a birthday of my companion so I utilized this application booking for wishing him the glad birthday. This application was accessible on Google Play Store and it is evacuated by designer or by Google play store. I don't know legitimately about it however the application has helped me a great deal for wishing anybody as giving any respects or welcome at appropriate time. so folks, observe the underneath manage for Schedule Whatsapp Messages.
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Whatsapp instant message scheduler
Booking Whatsapp messages I a Big Question. So's the reason I have posted this guide, about in what manner can plan Whatsapp messages and get most out from it. Booking messages in your Whatsapp, isn't the official way, This is an application, which can do this errand for you. so this is the best Guide on Whatsapp Messages Schedule. You need to simply enter beneficiary's Mobile number and Enter your Message, Which you needs to plan, keep your portable information turn on while utilizing this guide.
Step by step instructions to Schedule Messages on Whatsapp :
Along these lines you can plan your Whatsapp messages with no issues. ensure that your Mobile information must be turned on at the season of message plan time. This whatsapp message scheduler without root will work in a large portion of the Android gadgets with no issues. You can Download GB Whatsapp in your gadget, for Hide your security from whatsapp.
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you can likewise challenge your companions that who rise at a young hour in the morning. and you will without a doubt win this test in view of this application. you can plan messages before rest and then They'll get your message But you are as yet dozing :p . This application will work for you as much it can. So this is another savvy application for your Rooted Android Phone. So checkout it from beneath, Here we go !!likewise observe – how to utilize xprivacy application. Download whatsapp message scheduler lite apk or genius apk form now from underneath accessible connection, and utilize it in your gadget for send whatsapp messages at custom time of your decision aqasily.
Why We Should Have WhatsApp Message scheduler?
There could be a few reasons, for utilize this whatsapp scheduler android application in your gadget. In the event that you are considering plan Whatsapp messages, at that point you may likewise have thought, why you need to plan sms in your whatsapp, check some fundamental reasons, which could be valuable for this guide.
Calendar Whatsapp Messages for cheerful birthday
Calendar Whatsapp Messages
This substance is bolted!
It would be ideal if you bolster us, utilize one of the catches beneath to open the substance.
What Is Good In This Application (Features)
It demonstrates to you the Whatsapp contact naturally, No compelling reason to compose/include number physically. it will get contacts from Contacts list.
You can choose more than one contact, So it will work with various contacts too 😀 you can send messages to a major rundown of contacts too with this application. so no issues of choosing one message one by one and select gets in touch with one by one. plan whatsapp messages iphone. likewise observe – How to Change Android ID
Date and time Whenever you need to communicate something specific you can choose and the message will send at Proper Time. no stresses over it. simply ensure that your web association is turned on at whatever point you needs that your message will be send. this is a direct result of that, whatsapp is online ambassador application and it needs working Internet Connection for send messages.
At the point when the Message will be conveyed you will come to know by conveyance alarm by means of Notifications. This application will send you a push warning too that your Message has been sent effectively as a recollect alarm. So this one is a Good element in this application. likewise observe Paytm Coupon Codes
Lower/Light Site application, So It doesn't utilize much space from the portable or it won't take much smash from your cell phone and It won't back off your Rooted Android Mobile Phone. so now, plan Whatsapp messages with no stresses.
Necessities Before Using This application for Schedule Whatsapp Messages
Established Android Phone (Rooting Is Necessary, Don't know how to root your Phone? Take after this Guide – Root Android Without Pc)
For non Rooted Users ? Utilize this application
Working Internet Connection.
Whatsapp Scheduler application ( Download Link Below )
Some Time and Patience
Step by step instructions to Schedule Whatsapp Message with Whatsapp Scheduler
Checkout beneath Steps one by one, for plan whatsapp messages in Android gadgets without establishing it.
Download And introduce whatsapp message scheduler star apk from here – Whatsapp Scheduler | Mirror Link
Open the application and It will request Root Permissions, and concede for the root consent
NOTE – The application requires root Permission
On the upper right corner you will see a pencil symbol simply tap on that and tap on whatsapp contact and tap the date time and select every one of your preferred settings.
Whatsapp Message Scheduler apk
Whatsapp Message Scheduler apk
Presently select add catch to plan Whatsapp message, Add your Text there which message you wanna send. Make certain to top off all things Correctly so it will work with no Issues.
You will see the pending status in Whatsapp now simply kick back and let the application do his work.
ensure your cell phone is on rectify time and date u will get informed by application when your message has been sent
When, This application sends Message effectively you will see that, You will get a notice about that you have effectively send a SMS, for Remind you. This is the great element of this application.
Additionally ensure that your Mobile Data is Turned on During all means and at the season of booking Messages.
Must See – Top applications for established Android Phone.
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plan whatsapp messages iphone
The most effective method to Schedule Whatsapp Messages on IPhone
In the event that you have iPhone gadget, and you need to plan messages on whatsapp with your IOS gadget, at that point just take after underneath instructional exercise for this reason.
At First, Buy Message Scheduler for WhatsApp from Cydia for $0.99.
After Buy, Now Open Whatsapp in your Iphone Like Normally.
Select The Contact of that individual, to whom you need to send message, and Type your Message
Presently, Tap and Hold (Long Press) Send Button and you will see time and Date requesting plan
Pick time and date of your Choice, likewise select AM or PM. Presently After Select Date and time of your Choice.
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plan whatsapp sms
Presently, It Will Automatically Send message and you will likewise get a warning with respect to this. so appreciate it.. in the event that you have any question, at that point don't hesitate to remark.
Restrictions for utilize this application
Requires Internet Connection for Run, when client need to Send SMS
Client needs to Root His Mobile Phone, for utilize this application. Root Voids Warranty of telephone, so it would not be a Good Choice.
Client Have to Disable Greenify application in his telephone for this application. Since, it will close all foundation procedure and This whatsapp scheduler won't have the capacity to Send Messages.
Timetable Whatsapp SMS
Message Scheduler for WhatsApp is a Good thing. you ought to likewise discover that how might you do this effortlessly. you should think about this. This element is great, since you may Schedule whatsapp messages in many reasons. in the event that you are excessively sluggish, making it impossible to wish somebody on various event or on any unique. likewise checkout some cool android tips and traps.
Whatsapp Scheduler
On the off chance that you need to whatsapp plan message in your Android/IOS Device, at that point essentially use beneath trap for this. Utilizing Whatsapp for Schedule Messages in much more helpful nowadays. You can do different things with the assistance of this basic whatsapp scheduler without root application. Sending whatsapp message at correct time isn't conceivable, and you can do this effortlessly without having any sort of issue/trouble. I have shared simple instructional exercise with respect to this, take after this guide well ordered for better understading.
