#i wonder if this is a flashback? it cant be bc of the scar but...how are they gonna explain this...
zeadrous · 11 months
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why is he here.
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rqs902 · 4 years
so i watched the two-part first ep of the coming one super band (gosh darn it was long...) and it made me realize it’s been a while since ive watched a non-idol show LOL. overall it was more interesting to watch than i expected. i didnt have high expectations going in bc its not my usual type of show, but i knew i wanted to at least give it a try bc of ljt. i heard about what happened to hjx prior to this, so that put a damper on my spirits, but i still wanted to see how ljt would do. i did not imagine him in a band before this, but now i kind of can. 
i just cried a little inside when zhou zhennan asked liao juntao if zjy talks like mao buyi... oof 
i find it amusing that they all call ljt liao laoshi and he has lots of fanboys hahah and zzn calls him taotao and seems really close to him still
aw the way zzn specifically asks ljt to sing “don’t talk to me”, a song he hasn’t released yet, means they must keep in close contact and ljt shares his music with him, and zzn takes his songs to heart and truly listens and likes them. 
wow zzn really knows ljt’s guitar skills and rhythmic strengths and additional music styles could be demonstrated through this song and he wanted his friend to promote himself better by showing off a new song that may be more captivating to an audience in this type of setting. it really seemed like he was trying to protect and help ljt with genuine care. it’s been three years and the mrzz friendship still going strong warms my heart
OF COURSE THEY WOULD BRING UP “who” IT’S HIS CLAIM TO FAME SONG. and 3 years later, its still an amazing song. one of my favorites. 
also ljt’s quirky personality was one of my favorite characteristics about him. his talent and music goes without saying, he’s one of my favorite (if not my actual favorite) music makers. but his personality also just seems so fun and slightly strange LOL but like the way he pats his chest after each performance like hes calming his nerves (but you cant tell at all while hes singing) is such a contrast. 
UGH watching the montage from mrzz and then his story all the way through zzn’s crying literally brought me to tears.... lang lang saying how he could tell ljt has been through a lot... oh gosh and then those old clips of liao juntao with zhou zhennan, ma boqian, mao buyi, zhong yixuan UGH it just brought back so many memories and then the flashback to where ljt chose to battle meng zikun instead of wang jingli EVEN THOUGH HE KNEW HE WOULD LOSE AND HE HAD A BETTER CHANCE OF BEATING WJL......... aaaaaaahhhhhhhh because he wanted to protect his friends and let them go on to the next round. and never forget xue zhiqian’s heart-breaking “your choice may force you to struggle for another ten years” because he knew ljt was giving up such a rare opportunity. and mby just breaking down watching his friend commit career suicide basically ugh- that just- ughhh 
and the fact that even as a judge now, zhou zhennan just couldnt stop himself from crying when ljt called him “bro”
can you imagine what it’s like to be so close to success and to live the next three years knowing you had just as much capability and possibility as freaking mao buyi and zhou zhennan but you were still left behind, by such a hugely immense degree. to have lost too early on, even though you definitely had the talent to have at least made it to the next round, but you care too much about your friends to force your way through. 
ljt says he doesnt regret, and that is amazing to me. mao buyi and zhou zhennan are literally both judges on shows like this now. and hes still... a contestant.
lol wait i just had a thought, is ljt to super band what zzn was to produce camp? i really hope so. i feel like its inevitable tencent will favor him bc hes already signed to wjjw???? and hes probably the only one who has somewhat public recognition already? i really want ljt to debut as f-man... i cant imagine him on the sidelines. he deserves and needs to be the center of this eventual 5 person band. if wjjw messes him up again im literally going to question everything. 
ive never gone into a show with such a strong bias and desire for that bias to be center -- ive never dared to ask for that -- but ill say it again, ljt NEEDS AND DESERVES it. i didnt realize i felt so strongly about him until now. 
