#i would LOVE to hear your fic ideas or read more of your writing or send more love letters anytime!!!
kisses4reid · 12 hours
understand? pt. 1 | ·˚ ༘ spencer reid ,,
summary - you’re a polyglot translator assigned to work for the bau in a cross-national case, and there’s a doctor who wants to impress you.
genre - fem!reader, SHE/HER r, fluff, meet cute, you know more than spencer and he’s attracted to that
warnings - you're both awkward, mentions of gross case file photos, little research about polyglots actually done so there are inaccuracies, cliffhanger for part 2.
w/c - 1.4k
a/n - thank you for the req anon!! there was multiple parts to this but i really like the first idea so that’s what this fic is about, might keep the other idea for later hehe. i did change some aspects. love you, thank you for the support <33 there will be multiple parts!!! stay tuned!!!
req - hi pia 💞💝🩷💓 how r u? i hope you’re feeling wonderful! this is my first time requesting smthg i apologize if i get something wrong! i’ve been having 2 thoughts about spencer x fem!reader, where reader is a russian translator and idk they meet cute or she has to work with the bau helping them on a case. just wanted to give these ideas to you, obviously feel free to do anything with them! i really enjoy your work and your writing is incredible! i have your notifications on so i am always reading whatever you post! have a great day pia 💝 lots n lots of kisses for u!
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This was not what you expected. 
You, a woman in your late twenties that spent most of her time in a room listening to voices and decoding foreign messages, didn’t know what you expected. But this: a scary boss, an italian old man, and a skinny college kid, was not it. 
“Y/n L/n? I’m Aaron Hotchner, the unit chief, and this is Agent Rossi and Doctor Agent Reid.” 
You nodded your head, thick hair covering your top eyelashes as you glanced at the men. Agent Rossi shook your hand, and Dr Reid simply stood and gawked at you. To be honest, it made you worried. You had been warned this was a close knit team, that they trusted each other more than anything and that you shouldn’t get attached to any of them as you’d only be assisting them for one case.
Maybe they just didn’t warm up to new people. 
“I’ll do your formal introduction to the rest of the team now, if you’re settled down.” He asks cooly. You like the way his voice rasps, it’s assertive yet comforting. 
“Yes, of course. I can’t wait.” You smiled reassuringly at the unit chief, not ignoring the raised eyebrow you received from the silent young man now behind you.
Aaron Hotchner, your new boss for the next week or so, lead you to a large room with a circular table sat in the middle. There were two other women, one blonde and one raven haired, and another bald man that glanced at you immediately after you entered. They smiled at you and trailed your steps to where you stood beside the unit chief in front of a large TV screen.
“Everyone, this is Agent Y/n L/n. She’ll be assisting us with the Becker case you’ve all been informed of. She’ll mainly be our translator and interpreter, but she’ll also be useful for cultural identifiers and anything that we wouldn’t notice otherwise.” 
You nodded along, never being a fan of introductions since you moved to America as a small child. 
“This is JJ, our liaison, Agent Emily Prentiss and Agent Derek Morgan.” 
The ladies smiled at you, in fact all of them did. They were surprisingly open to the fact you would be joining them, the fact made your shoulders loosen and a breath to be let out discreetly. 
Next, you were on a long plane flight to Maine with Agents you had known for little under two hours, conversing about victim profiles and motives. The table in front of the ladies and your boss was strewn with victim files and gruesome photos. And while you weren’t a stranger to the dangers and violence the job brought, you had gotten comfortable with only hearing about it and not seeing it. So you opted to hover around the table and stay silent, you weren’t a trained profiler after all, just a translator.  
There was a wave of cologne that disrupted your senses, causing you to angle your head back, only to be greeted by the tall doctor. 
You smiled softly, assuming the closeness was due to the aeroplane's arrangement. Also because you got the vibe that Spencer didn’t like you. 
“Are you okay? You seem uneasy,” he asked. It was the first time you heard his voice. And it was as adolescent as you imagined for someone so young, but it had a sophisticated edge to it, with a honey-like undertone. Finding things in voices as if they were perfumes was something you unconsciously started to do since working as a translator.
“I’m fine.” You grinned reassuringly, turning back to focus on the team’s findings. 
Spencer furrowed his eyebrows slightly and stepped away, sitting down beside Morgan who had taken a seat at the back. Morgan squinted at his friend, noticing the rare confusion splayed on his face as he stared in your direction. 
“What’s up? Pretty girl got your tongue?” Morgan removed his headphones with a cheeky smile displayed on his handsome face.
“For someone who specialises in languages she doesn’t talk much.” 
Morgan smirked, “Maybe not to you.”
“I didn’t do anything wrong though.” Spencer ripped his gaze off the back of your head.
“You’ve been staring at her since she walked through those doors. You were so distracted you didn’t even greet her this morning.” Morgan pointed out. Spencer tilted his head confused, a small blush creeping up his neck. “I watched the whole thing from the conference room, so did JJ and Emily.” 
The tall boy slumped in his chair and forced himself to look out of the plane’s window, avoiding a reply to Morgan as he knew it would only result in more teasing. You were physically attractive, everyone could see that, but the thing that caught Spencer’s attention was your intelligence. He was no stranger to being a polyglot, he learnt languages for fun, but you were simply next level. Morgan studied Spencer’s face for a second before raising his attention to your hovering state. “Agent Y/n L/n.” Morgan called, causing Spencer to widen his eyes and immediately adjust his slumped position in his plane seat. You turned your head in surprise, slightly confused why you would be needed anywhere else than the files you had been translating for the past two minutes. Your heels were silent against the carpeted floors, but Spencer could sense your presence anyways. 
“How many languages do you speak?” The stoic man asked, his eyes darting between you and the doctor below you. You were not short, your genes didn’t allow for it, but you had noticed you were only taller than JJ and Rossi in the team and it felt foreign to not tower over everyone. “Um, I speak 8 languages fluently, and 4 languages semi-fluently.” You stated, readying to turn back to assist the team before Morgan spoke up once again
“Did you know that pretty boy can speak Spanish and German?” 
Before Spencer could help himself, he corrected the man, “And Latin and Russian,” Spencer turned his head up to you, “But I can understand more.” 
You smiled, genuinely impressed and confused on how a man that young could learn that much. But to be fair, you were in the same boat. The nickname got your attention, locking it in the back of your mind to remind yourself that the people you were working with did in fact have senses of humour, and weren’t just heartless officers. There wasn’t any reason to think that though, as you had been cared for with respect and even Prentiss made a funny remark beforehand. It sort of felt like a family dinner you were intruding on. “That’s impressive, Doctor Reid.” You reply genuinely. 
“I mean it’s nothing compared to you though,” his voice was pitched slightly higher and his hands started motioning to nothing in particular, “your brain is constantly changing from high activity to low activity when you're translating from one language to another. Your language network, the lateral frontal lobe, is constantly lighting up and dimming down depending on what language you hear, ordinary people’s language networks only turn on and off.” 
Morgan smirked and glanced up at your intrigued and surprised expression. You nodded, a small blush coating the tips of your ears as you responded, “Thank you.” You didn’t really know what else to say, which is funny for someone who understands so many languages, so you simply smiled and turned back to the table. Spencer slumped again, watching you walk away and asking himself why he would inform a pretty girl about her own brain, when she most definitely already knows about it. 
“Don’t worry too much, Reid.” Morgan called, grabbing Spencer’s attention. The boy raised a brow, not understanding. “She digs it, I can tell. But she’s just like you, knows how to speak in a million ways and still doesn’t know how to small talk.” 
You landed without any more awkward interactions, and got introduced to some sheriffs in Maine, one of them giving you a tighter handshake than the rest and a stare that could only mean unpleasant things. It wasn't something sexist or creepy that lingered in his eyes, it was more like hatred. Spencer took the sheriff's attention away from you after noticing what the whole team did, and asked him to show him the records they kept at the precinct.
Emily Prentiss came up behind you and placed a hand on your upper arm, squeezing it like she understood what you had thought you'd seen. Out of everyone else in the team, she would understand the most.
taglist (open!!): @jeffswh0re @reap3erslov3 @candyd1es @0108s22m @aurorsworld
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holopossums · 2 days
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Breakfast with the Baron
Breakfast is always more enjoyable when you share it with someone. Today you shared one with a certain large, pink sheep man who stole your heart and has the ring to prove it.
Mood music for peak domestic romance
Figured I'd try my hand at writing a Gender Neutral X Reader/self-insert story to accompany the art! (First time ever, ended up being much longer than I thought because of course it is, this is me you're talking about. ~1500 words under the cut.)
WARNING: Story has mild, silly suggestiveness at some points. (It's very PG-13, but just in case loving and goofy descriptions of sheep men's bodies are not your cup of Dad Fuel.)
Edit: Fic is now up on AO3, you can read it there too!
Sunlight streamed through the window in your bedroom, its rays falling on your form, and you stirred from your dreamland. Too early. You shifted so that you were facing away from the blinding light. But it was too late, you were doomed to be awake now. Bleary-eyed, you scanned your room and noted that you were alone. Not a large pink sheep man in sight. But the delicious scents coming from beyond the room indicated he was home, and that was enough to make you rise from bed.
After going through your typical morning routine, you found him exactly where you thought he'd be. Baron Draxum considered himself king of the kitchen, both at work and home, and he was wholeheartedly committed to feeding you well. Early on in your relationship with him, you wondered if he was spoiling you with so much home cooking. In time, you understood that it was his way of caring for your well-being—a love language. Now he made roughly half of your meals and you did not complain.
It was the weekend, so Draxum had gone all out even though it was early. Both of your favorite breakfast foods were on the menu. It was no wonder that you cartoonishly floated into the kitchen by following the waft of tasty smells. In addition to the meal, coffee was already brewed. A steaming hot novelty coffee mug that read "DAD FUEL" sat on the counter while Draxum cooked. Judging by the droopy eyes and a croaky, mumbled “good morning” when you entered his domain, you were sure that he would be drinking most of the coffee pot whether or not you had any for yourself.
Before you sat down at the dining table, you peered out one of the nearby windows. It was a gorgeous sunny day in June, just before the sweltering heat hit hard. These cooler summer days were precious, so you had the urge to have breakfast outside in the garden.
While the old Yōkai had finally adjusted to life on the surface, he still wasn't particularly fond of bright sunlight, as he had lived underground for much of his life. You could already hear his complaints about your idea before you even started. Still, you two had been together long enough that you knew how to effectively persuade him.
Draxum was nearly finished cooking everything. He was working the stove and had his back turned. Even from behind, his unkempt appearance was attractive—nest hair stuck out in all directions, his robe rumpled, the way he tiredly hunched over his workspace. He was like this on weekends when he didn’t have to groom himself and rush off to work. While he cleaned up well, his natural state was just as stunning. You gingerly wrapped your arms around his waist from behind, nuzzled his back, and suggested your idea. Your face was buried in his back so you weren’t using puppy eyes, but you sure were using a puppy voice, a wholly unnecessary “pretty please with a cherry on top” kind of beg. His head tilted as he thought it over. A small smile graced his aging face when he looked over his shoulder. He agreed with a nod. Your loving expression worked like a charm.
Minutes later, the sleepy sheep shuffled behind you, breakfast in hand, to a big wooden picnic table that was partly in the shade of nearby trees. Your bountiful feast was spread out, more than enough for two. Books and other entertainment were also brought along, as you planned to camp out there for the rest of the morning.
With an old man grunt, Draxum plopped down in a white chair on the far side of the table, and you sat opposite him in a matching chair. You couldn’t help but smile at the ways he was handsomely growing older. You wanted to lightly tease him about sounding as old as he looks, but you bit your tongue. With his back toward the sun, it illuminated his form and made him look ethereal. Disrupting the tranquility seemed like a crime.
Draxum was one of those people who didn’t care about much of anything too early in the day. He wasn't much of a conversationalist either, at least until the coffee kicked in, so he did not chat with you at first. Seemingly stuck in a lingering daze, he wasn’t even swatting away the gnats circling him, but every so often one of his ears flicked on reflex when one got a little too close. Again, downright adorable, but you bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from making any comment that would change his awareness. It was a miracle that the man managed to make breakfast as good as he did considering his state. Maybe he put in more effort to be attentive earlier, and now that you were sitting down he was letting his mind wander.
Not wanting to disturb him, you eagerly dug into your food, trying to keep your sounds of pleasure at a minimum. No words were exchanged, but none were needed. The peaceful sounds of nature accompanied you as birds sang their hearts out, squirrels scurried up and down the trees beside the table, and bugs lazily buzzed above your heads.
Perhaps it was the warm gentle breeze or a subtle movement that did it. However it happened, when you looked up from your plate, something changed about him that your eyes fixated on while you mindlessly chewed. You weren't sure how much time had passed, but you snapped out of it when you finally heard his gentle baritone rumble, still a tad raspy from overnight disuse.
"What are you staring at, love?"
Carnelians glistened with curiosity when his eyes met yours. He sipped on his coffee and did not break eye contact, more alert than before. But the tone of his question was adorably dopey and sincere, so it seemed he was still not as aware of the change as you were.
The sheep was so groggy that he failed to notice that his robe had slipped from his left shoulder, revealing half of his ample, plush chest. A nipple and scars underneath his pecs invitingly poked through. Even though you were well-acquainted with his body, the accidental half-reveal somehow made it sexier. Fortunately, there was a table between you and him. If there wasn’t, you might have been tempted to sidle up to him and bury your face in his cotton candy pillows.
It was difficult to avert your gaze from such a magnificent sight, but thankfully something else caught your eye. The wedding ring on his finger sparkled when it caught a ray of sun. It was a pleasant reminder of the promise he made to you: I am yours and only yours.
Married life with Baron Draxum was interesting, to say the least. Though he was an aggravating man at times—his vices could be counted on more than one hand and his flaws on more than two—his love was strong and steadfast. Underneath all that pride and sass, Draxum was a soft man. He liked to challenge you—your mind, body, and soul—yet never made you feel like you weren’t enough for him. Whether in word or action, in his eyes there was no one on Earth as lovely and unique as you. He had quirky ways of showing it, but he always made it known in one way or another.
Despite his, he more than made up for any of your smaller grievances with endearing moments like these.
You took your time to swallow the food you were eating, set down your fork, and think of what to say. A coy smile inched its way across your face. You leaned back and waved your hand. "Oh, nothing. Keep eating."
The old sheep squinted at you. Whether or not he could sense your playful lie, he was still too out of it to probe further. He simply responded with a soft grunt into his coffee mug, set it down, and dug back into his food.
The cotton candy pillow continued to hang out all breakfast long. Either he did not notice at all, or he did and didn't bother to fix it. If the latter, who knew whether it was out of pure laziness or because he knew giving you an eyeful was a treat. Regardless, you were not eager to point it out and ruin the fun. It was hard to call it a wardrobe malfunction when the warrior's robe seemed to be functioning exactly as the universe intended in that little moment.
A sweet domestic life with Baron Draxum was never bland. Ordinary days and regular routines were marinated with the spice and zest of the love you shared. It was your secret hope that flame would never extinguish.
You had woken from your deep slumber from the night before. At least, you thought you had. But that morning felt so heavenly and blissful that you could never be completely sure it wasn't a dream.
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percyluvr · 22 hours
Hiii,i love your blog and your writing sm and that’s why i wanted to be brava and make a request!If you like the idea,can you please write a Percy imagine were reader is the daughter of Thetis(the water nymph/goddess and mother of Achilles)and she is the one that helps Percy with his water powers?Like they bond over that and fall in love with each other?Thank you very much!🩵🩵
percy jackson x daughter of thetis!reader summary: percy meets a nereid; the rest is history wc: 2524 note: thank you so much for reading my works, i'm vv glad u love my blog & i hope i could do this request justice. i wasn't exactly sure if her kid would be a demigod or a nymph, so i thought because i haven't really seen any fics w a nymph!reader, i would get a lil creative w it! i do know that achilles was considered a demigod, but i figured maybe her female children would be nereids(?)
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Percy had been claimed as a son of Poseidon about a month ago at this point, and he was desperately trying to understand his powers. When he was claimed, he assumed that it would be easy to harness the power of the sea, since, well, his dad was the literal God of the Sea. Unfortunately, it was not coming as naturally as he had hoped and assumed it would, and so he now found himself swimming in the sea near Camp Half-Blood, searching for someone or something to help him get a leash on his powers.
He tried contacting his dad, to no avail; now aimlessly swimming. The only thing that had truly come natural to him was the ability to breathe under water, which was helpful now, since he didn't have to keep coming up to the surface for breath and could now just focus on finding help.
It'd been about 2 hours of just what others would consider mind-numbing swimming, but Percy enjoyed it anyhow.
He eventually found himself face to face with a young girl whom he would consider one of, if not the most beautiful person he'd ever come across. Though he was a son of Poseidon, Percy swears that he found it increasingly difficult to breathe. The longer he looked at you, the more and more aware he was that he was underwater, and all he could think was 'I'm a son of Poseidon and I'm going to drown, and because somehow it can get more embarrassing than that, I'm going to drown in front of a beautiful girl and she's probably going to laugh and I'm never even going to get to know her name or hear her voice, which is probably the most heavenly thing anyone would ever get a chance to hear and-'
His thoughts are broken when he hears you speak, and somehow your voice sounds even more heavenly than he had assumed it would be.
"Hello, Perseus," you say, smiling, and Percy thinks that his heart might just burst into a million little pieces that will eventually drift out into the water surrounding the two of you.
"Hey, hi, um," he struggles to assemble his thoughts into a coherent sentence.
"Take your time, Perseus. You will not run out of breath, as I believe you thought you would just a few seconds ago," you speak, fighting the urge to giggle at the silly boy that has found his way to your home.
"Um, first, you can just call me Percy, if you want. Second, I know I won't, I was just, uh, distracted for a second. And third, I'm here because, embarrassingly enough, apparently the fact that I'm the son of Poseidon doesn't matter to this water, which will not do anything I want it to unless I'm in a life or death situation, which does happen to occur quite often, so really I'd probably be fine, but I would sort of like to be able to have the comfort of knowing that I can actually use these cool powers that every tells me I have," he rambles. "Sorry, that was kind of a lot," he concludes.
"Do not worry, I followed along quite easily, actually. Anyhow, if you require assistance with your endeavors, I am here to aide you. When I'm not busy helping your father at the castle, that is," you offer.
"Really? I mean I was hoping you would say that, but I wasn't sure you would. But yeah, I'll take you up on that, thanks," he flashes you a smile.
"Wonderful. Feel free to stop by or call my name into the water, and I'll hear it and come to you if I'm able."
"Right, uh, not to be rude, but uh, what's your name?"
"Ah, right, I forget how you demi-gods don't bother to learn the names of the Nereids anymore."
When you tell him your name, you believe you see his eyes glisten in adoration, unless, of course, you're making that all up in your head because the boy in front of you is way cuter than you had ever imagined when you had just heard his name being thrown around by the gossiping Nereids around the palace.
"Well, then, Percy, you should be on your way. I have things to be doing now."
"Right, bye then. Thanks for, y'know, offering to teach me pretty much everything," he says bashfully.
"Of course." He begins to swim away and all you are left with the ability to do is wave as he slowly gets farther and farther away.
𓂃 𓈒𓏸
It'd been not even a week since Percy had been, in his descriptions to his friends at camp, blessed by your presence, and though the two of you had barely become acquaintances, he found himself missing the sound of your voice and the odd, in his opinion, outdated way that you spoke.
This type of yearning for a person's presence is not the type of yearning he feels for his mother, Sally, and so, this feeling is quite new to Percy. Of course, as a teenage boy, he doesn't know how else to manage this intense feeling, so immediately he goes to the beach and calls your name into the water.
"Hello, Percy, I can't say I'm surprised that you're this eager to harness the power of the sea. I was also very invigorated when I first learned of what was possible once at one with the sea."
"Am I not already one with the sea? My dad is literally the God and King of the sea. And are you not also one with the sea from birth? Aren't Nereides water spirits or whatever?"
"Ah, Percy, you misunderstand. You are not born one with the sea, even as a Nereid. You must prove to the sea that you are not afraid of it, and that you will not take advantage of it. It may takes days, or weeks, but I suspect that you will do just fine."
"And how exactly am I supposed to prove that?"
"You will see," you said cryptically, and before Percy could object to this statement, you were gone, and he was staring out into the clear blue water of the Atlantic Ocean.
"Jeez, when someone offers to teach you, you would think they would actually teach you something and not just say some weird cryptic stuff and then disappear," he grumbles to no one in particular.
𓂃 𓈒𓏸
Of course, you were correct in your assumption that Percy would quickly prove to the sea that he could be trusted to harbor its power. He manages to form a ball of water the size of a fist before losing focus, leaving the water to splash back down and become one with the sea again.
However, he was not discouraged, and in his invigorated state, he calls out for you without even realizing it.
"Hello, Perseus. I see that I was correct," you said, a bit smugly, Percy must say.
"Yeah, yeah. Will you actually teach me now?"
"Indeed. I wanted to be sure that you were competent enough for my help, so I do apologize for how ominous my words were."
"You're all good. I do have a question though, and feel free to try to drown me if this is rude."
"Do proceed with your inquiry." At that, Percy nearly bursts out laughing at how much you sounded like an office e-mail from someone's annoyed boss, but managed to somehow keep composure.
"Uh, why do you talk like.. I don't know, so formal. Aren't you my age?"
"I do apologize. I do believe you are older than me, which may come as a surprise to you. But to answer your main question, I talk so 'formal' because that is simply how everyone at the palace speaks. I suppose we do not have much contact with anyone outside of the ocean, and so we have not picked up on all of the latest dialects and ways of speaking."
"Well, I guess that makes sense then, my bad."
"Do not worry."
"So, uh, do I get to learn more about 'harnessing the power of the ocean' or whatever now?"
"I suppose now would be as good a time as any."
"Cool, cool, where do we start?"
You lift your fist into the air, a large section of water rising into the air and forming into the shape of a large sea turtle, forming into different animals as you rotate your hand in the air.
"Are you able to do that? Even a basic animal shape would be fine, but if not, we must begin, well, at the beginning."
"Oh, man," he grumbled
𓂃 𓈒𓏸
It'd been a few months of you popping in a few days a week to assist Percy with his ambitions, and he was finally able to wield the power of the sea like he once hoped he would be able.
However, September was rapidly approaching and Percy would soon have to return to school, meaning he would not get to see you nearly as often, which certainly put a damper on what was already a terrible week leading up to the start of the wretched school year.
And so, he resolved that the two of you would talk every day until he had to leave. He didn't care that he had progressed past the point of needing your help anymore, he just wanted to be in your presence for however much longer possible.
It was nearly instinct at this point for Percy to call your name out into the sea, and he was not one to fight it.
"Good to see you, Percy. But as I'm sure you're fully aware, you do not need my tutoring anymore. Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, but I do believe that you've even surpassed me, and that doesn't come as a surprise," you praise.
"I don't know about that, but I am pretty cool now," he says jokingly.
You smile. "But uh, I didn't call you for practice, I just thought that, uh, that maybe we could just hang out, y'know? I mean you did help me a lot, so I figure why not give you some company outside of all those old people or whatever back at the palace," Percy admits.
"That doesn't sound horrible. You are quite interesting, I would like to get to know you more as well. And yes, I could use some time away from my fellow Nereids at the palace," you sheepishly say.
"That's what I thought. Hey, by the way, you never told me who your parents were. You know who my dad and mom are, but I don't know either of yours."
"Ah, my mother is a bit more obscure nowadays, as she's not one of the Goddesses that the Greeks traditionally worship as they do the Olympians. She is a water nymph, but also a Goddess, and unfortunately is no longer worshipped in the same proportion as she was in Ancient Greece," you sadly explain.
"Huh, that's pretty cool. I mean, not the part that she's not really worshipped anymore, but the part of her being a nymph and a Goddess. Um, anyways, do you ever talk to my dad?"
"Occasionally, your father will ask me to accompany him or to do various tasks. He is a kind man, I do like his presence, if that is what you were trying to get at."
"That's good. I've only talked to him a few times, but I figured he was a nice guy," Percy grins, "Do you ever get to talk to your mom?"
"Yes, my mother, Thetis, and I are quite close. She lives in the palace with me."
"Wow, I'll be honest, I'm kinda jealous. I mean, I think my dad is cool, and I know he's like a big shot Olympian and whatever, but I think it'd be nice if we could actually talk in person and bond or whatever," he admits.
"Yes, I understand. It must be hard, but for the majority of the year, you have your mother, yes? Or are you a year-round camper?"
"Yeah, you're right. I do have my mom for most of the year, so it's worth it. She's the best," he cheers up at the mention of his mother.
"I figured you would say that. She raised you well. You are much kinder than some of the campers here, but I suppose that is not their fault."
"Nah, it's not. It is what it is sometimes."
You nod, and the conversation flows smoothly on.
𓂃 𓈒𓏸
Today was the last day that Percy would be at camp, since his mother was picking him up later that day after lunch.
He decided that since he only had a few hours left at camp for the summer, he would spend them with the person he now considered one of his closest friends, even though he'd only really known you for a few months at this point.
When he called your name, you appeared almost instantly.
"Hey, Percy," you said, grinning.
"Switching up the greeting today?"
"I suppose since today was your last day here, I would start trying to speak like you and perhaps by the time you came back from school, I would speak more 'naturally,' as you put it."
"Huh, the way you talk doesn't actually bother me, y'know."
"That may be true, but I would like to learn to speak more modernly anyhow."
"If you want to, go for it. But uh, I thought maybe we could do that thing, it's called like, Iris messaging or something? With the drachmas? Then we could keep in touch while I'm at school, too," Percy says nervously.
"That does sound like a good idea. Now that we're friends, I think it would be optimal that we spoke frequently and updated each other on our lives. Good thinking."
He chuckled. "Good, good. I, uh, also wanted to say that... well, I think you're really pretty, and I thought maybe next summer, we could, uh, maybe go on a date or something. I don't know if you feel the same way, but if you do and you do want to, that would be pretty cool," he rambles, interrupted by the foreign feeling of your lips on his.
After a few moments, you detach your mouth from his. "Was that, uh, alright?" You quietly ask.
"Yeah, jeez, that was way better than alright. That was perfect," he says, a deep red adorning his cheeks.
"That is excellent to hear," you say, smiling wider than you'd ever in your life.
"Well, I need to go to lunch, and uh, then my mom is picking me up. I'll Iris message you as soon as I get home, okay? So make sure you're ready."
"See you tonight, Percy," you happily state, dissolving back into the water as quickly as you had appeared.
He stares into the beautiful clear water for a bit before he walks away, unaware that you had appeared again and were watching him walk away, a look of adoration decorating your features.
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bittersweetresilience · 11 months
something i haven't seen a lot of people talk about before is that commenting actually INCREASES my appreciation for a fic. i'm the kind of person who reads constantly and tag browses and is subscribed to a billion authors so i often find myself in a sort of consumption fugue state where i'm theoretically enjoying my time but really am just kind of scrolling transiently through walls of words. but commenting is taking a mental step back from that state to actually consider a fic and give myself space to feel things about it and appreciate what i love about it, picking up on small details i might have otherwise missed, sort of like a gratitude journal or mindfulness practice and we all know what the science says about that 💕
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lovelettersfromluna · 3 months
Not Strong Enough
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Summary: Rule number 1 of being best friends with a vampire. Never let them drink your blood.
an: I HEAR YOU ALL YELLING AT ME IM SORRY!! This took entirely too long to get to you guys, but it’s here now! Better late than never right?? Is this heavily inspired by twilight? Yes. Did I use a BoyGenius song as the title? It’s lesbian smut, obviously. Is Ellie going to be a brooding depressed vampire? Oh hell yeah. I hope you all like this! I’m a slut for anything supernatural so this was obvi very fun for me to write. As always, love you all so so much! Thanks for reading 🤍
Warnings: SMUT!!, MDNI!!, scissoring (if ur mad I’m doing another scissoring fic….idk what to tell you it’s hot), messy kissing, Ellie bites reader (outside of blood sucking), mentions of marking, mentions of bruises, mentions of blood, Ellie is kind of insufferable for a small bit but I promise it gets better, please lmk if I missed anything!
Read part 1 here!!
Ellie knew it was a bad idea from the very beginning.
She knew that she was too weak for you, even outside of sucking your blood. You were too fucking good for her, too much of a dream for Ellie to go and fuck up like she did.
Truth be told, Ellie expected all of it. She expected to get utterly addicted to you, she expected the blurred lines of your relationship to become even more blurred when she began sucking you dry of your life source, she even expected herself to lose control when she was in the act, humping and grinding your soft body like a wild fucking animal as if she had no control over herself.
She expected all of it, every single aspect that came with the territory, she knew was coming.
But the hardest part of it all? Was leaving you completely.
Because she knew the moment she felt herself lose control while she was on top of you that night in your apartment, she knew she needed to leave you. She needed to abandon you and your friendship for the greater good, for your sake.
Ellie knew that she wasn’t good for you, and you weren’t good for her. But that didn’t make the pain of not seeing you any less.
She thought she’d be able to do it at first, but the texts from you only reminded her of how much she loved your company, how obsessed she was with simply being around you.
She wound frown every time her phone went off, a low groan leaving her lips when she lifted it up to look at her screen, only to see it was from you.
Where are you?
Haven’t seen u in the longest :((
Ellie can practically hear your pout in the way you text her. She knows you too well, and she knows that you aren’t handling her sudden disappearance well.
At this point, it’s been about two months since Ellie has seen you last? Maybe three? She stopped keeping count because it was driving her insane. It wasn’t even the blood supply that she missed, Ellie would go hungry ten times over, dying from starvation if it meant she could be around you without feeling she was robbing you of your life, ruining things that you were meant to experience because she was too fucking selfish.
Ellie misses you, and it pains her that she hasn’t been able to have you in so long.
Well…not entirely at least. She knew she’d lose her mind entirely if she couldn’t at least be around you for a few moments, so her usual nighttime visits become a bit more frequent when she decides she can’t be around you anymore. She’s a lot more careful when she does it though, knowing how sensitive you were to her presence. It was almost unbelievable how easily you’d woken up to her in your room in the past. She doesn’t know how she’d explain things if you woke up now, not having seen her in so long. So she’s extra aware of how much noise she makes.
Seeing you sleep is almost enough to keep Ellie’s demons at bay, the ones that screamed for you, yearned for you to be by her side, to have your warm skin pressed against her much colder one.
As per usual, she’s scaling up the brick wall of your apartment building, making her way up to your bedroom like thief in the night. You continue to leave your window open every night, and it breaks Ellie’s heart because she knows you’re doing it for her, most likely hoping she slips into your window as she usually does.
It means Ellie needs to be even more careful than she anticipated.
She doesn’t even dare to sit on your bed, standing in the corner of your room as she watches your chest rise and fall. She doesn’t even breathe, scared that the sound of it will wake you.
And she desperately wants to reach out and let her fingers run along your soft skin, desperate for the feeling that you always brought her when you’re near. It makes her fists balk at her sides as she practically itches to feel you, fighting back any and every thought that she had to touch you, if even for a moment.
But she doesn’t. Instead, he stays with you just before the sun rises. She knows it’s risky, and she knows she shouldn’t do it in the event that you wake up and see her. Even if she’s fast enough to dart out of your room before you can even call her name or turn the lights on, you’re too smart for that. You’d know what was happening before she can even begin to gaslight you into thinking it was simply a dream.
She can’t help herself, not when it comes to you. Seeing you sleep satisfies the burning feeling in her chest, the one that yearns so desperately for you, it’s enough to make her knees weak. It’s almost like you’re capable of evoking the same feelings she had when she was a human, when she was weak and stupid and felt nervous around women. Until you showed up, Ellie hadn’t experienced those feelings in a long time, she’d almost forgotten about them.
You always remind her though.
Like when she’s about to leave you, knowing she’s cutting it too close to the time you’re going to wake up and start your day. Her footsteps are practically silence, even against the old, creaky floorboards of your apartment.
She’s almost out of your window, one leg outside as she plants her foot against the fire escape when she hears it. You began mumbling in your sleep, tossing a bit, clearly bothered by whatever dream you were having. While this should’ve been the clearest sign for Ellie to leave as quickly as possible before your eyes opened a bit to see her, she doesn’t. Instead, she stays sat on your window sill, simply watching as you turn to face her, eyes still closed as you pout in your sleep.
If Ellie had a heart that was still beating, she’s sure it would’ve stopped. Because suddenly your mumbling is just clear enough for her to hear.
“Ellie….” You sigh out softly, barely loud enough for the undead girl to hear, but she does. Regardless of the city waking up below her, or the sound of your ceiling fan creaking about, she hears it. It makes her frown deeply, swallowing back the intense whimper that threatens to escape and echo throughout your room.
She isn’t sure if she’s ever left your room so quickly, the girls eyes going wide as she made the familiar path down the side of your building to your side walk.
Even when she got home that night, the vampire practically breaking the front door down of her apartment to get in, she couldn’t get the sound of your voice uttering her name so sweetly, calling out for her even in the depths of sleep that you were in, tugged so deeply by your dreams, you were still calling out for her.
Ellie knew that night, that she had to stay away from her. For both your sake, and her own.
And she’s right, because you were suffering just as much as Ellie was.
Ellie’s presence was always scarce, and while it bothered you a bit before you learned what she was, it made sense. She was a creature of the night, something that seemingly only existed in storybooks, coming to life and living the strange lifestyle that she did.
But you knew immediately that this was different.
The morning after you saw Ellie last left a bitter taste in your mouth. As you woke up that morning, your neck sore with the bruises of Ellie’s lips on your skin, body far too drained and tired even after a night of a sleep that was just a bit too deep. It was similar to almost all the times Ellie had drank from you the night prior.
So, why did you feel so bad that morning?
You knew that you didn’t owe Ellie anything, that you were the one to suggest this in the first place, so there truly wasn’t any room for you to be upset for reasons unknown. What were you even supposed to say to her? That you had a weird feeling? One that you desperately wanted her to relieve by telling you it was all okay?
As much as you wanted to, you knew things between you and Ellie weren’t like that.
You were her friend. You were just her friend, and as much as you wanted more, you knew deep down that if Ellie truly wanted you that way, she would’ve made you she’s a long time ago.
And maybe that’s what bothers you the most when this little dry spell occurs, because the sudden lack of her presence leaves you entirely too much time to dwell on things, wondering what it was that you did wrong, what you could have possibly said to create this sudden rift between the two of you.
Ellie had always been flirtatious, flashing that pretty smile in your direction that made you weak in the knees, calling you sweet names that made your heart beat faster. She was practically dangling it all right in front of your face, the frequent touches, the late night visits at the foot of your bed, all this time when you have her the benefit of the doubt, chalking it all up to her simply wanting to see you and nothing more than that, suddenly made no sense to you.
With time came confusion, and with confusion came anger, desperate to understand why she left you, what you had done to possibly make her so scarce so suddenly. And once the third month had hit without seeing Ellie, you were furious, feeling as though you had one choice and one choice only.
To find Ellie, and get the answers from her yourself.
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You don’t go to Ellie’s apartment, not usually at least.
Ellie always told you she liked hanging out at your place, going on and on about how warm and cozy it was being there. She’d never admit it to you because she didn’t want you to think she was a freak, but being in a place that smelled so heavily like you made her brain go absolutely insane.
You’ve been there maybe a handful of times, sometimes heading to her place after a night out, or even stopping by whenever you were in the neighborhood. Bottom line was, your apartment was the designated hang out spot for you and Ellie.
Regardless though, you remember how to get there like it’s written on the back of your hand. You thought about Ellie’s apartment a lot, loving how much the space reflected her. You always wished you had the chance to stay there more often.
You can’t think about that though, not now. Not when you’re storming down the expensive halls of her complex down to her door, and landing a heavy fist on the door. All you can truly care about now, is seeing Ellie and demanding an explanation for her sudden disappearance.