Last Words
Booking message is an another savvy approach to wish your cherished once at Right time. In any case, this application requires root get to yet this is a Good application for Scheduling messages in your Whatsapp. another advantage of this application is that you can plan any message at early morning and Wish somebody Good Morning and so forth.
Planning Whatsapp messages is conceivable in Rooted Android Phones. It's Also Possible in IPhones But it Requires Some sort of Jail Break for IPhone. So likewise look at it.
There are such a great amount of advantages of this application. I can't clarify here. likewise we was already posted about expel framework applications by means of fortunate patcher application. So this was my Easy guide for Schedule whatsapp messages in your Rooted Android Phone.If you have any inquiries or Sugges
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asrarblog · 5 years
Dear Colleagues!  This is Pharma Veterans Blog Post #300. Pharma Veterans shares the wealth of knowledge and wisdom of Veterans for the benefit of Community at large. Pharma Veterans Blog is published by Asrar Qureshi on WordPress, the top blog site. If you wish to share your stories, ideas and thoughts, please email to [email protected] for publishing your contributions here.
What do I feel while writing the 300th Blog Post? This is what I wish to share today. It is not about me really. It is about an effort which anyone of us can do.
I am not always an early adopter as per the standard definition, but I have done it regularly with technology and digital space somehow. I got email IDs at Brain Net and Wol Net and Cyber Net. I was early on Yahoo mail and Hotmail. When Gmail started, it was by invitation only. I got myself invited and made Gmail ID which I am still using as the main email account. I joined Twitter as it came, Joined Instagram, Flickr, WhatsApp and so on. For the same reason, I thought of writing blogs in 2011. I just booked a space on WordPress and started writing under the title Management Matters. During 2011 and 2012, I wrote several blogs and published. The topics were random, and my thoughts were not focused. So, I stopped.
During later part of 2017, I was planning to come back from Vietnam where I had been living and working for over two years. I decided to take up blogging as a permanent activity. Fine, but what to write about? After several ideas, I finally decided to write about Pharma, the place where I started and had been working for over forty years. This time, I committed myself, purchased domain names, purchased a paid site on WordPress which is the most popular place to publish blogs. The site is https://pharmaveterans.com It also has a Facebook page with the same name, a Facebook group, a LinkedIn group, and a Twitter handle, all with the name of Pharma Veterans. It is also published through my own website, https://asrarqureshi.com .There is a growing readership on every site and I keep receiving comments, and likes, and shares.
I decided to write three blogposts in a week; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It was a tough commitment, but I decided to have a go at it. Before starting to publish, I wrote ten blog posts for two reasons. One, to get running with it; two, to have safety stock, in case I could not write on a particular day.
This is how it started. The blogposts have been published regularly since then, except 6 weeks break I took for Hajj, and 2 weeks break when my wife passed away. Other than that, the post is always published, as far as I remember. I do consider it an achievement, humbly, and pay gratitude to Allah.
I publish blogposts on WordPress® site and Blogger®, and share the link on LinkedIn, Twitter, LinkedIn groups, my Facebook page, Pharma Veterans FB page, Pharma Suite FB page, and asrarqureshi.com.
What have I achieved through writing these blogs? Is it only my expression and catharsis? Has it contributed anything to the industry, and the people working in different departments of industry? From the feedback I receive, I understand I have been able to make a positive contribution for many. Allah be praised, Who Enables us to do good.
Pharma Veterans is a concept, which has several components; blog being with one of them. Actually, Pharma Veterans was conceived as a project to highlight and celebrate the contributions and achievements of Pharma Veterans; people who have given many years or a lifetime to Pharma Industry.
The concepts included following components. These may be further expanded and can include other components also.
Blog – https://PharmaVeterans.com is a shared space, where any veteran can post. On top of every blogpost, I have this invitation that anyone who wishes to share can send to me and I shall publish. I know that Pharma Veterans have a lot of knowledge and wisdom to share, hence the invitation. However, I have only received and published articles from one old colleague, Mr. Hasan Jamal. He had been contributing but even that is stopped now. I would again urge my dear pharma colleagues to come forward and share their stories. If anyone feels hesitant about content presentation, I shall edit it to make it more presentable. Story is important; presentation is also important but at a secondary level. Do consider it and send your contributions to [email protected] .
Personal Profiles – the other component is publishing Veterans’ Profiles, covering their career trajectory, achievements, knowledge, and wisdom. This is about letting others know ‘who is who’ of Pharma Industry. I was able to profile couple of Veterans only for reasons of busyness on both sides. However, this is a project worth pursuing and we must do it. I urge Pharma Veterans to come forward and help me in publishing their profiles. I can share a format to collect basic information to anyone interested.
 Pharma Forums – In the same space of Pharmaveterans.com, we can create discussion boards and forums. The younger colleagues can ask questions on the forum to get guidance, share relevant information which may be useful for others. Of course, it will not be allowed to degrade into a usual WhatsApp group where useless content keeps piling up. Forums are a great source of people-to-people sharing; many a times, the only source to get information. People reply based on their experiences and it is a wealth of diverse information.
Free to Download E-books – small sized booklets published digitally can be a great resource to learn a range of subjects. Topics may include knowledge, skills, case histories, achievements etc. The possibilities are many.
Dear Colleagues! I have shown above a glimpse of what can be done through collaboration. I would reiterate that Pharma Veterans is a shared space and should be utilized for the larger good. I invite all of you to come forward and share. My email is [email protected].
Allah Bless you all and help you achieve your dreams. Aameen.
Writing the 300th Blog Post – Blog Post #300 by Asrar Qureshi Dear Colleagues!  This is Pharma Veterans Blog Post #300. Pharma Veterans shares the wealth of knowledge and wisdom of Veterans for the benefit of Community at large.
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harrisjv · 6 years
Niche Marketing Kit Review Should You Buy It
Niche Marketing Kit Testimonial - Are you looking for even more understanding concerning Niche Marketing Kit? Please check out my honest review about it prior to selecting, to assess the weaknesses and toughness of it. Can it deserve your effort and time and cash?
13 Approaches of Online Marketing
Browse Engines Are Not Whatever!
Well there are several means to market your website online and also drive that traffic to your website. Many people find out about search engine optimisation or a minimum of have found out about search engine optimization as well as have a general idea of what it is and what it is everything about. So what concerning the various other approaches of marketing a web site.
