#i won't jinx it but if this is where we get a [redacted] i'm gonna flip
dirchristophernolan · 10 months
this parade of celebrities is so rancid. max verstappen i'm so sorry they haven't listened to you baby
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hammerhead-jpg · 7 months
New Hush video spoilers
I said I didn't think Vega was gonna come back but-
ERIK why would you literally make me cry over a redacted character for the first time ever just to say "he's coming back y'all!"
Now we just have to worry about the Vega resurrection going wrong and him coming back as some more fucked up version of himself, but let's not jinx it
At least now I have a semi answer on why Hush remembers someone from a time where he wasn't created yet
I wonder now that Hush knows it's for some reason a bad choice to kill Vega, if that means he won't try to kill him again and therefore making Vega the only person who is able to defeat Hush since Hush won't just be able to kill him instantly when he tries. I mean they say Hush is powerful but it more seems like he's better at attack than at defense.
Or maybe he'll have some way of controlling him, potentially even more now that he literally built him back together.
Anyways, I'm sitting here hoping that Doc isn't stupid and that the reason they treat Hush with so much kindness is to try to get him to step down because they know that even implying that they want to stop him from achieving his purpose might land them getting killed and that nobody is strong enough to stop him by force.
I mean I'm not saying that they don't at least have some level of care for him, but they gotta know that mass murderer is wrong, right?
This ep was kinda funny
Hush: I killed Vega and now I feel bad ☹️☹️
Doc: don't worry we all make mistakes! You just have to keep going forward-
Hush: You're right!!! I should put him back together!!
Doc: wait what
Hush: actually you know what, you should come with me!!
Doc: what
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