And it’s all so unlike you, so out of your character. If it was anyone else, you’d let it go, giving yourself a few days to sulk before forgetting about it all together and simply moving on. Maybe it’s because it’s Ellie, and maybe it’s because you feel a tad bit used after being her personal buffet for the last few times you’d been around her, just for her to up and leave.
It’s most definitely that. You just don’t want to admit it in fears of sounding selfish.
You land another firm knock on her door when she doesn’t answer in time, feeling yourself grow angrier as the moments pass.
Soon, she’s finally opening the door. The image of her nearly takes your breath away.
Because Ellie always looks beautiful, perhaps it’s the fact that you haven’t seen her in some time, but she looks fucking ethereal standing before you. So tall, so confident, her eyes so fucking dark, piercing through your very soul as she stares down at you. Her lips look like rubies compared to her cold, pale skin, so plump and kissable.
All you can think about is the way they felt pressed against your throat, and it makes you lift your hand to press against the two small circular scars on your neck.
Ellie frowns deeply as she eyes you, eyebrows furrowed and expression virtually unreadable.
“What are you doing here” she mumbles out, shifting on her feet awkwardly. Her question alone sets the fire off in your chest again, making you seethe as you take a deep inhale before responding.
“Are you kidding me Ellie?” You practically spit out, staring up at the girl in disbelief.
She lets out a soft sigh, her tattooed hand coming up to rub her face roughly before it moves up to rub through her hair.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” she manages before she tries shutting her door in your face. “You can’t be here” she mumbles out softly, the girl fully expecting to be able to shut the door.
You however, have other plans.
You’re quick to press your hand against the door, stopping her from closing it before you practically force yourself between it. Ellie’s eyes widen a bit at this, not used to seeing you so forward.
Soon, you’re pushing yourself into her apartment, your palm pressing against your forehead as you began pacing back and forth Ellie’s lavish apartment.
“I don’t…I don’t understand you Ellie. Is it something I said? Did I do something? If so please enlighten me I beg you” you blurt out, all of the words fumbling out of your mouth in one breath.
Ellie frowns deeply as she watches you pace back and forth her apartment, her eyebrows furrowed. She can truly see the damaged shes caused when she sees you like this, because it was much easier to watch you when you slept, so peaceful and unaware of the troubles that came with her absence. She knew you were going to blame yourself, and as much as she knew she couldn’t allow you to do that to yourself, she knew staying away was even more important.
Seeing you like this was possibly the hardest thing Ellie had to ever endure.
You don’t stop there, taking advantage of the lack of a response from Ellie to continue ranting.
“Is it because of the blood thing? If so I’m sorry. I am so fucking sorry for simply caring enough to make sure you didn’t die from starvation or whatever it is that happens to you when you don’t eat. I’m sorry for making sure that you were okay, if that was so wrong please tell me…” your words trail off as you let out an exasperated sigh, your feelings and emotions becoming far too much as you practically sob out to her.
But then you’re pausing, your chest rising and falling quickly as you struggle to catch your breath. Ellie isn’t entirely sure why you’ve suddenly stopped, your back towards her as you stand there, doing god knows what.
When you finally turn around, your eyes are red and your cheeks are wet with tears.
“Were you just….using me? As your personal fucking blood bag?” Your words are shaky as you hold back another sob, your fists balled down at your sides.
Ellie freezes when you say this, because this is exactly what she was fucking afraid of.
It was a common theme throughout…her people. Vampires were notoriously alluring, seducing countless innocent and clueless victims into being their personal meal. The humans were almost always oblivious to what was being done to them, vampires often times using this to their advantage to keep them under their spell for as long as possible. It would most commonly been done in a way that made the humans believe the vampires loved them, dangling them by a thread as they promised them a life of eternity together, to live in immortality, side by side until the end of times. It almost never ended that way though, the vampires would suck and suck and suck until one day they went a bit too far, and their obedient human keeled over and died.
Ellie never wanted things to be that way with you.
She never even wanted you to think it was that way. She wanted you to understand that this was entirely up to you, and it could stop whenever you wanted it to. It’s why she constantly voiced to you that this was still a factor right before she fed off of you. Ellie would rather die than use you for a source of food, because truthfully you were far too good for that, too fucking pure to be used as something as low as a food source.
So when the words leave your lips, Ellie sees red.
Shes in front of you in less than a second, towering over you and staring down into your tear soaked eyes. Her nostrils are flared as she tries to hold back from tearing down her entire apartment complex around the both of you.
“You can’t possibly be stupid enough to think I’d ever use you for something so low..” her voice is low, and there’s a gravel in it that makes your core tighten and your chest bloom with something you can’t quite place, a feeling that can only be shelved in your mind right next to where Ellie takes place.
You don’t hack one, hot tears continuing to spill from your eyes as you stare at her with furrowed eyebrows.
“It makes sense….get your fix and then leave me like I’m nothing…this was probably your plan all along” you grit out.
Ellie licks her lips, knowing that you’re hurting just as much as she is, and your words are simply coming from a place of confusion, desperate to understand why she did what she did to you, why she left without a trace.
She leans in, her face a mere inches from yours. You can smell her minty breath wafting onto your face, and it’s bizarre because even that has a slight chill to it. It makes your cheeks cold, and it makes you want to reach out and warm her up.
“I would rather die a million deaths before using you for that…you and I both know this” she seethes out.
And it makes you whimper, because Ellie’s always been so fucking intense, so poetic. It makes your insides flip upside down, and your eyebrows knit together as you struggle to hold back a whimper.
Your features soften as you continue to cry in front of her. “Then why did you leave me…” you whisper out to the girl.
It breaks her heart how desperate you are for this. Not even for her, but simply for answers. All you want is to understand why she left, what you did to make her abruptly disappear without a single word.
Ellie’s eyes flutter shut for a moment, her pink tongue darting out to lick her plush lips before she finally speaks.
“I’ve never…been so weak for someone…in my entire life” she breaths out.
It surely isn’t what you’re expecting her to say. You think she’s going to say she’s gotten enough of you, or she just couldn’t handle having someone like you around. Hell, you were even beginning to think she was trying to cover up all her roots here and start somewhere else.
“I always have been…from the moment I fucking laid eyes on you, I knew you weren’t good for me…you’re too good for me” she continues, her eyes fluttering open as she finally stares down into yours. You can finally look into yours as you blink away the tears that are pooling in your eyes and blurring your vision, and it allows you to see the pain in her eyes, just how much she’d been struggling with all of this.
“It isn’t even your blood…it made it worse, yes…but just being around you is like…it’s like a fucking drug to me. You give me this feeling that I can’t…I can’t even begin to describe how fucking euphoric you make me feel” each of her words sounds like a plea, a plea for you to let her go, to unhand her from the death grip you have on her.
“And suddenly I’m always in your apartment, and you’re offering yourself to me and it’s like a dream come true and I feel like a fucking monster when I’m on top of you, sucking you dry of your fucking blood” it’s her turn to start pacing, running her hands through her hair as she settles one of her hands on her hip, she moves slower than you were, simply voicing the struggles she’s seemed to have with you from the moment you met.
She finally turns towards you, and she’s slowing make her way to where you’ve been standing this entire time. When she’s right back where she was, stood right in front of you, she takes your hand into hers ever so gently. It’s enough to make you flinch, how cold she is in contrast to your hot skin. She sighs, bringing your hand up to cradle her cheek, and her eyes flutter shut, nearly rolling back as she presses a soft kiss to your palm.
“I’m not strong enough for you…I don’t think I ever will be” she finally admits, and it’s like she’s not only admitting it to you, but to herself as well.
You hold back a whine as she kisses your palm, her lips so soft, so gentle with you.
“Then…then don’t be…why can’t you just let things happen” you sigh out as you stare up at her, in awe as the girl leaned into your touch as if it were her life line.
You aren’t even entirely sure what you’re asking her for, what this so called ‘thing’ is that she won’t let happen. Is it the feeding you’re alluding to? An act of true platonic kindness? Or are you asking for more, are you begging for something that Ellie has deprived you both of for the sake of the greater good?
Both you and Ellie have these same questions running through your minds.
She chuckles dryly against your skin, shaking her head as her hand gives your wrists a gentle squeeze.
“You aren’t even sure what it is you’re asking for…not from someone like me” she admits, eyes opening as she finally looks down at you again.
“I can’t…give you the things you deserve. I’m not capable of being the perfect person for you, not when I am what I am” her words are like venom on her tongue, the girl utterly disgusted with the monster that she became against her own will, the hell that she was forced to live over and over again with no foreseeable end.
“The only thing I can do, is take from you…I take and take and take….” Her words trail off, a soft frown on her lips before she finally looks at you once again.
“Until I’ve taken everything that you have…and there is no more of you to offer” she whispers out, as if the mere thought of a world without you pains her so much to say, she barely wants to say it.
You lick your lips, your eyes searching hers before you quickly shake your head.
“Do you want me? The same way that I want you?” You question carefully, fearful of what it is that she might say, worried that you’d been reading things entirely wrong, even after Ellie basically confessed how utterly obsessed she is with you.
She smirks softly, humming lowly as she gently brings your hand down to her lips, pressing another gentle kiss to it.
“It’s like I’ve waited my entire life for you, baby….saying that I want you would be an understatement” she chuckles out softly.
And you aren’t entirely sure how it even gets to this point, because you marched over to Ellie’s apartment with a purpose, that purpose being to yell at her and get the answers you deserved. But suddenly you’re standing in front of her, and your heart is exploding with so many different emotions and feelings, all of them for Ellie, and she’s just confessed to you that she wants you like you want her.
And you have no choice, but to kiss her.
It catches Ellie off guard, a soft whine leaving her lips as accepts your lips with gratitude, her arms moving down to drape along your waist as she pulls you closer.
It’s everything she’s ever dreamt it would be. Your lips soft and sweet against her own, your skin so warm and inviting, making her drink you up, fueling her with the warmth she’s lacked since the day she died. But despite how good it feels, she knows this is wrong, and it goes against everything she said she’d do for your sake.
Ellie breaks way first, watching as you struggle to catch your breath from the intense kiss. She’s quick to stop you from leaning in again, her hand cupping your face as she stares into your eyes.
“Angel…we can’t…I told you, I’m no good for you” she sighs out, the words paining her to even say.
You give her a soft pout, your arms wrapping around her shoulders loosely as you press your warm body against hers.
“I trust you Ellie….I know that you’d never hurt me” you sigh out softly as you stare into her eyes, your hand coming up to tuck a strand of her soft hair behind her ear.
“We don’t have to do the blood thing…but I just…can’t we just give us a try?” Your eyes are wide as you speak, eager to feel Ellie’s lips against yours again, even if for a moment. You don’t even take into consideration that she could say no, that she could turn you around and throw you out of her apartment without another word, doubling down on what she said she’d do with you.
But as Ellie said before, she’s just too fucking weak for you.
And hearing you ask for it, ask for her, it has her stomach in knots, and she feels like no matter what it is you ask her, she couldn’t possibly say no to you.
“What are you doing to me…” she sighs softly before she leans in to kiss you again, reciprocating the passion and heat that you gave her mere moments ago. You whine against her, your hands sliding back to tug at her hair, keeping her close as your lips moves against hers, your warm tongue sliding against hers.
“Missed you so much…” you sigh against her, and it makes Ellie groan softly as she nods, hands sliding down to grip your waist as she walks you back towards her bedroom, lips never leaving yours.
“Missed you more than anything, angel” she mumbles against your lips as she presses her palm against her bedroom door behind you, pushing it open and leading you further inside.
Ellie’s bedroom smells like her. It’s dark, and cold but oh so comforting. You practically sigh against her lips when you feel her laying your body down against her black silk sheets, the expensive material like butter on your skin. It makes your senses go in overdrive, Ellie’s hands caressing your skin, roaming around your body as her tongue rubs against yours in a dirty, passionate kiss.
“Don’t know how long I’ve waited to have you like this…” she sighs softly, her lips breaking away from yours to kiss along your jaw, down to your throat. You don’t miss the way Ellie kisses the now faded marks of her teeth on your neck, licking the skin softly before she sucks into it, sure to leave dark marks in the morning.
“Missed marking you up baby….” She hums against you, drinking in the sweet moans that leave your mouth, the sound alone like music to her ears.
Your mind is fuzzy, almost blank besides the thoughts of Ellie that stood in the forefront of your brain. It was like she was filling you up entirely, making you almost overwhelmed with her. Her scent, her cold skin, her soft hands, all of it was almost too much, a combination of sensory overload that kissed your skin so deliciously.
Soon she’s kissing down your body, practically worshiping her as her lips work on your soft skin. Her hands are pushing up your t-shirt, kissing your stomach and your ribcage until she’s tugging you up a bit to skillfully slip your shirt over your head. You’re bare before her, her lips matching onto your pebbled nipples as her tattooed hands work on your soft shorts, tugging them down your legs.
You don’t miss the way her tongue swirls around your nipple before letting go with a pop, lips moving up to nip at your collar bone with her flat teeth. Hard enough to leave a mark, but gentle enough to not break skin.
You giggle softly, bending your legs back to help as she tugs your shorts and panties off. She’s slotting herself between your legs, humming softly as she gives you a smirk.
“Something funny baby?” She questions before leaning in to press another kiss to the corner of your lips. You nod, a dreamy smile on your lips as you bring your hand down to tug at the hem of Ellie’s t-shirt.
“Seems like old habits never die, that’s all….need this off” you huff out softly, fingers fumbling between the hem of her t shirt and the waistband of her sweats.
Ellie chuckles at how eager you are before she nods, pulling back to tug her shirt off before she rolls over a bit to pull off her sweats and underwear as well before she makes her way back between your legs, towering over you as she crawls into you like a predator would its prey.
And it leaves your pussy soaking wet, because it’s better than you could’ve ever imagined. Ellie’s tits are pebbled similarly to yours, tattoos littering her pretty skin, muscles so beautiful they could make your mouth fucking water.
You’d always seen Ellie for the beauty she possessed…but this? This was so much more different.
It made your head fucking spin.
You whined softly as you practically tug her into her by her shoulders, moaning softly at the feeling of her boobs squishing against yours as your mouth attacks her in a needy kiss.
“Want you…” you sigh softly against her as your hand slides down between the both of you, cupping her pussy. You feel Ellie suck in a sharp breath at the feeling of your warm fingers against her sopping wet core, and she gives you an eager nod before rolling over, her strong hands gripping your thighs and taking you with her as she forces you to straddle her.
Being on top of Ellie is just as good as being under her, almost better in all honesty. The lighting in her bedroom is dim, but you can just make out her features with the moonlight that spills in through her big windows, and the moody lights she has set up along her walls. You don’t even realize it because you’re too busy gawking at her, but she lifts her leg up a bit and easily slots you down so that your pussy is right against hers, the feeling making you moan softly.
“You’re so pretty Ellie…” you practically sigh out. It makes Ellie moan softly, and she swears the sound of you calling her pretty is enough to bring her back to life, reversing the effects of her undead state.
“Fuck…can’t say those things to me baby…you’re gonna…Jesus..ruin me” she struggles to get out as she grips your hips, forcing you to roll your hips so that your clit and her clit bumps against each other.
Your eyes flutter shut when you feel it. It’s so fucking wet, and soft, and it’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before. Sure you’d done it with other girls before, but this just feels…it almost feels like….
“Like you were fucking made for me princess” Ellie grits out, her teeth caging her words in as she fucks you down onto her pussy, practically using you for both hers and your pleasure.
You’re too far gone to pick up on it, too indulged in the feeling of Ellie’s strong hands gripping your thighs so deliciously, sure to leave marks in their shape when you both wake up in the morning.
Your back is arching almost painfully, your hand gripping her thigh as you find the rhythm Ellie has set for you, finding the perfect spot and keeping it there as you drive both you and her to your orgasms.
“I’m…Ellie you feel so good…you’re gonna make me cum” you squeak out, eyebrows furrowed as you finally look down at the girl beneath you, only to find that she’s just as much of a mess as you are. Her hair is messy and her lips look so pouty and kissable. It’s hard to make out, but her fanged teeth are pressing into her lips, and you’re sure it’s the sexiest thing you’ve seen in your entire life.
She gives you an encouraging nod, one of her hands coming to your ass and kneading it harshly before giving it a firm spank, the sinful noise echoing off the walls of her pristine bedroom.
“I know baby…I know…come on, want you to cum with me…that’s it…that’s my good girl” her praises make your chest burn, and it leaves knots in your stomach. It only drives you further, your hips moving faster as they roll against Ellie’s, desperately chasing both hers and your orgasm.
“Ellie…Ellie I’m…I’m gonna-“ you cry out, back arching as you grip her thighs quickly, feeling your own shake as your orgasm begins washing over you.
Ellie catches it right before it happens, the girl quickly sitting up and wrapping her arms around your body, pressing your chest against hers as she pulls you down to kiss her passionately, her own orgasm washing over her like a fucking train.
Your bodies are so in tune, so in sync that your moans almost mix to create a symphony that can only be described as love, total and unconditional love as her arms keep you close, as if stopping you from running away from her, from the feeling she gives you. Her lips are working against yours as you breath hard, struggling to catch your breath in the sloppy kiss.
You’re a whining mess, your poor pussy far too sensitive to deal with the amount of pleasure that Ellie brought to you, all of it washing over you like an intense sea of euphoria, nearly drowning you as you held onto the girl with weak hands.
She knows you’re weak, because she’s pulling you down to rest your warm body against her cool sheets, all while keeping her cool body pressed against yours to bring you back down to earth with her.
“That’s it baby…I know….did so good for me…” she sighs softly as she leaves gentle kisses against your cheeks and eyes, watching as the aftermath of your orgasm slowly pulls you to the depths of sleep, all of it too much on your body.
“My beautiful girl…my girl…my girl…” she hums out, almost like a song as she watches you cling to her in your sleep, soft hums and huffs leaving your lips, all of which makes Ellie smile adoringly at you as she holds you while you sleep.
And even while you’re settling into one of the deepest sleeps you’ve ever experienced, you don’t miss the soft kisses against your lips and cheeks, all paired with the constant, non stop praises from Ellie.
You especially don’t miss the way she leans in settles against the pillow next to you, mumbling the softest, sweetest words to you as her hands caressing your naked body.
“I love you, pretty girl..”
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Forest Adventures: Exploring New Boundaries [M] — Kim Mingyu
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✧ Because who said camping couldn’t be fun?✧
A camping trip is the last thing on your mind when your husband suggests taking you away for the weekend. But when you suddenly find yourself standing in the middle of the forest, it becomes clear that this is Mingyu’s way of cashing in the bet you made. Just one problem – you absolutely hate camping. So, now it is up to Mingyu to show you just how much fun camping with him can be.
✧ Genre: domestic AU; camping AU; SMUT [18+], fluff, established relationship ♥ Pairing: chubby female!reader x husband!mingyu ✧ Word count: 22.7k+ ✦ Warnings: reader is plus-size with big boobs and a big ass!, ass-man!mingyu, sweet hubsand!mingyu, mention of bugs, reader is terrified of bugs/insects/spiders/etc. (i.e. entomophobia), mentions of alcohol/drinking — pls let me know if I missed any :) ✎ Notes: 1) nsfw warnings under the cut! 2) this is a continuation of my other fic, A (W)Hole New Experience, but you can read this as a stand-alone too :) 3) and yes, I totally wrote this because I hate camping myself and thought it would be fun to write about hehe – and because I love a good outdoor fic *cough ‘F*ck My Thighs’* 4) also, the itinerary is at the end of the fic in case you're curious!! ♕ Shout out: special thanks to bestie @forsythe-lll for always supporting my crazy ideas!! and ofc @wonustars for being my nr1 hype-woman for this fic 🤭 also thank you to @gyuswhore and @cheolism for beta-reading this thing for me ^^ and lastly, thank you to the members of @svthub for helping me brainstorm some ideas for this fic 💜 couldn’t have done it without all of these wonderful people!
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nsfw warnings: big dick!mingyu, soft dom!mingyu, outdoor/public sex, mentions of anal, skinny dipping, spanking, dick sucking, fingering, raw sex (reader is on birth control), squirting, overstimulation, light choking, light food play (pls let me know if I missed any!)
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“Let’s have a ramyeon cook-off.”
The words had left your mouth before you could even properly think it through – courtesy of host Yumi and her endless wine refills that you couldn’t seem to escape from. Not that you wanted to, though. It was the expensive kind of wine that left you with a relaxed and cozy feeling after every sip, something you welcomed after a rather stressful and hectic workweek. However, it also made you a little more impulsive than you normally were, hence your response to your husband’s claim that his ramyeon was the best.
“A cook-off? With me? Right now?” Mingyu asked with a raise of his brow, almost as if he was trying to assess whether you’d been serious.
You grinned and leaned back in your seat, fully aware that everyone in the room had stopped whatever they were doing to hear what you had to say.
“Yes. Unless you’re scared to lose.”
“Scared? No way.” Your husband snorted before a mischievous look took over his features. “Bring it on, baby.”
For a split second, the rational voice in the back of your mind tried to remind you of who you were going up against – aka your husband, the person who cooked most of your meals, the person whose cooking skills were out of this world.
The sudden realization caused a tinge of regret to wash over you, but it was already too late to back out.Because Jeonghan, who’d watched the entire thing unfold, saw his chance and took it before you could try to play it off as a joke.
“I hear you two are in need of a kitchen.”
The older man was quick to jump up from his seat to get himself involved in the matter. It was no surprise, really. He loved chaos, drama, and competitions, so a cook-off starring two of his good friends was a perfect combination of everything.
Mingyu nodded, the corners of his mouth slowly forming into a cocky grin that was meant for you. “You heard it right, Hyung. My wife here thinks she can make better ramyeon than me.”
“I don’t only think I can, I know I can,” you retorted as you imagined how satisfying it would be to wipe that damn smirk off his face.
“Ooh damn, Mingyu. You better watch your back,” Sora giggled from beside you, which earned her a playful glare from the man in question.
“I’m not one to back down from a challenge, especially not when my wife is the one challenging me,” he stated, after which he threw a wink in your direction.
The audacity of this man.
Jeonghan smiled triumphantly and clapped his hands. “Great! Then that’s settled. We’ll have a cook-off.”
Yumi, who was just as excited about the prospect of an impromptu contest as her husband, practically sprinted out of the room while yelling, “I’ll go prepare the stuff!”
No one in the room was even slightly fazed by the woman’s sudden outburst. If you’d learned anything about Yumi, it was that she tended to get super excited about things, which – in combination with a little bit of alcohol – usually resulted in her yelling and jumping all over the place. You were just glad Seokmin and Soonyoung weren’t here to egg her on, because you couldn’t afford any distractions right now.
You needed to win this thing and prove your husband wrong once and for all.
“What about the stakes?”
Everyone turned their attention to Wonwoo, who’d been observing the whole thing quietly while sipping his beer. The man had a point though. What was a contest without a reward?
“Right! That’s the best part,” Sora agreed with her husband.
“Good point. Can’t forget about that now, can we?” Jeonghan teased as he turned back to you and Mingyu, a devilish smirk replacing the grin that had been there just a few seconds ago.
“Well? What’s it going to be?” Sora asked impatiently when neither you nor Mingyu spoke up.
“Yeah, baby. What’s it going to be?” your husband taunted with a raise of his brows.
“The loser grants the winner a wish.”
That pulled a chuckle from Mingyu, who was sitting across from you.
“You sure about that? You know you’re gonna lose right? Might want to choose carefully.”
It took everything in you to remain calm and keep a straight face upon hearing those words, but you managed to catch yourself just in time. The last thing you wanted to do was give Mingyu the satisfaction of seeing the effect his words had on you. He was not getting you today.
Instead, you forced a sweet, narrow-eyed smile as you spoke. “Has no one ever told you that bragging results in bad luck? Might want to think twice before you start acting all cocky.”
“Now where’s the fun in that? Besides, you’re hot when you get all worked up.” Mingyu smirked as he leaned closer, your faces only inches apart.
“You’re insufferable, Kim Mingyu!” you huffed before starting to rise from your seat to avoid his heated gaze. Unfortunately, he anticipated your move and pulled you down into his lap before you could voice your disapproval.
“Am I? You screaming my name every night seems to imply something else though,” he mumbled into your ear as he snaked his arms around your waist.
“Yah!” you hissed, feeling both embarrassed and frustrated with Mingyu for revealing such an intimate detail in a room full of your close friends. However, you couldn’t stop your thighs from clenching ever so slightly, something which your ever-observant husband didn’t fail to miss.
“What was that, baby?” he mused, lowering one of his hands to teasingly squeeze the flesh of your denim-clad thigh with his large hand.
Just as you were about to open your mouth, the feeling of something hitting the side of your head interrupted your train of thought.
“Ow!” you exclaimed, turning your head to see Jeonghan holding a rolled-up newspaper in his right hand, a murderous expression adorning his face.
“Serves you right! No one wants to see you two tango on my couch!”
“It’s just a little warm-up,” Mingyu grumbled as he let you get up. He followed shortly after.
Sora, who was watching the scene with an amused expression, met your gaze and gave you a thumbs up – her way of letting you know that she’d definitely witnessed the little moment between you and your husband. You just shook your head at her, already knowing that you’d be hearing about it during your next girl’s night.
“Are we doing this thing or not?” Jeonghan’s voice sounded, pulling your attention back to the matter at hand. The cook-off.
“Yes,” you and Mingyu responded in unison.
“Then shake on it and let’s go. We don’t have all night and I’m hungry.” Jeonghan looked at the two of you expectantly.
“Mrs. Kim.” Your husband held out his hand.
“Mr. Kim,” you responded, your eyes locking with his dark brown ones as you shook his hand to seal the deal.
With all the formalities finally out of the way, Jeonghan practically pushed the two of you toward the Yoon family’s spacious kitchen, where Yumi had set up a variety of ingredients, pots, pans, and kitchen utensils for you to use.
As the remaining part of your friends piled into the space to watch the spectacle, Mingyu took that opportunity to steal your attention.
“You really think you can beat me, baby?”
You rolled your eyes in response. “Not this again. I can and I will, Gyu.”
“Getting a little too confident, I see,” he snickered, which earned him a glare in return.
“Look who’s talking, Mr. Bragger.”
“At least I brag and win.”
“You w—”
“Alright! You ready?” Jeonghan interrupted your little squabble before it could take off, and it was probably for the best. You knew your husband well enough to know that this was his way of trying to rile you up in the hope you’d get distracted and start making mistakes. It might have worked before, but you weren’t about to let him get his way today.
“Let’s do this,” you said and gave your husband one final look before taking your place behind the enormous kitchen island.
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Thirty minutes later you watched anxiously as Jeonghan collected everyone’s votes.
You’d opted for a rabokki-style dish, which was a mix of Shin ramyun noodles with rice cakes coated in a sweet and spicy sauce, complemented with sausages, fishcakes, and mozzarella cheese to top it off. Mingyu, on the contrary, had gone for a much more simplistic version – Shin ramyun, an egg, mozzarella cheese on top, and some toasted seaweed on the side.
Initially, you’d wanted to go for something basic as well, but then you’d thought about it and decided that with competition as tough as Mingyu, you needed to come up with something fancy if you wanted to have a chance at winning this. But now, as you watched Jeonghan collect the last vote – Wonwoo’s to be precise – you suddenly weren’t so sure if you’d made the right choice.
“Let’s announce the winner!” Yumi jumped excitedly before trying to pull the glass jar from her husband’s hands.
“Careful, honey,” Jeonghan scolded playfully, though he did nothing to stop her from taking the jar.
In the meantime, Mingyu had latched himself onto your side, one of his hands going to your ass as usual.
“Get ready to lose, baby,” he whispered before gently patting your soft buttock.
Your jaw clenched at his taunt, already feeling more than a little annoyed with the man’s overconfidence – it was a trait in your husband you both loved and hated at the same time. At the moment, however, it definitely made him look like a cocky little shit.
“Don’t test me, Gyu.”
You knew he was dying to say something else to get on your nerves, but fortunately, Yumi had just pulled the first piece of paper to call out the first vote.
“Attention everyone! So, the first vote I have here goes to…” te both of you for a second. “Mingyu!”
Your mood instantly soured at that revelation. Of course the first vote had to go to him.
“What was that again, baby?” Your husband squeezed your ass gently, but you refused to look at him because you just knew that he had a big fat smirk on that pretty face of his.
Three more votes to go. You still have a chance, Y/N.
Yumi thrust the glass jar back into Jeonghan’s hands, deciding that it was more convenient to have him hold it while she pulled out the next piece of paper.
“Aaand vote number two goes to…” She smiled before shifting her eyes in your direction, “Y/N!”
“Ha!” you exclaimed, turning your head just in time to spot the look of surprise on Mingyu’s face. “Not so cocky now, huh?”
“That’s just one vote,” he grumbled. It might have been onhe vote, but it was enough to give you a little bit of hope again.
“Next vote,” Yumi announced as she unfolded the third piece of paper. “Goes to… Mingyu!” She shot an apologetic look in your direction.
“Told you,” your husband teased.
You crossed your arms as a frown took over your face. “We could still tie.”
At least, you liked to believe so.
“Alright!” You watched as Yumi took out the final piece of paper and opened it. “The last vote goes to… Mingyu!”
As soon as your husband’s name had left her mouth, Wonwoo and Jeonghan started cheering for their friend, walking up to him to congratulate him while you could only sigh in frustration. Mingyu had won fair and square – you knew that – but you couldn’t help but let that fact make you feel even more disappointed in yourself for losing the bet.
You’d been so confident that today was going to be the day you beat your cocky husband at his own game. But now you just felt stupid for assuming that victory would be yours for once.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I tried.” Yumi’s lips were formed into a pout as she approached you.
You shook your head, offering her a small smile. “It’s not your fault, Yumi. Thanks for having my back as always though.”
“Not that it makes anything better, but I did actually prefer your dish over Mingyu’s. Unlike a certain someone…” Her eyes drifted in Sora’s direction. Said woman was trying to sneak out of the kitchen in the hope no one would notice, but you and Yumi had caught her right in the act.
“Sora, you traitor!” you called, which made her freeze for a second before she hit you with the puppy face.
“I’m sorry, Y/N! I just wanted to be honest. Please don’t be mad!” she begged.
“Yeah, don’t be so hard on her, baby,” your husband’s voice sounded in your ear, after which you felt his arms wrap around your waist from behind. “I’m just that good.”
Your jaw clenched at his taunt. “How good can it actually be, though? You just made some simple ass ramyeon.”
“Why don’t you have some and tell me before you start doubting me?” Mingyu chuckled and squeezed your side.
“Fine, let’s have it,” you grumbled and leaned forward to pull the pan containing Mingyu’s ramyeon closer so you could have a proper taste. Yumi handed you a pair of chopsticks, which you used to shove a good amount of noodles into your mouth.
“Well?” Jeonghan asked from beside you, which made you realize that everyone had quieted down to listen to your verdict. “Good enough for you to accept your defeat?”
“It’s… decent,” you mumbled after swallowing the bite of food. That was definitely a lie. It was freaking delicious, but you weren’t about to say that out loud and feed your husband’s already huge ego even further.
“Well, it just so happens that the majority of our friends preferred my decent ramyeon over yours, which means you owe me a wish, baby,” Mingyu said before he kissed your cheek.
“Don’t remind me,” you groaned, throwing your head back against his shoulder. “Just tell me what you want already.”
“I’ll keep it a surprise for now. You’ll know when you need to know.”
“I don’t like the sound of that,” you responded, twisting your head to look at him.
Mingyu just grinned, his eyes sparkling with joy as he shrugged. “Hmm, sucks to be you then.”
“I guess it does,” you sighed, wondering just how bad it could actually be.
Little did you know that in only a few weeks’ time, you’d find out just how horrible of a punishment your husband had in store for you.
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This was bad. Really bad.
You were pretty sure that you were experiencing a real-life nightmare because you were definitely not standing in this huge ass forest right now – although the sight of your husband’s shit-eating grin told you something completely different, something you’d not at all been prepared for.
“Kim Mingyu, this better be a damn joke or I swear you will be sleeping on the couch for a week.”
“What happened to being excited to go on a trip with me?!” your husband exclaimed with wide eyes, clearly surprised by your sudden threat.
“Exactly! A trip. One where we rent a hotel room or an apartment with a comfy bed and a proper bathroom. Not one where we sleep on the goddamn forest floor!” you nearly cried as your eyes scanned the trees and bushes surrounding the two of you.
The light rustling of leaves here and there sent shivers up your spine as you imagined what kind of terrifying creatures could be hiding in there. You’d never been a fan of bugs, so being here, in the middle of the forest where they were no doubt crawling all over the place, definitely didn’t do your sanity any good.
Mingyu was very much aware of your little phobia. At least, until this moment that’s what you thought. Either he had mysteriously forgotten about it, or this was his way of pulling a prank just to get a reaction out of you. You doubted it was the first option, so you settled on the second one. Because you didn’t want to believe that your sweet husband, the one who always wanted nothing but the best for you, was really this cruel to put you through a full weekend of camping when he was well aware that this was the last thing you wanted to do.
But, upon hearing the words that left his mouth in the next moment, that little bit of hope you had started to crumble right in front of your eyes.
“You lost the bet, baby. And if I recall correctly, we decided that the loser will have to agree with whatever the winner wants,” your husband pointed out as he wrapped a comforting arm around your shoulder.
Your body automatically stilled in response, everything suddenly falling into place. So that’s what this was all about.
That stupid ramyeon contest you had suggested.
Looking back on it now, you just wanted to laugh at yourself for even thinking that you could have stood a chance against the Kim Mingyu. He was the better cook out of the two of you after all – something you should have known with you being his wife – so why did you have to open your big mouth and shoot yourself in the foot with that bet?
You definitely blamed it on the liquid courage of that night. There was just no way you would have suggested such a thing if you had been sober. Sober you knew damn well that no one had ever managed to beat your husband in a cook-off. Those who had tried had failed miserably, so what the hell had possessed you that night? The whole thing had literally been doomed from the start.
It had been nothing but a moment of weakness, and right now, especially right now, you regretted it more than ever.
If you were honest, you had fully expected him to use his win as an opportunity to get you to do a striptease for him – a thing he had been begging for for a few weeks now. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to – because you were more than happy to do it – but you had wanted to save it for a special occasion. Though at this moment, you weren’t even sure whether he was ever going to receive that striptease.Because this? This certainly wasn’t it.
To say that you had been blindsided by his idea of a ‘fun trip’ was still putting it mildly. And the worst part was that you didn’t even have a say in the matter – a deal was a deal and that was that. Besides, you were pretty sure that your husband would never let you live it down if you tried to get out of it. You hadn’t forgotten about that time he made you eat a plate of escargots, all because you had refused to do a week of morning runs with him in the aftermath of another bet you’d lost – you really needed to stop making bets with your husband.
That memory alone was enough to make you think twice about stealing the keys and making a run for the car. Still, that didn’t mean that you couldn’t at least try to convince your husband that it wasn’t too late to change your plans. Yes, that’s how desperate you were.
“I’m aware of the rules we established, but… but you know I hate camping, especially the bugs that come with it. Why would you do this to me? Just why, Mingyu?” you whined, a small pout adorning your lips as you looked at the man beside you.
“Trust me, baby. I’m gonna make it worth your while,” he assured you before gently tapping at your pouty bottom lip. He thought you looked absolutely adorable trying to get out of it. And although he hated to see you upset, he couldn’t help but enjoy it a little bit… maybe a little too much.
“You can make it worth my while by taking me to a nice hotel. Doesn’t that sound much better than this, hmm?”
Mingyu chuckled as he leaned in to kiss your cheek, “You’re not getting out of this,” he whispered, which was followed by a soft whine of defeat from your side. “You gotta try to explore new things. And what better way to do that with me, your husband?”
