#i wish to see it represented aughh
mangora · 7 months
I feel like my Disventure Camp tier list that I posted recently didn’t properly represent my feelings about the characters so here’s my full list of character opinions:
Gen 1:
Miriam: AUGH I love Miriam so much. Watching her learn to open up and love life again was fantastic, she deserved to win so much. I love how lively and sassy she still is, best written old lady character ever I’m so serious.
Fiore: Evil child, iconic as fuck. Her gimmick is so unique and weirdly genius, like I haven’t really seen a character like her before. I also love how she clearly has a bit of a soft side but doesn’t want to, like the episode where she voted out Alec and so clearly felt regret but just pushed it down? Aughh she cares abt him so much he’s literally her dad. I can’t wait to see the writers explore her more sympathetic character traits.
Ellie: ELLIE!! Hot take I love Ellie, she’s such a realistic antagonist. Great representation of how capitalism causes people to betray their morals. Ik she got mean but honestly I get it, she was under a lot of stress and now feels like she can’t back down again or else things will go back to how they were.
Alec: He’s sooo awesome, great addition from the S1 beta, he’s so funny and I just love smart characters and his relationship with his son & ex-wife makes me so sad. Like he’s a villain but his motive in S1 at least was good-natured even if it shows how much knowledge he lacks when it comes to relationships and how underprepared he was to have a family.
Jake: Ik everyone finds him annoying but Jake is my favorite, no contest. He’s just so tragic to me, he’s clearly trying to control his impulses but it’s so hard, he just loves so deeply and keeps losing because of it. He’s like trapped in a cycle of love and loss it’s awesome. Also pathetic men on top. Can’t wait for him to get worse.
Tom: S1 Tom was so awesome, he was so like sweet. He was just trying his best to come out of his shell and kept losing things because of it. It’s about the ever-present theme of loss pervading Disventure Camp season one. In S3 though he’s kinda…eh so far. Idk I don’t like how avoidant and snippy he’s being with Jake, even though Jake did kind of screw him over. Feel like all he’s done is be annoyed. Also WHY IS HE A COP that was so tragic I can’t believe they did that to him.
Grett: I like Grett in theory but in canon her arc felt weirdly rushed? I wish we’d seen her more human traits earlier in there season and I wish she’d come to terms with her family’s lack of love for her more gradually. She’s not bad I just feel like her arc played out oddly. Can’t wait to see more of her in S3 though.
Gabby: Gabby’s fun but I feel like she’s kind of just there to work into other characters’ stories, like Ellie’s and Tom’s. I hope we get to see her being more independent and that we learn more about her past. Also the portrayal of her mental health issues in S1 was kinda iffy imo? But I’m not psychotic or bipolar so I don’t think my opinion on it is super relevant. I did like her standing up to Grett and her brief friendship with Dan though.
Dan: Dan’s okay, I don’t think he has much going on but he was a good straight-man for the group. I’m still sad about his and Gabby’s falling out. Also asexual realness.
Ashley: Ashley’s a bit goofy but she’s fun and she’s cute and her friendship with Jake is really awesome. I love how much she cares for her friends and family.
Lill: LILL omg she deserved so much better. Idk what it is about her I just love her a lot, she’s so patient and kind and I’m a sucker for characters who care about children. She just wanted to keep the peace but peace was not an option. Wish she’d gone feral.
Nick: I don’t get the appeal of Nick. Annoying rich white boy, I know like 100 of those, you’re not special. He’s such an asshole and not in an endearing way. Idk there’s just nothing I really like about him, boring and rude without a cause, he sucks.
Drew: He’s okay, cute little fella, I felt bad for him when he went home. He’s not that intriguing to me but I like him.
Will: Basically the same as Drew. He was sweet and I felt bad for him but didn’t care much for him. Maybe it would be fun if he came back and we saw him overcome his fears a bit and make friends, I think he had potential but overall wasn’t very important to the story.
Trevor: He’s so silly dude I can’t with him. Poor little meow meow
Derek: Idgaf he’s like kinda funny I guess. Watching him with Trevor makes me feel like I’m hanging out with a friend and their annoying boyfriend came along and I have to tolerate him.
Jensen: Not much of a character tbh. He’s okay. Never really think about him.
Gen 2:
James: JAMES James James James I love James dude he’s so awesome. His arc was so fun to watch, I love characters who start selfish and learn over time to care for others. Perfectly paced, also he’s kinda funny. Perfect morally gray character; he wasn’t malicious like Yul but did what he did to get by. Also his arc paralleled with Riya’s corruption arc? Perfect. Easy one of my faves from Gen 2. Also hot take but I really like his voice it fits him so well.
Riya: Riya is such a good villain, I never expected her to be an antagonist but I loved it. Watching her desperately trying to hold on to friendships but ultimately losing everything in her pursuit of fame and adoration? Augh. Tragedy. And she’s not evil deep down it’s just, yk, girlhood, she needs to feel appreciated and loved after being ignored her whole life. She’s so awesome.
