#i won't meet her.. ik why the fuck she said.. to hurt me.. but meeting her will devastate me.. ik she wants her accessories back .. the one
abrill · 4 months
Lots of things are going but idgaffffff.
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ellieloverr · 10 months
My Strange addiction P. 4
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Warning ⚠ Language, Body Image Issues, making out, Teasing ⚠
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Ellie's eyes looked at you in worry. Your eyes departed suddenly by the buzzing of your phone. It was your alarm for bed but you didn't fell right going to bed with Ellie injured badly. You turned your alarm off and got up and went to go find the alcohol pads for Ellie so she won't get an Infection. You found them in Jesse's room. You got on your knees in front of Ellie and held her face still. She flinched because it had stung .
It's alright I'm almost done.
Once you were done you handed Dina a rag to dry her cut on her forehead.
I'mma head out I have work early in the morning
Yea ok I'll be there in a bit
Be safe kid
You walked out of Jesse's apartment and by the time you were in bed Dina had came back. You couldn't sleep knowing that Ellie was hurt badly. You decided to go for a walk around your neighborhood. You grabbed a sweater and but on sweat pants. You grabbed your phone and head phones and played "BAGS" by clario.
You came back from your walk and Dina was already asleep so you couldn't talk to her. You really wanted to stay up but you knew you couldn't because you have work at 5:00AM. You eventually went to sleep.
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In the morning you had about 10 more minutes before you could clock out. You were doing cashier and serving because the cashier had went out sick.
You were at the cash register an you were looking for your note pad for serving. A customer walks in.
Welcome to 𝐿𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑦'𝑠 𝐶𝑎𝑓e how may I assist y-
Your words are cut off as you look up. It was Ellie.
Hey princess so I heard your a servant?
Very funny Ellie, what do you want?
That's no way to talk to a customer pretty girl.
Ellie hurry the fuck up I have to serve to.
Fine whatever you say m'lady, a matcha smoothie.
Whatever, what size?
Hm how tall are you again?
Wow love the jokes williams. Get her a small please.
What you doing tomorrow?
Nothing why?
Movie night tomorrow is Saturday
Oh shit right I forgot uh sure I'll go.
You didn't forget you just had a lot on your mind. You could see Ellie's cut on her forehead and her bandaged knuckles from that night. You hand Ellie her drink and she gives you that stupid smirk she always does before leaving the shop.
As soon as you get home you Immediately call Jesse because you guys were supposed to meet at a diner tonight. He said that you guys might have to go a little early because he has to set up movie night for tomorrow. You had classes in an hour so you had to hurry and change from your work clothes into baggie jeans with a regular black long sleeved shirt with your favorite shoes to go to class. After your class ended you had sat in the quad under a shady tree sketching while softly singing "Billie Bossa Nova". You didn't notice that you were sketching out a picture of Ellie untill you added the hair. You kept sketching her though because it was the only thing that was keeping you from getting anxious. Your phone had buzzed, it was a text from Jesse.
Jess 💕
Yo what diner you want to go to????
Idk you can pick I ate earlier so I'm probably gonna just get smth to drink
No you didn't ik your schedule kid you had work earlier and you never bring lunch to your job
Fuckin stalker
Fine I'll pick but you are eating ok miss I'm in love with Ellie Williams.
What?! I don't love her Jess she's a friend that I like as a F R I E N D.
Uh huh sure whatever loser I'll see u in a bit bye
Read 11:20PM
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As you walk back to your apartment all you can think about is Ellie. What is wrong with me? What is she doing to me? Those thoughts filled your head. Once you got home you opened the door and all there was in that room was smoke.
What the fuck? D you didn't fucking tell me Ellie was here?!
Oops sorry babe I forgot to tell you
You wanted to go to a Billie eilish concert with somebody but you didn't know who because you had two tickets that arrived yesterday. You wanted to ask Dina but she was really busy. You couldn't ask Jesse because the day that you are going he is visiting his parents. Suddenly a new idea popped in your head. Dina had left to go get groceries.
Yes m'lady?
Getting funnier. You wanna go to a concert with me?
I was gonna ask Dina but she's really busy around that time.
Thanks for being your first option.
Fuck you. Are you gonna go or no?