“I’m pretty open to anything but this. Do you seriously want me to sleep in a tent with you while we’re in the middle of nowhere? There are bugs everywhere! And what about snakes? Have you even thought of that?”
Mingyu playfully rolled his eyes at your dramatic display. “You haven’t even tried, baby,” he stated before his lips morphed into a devious smirk. “Besides, just a few weeks ago you thought you weren’t into anal either, but look at you now. You can’t get enough of my cock in your ass.” He winked and lowered his arms to grab two handfuls of your plump ass.
“Shut up, Gyu,” you whined, trying to wiggle out of his grip. Despite the slim chance of you encountering another human being in the middle of the forest, you still felt at least a little embarrassed about your husband’s sudden show of affection. “That’s totally different and you know it.”
“Is it though? It’s just something unfamiliar right now. But who knows? You might like it more than you think.”
“I hate you,” you groaned, leaning your forehead against his chest as you thought it over. Technically he was right. You had never even given it a shot, so why was it so hard to just suck it up for a few days?
Mingyu laughed and gently put one of his hands underneath your chin to get you to look at him. “No, you don’t. You love me.”
“After today, I’m not so sure anymore,” you mumbled, your lips shaping into yet another dramatic pout.
“At least promise me you’ll try. Please, baby. You owe me that much at least.”
You sighed deeply, still not entirely having convinced yourself. “I don’t know, Gyu.”
“I could always make you another plate of snails,” he teased, pinching your squishy cheeks in between his fingers.
Your eyes widened at the threat, your body tensing up at the same time as you immediately recalled the awful taste of the dish he’d prepared.
“Oh, hell no!” There was no way you were going to relive that shit again.
“Just kidding,” your husband grinned, leaning in to softly peck your lips. “I was actually going to suggest taking you on a proper trip next month.”
That immediately got your attention, the threat he’d just made already long forgotten at the prospect of a more ‘luxurious’ trip in the near future.
“You would?” Mingyu hummed in response, his dark brown orbs sparkling as he looked at you with adoration. “Ugh, I guess I can’t say no to that. It’s not like you’re going to let me leave anyway,” you finally sighed, accepting defeat. The only way you were going to get through this was to accept your fate and try to enjoy it.
“You know me so well, baby.” Your husband smirked triumphantly.
“But if I die out here, I swear to god I will haunt you for the rest of your life,” you warned, jabbing your index finger into his toned chest.
He was quick to catch your finger and lifted it to place a gentle kiss on it. “As if I would ever let anything happen to my queen.”
“You better keep that promise, Kim Mingyu.”
“Trust me, baby. You won’t regret this.”
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With your camping adventure now officially confirmed, Mingyu was quick to drag you back to the car, where he opened the trunk to reveal all the stuff he’d been hiding from you up till now. No wonder he’d told you to take a long nap while he went to load up the car.
“So, you really thought of everything, didn’t you?” you mused as your eyes scanned the equipment. Despite everything having been stacked meticulously, you could spot the outlines of a tent, as well as some camping chairs, two sleeping bags, and a crate full of what you guessed were snacks at the top of the huge stack.
“Yep,” Mingyu smirked as he started unloading the overfull car.
“Can’t believe I didn’t see it coming,” you muttered, watching in amazement as your husband pulled various bags, coolers, and boxes out of your shared SUV. “How did you even manage to keep this all a secret?”
“Believe me, it wasn’t easy with you being around the whole time. But then again, I’m just that good, baby,” he said and winked at you before grabbing ahold of another box.
“As if,” you huffed while stepping forward to grab a few bags of your own. If you were going to be here, you might as well make yourself useful while you’re at it. Besides, the sooner you got done unpacking, the sooner you could relax – although you wondered how ‘relaxing’ it could be with all those bugs lurking in the shadows.
Still, you tried to shake off those thoughts as you and Mingyu moved all the stuff to your designated camping spot to set up what would be your camp for the next few days.
It turned out that unpacking wasn’t half as bad as you’d expected it to be. In fact, you found yourself rather enjoying the whole process as time flew by. It was exhausting, sure, but getting to spend quality time with your husband after a few busy weeks made you happy and excited. Plus, with Mingyu constantly cracking jokes, and his cute habit of checking up on you whenever you were doing something out of your comfort zone, it wasn’t very hard to momentarily forget about all the downsides of camping.
After completing about ninety-five percent of the work, Mingyu practically ordered you to make yourself comfortable in one of the large camping chairs – he didn’t have to tell you twice – which is where you were currently sitting with your feet tucked underneath you, happily munching away on some spicy rice cracker snacks while you watched your husband make some final adjustments to the huge tent the two of you had set up together.
You had to give it to him. Despite it being a simple camping trip, Mingyu had made sure that everything was top quality, the tent in particular. It was a beige, pentagon-shaped family tent with a double-sided wall, five screened windows, and a transparent roof, which Mingyu said would be perfect for stargazing – you couldn’t help but agree.
The interior was just as nice as the exterior. It was bright and open – courtesy of the many windows – and definitely large enough to fit another three or four people if necessary. But with it only being you and Mingyu, there was still lots of space left after setting up your two-person sleeping mat with matching sleeping bags and pillows.
The remaining space had been divided into a storage section, containing your luggage, the coolers, and other kitchen and camping supplies, and a ‘relaxation corner’ as your husband called it, which consisted of a small side table and two small but comfortable-looking inflatable bean bags. And if that wasn’t enough, Mingyu had also put up several sets of fairy lights, both in and around the tent, in an attempt to make the entire space feel homier and less tent-looking.
All in all, you weren’t mad at the final result. You had pretty much everything you needed to get you through this weekend.
At least, that was until a sudden thought occurred to you.
“Wait a second,” you started, which immediately gained your husband’s attention, “how could you let me pack my things without giving me a single clue? I didn’t prepare for this camping trip at all! I’m gonna be fucking freezing, Gyu,” you whined, your snack now completely forgotten as you thought about the clothes (or lack thereof) you’d packed in your purple carryon. “You could have at least packed me an extra bag or something.”
“You mean this bag?” Mingyu asked, holding up a large backpack which no doubt contained whatever you hadn’t accounted for.
“I— what? You packed a bag?”
Your husband grinned as he made his way over to where you were sitting. “You didn’t think I’d let you freeze to death, right?”
“Well, no but…”
“I got you, baby,” Mingyu said and crouched down in front of you, placing his hands on the tops of your thighs. “Stop worrying and let me take care of you this weekend, hmm?”
You nodded slowly, covering his hands with your own. “Alright, I guess I can do that.”
“Good.” He smiled and leaned forward to kiss you softly. “Now, how about some dinner?”
“Yes! I’m craving a nice warm meal,” you said and allowed Mingyu to pull you up from the chair. “Oh, and I need to pee. Please tell me we at least have a decent bathroom nearby.”
Please, please, please, don’t tell me I have to—
“Yeah, about that,” your husband began, his expression suddenly turning serious and his eyes avoiding yours at all cost, “I’m afraid you’re gonna have to find a bush somewhere, baby.”
He better be lying.
“Are you serious?” you asked nervously, already feeling your heartbeat increase when your husband didn’t say anything. “Gyu!”
At your desperate cry, his serious façade vanished, now replaced by a devilish grin. “I’m kidding! I’m kidding! Gosh, I should have taken a picture of your face.”
“Mean, mean, mean,” you pouted, glaring at the man in front of you while you poked his sides. “Scaring your wife like that! Just show me where I can goddamn pee.”
“Alright, alright!” he giggled, grabbing ahold of your wrists to stop your tickle attack. “I’ll show you.” He then left your side for a moment to grab a roll of toilet paper before reaching for you once again.
“Come on.”
He ended up guiding you down the path and towards a little house that looked decent enough in your eyes. There were two bathroom stalls, two shower stalls, a couple of sinks, and a big mirror, all of which seemed to be rather clean. At least your husband had made sure to give you that, because you were pretty sure you’d rather pee or shit your pants than crouch down behind a bush to do your business.
“The place is cleaned at least once a week, and we also seem to be the only ones using it this weekend, so we should be good. What do you think?” Mingyu asked, looking at you expectantly.
You nodded and turned to him when you were finished with your inspection. “It’s… good.”
“That’s what I thought.” He smiled and pulled you into his side to kiss your temple. “You think you can handle it from here? I’ll go start on the food.”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
As your husband took his leave, you carefully opened one of the stalls, half-expecting a spider or insect to jump at you. But to your surprise – and much to your relief – the stall was completely void of them, which allowed you to go about your business with some peace of mind.
The absence of creepy crawlers definitely helped you feel slightly more at ease, and for just a moment, you thought that spending a weekend in nature maybe didn’t have to be so bad after all. But that thought was instantly abandoned when a huge spider made its presence known just as you were about to reach for a paper towel to dry your hands.
The scream that left your body could no doubt be heard by anyone in a one-mile radius, but that was the last thing on your mind at that moment. You needed to get the hell out. The paper towel was long forgotten as you made a beeline for the door, running back to the camp as fast as your legs could carry you, all while screaming out your husband’s name.
Said man was immediately on high alert at the sound of your voice echoing through the trees. Add in the look of terror on your face and he was about ready to fight whoever or whatever had caused you to react like this.
“What’s wrong? Talk to me, baby,” Mingyu urged as you ran into his arms, completely out of breath.
“I-In the bathroom… spider… huge,” you panted, not being able to stop a shiver from running through your body at the thought of that thing.
“Wait what? So you’re not hurt?” Mingyu asked, moving you back a little so that he could examine you for injuries.
“No! But I’m traumatized!” you exclaimed with a frantic shake of your head. “There’s no way I’m going back there by myself. No fucking way.”
Mingyu could only laugh as he wrapped you back up into his warm embrace. “How about I go with you then next time? I’ll make the evil monsters go away,” he chuckled, which earned him an arm pinch in return. “Ow!”
“Serves you right,” you huffed, but couldn’t help but crack a small smile. “You didn’t see it just chilling there as if it owned the damn place. The most terrifying thing I’ve seen in my life.”
“Can’t have that now, can we? I’ll make sure to let it know,” Mingyu smirked as he led you over to the little table that had been set up. “But first… food! It’s almost done, so get comfortable.”
“What are we having?” you asked and leaned over to peek at whatever he’d been cooking inside the large pot on the portable stove.
“Just some decent ramyeon,” Mingyu grinned.
You gave him a pointed look at the reference, but he only winked and draped a tea towel over his shoulder before turning his attention back to the stove.
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Later that night, you watched Mingyu with envy as he slept soundly beside you. His semi-long dark hair was all over the place, his leg was bent at an odd angle, and his mouth was slightly open, but despite how silly he might have seemed, he looked so calm and peaceful – the complete opposite of you.
Whereas Mingyu had fallen asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, you just couldn’t seem to fall asleep, no matter how hard you tried. Normally, you didn’t have any problems falling asleep – even in unfamiliar settings – but not even the sound of Mingyu’s soft, comforting snores could help you this time.
You had a feeling it had something to do with having to sleep in a tent that allowed you to hear everything around you. It was like every little sound was amplified, leaving you hyper-aware and very much attuned to your surroundings. From the leaves rustling in the wind to the crickets chirping, and the frogs croaking in the distance, you heard it all… and it was driving you nuts.
Mingyu no doubt had something planned for the both of you, and you feared that if you didn’t manage to get at least a couple of hours in, you wouldn’t be a very fun person to be around for the next twenty-four hours. Your husband didn’t deserve that kind of treatment, especially not when he’d worked so hard to arrange everything for this trip.
Letting out an annoyed sigh, you lazily reached for your phone and tapped the screen to check the time.
2.53 AM. Fuck.
You turned around with some effort and propped yourself up on your elbows, opting to read something on your phone in the hope that would do the trick. But just as you’d selected a kindle, some movement to your right caught your eye.
Right there, stuck to the outside of the tent, was what you confirmed to be a large insect that seemed to be nearly the size of your palm.
Your first instinct was to scream for Mingyu, but you caught yourself before any sound could leave your mouth. Did you really have to wake him for this? It was stupid, honestly. You were aware of that. The thing wasn’t even inside the tent, but still. The fact that it was just there, right beside your head, was enough to tense up your whole body.
Ignoring it was what you should have done, but with your entomophobia, you knew that the voice in the back of your mind wouldn’t allow you to do so. Besides, you were pretty sure that sleep would also be out of the question if you didn’t do something about it.
That’s how you found yourself reaching out for the sleeping man beside you after some consideration.
“M-Mingyu,” you mumbled, nudging your husband while keeping an eye on the ginormous bug that was stuck to the outside of your tent.
“Mingyu, wake up,” you said, this time raising your voice a little as you nudged him again. Only it did exactly nothing. The man remained dead asleep, snoring away without a care in the world and totally oblivious to your state of panic.
It was only when the bug moved that you decided you’d had enough. With a simple flick of your fingers against Mingyu’s forehead, you managed to pull the man from his deep slumber, much to his annoyance.
“Fuck,” your husband groaned as he grabbed onto his forehead in pain. “What the heck was that for? You okay, baby?”
You turned on the flashlight on your phone and aimed it at the side of the tent. “No, I’m not! Look at that thing, it’s huge!”
Your husband took one look at the bug before letting out a tired groan. “It’s on the outside of the tent, nothing to worry about.”
“I don’t give a shit. It’s right beside my head. W-what if it breaks through the tent and crawls inside?” you stuttered, scooting further into Mingyu’s side when the thing suddenly decided to move again – barely an inch, but still.
Your husband decided that was the moment to start laughing, his chest rumbling as the deep sound reverberated through the tent. You, however, didn’t think there was much to laugh about. You were more concerned about the bug that was still there.
“Mingyu, please,” you begged. “It’s not funny!”
“I’m sorry, baby. You’re just too cute.” He chuckled and propped himself up on his elbow before reaching over to deliver a solid blow to the tent wall. The impact caused the whole tent to shake for a few seconds, and when it stabilized again, the bug had disappeared.
You released a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding.
“Better?” Mingyu asked as he laid back down.
You nodded, finally allowing yourself to take your eyes off the tent wall. “Much. Thanks, Gyu.”
“Now try to get some sleep, okay? We have a busy schedule tomorrow.”
“I’m trying, but I can’t,” you groaned, plopping your head down on your pillow.
“Is that so?” You hummed in response, watching as the corners of your husband’s mouth shaped into a bold grin. “You’re in luck then because I know just the way to help you with that.”
You felt panic wash over you at his implication, very much aware that you were in the middle of the forest with nothing but a few layers of tent shielding you from anyone who happened to be in the area.
“Gyu, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not? I promise I’ll be quick.” He was already out of his sleeping bag and hovering over you, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he waited for your answer.
“Because…” you started, momentarily distracted by the hand that was trying to wiggle underneath your hoodie. Not to mention the lips that had suddenly attached themselves to your neck. “Gyu, we’re in the middle of the forest and this tent is not sound pro— ah!”
Mingyu removed his teeth from your skin, placing a gentle kiss on the mark he’d left before moving his lips toward your ear.
“That’s too bad because I don’t give a fuck,” he whispered, which was followed by his teeth teasingly scraping along the outer shell of your ear.
Oh boy.
Your eyes automatically closed at the action, goosebumps forming all across your skin as your husband gently nibbled on your ear lobe.
Even though you didn’t want to admit it, everything he was doing had the desired effect. Your nipples were hard as rocks and your panties were sticky with arousal from only a few simple touches. As your husband, Mingyu knew your body like the back of his hand, so he obviously knew what buttons to push, and where to touch you to reduce your mind to mush and bring you intense pleasure. But that also meant it was ten times more difficult to say no to him.
“S-still, I don’t think we should,” you stammered, surprised to feel the hand that had originally been trying to get inside your hoodie now inside your underwear, so close to where you wanted him… needed him.
His movements halted for a moment, but at the small whine of protest that followed from you, he felt more than encouraged to continue with whatever he had in store for you.
“You want me to stop?” he asked, watching with a grin as the feeling of his fingers brushing over your swollen clit sent a series of shivers down your body.
Of course you didn’t want him to stop. You wanted him to make you feel good, you wanted him to make you cum all over his fingers, over and over again until you had nothing left to give.
“Do you?” your husband pressed once more when you’d failed to answer his question. He took it a step further this time and used his thumb to gather some slick before rubbing it against your clit in slow circles.
Your mouth clamped shut as you tried to fight the whimper that threatened to escape. You were this close to losing it and Mingyu knew it, which is exactly why you didn’t trust your voice at the moment. So instead of answering his question, you simply shook your head.
“Use your voice, baby. Do you want me to stop?” He dipped two of his fingers into your heat without warning and your first response was to open your legs wider for him. His digits found their destination almost instantly, tips pressing against your gummy walls just the way you liked.
Your will to resist vanished completely with that. You couldn’t take it anymore. You wanted this, right here, right now – tent or not.
“N-no. God no. Don’t fucking stop,” you whined and bucked your hips, eager for some more friction.
Mingyu couldn’t hide his little victory smirk.
“That’s my girl.”
It was fair to say you slept like a baby when he was finally done with you.
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The next time you opened your eyes, light was streaming into the tent and Mingyu was nowhere to be seen. His sleeping bag was already neatly folded and stacked on top of his pillow, which told you that he’d probably been up for a little while.
Reaching for your phone, you noted that it was 7.45 AM – way too early for your liking. You would have loved to sleep a bit longer, but you were glad for the little bit of sleep you’d managed to get. Your husband had lived up to his promise, being quick to tire you out with his skillful fingers, after which you went out like a light.
You almost didn’t want to admit it, but the whole idea of anyone being able to catch you in such a compromising position had excited you more than you would have thought.It made you wonder what else your husband had in store for you, and if there was a possibility the two of you could repeat last night’s events.
The sudden sound of leaves crushing, and metal clinking against metal, made you sit right up in the makeshift bed. It was followed by a loud sizzling sound which indicated that someone was cooking.
Leaving the thoughts of your husband’s fingers on your body in the back of your mind, you got up and folded your sleeping bag before putting your small stack right next to the other one. You then shuffled to the front of the tent to step into your shoes and reached down for the big zipper.
“Gyu?” you called as you unzipped the tent, only to be greeted by your husband happily dancing behind the portable stove. “Gyu,” you giggled, walking close enough to touch his arm.
He tensed up for a moment, but when he noticed it was just you, he quickly relaxed.
“Oh! You’re up!” He beamed, taking down the headphones he was wearing.
“You’re awfully cheery this morning,” you chuckled, mimicking the shimmy move you’d seen him do just a moment ago.
Mingyu couldn’t help but smile at your cute imitation.
“How can I not? It’s going to be a beautiful day and I get to spend it with my pretty wife,” he said and pulled you in for a warm hug. You were more than happy to oblige.
“Hmm, I guess so.” Your smile widened as he pressed his soft, plush lips against yours. “What time did you get up anyway?”
“About two hours ago, I think?”
Your eyes widened at the statement. “Two hours ago?!”
“It’s no big deal. I just did some research and made some preparations for today,” your husband assured you.
“I could have helped with that, you know?”
Mingyu shook his head. “No way. I’ve got everything under control, baby. Besides, you looked so adorable sleeping and I wanted you to get some rest.” He smirked. “Speaking of which, did you sleep well?”
“I did. Thanks to you,” you mumbled, a small grin plastered onto your face as you once again recalled last night’s events.
“Glad to be of service,” he snickered and lowered his hand to softly slap your ass. “Now, on to actual business. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. There’s already some coffee on the table, so please have some. You’ll need all the energy you can get for today.”
Walking over to the small table, you sat down in one of the chairs and reached for the large thermos bottle.
“And what exactly is it that we’re doing?” you asked while you poured yourself a steaming cup of coffee.
Mingyu took his eyes off the stove to throw a cheeky look your way. “Patience, baby. I’ll show you after breakfast.”
Your eyes narrowed playfully. “Why do I have a feeling you’re having a little too much fun with this?”
“Because I definitely am.”
“Give me strength,” you muttered before carefully sipping on your coffee.
Five minutes later, Mingyu joined you at the table with two bowls of kimchi fried rice. The two of you ate in silence for most of it, just opting to enjoy each other’s company and the sun that was starting to break through the trees.
Mingyu’s cooking skills never failed to amaze you. He could make anything work, even with limited cooking supplies and ingredients available to him. The flavors and textures were always so on point, and this kimchi fried rice was no exception.
You were sad to finish the last bite of the delicious meal, but that feeling was quickly overshadowed by the realization that Mingyu was finally going to tell you what he had planned for the day.
“What’s this?” you asked, observing the large white envelope your husband handed you.
“Open it and find out.”
Mingyu watched expectantly as you peeled the envelope open and pulled out a laminated A4-sized piece of paper.
You gasped, your eyes scanning over the paper titled ‘Camping with Mr. & Mrs. Kim’. Mingyu had made it pretty clear that he wanted to make this trip as comfortable as possible for you, but you’d never expected him to create an entire itinerary to go with it. He’d truly thought of everything, from the layout to the colors to the activities and the time schedules.
When the hell did he have time to come up with all of this?
“Wha— Gyu… You made this?” You traced your fingers over the cute little stars Mingyu had added to the paper.
“You like it?”
“This is amazing! It’s ambitious, for sure… but I can work with this,” you nodded, offering your husband a grin.
He beamed, seemingly relieved with your positive response. “Glad my efforts weren’t for nothing. I know this trip isn’t exactly what you expected, but I hope you’ll like what I have planned for us.”
You released a breathy chuckle and leaned across the table to kiss his lips. “You’re unbelievable.”
“Unbelievably amazing? I know, right? It’s hard to be me sometimes, I’ll tell you that,” he sighed dramatically.
“Don’t push it,” you warned, noting the smug look that had taken over his features. “The trip isn’t over yet.”
“Trust me, baby. You’ll want to go camping again after this.”
You let out a snort. “I doubt it.” You then looked back down at the itinerary, your eyes stopping at the time slot named ‘surprise activity’. “Are you going to tell me what that surprise activity is about though?”
“Nope. It wouldn’t be much of a surprise then, would it?” He winked and moved to get up from his chair, bowl in his hand.
“Oh, come on! Please, Gyu,” you begged, quickly grabbing your own bowl to follow after him, determined to find a way to get him to spill the beans.
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At precisely 9 AM, the both of you set off for Mingyu’s scheduled forest hike. How you’d managed to make that happen was a mystery to you.
Between trying to convince your husband to let you in on the surprise, cleaning up the dishes, changing into an appropriate outfit, and being greeted by yet another giant spider that had decided to hide in your shoe, you were certain that you wouldn’t be going anywhere. But of course – Mingyu being Mingyu – he had managed to convince you to put aside your fears for today after lots of sweet kisses and words of encouragement.
So, here you were, trying to conjure up all the positive thoughts you could find to make you forget about the eight-legged creature you encountered earlier this morning, or the fact that the leggings you were currently wearing were just a little too tight around your ass for your liking.
When Mingyu told you that he’d packed you an additional bag with all the necessities you would need for this trip, you’d expected to find an assortment of your favorite items. But instead, you discovered that he’d packed most of the bag exactly to his liking… including several pairs of leggings that you hadn’t worn in forever. It wasn’t like you didn’t like the pieces – or you wouldn’t have bought them – but they did nothing to hide the dips and bumps on your legs and butt, which is why you preferred not to wear them in public.
Although you were aware that Mingyu loved everything about your skin, and that you had absolutely nothing to worry about with the way he praised your body every day, you were still more than a little salty about this sneaky move of his.
“You really couldn’t have chosen a different pair of leggings, huh?” you grumbled after you’d been walking for about fifteen minutes.
“I could have, but these happened to be the first ones I saw.”
“You’re such a liar, Kim Mingyu!” you exclaimed, which was followed by a loud snort. “I haven’t worn these in ages, which is why they were in the back of our closet.”
“Oh, really? Someone must have misplaced them by mistake then, I guess.” He shrugged, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
You threw him a pointed look, letting him know you thought he was full of shit. “Yeah, that someone being you. I know you too well, mister. You chose them because you like the way my ass looks in them.”
“Well, when you put it like that…,” he peeked down at your ass with a satisfied smirk, “your ass does look amazing, baby, bigger even. I can see every jiggle this way.”
You rolled your eyes, wondering how you’d ended up with such a shameless husband.
“Perv,” you muttered, but still loud enough for Mingyu to hear.
“What was that?” Mingyu ripped his eyes away from your behind to stare at your face in disbelief.
“You heard me,” you dared, noticing the way his eyes darkened at your response.
Oh oh. You knew that look. And it usually meant nothing but trouble… for you.
Mingyu suddenly leaped forward, reaching out both of his hands in an attempt to grab you, but you anticipated the move and were able to jump out of the way, leaving only the feeling of his fingers grazing your bare arm as you took off without another thought.
“Yah! Come back here! You’re gonna regret saying that!”
“You’ll have to come and get me first then!”
You turned around and giggled at the sight of your struggling husband, knowing there was no way he’d be able to chase after you with all the weight he was carrying on his back. Mingyu had insisted on being the one to carry most of the heavy load, which included a few liters of water, food, his camera, and God knows what else he was hiding in his backpack.
“Just because you’re faster now doesn’t mean you’ll always be faster, baby.”
You grinned and waved him off before happily continuing your way, not at all feeling affected by his threat.
“I can’t hear you from over there!”
The rest of the walk was rather peaceful, with you and Mingyu snapping pictures here and there, and him pointing out pretty flowers and blossoming trees every so often. At one point, the two of you even spotted a small family of rabbits huddled together, grazing on some grass and blissfully unaware of you and Mingyu watching them from afar. Upon your request, Mingyu took a few pictures with his camera to commemorate the moment and then you were back on your way, leaving the fluffy creatures to enjoy their mealtime.
Despite nearly having your day ruined by an enormous spider scaring the living shit out of you so early in the morning, you were very glad you’d let Mingyu convince you to tag along. You’d never been a big fan of long hikes in general, but you sure wouldn’t have wanted to miss this for the world – getting to experience the fresh, earthy forest air for the first time in forever, the feeling of the warm sun on your skin as you walked through the beautiful scenery, and most importantly, the quality time you got to spend with your husband.
You’d never seen him as excited as he was now, practically dragging you down the path and stopping at everything that seemed noteworthy, all too eager to tell you about the little forest facts he’d read up on with the biggest smile on his face. That alone was enough to get you just as excited.
It was only when you neared the end of your three-hour hike that you were in dire need of a break. Your legs were starting to cramp, and your shoulders were becoming sore as a result of the small backpack you were carrying, your body not quite used to the additional weight.
With Mingyu being the observant husband he was, he was quick to notice the change in your expression and the way you’d subtly slowed down your pace, which eventually led him to suggest a short and much-needed drink break. The words hadn’t even left his mouth and you’d already dropped your stuff on the brown, leaf-covered forest floor. You then lifted yourself onto a sizable rock and let your legs dangle freely, happy to let your sore feet rest for a few minutes.
“You okay, baby?” Mingyu handed you a bottle of water, which you all too eagerly accepted.
After quickly screwing the cap off, you took a few big gulps of water before you felt good enough to respond.
“Yeah, I am now,” you gasped as you handed the bottle back so that he could drink from it too, “but everything freaking hurts!”
“We’re almost at the lunch spot, though. You’ve been doing well so far.” He placed the bottle down beside you and took his position between your legs, his hands on either side of you, caging you in.
The rock you were sitting on gave you more than enough height for Mingyu to look you in the eye without him having to bend down.
You took that opportunity to roam your eyes over your husband’s impressive physique. The white t-shirt he was wearing did nothing to prevent you from seeing the toned pectoral muscles hidden beneath. Neither did it stop him from showing off his muscular arms, which were glowing as a result of the rays of sunlight shining down on them.
Being this close, you were able to see every little detail. The little hairs and freckles on his forearms, the flex of his muscles as he shifted his weight, and not to mention the prominent veins you loved to see – they ran from his wrists all the way to the crease of his elbows, where they disappeared into his smooth, tan skin.
All those mornings spent at the gym had certainly paid off.
“I do have to admit that I’m enjoying this more than I would have thought.” You smirked, allowing your eyes to trail back to Mingyu’s, which were already glistening with mischief.He grinned triumphantly.
“See? You’re already becoming a camping enthusiast.”
“Hmm, I wouldn’t go that far,” you said, noticing that the distance between the two of you had become smaller during the time you’d been admiring him.
“Maybe you just need a little extra convincing,” he mumbled, leaning forward so that his chest was pressed right against yours, his breath hot against your face.
Though you felt gross and sweaty from the intense walk, and your first instinct was to push Mingyu off your damp form, the hands grabbing onto your ass and his semi-hard dick pressing into your crotch made you want to do the complete opposite.
“Maybe I do,” you whispered, trailing your hands over the front of his shirt and past his shoulders to cup his face. At the same time, Mingyu closed the little bit of distance between you.
Warmth instantly consumed you the moment his lips touched yours, the pain in your joints pushed to the back of your mind as you let yourself get sucked into a haze by the man wedged between your thighs. His plush lips were soft against your own, moving gently, coaxing you to part your lips to let him in for a taste. Mindlessly, you obeyed, a series of tingles washing down your back as you allowed his tongue to slip past your eager lips. You let out a whimper to voice your approval and tightened your legs around his waist to feel him even closer.
From then it was like a switch had turned. What had started as gentle and soft was quickly becoming heated and intoxicating with the way your husband was kissing you – scratch that – devouring you. He was like a starved man scoffing down a meal, almost as if he was afraid that someone would come and snatch it away at any moment. You were all too happy to respond, though, returning his kisses with the same hunger while one of your hands found its way into his black hair.
Mingyu’s own hands had not yet moved from your ass, but you didn’t mind one bit. His large, warm hands covered every bit of your soft flesh – caressing, squeezing, and delivering the occasional slap to pull a needy moan from you.
You welcomed every single touch, every kiss, every shiver that ran through your body as you relished in the heated moment between you and him. Your mind was completely fogged up, his perfect woodsy, sweaty scent invading your nostrils, overwhelming you and making you lose the ability to think clearly for a few blissful moments. At one point, you even stopped caring about the fact that you were still very much in public, dry-humping your very sexy husband on top of a rock, for everyone to see.
A particular hard slap to your backside was what eventually pulled you back to reality. You gasped at the impact, tugging harshly on the thick, black locks you’d gathered between your fingers in a reflex.
This time it was Mingyu’s turn to moan, his lips losing their vigorous rhythm momentarily at your unexpected move.
Your lips curled up into a grin. It wasn’t often that you were able to catch your husband off guard, so you felt extremely satisfied with the reaction you’d managed to pull from him.
But your euphoria was short-lived when Mingyu pulled away, leaving you to chase after his lips like a desperate puppy, eager for more affection. You didn’t want it to stop, and he had not given you the feeling he wanted to either, so you were quite taken aback by the abrupt ending.
“What are you doing?” you whined as you opened your eyes, lightly tugging at the locks again in a futile attempt to reconnect your lips.
Mingyu just chuckled at your pouty expression and gently untangled your fingers from his hair.
“We have a schedule to get to, what else?” He then lifted your fingers to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the digit that carried your wedding band.
“Are you serious? You’d rather go back to the schedule than back to our tent to finish this?”
“And miss out on the rest of the itinerary? No way, baby.”
You looked at him as if he’d grown two heads, wondering who the hell this Mingyu was.
“You can’t tell me you don’t want this. You got me all hot and bothered for nothing,” you groaned.
“Then are you gonna let me fuck you right here, out in the open and for everyone to see?” Mingyu’s eyes went from playful to hungry in the span of a few milliseconds, his tongue coming out to wet his lips as he watched you intensely.
Your mouth opened only to close again as you processed his words, finding it very hard to ignore the nagging ache between your slicked-up thighs with his captivating stare burning right through you. Just a second ago you probably would have said yes to his proposal without another thought – truth be told, you probably would have let him do anything he wanted – but now that the cloud of arousal had already cleared for the most part, and your rational side had taken over once again, you were suddenly very aware of your surroundings… and yourself.
At your stunned expression and your lack of response, Mingyu’s eyes morphed back into their playful state before he threw his head back to let out the loudest laugh yet.
“Don’t look so scared, baby. You can keep your clothes on. I’m just kidding.” He grinned and leaned down to grab the large backpack from the ground, which he swung onto his back with some effort.
“Jerk!” you grumbled, though you also felt slightly relieved at the same time. You weren’t sure whether your poor heart could have handled any more of that sexual tension.
“Were you really kidding though?” you asked carefully after you’d hopped down from the rock to retrieve your own backpack, wondering if he could have been serious after all.
He grabbed your hand and gave it a light squeeze before throwing one of his cheeky smirks your way.
“Guess you’ll have to wait and find out.”
Wait and find out… or whatever that was supposed to mean.
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Lunch was relaxing and relatively uneventful. Mingyu had picked out a pretty spot in a large, open field where he laid down a sizable blanket for the two of you to sit on.
Not surprisingly, your husband had prepared a generous spread of food, including a few rice balls, some egg rolls, and a variety of your favorite kimbap, all of which he insisted on feeding you himself. That led to the necessary back and forth, with you arguing that you were “a grown woman and perfectly capable of feeding yourself” and Mingyu claiming that he just wanted to “spoil his pretty wife”. Of course, you had no counter-argument to that – you loved it when he spoiled you.
That’s why you eventually gave in and let him feed you as you sat in between his legs, secretly enjoying every second of the princess treatment.
When you were full and satisfied, Mingyu leaned you back against his broad chest to give you another moment to rest. You took that time to bask in the sunlight, allowing the pleasant warmth of the rays to seep into your body. It was probably the most at peace you’d felt in months – no work, no calls or messages, absolutely nothing to distract you… well, except for your husband, who couldn’t seem to keep his hands off you.
You jumped at a sudden tickling sensation on your arms and opened your eyes in a panic, only to relax when you realized that it was, in fact, not another bug coming to traumatize you but Mingyu, who was lightly running his fingertips over your exposed arms.
Goosebumps erupted all across your body as he traced random patterns into your skin. His fingers very slowly made their way up your arms before eventually moving into your hair, gently massaging your scalp for a few minutes. You were in absolute heaven, completely enthralled by his electric touches in this blissful moment. It felt so good that you even dozed off for a few minutes.
After what felt like way too soon, however, Mingyu nudged you awake to announce your departure for the next item on the itinerary. You were less than thrilled to get up from your comfortable position, but you also knew that you still had quite a bit of a journey ahead, and you didn’t want to disappoint Mingyu by throwing in the towel before you’d done everything on his list.
Much to your disappointment, the so-called ‘surprise activity’ was still very much a surprise. Despite your continuous begging and your obvious attempts to get him to slip up, Mingyu had refused to budge. You wondered what could be so special that he wouldn’t just let you in on the whole thing. Because how many things could you possibly do in a forest?
You’d thought of a few things such as birdwatching and fishing, neither of which sounded particularly exciting to you. Mingyu knew you weren’t a big fan of birds – you still hadn’t forgiven that goddamn pigeon for pooping on your head in the middle of your date – and as far as fishing was concerned, you just didn’t see the point in waiting for some poor fish to take the bait, only to end up throwing it right back where it came from.
No thanks.
With those options eliminated, you had one other potential idea – a scavenger hunt to be precise. You wouldn’t put it past your husband to come up with something as cliché as that. It seemed like he’d done more than enough research for this trip, so the thought didn’t seem too crazy. Besides, you liked games and puzzles, especially when they involved competitive components. And who were you to say no to a little healthy competition between you and your husband?
The man in question currently had his nose buried in a small notebook that he held in his left hand, a map in the other. Mingyu had hardly said a word since you left the lunch location, only speaking when you needed to take a left or a right, which was more than a little frustrating.
If only he would let you look at whatever he’d written down in that little notebook of his. So far, every time you had tried to sneak a peek, he’d caught you and told you off.
“Are you finally going to tell me what this surprise is?” you asked impatiently when he still hadn’t told you after forty minutes of walking.
“Give me a moment, baby. I’m looking for the right spot,” he answered, not taking his eyes off the map in his right hand.