Aiden: Aiden’s okay, he’s nice, but honestly I don’t think he has much of a character by himself. He was kind of just an accessory to James imo and people like him because his design is cool. Is that too mean. Idk but I hope they do more with him in S3, if his arc is becoming more independent then I guess they set up his dependence issues well in S2? I like that he’s trans, that’s neat. I just find him a bit boring.
Hunter: Hunter’s also kind of boring imo, his interactions with Tess in S2 made me mildly uncomfortable and I think he floated a lot and the way he acts in S3 lowkey pisses me off a lot like why are you so mean for no reason. But I think he could be good. His love of games and strategy could’ve been expressed better but it’s a cool concept. He’s honestly a mid character in canon but something about him draws me in and I don’t even know what. Secret version of him in my brain that I can’t even describe.
Rosa María: ROSA she’s so cute and sweet and I love how much she loves her daughter and her friends, she even helps Riya after she got her out. Usually I gravitate towards more flawed or tragic characters but she’s just so awesome, she’s someone who’s overcome a lot of hardship with a good attitude and that’s just so lovely and refreshing. I wish she’d been in All Stars, miss that woman.
Ally: Ally’s another character who’s just kind of okay. She’s like packet ramen to me: has a lot of good elements (sad backstory, anger/jealousy issues, close gal pal, chicken bullion packet) and overall delightful but you’d probably pick something else to eat if you could afford it or if you had the energy/time. I hope they do more with her in later S3 episodes because rn she’d kinda just Hunter’s girlfriend who deserves better. I miss her and Tess’ friendship/relationship.
Karol: I adore Karol she’s so good. Ik she was bitchy but honestly I get her. She trusted someone for once and was betrayed by them and all she wants is to get revenge and hang out with her animals. I wish we got to see more of her and see her actually form a friendship with someone. I think about the potential of Karolill every day guys; Karol gets better and Lill gets worse and they live in somewhat-gray nature-loving 40-year-old lesbian bliss.
Lake: Watching Lake break away from her parents was so comforting and fantastic, seeing her gain confidence and make friends was wonderful. Another great arc, she was wonderful and deserved to make the final three imo.
Tess: Tess started kind of rough but I grew to like her a lot, I’m glad she found happiness and started recovering and pursuing her dreams. She’s just pleasant, her friendship with Ally especially was awesome. Watching her realize that she wasn’t unwanted or a burden was heartwarming as fuck. She just wants friends guys. Buddies even.
Yul: I’m sorry, ik Yul is very popular, but I cannot stand him. The racism is bad first of all, ik it’s meant to show how much of an asshole he is but I just think it was unnecessary and not treated with enough brevity. He has no interesting relationships. His motive being pure selfishness is boring and infuriating. He’s ridiculously cruel and unfunny while doing it, there’s nothing about him that I find interesting or entertaining. I usually love villain characters but he’s just so lacking. Imo the best villain characters don’t need to be redeemable, but they need to either have some understandable human qualities or need to be fun to watch, and Yul’s neither to me. He just doesn’t fit with the rest of the antagonists either, who do bad things but are shades of gray. You can like him and I’m glad he’s at least being portrayed as a villain rather than a redeemed-without-redemption-arc character (ex: Snape from the transphobic wizard books) but I just do not enjoy him whatsoever and if I were to rewrite him to my own tastes I’d be essentially overhauling his entire character. Some villains should be hatable as people but he’s hatable as a character to me.
Maggy: Maggy standing up for herself was awesome and I’m glad she found happiness but I don’t think about her much. She’s okay.
Connor: Connor’s another delightful person, his arc was succinct but well-executed, and I love seeing him be so optimistic with people even when they don’t deserve it. Truly a saint. Lovely man.
Kai: Kaiii I wish they’d done more with him. He’s so chill and funny, and even though him snapping at Yul was goofy and could’ve had better lead-up I think it’s good that it happened eventually. I wish we’d seen him stay slightly longer and become more assertive. Awesome little man.
Oliver: Oliver’s…okay. His “ah, natives!!” comment still pisses me off and idk why the writers did that since he’s not meant to be a shitty person like Yul is? Aside from that though I think it was nice seeing him learn to stand up for himself and sort of befriend Kristal.
Kristal: Kristal’s so interesting to me, she’s really funny too. Seeing her become crueler and crueler and then desperately trying to change herself to not be like her father was pretty fun. I think it’s pretty realistic, you don’t see many redemption(?) arcs where the character struggles this hard to combat their negative qualities and I like that about her.
Marcus: He’s…fine. Not much to him. I like his design.
Nina: She’s kinda annoying ngl but she’s a little funny, her playing Jigsaw in that one episode was great. She and Fiore should start a podcast.
Emily: Not many thoughts about her yet. She’s slaying. Kinda Blaineley adjacent.
Jared (S1 Beta): Fuck ass haircut.