Uhm- y-yeah sure.
Alright it's on monday
I'll just go to your apartment when I'm ready.
Wait where is it?
Holy fuck in another state?!
Fine I gotta go though I'll see you tomorrow princess
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It was the day before the concert and you had just gotten off of work. You were walking home as you noticed you left your keys at your job so you ran back and you bump into somebody.
Fuck-uh-shit I'm so sorry
No worries your just being the good girl you are right princess.
What other person is being pinned on the floor right now I think just me kid.
You jumped up as you realized you were pinning Ellie on the floor. Your heart was racing, she looked so good that day.
Uh- sorry
It's fine so when are we leaving tomorrow?
What do you mean we are leaving today Ellie
So we can have somewhere to stay when the concert is over which is going to be very late and I don't want to get on a plane at one in the morning.
Wow-uh ok I'll get my stuff ready then.
As Ellie leaves you exhale in relief because of your thoughts. Why is she doing this to me? Oh no I have to be in a room with her. Why did she look so good? It was all you could think about untill you remembered what you came back for. You grabbed your keys and went back outside and saw some guy trying to beat up Ellie. You knew Ellie was a very good fighter but that means it wouldn't go well either way. You had grabbed Ellie's arm and pulled her into the passenger seat of her car and you grabbed her keys and started driving to your apartment.
What the actual fuck Ellie.
What? He was being a dick.
So? You didn't have to be a dick to.
Fuck you. You don't even know what happened.
Oh yeah?
Exactly so shut the fuck up.
You drive Ellie to your apartment sense Jesse's was down stairs you sat Ellie on your bed and got your first aid kit.
Hold this on your hand.
Just fucking do it.
You didn't expect the next sentence out of Ellie's mouth which stunned you a bit.
So.. The other night when you forgot your jacket.
Can I ask you why you did it?
Uhm.. Yeah I uh-
if you don't wanna talk abt it you don't have to.
Yeah no I guess I should tell you. Uhm idk I just did it because I was unsatisfied with myself I guess.
Is that it?
No uhm... I did it because if people too but there's just a bunch of reasons why.
Oh I think your ok.
I mean like I think that you'll eventually be ok.
Oh.. Thanks El.
Oh- oh my god I- I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you that.
Do it again
I'm not calling you that ever again.
Cmon do it again
I said-
Your words were cut off by Ellie's lips pressing onto yours. You gasped while kissing her, you didn't pull back. Her lips were so soft pressed against yours, you didn't want her to leave anymore, it's like you were strangely addicted to her lips now. She was smiling while kissing you. You were pinned on your wall all of a sudden.
Shh shh I got you baby.
She whispered to you while kissing you. You enjoyed having Ellie with you. You enjoyed making out with Ellie, it was like nothing you've ever experienced. Ellie was different she was gentle but demanding. You loved it, you loved her.
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𝐴𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠:
𝐴𝑙𝑟 𝑔𝑢𝑦𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑏𝑢𝑠𝑦 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑎 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑏𝑖𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒'𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑠𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦 𝑜𝑘 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑦 𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑢𝑦𝑠 𝑏𝑦𝑒 💕
𝑃𝑠. 𝑆𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑖𝑓 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑎 𝑏𝑖𝑡 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝐼 𝑟𝑎𝑛 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑠.