Right spot? Right spot for what exactly?
It took another ten minutes before Mingyu finally stopped walking.
“Okay, this should be it!” he exclaimed excitedly, folding up the map before stuffing it back into his pocket.
You stood in the middle of the forest path you’d been following, taking in the rows of gorgeous oak trees lining it, their vast canopy protecting you from the bright and burning hot sun. It was a pretty sight, for sure… but you also wondered what was so special about this spot in particular.
“So… what exactly am I supposed to see?” you questioned when nothing in particular caught your eye.
“I’ll give you a hint.”
Mingyu then lowered his large backpack to the ground and opened it to pull out several empty Tupperware boxes. You suddenly understood why he’d chosen such a ginormous backpack for your hike – anything smaller wouldn’t have been an option with the amount of stuff he’d brought along.
He handed one of the boxes to you, and you studied it carefully for a few seconds, not quite knowing what to do with it.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “I still don’t get it. It’s empty.”
“Yes! And it will be our task to fill it.”
“With…? Leaves? Stones?”
Mingyu chuckled, shaking his head at your incorrect guesses. “Not exactly. We’ll be collecting ingredients for tonight’s dinner. Isn’t that cool?!”
Well, that wasn’t quite what you’d expected.
“Excuse me? You want us to pick some random plants and eat them?”
Your mind was already imagining the worst possible scenario – a one-way trip to the morgue because you’d accidentally eaten something poisonous. That didn’t sound particularly appealing to you.
“You really think I’d propose this without doing the proper research?” He raised the small notebook he’d been studying before giving you a pointed look. “Baby, you should really know me better by now.”
You really should have. Because when he finally showed you the contents of said notebook, you realized just how much time he’d actually taken to look into this. He’d written page after page of detailed notes about where to find what plant, which plants were safe to eat and which ones weren’t, and much more, all with corresponding pictures for easier recognition.
The more Mingyu explained, the more at ease you felt, and the more excited you became at the prospect of making a dish with ingredients you’d collected yourself. It was far from the surprise activity you’d expected, but in all honesty, he couldn’t have chosen better. You and Mingyu boIth loved anything food-related, whether it was cooking or eating, so this was the perfect little activity for the two of you.
“Have I told you I love you already?” you asked when he finished speaking, overcome with a sudden surge of love for your husband.
You honestly didn’t know what you did to deserve someone as caring and thoughtful as Mingyu. He was always so selfless, never asking for much, never taking but always giving to everyone around him. It was one of the things that made you fall in love with him, and now, five years later, you felt like you were falling in love with him all over again with all the emotions welling up inside you.
You loved Mingyu with all your being, that much you knew already – and so did he. But knowing that he’d gone through all this effort just for you, thought about every detail from start to finish, and did it all with a smile on his face, filled you with a sense of awe and admiration for the man that was simply too much for your heart to handle right now.
“You might have, but I don’t mind hearing it again,” he chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you close, allowing his scent to envelop you like a warm, comforting hug.
“Well, in that case… I love you Kim Mingyu,” you mumbled with a small smile, and leaned in to briefly press your lips against his as butterflies fluttered around in your stomach.
“I love you too, baby. Very…,” he leaned in for another short kiss, “…much.”
“Thanks, Gyu… for trying to make this experience as fun as possible for me,” you said, your fingers playing with the hem of his t-shirt.
His eyes momentarily softened at your words. “Anything for you, baby.” Then, his lips tugged into a smug grin as he leaned in close again. “But if you’re looking for a way to thank me, I could think of a few things.”
“Way to ruin the moment, Gyu.” You rolled your eyes, jabbing your finger into his toned chest.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it,” he snickered, which let you know just how not sorry he was.
“Just show me where these damn plants are before I change my mind,” you huffed and shoved the empty box into his hands before crossing your arms over your chest.
“Okay, okay! Let’s go pick some plants!”
From then on it was back to serious business. Naturally, Mingyu took the lead and started your hunt for ingredients. The plants you were specifically looking for were Korean wild chives, also referred to as dallae, and ssuk, better known as mugwort. According to Mingyu – and the hundred sources he’d consulted during his preparation – this time of the year was the most ideal for harvesting because the flavors were supposedly at their peak.
Both of you diligently scoured the fields and riverbanks for the two vegetables for a good while before Mingyu spotted the first ingredient – ssuk. He made you study the plant for a few minutes and nearly short-circuited your brain when he flooded you with another batch of facts, which, clearly, you were never going to remember anyway.
Only after that did he let you wander off on your own with your empty box in hand, carefully looking for ssuk plants with young and tender leaves as Mingyu had instructed you – these would apparently bring out the best flavor of the ssukguk he had in mind.
It didn’t take long for you to fill up your container. With the continuous sound of the cicadas roaring in the background, and the calming rustling of the oak trees surrounding you – their leaves clashing and fluttering around from the impact of the breeze – your body had gone into autopilot, hands sorting through dozens of bundles of ssuk, not stopping until you’d found the most perfect-looking ones.
Mingyu came to find you just as you were closing up your container. His own container, just like yours, was filled to the brim with the plant, and you were fairly certain that there would be more than enough ssuk for at least three or four batches of ssukguk.
Your husband took it upon himself to doublecheck your collected batch – for your and his safety – and when he was satisfied with what he’d seen, he bestowed you with sweet praises and then continued to pull you into an unexpected mind-numbing kiss that made every inch of your skin flush hot. The butterflies that had been dormant came back to life, swirling around in your stomach until you felt dizzy and weak in the knees. Your mind felt like it was slowly melting again, gradually succumbing to the irresistible force trying to suck you in. And you weren’t doing anything to stop it from happening.
Mingyu, who was either completely oblivious to your suffering or simply chose not to acknowledge it, pulled away all too soon, once again leaving you with a need for more. The subtle quirk of his lips and the cheeky grin that followed at the sight of your pouty expression told you all you needed to know.
That little shit.
You refused to talk to your husband the entire way to the dallae field, much to his annoyance. It was funny, really, to see him so desperate for your attention while you gave him absolutely nothing. No look, no smile, no reaction at all, which, honestly, was hard enough as it was. But he was the one who wanted to play games, so that’s what he could get. Maybe then he’d stop trying to start something he wasn’t planning on finishing.
It was only when Mingyu dropped to his knees in front of you – very dramatically – and begged for your forgiveness, exclaiming his love for you at the top of his lungs, that you decided he’d been punished enough – you also may or may not have used the opportunity to get one of his famous foot massages out of it. Mingyu didn’t care, though. He was all too happy you were talking to him again, so a foot massage was a minor compromise in his eyes.
With that little hiccup out of the way, you two were back to the task at hand: gathering dallae. The field it was located in was huge and dense with all types of plants and bushes that you didn’t recognize at all. Feeling completely lost, you turned to Mingyu for help, hoping that he could make sense of all the different kinds of flora.
It came as no surprise when he told you that he’d already spotted the second and final ingredient you’d be collecting, nor were you surprised when he excitedly dragged you along to give you another one of his crash courses. You watched him in amazement as he spoke passionately, noticing the way his hair slightly stuck to his forehead from all the hard work he’d been putting in, and the way he cutely scrunched up his nose as he studied the dallae from up close.
It was a sight for sore eyes, which you unfortunately didn't get to enjoy for long as Mingyu reached the end of his short lesson. You were somewhat disappointed because it meant you had to stop ogling your handsome husband, but you accepted a new Tupperware box anyway, forcing yourself to focus on your given task.
Filling up your Tupperware with dallae went much faster than collecting ssuk. After only fifteen minutes of you plucking bundles of fresh green dallae for the jeon you’d be making, you came looking for your husband to show him your inventory. This time, he only praised you after briefly inspecting your container, thinking twice about rewarding you with another one of those breathtaking kisses. It was amusing, watching him try to restrain himself from touching you when that was all he wanted to do.
You were no different, longing for his touch, your body itching to feel his hands back on your skin, grabbing you, squeezing you. But for the sake of the itinerary and your sanity - the latter in particular - you ought it best to steer clear of Mingyu... at least while you were out and about.
That's why you pushed those sinful thoughts to the back of your mind for the time being, although you were fairly certain you'd be revisiting them sooner rather than later.
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The hike back to the camp went surprisingly fast, mainly because you’d already walked quite a bit of it during your ingredient hunt, so the final part of the walk wasn’t as bad as you’d expected it to be. That didn’t mean you were any less tired. Your feet were killing you, you were sweating all over and you were pretty sure that if you didn’t get another dose of caffeine soon, you’d fall asleep before even getting a taste of your husband’s ssukguk.
Mingyu, who was able to perfectly read you, already had a steaming cup of coffee waiting for you when you returned from the bathroom, clad in a fresh new outfit that was much more comfortable than the one you’d been wearing during your hike.
“Thanks, Gyu,” you sighed, immediately feeling much better when you finally let the warm, caffeine-filled beverage glide down your throat.
“I could tell you needed that,” Mingyu said while moving over a few big chunks of wood in preparation for the campfire.
“Wait, you brought an axe?” you sputtered, eyes widening slightly when he suddenly pulled the object from a large sports bag.
Mingyu beamed, propping the sharp object against his shoulder like it wasn’t able to slice through his skin with one wrong move.
“Sure did! Isn’t it a beauty?”
“Do you even know how to use it?” you asked, worry etched on your brows as you tried to recall an occasion where you’d seen Mingyu using an axe – there were none.
“Seungcheol Hyung taught me how to use it. He’s a pro at chopping wood, remember?”
Yes, you did remember something about Seungcheol being good at wood chopping, but that didn’t make you feel any less anxious about your husband handling such a dangerous tool.
You nervously bit your lower lip. “Just be careful, okay? I don’t wanna see any chopped-off limbs.”
“I promise.” Mingyu smiled reassuringly. “I’ll be right here so you can watch me. How does that sound?”
“Good, I guess,” you mumbled, still not entirely convinced, but choosing to trust your husband.
It was fair to say that you’d been completely wrong to doubt Mingyu about his wood-chopping skills. While you cleaned the vegetables you’d collected, thoroughly washing them with water and carefully laying them out to dry on a small drying rack, your husband was splitting the wood pieces like a professional, each hit precise and calculated, as if he’d been doing this his whole life.
Distracting… that’s what it was. You found it hard to keep your eyes away from the man, not because you were worried about him accidentally chopping off his fingers, but because he looked like a goddamn snack the whole time. He’d rolled up the sleeves of his white t-shirt, showing off even more of his perfectly sculpted arms. Not that you were complaining, though. You were practically drooling at the sight before you, your own task long forgotten as you ogled the flexing muscles on his veiny arms like a kid in a candy store.
You had to hold back a groan when you noticed the first few beads of sweat starting to roll down the sides of his face, watching with immense focus as they slowly slid down along the curve of his chiseled jaw, his smooth throat, and finally dipped inside the neck of his shirt, leaving the rest up to your imagination.
Your thighs were subconsciously rubbing together, slick beginning to stain your panties as you let your fantasies take over, arousal swirling inside you. Mingyu was none the wiser – at least you hoped so – splitting wood piece after wood piece while you, his wife, were thinking of all the ways in which you wanted him to fuck your pussy raw with his big dick.
“Everything okay there, baby?” Mingyu asked out of nowhere, catching you by surprise. He quickly put down a new wood chunk and raised the axe in the air, muscles pulling and coiling beneath his white t-shirt as he brought down the object with a loud grunt, the sound of which almost made you drop the bundle of dallae you were holding.
“I’m fine,” you squeaked, praying that he hadn’t caught you gawking at him. The last thing you needed was Mingyu teasing you for the rest of the night. “Nearly done here,” you added, your voice much more controlled.
Your husband set down the axe, stretching his hands above his head, which provided you with a tiny sneak peek of his robust abdominal muscles. It took everything in you to tear your eyes away, but you managed – barely, failing to notice the mischievous glint that crept across his features.
“Good, because I’m ready to get this campfire started.”
Setting up a campfire turned out to be a piece of cake for someone as prepared and as handy as Mingyu. It was a win for you, honestly, because you were able to sit back while he did his thing, only handing him the occasional chunk of wood or kindling. And then next thing you know, you had a full-on sputtering, crackling fire blazing, the heat of the flames warming the air while the sounds of dying branches gasping for their last breath filled the camping grounds.
It was a beautiful sight, especially with the sun starting to set and the enchanting, lively greenery surrounding it, and by the time you and Mingyu had finished dinner, it had become even more magnificent. With the sky now fully darkened, and radiant stars lighting it up like tiny snowflakes in the night, the campfire seemed to echo the starlight, its golden glow brightening up the entire area like a luminous supernova.
The two of you were enjoying all of it, cuddled up beside each other, gazing at the beautiful night sky as you lounged on a large blanket that you’d laid out earlier this evening. It was the perfect way to end the action-packed day.
“Psst!” Mingyu suddenly whispered, interrupting the peaceful atmosphere you’d been relishing for the past thirty minutes.
“What?” You lazily turned your head to face your husband, who was no doubt scheming something based on the impish look he gave you.
“Don’t think I didn’t see you ogling me when I was chopping up that wood.”
You quickly averted your eyes at his brazen confession, mentally cursing yourself for having been so obvious.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you finally said, choosing to play dumb.
“Are you sure about that?” You could feel his warm breath hitting your cheek now.
“Very sure,” you breathed, your body tense as you tried to keep your expressions under control.
“Why are you lying to me, baby?”
“I’m not. I— wait, what are you doing?” You frowned, caught off guard when Mingyu suddenly sat up to pull off his dark green hoodie, revealing a black t-shirt that was hugging his body in all the right places.
“Oh, don’t mind me.” He threw you a cheeky grin. “It’s just getting a little hot here with the fire and all.”
You let out a snort. “That’s such a lie, Gyu. You’re doing this on purpose, just admit it.”
“If I admit to that, will you also admit that you were ogling me this afternoon?” he mused.
“I was not ly—” Mingyu raised his brows, challenging you to deny it again. “Okay, fine! I admit it. You were driving me fucking crazy this afternoon. You and your stupid arms, hands, everything!” you groaned, throwing your head back in defeat.
“My hands and arms, huh? Tell me what you were thinking about, baby.”
“It’s embarrassing,” you whined, and attempted to hide your face in his chest, but Mingyu wouldn’t have it.
“Tell me,” he demanded, his voice dropping dangerously low as he grasped your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“Your hands… on my body,” You swallowed thickly under his heated gaze, “and your dick inside me, you fucking me till I can’t walk.”
Mingyu’s gaze darkened even more, his grip on your chin slightly tightening.
“Is that so?” he muttered, to which you gave a little nod. “Then how about we finish what we started this morning so I can do just that?”
“Right h-here?” you stammered.
Mingyu smirked, his eyes twinkling in the light of the campfire. “I don’t see why not.”
“Don’t you think we should go inside the tent?” you whispered, your eyes darting around nervously.
“I’d say fuck the tent. But it’s up to you, baby.”
Right, the choice was up to you. Because if it was up to Mingyu, he would fuck you wherever he pleased, not worried in the slightest about being seen. The only one worried about getting caught was you. But what was the big deal? As far as you could tell, the camping area was completely empty aside from you two, so what was holding you back from going through with it? You weren’t exactly sure either.
Come on, Y/N. Be a little wild for once.
Mingyu, who’d been patiently waiting for your answer, was definitely not expecting you to pounce on him without warning. You pressed against his clothed chest to force him on his back, barely giving him enough time to breathe before your mouth molded with his, kissing him with a startling vigor that left his mind reeling for the first few seconds.
But then his hands were on you, wandering with purpose, skimming under your hoodie in search of your naked skin. Everywhere he touched left a trail of fire in its wake, and every single one of your nerves came to life under his skillful fingers. You struggled to keep up with his lips, the press of his toned body against yours stirring up a storm of desire inside your gut that you weren’t quite prepared for.
Your fingers desperately tugged at the shirt he was wearing, and Mingyu wasted no time to comply with your non-verbal request, briefly disconnecting your lips to take off the clothing piece to reveal his impressive build.
You bit your bottom lip harshly to fight back a groan that threatened to escape, momentarily distracted by the breathtaking sight that was your husband.
Goosebumps formed on his perfect skin as his torso was exposed to the cool night air, drawing your attention to his taut, brown nipples. You let your fingers trail over them, watching with a newfound excitement as he twitched underneath your soft but teasing touches. Mingyu let you, urging you to explore more of him with a demanding groan and a squeeze to your backside.
You did exactly that, shifting your focus from his chest to the prominent lines on his abdomen, which were now even better accentuated by the light coming from the smoldering campfire beside you. Your nails carefully scraped over the well-defined muscles, lightly applying pressure, but not enough to leave behind marks.
Mingyu was a shivering mess by the time you reached the little happy trail below his belly button, his chest heaving, his cock fully hard, and his mind swirling with arousal from your administrations. You’d taken over every inch of his thoughts, slowly fogging up his brain with your magic touch, and his hands were itching to take the lead.
It wasn’t long before Mingyu gave into those impulses, no longer able to fight the impatient demon trying to claw its way out. His hands abruptly halted your movements, and his back lifted off the blanket to work you out of your clothes, not stopping until he’d ripped every single item off your body.
With your clothes now in a pile on the other side of the blanket, he guided you back on top of him with an easy strength, his eyes drinking in every inch of your bare skin, from your full, heavy breasts, to your soft tummy, all the way until he settled at the chubby mound between your plush thighs. It was a sight that made his dick twitch with anticipation.
“God, you are so fucking sexy,” he groaned, grabbing onto the fat of your hips before pulling your bare cunt down onto his very noticeable erection.
You were quick to bring one of your hands up to your mouth, trying to muffle the moan that you weren’t able to hold back in time as your walls clenched reflexively at the new sensation. But Mingyu ripped it away before you could, allowing the sound to resonate into the dark night.
“Don’t hide those pretty sounds.” He gently trailed a finger along the base of your throat, sending a series of shudders down your spine. “I wanna hear you… all of it”.
“Oka— shit!” you whimpered when Mingyu suddenly grabbed a handful of your breast, his fingers applying just the right amount of pain and pleasure as they dug into the squishy flesh.
“That’s more like it.” He grinned as his hand came down on your ass… hard, the sound of his palm hitting your supple skin loud enough to alert anyone in the area.
“Gyu,” you gasped when he did it once again, your hands finding its way into his hair, pulling insistently to express your delight while at the same time pleading for more.
Mingyu slid one of the hands resting on your ass up your back and reached around your neck to pull you in for another toe-curling kiss, pressing your body flush against his as he pushed his tongue past your lips for a second time tonight. The moans vibrating at the back of your throat were swallowed by Mingyu as he deepened the kiss, the hand on your ass continuing to knead and rub your pudgy flesh with the intent to bruise.
You were already too far gone to care, more concerned with the burning ache between your legs. Your hips shamelessly rolled against Mingyu, providing some sweet relief as you rubbed your throbbing clit against his clothed erection, your glossy slick staining his grey sweatpants, and the coil inside you winding tighter and tighter with every drag.
And then suddenly it snapped, the impact that followed striking you like a bolt of lightning, every muscle in your body drawing taut as you released with a muffled cry of your husband’s name, your cunt desperately clenching around nothing. Mingyu was right there to catch you, both of his strong arms wrapping around your waist to steady your convulsing body while his mouth caught your little sounds of pleasure.
“You made such a mess, baby,” Mingyu said as his fingers brushed through your puffy folds, being careful not to bump into your sensitive clit while he assessed the wreckage you’d left behind.
“You’re mostly to blame, though.” You managed to sit up with a little bit of strength, splaying your hands across his chest for support as you offered him a grin.
“Yeah? I made you this wet?” he mused, eyes sparkling with hunger.
“You tend to have that effect on me,” you whispered as you leaned down, your lips brushing against Mingyu’s for a moment before you caught his bottom lip with your teeth, gently nipping at the skin until he was squirming beneath you.
One of your hands wandered between your bodies to palm him softly through the fabric of his sweatpants. You observed your husband’s handsome face closely, noticing the way his brows furrowed and his jaw clenched, followed by a buck of his hips and a series of breathless curses.
Feeling confident, you scooted down further, tugging off his pants along the way, only to discover that he’d gone commando.
You licked your lips at the sight, quickly throwing the stained pair of sweats onto the clothing pile.
“All prepared, huh?”
“For you? Always,” he returned with a wink.
“I see,” you hummed, licking your lips once again as you repositioned yourself between his strong thighs, taking in the bulging veins forking along his aching girth. It drooped hard and heavy against his pelvis, with large beads of pre-cum leaking steadily from his angry, red tip.
Your mouth watered at his sheer size, warm slick continuing to pool between your thighs as you imagined your husband stretching out your walls, molding you into the shape of his cock like he had done so many times already.
“You have such a nice cock,” you sighed, reaching out to wrap your fingers around the base of it, gently sliding him through your fingers a few times before leaning forward to get a taste of the salty substance you’d come to love, your tongue teasingly sliding through his slit as you lapped it all up.
Mingyu was in no state to respond. His breath left him in a sharp hiss at the feeling of your wet muscle teasing his sensitive tip. All conscious thoughts vacated his brain the moment he felt your warm breath fan against the base of his length. One of his large hands fisted into your hair when you began pressing a series of open-mouthed kisses along it, your gaze hot and heavy as you watched his every move from under your thick lashes. It was such a provocative sight that Mingyu had to stop himself from jamming his whole cock down your throat when you finally sucked the head between your luscious lips.
A loud groan sounded from Mingyu’s lips at the sudden wetness that surrounded him. He watched ardently as you took him in, not being able to stop another groan when your tongue started tracing the throbbing veins adorning his length. When he felt his tip press against the back of your throat, he automatically tightened his fist in your hair, his teeth clenching at the terrible things your mouth was doing to his thoughts.
You swallowed greedily, catching your husband by surprise as your throat constricted around him, suffocating his cock to the point where he momentarily lost control of his body. The jerk of his hips that followed forced another inch or two of his length down your throat. You gagged in reflex, placing your hands on his thighs as you abruptly pulled back to cough.
“Fuck,” Mingyu immediately released your hair, “sorry, baby.” His eyes were apologetic, although the sight of the drool spilling from your lips made him want to shove your mouth right back onto his throbbing cock.
“I’m fine,” you gasped, digging your nails into the flesh of his thighs as you lowered yourself again. “You know I can handle it,” you grinned before you wrapped your lips back around him.
Something about your words and the way you hollowed your cheeks as you began to suck him ignited a fire in his gut. Without realizing it, Mingyu had his hand back in your hair, eagerly guiding your head up and down in a steady rhythm, which was occasionally interrupted by you choking and spluttering whenever he tried to force just a little too much of his cock down your throat.
The view forced Mingyu to throw his head back at some point, his eyes clenching shut and his eyes rolling to the back of his skull as a debauched moan escaped from his lips. One more look at you with your mouth stuffed full of his cock and he was positive that he would explode in an instant.
You were thoroughly enjoying yourself, letting your tongue work your husband the way you knew he liked, your hands filling in wherever your mouth couldn’t reach. Your eyes did not leave his face once, wanting to catch every little change in his facial expression, every twitch, every gasp, and every moan. You were utterly delirious with the sounds you pulled from the man between your lips, arousal continuing to drench your inner thighs as you hummed around him in approval.
The moment you felt Mingyu start to tremble, you reluctantly forced yourself to retreat, which resulted in a frustrated and unexpected whine from the man himself. It made you pause for a moment, not because you didn’t like it, but because Mingyu hardly ever whined.
Your mouth had wrecked him good… and you were extremely pleased with that.
“Baby, please,” he rasped, his dick twitching as you released him from your lips with a wet plop. He reached for your face, his fingers trailing down to grasp your jaw as another whine left him.
Your lips quirked as you pulled your head back to escape Mingyu’s wandering fingers. Before he could complain more, though, you quickly moved to straddle his thighs once again, hovering your neglected cunt above his drooling cock.
Then without saying anything else you reached down to grab ahold of him and guided the tip to your entrance. Both of you held your breath as the engorged head slid inside, the stretch it caused sending a pleasant burn through your lower half. You placed your hands on his chest for support while you slowly sank further, your eyes meeting Mingyu’s blown pupils as you felt him throb against your walls.
Mingyu’s hands immediately found their way back to your hips, squeezing the flesh roughly as he tried to stop himself from burying his entire length inside in one go. It was so easy to get lost in the feeling of the warm wetness of your walls surrounding him, and he wanted nothing more than to slam his hips up to feel all of you and get drenched in your slick. But he held back for your sake, letting you go at your own pace, even if it meant he was starting to get slightly lightheaded with the way you were squeezing him so tightly.
“So full, Gyu,” you whimpered when your ass finally met Mingyu’s pelvis, his cock now completely buried inside you, filling you up to the point where you felt like you were going to come undone from just that alone.
“You feel amazing, so warm… and wet,” Mingyu sighed dreamily, his eyes lazily trailing over your voluptuous body before they fixated on your swollen clit, his tongue coming out to lick his lips hungrily.
You were not prepared for what came next. One moment, your husband was taking you in in all your naked glory, and the next one of his thumbs had attached itself to your clit, pressing firmly against the little nub.
“W-wait,” you stammered, arousal licking up your spin at the sudden wave of pleasure. “Oh fuck!” you squeaked when he began to move his digit in slow circles. Your hips began to move on their own accord, allowing your body to take the lead as you tried to chase the blissful feeling.
Pretty soon, your debauched moans resounded through the area as you continuously lifted yourself off Mingyu’s lap before firmly sitting back down, your breasts bouncing heavily with every movement. Mingyu ground into you as you rode him, meeting your hips with his own while his thumb rubbed sloppy figure eights into your clit.
Your face was pointed at the sky, eyes clenched shut and your fingers flexing against Mingyu’s burning skin as you drowned in the euphoric sensation. It was more than you could handle – the slide of him inside you, the finger teasing your throbbing clit – it was too much. And Mingyu could no doubt sense it.
“Cum,” his rough voice ordered, after which he slightly increased the pace of his thumb while his free hand came down harshly on your ass.
Something unraveled inside you and exploded at his demand, your nails digging into his toned chest as your silky walls uncontrollably clamped around his cock. You cried out his name, chanting it like an oath as you were completely thrown over the edge. Mingyu fucked you right through it, never letting up and following your jerky movements with his thumb to watch you spasm and convulse on top of him.
“So fucking pretty when you cum for me,” he rasped, delighting himself in your pathetic whimpers, which he recognized as a sign of you becoming overstimulated.
You shook your head frantically. “I c-can’t… too much,” you gasped, letting your body sag as you attempted to pull your husband’s eager hand away from your abused clit.
Mingyu listened, removing his hand to give you a little relief, but that didn’t mean he was done with you yet. He stilled his hips momentarily to bend his knees slightly and planted his feet firmly onto the ground. Next, he wrapped his iron arms around your back, forcefully pulling you down and pressing you tightly against him, leaving you with no way to move.
Then he was back to fucking you, thrusting up his hips in a toe-curling rhythm, this time chasing his own orgasm. Your walls were still fluttering in the aftermath of your orgasm, your creamy slick gathered at the base of his cock and slowly dripping down to his balls, drenching his skin. It only drove Mingyu to fuck you faster, rougher, deeper as he longed to spill his seed inside your greedy cunt.
You were a crying, moaning mess as you let your husband have his way with you. Fat tears had started to roll down your cheeks from the intense overstimulation he was subjecting you to, and you were almost ashamed to admit that you were loving every second of it.
Your senses were going into overdrive, rapidly clouding your brain with lust as Mingyu’s hips frantically bucked into you, the sound of skin-to-skin slapping loud in your ears. A familiar sensation was quickly building up inside you, pulling tighter and tighter until your body began to tremble, and you felt yourself get thrown over the edge for a third time. Your back arched, and the fingers trapped at your sides curled into tight fists as you felt wave after wave of pleasure crash over you.
Mingyu felt like he was drowning. He was delirious with the feeling of your gushing pussy soaking his cock with every thrust, the hot and sticky essence inviting him to release inside you.
“Gyu, please… please!” Your walls spasmed uncontrollably as they tried to milk Mingyu of his cum. You were more than ready for him to fill you up, and you didn’t care if you sounded pathetic begging for it. You’d happily beg for the rest of your life if it meant being able to experience the feeling of your husband’s warm cum spraying your insides.
Mingyu relished in the sounds of your desperate pleas. They spurred him on to put even more power in his thrusts for this final stretch. He was clinging onto you for dear life, hips frantically rutting into you, and little choked moans escaped from his lips as he felt the tension in his stomach near its peak.
“Shit, shit shit, I’m cumming!” His orgasm hit him in full force at once. His hips jolted erratically before he buried himself deep inside your walls with a loud grunt, filling up your puffy cunt with balmy spurts of cum.
Mingyu shuddered as he slowly felt himself come back to reality. He released the iron grip he had on you and let his eyes flutter open to peer down at your naked form. You were a limp mess against his body, no doubt exhausted and fucked out by the sounds of your heavy breathing. Your face was hidden in his shoulder, but he thought you couldn’t look more beautiful than this, splayed across his chest, covered in a thick sheen of sweat that made your skin glow oh so prettily.
“You okay, baby?”
“Well… that was more intense than I thought it would be.” You released a breathy chuckle against his shoulder, feeling perfectly content like this… in Mingyu’s arms, right where you belonged.
“It was,” Mingyu agreed as he soothingly ran a hand up and down your back. “Probably one of the hottest things we’ve ever done, though.”
You lifted your head, briefly meeting his eyes see him already grinning at you. With all the strength you could muster, you pushed yourself up onto your elbows to get a proper look at his face.
“Agreed.” You chuckled and reached out to remove the sweaty hair from his forehead.
“So…” Mingyu started, letting his hands slide down to your ass to give it a comforting squeeze.
“So…?” you returned, wondering where this was going.
“Now that we’ve almost reached the end of the day… how did I do?” he asked, a sheepish grin adorning his handsome face.
“Not bad at all, I’d say.” His grin quickly dropped at your disappointing response.
“Excuse me? Not bad? That’s all you have to say? Really?”
You failed to hide a smirk, hoping to cover it up with a fake cough.
He immediately caught on. “Oh, I see how it is, huh? How about I prove myself some more?” You felt his dick come back to life between your walls. “I got way more tricks up my sleeve.”
“Yah! I was just joking, Gyu,” you sputtered, suddenly fearing for your poor nether regions.
But Mingyu didn’t buy it. He had you flipped over in a second, his huge form now hovering over you as a devious look crept across his features.
“Well, I’m not, so gear up, baby.”
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Waking up the next day was complete and utter hell. It all started when you decided to ignore the alarm Mingyu had so kindly set for you. And then when you still hadn’t made a move to get up after a first, a second, and a third warning from your husband, he decided that ripping off your sleeping bag and not-so-gently dragging you out of bed was the only way to get you moving.
Yeah, you were not happy with your husband… and that was you putting it lightly.
He did redeem himself a little bit with the steaming coffee and egg-fried rice he had waiting for you when you reluctantly emerged from the tent, but it didn’t take away that you’d missed out on a big chunk of sleep… or that you were currently experiencing the effects of that.
Your nightly activities really did a number on you. Mingyu had stuck to his word – that being fucking you till you were no longer able to walk – and only then, when you were completely spent and stuffed full of his cum in every way possible, he’d let you go.
It was some of the best and most exciting sex you’d had – with you being out in the open and all – and you had absolutely no regrets in that regard, but with you currently feeling the way you did, you just wished Mingyu would have taken that into account and cut you some slack this morning.
But no, there was no time for that. After breakfast and changing into some fresh hiking attire, it was straight back to the schedule. No amount of begging or moaning from your side was going to get Mingyu to divert from the itinerary he’d so carefully planned out. Although you hated his persistent nature at the moment, you also admired that about him. He’d gotten even less sleep than you had, again preparing all the food and whatnot, and he still looked like the happiest and fittest person on earth. How was that even fair?
A small consolation was that the lake hike wasn’t as intense or as long as yesterday’s hike. The path was a lot less rocky and sloping, and combined with the slight drop in humidity and the additional break here and there, it made the walk a lot more bearable.
It also allowed you to conserve most of your strength – or well, the little bit of strength you had left. Your body was still sore from all the activities you’d engaged in – both the scheduled and unscheduled ones – and you were pretty certain you’d need a few days to recover from it all. You were hurting in places you didn’t even know could hurt before today. How people managed to do this for more than two days was beyond you.
Fortunately, you were able to push aside some of your pain when you reached your destination, too mesmerized by the view to register anything else for a few minutes.
The lake looked absolutely ethereal.The dark blues and greens of the lake stood out against the bright greens and browns of the oak and maple trees lining it, giving it a deep hue that was further emphasized by the beaming sunrays hitting the clear water.
Small ripples slowly danced along the sides, softly hitting the lake’s edges with every motion due to the soft breeze wafting through the air. There were no sounds aside from the familiar roaring of the cicadas and the heavy echo of birds chirping in the distance, which created a sense of peace and calm you welcomed with open arms.
It was like a page right out of a nature book, only this was very real, and right in front of your nose.
“This is beautiful,” you breathed, hand placed in Mingyu’s as he guided you closer to the lake.
“It is, isn’t it?” He smiled, taking in every single one of your cute expressions as you reacted to the view. “I thought you might appreciate it.”
“You were correct,” you affirmed, turning your head away from the pretty scene to throw your husband a small smile of appreciation.
The two of you stopped in front of a large oak tree, which put you a good twenty meters away from the water. Mingyu crouched down and placed the ridiculously large backpack onto the grass, moving to open it.
“I also hope you’re hungry because I brought a lot.”
“Another feast?” Your eyes lit up. “Hell yes, I’m starving,” you moaned, raising one of your hands to rub at your empty stomach. You then motioned for him to hand you the red picnic blanket he’d just pulled from the backpack.
Mingyu laughed at your eagerness and placed the object into your hands before reaching inside the backpack again. “Alright. Then let’s set everything up so I can feed you, hmm?”
Your stomach growled loudly in response to his statement.
“Me and my stomach agree,” you said, not able to stop the fit of giggles that followed. Mingyu couldn’t hold it in either, laughing along with you and nearly dropping a couple of the Tupperware boxes he was carrying, which, naturally, sent both of you into another fit of laughter.
Once you’d calmed down enough, you got back to work, quickly arranging all the items Mingyu had brought along on the picnic blanket. And when that was all done, it was finally time for the feast he’d promised you.
Oh boy, some feast it was. You didn’t think he’d be able to top yesterday’s lunch, but you were wrong. Mingyu had truly gone out for your final meal. On top of the ssukguk and dallae jeon leftovers from yesterday’s dinner, there were also servings of tteokbokki and bibimbap, kimchi and pickled cucumbers, chocolate cake and grapes, and a whole bunch of your favorite snacks and drinks.
He wasn’t kidding when he said he’d brought a lot.
“I’m now convinced you’re actually insane,” you said as you gawked at the spread in front of you.
Mingyu, who was seated beside you, reached into the container with the tteokbokki and picked up two pieces with his chopsticks.
“I will take that as a compliment.” He chuckled and brought his hand up to your mouth to offer you a bite.
You gladly opened your mouth, instantly closing your eyes as you savored the sweet and spicy flavors coating the chewy rice cakes.
“How did you even manage to do all of this?” you asked when you’d swallowed, your eyes following Mingyu’s chopsticks as he picked up some cucumbers.
“I’m full of surprises, baby.” He winked, about to raise the chopsticks to his mouth. But before he could have a taste, you quickly cut in and stole his bite. “Hey!”
Serves him right.
“How’s that for a surprise?” Your voice was muffled due to the food in your mouth, but Mingyu heard you loud and clear.
“You’re lucky we’re both hungry,” he grumbled with a shake of his head and reached for the cucumbers once again.
