#i wonder if she blocked me bc i liked tweets dissing a show she liked
golbrocklovely · 1 year
two slight personal updates:
one, still haven't heard back from the library job yet. they only finished interviews on wednesday and said that within the next week they'll let me know so fingers cross i get it.
i also found out that 74 ppl applied for this job, which… holy shit. but, they only had 20 some odd interviews bc those were the times they allowed me to choose from. so… idk, something about that kinda makes me happy to know that i was finalist without even knowing.
and if i don't get it, it will suck, but i just gotta keep my head up and look for a new one somewhere.
secondly, i just found out last night that my ex best friend blocked me on twitter 🤪
i muted her a couple months back, bc i didn't have the heart to unfollow her bc in my mind that would really mean severing the tie between us. i mean, we've literally been following one another since we were 15/16 years old, and i know it's silly, but i thought at the very least we could still follow one another even if we weren't on speaking terms.
i muted her a while back bc she was liking a lot of things about friendships and everything else and it was just pissing me off. so for the sake of my sanity, i just muted her.
but then i looked her up last night, bc i haven't paid attention to her since then, and i saw that she blocked me. so… i blocked her back.
i also made her unfollow me on insta, and i privated my account, that way she can't see me at all. which i know will annoy the shit out of her bc that's what she was like when we were friends. if there was someone that had her blocked but not me, then she would always ask me to check on that person so she could see their account. and now, she won't be able to do that at all.
and that just tickles me pink lol
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