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nyamcot · 2 years
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sir-sunny · 3 years
I personally would love to hear your thoughts about the anime! If you want to ofc!
spoilers for all of dr3 and a lot of nonsensical rambling askjdhasfgh
OK SO first, the future arc
i really liked makoto, kyoko, and aoi in this!! makoto didn't stray from his personality in the game but he was also a loud and passionate force, i think he really fit his role as ultimate hope in a satisfying way. but!!! oh, i loved aoi in particular. it was nice to see her taken more seriously. i liked how confrontational she was with the future foundation members and i liked her and makoto's dynamic. btw dude. her fake out death?? dude. i almost cried. fuck that aksjdg anyways
as for the characters introduced in this arc, it was kind of a mixed bag for me. some of them i liked a fair bit ( i.e. mitarai, kizakura, gozu,) some of them i was overwhelmed by the backstory dump and then sudden death (i.e. kimura, izayoi, ando) some of them i didnt care for until they were further developed in the despair arc (i.e. yukizome and sakakura) and the rest honestly were either not very likable or just forgettable asljdhasd
oh!! i rly liked the toko and komaru episode. it was really nice to see them more comfortable with each other ykno like, theyre back and forth banter and teasing. theyre friends!! (gfs) its very sweet
lets seee oh yeah. uuuhhh kyoko's death??? dude. to be completely honest, i was in 100% denial. i was just like "no. nope. literally no. that's not canon. that didn't happen" i was having none of it akjsdkasg (i'll get to her "revival" later)
overall i liked this arc! it was intriguing and emotionally tolling aksdbjasdh
OK NOW the despair arc
OH WHERE TO BEGINNN?? ok first i'll say, i really like yukizome!! she's such a good teacher, ykno she cares very much about her students, shes sweet, and funny, and strong. she had such a heartbreaking end god she didnt deserve any of thissssss
aaaaaa i loved seeing class 77 just all hanging out!! everyone's dynamics and interactions were so in character and just sigh,,, chiaki in particular i loved in this arc!!!! seeing how yukizome influenced her to become closer with all her classmates and be a super good class representative was so sweet! chiaki was so sweet!!! she had a wider variety of emotions than she did in game ykno? she was more expressive i think, this arc gave her more personality (not to say she didn't have any personality in game, she did) but it was just nice to see her in this setting
lets see what abt hajime... hmmmmm.. sad. getting this insight on how the reserve course students are treated by staff and just each other was just sad. seeing hajime timidly welcoming chiaki's friendship and taking her words to heart while simultaneously being effected by the words of those who look down on him and also himself just wishing he could be someone to be proud of... was sad. however, i do wish there was more weight put on to hajime's decision of going through with the kamukura project ykno. but it was interesting to see the inner workings of this experiment; how the school tried to hide izuru's existence from the outside world and whatnot.
lets seeee this definitely made me hate junko more, which im sure was the intention aksjdhs. just watching her work behind the scenes while class 77 are just learning to be friends for the first time and just happily living their high school lives was hhhhhh. it really gave you this sense of dread and anxiety. just knowing what's going to happen to everyone,,h,hhhhhhh.
and let me just say... chiaki's execution was CRUEL. it was AWFUL. AAUGGHHH. the amount that she didn't deserve that at all in the slightest makes me wanna cry. it was heartbreaking. and her last words to izuru??? fuck man. shit dude. it was. horrible. its almost too much ykno alsjdhkasd like holy shit. aughh that was, by far, without a doubt, the saddest death in all of danganronpa. i almost dont wanna except it as canon. and yeah watching class 77 fall into despair was also really fucking sad. just sad sad sad sad sad (THAT'S WHY I DIDNT WANNA WATCH THIS ITS TOO MUCH AKJGDJAFD)
overall this was good and sad and so sad and really sad but good
the hope arc!!
ok listen. i'll be the first to admit that this episode is filled the brim with ex machinas, contrivances, and unrealistic blah blah blah. i know. and i just gotta say. i dont care. i dont care how unrealistic this all is. this is everything i've ever wanted. i loved seeing all of class 77 + hajime alive and well coming to the future foundation survivors' rescue. just knowing what they all went through, before the tragedy, during the tragedy, and during the neo world program. these guys all went through hell. and here they come like shining beacons it was amazing sakdgasfghas im sorry im kinda geeking out rn but aaaaa like,, they know that the whole world is against them. everyone thinks they all shouldve been executed and yet, here they are writing their own story and choosing to be good. do you know what i mean??? kasjdgjasdfa i know what im saying is all garbage but i just feel so strongly abt them. i wish i could convey why i loved this episode in particular hhhh. and they fact that theyre the ones who ended up talking mitarai out of his plan and giving him solace is so satisfying. cuz it shows that not only do they want to help him and give him a second chance but they forgive themselves and they believe they can move forward. ykno???? aaaaiaaaguauahgn man,,,, and also!!! the remnants taking the blame of the killing game for makoto's sake was everything!!!!! doing that just says "we dont care what the world thinks of us. we know who we are." YKNO???? I WAS SO GOOD AJSHGASFGHS
and one last thing, kyoko's resurrection was bullshit but i also saw it coming from miles away. i KNEW they couldn't kill her off i fucking KNEW it. listen, i dont care i wasn't going to except her death either way
overall i really really liked this episode, contrivances and all idc
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