You decided to leave it at that, choosing to take care of your empty stomach rather than tease your husband, the man who had worked so hard to put this food together, the man who wouldn’t let you eat your lunch in peace unless he got to feed you. Unlike yesterday, you had absolutely no problem with that. You happily accepted bite after bite of delicious goodness, now more than ever grateful for your caring husband and his incredible, mouth-watering cooking abilities.
The only downside was that he wouldn’t stop feeding you. Despite your claims of being close to exploding, he refused to believe you. He was like a typical grandma, afraid that you would starve if you didn’t finish everything on your plate. While you appreciated his concern, you told him that you didn’t look forward to puking your guts out because you’d eaten more than you could handle. That eventually got him to back down. Your stomach couldn’t be more relieved.
After that little squabble and a quick cleanup, you went back to enjoying the view that was the shimmering, blue lake. If it were up to you, you’d stay here all day, listening to the calming sounds of the water and the rustling of the trees without a care in the world. But you knew that it was only a matter of time before Mingyu would announce your departure.
“Wanna go for a quick swim?”
Okay, maybe it wasn’t after all.
“A swim?” You briefly glanced at the water and then back at your husband, who was looking at you expectantly. “I didn’t pack a bathing suit, though.”
Mingyu leaned back onto his hands, his dark eyes shamelessly roaming your body.
“Who said anything about needing a bathing suit?” he said, his lips slowly tugging into a smirk.
You raised your brows. “Are you implying what I think you’re implying?”
“And what if I am?” he challenged.
You shook your head and released a snort. “I’d say you’re crazy.”
“Hmm, if I recall correctly, you didn’t have a problem taking off your clothes for me yesterday.”
“That was different.”
“Oh really? How so?” he mused before popping a grape into his mouth.
“Well… you know. It was jus- because we- it just was, okay?” you stuttered, knowing damn well your argumentation was complete shit.
“Very convincing, baby.” Mingyu snickered. “Just say it if you’re too scared to join me.”
“Yah! Who said anything about being scared?” You glared at the smug look on his face, already feeling your competitive side start to come out at his taunt.
A confused look crossed Mingyu’s face as you abruptly stood up. “Woah, where are you going?”
“What does it look like?” You grabbed onto the hem of your shirt and swiftly pulled it over your head, revealing your black and white sports bra. “I’m going for a swim. Now are you joining or what?”
Mingyu felt his dick kick in his shorts at the provocative look you sent his way.
“Say no more.”
In the next few seconds, clothes were flying as you and Mingyu raced each other. What you had not considered, however, was the fact that your leggings would be a serious obstacle. Whereas Mingyu had no problem yanking his shorts down, you were struggling to take off your final clothing pieces. The tight fabric clung to your legs, putting up a serious fight as you attempted to roll them down.
Meanwhile, Mingyu had just pulled off his underwear and was already sprinting towards the water, leaving you cursing under your breath as you finally managed to tug off the forsaken pair of leggings.
By the time you reached the edge of the lake, Mingyu was already in the water, watching you with twinkling eyes.
“About time, slow poke,” he teased.
You huffed, crouching down to get a feel of the water temperature. “You try wiggling out of a tight pair of leggings before you start calling me names.”
Mingyu slowly moved in closer, his eyes zoning in on the hand submerged in the water. “I’ll pass. I prefer watching you.”
“Of course you d— Gyu!” you squealed, totally ambushed by the hand clasping around your wrist and yanking you forward. You screamed as you lost your balance, landing face-first into the cold, icy water.
Your husband was having the time of his life, his head thrown back and his hand clutching his stomach as he laughed uncontrollably. You emerged a few seconds later, with your hair completely drenched and messed up from your fall.
“I hate you,” you sputtered, shooting daggers at the man in front of you.
“No, you love me.” He pouted, his eyes wide as he grasped your face between his hands.
“Stop giving me those eyes. I can’t believe you just did that.”
He smirked, dropping the puppy act just like that. “I told you I was full of surprises, didn’t I?”
“Little shit,” you hissed as you decided to hit him with a taste of his own medicine.
With a little wiggle, you escaped from his grasp and scooped up a huge handful of water before throwing it right in his face. Then when he was momentarily immobilized, you jumped on him and pushed him under, making sure that every single bit of him was submerged before you loosened your grip.
Mingyu appeared from the water with a loud gasp, his eyes instantly darkening as they settled back on your form.
“Oh, it’s on.”
From that point onward it was a full-on battle between the two of you. The once quiet and peaceful lake district was now filled with your screams and the repeated sounds of water splashing as you aimed for each other. Mingyu wasn’t making it easy for you, using his strength to trap you in his arms at every chance, splattering you with water until you were squirming in his grip.
You were just as ruthless, though, using your knowledge of his body and ticklish spots to lower his guards for the perfect strike. More often than not, it got you a few good splashes in before he regained his composure and the whole thing started all over again. It was easily some of the most fun you’d had in a while.
Currently, you were in the middle of tickling your husband’s underarms, giggling as he writhed underneath your touch, begging for your sweet mercy.
“Okay! Okay! Truce!” he heaved when he’d managed to escape from your clutches.
“Fine.” You chuckled at the sight of his flushed face. “I guess I can cut you some slack.”
“I was doing just fine actually,” he returned, grabbing you by the waist to pull you closer.
You smiled as you hooked your arms behind his neck. “Whatever makes you feel better, Gyu.”
“You’re lucky I love you, baby,” he mumbled, leaning in to nuzzle his nose against yours.
“I sure am,” you agreed, stealing a kiss from his pillowy lips.
“Remember how I said I’m full of surprises?”
His hands moved down to your legs, wrapping around your plush thighs as he wrapped them around his waist. “I got one more.”
You shivered at the way his dick brushed against your clit. “What’s that?”
“Why don’t you let me help get out, and I’ll show you?”
“Okay,” you breathed, already liking where this was going.
Mingyu offered you his hands after he’d hoisted himself out of the lake and you took them without hesitation, your gut clenching at the prospect of yet another surprise. He then led you back to the blanket and made you take a seat.
Your skin was covered in little goosebumps as you lowered yourself onto the blanket. The sudden change in temperature combined with the subtle breeze made you feel somewhat chilly, but it wasn’t unpleasant or unbearable in the slightest.
You waited patiently while Mingyu busied himself behind you, making sure to stick to your promise to not sneak a peek until he’d found what he was looking for.
When he finally spoke again, your body was tight with anticipation, and your mind had gone over about a hundred different possible scenarios – nearly all of them involving Mingyu’s large hands on your supple skin.
“I saved the best for last.” He took a seat behind you, his legs stretched out on either side of you. “Close your eyes, baby.”
You felt a jolt deep in the pit of your stomach as you did what he asked.
“Now lean your head back as far as you can.”
Again, you did exactly as he said. You only stopped moving when the back of your head hit what you assumed was his chest.
“Open your mouth.” His voice was low in your left ear, the deep sound sending a tingling sensation all the way down to your throbbing cunt.
Carefully, you parted your lips. A shaky breath left your lips as you awaited his next move. God knows this was Mingyu’s way of getting back at you for teasing him. It was a possibility you had considered, but you didn’t want to believe that your husband would ruin your good vibes by making you eat something disgusting.
The moment of truth arrived when your tongue came in contact with something… bumpy? And was that a hint of sweetness you detected? You resisted the urge to open your eyes. Instead, you slowly moved your tongue as you dared to explore further, now convinced that this was not one of Mingyu’s stupid pranks.
Feeling brave, you bit down, your teeth sinking into the juicy fruit you recognized as a strawberry. Your favorite. A little moan left your lips as you reveled in the flavors of the berry, the mix of sweet and sour prickling your taste buds in all the right places.
Mingyu watched closely as you enjoyed the treat, the fruit coating your succulent lips with sweet red juices. He never would have thought that the sight of you eating a regular strawberry could be such a turn-on, but here he was, hard as a rock and wishing he was that strawberry.
Not being able to control himself, he moved one of his hands to your chin and lowered his head before pressing his hungry lips to yours. His tongue swiped at your bottom lip to get a taste of the sweetness, and then he pulled back swiftly, which drew a needy whine from your throat.
Your eyes opened and you nodded, licking your lips to clean up the remaining strawberry juices. You didn’t miss the way Mingyu’s eyes flickered to your lips, or the sudden sharp intake of breath and the way his dick twitched against your lower back.
“Want another one?” You never nodded faster in your life.
Mingyu chuckled and grabbed another berry, this time allowing you to keep your eyes open as he brought the bright red fruit to your lips. Your eyes didn’t leave each other as you bit down, the sexual tension in the air only increasing with every fleeting second. The whole act made your pussy tingle all over, and you were having a hard time keeping your thoughts sane as Mingyu looked like he was seconds away from devouring you whole.
A couple of drops of strawberry juice escaped your lips as you chewed, trickling down the corners of your mouth and neck before you could realize it. Mingyu was quick to catch some of the droplets gliding down your neck, slowly trailing his index and middle fingers back up along the same path they came from.
You swallowed thickly when he pushed at your bottom lip. Your mouth automatically opened, your lips welcoming his fingers with a gentle suck while your tongue lapped at the juice he’d collected. Mingyu was a gone man as he watched you with a mouth stuffed full of his fingers. The way you were sucking and licking at his digits reminded him of the way you’d gone down on him just yesterday and the way you’d made him see stars with just a few simple touches. He couldn’t wait to return the favor.
Mingyu pulled his fingers from your hot mouth with a wet plop and immediately replaced them with his mouth, his tongue dancing with yours as his hand slid down to your breast. A shudder filled with arousal racked through you when his fingers closed around your stiff peak, softly tugging at it until your hips started to lift off the blanket.
“Easy, baby,” he grunted as he wrapped a strong arm around your middle to hold you down.
“Please, Gyu,” you wailed, grabbing onto the back of his neck to ground yourself.
His other hand dropped to your stomach, where he started to pinch your supple flesh. “Tell me what you need, baby.”
“Your fingers on my pussy.” You were so wet, that you were pretty sure three of his fingers could slide in without any resistance.
“Yeah?” He slid his hand to the inside of your thigh, his fingers caressing the skin for a moment before moving to circle your quivering nub. “Like this?”
“Shit, yes!” you cried, letting yourself fall back against your husband as you bent your knees up to your chest.
“What else?” he mumbled into your ear, his fingers slowing down ever so slightly as he awaited your answer.
You released a frustrated moan, your wide eyes moving to meet Mingyu’s ravenous ones. “Need you to put your fingers inside me and fuck me hard,” you breathed, feeling heat seep into your cheeks.
Mingyu shuddered against you as you spoke so brazenly. His cock was a leaking mess, dripping embarrassing amounts of pre-cum against your soft back as he thought of the ways he could make you come undone with his fingers. It was enough to get him into gear.
You released a high-pitched squeal as Mingyu gave you exactly what you needed. Two of his fingers greedily dipped inside your dripping cunt, curling against your slick walls until he’d found the spot he knew would make you fall apart at the seams.
“That what you wanted, baby?”
“Yes! Fuck, yes!” You shook, your body drenched with heat as you felt yourself already close from just a few rough strokes of his fingers.
“Listen to that sopping cunt.” Mingyu sped up the pace, his fingers hammering into your pussy with a strength that made the tension building up in your gut nearly unbearable.
“S-shit,” you hissed as a hand wrapped around your throat, forcing you to look at the man who was currently knuckle-deep inside your walls.
Mingyu growled as he applied a little pressure. “Cum on my fucking hand.”
And then suddenly you were flying, not able to hold back any longer. A string of curses left your lips as your legs began to tremble like crazy. Your nails desperately clawed at the skin of Mingyu’s neck, needing something to hold on to while the muscles of your vagina violently pulsed against the thick digits that were still pounding inside you.
It was too much, and you weren’t sure your sensitive cunt would be able to keep up in this state. In a feeble effort for mercy, you reached down to push at his strong arm, immediately feeling the way his muscles tightened as you applied some force, his bulging veins taunting you.
“Gyu,” you whined, trying to close your legs around his arm. But he quickly draped his legs over yours and ripped them back apart, his fingers never faltering as they sopped into your pussy.
“Be a good girl and take it,” your husband snarled, leaving you a whimpering mess in his arms.
In an attempt to even the score, you blindly reached behind you to grab onto the cock that had been firmly pressed up against your back this entire time. Your fingers squeezed tightly, sliding up from the base before pressing down on his leaking slit and spreading the gooey pre-cum all over the swollen head.
Mingyu choked on a moan at your unexpected move. The muscles in his abdomen tightened and the fingers locked inside your walls halted momentarily so his brain could register the sudden blissful sensation.
You stifled a giggle, biting down hard on your lip to try and hide your satisfaction.
“You think that’s funny, huh?” Mingyu mused darkly, lightly tightening his grip on your throat.
Oh oh.
You quickly shook your head. “No… no— fuck!”
But it was too late. Mingyu went right back to his brutal pace, pulling moan after moan from your lips while you wiggled in his tight hold. Your hand was weakly rubbing at his cock, your mind way too fogged up from the overstimulation that you could hardly control your limbs. Mingyu didn’t care, though. All he cared about at that moment was your pleasure and making you cum again with his fingers.
It didn’t take long before you reached said ecstasy once more, the pleasure hitting your body like a tidal wave breaking through the shore. A stream of arousal followed with it, gushing out of your cunt and completely drenching your inner thighs and Mingyu’s hand. You tightened your grip on his cock in response, triggering his impending orgasm as he began to shoot rope after rope of hot cum against your back with a sharp hiss.
The both of you laid there for a while, just basking in the warm afterglow of your highs, not saying a single thing as you tried to calm down your racing pulses. It was only when Mingyu’s watch started beeping that he shifted behind you.
“Is it time to go already?”
“I’m afraid so,” He carefully wiggled out from underneath you. “We still have quite some work to do.”
“Ugh, you’re right,” you sighed as you got up too, already dreading having to walk back and pack up.
Before you knew it all evidence of your raunchy sexcapade was gone, and you were back in your hiking gear, ready to make your way back to the camp. Mingyu took your hand inside his large one, giving it a gentle squeeze as he studied you for a moment.
“Ready to go?”
You nodded with a smile, allowing yourself one final look at the lake before you let him pull you along.
“I still can’t believe we did all those obscene things in public, by the way,” you said after a few minutes of walking.
“Oh believe it, baby. We did and it was fucking hot.” Mingyu wiggled his brows.
You laughed at his silliness. “Oh, don’t get me wrong. I liked it more than I thought I would.”
“Yeah? Does that mean we might be doing this camping thing more often?” he asked hopefully.
“Possibly.” You shrugged. “It was a definite no at first, but these few days have kinda made me see things differently.”
“That’s the spir—” Mingyu abruptly stopped talking. You looked at him to see his eyes glued to the top of your head.
“What?” you asked nervously, turning your whole body to face him. “W-why are you looking at me like that?”
A grimace took over his features as he slowly raised his hands. “Okay, baby. Don’t panic, but there’s a little something in your hair.”
Dread filled your body.
“What?! What’s in my hair? Oh my god! Oh my god! Gyu, get it out!” you screamed, feeling like you could cry from the immense fear you were currently experiencing.
It took you at least a whole fifteen minutes to recover from the shock. Only after multiple thorough checks of your body and countless reassurances from Mingyu, were you able to calm down enough to resume your hike back to the camp.
“So…” Mingyu started after another few minutes of walking, “about that next camping trip…”
The terrifying look you threw him told him all he needed to know.
“If you think I want to go camping again after that shit, you’re out of your mind Kim Mingyu!”
Oh well, he tried.
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© All rights reserved — ourdawnishotterthanourday // Please do not repost or edit any of my works without my permission!! If you see any of my works outside of this Tumblr, pls report it to me asap. Thank you in advance!
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I’m so glad I managed to finish up this fic and share it with you all!! Hope you enjoyed this next chapter of husband!Mingyu hehe! Would be amazing to hear your thoughts on it 🥹
Feedback/comments/reblogs are highly appreciated!
☀ if you want to be added to my PERMANENT tag list for upcoming works (MAINLY NSFW, SO 18+), leave a comment below or send me an ask, but be sure to mention PERMANENT TAG LIST if you choose to send an ask! If you wish to be removed, also send me an ask!
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782 notes · View notes
nastyaromatherapy · 6 months
ok but what about ethan landry stalking the reader as ghost face for a while and him finally sneaking in to her house one night cause he can’t hold back. y/n she knew that ghost face was stalking her and she also knew that it was ethan so she puts a pretty lacy nightgown on and waits for him. he finds out that she knows because when he walks into her room she gets up from her bed and he pins her to a wall and she says something like ‘i want you so bad ethan’ so he fucks her till she can’t think or speak.
(maybe some praises like good girl and pretty girl but you definitely don’t need to write those in if those aren’t your thing)
ALSO i just love your writing so much like omg i even read some of your other fanfics for different characters even though i don’t want them cause i just love the way you write 😭
Ghostface's Good Girl (18+)
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Your stalker, Ethan, couldn't hold back one night and went inside your house to take what was his.
pairing - stalker!ethan landry x reader
one shot length, 3.0k+ word fic
warnings: PIV, dom ethan, creampie, praising, minor slapping and choking, finger sucking, BJ, slight corruption, teensy size kink, ghostface ethan, whore reader, name calling, orgasm control
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Ethan Landry loved you. However, it was all parasocial. You barely knew him. The only thing you knew was that he was Chad's roommate. You saw him occasionally when you were over at Chad's place.
“Hey, y/n,” he would wave to you at a weak attempt at getting closer to you. It was awkward, especially since at the time, he didn't know you and Chad were fuck buddies. He had always liked you and thought you were really hot.
You on the other hand, had never even thought about it. He looked so innocent, so sweet, and Chad was like his older brother. It'd be weird to screw with your fuck buddy's younger brother.
For Ethan, hearing the two of you fuck at night was both a blessing and a curse. He reveled in hearing your moans and begs, biting his lip to keep quiet as he touched himself to your sounds. He hated how it was Chad fucking you, hated more how you were whoring around, knowing Chad wasn't the only guy you were messing with at the time.
He knew that if you were his, he'd put you in your place. You wouldn't be caught with other guys because he'd be the only guy you'd ever need. And once you and Chad broke things off, that's when he started to stalk you.
I mean, before then, he would keep some of your belongings you left at his place as keepsakes and souvenirs, but only now would he begin what he'd label as stalking.
He started visiting the coffee shop you worked at more, too afraid to order anything or say hi; he'd just sit in a corner on his phone, scrolling through your instagram. When your shift would finish, at seven pm, he'd rush over to your place, arriving way before you did.
Straight after work you'd get into the shower, which pissed him off. As sick as he was, he knew he couldn't enter your house. There were no windows in your shower, obviously, and you'd keep your curtains closed.
Oh, when you finished, though, he'd watch through your bedroom window in ghostface attire as you dried and lotioned your legs, so badly wanting to feel your soft skin against his.
Everything about you was so delicate. You were so softspoken, even your whines which he heard through thin walls were pretty and angelic. He needed to know how it'd feel to corrupt you, and keep you as his pretty doll.
And he'd do this for nights, the same routine. Every night he'd watch you get out of the shower and get ready for bed, and it took everything in him to not just break in and take what was his.
Ethan Landry's secret was no secret though, which you found adorable. Did he really think you wouldn't notice him sneaking looks at the cafe? Did he really think you wouldn't notice his car parked in a confused neighbors driveway, every night you came home? Both you and him expected you to be scared, concerned, and disturbed. But in reality, you loved the idea of Ethan obsessing over you, and following you around like a puppy. You found it cute how he couldn't muster up the courage to just talk to you, and ended up resorting to stalking.
You tried amping him up, often discarding worn panties in the bin at night. Was the shuffling and tipped over trash raccoons? No, it was Ethan. At first. you just found it cute, like when a little boy likes an older girl that's way out of his league. It was only after a month that you started to question what being with Ethan would actually entail.
Would he by kind, sweet, and gentle, massaging your feet? Or would he be jealous, and violent? The thoughts kept you up at night. Oh, and the day you almost “caught” him, and he dashed so quickly he left his dainty Nancy Loomis mask, you'd say you were in love too. Your stalker, Ethan Landry, was ghostface. That only made things more exciting.
Day after day, it got harder and harder for him to not just go inside. After time, you decided to leave your door unlocked. He noticed, and it confused him. You'd never changed your routine before. Then he started to ponder, did you know?
One night, you changed your routine drastically. You oiled your legs, discarding the lotion you used to use. You dressed into a lacy lingerie slip, unusual since you usually wore a victoria pajama set.
He was already growing hard in his pants, his mask concealing his needy eyes. He was desperate to feel you, and needed to take a step inside. The stairs creaked as he walked up them onto your porch, and he hesitated before laying a hand on your doorknob. He sharply inhaled before twisting it, making his way inside.
You noticed his steps on the ground, due to his huge boots, and waited anxiously for him to enter your room. He slowly scurried his way through your house, finally opening up the door to your room.
He entered with the iconic ghostface head tilt, and your breath hitched. You slowly stood up, trying to hold back your blush for the masked killer who stood inches higher above you. Like lightning he pinned you against your poster covered wall by your throat, his hand easily wrapping around it. You left your mouth agape and choked a little, staring deeply into the dark puddles where the mask covered his eyes.
He noticed how you easily and willingly complied and softened his grip, letting you quickly let out short breaths. “I know it's you, Ethan,” you whispered breathily, and his face contorted- although you couldn't see, into a writhe of concern. “I want you so bad,” you whined, and your hands made way to under his mask, lifting it up to expose his face, curls frizzy since the mask wasn't lined with satin.
He suspected you knew, but he never actually thought his suspicions would be correct. He digressed, however, and continued his concentrated activities. “And you can have me,” he spoke, his voice low and seductive. “But know that your compliance labels you as mine. Do I make myself clear?” You swallowed and nodded, leading him to lean into your ear, his steady breaths making the hairs on your neck stand up.
“Do I make, myself clear?” He repeated through gritted teeth, squeezing your neck tighter as he spoke, before slowly diluting while awaiting a response. “Yes, sir,” you choked out almost inaudibly, but he caught it.
“Good girl,” he cooed as he got even closer and toyed with the straps of your dress. When he towered above you, your head was tilted upwards to meet his eyes; his lanky yet broad figure was just as frightening as alluring.
“You're usually so talkative in class,” he whispered cunningly, dragging his gloved finger along your jawline. “Why so silent now?” He asked, alluding to your sudden meek behavior.
You didn't answer, but when you saw him continue to stare like a deer in headlights, you whispered, “I just want to be good for you.” He clicked his tongue and journeyed his hand up, from your jaw to your cheek, stroking it lightly with his thumb. With your mouth slightly agape, his thumb slowly shifted closer and closer to your lips, before finally making contact. You inhaled through your mouth slightly, mimicking a silent gasp.
His finger grazed your soft lips, lightly tapping it for you to open even wider, requesting entry. “Open,” he ordered when you didn't get the message. Once you furtherly gaped your mouth, he gave a nod of approval before sliding his thumb inside. Not needing to be told twice, you didn't hesitate to clamp around his finger, sucking it lightly.
“That's it,” he whispered as you hollowed your cheeks around his thumb. “Just like that.” You moaned slightly around his finger, leading him to groan in response. The interaction made you so desperate and painfully wet, and you squirmed uncomfortably, your thighs awkwardly trying to gain friction on their own.
He noticed this and smirked, finding it cute how impatient you were being. With his hand still on your cheek, he stroked it gently, the skin so silky and the peach fuzz so soft. He was about to ask a question, so he removed his thumb from your mouth since he expected an answer. “Are you gonna be my good girl tonight?” He asked huskily, making sure you knew what you were getting yourself into, once more.
You nodded, which wasn't enough for Ethan, who wasn't reluctant to strike your cheek when you didn't answer, leaving a bright red mark. You cried in the form of a moan as his rough hand made contact with your dainty skin, finally realizing which Ethan you'd been fantasizing about you'd get tonight. A masked, violent, short-tempered killer. “Yes, sir,” you spoke.
He didn't feel you were ready for praise, yet, and he tossed you onto your bed, face forward. Your legs dangled off the edge, showcasing your tulle-trimmed socks. When you attempted to turn onto your back he laid his hand on it, keeping you in place. “Stay still,” he huffed, making you quickly do as told. He kneeled below your lowish platformed bed, flipping your dress up to expose you ass.
He leaned in, and you whined as you felt his hot breath against your almost exposed cunt. Your pretty white panties were still covering your pussy, although they were almost see through since they were so sopping. “God you're a slut, so fucking wet,” we muttered to himself as he hooked the gusset in his fingers, revealing your dripping sex.
He removed his gloves before sliding his fingers up and down your slippery folds, making you whine. “Ethan,” you whimpered, wretchedly grinding against his hand. He spit on your cunt, before licking a stripe down it, latching onto your clit. He groaned as he was living his dream of tasting you, hands spreading your cheeks apart for easier access.
“F-fuck,” you moaned as his tongue fucked your hole, kicking your legs a bit so you didn't get too overwhelmed. He chuckled when he noticed, making your lips flutter, slightly humiliated. Soft “ah's” left your lips, and they gradually grew louder and louder the closer you got.
You felt the warmth build up in your stomach as you grew more sensitive to each movement of his tongue as you neared the edge. “Ethan,” you sobbed. “’Gonna, cum,” you whimpered, and he responded by abruptly pulling away, edging you. You whined in disapproval at his absent tongue that was taken away without warning, wanting to cum so badly.
He laughed softly and stood, quick to pull you up with him by your hips. “I control when you cum,” he taught, making you nod before quickly remembering he disliked that. “Yes sir,” you whispered sweetly, your eyes large and doe. He smugly smirked at your response, “Good girl.” You loved the affection you seemed to gain from him.
“Now get on your knees,” he ordered as he removed his cloak, discarding it in a corner of your room. You kneeled below him, and he started to undo the buttons on his black slacks, pulling them down and kicking them off his ankles. He was left in his boxers, and your eyes couldn't pull away from his erection.
You started to venture your hands closer to his waistband, but for safe measure, you watched his eyes to see if he was okay with that. His eyes said nothing. That was extremely unhelpful. What you’d learned so far was that Ethan was often vague and not very talkative about what he wanted.
Noticing how he didn’t say anything and how he didn’t seem angry, you gripped his boxers, pulling them down to his ankles in a swift motion, revealing his erect cock. He gave a soft sigh as his dick was released and no longer confined.
He chuckled when he saw you contemplating whether or not to touch it, afraid of upsetting him. “This is the hardest you’ve ever gotten me,” he whispered perversely, smiling a little as he enjoyed this a lot. “Better than staring through windows, huh?” You asked, fighting your urge to just grab it and stroke him. He nodded and reached for his cock, stroking it gently.
“Open your mouth,” he spoke to you as he tapped the tip against your lips. You opened your mouth nice and wide to accommodate his girth, and he spoke words of approval, “That’s my pretty girl,” before sliding himself in.
Your mouth flooded with the smell and taste of him, making your eyes water a bit as it hit you so intensely. You hollowed your cheeks as you bobbed up and down the head, using your hand to stroke the base. He groaned, pushing into you a little further. “Fuckk.”
His curls covered his eyes as he looked down, watching you suck on his length, still wearing the cute nightie. When strands of hair covered your face, which made it harder for you to see him, you’d push them behind your ear, being loyal and giving your undivided attention to him. He loved when you moaned around his length, showing how much you enjoyed it.
Your mouth was warm and hot, and his cock relished in the higher temperatures that you engulfed him in. He threw his head back, absentmindedly thrusting forward ever so slightly, making you gag from time to time.
Your eyes were red as they burned with unshed tears, his scrotum feeling fuller and heavier the deeper in your mouth you took him. “God,” he moaned in a strained voice, feeling himself grow close. He didn’t want to cum yet, though, so he pulled out of your mouth.
You gasped for air as saliva dripped down your chin, feeling empty without his cock in your mouth. He smirked as he looked down at you and ordered, “Get on the bed.” You quickly hopped off your knees and crawled onto your mattress, and he was right behind you with a hand on your waist to help position you.
He clawed at your nightie before taking it off, pulling it up over your head. You were flipped onto your back, and he pulled your legs up so your feet were leveled with his shoulders. He pulled your panties off, leaving you completely bare underneath him.
“Please, Ethan,” you whined as he rubbed his cock up and down your wet slit, your cunt gaping, awaiting entry. He tilted his head at you, “Please what?” You swallowed and looked away, not answering him.
“Answer, bitch,” he fumed, placing his hand on your neck, squeezing your pipe ever so slightly. You lightly choked before attempting to speak, “P-please fuck me, Ethan.” He removed his hand from your neck and cockily smirked.
“Yeah? Does my slutty little princess need to be fucked by my cock?” He taunted, and you vigorously nodded in response.
Your breath hitched as he lined himself up with your entrance, and he threw his head back and inhaled before sliding in. “Fuck!” You yelped as he stretched you out so beautifully. Your legs trembled under him as he slowly started to thrust into you, his movements rhythmic.
“That’s it, take my cock,” he groaned, his hands moving to grip your soft hips. As he started to speed up, you couldn’t help but get louder. You turned your head around to try and hide your face, but he caught on.
“Look at me,” he ordered, his voice stern and demanding. You slowly turned your head back around, trying your best to suppress the faces he was fucking into you. He chuckled at the way your features contorted, especially when he went deeper.
Once he saw that your cunt was perfectly stretched around him, he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder to get a new angle. You were lifted off the mattress ever so slightly, as your leg didn’t reach that high naturally.
He started to fuck you roughly, his cock pistoning in and out of your starving cunt. “Ethan!” You screamed, which only made him needier. You could no longer suppress your moans now, as your heart was racing and your breathing was erratic. His hands clawed into your hips painfully, but you could only focus on the pleasure he was giving you.
“Do I do it better than Chad? I don’t even know why you wasted time on his lame ass; he didn't deserve someone as gorgeous as you. My pretty girl,” he groaned, each word getting whinier and whinier. “Yes, Ethan,” you cried, your toes curling. “You fuck me so much better than Chad; don’t stop, please.”
He gripped your hips so harshly that your ass was completely lifted off the bed. Seeing this, he picked you up entirely, slamming into you as you tried to hold on tight to him. “Fuck! Ethan!” You moaned as he took every inch of you.
“You’re mine,” he huskily whispered into your ear as he fucked the lights out of you. You nodded. “Yes, Ethan. I’m yours,” you moaned as you shut your eyes tightly, completely overwhelmed from the stimulation. “Can I cum?” You asked, and Ethan didn’t answer. His hands that were gripping your ass gave it a light smack, making you jump a little.
“Holy shit,” he groaned, going deeper, getting closer. “Please Ethan!” You repeated. “Please let me cum!” You whimpered as he tore your pussy apart. He couldn’t hold back anymore; your whines turned him on so much, and he buried himself in your cunt as he shot his load inside you. “Cum,” he whispered into your ear, and you wasted no time to release.
You screamed, and your legs vibrated as you came all over his cock, just as his warm cum filled your pussy. “Take all my cum, good girl.” After he calmed down, he put you back on the bed and joined you.
He laid on the bed and placed you on top of him, his hand reaching down to rub your sensitive clit. You moaned as he touched you, and then you moaned into his mouth as he leaned in to kiss you. His lips pressed against your pillowy ones, and from the way you whimpered into the kiss, he felt himself getting hard again.
“I want you to ride me, okay?” He asked, although it was meant as an order, not a question. “Yes, sir,” you obeyed. He ran his hand through your soft, untangled hair, giving you a peck. What you didn’t know right now was that you were now Ethan’s. You didn’t know before, but all this time he’d been training you to be his, to be his perfect fuckdoll. “Good girl.”
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marigoldenblooms · 3 months
An Important Lesson - One-Shot
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Pairing: Professor!Wanda x Fem!Reader (MINORS DNI - 18+)
Prompt: After years of rigorous study, you were nearing the end of your graduate program. Companionship had become a figment of your imagination, until your film professor caught your eye. Taking something from her desk, you hope you could catch hers- and you got more than you bargained for.
Tags: Who is Y/N I don’t know her, Dom!Wanda, Sub!Reader, Porn with plot, teasing, orgasm denial, vibrator use, thigh riding, Mommy kink, Professor kink (sparingly), no aftercare, slight dub-con, dumbification, praise, dom/sub dynamics, power imbalance (professor/student), age gap (Reader is 26 while Wanda is 34), brat taming if you squint. 
A/N: Holy balls, I did not realize smut was so hard to write. Major kudos to all who seem to do it so effortlessly! I know I envy ‘em. This is my first foray into writing this kind of fic (my university’s spring break has brought a lot of writing firsts), so if you have any feedback I’d love to hear it! This is also vaguely proofread! Wanted to do some practice before the evental sex in Unica Sempter Avis (Because USA is certainly an Abbreviation of All Time), and other ideas I’ve got cooking up. I'd love to write another part to this, if y'all would be down! Thanks y'all again!  Edit: An Important Lesson is getting a second part! Read a teaser here! >:)
Word Count: 2.5k - Read length: 9 minutes, 5 seconds.  Pictures aren't mine, credit to their owners! ~~~ 
The pen hadn’t been worth stealing, and yet here you were. 
Professor Maximoff’s classroom was overwhelmingly quiet, dark and empty with familiar rows of tables curved in a half arc around her desk, pushed off to the side. She’d always pace within the front few rows where you sat, and you’d have to crane your neck to keep her in view when you weren’t scribbling down paraphrases of what she said. She taught Advanced Film and Media Critique, which generally lended itself to analyzing the shit out of old TV shows. Maximoff was a difficult professor, but you weren’t looking for easy, especially in your graduate program. After a few years of working your ass off to make enough money, you’d wiped the floor with your bachelors and now you were vying for your masters, in your last few weeks of grad school. And you knew Professor Maximoff liked you, which didn’t make it so bad. 
You knew other things about her too - for instance, there was no way she wasn’t a lesbian. Whenever you’d raise your hand her eyes would snap to you, and you swear her face would curl into a smile that was beyond professional. You’d catch her staring in your direction during exams on multiple occasions (to be fair you did the same when she wasn’t looking, but that’s besides the point), and you swear up and down that she winked at you during your midterm. She’d hold onto your hand a little too long when you turned in papers, and always offered ‘tutoring’ sessions which you humbly declined in the beginning of the semester, your grade being nigh perfect in her course. Between that, the short nails, tailored suits, and the rings- oh, so many rings- there was no way your professor wasn’t gay, and possibly had the hots for you. Your studies had been your priority over companionship for so long,  And now, within a few weeks of your final, why not make a move?
Heist films had been the topic of last week’s lecture, and so nicking something small would be a good segway, right? You’d return it to her tomorrow after class, mention something flirty (perhaps about stealing her heart), and see where it went. If you were lucky, you’d have her number by the end of the course, and perhaps take the older woman to coffee after your final exam. You’d bring her to the movies, but that might turn into more of a lesson than a date. 
As you’d pluck a pen from one of her desk drawers, you notice that it was slightly heavier than most. You clicked it once, then a second time- and nothing happened, so it went into your pockets. You’d move to exit the dim room, before a plaque caught your eye- her degree. It was neatly pressed into its frame: Wanda Maximoff, Masters of Arts in Film and Media Studies. You remembered her mentioning she was working on her doctorate, a proud grin sparking at that. Perhaps you’d get to know more about her dissertation and herself shortly. ------------------------------------------
Class went by faster than most, although it didn’t help that you were anxiously awaiting the end of Professor Maximoff’s lecture. She had worn a trim fitted sleeveless blouse and buttoned pants, both beautiful shades of burgundy. A myriad of gold rings decorating her hands as she’d motion with them through her talk. You’d have to keep your eyes off her fingers, nose deep in notebooks as you’d scramble to collect her words before your incoming final exam. 
“And what is the significance of I Love Lucy’s laugh tracks?” Wanda would ponder aloud before your hand immediately shot up, the lone attempt out of your fifty or so classmates. She’d grin at you, “Yes, dear?” 