anyway, i can totally see how ljt and szb would get along, they both seem to have such sad stories (and ugh why is ljt so humble) but also how is tencent gonna deal with not having ljt as an f-man tho LOL
ouch watching the he junxiong part made my heart hurt... i heard about what happened, but watching it actually happen was still jarring. him not saying he wants his music to be commercialized, is that a reaction from what happened to “time of youth” ? It did feel like tencent stole that song from him and didnt credit him enough :\ so maybe he’d rather his music be remembered as in he wants to be remembered for his music? i do agree with zzn that hjx didnt sing the song as well as I expected him to this time though... my impression of he junxiong from produce camp was that he has a really nice voice and is really great at making music. but im surprised how much his attitude has changed. but i can understand it must be hard for him to see zzn sitting in front of him and not giving him his support. i guess from there in contrast, ljt’s humbleness is admirable. man, i wonder if/when we’ll see hjx again. tencent’s gonna hate him now lol.......
random but xu yang visually reminds me of yueyue and zhao ke visually reminds me of mu ziyang LOL also, i respect that hu yutong saw ryp was struggling with public speaking and let him go, but then went over to talk to him privately. he didnt want to make him uncomfortable and did his best to be gentle with his tone. but i agree it will be questionable for someone with such strong ideas like hyt to thrive in a group setting. 
there are a couple of kids besides ljt who im interested in, enough that i think ill keep watching this show for now, but also not enough for me to not be miffed that there are SO MANY extra clips/ shows (YET AGAIN) and i just dont want to / dont have time to watch them all just to look for ljt..... and ljt is still the main reason why id watch, so im gonna have to figure out if theres a way for me to just watch the ljt clips lol.................. 
also side note, seeing them do physically strenuous activities like three legged racing in the previews gave me horror flashbacks to afo and im so scarred from that show that seeing stuff like that just makes me super scared thinking that someone is going to get hurt. ugh its just so unnecessary and such a bad idea.  this was one of the worst parts about afo, the fact that the trainees kept getting injured doing dumb activities. why risk injury when your physical ability to do something as arbitrary as a three legged race should have no impact on your ability to succeed in a music competition???? it just seems so unnecessary and just there to add drama. sure it can build teamwork, but there are safer ways to build teamwork that may not lead to sprained ankles or scraped faces (UGH AFO) 
but anyway, if anyone else is actually watching this show, let me know! I saw a few people on twitter, but i dont think its gaining as much traction as an idol show would, since its a band show. 
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so now I’m watching tld and writing down everything that bothers me.
spoilers obviously. 
00:00 to 30:00
part 2
-so we know her name is eurus (i thought it was spelt euros, but apparently i was wrong.) maybe sherrinford is her middle name? like william sherlock? 
-I’m not 100% sure sherrinford and eurus are even the same person, bc that would be JUST like mofftiss to use something from the canon and have it mean something completely different. i’m gonna keep an open mind towards both possibilities
-mycroft says that sherrinford is secure. and considering the level of supervision he keeps sherlock under, i find it VERY strange that eurus could just pose as john’s therapist for several weeks.
-what kind of accent is that? nobody else in the holmes family has it.
-”why does everything have to be understandable? why can’t something be unacceptable?” foreshadowing to john beating the shit out of sherlock?
-john just casually talking to his hallucination of mary. he’s completely aware of her death but forcibly denying it.
-”I am reminding you of your friend, i think”, lol eurus.
-she’s an absolute psychopath, how she’s willfully putting her fingers in the wound but acting like she’s innocent
-why is mrs hudson listening to ‘freude schöner götterfunken’ tho :D
-those constant snippets from tv shows and adverts showing culverton smith fucking annoy me, but they might be alluding to people missing time? hallucinations? visions?
-i’m kinda frustrated with this villain. i mean he was obviously supposed to be a red herring to hide eurus, but i was still expecting someone really evil :/ he’s just a regular sort of narcissistic psycho
-i mean faith obviously doesn’t like her dad all that much, which makes her acting all buddy buddy huggy later on a bit weird
-that speech about ‘telling someone you darkest secret’, ‘not being able to take it back’ is 100% sherlock’s fears about confessing to john.
