#i wokw up scared that i had the
hauntedotherworld · 2 years
WTF . so i went back to sleep for a few hours(?) cuz i woke up earlu and then i took the d**** tht made me sleepy. anwyay. I HAD THE MOST DISTURBING DREAM/NIGHTMARE. so in the dream i was in this huge mansion-like? place, and there was a c+*pse. in my cupboard, along with tons of notes that dream-me had wrote at 11 which were extremely disturbing (abt c**pses n m*rder n all sorts of weird things and id talked abt how much i love it etc etc. anyway, so now dream-me,who is an adult now, needed to get rid of thr disgusting c*rpse woman with a sl/: th***t id apparently been GIVEN as a kid from some sicko or ordered online or found? IDK or smthn - for some reason it was hardly decomposed at all (dream logic) but it STUNK n it was all gross , anyway, dream me was very distressed of what to do with it as people were everywhere. i wanted to come clean about it but i was so scared of what’d happen, i almost told my mther but of course cpuldnt. then i called the police who kinda were psychologists? and i was talking to them abt how i love crime shows and mysteries n creepy stuff,just trying to come up with a convincing story so when i would lead them to the LITERAL C**PSE IM MY CUPBOARDthey wouldnt arrest me , but again, i was so terrified (because secretly it was all just because i was some sicko who enjoyed having c***ses around and all my disturbing notes were there that were very creepy and stuff). so i lead them through alot of rooms which somehow ended up in this building of this really rich or succesful guy, they kinda disapeared as i said nothing was wrong, but some spy kindof doctor guy? mightve known a bit more abt why i was there nd he led me througg dark rooks with books and rep silk curtains to help etc but people were everywhere in each room (so we had to keep going because there was nowhere secret) everytime i tried to somehow bring it up in a normal waytheir were bugged rooms ao i couldnt. anyway, i ended up saying nothings the matter and the whole time im super stressed abt someone finding it so i dont know what to do with it (also at one point , at the start of the dream i remember calling the c***se girl so ‘pretty’ and i found her even better as a c***se with a s**** thr**t .. DREAM ME WAS LEGIT FUCKED UP) so i was secretly sad abt having to get rid of her. i ended up brainstorming many idea i thought of in detail and ended up carrying the stinky,grey body to this hole id dug prior, that turned into a water-hole, threw her in there (as i walked to it i swear i talked to someone but i forgot some of the dream now) and i was so nervous, i started throwing bricks in the pond to cover her up, but of course i needed to drain the pond and cement it-that part was kinda blurry-anyway it endes up filled with bricks so i needed to take the top layer of bricks that stuck out the ground away and then i covered it with dirt to blend into the existing ground. because i was paranoid asf somebody would dig there and find it… that kinda ended the dream. WTF it was a nightmare
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worldofkwords · 7 years
We Stand Together
Requested: Yes Group: BTS Genre: mainly fluff, maybe a lil angst? Idk Pairing: Jimin x Reader Word count: 1,084  Summary: You and Jimin find out you’re expecting, but don’t tell anyone since you want to settle down a few things first. But someone finds out, and you both know you’re in for a long ride...
The phones had been ringing for the last 15 minutes, carelessly thrown on the sofa the moment the frenzy started. Despite the bugging noise, you watched them from the other side of the living room, periodically exchanging looks of concern with your partner. "Shouldn't we at least see who's calling?" "I don't know baby, I literally feel like one step closer could lead me to a slow painful death." "Says the man in this relationship..." You rolled your eyes and walked towards the devices. You checked the ID on your display: ‘Bunny 🐰’; ok, Jungkook was not that alarming, you could easily face him. Unlike the other ID on your boyfriend's display: ‘Yoongi-hyung😴‘ "Oh no", you heard Jimin, who had come up behind you, whisper. "We're doomed. No screw that, I am. They'll leave you alone after a little scolding, but me? Those two will team up, I'm telling you! That muscle pig is gonna pin me down while hyung will start cussing at my face and heck, who knows what those other four will do, that's it I'm migrating to Burundi to start a-" "I thought Jin was the overdramatic one." "It's called symbiosis Y/N, when you spend too much time with someone-" "And I thought Joon was the smart kid." "He- hey!" "Just trying to lighten up the mood Chim. You know that stress is not good for..." you warily looked at your stomach. Pregnancy came as a wonderful surprise to you and Jimin. After such a long time being together, you both realized it was time for taking the big step. So when the test finally showed two lines, you were overjoyed. You wanted to savour the moment, just the two of you and that new life that was slowly growing inside of you. It had only been a few weeks, but you were already feeling your maternal instincts kick in. That is why you asked Jimin to not tell anybody about the news: your priority was to start understanding what that all really meant and to ease your minds into the idea. When the time would have come, you two would have announced it your families and friends.