You almost forget what you were about to say, holding onto the vestiges of it as you’d sputter, “Oh, uhm- yes, well, I Love Lucy didn’t have laugh tracks, mostly- they were the first sitcom to have a live studio audience.” Her eyes would crinkle with mirth, and you could tell immediately that you had the right answer. You tuned out her words as your mind would swim, thinking back to the weighted pen in your jeans pocket. The pet names were new, settling a joyous fuzz both in your mind and between your legs. It was things like this that had you on the back foot- this was your chance to get her back.
“And I’ll see you all in two days,” Wanda would return to her desk, sitting atop it rather than in the chair behind it. One of your classmates had asked why in an icebreaker towards the beginning of the semester, and if you remembered correctly she said ‘Just like the view from up here,’ or the like. If you’d been on the same track mind as now, you probably would have noticed how she stared at you during her spiel, a detail only discovered in hindsight. Now, you had all the pieces. 
You pack up slowly, shimmying your belongings into your overly stuffed bag. Hanging back until there were few students left, you flag her gaze with a hand and an upturned smile, “Professor, I was wondering if I could..” Your words would halt in your throat, thoughts thickened and syrupy as she’d look down to you, head tilted a degree off kilter. Would it be embarrassing to admit you’d never been this close to her before? Her lips would be pursed, but would break into a wild grin, and you felt yourself melt right there. You weren’t a teen anymore goddamnit, focus- “Talk-” you’d squeak, clearing your throat hastily to camouflage the blunder, “Talk with you, after class. Professor.”
Her brows would raise, and you could almost see the cogs rotating in there. Her eyes would dart within the now-empty room, adjusting her position on the desk- and it’d become increasingly obvious (you can deny it no longer) that you were standing directly in between her slightly parted legs. This wasn’t how you were expecting it to go, but here you were. She’d start taking off her rings. “Of course, darling,” she’d tease again with a roughened lilt. Those damn pet names. “What do you need?”
“I think I have something of yours, Professor-” Your mouth would open a few seconds before you’d speak, and you swear she’d smirk at how she had you, devoid of any thought. Something about her had you smiling and kicking your feet, and boy did she know it. Without any further bravado, you’d pull out the pen, “I hate to say it, but I think you’ve stolen-”
“Oh,” She’d breathe, Wanda’s face tinting with a pinkish hue, yet her smile only grew larger. Her gaze would narrow, voice dripping with a sultry air that almost knocked you off balance, “I didn’t let you borrow that, did I?”
“No Professor,” you admit, beginning to launch into your story, before she’d shush you- shush you, words piling up into a lump in your throat. 
“And do you know what it does, darling?” She asks, her tone a breathy whisper now. You swallow, shaking your head no. She fucking giggles. She takes the pen from your hand, clicking it three times, and it’d start to buzz. Oh, my god. It was a fucking vibrator.
“Too dumb to even recognize what this is? And I thought you were so smart..” She’d tease, a flush forming on your face in tandem with a shiver down your body. You open your mouth to speak, and yet her warm, calloused fingers would clasp your jaw shut. “Shhh, don’t want your pretty little head to even think, darling. How about Mommy show you how it works, hm?” 
You’d nod immediately. She’d abandon the toy, clicking it off as her hands would slip beneath your shirt, and it felt like time had frozen. She was so soft, and your mind glazed over. Your breath hitched as she’d trail upward, palming your skin before running her fingers over your bare breasts. You’d watch as Wanda’s pupils would blow in seconds, a devious smile bubbling into view, “No bra?” She’d murmur lowly shaking her head as she’d start to knead your flesh, “Just couldn’t remember it, hm? My precious student, too busy thinking of me to get dressed, were you?” You nod again, a pitiful mewl escaping your throat. 
“Yes- Yes, Professor..” You arch into her touch, although that bliss was short-lived as you feel her dig her hands further into your tits, sharper than you’d like. She’d tsk at your reply, and you look up to meet her eyes- oh, that was the wrong answer. 
“Did you already forget my title, baby?” She’d ask almost tauntingly, her gaze sharpening as she’d shift her hands from your skin. You’d chase her warmth, dazed as your skin would flush and tremble, slotting yourself up against her. She’d run her thumb over your lips, crooning at your immediate submission. She could use that. 
“It seems Mommy has a lot to teach you, dear..” Her touch would ghost across your exposed forearms, her feather-light touches only stuttering your breath further. “And I think you’re ready for your first lesson. Think you can handle that, darling? Keep your eyes on me,” Her hands would dig into your jeans, rougher against the hem’s fabric, “Think you can take this off for Mommy?”
“Please..” You beg, raising your hips to strip yourself bare, your glance trained on her. You don’t miss how her eyes darted down to your bare cunt, having slid off your panties too, or how she licked her lips at the sight of your slick. Her hands would hold your legs open, the cold lecture hall’s air chilling your exposed skin. Still staring at Wanda, you’d discard your shirt in the same breath, her jaw clenching as all of you felt the cool air. Feeling exposed, the urge to flee ebbed away some of your arousal. Were you really about to fuck your professor in her own classroom? Your focus was immediately drawn again as she’d capture your chin in her hand, pulling it harshly to meet her gaze. Her eyes were dilated, a thin sheen of sweat on her brow as she’d pant, both from your disobedience and your thighs rubbing against hers. “Look at me,” she’d hiss, taking your lips into a searing kiss. Your answer? Fuck. Yes.
Your cunt would grind against her leg as Wanda would pull your hips up and onto her thigh, grip bruising as your lips would crash together. You could smell her vanilla perfume as she’d tug at your bottom lip with her teeth, a familiar buzzing sound heard but not registered before you felt it on your clit. “Mommy- yes, Fuckin’ christ, there-” You’d keen, lurching back as Wanda’s hand would rest on your hip, keeping you from escaping her touch.
Wanda would groan at your words, voice a little breathier as her hips would stutter against yours, “There’s my good girl..” Teasingly, she’d circle your clit with the pen-shaped toy, gasping herself as she’d feel the aftershocks of its pulse on her clothed cunt. “Taking Mommy’s toy so well..such a sweet girl for your Professor-” 
You’d rock your hips against her, the friction from her dress slacks and the vibrator’s pulse bringing you to the edge embarrassingly quick. Wanda wouldn’t notice your frenzied breathing or how you lost your rhythm, but she would hear your words; drawn between husky whines, “Mommy, please, I’m so close, fuck-” Your face would flush, legs beginning to tremble before the whole feeling was ripped away from you, Wanda’s grip leaving as the buzz would click off. With shaky breaths, your eyes would rise to meet hers- only to see a teasing grin. She’d pat your arms, gently coaxing you off of her thigh, the few sparks of friction from that not enough to bring you anywhere close to your release. You’d blink, thoughts thickened and reeling, brow furrowed ever so slightly for her- and Wanda loved it. 
“You did so well for your first lesson, dear..” She’d croon, brushing herself off as she’d rise to her feet, leaving you on her cluttered desk. “But, Professor, I didn’t-” You’d begin and she’d silence you right there, hand rising to close your jaw shut again. 
“And you won’t come unless you call me by my title, darling. You’ve received your correction for your first mistake- and for stealing from me,” You nodded slowly, absorbing her words as though they were molasses, and her smile only widened at how dazed she’d made you. “And if you disobey again when you’re with me, alone- then I’ll lower your grade by five points. Understand?” 
If you were in any kind of fog before, you cleared it from your thoughts immediately. “Yes, very clear- uhm,” You pause, noticing the stain on her pant leg where your pussy had ground into the fabric, and you feel your face warm. Wanda would shift her stance and you’d look up- she leaned above you, a single brow raised. You’d swallow, keeping your eyes on her completely, “Yes, Mommy- I understand.”
“Good girl.” That was the right answer. She’d smile at you, her praise going straight to your cunt. Could she not have given you a few more seconds? Maybe you could’ve gotten off without her noticing. She’d interrupt your mind with a quick peck on the lips, and you felt your wits slow, swimming with thoughts of her mouth. Oh, that was why- couldn’t get away with anything if you didn’t think anything at all. Wanda’s grin would only intensify as she’d watch you dress, clothing rumpled from the haste it had been taken off. After a few minutes, you were back to prim and proper..besides your racing heart and flush whenever Wanda so much as moved. “This was great..” You’d murmur, pressing the wrinkles from your shirt, gaze flicking back up to Wanda’s- your professor still watching you with a smooth, secretive smirk. 
“Of course it was, dear..but it’s still nice to hear you say that. Anything for my best student,” She’d wink at you and you’d fold, feeling your palms clam up. Since when were you this weak in the knees? She’d settle at her desk again, her hands clasped together on its wooden grain. You’d be taller than her now, with her sitting down- and yet there was an aura she commanded that you couldn’t outdo. You turn to leave without any further fanfare but her voice would seize you again, just as warm as her touch. “I’ll be expecting you after tomorrow’s classes, then? I think some…after-hours remedial work for my course would do you well.” 
Were you really about to fuck your professor in her own classroom, again? You’d leave her hall with a bright smile, a reply, and a secret. Your answer? The same as before - Fuck. Yes. 
And your secret?
You’d stolen the ‘pen’ again.
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leewritestoomuch · 2 months
hi could i rq. general konoha 11 + sand siblings nsfw hcs ! (aged up/boruto ver obv) <3
Also: nobody understands Uchihas better than I do and I don’t even like most of em. /j Why are they all practically evil in fics? I’m going crazy. Most of them are clearly softies when it comes to love. Am I right or am I right???
And sorry, you can tell who I have more ideas for and who I was drawing a blank on.
Oh and sorry yall for the gap in my writing. This one took a while. I’ve been working on it for a bit. And part of it got lost and deleted, so I rewrote it. A long with a couple other stories got deleted and I lost some motivation for a moment lol
Konoha 13 + Sand Siblings HCs
Naruto Uzumaki
He’s energetic, and that 100% applies to in bed too.
Likely inexperienced, but eager. And a little nervous.
Talked big game beforehand, but even if you didn’t know before, you definitely know it was all talk now.
That being said, he’s a quick learner, even if he complains about being confused at first.
I think he’d have like little to no knowledge though, being such a loner for a while, in all. Hope you have patience.
That being said, he is a bit of a pervert with what he does know.
Overall though, he’d set a fast pace, but the sex would still be intimate and soft.
Praise. Praise. Praise. Giving and receiving.
Sasuke Uchiha
No experience, but he knows the ins and outs.
He wasn’t too concerned with sex or anything of that matter before, but when he returned to Konoha, he realized he had feelings for you. So he starts to think about it.
He’s not a pervert like Kakashi or Naruto, and he’d never lose his cool over sexy jutsu, BUTTT he’s secretly horny as hell. Like low sex drive usually, but just being around you makes it sky rocket to abnormal levels.
He’s very private about sex though, so usually only happens in your bedroom or… cough cough in a quiet forest with nobody around cough cough (if you know, you know)
He’s got a breeding kink. Next question.
Uses a mix of degradation and praises.
Lots of demanding, but also lots of giving soooo…
I truly believe Sasuke would be a softer partner than people make him out to be. Like did yall watch Boruto or not?? He’s got awkward and sweet energy. He’s TRYING. He’s emotionally stunted yall.
More dominant and likes to be in control, but will fall apart in your arms anyways. Usually more of a soft dom than anything.
One of the most likely to be fairly kinky though. I think he’d slowly discover he’s into things as they occur or cross his mind.
Sakura Haruno
She knows a lot about the human body.
Might have experience, might not. I could see it either way.
I think your first time with her would happen after like a romantic dinner together. And it would be romantic and slow.
But… that depends on you, because she’ll mostly go with what you want. It makes her happy.
She’s okay with being degraded or praised, but she really only likes to praise you.
Low sex drive.
She likes any position she can see your face.
She’s a switch, depends on her partner’s preference.
Sai Yamanaka
(Obviously not married here but just to have a last name to add)
He read a book about what to do.
Probably does something incredibly stupid at first, but that being said, he’s not an idiot, so not too bad.
You’d probably have to correct him a little bit. Also, tell him to forget the book and just go with the feeling and follow your lead.
You’d be in the lead at first. Probably go down on him first thing.
He’s not small. (I mean did you hear the way he talked to Naruto? He’s probably got something to work with if he’s talking so confidently LMFAO)
So you’d probably have to use your hand for the base while your mouth sucks on about half or so of his cock.
His hand tangles in your hair/rests on top, not pulling, but resting there.
He throws his head back, letting out soft sighs and small moans that escape his lips. He’s not trying to be quiet, but he’s not loud either.
Although, he might have read girls don’t like when guys make noise. Who knows. Then you might have to tell him that’s not true.
At first, sex is just discovering things with him. You’re both exploring how everything feels.
But, after a few times, he starts taking the lead and initiating.
He has a low sex drive though, so he won’t initiate too often.
It’s also hard to get him to realize what you’re asking for if you drop hints. He saw your underwear when you bent over… okay. He might even comment on how you should be more careful since he knows you don’t like to expose yourself so much.
You just deadpan and tell him it was supposed to turn him on.
“Oh.” And now he’s unbuckling his pants and asking you to come sit on his lap. :)
Shikamaru Nara
Low sex drive, usually at least, because now he’s consumed by the desire to be rode by you. Like he dreams about it.
He calls you troublesome to himself when he wakes up hard in the morning occasionally.
He lowkey loves to just lay between your legs or have you sit on his face so he can eat you out (pussy or ass, don’t matter)
Lazy morning sex. He loves it.
He’s dominant, but he can be rather lazy most the time. That being said, he will fuck you how you want him to if you ask.
Degrading but he’s not super mean about it at all. More like soft grunts with degrading terms, but the rest of it comes out more like soft sighs and groans of pleasure and praise.
Choji Akimichi
The sweetest. He takes his time with you every time.
Body worship. More so giving than receiving, but he’ll be a blushing mess if you give back the same energy.
Praise. Lots of it.
He’d be the type to kiss down your body, from your lips to your neck to your chest all the way down til he gets between your legs.
He can’t bring himself to be rough or harsh with you in anyway. No degradation, rough sex, or anything.
Likes to be able to see your face during sex.
He’d like to try food play.
Ino Yamanaka
Pillow princess unless asked to do otherwise.
She loves to be praised and worshipped, but also likes things rougher.
She’s a bit of a brat about things. Constantly going against what you say for fun.
She does it on purpose so you’ll go rougher on her, she likes it.
She also likes when things are slow and romantic though.
And she’d love it if you planned like a candlelit dinner and put a trail of rose petals on like Valentine’s Day, or even just cuz.
Shino Aburame
He’s in charge. He’s on top. Whatever. He doesn’t like to not have control.
He also just wants to please you, and often he’s not too worried about himself.
Might get a little self conscious if you skip over touching him or giving him head more than once. Like if it’s been a few times now and you haven’t bothered… did he do something?
He doesn’t need it, but he just… you know how he is.
He doesn’t make much noise.
But I do believe that right before he cums, he whimpers. He can’t help it, and don’t bring it up afterwards. He’ll be so embarrassed and not want to do it for a while because he’s scared he’ll do it again.
If he gets like that, just tell him you loved it. Then go down on him and tell him you wanna make him do it again.
He’s good with his hands, I just know it.
He can go rough and be stern and demanding, but other than that, he’s rather vanilla.
He’s a big fan of missionary so he can see your face.
And he doesn’t want to do anything unless it’s in your own home or absolute private, like an inn.
Kiba Inuzuka
He loves giving them.
You will have like 20. From your jaw to your thighs, he’s marked. Plenty of them are visible and hard to hide because they’re dark.
He doesn’t exactly take his time. No, those hickeys are from the entire act. He starts leaving them during foreplay, then when he’s pounding into you, he quiets himself down by latching onto your skin.
When he eats you out, he leaves bite marks and hickeys around your thighs.
He calls it “marking his territory” then has to explain himself because no he doesn’t mean you’re a territory, you’re not a place or an object… he just… you’re his partner!
He’s rough.
Likes doggystyle most, but then he gets upset that he can’t see your face and next time he sets up a mirror.
Quickies. He can’t wait. He’ll whine if you tell him NO he can’t fuck you under the blanket, because YES people will notice the movement.
You might want to settle and pull him into a bathroom and let him fuck you over the counter, but he won’t force or beg you to the point of you giving in or anything. He’ll wait if you really mean no.
He’s got a high sex drive
Very likely to be pretty kinky. He’d be willing to tie you up, spank you, degrade you, etc.
He won’t do pet play. Thinks that shit is weird. So don’t think that because he’s a dog user, he’s gonna act dog like or have you act dog like. In fact, he’s more likely to hate it as a dog user.
I think he’d find any roleplay to be useless though. You could convince him if you wanted, but he’ll complain.
Hinata Hyuga
Much more intimate and gentle sex is what she wants
She’s not a pillow princess. She literally fantasizes about pleasing her partner.
Like probably day dreams, gets lost in her own thoughts, then is a blushing mess when she realizes that somebody is talking to her and she’s imagining what your moans would sound like when she’s between your legs, ESPECIALLY if the person talking to her is you.
She likes to do it in private, but she can’t deny that she imagines doing it where you both currently are. Not that she would.
Secretly has a high sex drive
Long refractory period though. She needs breaks between rounds.
Neji Hyuga
Took him a while to get vulnerable enough to take off his clothes if he’s being honest
Also I think Hyuga’s are very reserved and conservative until marriage, but he has such a tough time following that.
He really wants to jump your bones. And it’s almost like the fact he can’t because of his clan’s reserved and traditional nature just makes it WAYYYY more tempting.
You’re literally irresistible to him
Secretly, he’s just a little bit of a pervert. (Like Rock Lee’s Ninja Pals says he is)
I think he would have wet dreams from sexual frustration. Like the longer he holds back from having you under him, the worse it gets. Like a disease with no treatment.
I think your first time with him would be sudden, and it would be his first time ever.
You’d look WAYYYYY to good, and this time he can’t bring himself to ignore the boner he gets. No he’s gotta see if you’ll indulge him.
He may stop and pull away, get his act together if you remind him of his clan’s pride, and how he was so bent on following it before.
Maybe the first time, but by the next time he tries to give in, there is no try. He is cancelling any plans y’all had and tearing the outfit that made your body look so irresistible off.
He doesn’t have a super high sex drive, but he has such a hard time resisting just laying you down when you look so damn good. You are the reason he’s horny.
He loves when you ride him, and he WILL whimper. He tries not to, but Neji can’t be silent with the way you are squeezing him. The way you do it is so perfect, every bounce is drawing a noise out of him until he’s literally just letting out a stream of loud whimpers as he cums.
I think his cum would actually taste good. Next question.
Rock Lee
He feels bad for it when he catches himself, but Oop it’s too late… he’s got a boner
Boners are obvious in that green spandex…
He wouldn’t agree with doing it in public or semi-public though, but if you noticed his behavior or boner and pulled him off into the bathroom, ignoring his “this is indecent!” Protests because when you look at him before diving in to give him head, his eyes are literally pleading and he shuts up, pushing his hips towards your face.
He can’t be quiet so you’ll have stuff something in his mouth or cover it with your hand.
He secretly wants your chest in his face. He’s a chest guy. Boobs, pecks, whatever. He loves everything chest.
But he also loves ass. Small or big. Wants to grab a handful anyways.
Total switch
Because listen, he loves to pin your hips down and force you to accept the pleasure you’re trying to deny yourself.
Loves to pound his hips against yours until you’re a mess, but he also loves to do as you say.
He loves to be broken down until he’s in pieces by your mouth, body, words, whatever.
He whimpers like constantly, especially when he’s submissive. He tries to shut up when he’s dirty talking as he’s in charge, but he lets GO otherwise.
I’m sorry her portion of this will be… lacking. I don’t know enough to say much. I love her, but I’ve never really thought about this at all.
I think she’d be a switch, but prefers to be in charge.
I think she’s depend greatly on you though.
If you don’t want to bottom/sub, that’s good.
Or vise versa.
She likes to take her time when she’s in control.
She’s fairly willing to try new things if you want to.
She enjoys going down on you most of all.
Gaara of the Sand
He’s very private about everything. He believes that his private life and his kazekage life should stay relatively separate. However, it is known that you are his partner. That’s no secret.
He’s not super into PDA, so it’s no surprise that he refuses to do anything risky or public in anyway.
He will not do it in the kazekage’s office. He has too much respect for it, but he also doesn’t want to get caught anyways.
He’s very intimate during. Slow and sensual for sure.
I can see him being into bondage, but like you get tied up, not him. But… depends. And might take some encouragement.
Refuses to hurt or degrade you for any reason. He only does praise. He could not bring himself to call you names or anything. Or to draw blood from you or hit you, etc. he doesn’t see why those things should be brought into the bedroom for “fun.”
He doesn’t think they’re fun.
He knew like nothing about sex before you. I actually think he’d have no idea how to initiate at first so you definitely initiated it.
I think he’d be the type you have to teach what to do a bit, but he gets the hang of it quickly. Then next time, he’s got every spot memorized.
Awkward. Like the first couple times were awkward, but romantic and cute.
Kankuro of the Sand
One word: kinky.
He likes to degrade you with a shit eating grin on his face. His degradation feels like a compliment most of the time though. Like he calls you a slut and it feels like he’s calling you a prince/princess. It’s confusing.
He’s so good at dirty talk. He’ll have you writhing in your spot, desperate for him and he’s not even touched you yet.
He’s got incredible patience when it comes to you. He takes his time breaking you down into a mess for him.
His face paint would 10 billion percent be smeared across your thighs and chest. Your neck is purple from bites AND his face paint to the point you can’t tell which is which.
Only when you wash off the face paint do you realize he left way too many dark hickeys that’ll probably take at least a week to fade away.
Confront him about this and he’ll just laugh.
Don’t tempt him to leave more, because he will.
He forces you to maintain eye contact when he goes down on you. If you look away for more than like 3 seconds, he give you a little tap as a warning, but twice and he stops.
Orgasm denial for sure. He would be the type to make up an excuse as to why he pulled away. He tells you all sorts of excuses. “You weren’t moaning enough.” “You moved your hips too much. Stay still.” And of course, “you looked away.”
He can make you cum hard almost every single time. You see stars.
The most fun part for him isn’t dicking you down, it’s the breaking you apart and putting you back together again.
Temari of the Sand
Dominant. Dommy mommy for sure.
Even when she decides to “sub” or “bottom,” she’s not doing a good job at it. She’s still telling you what to do, where to move, etc.
She’ll pull your hair, slap you, etc. as long as you are okay with it and want her to.
Loves to boss you around, telling you what she wants. Demanding you to please her.
“Get on your knees”
Head pusher for sure, but you two have a like physical que to let each other know when it’s enough.
All that being said, sometimes she really really just wants sweet, slow sex. Intimate nights filled with nothing but love.
She likes to keep all of this private though. No public or risky stuff.
However, she does like to do it beyond just in bed.
Would be the type to start kissing all over your neck, unbuttoning your shirt while you’re trying to cook breakfast.
You might want to turn the stove off.
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scarlethexelove · 1 month
Dig Deeper
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 1101
Warnings: Strap-On, Enchanted Strap, Knife kink, A bit of blood kink, Cum strap, squirting, Possessive Wanda, Jealous Wanda, Public sex (No one sees), Bleeding, Marking (carving into skin), Mommy kink
A/n: Got inspired so I figured I would write this shorter fic. What I wouldn't do for Wanda to be this possessive over me.
Wanda’s strap plunges in and out of your greedy hole slowly. She wants you to feel all of her. She had dragged you away after a girl at Stark’s party was talking with you. You hadn’t even noticed that she was flirting with you until Wanda stormed over, red swirling in her eyes. You knew your girlfriend was jealous and possessive over you and you loved it. So when she grabbed your arm and told you it was time to go you didn’t hesitate to follow even if the girl tried to stop her but she backed down quickly when she saw Wanda’s eyes turn red. 
Wanda was too impatient to wait to get back to your shared room. That is how you found yourself pressed up against a wall and your legs wrapped around Wanda’s waist. A knife's cold blade pressed against your neck leaving an angry red mark but not quite piercing the skin. You can feel the anger radiating off of Wanda with the snap of her hips. “You’re fucking mine. Only mine.” She grunts with a particularly hard thrust. You nod and whimper. “You-Yours Mommy.” Wanda moans. “My poor little detka you didn’t even notice that pathetic girl was flirting with you did you?” You quickly shake your head. 
With another snap of Wanda’s hips she lets the blade in her hand slip just nicking the skin. Blood rising to the surface. You hiss in pain but clench around Wanda’s length. Wanda moans feeling you tighten around her. You give her an idea as she moves the blade from your neck down and taps it on the hem of your dress. “Oh malyshka Mommy is going to make sure everyone knows who you belong to.” Your eyes widen in fear and excitement. 
Wanda uses the tip of the blade to move your dress further up your legs to pool around your hips. Her thrust stops as she looks at your plush thighs. She lightly drags the blade across your left thigh. She moves it towards the inside of your thigh before pressing down and letting the blade dig into your skin. You can’t help the whimper that falls from your lips as she drags it down your skin. “Shhhh detka Mommy is here. Focus on Mommy’s cock filling your tight little hole.” She slowly starts to thrust again pulling some of your attention away from the burning pain. 
The blade continues to drag across your skin for what feels like forever. The feeling of the cool metal cutting your skin deep as red leaks from the angry lines. Your head is pressed back against the wall with your eyes shut as you try to focus on the pleasure from her stretching you out. Your head snaps forward as your eyes flutter open when you hear the knife clatter to the ground. You see the blood seeping from your thigh as you read what Wanda has carved into your skin. In big letters WANDA is cut deep into your flesh sure to leave a scar behind. You can’t help how your pussy leaks more arousal just looking at it. 
Wanda moans feeling you gush around her. “Fuck! You like that malyshka? Like having Mommy’s name carved into your plush thighs.” You try not to cum right on the spot. “Yes Mom-Mommy. Love being owned by you.” Wanda smiles from your words. Her thrust picking up at your willingness to be hers and to let her claim you for herself and no one else. Her hands move to your thighs as her thumb digs into the fresh wound causing you to cry out. “That’s it, scream for Mommy. Let everyone hear how much of a whore you are for me.” Digging her fingers into you more. 
“Mommy!” You scream out. You’re hurtling towards the edge as your orgasm quickly approaches. You can tell Wanda is close too, her thrust becoming sloppy. Clenching around her length you whimper and moan. Wanda’s grunts filling the air with the lewd sounds of your pussy squelching around her cock. She can tell you’re close as your hips roll into hers with every thrust. Your hands moving to her shoulders and digging your nails in. Both of you are moaning in unison. 
“Fuck cum with me detka wanna feel you squeezing my cock.” Wanda’s fingers dig more into your bleeding flesh as her hips stutter. Your head falls back and you let out a silent scream as your orgasm washes over you. Your arousal gushing out of you coating Wanda’s slacks that she is wearing and dripping down your legs. Your back arches off the wall and presses your chest together as your legs tremble around her waist. Your walls squeeze Wanda’s strap so deliciously that she can’t hold back any longer. Her hips stutter and she cums right after you, painting your walls white with cum as she keeps a steady pace of thrusting in and out of you prolonging your orgasms. 
As you both calm down Wanda’s hips come to a stop staying inside of you. Both panting as Wanda leans her head against your heaving chest. You move your hand to her head and gently comb your fingers through her hair. Once you both have calmed down Wanda pulls back and your arm falls to wrap around her neck. Wanda leans in kissing you deeply as her hands move to your hips holding you tightly against her. You can feel all the love she has for you poured into that one kiss. 
When Wanda pulls back she leans her forehead against yours. “Are you ok malyshka?” You hum sleepily at her words. She pecks your lips again before pulling back from you still holding your waist tightly. She looks down at her handy work, the blood smeared all on your thigh and now on your dress where her hand now lies. You follow her gaze and can’t help the blush that rises. Which just causes Wanda to smirk at your still flustered state. “All mine.” Her words are possessive. “All Mommy’s.” 
Wanda shifts slightly making you wince in pain from the strap still buried deep inside of you. Wanda notices and softens. “Let’s get you cleaned up dorogaya. Wanna make sure you don’t get an infection.” You nod and nuzzle into Wanda’s neck as she carries you back to your shared room. In all that time you never even thought about how anyone could have walked down the hall and seen you but you really don’t care all you care about is being with Wanda and how she makes you feel.
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jnnul · 20 days
mr. brawn and ms. brain
sum: you hate athletes. eunseok is an athlete. eunseok is in love with you. it doesn't take a genius to see that there's an issue with this equation. after a one-sided love for the past three years, eunseok is saved when the two of you are partnered to work on an english project together. which means that eunseok's first step of getting you to fall in love with him is done. next step: get you to give him the time of day... word count: 9.6k a/n: hehe i've been working on this for so long i can't believe it's finally out lol i hope that you all enjoy reading this as much as i loved writing this! <3 someone teach me how to make visually pleasing banners. quick note: feedback, comments, etc. GREATLY encourage writers! if you felt any sort of way (in a good or bad way!) about this fic, pls leave feedback warnings: mentions of reader's insecurities, sungchan being a horrible/amazing friend, simp eunseok, uhh love :D
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EUNSEOK SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT TRYING TO WRAP HIS MIND AROUND YOUR SHEER GENIUS WAS A BAD IDEA. you were just so much smarter than him; he didn't know why he thought that he could even comprehend the meaning behind your actions anymore.
at least, this is what song eunseok gathers from your animated gestures and anger stained tone as you continue to motion at eunseok semi-offensively.
he's only half-listening (he's perfected the art of the blank stare) and you know that he's not listening too. but eunseok figures that if yelling at him to your heart's content is what would make you feel better, then he was glad to be your not-really listening ear.
"...and you know that i can't do it all on my own!" you yell finally, your distress coming to a climax. eunseok winces when your voice reaches a decibel he didn't know to be humanly possible. your chest is heaving and eunseok, from this, is now well aware that you're upset the fact you had to work on the partner project by yourself last night.
but he didn't know how else to explain to you that he had a soccer match last night that he couldn't just skip out to work on the project - even if it was a project that would more or less determine his grade in the class.
your arms are crossed against your torso, eyebrows furrowed as you wait for eunseok to say something. he's sat in front of you, looking akin to a statue, while you're standing up, glaring down at him and from this angle, eunseok is once again reminded of just why he lets you get away with saying pretty much anything to him.
eunseok is so incredibly in love with you that it takes every fiber of his being from telling you that any time the two of you were together. which was less often than he wanted but more often than you had had in the past so he was willing to take the wins he could get at this point.
"so you want me to the work on the project, that's it, right?" he says slowly and you damn near want to strangle him in that moment. you knew that eunseok wasn't dumb and that he had only sat through your entire lecture because you weren't going to let him hear the end of it anyway but would it kill him to at least pretend like he was remorseful?
"yes," you say finally, with an exasperated sigh. "i just want you to work on the project with me."
the corner of eunseok's lips twitch imperceptibly upwards in a soft smile before it disappears, bringing him back to his much more familiar bored expression. i just want you to work on the project with me.
that had to mean something, right? you wouldn't add the 'with me' without any particular reason, right? you actually meant to indicate something with that 'with me', right?
in all honesty, you're hadn't thought of what you were saying all that hard and had just said everything that came to mind in an attempt to rid yourself of your anger and eunseok knows that as well.
he's been in love with you for long enough to know that you didn't actually mean anything when he formed these delusions on his own but he couldn't help himself.
eunseok has loved you since the moment he saw you sitting inside the classroom, earbuds in your ears as you flipped through your notebook filled with notes while he was outside on the soccer field, squinting up at you against the relentless sun, three years ago.
he wasn't sure what it was. at first, he was sure that it was just the chase. the classic 'unattainable' trope where he was only attracted to you because of the challenge that you presented to him.
but it was strange.
eunseok wasn't a really big fan of cheesy clichés or overplayed poetry about something that he was sure didn't exist anymore but everything had changed when he saw you.
your looks, face, beauty - none of that seemed to be what clicked within him. the moment that you turned your head to peer out the window, your eyes landing on his, it was like his entire soul was breathing a sigh of relief.
if eunseok was any less of a realist, he would've genuinely believed that the two of you were soul tied lovers from previous lives.
the only issue was that eunseok was pretty sure his soulmate would give him the time of day. which you pretty much refused to do. it was like you were allergic to his type or something.
you kept to yourself in general, and didn't really have many friends but at the very least, you were friendly enough to those around you. no one really had anything bad to say about you bar the fact that you never allowed anyone to overtake you on your throne seated comfortably as number one in the whole school.
except for eunseok's friends. they all knew about eunseok's hopeless love for you and for the life of them could not understand why. you barely glanced in his direction in general, and seemed to always glare at any round object that could be used for a sport - and those who carried said offending objects.
which naturally meant that eunseok and the rest of his friends (all of whom unfortunately played some sport or another) were blacklisted by you.
he'd been curious at first why you had so much prejudice against sports and then one time, had seen you be forced to run laps around the field. needless to say, after he saw you nearly trip and fall on your face at least four times in one lap, he was vaguely aware of what prompted you to stay as far away from such activities as possible.
in fact, eunseok was relatively sure that he was going to have to graduate high school without ever actually having a proper conversation. until the fateful day that your english professor had assigned you and eunseok to work on the same project together for a final grade.
it was a simple research paper, but both of you had to submit outlines and drafts that showed how much you each contributed to the project, as well as how much of the project was done with each other - all of which contributed to your grade.
eunseok had thought that this was it! this would be his in!
he was wrong. to be honest, eunseok could count on one hand the number of conversations he'd had with you after starting work on the project together. and could count without any fingers the number of those conversations that were about anything other than project division.
which is why, when you're standing here, arms crossed against your heaving chest and looking at him with those eyes, eunseok has nothing running in his mind other than just how much he wants you to know what he feels.
"eunseok! are you even listening to me anymore?" you ask, waving a hand in his face. eunseok blinks before clearing his throat. he reaches out a long arm to pull out a chair in the desk next to his and indicates for you to sit down on it.
you eye the chair warily before sitting down, folding your skirt underneath your thighs as you sit gingerly, as if you were expecting it to explode.
the sight would normally make eunseok just roll his eyes for anyone else but with you, it makes him smile.
"okay, i'm sorry. with the game last night, i forgot to my part for the draft due friday. but i promise, i'm still going to make it up to you and finish all of the stuff i needed to do as soon as possible," eunseok says. you watch him for a moment before nodding and moving to get up out of the chair as eunseok rushes to come up with some reasoning to get you to stay with him a little longer.
"although, are you sure you're going to be able to finish the section by yourself? i had some issues with the first half of pride and prejudice because of the characterization and the time period," you say, although the last half of your thought seems to be much more reluctant than the first half, as if you didn't want to admit that you had any academic weaknesses to eunseok.
but eunseok barely pays it any mind, jumping on the opportunity as soon as he recognizes it. "oh...yeah, honestly i don't know if i can do it by myself. since we both have access to the late night study room anyway, do you wanna finish it together tonight?"
eunseok watches as the gears turn in your head, bottom lip caught between your teeth as you debate the possibilities in your mind. and even as you do, he tries to control the erratic beating of his heart at the chance of spending so much time with you.
if he could explain his feelings to anyone, which eunseok was not gifted with the vocabulary of attempting to do so, he was sure that they would ask if he was ripped straight from the novel the two of you were assigned to work on.
to be honest, eunseok thinks as he rests his temple against the heel of his palm, watching as you pull out a timetable and consult it with utmost seriousness, even he found it kinda silly.
well, not silly as in his crush on you was dumb per se (although, there were times where he realized just how unfounded his feelings truly were). more silly like i didn't even know these kinds of feelings could still exist in people.
silly like how a child discovering the world for the first time might be - awkward in their gait but curiosity shining brightly in their eyes, learning how to be human for the first time.
he knows that his whole 'true love' or 'soulmate' semantics were not for the weak of heart - and most definitely not for those who were too embroiled in the 'love' of today's day and age. but he couldn't bring himself to care.
it made him want to be a better person for you. to be the man that you would glance at in more than just passing. to be worthy of your love.