We can not all simply internet search engine optimize a site and afterwards just wait for the internet search engine like Google to come by as well as choose it up. That simply takes also long and also there are several various other resources of web traffic that ever before website need to tap into to come to be a popular and also effective website. So allows have a look in to the other parts of internet marketing.
Social Networks
Most people learn about social networking and also what Niche Marketing Kit provides to the web, from countless teens creating the most terrible looking MySpace web pages online to the Facebook accounts with every application mounted under the sun. Besides the adverse it is a great way to reach target demographics and particular people with particular interests.
You can take advantage of social networking by promoting your service or services on the socials media such as Facebook, MySpace or Bebo (there are much more).
Facebook offer ppc advertising on their social network. That is, you pay for every click of website traffic that is sent out from Facebook to your website. These clicks can be targeted in the direction of particular demographics and also age to guarantee far better click via prices as well as better conversions of your advertisement on your site.
Listing of social networks
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Where to begin?
The major inquiry to ask in relation to which social network to use and focus on is to figure out by where the audience in fact is.
At PB Internet Development we experience a character growth workout to best comprehend as well as validate how the target client base engage as well as connect with brand or service. For instance, busy medical professionals and surgeons might never be on Snapchat or Niche Marketing Kit yet may be heavy individuals of Facebook to get in touch with friends and family. Foodies as well as experience looking for visitors flock to Instagram and also young millennial live on Snapchat following their fav celebrities and idolizers.
Social Media Applications
This is a kind of viral marketing that has shown up on the social networks over the last couple of years. As more and more people attempt as well as personalize their profiles as well as web pages to make their websites cool down than others, more and more of these applications have actually shown up on the net. Some of the most prominent as well as most popular Facebook applications include, the currently extinct, Scabulous. Applications such as this attracted a big user base that returned continuously to the application web page and also are revealed to marketing or added services.
It isn't difficult producing a Facebook or any type of various other social media application. The hard little bit is generating a really good application that individuals will wish to make use of as well as infect every one of their good friends. In either case, as soon as you start an excellent social networking application, you're taking a look at generating good traffic or perhaps cash.
Social Information
So from social networking we consider social news sites. These sites are neighborhood based websites that rate and also market news articles that sent to the network. Sites such as Digg can create sites to fall on its knees with the amount of traffic that they can create. Writing an excellent newspaper article to So utilize these with care.
SMS on Steriods
These Niche Marketing Kit blog sites aren't extremely preferred almost everywhere worldwide yet where they still create huge quantities of website traffic. They're somewhere in between a blog site and also a SMS. They enable all people or clients that are following a customers profile to obtain standing updates from profiles notify them when something is taking place. It may not appear very powerful however when you incorporate this innovation with mobile phones or the mobile internet it is generally SMS on a mass range.
You can upgrade your online account from your cellphone, cell phone or iPhone as well as instantly alert everyone that is following your account. An easy method to make use of this kind of technology is to publish updates about your services and products to these mini blogs permitting everybody to access the new updates and also information.
Conversation networks like WeChat as well as WhatsApp command billions of users. BILLIONS! Some customers in China that make use of WeChat never require to leave the application. Whatever in incorporated right into the application. Engaging on the conversation platform can cause a massive consumer base.
Check out this video from the New York Times that explains how the eco system behind WeChat works.
Online Favourites as well as Bookmarking
These publication marking services are just the same as the favourites folder in your web browser. The difference to these online services is that when your computer accidents and you have to re-install every little thing, you do not loose your preferred book marks since they are all shop online.
Additionally extra, these online Niche Marketing Kit links can be classifications and also marked making them browse able. Various other customers can look these labelled book markings. As a site proprietor your can advertise your websites and also articles in these online bookmarking sites as well as enable every person to discover them via the network.
RSS Feeds
Real Simple Submission, the name is basic sufficient but things you can do with the modern technology can come to be extremely technological. The basic use RSS feeds is to push news articles and website updates bent on every one of the website's customers. The conventional technique of alerting your individuals concerning site updates is to do it with an e-mail advertising and marketing project where emails will be sent to customers to allow them know of site updates.
Sending emails frequently to a big customer base chews up transmission capacity and includes in the globes spam. RSS on the other hand provides information straight to the users desktop or news viewers where the customer and look for updates as they take place. Live and immediate upgrading is now made possible. This modern technology can be taken even additionally for republishing on various other websites, and also releasing on mini blogs like Twitter. Having the ability to have your web content released throughout the internet is an extremely powerful point.
Example feed
With the intro of Niche Marketing Kit came a huge wave of publishers being able to obtain their content online. Not only has actually blog sites given individuals the capacity to have their material released online swiftly and also quickly but it has likewise developed an enormous wealth of details for individuals to review and also learn about various subjects as well as point of views individuals carry these topics. Having a blog to advertise your major site or web content is a superb way to develop website traffic.
Tool deserves remembering of as it has climbed in popularity because of its simplicity and also ease of posting and also reading.
Email Marketing
This is among the typical ways of online marketing. Developing a double decided in e-mail list will guarantee that the people that you are sending e-mails to in fact want your email.
Project Display
TEXT Advertising and marketing
This is a really straight method of advertising and marketing to your customers or clients. I can additionally end up being really pricey. If you have an eleventh hour message to venture out to every person on your SMS list then this is the fastest as well as most direct way to reach all of them.
Twillo is a fantastic API based Niche Marketing Kit solution that allows you to integrate in your very own applications as well as company rules into your advertising and marketing of consumers for a very affordable.
Other applications and also solutions that will certainly permit you to market to customers by means of SMS consist of:
Influence Data
Ruptured SMS
Search Engines
Internet search engine are a key traffic resource for most of websites. Everyone knows Google. When you wish to discover points on-line you are usually finding yourself claiming, 'simply Google it' for your answers. Currently, search engine optimisation will only allow internet search engine crawl your website much better.
Good optimisation will make things even more accessible for the blind online search engine, yet just how do online search engine know that your website exists and exactly how do you obtain Every One Of those online search engine to creep your website. Well there are several various ways to obtain your website in to those search engines. Some of the approaches of search engine optimisation will certainly assist your site obtain crept quicker by internet search engine yet why nit just submit your website to the internet search engine and also compel them to creep it.
A lot of the top online search engine around will certainly provide you particular devices that you can take advantage of and also obtain aid advertise your website to obtain it online. A straightforward XML site map is all you require to begin to send your site online.
Google Webmaster Tools
Bing Webmaster Equipment
You will certainly additionally need to be able to submit an XML based site map to these resources.