Too bad that somehow, someway, someone found out before you got a chance to tell everybody. How did they do it? Your belly surely didn't change in just a small amount of time, so that couldn't give it away. Did someone see you buying the test? Or maybe they saw you in that babies store looking at toys and carriages... yeah, that wasn't the smartest of moves, looking back at it. Anyhow, the news spread like wild-fire: TV, Internet, SNS, radios, newspapers... Man, even that old woman two apartments from yours congratulated you.
Saying you were scared was an understatement. Not really because of the fans -what could they do about it?-, but the thought of your loved ones being angry at you, or most importantly at Jimin, for not having shared the news sooner made a knot form in your stomach. Your boyfriend probably felt the same way, since he was the one who literally screamed ‘WHATEVER YOU DO DON’T ANSWER THE PHONE’ a few hours ago. "You know we'll eventually have to confront them, babe." you said, running a hand through his hair.
Jimin sighed. He gave you a ‘I know, I'm sorry’ look. He then quickly grabbed his phone to answer. He put it on speaker, but did not utter a word. A few seconds of silence followed. "Park Jimin, I swear that if you don't start talking..." "I'm here hyung" "Yes" "Y/N is with me too" "Figured. Hi. The maknae wants to kill you both” "I don't blame him" you said. "Me neither" said Yoongi. "Listen, you're on speaker too. The guys are here. We only got one question" "Go on" He sighed. "Is it true?" You hesitated, but then answered. "Yes". Silence again. Anxiety builded up inside of you, and you looked at Jimin worryingly. But then... "Congratulations, you two. We love you". You could here Yoongi smiling while saying that. "It was about damn time!" yelled Taehyung. "No it wasn't, I'm not ready to be an uncle!" whined Jungkook, and you could swear you heard Jin saying "I mean you're like 5 years old mentally speaking, so I agree".  "Jimin-ah, Y/N, you had us all very worried! Please never do something like this again. We're happy, but we'd rather find out through you than through a distressed PD-nim" explained Namjoon, chuckling.  "Oh God, is he angry?" asked Jimin. "Quite a bit. But don't worry Jiminie, we'll help you two calm him down. Or will just give him a dose of morphine, either would-" answered Hoseok. "Lmao hyung, you're wild" "Jungkook did you just really say lmao out loud?" "Fight me Jin-hyung" "Honestly I think we have more important matters to discuss than-" "Oh shut up Vante boy" "Listen here-"
You and Jimin laughed at the never aging antics of your friends. Through the speaker, you heard Yoongi sighing and the noise fade out, which gave you a hint he probably went in another room. "Hey, you two. As you can hear, we're all excited about it. Why didn't you tell us sooner?" "We wanted to wait for the right moment, and trust us it would have been one of the next days, but somehow someone found out..." "I don't blame you or waiting, but maybe a bit sooner would've done the job." "Yeah, probably." Once again, silence filled the room. You could see that Jimin wanted to say something, but didn't know how to. "Hyung?" "Yes?" "What are we gonna do now? It's gonna be crazy" "The same thing we do when everything goes crazy: stand together. Plus, we have a new addition to the team now, right? We gotta show how it's done" Your heart swelled at his light-hearted but sweet words. He always managed to say the right things, no matter what. And the big smile on Jimin's face was the proof that he agreed. "Thank you, hyung." "You're welcome, Jimin-ah. Ah, call Bang PD-nim before he fires you, I wouldn't want to see Y/N under a bridge" he joked. Jimin laughed. "Ok, I will. We'll come by later. Bye" "See you" After ending the call, you two looked at each other. Your faces were crossed by small smiles, probably because Yoongi's words spoke louder than anything else, more than the medias or the judging glares out there. You'd stand together, no matter what. __________________________________________________________ And that was it! This was requested by @jiminie-jams-bts, thank you again for requesting and I hope you enjoyed! For everyone else, requests are open!  -WOKW Staff
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