"alright. i'm scheduled for an english tutoring session but i'll ask them to meet me tomorrow instead. maybe i can use some of the stuff that we learn during our project," you say with a sigh, crossing out some of the timings written in your schedule and rearranging them.
eunseok's eyebrows furrow. "you take tutoring lessons? oh, like a private tutor?"
you eye eunseok strangely, as if you weren't sure if he was making a joke or not.
"no...i teach people. i tutor for english, mathematics, and some other subjects as well. it's how i'm adding to my resumé." the chair makes an awful noise when you push it back to stand up.
"oh," eunseok says. resumé? for what? college admissions? god, he really needed to start getting ready for that. his csat score was not high enough for him to even dream about getting into a good enough school for you to recognize him.
or, you know, secure brighter future in such a competitive job market. but that was mostly secondary.
"yeah. so..." you trail off awkwardly, toeing the ground with your arms behind your back. the sight of you being awkward or unsure of yourself was foreign to eunseok but nonetheless endearing.
"yeah. so i'll see you tonight then? after classes end?" eunseok prompts you and you seem to snap out of whatever reverie your mind was in.
"mhm." it's absent-minded and almost an afterthought, as you make your way out of the classroom, pausing at the door to look at him before leaving.
classes end a couple of hours later, and eunseok is left waiting anxiously in the study rooms.
you'd agreed to meet after classes but eunseok realizes that he'd never asked for a specific time or your number to communicate with you, meaning that he'd been stuck in the study rooms for the past hour, unsure if and when you were going to show up.
eunseok had been productive with his time, of course. he'd tucked away the soccer ball he'd brought to school into one of the lockers in the back and popped a breath mint. not for any particular reason, but he didn't want you to think of him in the stereotypical 'jock who doesn't partake in hygiene'.
he'd even tried to make progress on the pride and prejudice chapters he'd been assigned (by you) to write about, only to give up three sentences in.
the one thing that eunseok had done incorrectly, however, was drinking too much water. see, eunseok had a strange habit of chugging water every time he got nervous. needless to say, about an hour of sheer anxiety of when you were going to show up made him down the whole waterbottle.
which was not good because now, eunseok had to relieve himself and you were still nowhere to be seen. and he couldn't just go use the restroom and come back because he was pretty sure you'd just leave and assume that he bailed on you if he left his post in the study rooms.
eunseok paces around the room, hoping that time would move faster if he moved faster (time-space was in same dimension after all, so technically...). he's taken about twenty-three laps around the study room when he finally hears the door click open and you enter the study room somewhat cautiously, looking worse for wear.
"I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!" eunseok manages to holler before sprinting out of the study room, not wanting to look back and see your undoubtedly bewildered face as he makes a mad dash for the men's restrooms.
it's not until eunseok finally relieves himself, washing his hands in the sink that was lower than his hips that he realizes what he'd just done.
eunseok berates himself more than once or twice in the bathroom, pacing back and forth once more when he realizes just how much of an idiot he must've looked like as he sprinted out of the room like a crazy man.
"it's ok. it's ok! having to use the restroom is natural! everyone needs to! it's not like y/n doesn't, right? don't worry, you look fine. you're so hot, she'll forget it happened."
you didn't forget. when eunseok slinked back into the study room, you can barely keep the silly smile off your face, trying your best to look understanding and apologetic instead.
"i'm - i'm so sorry for coming late eunseok. i heard there was soccer practice today so i figured you'd be late and decided to help mrs. kim with creating the study set for the upcoming math test," you explain, unable to keep the lighthearted giggle out of your voice.
eunseok offers an embarrassed half-grin as he waves you off.
"don't worry, i wasn't waiting long. i just got here too. uh, i asked coach to cancel practice since both captains wouldn't be able to make it," eunseok says, looking busily through his backpack in an effort to prevent you from looking at his red face.
"you asked the coach to cancel practice?" you ask incredulously and eunseok tries his best to act nonchalant.
"yeah. i mean, you're right after all. academics are more important than sports - it's not like i plan on going pro or anything so i figured that i should sit down and make some headway on this project," eunseok says with a shrug, and it brings him a strange sense of satisfaction when you glance at him as though you were suddenly looking at him for the first time.
"you don't plan on playing in college? i mean i've heard that you're good enough for it," you say, and you sound genuinely curious, rearranging the books in front of you.
"i mean i plan on playing in college but i can't exactly get into college just on sports. i'm not that good. i still need to have good grades and scores to get in," eunseok says and you frown, deep in thought, but eunseok can tell that it's not in a bad or malicious way.
"i'd never thought you would care that much about school," you say softly and eunseok can't help but shoot you a lopsided grin.
"we're not all just dumb jocks, y/n," he responds, his voice just as soft and he realizes just how much he likes the taste of your name on his tongue.
"yeah. i guess so," you say finally, offering him a small smile.
eunseok thinks he can die happy when he sees it.
the two of you don't become best friends over the next couple weeks. in fact, you still don't have too many conversations with him other than about the project, but it's more than eunseok has been awarded with before.
you talk to him in between classes now, when you see him in the hallways, and ask him about soccer practice. eunseok always blushes, casting his eyes towards the windows so that he had something to look at other than your intelligent and probing eyes.
he even sees you wave at him during soccer practice, when you're headed out early for tutoring and eunseok nearly dies of heart attack, tripping over himself as he rushes to wave back.
wonbin didn't let him live that down for a full week after the incident occurred, laughing and waving in exaggerated motions every time he saw eunseok.
he even went as far as going up to you and asking you to come to one of the upcoming soccer matches, all in the name of good fun.
eunseok had had to literally tackle wonbin to the floor in order to keep him from spilling any vital information ("please come to the soccer match because our captain has been crushing on you since his first year and we can't see him like this anymore.") but it was clear that the message came through incorrectly.
"you don't want me to come to your match that much? i thought we were better friends than that, eunseok," you said with a frown, and eunseok had to scramble to his feet, kicking wonbin with his foot.
"no - no! it's not that. i do really want you to come to our soccer match. but i kinda wanted to be the one to ask you. you know, because you're so busy all the time and i thought you might say yes if i asked rather than this idiot," eunseok had explained, tripping over his words in an attempt to make sure that he didn't hurt your emotions.
you'd stared up at him, your face unreadable. that was the one thing that eunseok didn't like about you - he could never truly predict exactly what you were thinking unless you said it out loud. you were infamous for your poker face and it made eunseok incredibly nervous.
little did he know that that was the exact reason that eunseok made you nervous.
"i'll come if i have time," you had said simply, turning on your heel to flounce away.
"you're an idiot but goddamnit, i love you wonbin," eunseok had said, descending onto the right wing to tackle him to the floor once more with a hug.
"alright! i get it! get off of me, cap!" wonbin said, pawing at eunseok's arms to relieve himself from the bearhug he was trapped in. he'd just laughed, wrapping his arms around wonbin even tighter.
which brought eunseok to his current predicament.
not only had you come to the match, but you'd brought some of your friends with you. eunseok doesn't really recognize any of them but by the way that you're laughing as you're talking to them, eunseok figures that that you must be pretty close.
"if you could stop staring at the love of your life and finish warm-up drills, that would be great, cap," wonbin says and eunseok shivers, startled by the right wing's sudden presence.
"yeah. uh, team! keep up the drills for just two more minutes before debriefing," eunseok yells, finally forcing his head away from your direction to face his team.
"i invited her because i wanted to give you a chance to impress yourself in front of her. don't make this rare opportunity into a mess," wonbin suggests with a smirk, saluting to eunseok as he ran to sungchan to finish the last few drills with him.
"that brat. and he still wants to be captain next year," eunseok grumbles under his breath, begrudgingly joining the rest of the team. as much as he hated to admit it, wonbin was right.
getting you to come to this match was already more than eunseok had ever had in the past; there was no way that he was going to let himself fuck this up. that would be so incredibly embarrassing.
"alright!" eunseok shouts, clapping his hands and waiting for the team to huddle around him. "i don't need to remind anyone that just because our team has been doing well, we still need to play at our best, right? you all know how to play soccer so just do what you've been doing and don't let it get to your head. good and bad plays both."
he extends his hand out to the center of their huddle, and the rest of the team also extends their hands, chanting their school's soccer cheer before dispersing to discard any extra gear or possessions.
eunseok looks one last time to where you were sitting, just as a quick 'good luck glance' and he's startled to see you already staring back at him. you cock your head and smile slightly, offering him a thumbs up and eunseok feels as though he'd already won the match.
"seok, i've got an idea," sungchan, eunseok's fellow captain and one of his closest friend says, slinging an arm around his shoulders.
"what bullshit are you stirring up now?" eunseok says, his voice flat and unimpressed. sungchan grabs his chest where his heart was, as though he'd been shot, dramatically stumbling backwards.
"here i am, offering to relieve you of your pining and you say i'm stirring up bullshit," sungchan gasps. eunseok rolls his eyes, grabbing sungchan's jersey to pull him forward.
"what? match is starting soon," eunseok says, unable to keep the smile out of his voice.
"i'll make a bet with you," sungchan says. "if i score more goals than you do, you have to ask out y/n. but if you score more goals than i do, then you don't have to."
"this feels like a stupid bet. i'm not doing it," eunseok says, but he can already feel himself being swayed. he'd liked you for so long - at this point, he was just looking for the slightest push in the right direction to ask you out.
"alright fine. you don't have to. y/n's pretty cute, honestly, and she's hella smart too. so i'll make you a different deal. if i score more goals, i ask her out. if you score more goals, i won't ask her out," sungchan says, a devilish smile on his face.
eunseok's eyes look as though they'd burn sungchan to smithereens if they could but sungchan barely shivers, offering him a shit-eating grin and turning to blow a kiss to you.
"what the fuck? i should've known that you were up to something stupid," eunseok growls. "why the hell would you ask her out?"
"it's only an issue if i score more goals than you, right?" sungchan says, jogging backwards to join the team again, never breaking eye contact with eunseok.
eunseok knew that sungchan was a loyal friend and there was no way in hell that he was going to ask you out - even as a joke or as a push to get eunseok to confess his feelings - but eunseok was pissed. the idea of someone else confessing to you before he ever did made him see red.
the team barely sees eunseok the whole match. which is strange, because he's in for the entire match, but they barely even see him, his red uniform appearing as streaks up and down the field. he scores goal after goal, running towards the goalpost at speeds they'd never see the usually laidback captain move at.
and sungchan was no better than him. although his heart wasn't in it nearly as much, sungchan was hot on eunseok's heels, the two of them on opposite ends of the field and being the two people that the team relied on the most the entire match, carrying the entire team to victory.
which is why when the scoreboard reads 5 - 0, the team is shocked, but sungchan just has that stupid grin on his face. not only had eunseok scored one more goal than sungchan, he'd also gone mad, ensuring that the opposing team didn't score a single goal.
"what the hell did you do to cap?" wonbin asks sungchan, and the older boy just nods in your general direction.
"gave him the push he's been needing," he says, smirking with satisfaction when he sees eunseok jogging over to where you were sitting, after shaking hands with the opposing team and thanking the referees.
"thanks for coming, y/n," eunseok says, out of breath and sweaty when he reaches to where you were sitting. "i honestly didn't think you were coming - since sports aren't really your thing."
"i promised i would come, didn't i?" you quip, and a shy smile overtakes your face, making eunseok having to use every single ounce of his willpower to keep from squealing at how cute he found you. your friends slowly start to file out to leave the two of you standing there - you in the bleachers and him on the field.
"hm, yeah, you did." eunseok's face turns contemplative and for some reason, you rush to fill the silence, in a way that you'd never felt compelled to do with anyone else before.
"i have to admit...i had more fun than i thought," you say, choking on the words as you get them out. eunseok's eyebrows ascend into his hairline - which would be hilarious if you weren't the reason that they were doing so.
"you had fun? y/n l/n? having fun? that too, at a soccer match?" eunseok says incredulously, throwing his hands on his chest dramatically. "well, i'll be!"
you roll your eyes, but you can't help the silly smile you can feel start to form on your lips.
"i can have fun, you know. i'm not always studying and boring everyone. even at soccer games where all i see is a ball go up and down and i have no clue what's happening. i think you did well, though, since everyone was chattering a lot about your performance," you say, adding the last part to appease eunseok for inviting you.
"i don't care about what people say," eunseok says easily, waving his hand in the air as if to physically rid himself of the thought of other people disturbing his mental wellbeing.
"y/n! you have to get going; your tutoring starts soon and mrs. im is always super mad when anyone's the slightest second late!" one of your friends calls out, coming closer to physically drag you away from eunseok if need be.
even his ugliest stare doesn't work on discouraging them from approaching the two of you and eunseok figures that he should work on a mean glare instead of a blank stare; the latter wasn't helping as much anymore now that everyone just assumed that's what his natural face looked like.
"alright, alright. i'm coming," you say, stepping down the stairs of the bleachers carefully, tripping on the last step. eunseok's arm shoots out before he can even think of what he's doing, catching you as you fall.
"thank you," you say breathlessly, and suddenly, eunseok worries that you can hear the erratic beating of his heart from just how close you were to each other, your chests quite nearly touching.
"you wanna hang out some time? maybe prove that the academic queen, school topper, ms. brain knows how to have some fun?" eunseok asks, and he can feel the blood rushing throughout his body as his adrenaline is at an all-time high.
he doesn't think that he was nearly this nervous or that his heart was even pumping this hard during this match. but now, as he's looking down at the most beautiful woman he's ever seen in eighteen years of life, he can't help but feel weak in the knees and just a little too stupidly hopeful.
"i'm sorry eunseok. i'm pretty busy nowadays. especially with new people that i've been tutoring. i don't even have too much time to study myself; i don't think i can afford to take too many breaks now," you explain, somewhat sorry and somewhat sullen.
eunseok tries to keep the heartbreak from showing on his face and he nods, almost too excitedly.
"oh yeah, i get it! no worries! i mean, you are the number one student in the school! you've gotta keep those grades up!" his voice sounds fake even to his own ears and your friend winces apologetically but you don't even seem phased, flashing him a sweet smile.
"we'll 'hang out' when we work on the project next monday though right?" you ask, and eunseok nods, a plastic smile on his face.
"yeah, of course," he says, and for some reason, he can't help but wonder if you knew just how great you were at letting people down. eunseok knew that you were beautiful but no one had ever dared to ask you out, for fear of the fact that they would come second to your academics.
it's hard to ask someone out when you know what the answer is.
"well, i'll get going now then. mrs. im seems like a real tiger mom and i have my first tutoring session with her son today," you say, wrapping your sweater a little bit tighter around your body as you wave goodbye, retreating into the foggy afternoon.
"how did it go, cap?" wonbin asks, a knowing grin on his face, ready to tease/congratulate his captain on his definite success in asking you out.
eunseok doesn't even turn away from watching your figure until he's just staring at empty space and fog before saying, "tell the team we're running laps."
wonbin balks, looking in your direction to see if you'd come to save them. "but we won, cap!"
"no, sungchan and i won. the team is running laps," eunseok grinds out and wonbin immediately retreats backwards, understanding the situation a bit too clearly.
he sets off into a sprint and the team is quick to follow when they see the confusing expression on their captain's face. there was a mix of shame, heartbreak, confusion, guilt, and even some anger on his face and the team was just going to have to take the brunt of his emotions for now. he had a valid point, after all.
you were none the wiser about the soccer team's struggles until your friend, kim minjeong, looks back to see her friend, park wonbin, running in repeated circles before the fog starts to cover the soccer field. she shoves her hands into the pockets of her sweater before shaking her head.
"you know that eunseok was asking you out, right?" she asks and you scoff, pushing her slightly.
"you're insane minjeong. i think that jekyll and hyde is finally getting to you," you jest slightly, referencing her english project. "why the hell would eunseok ask me out?"
"because he wants to spend time with you? because you're a fun person when people get to know you? because he likes you, i don't know!" minjeong exclaims, stopping dead in her tracks and throwing her hands up.
"no, that can't be true," you say, but when you turn to look at what minjeong was looking at, you find that your eyes search the field until they lock with eunseok's eyes, which are trained on you and he cocks his head, causing you to shiver and face forward.
"are you sure?" minjeong asks, looking back and forth between you and eunseok as you march forward determinedly.
"i'm sure. there's no way that eunseok likes me."
you were sure that eunseok didn't like you. that was what you had told minjeong and ning yizhuo, another one of your good friends, when the two of them had confronted you again later. that's the truth, as far as you're aware.
that's what made the most sense too; why the hell would the ace soccer captain be any level of interested in a person who spent all of their time studying and tutoring? someone who was known to be a reserved and kind enough person but a complete hardass when it came to their academics?
yizhuo's words echo in your mind as you sit on your bed, having completed your nightly routine of taking your vitamins and doing your skincare.
he'd never ask you if he wasn't interested.
you hated when she was right. especially when it meant that you were wrong about something. most especially because it meant that you were being emotionally unaware of something.
you stare at your phone, as if staring at it long enough would produce the answers you're searching for - the same thing you'd been doing for the past half hour. you know that you should go to sleep soon; you didn't have any tutoring tomorrow but you were planning on using the time to study, not having had much time over the weekdays to study.
but almost against your own reason and will, your arm reaches for your phone and types out a message recklessly, pressing send before your brain has the time to catch up to the antics of your foolish heart.
you: you wanna go to the arcade with me tomorrow?
you gasp at your own message, scandalized by your sudden initiative and something so out of character for you. you couldn't remember the last time you'd spent more than a couple minutes doing something fun.
actually, that was a lie. you'd just gone to eunseok's game. and you'd had fun. it was something about him that made you want to set down your pens and embrace life. or something else cheesy like that.
your heart jumps when eunseok's response comes, not even a minute after you'd sent the initial message.
song eunseok: i'd lvoe to. song eunseok: **love song eunseok: no tutoring tomorrow?
you type out a response, looking up to check the time on the desktop computer, catching a glimpse of your reflection. why the hell were you smiling?
you: not tomorrow. they canceled since they're going to busan for the weekend. song eunseok: ohhh i see. song eunseok: then let's do it! 1pm? you: sounds good. you: :)
you cast your phone aside on your nightstand, not bothering to read whatever messages eunseok had sent afterwards, instead drifting off into a somewhat peaceful and somewhat anticipatory sleep as you dreamt of the next day.
you're uncharacteristically nervous, knee bouncing as you check your watch for the time for the third time in the past thirty seconds. much to your dismay, it was still very much 12:45 PM.
never had you been this nervous on the day of an important exam or a recital for violin. mostly because those were things that came somewhat easily to you - practice, practice, practice and you would succeed in any task given to you.
but friends? specifically friends who asked you on dates (according to yizhuo and minjeong, that's what this was)? you were somewhere between absolutely lost and crazy scared.
it's just eunseok, you have to breathe and remind yourself. just song eunseok. the stoic soccer team captain. your english project partner. the one that you've been getting a little too influenced by lately.
you consider turning around and heading home to safer territories (textbooks) and bailing on eunseok but before you can put your escape plan into action, the bane of your existence and cause for your issues appears in your vision, jogging over to you with the classic blank face that you've grown used to.
the shit-eating grin on his face that grows when he sees you already sitting on the bench outside the arcade is something that you're not used to, however, and it makes you blush at the implication.
"i'm a very punctual person," you say as soon as eunseok is in earshot, your ego smarting.
"i never said anything," eunseok retorts and you just harrumph, crossing your arms over your chest. "besides, i thought i'd definitely get here before you. you know, to practice."
your eyebrows knit together as you try to decipher the meaning behind his words. "to practice? practice what?"
eunseok's smile grows a little more bashful and sincere as he turns to face the arcade, unable to face you. "practice showing you that i'm worth wasting your saturday afternoon on instead of studying."
you fumble for words, leaping to your feet and marching into the arcade. "i'm not wasting my saturday afternoon on you! i'm - i'm showing you that i can be fun!"
eunseok just watches you enter the arcade, a dopey expression on his face and he jogs to follow you inside, slinging an arm around you in a casual motion that neither him nor you were expecting.
"you're plenty of fun, y/n. you have nothing to prove." eunseok's voice is soft and sweet above your head, and a little too sincere for you to pass over his words nonchalantly. you step just the slightest bit closer into his embrace, an action that doesn't go unnoticed by him and his grip, previously loose and lax so that you could push him off whenever, grows just the tightest bit stronger.
"that sounds like someone who's scared of getting their ass kicked in dance dance revolution."
"oh hell no. you're on, miss school topper."
as much as you hate to admit it, you have an incredible time with eunseok at the arcade. although you don't live up to your own expectations of your performance at arcade games (you chalk it up to lack of practice), eunseok exceeds your expectations.
even games that he says that he's never attempted before come to him easily, and he beats you at every single one of them, even with handicaps such as shooting with one hand for the basketball game or closing his eyes and playing whack a mole.
it's somewhat damaging to your street cred (not that you were banking on any street cred, to be honest) but eunseok manages soothe your ego by winning you three plushies at the claw machine (which he was also good at; you were starting to think that he was ai). two of them were matching so you hand him one of them, saying that it could be a good way to remember this afternoon together.
"i don't think i forget this afternoon," eunseok says when you hand him the plushie.
"hm?" you ask, somewhat distracted by the cute plushies in your arms.
"nothing," he says, rubbing the back of his neck. "what do you say we go get some coffee? there's a really nice café nearby here."
"oh yeah, lets go. i love memories café; i study there all the time," you say, hugging the plushies to your chest.
"really? one of my friends works there! you should've told me before; i would've gotten you free coffee this whole time," eunseok exclaims, waving goodbye to the arcade employee that he'd become rather familiar with after all his visits to their establishment. the employee points to you subtly and gives him a thumbs up to indicate her approval of eunseok's type, and he just fake bows in agreement, walking out the arcade with a silly smile.
"which one? the tall one? i forget his name but he's pretty popular on campus, isn't he?" you say, your voice growing unsure as you try to place him in your memory.
"sungchan?" eunseok asks darkly, a troubled expression on his face. "yeah, he's pretty popular. for being pretty. and popular. and good at a lot of stuff."
"yeah, sungchan! he's the one who works there, isn't he? yizhuo always drags me to go when he's working because she thinks he's cute," you say before turning to eunseok with a gasp. "don't tell anyone i told you that! god, i can't believe i let that slip!"
eunseok chokes out a laugh, shaking his head. "i won't tell anyone, trust me. but, uh, do you think that he's cute? i mean you come to café pretty often right? is it because...because you think he's cute?"
you frown, trying to conjure his face in your mind before shrugging. "nah. i mean i see why people think he's cute but he's not really my type."
eunseok's heart leaps for joy before stopping at the end of your sentence. "uh, you have a type?"
he opens the door to the café for you when you reach it. you enter it, mumbling a quick thanks as you brush past him.
"sure. which teenage girl doesn't?" you quip, not even bothering to read the menu, already sure of what you were going to get.
eunseok scans the café, before groaning internally as his eyes land on his co-captain, flashing sweet smiles to every person that steps up to the register, never failing to make them swoon.
"care to share?" eunseok asks, shielding you from sungchan, wanting to prevent the clash for as long as possible.
"only if you do," you retort, and eunseok's stuck between figuring out how to keep you from seeing sungchan (or realistically, sungchan from seeing you) and how to tell you that you were his type, without actually saying your name.
he's saved and damned at the same time when sungchan calls out his name, and you peek around eunseok's body to see sungchan standing there in all of his tall, beautiful glory.
"sungchan, hey," eunseok says with a grumble, and you look up at him worriedly. he rushes to fix his tone, not wanting you to think that he was a salty or shitty friend.
"i see you've brought a friend," sungchan says smugly, and he extends his hand over the counter for you to shake. "hi! i'm sungchan, eunseok's co-captain."
you accept his hand, shaking it politely. "nice to meet you. eunseok's talked you up a lot. i'm y/n, by the way."
sungchan's eyes dart to eunseok at the mention of his praise, who's still brooding slightly, with a slight smile on his face. "trust me, there's no person at our school who doesn't know our resident number one academic. you haven't given up the throne since the day you stepped in our school."
you blush, trying to shrug casually. "i'm just really lucky to have the opportunities i do."
"intelligent, humble, and beautiful? how'd you get a girl like this to give you the time of day, seok-ie?" sungchan says, and it's like rubbing salt in the wound. sungchan is joking, and eunseok logically knows that he is just teasing him for finally working up the courage to ask you out three years after he developed feelings for you. but for some reason, the sweet smile on your face directed at sungchan instead of him made him upset.
"trust me, i have no clue either. she's pretty much perfect, isn't she?" eunseok says finally, and the sheer sincerity in his voice is enough for you to rip your gaze away from sungchan and to eunseok, who's looking at you with honey dripping from his eyes.
the sweetness in his eyes makes your heart race for some reason and you clear your throat, unable to turn away from eunseok for a good couple seconds before looking at the menu behind sungchan's head.
"well, uh, could i get a vanilla latte please? hot, not iced," you say, hating the quirk in your voice. eunseok's gaze is heavy on your face and he can barely find it in himself to turn away, ordering the same thing as you.
sungchan smirks, entering the order as his eyes dart between you and eunseok, both standing less than a foot apart but unable to look at each other.
"alright. i'll bring it over to your table, then. pro tip, the second floor has the best spot to watch the sunset in thirty minutes," sungchan says. eunseok nods in thanks, pulling out his wallet to offer sungchan a ten thousand won bill to cover your coffee and his own but sungchan just waves him away.
"today's coffee is on me. for the momentous occasion of song eunseok going on a date for the first time in his life," sungchan says and your head whips to see eunseok's reaction.
this was his first date? you think. but he's so popular! and so handsome...how has no one asked him out before?
almost as though sungchan can read your mind, he responds for eunseok. "he's been asked out so many times but he insisted that he was waiting for the one."
sungchan's words barely register in your mind, and your thoughts are still racing when eunseok guides you upstairs and to the table that sungchan had suggested.
"you've been waiting for the one?" you ask with an incredulous tone and eunseok tries his best to play it off casually.
"sungchan just says whatever. it's mostly because i didn't have the time," eunseok explains. and because none of the people who asked me out were you, he thinks, but doesn't voice aloud.
"hm. honestly, before you asked me out, i kinda thought i was going to die single," you admit after a couple moments of silence.
"why would you think that? we're only eighteen! and besides, you're smart, talented at violin, beautiful, and a bunch of other things i can't think of right now. anyone would be lucky to date you," eunseok says indignantly and you smile, but it doesn't quite reach your eyes.
"if i'm being honest with you, it's all just to cover up my own insecurities. in middle school, i wasn't that smart and i didn't really care about my grades. i had a crush on this kid - i think his name was shotaro? - but he didn't really notice me. i wasn't the smartest kid in the grade, or the prettiest one, or even rich enough to dress up nicely and wear the things i wanted to.
"i don't think he actually cared about any of that stuff but my own insecurities sabotaged me enough to convince myself that he wanted nothing to do with me because i wasn't good enough. so i threw myself into everything i could. violin, academics, working out - everything. i started getting quieter and quieter because i thought that no one would want to listen to what i had to say.
"and the more i did things like that, the more i got used to being like that. i got used to being alone and focusing on my academics and stuff. even minjeong and yizhuo have always been closer to each other than they have been to me. they do fun things without me and that's mostly my fault because i never truly let them in but i don't know. it's hard to remind myself that people want to be my friend.
"especially because everyone thinks that all i think about is stuff like my studies and violin. it's hard to have fun and make memories when there's no one to make memories with. i just wish that i could have days like this, where i go out and have fun and do the things i want to with someone who wants to make memories with me."
you sigh, brushing away the tears that had welled up in your eyes as you had spoke. eunseok is silent the whole time and you finally come to your senses, rushing to lean forward in your chair and explain your sudden outburst of emotions.
"i'm so sorry for talking your ear off! i have no clue what my problem is; i promise i'm not usually so full of myself. i don't know why i'm talking about myself so much - "
eunseok doesn't let you finish. before your brain can even process, eunseok's lips are on your cheek, and your entire body just freezes.
and before you can understand what's happening, eunseok's back in his chair, looking at you as if you were the one who had kissed him, rather than vice versa.
"sorry! i just - i didn't mean to kiss you without your consent. i'm sorry. i just really don't want you to continue berating yourself," eunseok says. "i really like you and it really sucks to know that the one person that you like the most - the person that you wish nothing but the best for - doesn't like themself nearly as much as you do."
he leans forward in his chair, turning his head so that his cheek was facing you.
"you should slap me. i can take it! i deserve it, anyway," eunseok says, squeezing his eyes shut when he feels a breeze descend on his cheek. but instead of the stinging of a slap, it feels as though a soft pillow has touched his cheek.
eunseok opens his eyes to see you leaning over the table to press your lips to his cheek and in his shock, he turns his head and suddenly his lips are on yours and you're kissing in this café.
it's like fireworks explode in eunseok's body, especially when you raise your hand to touch his cheek gently before pulling away, eunseok resting his forehead against yours.
"this is cute and all but do you mind doing this at home? i'm gonna lose my job and maybe my lunch if i have to watch this any longer," says sungchan's smug voice from behind eunseok, and the two of you leap backwards into your respective chairs.
"sorry man," eunseok manages to choke out, and you just hide your face in your hands, too embarrassed to look up.
"don't mind me," sungchan quips, setting down the two cups of coffee and retreating down the stairs, shoulders shaking from trying to hide his laughs.
"this is going to be all over school, isn't it?" you groan, your head letting a resounding thunk when you collapse against the table. eunseok gets up to hunt down and sungchan and swear (read: threaten) him to secrecy but you reach out, catching eunseok's sleeve.
you let go when eunseok stops to look at you, a hot flush on your cheeks. "i don't mind it, honestly. i mean, i was never expecting my first relationship to be such a public one but there's no sense in hiding things right?"
"wait, wait, wait. we're in a relationship? that you're okay with being public with?" eunseok says, and he can see you visibly debate back-peddling and taking back your statement or going forward with conviction.
it seems that you've chosen full throttle when you cross your arms over your chest, leaning on the table. "isn't that what you want too? a relationship? i'm assuming that you wouldn't kiss me if you didn't want me to be something more than a friend to you and i wouldn't kiss you if i wasn't open to exploring being that something more."
eunseok feels as though he's on cloud nine, slinking back into his chair with the satisfaction of a cat with a bowl of cream.
"trust me, there's nothing that i want more than that."
as the two of you had expected, the school is quick to catch onto the budding relationship between you and eunseok and quite frankly, it feels refreshing for you to be associated with something other than excelling your academics.
eunseok breathes fresh air into your life just by his mere presence. he coerces you into coming to his soccer matches, never failing to run into the bleachers to scoop you up in his arms and kiss you like you're the only two people in the world.
the news of the resident ms. brain and mr. brawn dating had spread like wildfire, and an instagram post with eunseok spinning you and kissing you after winning the seoul championships garners over four hundred thousand views, your romance going viral. so viral, in fact, that someone had created an instagram account just to document your relationship - the account had over three thousand followers, as of the last time you checked.
you'd initially thought that the attention that your relationship spun up would cause issues between the two of you but more than anything, it caused you to work through any issues that came up with communication and healthy relationship counseling (sungchan flirting with you until eunseok finally got off his ass and apologized after fucking up - only whenever fights were about stupid things that either of you were too proud to give in about).
and just like that, months passed by within the blink of an eye. the instagram account (you're somewhat sure that park wonbin and kim minjeong were running the account from sheer amount of footage from close up the instagram page featured) posted a video of eunseok playing insanely well at a match after one of the times that sungchan had been called in reinforcements.
eunseok's dream college had extended a soccer scholarship, and he'd committed within twenty fours of receiving the offer and soon after, you committed to the same college.
when various people, eunseok included, asked you why you'd chosen to go to the same school as eunseok, rather than a bigger or more prestigious school (although this school was still top six in the nation), you'd just smiled and leaned into eunseok's embrace.
"i can study and do well anywhere. i can't make memories to cherish and share for the rest of my life if i go anywhere else." is all you say to everyone who asked and eunseok thanks his lucky stars that he'd kissed you that day in the café to be able to hold you and talk about a future with the two of you like this.
and just as fast the last couple months had passed by, a full ten years pass by. the ten years are filled with moments of happiness and sadness, laughs and tears, but filled with life that you wouldn't trade for the world.
and when you and eunseok walk together to the high school reunion held at someone's restaurant, hand in hand, looking the same as you had as stupidly in love teenagers ten years ago, next to no one is suprised.
"look who it is! it's mrs. brawn and mr. brain now," someone calls out, causing all of your classmates to erupt into laughter. the both of you just look at each other and smile, flagging down where sungchan and minjeong are sitting and taking your own seats next to them.
"by the way, eunseok, how'd you get our resident genius to go out with you anyway? or even fall in love hard enough to go to the same college as you?" someone you don't really recognize asks from the other side of the restaurant and the entire restaurant buzzes with excitement, waiting for eunseok's answer.
eunseok smiles and exchanges a look with sungchan, a teasing glint in his eyes. "let's just say that sungchan isn't allowed within ten feet of my wife."
and with that, the restaurant breaks out into cheers and laughter, everyone returning to their conversation, the attention turning to the most eligible bachelor of their grade, jung sungchan.
minjeong leans over to whisper in your ear. "it's a good thing you had a private wedding; i bet half of these people don't know that sungchan was eunseok's best man."
you shrug, laughing freely with everyone else. "half of these people also don't know that you and sungchan have been dating for the past three years."
eunseok's wedding band flashes under the light as he raises his glass to toast to the 'inside joke' that the four of you shared, clinking his beer with the three of you.
"to the bambi boy and the winter girl!"
"to mr. brawn and mrs. brain!"
"i can't believe i graduated from ms. brain to mrs. brain."
"and i can't believe that you and eunseok have been together for eleven years instead of fourteen because eunseok was too much of a pussy to ask you out when he started liking you."
"don't skin my fiancé please. you can do whatever you want after the wedding."
"i can't believe my fiancé hates me this much."
"i can't believe these people are our friends."
"i can't believe i finally scored mrs. brain."
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rynwritesreid · 1 month
Pls can you write a SUPER angsty Spencer x reader where your phone dies whilst you’re out one night and he gets annoyed at you and starts becoming all protective and condescending and you’re like ‘you do realise, everyday when you walk out of that door you’re not guaranteed to return home so do you really want to spend our time like this?’
A/N: I absolutely loved this request, and I hope my writing does it justice. and ILY two. Even though I write smut the most, I absolutely love angst, reading and writing it, honestly break my heart please! Also, two posts in two days? Is it because I have a week of work? Yes. Expect more fics from me this week. Love you all 💕
Summary: what anon had asked for, but I added just a lil more to the argument, hehe.
Content: Fem!reader. Mentions of Haley and Will. Reader claims Spencer would put her in more danger than she could ever put herself in. Mention of drink spiking (reader knows all the signs). Over protecting Spencer.
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You knew that Spencer was protective over you because of job, you couldn’t really begin to imagine all the things he had witnessed, but sometimes it was just overbearing. You knew how to protect yourself; you knew what to do if you believed someone was following you and you knew all the signs that a drink had been spiked. 
But Spencer had set a firm rule for you, when you went out you always messaged him every half an hour to let him know you were safe and you always had your location on. But because you had already had a hectic day, and forgotten to charge your phone, it had sadly died while you were on a girl’s night.
“Why did you stop answering my texts and calls?” Spencer’s heart raced as he tried to reach you. He knew the dangers that lurked in the shadows, the monsters that preyed on the unsuspecting. As each passing minute felt like an eternity, his mind raced with a thousand fearful scenarios.
Spencer's relief at seeing you walk through the door was quickly overshadowed by the anger that simmered beneath the surface. As you met his gaze, you could see the storm brewing in his eyes, a mix of fear and frustration that threatened to spill over.
"I'm sorry, Spencer," you began, knowing that your apology might not be enough to quell his rising temper. "My phone died, and I lost track of time. I should have been more careful."