XML Sitemaps
XML Sitemaps is a tool that will certainly work with any PHP based website and web server. It will certainly crawl all the web pages of your website and produce a XML based sitemap that can be submitted to the search engines through the webmaster devices consoles.
If you're making use of a CMS like, Joomla, WordPress or Grav, the all have their very own XML sitemap generators that can be utilized to submit to the search engines.
Presenting Niche Marketing Kit
Dave Nicholson and also John Thornhill have actually been assessing 2018 and have had one of their finest years ever.
To commemorate they have made all the devices and techniques that is accountable for their success readily available so you can begin 2019 with a bang.
They have actually called it The Niche Marketing Kit
Nevertheless, unlike the majority of 'collections' this is not just a number of electronic items thrown up as well as sold at a discount. The have actually exercised all locations of their success and what is needed to end up being successful online and also the outcome is incredible.
They have every little thing covered in areas such as:-.
## Internet site Web traffic. ## Video Marketing. ## Associate Marketing. ## Checklist Structure. ## Social media site. ## Necessary Internet Marketing.
As well as a lot much more ...
This collection of devices contains everything you need to be successful and also is valued at more than $10,000, however if you act now you can grab this outstanding toolkit for just a portion of the rate.
This actually is all you require for success in 2019 and I extremely recommend you check it out.
Niche Marketing Kit Testimonial & Overview
Developer: John Thornhill et alia
Item: The Niche Marketing Kit 2019 Festive Blowout
Introduce Date: 2018-Dec-26
Release Time: 09:00 EST
Front-End Rate: $20
Particular niche: General
What Is Niche Marketing Kit?
Tumblr media
Why Touchdown on This Web Page Could Make Next Year Your Finest Year Yet
Customarily right now of year we have actually been evaluating this year as well as what we did right (and incorrect) in our service. What we located was there was 5 certain areas we excelled in that aided us pass on greater than a million dollars in sales this year.
Web traffic Generation Every site online requires web traffic. This year we have taken care of to drive record quantities of site visitors to our internet sites as well as our clients websites.
Video Advertising and marketing This is another location where we have actually concentrated heavily as well as it has aided us have significant outcomes this year.
Affiliate advertising We have actually always had actually excellent outcomes as affiliates however this year we have actually applied some extra methods that have actually brought us record compensations this year. We have also swayed 50 JV competitors this year alone.
List Building All of us know exactly how important it is to be building a checklist. But what if we informed you that we have had our best year ever from our listing building as well as e-mail advertising and marketing initiatives and also we expect to double our listing size next year!
Social Media Social network has played a significant part in developing our business this year and also we anticipate this to play an also larger part following year.
Price & Evaluation
$ 19.95 - Niche Marketing Kit Joyful Special - This is a really OUTSTANDING deal, loaded with over $10,000 worth of Super High quality Products minimized from $497 to simply $19.95 as well as limited to 5 days only for the cheery period, so you have some terrific scarcity there!
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$ 27 (upsell) - 50 Premier Site Special Deal - This is an ENORMOUS 50 Premier, Top Quality and Targeted internet sites that offers on a regular basis for us QUITE POSSIBLY at double the price we are offering it here.
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$ 497 (upsell) - The Ultimate Reseller System. This offers a done for you service that includes 10 prepared to go subscription internet sites. We set up whatever so the customer is ready to start earning money without lifting a finger. This is a PROVEN product that works like a charm.
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0 notes
samuelpboswell · 7 years
This Changes Everything: How AI Is Transforming Digital Marketing
Will artificial intelligence (AI) put marketers out of work? It’s a question I’m seeing a lot lately, and to me, it’s a strange one. It’s like if everyone 150 years ago was asking: “Will the tractor put farmers out of work?” Of course, John Deere didn’t put farmers out of business; better tools just made them more efficient and better able to scale. Granted, the tractor did reduce the demand for horses and farmhands. So, no, AI will not put you out of work…as long as your work is creative, innovative and intelligent. If all of your daily work can be done by a machine, eventually it will be. To be the farmer rather than the horse, you need to understand what AI can do to augment and scale your efforts, not replace them. Here’s what AI can do to improve your digital marketing efforts right now.
#1: Artificial Intelligence and SEO
If there’s one area of digital marketing that is most affected by AI right now, it’s SEO. Machine learning is directly affecting site visibility right now, and its influence will only increase in the future. A machine learning algorithm called RankBrain (link to Backlinko’s incredibly useful guide) is currently Google’s third most important ranking signal. In the past, Google’s developers monitored search results and tweaked algorithms to better suit search needs. SEO experts then tried to reverse-engineer each algorithm change to better position their content. With RankBrain in the driver’s seat, though, no human being will know why content is ranked up or down. The algorithm will continuously be testing and refining settings based on user behavior. This switch means some traditional SEO activities, like keyword lists and backlinks, will decline in importance. The ranking signals that will matter most will be those related to user activity:
Time on page
Bounce rate
Pogo sticking
Scroll depth
Any indicator that shows how a user found your content valuable is now an SEO indicator. SEO experts and content creators will need to work more closely together to ensure content meets a specific search need, addresses a specific audience, and is compelling to read. That’s not to say technical SEO is dead, but it is evolving. SEO experts should focus on structuring data, applying schema, implementing AMP, and optimizing for voice search. What do these tasks have in common? They’re all candidates for automation. SEO experts of the future will be feeding data into their own AI and using it to apply these ranking factors to content at scale. [bctt tweet="#SEO experts of the future will be feeding data into their own #AI & using it to apply ranking factors to content at scale. - @NiteWrites" username="toprank"]
#2: Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots
