#i wont get into discourse discourse is the mind killer but i WILL complain
chaosmenu · 4 months
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betatrolls · 6 months
so i keep getting this post on my feed about how people hate vriska because she's a girl or whatever blah blah blah this is old, but their phrasing was? interesting? they compared her to eridan and gamzee (as usual), so I'm gonna break it down real quick. they said gamzee is worse because he's a serial killer, and eridan is worse because he's a genocide apologist and a ""sexpest"" (good lord, that's a thirteen year old.) let's start with the comparison to gamzee, because girly, vriska is also a serial killer. that's a whole thing. not to mention gamzee was LITERALLY NOT OF SOUND MIND WHILE RAMPAGING. anyway, on to the eridan part. yes, eridan did attempt genocide, we get it. i literally cannot go five minutes on homestuck tumblr without seeing somebody complain about it. obviously, not a cool thing to do, but we can't just completely ignore the fact that vriska also killed people? like, at the scale we're working on, mass murder is mass murder. vriska isn't innocent of being weird about lowbloods, either, which brings us to our next topic. now, do i think it's right to call thirteen year olds sexpests?? no, obviously not, what the fuck. but if we're bringing that up, I'm not gonna shy away from mentioning that vriska sexually harassed tavros quite a few times in canon. concept explored, rant over. they're all bad people to a pretty strong degree (maybe gamzee less so than people make him out to be since, y'know, he was experiencing extreme symptoms of withdrawal), but they're all kids who grew up in a society that practically encouraged them to be that way. extra point, do i like eridan and gamzee more than i like vriska? yes. is that because i hate vriska, or think she's worse than them, or dislike trans women? absolutely not, that's a ludicrous accusation to jump to off of such minimal information. do i have my own unique feelings and opinions on characters that frequently change as i understand them better and are heavily influenced by outside factors as well as canon ones, which have nothing to do with prejudice or blindly following other people's malcontent? yes! I won't say that nobody hates vriska for baseless reasons, of course such a controversy-fueled fandom will breed some strange opinions, but "transmisogynistic murder apologist incapable of forming unique opinions" is a rather harsh label to attach to a mostly harmless preference.
no negativity intended towards the person who made the post I'm referencing, even if i came off a little harsh, although i do have them blocked because of how triggering that post was to me so I doubt they'll actually see this at any point.
(you can really see where in this post kankri forced his way to the front to engage in his favorite kind of discourse, huh. being plural is so funny actually. anyway im letting this post out of the drafts, im sure he wont mind)
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