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daydreamrry · 3 years
What saddens me the most is how at this point it feels like a competition between us (the fans ) and H&O. It's like bcuz we keep pointing out how fake they look and how pathetic this makes them seem they turn out to do it even more and go extreme. I mean the massive amt of pics they leak just screams "here suckers you think we fake look at me roaming around London and LA w this woman you think I'm gay? Look at me kissing this woman and sneakily taking pics of her and coming to kiss her all while she's reading a book" like it's not even funny it genuinely hurts me to think how drifted I feel from him as a fan. Like hazza , we're not against you we're not your enemies we're just simply pointing it out bcuz it's ruining your image , your career , it's not fair to you or to her family and her kids. The most annoying thing is when i say anything abiut olivia and my friends or holivia shippers say why do you care he doesn't even know about your existence and honestly I'm aware duh but it's the fact that them doing every legit intimate/non-intimate thing a couple could do they do it public and shoving the pictures down our throats is so wrong and insensitive. Like what do you wanna prove? It's like i feel like genuinely apologising to the holivia shippers for fantasizing about me and harry together. Like dude ik it won't be true, ik I'm just a fan chill but me calling out Olivia for being an attention seeker, a lesbophobic, a racist has got nothing to do w jealousy. It's got to do with facts that's been proved. It's got to do with how genuinely pathetic of a human she is. And trust me at this point I don't even like harry. Genuinely, I've stopped stanning him not because he is a homewrecker but because he is continuing with this stunt still. He is easily letting her take advantage of his popularity and how fucking disgusting it is how she keeps acting as if she's a victim and Harry's fandom sends her hate when she fucking literally is playing with us and he's allowing her to . Like as fans very honestly he doesn't do anything for us , he goes to tour bcuz yes he likes to and likes to meet fans but it's also coz it's important for him to make money and he honestly loves this "untouchable guy" image that his management has created. We have no idea where he is most of the times nd then one day he decides to show up in the spotlight again holding hands with a woman who is actually her boss. I honestly don't believe Jeff is trying to ruin harry. They have been good friends for a long while, harry isn't forced to do anything by his management he shows up when he wants to, he makes music at his own pace , he writes about whatever he wants to, whether he's gay or not doesn't matter he made the lights up music video if his management really had to hide his sexuality and throw in Camille and others as a beard they won't even allow such a music video which would raise so many questions. They know that nowadays it's all about being open and supportive so if harry really is gay they are smart enough to not hide it and be supportive of him bcuz that would make them seem good in the gp so it really is either Harry's own personal choice to hide or he's genuinely straight( personally i think he's straight) and hamille was no beard it was pr but it was also real, holivia might also be real but what the main problem with this one is
Is that not only is it destructive of them, their management, their families, their careers, the movie and the other actors it is also not acceptable in any way for two people to be so highly unprofessional to just be in a relationship and not even hide it until the shooting was over. You can't just be like I fell in love what could we do? You can't just let your feelings just so easily get in the way of other things. If it's actually true love with an element of pr its still wrong. Bcuz she didn't think of Jason doesn't matter if they were already on the edge of breaking up, what matters is when you have a baby with someone you're always gonna be family and it's not right to just forget about then and be like it just happened like no you have ethics and responsibilities. This goes for harry too.
As laughable and entertaining this stunt is , it also should be a wake up call for all of us especially who believe it is wrong and is a stunt to not watch dwd, to not follow Olivia, to not search her on Google. They both made a mistake and they should pay for it its only fair. Especially Olivia
And for harry I just hope he realises how valuable and important fans are. We are not shits you can manipulate with , we dont deserve paying money for concerts and not having any guarantee whether it's gonna happen or not untill the end moment, we dont deserve to just be ignored and only be cared for when theres new music or a movie coming up . I hope he learns that even if he's a big star he's not as big as selena gomez, Ariana Grande, Taylor ,Justin or Billie. Even they're super busy but they do things for the fans, there's a gratefulness you can sense, they communicate. But if he continues to be so complicated and drifted he'll lose his fans and I believe he's smart enough to know that by this point!
not gonna lie, this made me tear up.
thank you for sharing this! i think it’s really important for us to talk about this situation and share our thoughts because this is really affecting his fans, in a bad way, and is causing people to drift away from him.
i completely understand and agree with everything you said, especially the part about this being unprofessional. it’s wrong in so many ways. if you look at it from the real side: she cheated on jason, a man she’s been with for 9 years and has 2 children with. harry knew she was with him and has kids, she brought her daughter to the DWD set, yet he didn’t think or care about that. they had an affair while she was still engaged, and she went “public with her bf” just a month or two after calling the engagement off.
the PR side: harry agreed to be in a fake relationship with an engaged woman who has children to promote her career, and to promote the movie (that already has such a talented cast). she’s putting her children on the line just to get more attention and promo for herself. their teams have created such a messy storyline that’s fucked both of them, and there’s no turning back.
this entire situation is messed up, and i hope both of them realize that.
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ukulelewrap · 4 years
My Multiverse belongs to @hoodie-lover ! PLEASE GO CHECK EM OUT THEY ARE TOO UNDERRATED!