Chatbots are AI-driven programs that interact with users in a natural-language environment. These programs are rapidly becoming a major area of interest for marketers, as an increasing amount of social media traffic takes place on private messaging services like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Buffer’s annual social media report found that there are more people on the top four messaging apps than on the top four social media apps (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn). That’s an engagement opportunity that’s hard to ignore. And, of course, chatbots can live on your brand’s homepage, answering questions and providing support. Most digital marketers see chatbots as a way to provide personalized customer service at scale – which is tangentially related to marketing, but not directly a marketing function. However, chatbots can also help guide users through a customer journey to a sale. A lot of the chatter (no pun intended) around chatbots is how to make them indistinguishable from interacting with a human. Marketers seem to care a great deal about this issue, but I would argue customers don’t. Customers want their questions to be understood and quickly answered; it doesn’t matter if it’s Robby the Robot or Robby the Call Center Rep who has the answers. Marketers can make use of chatbots themselves, too. There are a growing number of smart assistants available that can aggregate and report on data in real-time, through Slack and other private messaging services. [bctt tweet="Customers want their questions to be understood and quickly answered; it doesn’t matter if it’s Robby the Robot or Robby the Call Center Rep who has the answers. - @NiteWrites on #AI in #DigitalMarketing" username="toprank"]
#3: Artificial Intelligence and Content Marketing
If you’re a content creator, talking about AI and content marketing likely makes you feel the cold fingers of obsolescence tighten around your throat. Gartner says by the end of the year, 20% of business content will be authored by machines. AI is already being used for everything from white papers to earning reports. It’s enough to make you feel like a horse watching the farmer start up his tractor. Should you be worried about your job? Neigh. For one, AI right now isn’t quite ready to draft content with personality and a strong hook for the reader. Since SEO is increasingly about the reader’s experience, that means human-crafted content will win out for the foreseeable future. And even when AI can write convincingly like a human, it will still need creative input from humans. So think like a farmer: Use AI to take care of repetitive, mindless tasks like metadata tagging and adding recommended content to blog posts. And use it to deliver personalized content at scale. AI can use data from your site’s visitors to dynamically customize and display the content you create. As the content creator, part of your new AI-enhanced job will be to look at how your audience can be segmented by behavior, and draft modular content that the AI can put together based on user behavior. [bctt tweet="Marketers, think like a farmer: Use #AI to take care of repetitive, mindless tasks like metadata tagging & adding recommended content to blog posts. And use it to deliver personalized #content at scale. - @NiteWrites" username="toprank"]
#4: Artificial Intelligence and Email Marketing
Email marketing remains one of the most effective forms of marketing out there. Sixty-one percent of consumers enjoy receiving weekly promotional emails. Which may explain why email marketing has higher conversion rates than social media and search combined. AI is making email marketing even better, both for you and your customer. Personalization at scale is every marketer’s dream – and AI makes it possible. AI can use data to create personalized emails to every one of your subscribers, based on their previous interactions with the brand. It can customize based on what content they’ve consumed, what’s on their wish list, what pages they have spent the most time on, and more. For example, if one user always visits links to product pages in your email, but another skips those links and goes straight for content, the AI can send different messaging with the most relevant links for each user. AI is also making drip campaigns more sophisticated. Instead of one or two triggers and a few customized emails, you can use “If/Then” statements to customize emails for dozens of different triggers. Rather than, “send an email in two weeks,” or “send another if they opened the last one,” you could say, “if they visited three product pages, send an email with a link to a related blog post and recommended products other people have purchased.” [bctt tweet="When it comes to #EmailMarketing, personalization at scale is every marketer’s dream & #AI makes it possible. - @NiteWrites" username="toprank"]
#5: Artificial Intelligence Influencers to Follow
As AI continues to evolve, one thing’s for sure: None of us know as much about it as we should (myself included). These four influencers are among the select few who really have a handle on AI’s potential to transform marketing. 1. Chris Penn, VP of Marketing Technology, SHIFT Communications Chris is a futurist, a keynote speaker, and AI visionary. His presentation at Content Marketing World last year alternately energized and scared the pants off me. Blog - LinkedIn - Twitter 2. Paul Roetzer, Founder, Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute (MAII) Through the MAII, Paul aims to do for AI what Joe Pulizzi did for content marketing: Provide resources to educate people on how to use AI in marketing, and develop the standards to make AI a useful strategic tool. Blog - LinkedIn - Twitter 3. Magnus Unemyr, Marketing Automation & AI Consultant Magnus has turned out a ton of high-quality content on marketing automation and AI in the past few years. He publishes daily newsletters available through his blog and Twitter feed, and has written a series of books on e-commerce and online marketing. Blog - LinkedIn - Twitter
I, for One, Welcome Our New Robot Overlords
Will AI put marketers out of a job? Not if you think like a farmer with a shiny new tractor. It’s a tool, not a replacement – a multi-use tool that will eliminate drudgework and help you reach your audience more easily and with more compelling, personalized content. The rise of AI in marketing is one of the top trends in 2018. Find out what other digital marketing trends deserve your attention in 2018 and into the future.
The post This Changes Everything: How AI Is Transforming Digital Marketing appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
from The SEO Advantages http://www.toprankblog.com/2018/02/artificial-intelligence-transforming-marketing/
0 notes
unixcommerce · 7 years
This Changes Everything: How AI Is Transforming Digital Marketing
Will artificial intelligence (AI) put marketers out of work? It’s a question I’m seeing a lot lately, and to me, it’s a strange one. It’s like if everyone 150 years ago was asking: “Will the tractor put farmers out of work?” Of course, John Deere didn’t put farmers out of business; better tools just made them more efficient and better able to scale. Granted, the tractor did reduce the demand for horses and farmhands. So, no, AI will not put you out of work…as long as your work is creative, innovative and intelligent. If all of your daily work can be done by a machine, eventually it will be. To be the farmer rather than the horse, you need to understand what AI can do to augment and scale your efforts, not replace them. Here’s what AI can do to improve your digital marketing efforts right now.