-”once you’ve opened your heart, you can’t close it again.”
-”of course you can” mofftiss telling us once again not to trust what we see?
-i mean eurus’ and faith’s accents are very different. i have no idea where to place eurus, but faith is northern? (my first thought when i heard eurus speaking without seeing her was “....is she french?”)
-don’t trust your memory “I’m afraid that some of the memories you’ve had up to this point might also be corrupted” so we can’t trust past episodes either?
-maybe bc we’ve always seen them out of either john’s or sherlock’s pov and they’re both kind of unreliable? (love me an unreliable narrator) maybe that’s also why john looks so good now. bc we see him through sherlock’s eyes?
-cant help it, he just reminds me so much of trump
-i wondered why faith still had the note to show it to sherlock even after culverton saw it
-you can hear that she’s trying to recreate faith’s accent, but not completely and her voice is different
-is sherlock faceblind? or just actually so high?
-so we still can’t be sure if eurus is actually in sherlock’s flat bc billy can’t see her?
-why are the deductions written in chalk and not typed as usual?
-is eurus acting like she’s a suicidal lady on purpose to mess with sherlock or is she actually suicidal and self-harming herself?
-”is ‘cup of tea’ code?” lol, see what you did there
-”It’s congenital” what? the bad luck?
-”your life is not your own, keep your hands off it” why do i get the feeling that this exact thing has been said to sherlock before?
-”you’re suicidal, you’re allowed chips. trust me, it’s about the only perk” same here. is sherlock eating fries when he’s feeling suicidal?
-so we know eurus got the note from culverton. so eurus took the note, kept it hidden in a book, had a relationship that ended, are a good cook, doesn’t get any visitors and we know where she lives? or did she fake all that too?
-they are watching sherlock, but not sure if someone is with him and mycroft doesn’t recognize eurus?
-”pain stimulates your memory, so you tried it again later, your lover failed to notice an increasing level of scars” is he talking about himself again?
-”how do you know he didn’t notice” “oh well because he would have done something about it [...] isn’t that what you people do?” 
-”the way you think” “superbly.” “sweetly.” “Im not sweet im just high.” yeah right.
-”the fact that i’m his brother doesn’t change anything. it didn’t the last time.” so i’m guessing mycroft put eurus away. so why didn’t he notice what she was doing???
-”do you still speak to sherrinford?” “i get regular updates.” so sherrinford is a person, but is it eurus? or a bodyguard? handler?
-”sherrinford is secure” yeah well apparently not unless there is another holmes sibling. OH SHIT TWINS!!!! THATS THE TWINS???
-or maybe eurus is sherlock’s twin...
-”we must be careful not to burn our bridges” shot to sherlock and his estranged sister
-”your life turned on one word”
-”taking your own life. taking it from who? once it’s over, it’s not you who’ll miss it” i feel like this is also something someone said to sherlock
-is the word flickering over the screen ‘someone’?
-”you know what i’d expected you’d’b?” “what am i” “nicer” “than who?” “anyone”
-anyone is an important word. molly said it, eurus says it twice, culverton says it, mary says it.
-he once again has the flashback of the kid playing with the dog and the girl singing, is he subconsciously recognizing eurus?
-also i think that eurus is responsible for redbeard having to be put down. i already had that theory, but then i read [this] and my suspicions were hardened. eurus wanted to kill sherlock and practiced on redbeard, mycroft had her taken away (?), sherlock was possibly too young to properly remember her
-aaand she’s gone. we still don’t know which parts were real and which were hallucinated.
-once again proof that sherlock is hallucinating vividly and losing time
-”they’re always poor and lonely and strange” talking about serial killers. or eurus. or both.
-do all police officers know who mycroft is?
-so that crazy monologue is definitely staged to make mrs hudson take him to john. but why henry the fifth?
-what the fuck is that accent?????
-”are you having an earthquake?!” rwjdkaslöx
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