And please check out My Multiverse! It's too underrated!
Now, let's get on with it!
(These events take place right before Error was about to dust Ink)
A deep feminine voice then spoke before was about to dust Ink.
A girl with purple hair, a black halo, a dark purple skirt, two devil horns, one colored white and one colored black, and black shoes then stepped up towards Ink.
"We just need to give him.."
Her hand extended, Ink's old soul in her palm..
"The upper hand for once.."
Ink just looked at her, his fangs pointed. He hissed at her..
"What are you saying?.. The real Ink is dead.."
The demon grinned maliciously..
"He's not dead.. Just tired of fighting.. And decied to keep quiet.."
The demon only giggled.
"Idiot.. You can never bring him back.. Giving me a soul will only make me stronger.."
"Oh really?.. Let's test that theory then!"
She pushed the soul towards the demon, making him absorb it..
The demon paused, then the memories came flooding back.
Ink then looked out at the crowd of people he.. No.. The demon had hurt and toyed with just for kicks..
He buried his face in his scarf.. Sobbing violently..
"You can let him out now.. He's back.. By the way, I'm Luna.. One of the creators from the old multiverse.."
Luna said, getting up from her knees.
"What did you.. Do?.."
Dream asked.
"Well, Ink actually used to have a soul.. And I think when he ripped it, that demon.. Came.. I think it fused with Ink's boredom and need for attention.."
Luna responded, impatiently waiting for them to let out Ink.
"You guys can now meet the real Ink.. The kind, prebby, cheerful, creative yet chaotic one.."
Everyone in the crowd looked confused as ever.
Ink was finally let out, Luna ran to him for a hug.
She sobbed while holding the small skeleton.
"Aha.. I-I'm back.."
He responded, tearing up a little.
"Hey guys so what did you do wit- LUNA?!"
Maxie then came rushing over towards the both of them.
Ink stopped her, only to show his soul..
"I-I'm back.. That.. Thing won't hurt anyone anymore.. N-Not while I'm here.."
Ink gave maxie a weak wink.
Maxie rushed in to hug the old Ink as well.
"What the fuck is going on?.."
Error then asked.
"I have no idea.."
Blue answered, still looking at the cuddling trio..
Luna yelled, and a whole group of creators came over.
She explained that Ink was back, the real one, and they all came in for a group hug.
After a few moments of silence Ink then asked..
"So.. W-What happened to you guys when the old multiverse?.."
"Well.. We stayed the same.. We tried helping you, and the demon because we still thought it was still you.. But that demon couldn't hear us.."
Beatrice then replied.
"After I ripped up my soul.. Something happened.. I was trapped inside my own head, a strange figure then approached me.. Offering me a deal...they said if I gave them the control of my body.. They would give me the old multiverse back, and happiness.. I obliviously accepted, not knowing the hell that demon would put everyone through..
I felt awful when he corrupted Night.. But.. I was also happy af the same time.. First reason was because, he became a father figure! Him and his children are so cute! I'm so happy for him! And, the second reason was because.. I met.. Him.."
Ink looked at Dream. Dream only blushed hardly and looked away. Nightmare smiled at Ink, he now knew this really was the old Ink..
"I fell in love with Dream as I watched.. He's sweet, kind, courageous.. And everything I could want.. I tried to regain control whenever I was around the star sanses.. Or Dream.. Dream and Blue are the greatest allies I could've asked for.. Even though I wasn't in control, Blue and Dream are such great people.. I care about them a lot.. So when I saw Blue getting tortured.. I sobbed so hard.. And.. Dream.. I couldn't even watch when hes was getting tortured and.. you know what.. I just gave up entirely.. On watching.. And trying to help.."
Ink sobbed a little.
"I got little glimpses though.. That's how I knew they hurt almost the entire multiverse, and basically everyone in the crowd.."
Cliff hanger! I need more writing motivation qwq
Okay so lemme explain,,
I see the original Ink and soulless Ink as two different people,, and soulless ink was only able to 'kill' ink after he became soulless
And as i said before, this may not line up with the cannon storyline because these are my personal understandings and headcanons!
And also I made a little theme for the old Ink!
I call it 'lost soul'
Hope you enjoyed!
Hhhh ik my writing sucks
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