#1: Artificial Intelligence and SEO
If there’s one area of digital marketing that is most affected by AI right now, it’s SEO. Machine learning is directly affecting site visibility right now, and its influence will only increase in the future. A machine learning algorithm called RankBrain (link to Backlinko’s incredibly useful guide) is currently Google’s third most important ranking signal. In the past, Google’s developers monitored search results and tweaked algorithms to better suit search needs. SEO experts then tried to reverse-engineer each algorithm change to better position their content. With RankBrain in the driver’s seat, though, no human being will know why content is ranked up or down. The algorithm will continuously be testing and refining settings based on user behavior. This switch means some traditional SEO activities, like keyword lists and backlinks, will decline in importance. The ranking signals that will matter most will be those related to user activity:
Time on page
Bounce rate
Pogo sticking
Scroll depth
Any indicator that shows how a user found your content valuable is now an SEO indicator. SEO experts and content creators will need to work more closely together to ensure content meets a specific search need, addresses a specific audience, and is compelling to read. That’s not to say technical SEO is dead, but it is evolving. SEO experts should focus on structuring data, applying schema, implementing AMP, and optimizing for voice search. What do these tasks have in common? They’re all candidates for automation. SEO experts of the future will be feeding data into their own AI and using it to apply these ranking factors to content at scale. [bctt tweet=”#SEO experts of the future will be feeding data into their own #AI & using it to apply ranking factors to content at scale. – @NiteWrites” username=”toprank”]
#2: Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots
Chatbots are AI-driven programs that interact with users in a natural-language environment. These programs are rapidly becoming a major area of interest for marketers, as an increasing amount of social media traffic takes place on private messaging services like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Buffer’s annual social media report found that there are more people on the top four messaging apps than on the top four social media apps (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn). That’s an engagement opportunity that’s hard to ignore. And, of course, chatbots can live on your brand’s homepage, answering questions and providing support. Most digital marketers see chatbots as a way to provide personalized customer service at scale – which is tangentially related to marketing, but not directly a marketing function. However, chatbots can also help guide users through a customer journey to a sale. A lot of the chatter (no pun intended) around chatbots is how to make them indistinguishable from interacting with a human. Marketers seem to care a great deal about this issue, but I would argue customers don’t. Customers want their questions to be understood and quickly answered; it doesn’t matter if it’s Robby the Robot or Robby the Call Center Rep who has the answers. Marketers can make use of chatbots themselves, too. There are a growing number of smart assistants available that can aggregate and report on data in real-time, through Slack and other private messaging services. [bctt tweet=”Customers want their questions to be understood and quickly answered; it doesn’t matter if it’s Robby the Robot or Robby the Call Center Rep who has the answers. – @NiteWrites on #AI in #DigitalMarketing” username=”toprank”]
#3: Artificial Intelligence and Content Marketing
If you’re a content creator, talking about AI and content marketing likely makes you feel the cold fingers of obsolescence tighten around your throat. Gartner says by the end of the year, 20% of business content will be authored by machines. AI is already being used for everything from white papers to earning reports. It’s enough to make you feel like a horse watching the farmer start up his tractor. Should you be worried about your job? Neigh. For one, AI right now isn’t quite ready to draft content with personality and a strong hook for the reader. Since SEO is increasingly about the reader’s experience, that means human-crafted content will win out for the foreseeable future. And even when AI can write convincingly like a human, it will still need creative input from humans. So think like a farmer: Use AI to take care of repetitive, mindless tasks like metadata tagging and adding recommended content to blog posts. And use it to deliver personalized content at scale. AI can use data from your site’s visitors to dynamically customize and display the content you create. As the content creator, part of your new AI-enhanced job will be to look at how your audience can be segmented by behavior, and draft modular content that the AI can put together based on user behavior. [bctt tweet=”Marketers, think like a farmer: Use #AI to take care of repetitive, mindless tasks like metadata tagging & adding recommended content to blog posts. And use it to deliver personalized #content at scale. – @NiteWrites” username=”toprank”]
#4: Artificial Intelligence and Email Marketing
Email marketing remains one of the most effective forms of marketing out there. Sixty-one percent of consumers enjoy receiving weekly promotional emails. Which may explain why email marketing has higher conversion rates than social media and search combined. AI is making email marketing even better, both for you and your customer. Personalization at scale is every marketer’s dream – and AI makes it possible. AI can use data to create personalized emails to every one of your subscribers, based on their previous interactions with the brand. It can customize based on what content they’ve consumed, what’s on their wish list, what pages they have spent the most time on, and more. For example, if one user always visits links to product pages in your email, but another skips those links and goes straight for content, the AI can send different messaging with the most relevant links for each user. AI is also making drip campaigns more sophisticated. Instead of one or two triggers and a few customized emails, you can use “If/Then” statements to customize emails for dozens of different triggers. Rather than, “send an email in two weeks,” or “send another if they opened the last one,” you could say, “if they visited three product pages, send an email with a link to a related blog post and recommended products other people have purchased.” [bctt tweet=”When it comes to #EmailMarketing, personalization at scale is every marketer’s dream & #AI makes it possible. – @NiteWrites” username=”toprank”]
#5: Artificial Intelligence Influencers to Follow
As AI continues to evolve, one thing’s for sure: None of us know as much about it as we should (myself included). These four influencers are among the select few who really have a handle on AI’s potential to transform marketing. 1. Chris Penn, VP of Marketing Technology, SHIFT Communications Chris is a futurist, a keynote speaker, and AI visionary. His presentation at Content Marketing World last year alternately energized and scared the pants off me. Blog – LinkedIn – Twitter 2. Paul Roetzer, Founder, Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute (MAII) Through the MAII, Paul aims to do for AI what Joe Pulizzi did for content marketing: Provide resources to educate people on how to use AI in marketing, and develop the standards to make AI a useful strategic tool. Blog – LinkedIn – Twitter 3. Magnus Unemyr, Marketing Automation & AI Consultant Magnus has turned out a ton of high-quality content on marketing automation and AI in the past few years. He publishes daily newsletters available through his blog and Twitter feed, and has written a series of books on e-commerce and online marketing. Blog – LinkedIn – Twitter
I, for One, Welcome Our New Robot Overlords
Will AI put marketers out of a job? Not if you think like a farmer with a shiny new tractor. It’s a tool, not a replacement – a multi-use tool that will eliminate drudgework and help you reach your audience more easily and with more compelling, personalized content. The rise of AI in marketing is one of the top trends in 2018. Find out what other digital marketing trends deserve your attention in 2018 and into the future.
The post This Changes Everything: How AI Is Transforming Digital Marketing appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®.
The post This Changes Everything: How AI Is Transforming Digital Marketing appeared first on Build Your Website For Free Today!.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2C6Spvc via IFTTT
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christopheruearle · 7 years
This Changes Everything: How AI Is Transforming Digital Marketing
Will artificial intelligence (AI) put marketers out of work? It’s a question I’m seeing a lot lately, and to me, it’s a strange one. It’s like if everyone 150 years ago was asking: “Will the tractor put farmers out of work?” Of course, John Deere didn’t put farmers out of business; better tools just made them more efficient and better able to scale. Granted, the tractor did reduce the demand for horses and farmhands. So, no, AI will not put you out of work…as long as your work is creative, innovative and intelligent. If all of your daily work can be done by a machine, eventually it will be. To be the farmer rather than the horse, you need to understand what AI can do to augment and scale your efforts, not replace them. Here’s what AI can do to improve your digital marketing efforts right now.
#1: Artificial Intelligence and SEO
If there’s one area of digital marketing that is most affected by AI right now, it’s SEO. Machine learning is directly affecting site visibility right now, and its influence will only increase in the future. A machine learning algorithm called RankBrain (link to Backlinko’s incredibly useful guide) is currently Google’s third most important ranking signal. In the past, Google’s developers monitored search results and tweaked algorithms to better suit search needs. SEO experts then tried to reverse-engineer each algorithm change to better position their content. With RankBrain in the driver’s seat, though, no human being will know why content is ranked up or down. The algorithm will continuously be testing and refining settings based on user behavior. This switch means some traditional SEO activities, like keyword lists and backlinks, will decline in importance. The ranking signals that will matter most will be those related to user activity:
Time on page
Bounce rate
Pogo sticking
Scroll depth
Any indicator that shows how a user found your content valuable is now an SEO indicator. SEO experts and content creators will need to work more closely together to ensure content meets a specific search need, addresses a specific audience, and is compelling to read. That’s not to say technical SEO is dead, but it is evolving. SEO experts should focus on structuring data, applying schema, implementing AMP, and optimizing for voice search. What do these tasks have in common? They’re all candidates for automation. SEO experts of the future will be feeding data into their own AI and using it to apply these ranking factors to content at scale. [bctt tweet="#SEO experts of the future will be feeding data into their own #AI & using it to apply ranking factors to content at scale. - @NiteWrites" username="toprank"]
#2: Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots
Chatbots are AI-driven programs that interact with users in a natural-language environment. These programs are rapidly becoming a major area of interest for marketers, as an increasing amount of social media traffic takes place on private messaging services like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Buffer’s annual social media report found that there are more people on the top four messaging apps than on the top four social media apps (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn). That’s an engagement opportunity that’s hard to ignore. And, of course, chatbots can live on your brand’s homepage, answering questions and providing support. Most digital marketers see chatbots as a way to provide personalized customer service at scale – which is tangentially related to marketing, but not directly a marketing function. However, chatbots can also help guide users through a customer journey to a sale. A lot of the chatter (no pun intended) around chatbots is how to make them indistinguishable from interacting with a human. Marketers seem to care a great deal about this issue, but I would argue customers don’t. Customers want their questions to be understood and quickly answered; it doesn’t matter if it’s Robby the Robot or Robby the Call Center Rep who has the answers. Marketers can make use of chatbots themselves, too. There are a growing number of smart assistants available that can aggregate and report on data in real-time, through Slack and other private messaging services. [bctt tweet="Customers want their questions to be understood and quickly answered; it doesn’t matter if it’s Robby the Robot or Robby the Call Center Rep who has the answers. - @NiteWrites on #AI in #DigitalMarketing" username="toprank"]
#3: Artificial Intelligence and Content Marketing
If you’re a content creator, talking about AI and content marketing likely makes you feel the cold fingers of obsolescence tighten around your throat. Gartner says by the end of the year, 20% of business content will be authored by machines. AI is already being used for everything from white papers to earning reports. It’s enough to make you feel like a horse watching the farmer start up his tractor. Should you be worried about your job? Neigh. For one, AI right now isn’t quite ready to draft content with personality and a strong hook for the reader. Since SEO is increasingly about the reader’s experience, that means human-crafted content will win out for the foreseeable future. And even when AI can write convincingly like a human, it will still need creative input from humans. So think like a farmer: Use AI to take care of repetitive, mindless tasks like metadata tagging and adding recommended content to blog posts. And use it to deliver personalized content at scale. AI can use data from your site’s visitors to dynamically customize and display the content you create. As the content creator, part of your new AI-enhanced job will be to look at how your audience can be segmented by behavior, and draft modular content that the AI can put together based on user behavior. [bctt tweet="Marketers, think like a farmer: Use #AI to take care of repetitive, mindless tasks like metadata tagging & adding recommended content to blog posts. And use it to deliver personalized #content at scale. - @NiteWrites" username="toprank"]
#4: Artificial Intelligence and Email Marketing
Email marketing remains one of the most effective forms of marketing out there. Sixty-one percent of consumers enjoy receiving weekly promotional emails. Which may explain why email marketing has higher conversion rates than social media and search combined. AI is making email marketing even better, both for you and your customer. Personalization at scale is every marketer’s dream – and AI makes it possible. AI can use data to create personalized emails to every one of your subscribers, based on their previous interactions with the brand. It can customize based on what content they’ve consumed, what’s on their wish list, what pages they have spent the most time on, and more. For example, if one user always visits links to product pages in your email, but another skips those links and goes straight for content, the AI can send different messaging with the most relevant links for each user. AI is also making drip campaigns more sophisticated. Instead of one or two triggers and a few customized emails, you can use “If/Then” statements to customize emails for dozens of different triggers. Rather than, “send an email in two weeks,” or “send another if they opened the last one,” you could say, “if they visited three product pages, send an email with a link to a related blog post and recommended products other people have purchased.” [bctt tweet="When it comes to #EmailMarketing, personalization at scale is every marketer’s dream & #AI makes it possible. - @NiteWrites" username="toprank"]
#5: Artificial Intelligence Influencers to Follow
As AI continues to evolve, one thing’s for sure: None of us know as much about it as we should (myself included). These four influencers are among the select few who really have a handle on AI’s potential to transform marketing. 1. Chris Penn, VP of Marketing Technology, SHIFT Communications Chris is a futurist, a keynote speaker, and AI visionary. His presentation at Content Marketing World last year alternately energized and scared the pants off me. Blog - LinkedIn - Twitter 2. Paul Roetzer, Founder, Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute (MAII) Through the MAII, Paul aims to do for AI what Joe Pulizzi did for content marketing: Provide resources to educate people on how to use AI in marketing, and develop the standards to make AI a useful strategic tool. Blog - LinkedIn - Twitter 3. Magnus Unemyr, Marketing Automation & AI Consultant Magnus has turned out a ton of high-quality content on marketing automation and AI in the past few years. He publishes daily newsletters available through his blog and Twitter feed, and has written a series of books on e-commerce and online marketing. Blog - LinkedIn - Twitter
I, for One, Welcome Our New Robot Overlords
Will AI put marketers out of a job? Not if you think like a farmer with a shiny new tractor. It’s a tool, not a replacement – a multi-use tool that will eliminate drudgework and help you reach your audience more easily and with more compelling, personalized content. The rise of AI in marketing is one of the top trends in 2018. Find out what other digital marketing trends deserve your attention in 2018 and into the future.
The post This Changes Everything: How AI Is Transforming Digital Marketing appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
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dokirubi-blog · 7 years
WP Social Contact review - 65% Discount and FREE $14300 BONUS
WP Social Contact review - What Is WP Social Contact? Do you realize a wide array of people that  come to your site genuinely wish  to get in touch  with you. But they don't wind up doing that for 2 reasons... 1.         The contact option  is hidden someplace within  the corner. 2.         The boring contact that is old with 4 containers to complete in fact is perhaps not the absolute  most inviting method  to ask people   to connect. And that is costing you leads, product sales and commissions every So whats the solution? Introducting: WP Social Contact Social Contact is really a new way  for your website visitors  to connect they already use. Its fast, its friendly and its own a problem that is huge. The plugin in order to make more amount within  the commissions for the competitions. It will fix your standing issue and enhance videos to web page one. WP Social Contact is  the push switch movie inbound links builder that enables one  to get  more traffic. You can now easily change the boring old contact kinds. Get rank your videos, free traffic, and  new site visitors. https://crownreviews.com/wp-social-contact-review/ So How Exactly  Does WP Social Contact Work? Special options that come with WP Social Contact: •           Essential WP plugin for every single web log and WP site •           Make as much as $130+ per sale! •           Use 10 bonuses & promote •           assured high conversions •           Over $7,000 in rewards to win •           Sales content with  a 7-figure copywriter •           Adds 20+ social means for site visitors and customers to reach you faster! •           Hundreds of site visitors wish  to ask questions & buy from you •           All your site visitors & customers happen to be on Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype along with other social networks. • Use  the energy of existing personal Channels to make  visitors into CUSTOMERS. •           Old contact kinds are boring & nobody wants  to stare at a form that is blank fill it out, they have been so dead! •          Social Contact is  how vendors are going  to reach visitors & customers in 2017 & if you do not access it this, you're going to be passing up on lots  of product sales. Why Should  You Get WP Social Contact Now? Boring contact that is old are DEAD. In 2018 - extremely few people will use  them. Meanwhile, social could be  the brand NEW Method ahead. And WP Social Contact is exactly exactly what  your web site needs. All you've got to accomplish is including this plugin to your internet site and add upto 20 different types  of Social Channels that visitors may   use to reach you. People are calling this the "Plugin of the" year . This solves a genuine issue. And once  you add this to your website, you make it 10 CIRCUMSTANCES easier for individuals to attain you and transform right into  a CLIENT. This is  where the money is. More Conversations = More Conversions this is  the mantra. So include this phenomenal new plugin to your web site today because that is  how its done in 2018. Besides, there are an offer for bonuses from both the producer with this product and  this really review web page for you personally if you decide to fully grasp this product today!!! Exclusive Bonuses From WP Social Contact Fast action bonus #1 WP Copy Guard Plugin for Unlimited Sites Ever had your internet site content stolen or scammed by copycats? Now you can easily protect your internet site from thieves and prevent anyone from stealing your content and claiming it to be their own. This is  a must  have for all wordpress web sites. Understand  this for FREE! Fast action bonus #2 WP Visitor Converter Plugin - Unlimited Sites Ever wanted  to build a contact list but would not discover  how? No need of costly pc software or plugins, this plugin is  the perfect treatment for building  a massive e-mail list from your own current we blog or site visitors and transform your traffic right into  a email list. Fast action bonus #3 WP Push Convert Plugin for Unlimited Sites Now you are able to instantly redirect these potential customers according to specific actions they undertake your  site and send them to more targeted provides or pages on your  site (or outside your web site). Behaviour based product sales works very well and  this plugin lets you target site visitors according to their actions & behavior. SPECIAL BONUSES - Pick just 3 from these Memberpal Wordpress Membership Plugin WP Video Ace Plugin WP Social Traffic WP Tweet Machine 2 Trendpressr Plugin Whitelabel REGULAR BONUSES - Use All Or Any  Of These You Want Facebook Training Masterclass - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY9fcuekO7w Wordpress Delayed Widgets Plugin 4 Premium Wallpaper web Site Wordpress themes •           Instantly produce Wallpaper websites for just about any niche. •           Get your wallpaper web sites setup in moments and start profiting from any niche. •           Effortlessly monetise these  with adsense widgets •           All themes include full tutorial showing you how to use them Pinterest Marketing Guide Reddit advertising Guide Instagram Marketing Guide Shopify Marketing Guide WORDPRESS BONUSES WP Left Behind Using this plugin for twin launches brings you extra  sales. Use two platforms like Jvzoo and WarriorPlus for your product launch and use this plugin to traffic that is direct the proper pages and order buttons. WP IM marketing Graphics No more do you want to need certainly  to spend huge money to purchase layouts for the marketing. This plugin enables you to add marketing graphics instantly to any WordPress  page or post. WP Sales Robot Can you double as well as triple your income from  the same traffic? Yes you can now. This plugin will dramatically increase  your  sales conversions on any  sales page created WordPress that is using. WP Checkout Maximizer A huge percentage of men and women add items for  their carts but never ever checkout, its a big issue in e-commerce and  this plugin will help you considerably raise  your  sales checkouts having its technology. WP Feedback Pro Getting the right feedback from your web visitors may take your product or site to new levels. This plugin lets you capture effectively the right Feedback from your customers which will get to be  the key your success! WP Review Me People purchase according to friendly guidelines, thats why its vitally   important to own reviews in your web site. This plugin shall raise  your  sales and commissions by skyrocketing your conversions. WP Cash-O-Matic Want to earn significantly  more cash from your offers? Or wish  to make more commissions from affiliate provides? This plugin creates cash-o-matic item pages on your  own or affiliate offers immediately. WP Profit Page Creator Churning out pages which  make you profits into  the grail that is holy of advertising. This plugin instantly produces money-making pages that are Search Engine Optimization friendly and help you make cash. WP Reports Plugin Want to learn  how active your content is? Want  to see reports that are detailed WordPress does not demonstrate? This plugin displays post and comment activity per blog and per individual to help you monitor which content works better for you personally. WP Bot Blocker Plugin Everyday, 100s  of hackers make an effort  to enter into your web site. They normally use BOTS to attack your wordpress web sites and also you must   be protected. This plugin obstructs all bot attacks maintaining you secure your hackers Conclusion All I am able to say at this time is the fact that plugin allows your internet site visitors to make contact with you in an entire brand new means. In short, the old way  of having boring contact forms in your web site is dead. Now I hope that most for the information within my WP Social Contact Review can help you gain more understanding about it product after which manage  to create  a choice that is wise. Nevertheless, if you are looking for any advice, please feel free to  keep in touch  with me personally anytime. Regardless, thank you for reading my WP Social Contact Review. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE INFOMATION Tags:  WP Social Contact review and bonus, WP Social Contact discount, WP Social Contact bonus, WP Social Contact bonuses, WP Social Contact ultimate review,
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luannlabbe295-blog · 7 years
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