His jaw tightened as he took in your words, the worry lines on his forehead deepening. "Do you have any idea what could have happened? The risks you were taking by not checking in. I can't lose you; do you understand that?”
“Spencer, you won’t lose me, it was just an honest mistake. Okay?” you tried to stay calm, you knew he had every right to be like this. 
“It doesn’t matter if it was an honest mistake,” Spencer interrupted, his voice laced with emotion. “I can't bear the thought of something happening to you. I need to know that you’re safe, always.” His eyes searched yours, pleading for understanding.
“Omg Spencer. Do you realise that every time you walk out of that door you’re not guaranteed to return home.” You paused for a brief moment, he was honestly acting like you didn’t know how to take care of yourself “and if I am being honest your job puts me in more danger than I ever could put myself in. Look what happened to Will, all because of JJ’s job, or Haley. If Hotch didn’t work for the FBI, Haley would still be alive.”
“Don’t you dare bring Haley or Will up.” Spencer's voice was sharp, he couldn’t believe you were bringing up something that happened to his closest friends’ husband, and his boss’s ex-wife. His hands clenched into tight fists, the mention of his friends' tragedies cutting through him like a knife.
“Why not? Don’t you like hearing how your job could end up with me being murdered, tortured, or kidnapped? I have learnt how to defend myself Spencer, so do you really want to spend our time arguing over things like this?” you couldn't help the frustration creeping into your voice, the tension between you and Spencer palpable in the air. You both stood there, chests rising and falling with emotions too strong to contain.
Spencer's expression softened slightly as he realized the fear and anger in your eyes mirrored his own. He knew he couldn't control every situation, but the urge to protect you was ingrained in his very being.
"I know you're capable, I do," Spencer started, his voice quieter now, more vulnerable. "But it's hard for me to accept that I can't always keep you safe. My job... it's a constant reminder of what could go wrong."
You reached out and touched his arm gently, feeling the tension slowly ebb away. "I understand, Spencer. And I appreciate everything you do to keep me safe. But we can't let this fear control us. We have to trust each other."
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@iluvreid @nomajdetective @evvy96 @oliviah-25 @starkid024 @emalynvtgtgfhvgg @krokietino @julllliiia @xohoneybun @purplepistachi0 @pleasantwitchgarden @queermaxwooo @gemofthenight @cham9ions @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @beth-gallagher22 @lookingforgodintheclouds @firstunmannedflyingdeskset @waywardhunter95 @r-3dlips @keiva1000 @peppersapro @just-a-harmless-patato @skulliecadaver-blog @svnfully @lover-of-books-and-tea @jem08 @ladylincoln @niktwazny303 @sleepysongbirdsings @st4rdusks @roowse @spicyspirit @reidsbiitch @hiireadstuff @18lkpeters @marypaol
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azurefanfics · 4 months
Incoming call from Lover Boy <3
Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x reader
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: A late night call from your lover Wonwoo after successfully wrapping up his second Tokyo concert.
Note: To celebrate Nana Tour coming to an end I decided to FINALLY write the fic idea I’ve had since episode 1. Please forgive my rusting writing skills - it’s the first fic I’ve actually written in years!
“Incoming call from Lover Boy <3”
The familiar nickname flashed up on your screen, causing you to pause in your reading, smiling slightly at the phone. It was just a joke at first - changing your boyfriend’s nickname in your phone to see how he would react, but the sheepish pink blush that painted his cheeks whenever he caught a glimpse of it drove you to keep it that way ever since.
Your phone continued to buzz angrily, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“What’s up?” you questioned, picking up the phone right away. It wasn’t unusual for Wonwoo to call you when he was away, but you knew he’d just wrapped up a concert that night and usually he’d prefer to either celebrate with the boys or just sleep, especially this late.
“Sorry baby, were you asleep?” a familiar face came into view, picking up on the slightly sleepy tone of your voice and voicing out his concerns.
“No, I was just finishing up this chapter, don’t worry. Is everything ok? What happened to drinking with the guys?” you asked, turning your camera on in turn.
“I had a drink already, but I thought I’d turn in early or else I’d be up all night with those idiots. We do fly out at 6 am after all.” The rosy flush that dusted over his features revealed the truth in his statement, as he shook his head fondly at the questionable sleeping habits of his members. “Besides I couldn’t miss out on speaking with you, it’s the highlight of my day.”
This made you smile a little to yourself. Although you’ve never doubted your boyfriend’s love for you, it still felt good to hear that your presence lights up his day in the same way his does to yours.
As you continued chatting about anything and everything - mostly the boys’ antics during the concert - Wonwoo began to remove the remnants of his stage makeup and get ready for bed. You did the same, basking in the moment of shared domesticity despite the ocean between you both. Despite all of the moments you’ve shared together, perhaps watching him sleepily rub his eyes with makeup remover is the most romantic of them all.
Before long, Wonwoo was done cleaning his face and headed back into the hotel bedroom as the two of you chatted. The lights went out with a click and you heard faint shuffling noises as Wonwoo struggled with his clothes. Eventually, he turned on the bedside lamp to reveal himself lying down, shirtless with his glasses on and his head on the pillow.
“You should take your glasses off hun, that’s got to be uncomfortable”, you chastised him, “and that can’t be good for the frames either”.
“No, I want to see you properly”, came the petulant response, “I won’t be able to actually hold you until tomorrow so this is the best I can get”.
“I can’t wait until you’re home.” you sighed. Although it had only been a few days, the pandemic and the fact that you were able to go with them on the last tour meant that times where you’d been away from Wonwoo were few and far between. Although the two of you had been very lucky in that regard, it did make time apart more of a struggle.
“Me neither, it’s not the same sleeping in these hotel rooms without you…”, he sighed. “I’ll be home tomorrow though! Do you have any plans? I know you’re working but maybe we could have a night in? We can watch a movie and order food? Oh! We should try out that new pizza place near ours, you know, the one Mingyu was talking about?”
“Oh yes! He made it sound so good - I’ve been wanting to check it out for a while! We should get extra and then we can have some leftovers for breakfast the next day!”
“…Babe… What are you talking about…. Pizza isn’t breakfast, you monster.” he deadpanned. At this, your cheeks puffed out a little in frustration.
“Breakfast can be whatever you want it to be! You can’t convince me that you had a healthy breakfast every day when you were living with Mingyu!”
As you continued to bicker back and forth about the validity of various breakfast(?) foods, you took a second to admire your breathtaking boyfriend. Even with his face smooshed into the pillow and his glasses askew, his handsome features and plush lips pulled into a subtle smile never failed to make you swoon.
Eventually the conversation turned to your days, catching up on everything that had happened since you last spoke. Although yours was quite uneventful - “just my manager being an idiot, as always” - Wonwoo was full of stories of shopping with the boys earlier that day.
“And then Hoshi just ran away with Coups’ crutches! He was just sat there on the floor pouting!”
As you giggled at his latest story, Wonwoo couldn’t help but join in as well. Your laughter never failed to give him the deepest joy - he would share stories until his throat ran dry, just to see you smile. He’d even endure the endless teasing from his members to buy magazines with his own face on to bring back to you. He didn’t understand why you needed them when you had the real thing - “They’re good to make collages out of, ok? Don’t judge me!” - but he’d dutifully bring them home to you to catch a glimpse of that bashful blush and shy smile of yours.
As your giggles died down, a wave of exhaustion washed over you and you couldn’t hold back your yawn. Despite doing your best to stifle it off camera, your ever attentive boyfriend still caught on.
“Are you tired baby? Sorry for keeping you up, we can always catch up tomorrow instead”, he said apologetically.
“No, no, if anyone should be tired it’s you. You’re the one that just finished a whole concert! Besides, I like hearing you talk. Tell me more about your day”.
At your gentle prompting, Wonwoo launched into another story about Dino’s latest antics. Despite his animated retelling of the members bullying their maknae, you felt calmed by his voice and felt yourself slowly being lulled to sleep. As your eyes drooped further, a gentle “sleep well baby” was the last thing you heard before your eyes shut completely.
The next morning you wake up to a text received at 4 am:
‘Sorry honey, we’ll have to take a rain check on our plans today. I’ve been kidnapped’
‘We’re going to Italy. I’ll bring you back some limoncello to make it up to you x’
You wracked your sleep-addled brain trying to make sense of his message before you remembered - Youth Over Flowers! You felt a slight twinge in your chest at having to cancel your date night, but that was quickly overtaken by excitement for your boyfriend, whom you know has never been to Italy before. You had considered visiting together in the past, but you’d never been able to make it work with your boyfriend’s packed schedule. Your boyfriend had rarely been able to go abroad for leisure at all in the past, let alone with almost all his members. The fact that Na PD somehow managed to surprise the boys, despite them losing all hope of the trip actually happening, just made it that much more sweet.
As you set to work looking up restaurant recommendations in Italy to make sure that your boyfriend was able to enjoy his trip to the fullest, a knock sounded on your door. Jumping out of bed and pulling on a dressing gown, you quickly made your way to the door.
“Pizza for Y/N?” It was the pizza place you’ve been wanting to try.
“I don’t think I ordered this? Do you have the wrong place?” you responded, bewildered.
“It was ordered to this address under the name of Jeon Wonwoo. There was a note left on the receipt.” At that your heart swelled, and you accepted the box gratefully from the delivery driver.
As you settled down at the kitchen table with the still hot box, you unfolded the receipt and took in the message your lover left for you.
“Sorry I can’t be there today baby. Please take this as my peace offering while I’m off expanding my pizza horizons in Italy. I hope you have a good day at work, can’t wait to see you soon! 10 days can’t go by fast enough. Please wait for me a little longer love <3”
You smiled softly at the thought of him, bleary eyed, having to pack all of his belongings in a rush, but still taking the time to think of you.
You took a bite of the piping hot pizza covered in your favourite toppings - delicious. Who ever said pizza wasn’t a breakfast food anyway?
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lovelyhan · 9 months
Okay, you still have a spot. Great. I thought they'd be filled so, I didn't send anything lmao. Insomnia has its perks.
This is deeply self-indulgent and I'd love more Hao from you. So, hear me out, Minghao with a breeding kink. I feel like it doesn't get enough attention especially given how much that man gravitates towards babies lol. Like he and Reader visit Cheol's and see him with his new baby and, Hao's like oh, wait a minute. I think this is making me feel some type of way.
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— terrified ⟢
minghao has a knack for keeping the things you tell him in mind. from your favorite brand of wine to how the idea of bearing children terrifies you—he remembers all of it. so your husband is in a bit of a crisis when he realizes that this newfound desire to start a family kind of clashes with something you trusted him to respect.
★ FEATURING; minghao x f!reader
★ WORD COUNT; 4.4k words
★ TAGS; idolverse, established relationship, hao trying (and failing) to play it cool about the wanting-to-be-a-father thing, brief discussion abt family planning, this is only a little sad bc hao has overthinkeritis, smut (MINORS DNI!)
★ WARNINGS; mentions of pregnancy and childbirth but nothing too graphic
★ NOTES; i scheduled to post this when it hit exactly 12 midnight in rj's timezone just in time for her birthday :> (pls look away if i got the schedule wrong,,,) i'm not really back yet bcs this is a queued post, but happy birthday, beloved. i love you more than i can say directly, so i decided to just write a fic for you instead! hopefully, i can come back and torment you with every other seventeen member BUT cheol soon :3c
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★ SMUT TAGS; unprotected sex, breeding kink, creampie, multiple rounds, mating press, hao is just really feral in this yk
★ PERMANENT TAGLIST; @cheolhub - @pretty-trustme - @just-here-to-read-01 - @idkmelkro - @dejavernon - @venusrae - @jyiiscool - @jiniesclub - @junhui-recs - @bldelaine - @featmia - @fruitzcup - @hoeforhao - @candidupped - @billboard-singer - @caratochan - @novalpha - @dahliatopia - @0717luv - @shiveringgaze - @toruro - @mixling-blog - @minnie-mouser22 - @homerunhansol - @mirtaspace - @ti--red - @zzucculent - @woozarts - @rubyreduji - @mozellerra - @lllucere - @cheolzip - @jjjzzzz - @lissiesykes - @dearjeonwonwoo - @meowmeowminnie - @colored-confetti - @partiallyinfluencial - @speaknowlwt - @flwrshwa - @lilylikesthat - @aurorahongg - @whippedforjihoon - @todorokiskitten - @immabecreepin - @98-0603 - @peachhiz
★ MINGHAO TAGLIST; @haoxiaoba - @jeonride - @coffeestay - @hyvnae
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In the height of his career as an idol, Xu Minghao filmed a certain piece of content where he was asked a normal question to which he responded with a slightly controversial answer.
"How many kids do you want in the future?"
"Oh, It's not me who'll give birth, so I can't be the one to decide."
It's a response that made waves on the Internet during the week the video was first posted—a reaction from both fans and casual netizens alike that Minghao definitely did not anticipate that he would receive when they packed up the set several months prior.
It's pretty much the logical answer, isn't it? Sure, he'd love to have kids someday, but the quantity isn't something he should decide on without his non-existent partner's input.
Minghao learns further down the road, when he finally meets and eventually gets together with you, that the number of children isn't the only thing that a couple should mutually agree on.
"I don't really want to have kids..."
You tell him this during a spontaneous date he deigned to take you out on. He just came back from a tour packed with a long list of stops and even if he should probably catch up on some sleep, he opted to have a picnic with you at the park because of how much he missed you.
Your cheeks are stuffed with a few bites of pie, thoughtfully chewing as you wait for Minghao's response to your sudden confession. If he didn't know you as well as he does, he wouldn't have sensed the waves of anxiety rolling off of you in waves—as if you're waiting for him to get mad at you for simply being honest.
Mingao heaves a quiet sigh before he pulls you into his chest—a tiny squeak caught in your throat after swallowing your food.
"Hey, that doesn't make me love you any less," he murmurs, pressing his lips on top of your head. "I know bearing children can be terrifying and painful, so I completely understand."
For a moment, your brow dips, a soft frown tugging at your lips. "I-It's not that I'm terrified... Okay, maybe a little. But—"
Minghao promptly silences your protests with a firm kiss on your lips—one that you find yourself easily melting into given the time and distance that's separated you until this moment. He smiles against your mouth, glad that you can be honest with him about things like this.
"No buts, if you don't want to have kids, that's alright," he murmurs before pulling away. "Maybe we can just get a dog. You're already close with Mingyu, aren't you?"
That makes you snicker. "You're so mean."
It's a brief exchange that Minghao doesn't really think about again for several years. After all, his career as an idol was at an all-time high. As much as he wants to settle down with you and start the next phase of his life, he's certain that he shouldn't step out of the limelight just yet.
But it doesn't take long for time to catch up with him.
One by one, his brothers are off to fulfill their mandatory service and the group's activities are at a momentary standstill. Those who were left behind go their separate ways for a while—Joshua expanding his solo promotions in the US and Jun taking up more brand sponsorships in China.
Minghao chose to stay in Seoul mostly for your sake, and the fact that this city is the only common ground between him and the rest of the boys. When Vernon and Seungkwan enlisted together, it was around the time that Seungcheol and Jeonghan came back with overgrown buzzcuts, while Joshua landed in Incheon for the first time in two years.
It was also the time when you and Minghao got married.
The event was celebrated among close friends and family with only a brief news article about the marriage of SEVENTEEN's The8 allowed by the company to circulate for a while. They did a good job at keeping things hush hush, and Minghao thinks it's only because it's been more than a decade since his debut that they're being so lenient.
But even if they weren't, nothing would stop Xu Minghao from making you his wife either way.
It takes a few more years for all thirteen of them to get back together again, but when they do, the first thing that Seungcheol does is invite everybody to his daughter's first birthday.
Minghao has met baby Suri a handful of times in the past. Seungcheol's wife visits them at the company from time to time, wheeling Suri's stroller into the practice room as her uncles all fawn over her until she's crying. For some reason, the only people the infant seems to tolerate are Jun and Seokmin.
It's pretty much the same scene during the party. Seokmin and Jun are the only ones allowed within a one-meter radius from Seungcheol's baby girl to prevent an incurable crying episode in the middle of the celebration. Soonyoung was not happy with the fact that he can't personally give Suri the little tiger plush he got for her, but Minghao thinks it's for the best.
But then, as everyone was finishing up with dinner, he saw you walk up to Seungcheol's wife with a familiar sparkle in your eyes. You're staring at Suri who's all dressed up for her party with a look of endearment—nearly gushing with how animatedly you're speaking with her mother.
Minghao doesn't think much of it. You and her have always gotten along for as long as he can remember.
What does catch him completely off-guard, however, is the fact that Suri is being handed into your arms and you let it all happen without much of a fuss.
Chan was in the middle of telling him about this martial arts move that he'd wanted to choreograph into a dance but as much as he wants to give the younger man advice, his gaze is completely glued to the sight of you with Suri in cradled against your chest.
It's one thing to see a woman holding a baby. It's another to see his wife do the same thing.
"Hao, look!" You quickly call him over when you catch his eyes in the crowd. "Suri thinks I'm worthy! It's been five minutes since her mom handed her over and she's still not crying."
The sight is so adorable that Minghao abruptly excuses himself from his conversation with Chan to rush towards you with clipped strides. His heart thunders inside his chest as you visibly dote on Seungcheol's daughter, and he isn't sure if he wants to give the feeling a name.
It eventually fades into a barely there throb in his chest when he drives back home for the evening. You quickly fill the silence with your attempts at looking at some properties in this newly opened residential area near the freeway and as always, your husband lends a willing ear.
"It's a little far from your company building, but it's much more spacious than our apartment right now," you chuckle, face alight with the glow of your screen as you scroll through the property's details on your phone.
Minghao hums before pulling over at a red light. "Hm? Isn't our place alright as it is? Why would we need the extra space?"
He half-expected you to answer with something along the lines of, so I can have more space to keep my book collection in or so you can have enough room to practice at home if you want to.
But all you do is let out an uneasy laugh, locking your phone before depositing it in the cupholder on the middle console.
"Y-Yeah, you're right. That was a bit silly of me."
The next time Minghao unwittingly makes the connection with you and the prospect of having kids is when Seungkwan's nephews are in Seoul for a couple of weeks.
While he and his sister are off to run errands every now and again, they typically ask Jun to watch over the kids because out of all the members, he's definitely the only one who can be trusted around children. Even more than those who are actual fathers.
But it just so happens that Jun is all the way in Shanghai to shoot for a historical drama, and for some reason, Seungkwan thought it would be a good idea to drop his nephews off at Minghao's doorstep.
"You're pretty decent with kids and your wife can take care of anything," Seungkwan praises while he ushers four year-old Hanjun into the room and eight month-old Jiren into your arms. "We'll be back for them after lunch!"
It's just as Seungkwan said though: Minghao is pretty decent with kids and you can take care of anything.
While waiting for lunch to cook in the kitchen, you both do your part in entertaining the children—Minghao pointing out different shapes and animals in the picture book from Hanjun's backpack while you quietly feed Jiren the baby formula that Seungkwan's sister prepared in advance.
So distracted with the sight of your soft gaze transfixed on the baby in your arms, Minghao barely notices it when the soup he's prepared starts to overflow from the pot. You scold him for being so distracted before he shuffles into the kitchen with his tail between his legs.
As he salvages what's left of the soup, Minghao tries to pull himself together. Sure, it's been a few years since you two tied the knot, but you made it clear years ago that children wasn't on the table when it comes to the two of you.
It's something that you both agreed on even before marriage, and Minghao isn't about to break your trust by saying he suddenly wants kids all because seeing them in your arms makes his brain short-circuit. He has more tact than that.
"Is it just me or are you acting a little weird?"
For some reason, you choose later that evening to corner him in the quiet of your bedroom. Minghao was just getting ready to sleep when you turned to face him with a frown.
"Weird how?" he wonders, praying that you wouldn't single him out like you probably will.
"I don't know, you were looking at me funny when I was giving Jiren his formula," you point out. "You only do that when you want something from me."
Your words make him sigh. Of course his wife would catch onto every nuance of his actions—even from his stare alone.
"And what do you think it is that I want?"
"Xu Minghao, we're already married. Cut the games and just tell me what's on your mind."
God, he really couldn't love you any more than he does now.
It takes several minutes, but you and your husband eventually migrate to the living room—cups of hot chocolate in hand as you patiently wait for Minghao to open up about something he's been keeping to himself for a while now.
He's rightfully nervous—hands clammy around the ceramic of the mug that matches yours. It's Game of Thrones-themed with a dragon's neck acting as a handle. You kept insisting at the souvenir shop that its selling point was the unique design, but Minghao was pretty sure you were excited by the fact that the printed text changes color depending on the drink's temperature.
With that memory suddenly drifting into his mind, the tension ebbs from his shoulders. Though he tends to forget, you're the last person who'll condemn him for what he's about to say to you.
"I've been thinking of starting a family with you," he admits—hitting his point straight to the roots. "But... I always brushed it aside because I know how you feel about kids. I don't want to force you into something you don't want."
It's in times like this where silence is more deafening than actual noise. It rings in Minghao's ears as you watch the steam rise from your mug and your husband lets himself stew in his anticipation, wondering how you'll choose to respond to his honesty.
Will you laugh at him? Will you be angry with him? It's a subject that the two of you rarely broach with each other, so he isn't quite sure how to handle whatever reaction you'll grace him with.
What Minghao never would've expected, however, is for you to crack him a relieved smile.
"Me? I thought you didn't want kids because having one would be detrimental to your career," you chuckle, taking the first few sips from your hot chocolate. "And you always kinda shrugged it off whenever I tried to ease the topic into the conversation."
"I did?" Your husband scowls. "When did I do that?"
"After Suri's birthday party? When I was showing you a couple of new houses?"
Oh. Oh.
"Shit," Minghao mutters, embarrassed. "I almost forgot about that. I'm sorry, love. It didn't occur to me because you said that you didn't want to have kids—"
"One time," you interject with a groan. "That was one time, Hao. God, can't a woman change her mind about wanting kids with her husband?"
He blinks. "But you said you'd be terrified."
"No, you said I'd be terrified. As an educated guess and to some extent, you're right. But it's not the having-a-kid part or the childbirth part that terrifies me, Hao." You let yourself breathe for a couple of seconds and it comes out shaky. Minghao has to resist the urge to reach out to embrace you.
"What terrifies me is becoming a mother."
The silence of the living room thickens when you say the words and Minghao feels his chest flutter with that same feeling from the first time he saw you cradling Seungcheol's daughter in your arms. Despite the questions swimming inside his head, your husband keeps his silence and lets you continue.
"Like, yeah, the pregnancy is going to be hell and god knows whether I'll even be alive after giving birth, but..." You hesitate, refusing to meet Minghao's eyes for reasons that elude him.
"Raising a child so they would grow up to become a good person is even more daunting to me... What if I accidentally teach them something wrong? What if they end up hating me because I can't keep up with whatever trends kids would come up with in a few years? What if they love you more than they love me?"
Minghao laughs airily. "Is that last part really a necessary measure?"
"It is," you insist before breathing out a laugh of your own. "Urgh, you get the point! It's just that... I'm not against having kids, but the responsibility that comes with raising one overwhelms me whenever I think about it."
"You know you're not in it alone, right? I'm your husband. Of course I'll be here to support you however I can," Minghao sighs before finishing the rest of his drink. "Whether you want kids or not, I'll go with either choice because I want what you want, yeah?"
"Yeah. I do know that. I think I've always known, but at the same time, I didn't want to tie you down," you murmur, tracing the handle of your mug with a small pout. "If we have a kid together, they might take up the time meant for your schedules. I never want to burden you like that..."
Your husband sets down his mug on the coffee table, carding his fingers through his hair with a disbelieving sigh. You were starting to fear that you might've annoyed him by accident, but when Minghao leans closer so that your eyes are leveled, you realize that is far from the case.
"Baby, our wedding rings are literally tattoos," he reminds you while reaching for your hand—pressing the inked fingers together. "I'm as tied down as I can be and you've never heard a peep out of me after all this time, yeah? So don't you ever think you or our future kids would be burdens to me."
Playfully, you raise an eyebrow at him. "Kids? Plural?"
"Hey, like I said—"
"Yeah, yeah, you want what I want," you interrupt with a roll of your eyes. "I get it Hao, you're a gentleman. But what if I told you I want you to fuck me on this couch right now and give me your kids?"
The wording is so crass that it could only be seen as a joke, except the reaction it incites from Minghao is leagues more intense than a mere joke would. The mental image injects a rush of corrosive want straight into his bloodstream and Minghao swears it makes him a little lightheaded.
Your husband lets out a shuddering sigh. quickly lunging after you to pluck the mug out of your grasp and safely place it on top of the coffee table. When you look up at him so prettily as he cages you on the couch, the sight makes his cock twitch with anticipation.
"Then I want that, too."
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Logically speaking, you and Minghao can't just flip the switch and go into full babymaking mode after a heartfelt conversation and a bunch of impulsive decisions.
For one, you were still on birth control. It would take some time to wean yourself off it and you'd have to ask your doctor if it was safe to stop taking the pills at this point in your life.
Next was that Minghao and the rest of the guys are going to be preoccupied with their latest album—one where all thirteen men are back together after years of being separated. It'll go on for a couple of months and maybe a year if he's going to take their tour schedules into account.
And because he doesn't want to be absent in any milestone during your hypothesized child's life, you and your husband mutually decided not to actively try for a kid just yet.
But that doesn't mean you can't pretend.
"Fuck, baby, your cunt's gripping me so tight," Minghao groans, nearly hissing as he slides his cock against the velvety heat of your walls. "You want my load in you, pretty? You want to me to pump you full until it's dripping out of your pretty pussy?"
With coherence having long left your mind, you arch your back even higher as your husband continues to plough you into the mattress. "Y-Yes, yes yes! Hao, feels s-so fucking good!"
He chortles quietly and even with your cheek pressed against the sheets, you can still picture the smirk plastered on his face. "Pretty baby's in love with my cock. You just can't get enough of me, can you?"
"More," you whimper, the muscles of your pussy tightening around his length as he plunges in and out of your sopping entrance. "W-Want more, Hao. Need you to fuck me harder..."
Your husband is quick to comply with your wishes, gathering your hair with one hand while keeping your hips in place with the other. Minghao slams his hips brutally against yours, making stars dance in the seams of your vision as the head of his fat cock bullies its way into your leaking hole.
He's so deep, you can feel him prying your cervix open with a promise that you'll be filled to the brim if you behave tonight. And with all those years of being a professional dancer under his belt, it's no surprise that he's got enough stamina to wreck you more times than you can handle.
The first orgasm blindsides you completely. He'd just been whispering both sweet and filthy nothings into your ear when it washes over you like a tidal wave—inevitable, inescapable.
(Doing so fucking good for me, love. Taking my cock like a good, good wife. You'll take my cum just as well, won't you? Keep it inside so it'll take and you'll be swollen with my child. Then everybody will know you're mine.)
The second time it happens is mere seconds after Minghao's own orgasm. His thrusts have started to lose their practiced cadence and even if you've been in this situation countless times before, the euphoria that sings in your veins makes it feel like the first time all over again.
Minghao's cock twitches before his cum spurts in thick ropes inside your tight cunt—filling you with a warm sensation that has you biting down his neck to stifle your moans. The motion of his hips slows to a crawl as Minghao feels you clamp down on his length. Your pussy gushes around him with a delicious grip that brings him dangerously close to another orgasm with how good you feel around him.
"Fuck, baby," he swears, voice still hoarse with need despite the fact that he's fucking you into overflowing. "I love you. There's no one else I'd want to have a family with."
"T-There better not be," you say cheekily before Minghao is flipping you around so that you're lying on your back. The sensation of his cum dripping out of your ruined pussy makes your skin tingle with excitement, and the fact that his ravenous gaze is trained on your body isn't lost on you.
"Be a good wife for me and hold your thighs up," he whispers lowly and it takes you mere seconds to comply. "That's my girl."
You preen at his praise—no matter how pathetic it would make you seem. After all, if there's anyone who get reduced you into a cockdrunk mess, it's most certainly your husband.
Minghao doesn't waste any more time, he pumps his cock into full hardness for a few moments—refractory period be damned—before gliding the head of his cock against your slit. Your thighs twitch every time be brushes against your clit, making you cry out with desperation as he gloats at your misery.
"Minghao," you beg, trying your best to hold your thighs up just like he asked all while he's taking his sweet time admiring your pussy. "Fuck me more. Want you to fill me up even more."
"Needy little thing," he chuckles. "You want my kids that badly? If I fuck you too much, you might actually get pregnant, love."
"Don't care," you practically sob. "I want it. I want you. All of you—even your kids."
Fuck. He really, really fucking loves you.
Minghao needs little encouragement after that, gripping his cock tightly as he guides himself back inside you.
The new position makes it easier for your husband to pound into you—the weight of his thrusts pressing you into the bed with enough intensity to make the wooden enforcements of your bed groan from the effort he's exerting. He splits you open on his cock, spreading your folded thighs as far as he can as he drills inside of you with the promise of another load.
"So pretty and pliant for me," he whispers, pressing a soft kiss on your nose all while the squelch of your cunt with each pass of his cock echoes in the bedroom. "My perfect wife. You'll let me breed this pussy once all's said and done, won't you?"
You nod all too eagerly. "Yes, Hao! I'll let you use my pussy however you want. Just please make me come again!"
"So demanding," your husband sighs with a wicked smile as one of his hands trails between your legs. "Hold those thighs nice and open for me, love. You'll feel even better soon."
"W-Wait, I—"
Your protests quickly melt into a hiss of pleasure when Minghao applies ample pressure on your clit—lathering his fingers with your slick before tracing tight circles around the sensitive nub.
He knows you so well, been with you for so long, that Minghao already knows the ins and outs of your body. Your husband claims that making you come undone with his own fingers is a practiced art and that he'll never forget about it until the day he does.
So it's no surprise how quickly Minghao manages to make you unravel at the seams when he couples his intense thrusts with the added stimulus to your clit. You're creaming around his cock in no time—muffling your cries in the crook of your lover's neck as he fucks into you with the intention of filling you up even more.
"I love you," Minghao rasps as he tucks your head beneath his chin, pinpointing the height of his own pleasure. "I'll want no one else but you, baby. No one."
Shakily, through a haze of delirium, you manage to say, "I-I love you too, Hao. I'll always be yours as long as—f-fuck—you'll always be mine."
You twitch violently beneath the weight of Minghao's body and the sight of you so fucked dumb on his cock eventually pushes him over the edge. Your husband comes with a sharp breath, his white hot cum gushing into your pussy until it drips onto the sheets.
It's only when you've come down from that post-coital high that you realize Minghao is looking at you as if you hung up all the stars in the sky. You respond with a weak smack against his chest.
"Don't look at me like that," you grumble weakly. "I might think you're in love with me."
"Y/N, we're already married."
"I don't see how that's a problem."
As Minghao does the honors of cleaning you up after roughing you up all evening, you quickly realize that, really, there's no reason to be terrified at all.
Not when your husband will be by your side every step of the way.
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⟢ end notes: i wrote this in a haze so if there are any technical writing errors, i implore you to just ignore them for my sake <3 happy birthday again to my soulmate, rj! i hope you enjoy your day to the fullest and i also hope you like this gift i wrote for you hehe ^\\\^ like hao to the reader, i'll always be w you every step of the way (i'm just a lil busy rn, so i hope you forgive me !!)
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admirxation · 2 months
Actress / Leon Kennedy oneshot
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boyfriends dad!Leon Kennedy x afab!reader
summary: your boyfriend has brought you home to meet his father, but it turns to a non conventional meeting when your boyfriend goes to sleep.
cw: this fic contains cheating, I do not condone everything I write; this is just fiction where real people cannot get hurt, please read the warnings and continue at your own discretion // 18+ heavy smut (mdni), cheating, kissing, touching, tit grabbing, grinding, fingering (f receiving), finger sucking, degrading, unprotected sex (p in v), and creampie.
word count: 2.8k
thank you @valslullaby for this idea, my fellow older man lover, please check their fics as well they’re so good
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When you told people you were going to college, the description and the idea of college tended to be romanticised, further enticing you to the whole ‘college experience.’ These conversations usually involved older people looking back on those former years through rose-tinted glasses and appreciating the simpler times, wanting to regress to that time when troubles weren’t as hard, where your biggest stress was getting an assignment in last minute compared to getting the rent due and food on the table for you and the whole family. The conversation tended to have them blissfully remembering how much they could drink and how they could handle the hangovers back then, remembering how easy it was to make friends in the same class as you and all they could do now was focus on a good credit score and getting on the property ladder.
But the conversation of college didn’t just come with remembering the good times; it came with some advice, some embarrassing advice you didn’t want to hear about—the sex talk. When you accepted your dream college's offer, the “be safe” talk was constantly repeated; you remembered how you wanted time to quicken and have the conversation end every time it started. You understood that they just wanted to keep you safe; after all, you would rather them tell you what to avoid than just outright forbid and have you get into some serious trouble—but who in their right mind wants to want to discuss their sex life with their parents?
The conversation consisted of the basics you already knew: you can say no anytime (obviously), make sure he uses a condom, watch how much you drink and who you’re going home with, the usual safety many people knew and practised. However, while you remembered it all in exact order to recite, you never thought you needed to use it when you entered the dorms since you didn’t have much luck when it came to your love life. That was until you met him—your current boyfriend.
You two were in the same class, him sitting next to you; it started with him acting stupid and you sharing your notes, compliments on how smart you are, later going to the same afterschool study sessions, then getting closer with every day that went past. At first, you didn’t think too much of it, thinking this would be a casual relationship that would end in the first semester, but then you started seeing each other more frequently; he was even buying you countless gifts that made you wonder what in the hell he was doing to afford it all. Then it turned to him meeting your parents; you tried not to admit it to yourself, but you wished that they wouldn’t like him, hoping to use it as an excuse to end things, but alas, they loved and approved of him, commending you for your “great taste” in picking a partner. You just smiled and hugged him that night as he gushed about his excitement about what they thought, but all you could think when nestled on his chest was: I’m forever stuck.
He was lovely and a nice enough guy, but something about him was off, maybe a touch of immaturity, not having much in common or just an outright lack of interest. Continuing your cowardly streak, you agreed to meet his father, wishing things would pick up after his first meeting.
The days rushed by when it came to driving back to his place, and you received constant text messages from your parents reminding you to be polite and make a good impression. A part of you was thinking about pretending to be rude and unlikeable, but you couldn’t bear someone thinking of you like this, especially an adult, after being raised to respect your elders, like most people.
You were quiet for the whole car ride, not sharing a single word, hoping he would perhaps disapprove of you—a girl could wish to get the easy way out.
As you two approached the front door, you heard heavy footsteps come closer and the clicking sound of a door unlocking. Later, you were in Mr. Kennedy’s gaze. You gave him a warm smile, watching his eyes widen as he quickly looked you up and down.
“Ah, it’s lovely to finally meet the mystery girl my son can’t shut up about,” he said, seeing your boyfriend roll his eyes in embarrassment as he entered his house. “Come in, come in.”
“Thank you, Mr. Kennedy,” you showed him respect.
“Oh, no need for formalities, just call me Leon… Mr. Kennedy makes me sound so old; I don’t need the reminder of how the years have slipped by,” you couldn’t help but let out a small giggle at his words; you never imagined his father to be like this, the way he described him didn’t fit the current person you were greeted with. Your boyfriend described how much he looked up to him, how he was his whole world and that he would trust his instincts; if he disliked something, he would dislike it; if he loved something, he would try his best to find a love for it. At first, you found it ridiculous how much he needed Daddy’s approval; you even told him he ought to just make his own thoughts. But standing there in his presence, you could understand; he had a gentle and subtle touch of influence in his stance, but also an overwhelming quality about him that made you want to follow his will.
Another thing you couldn’t deny was how attractive Leon was. You expected some normal military dad who was such a bore, but you couldn’t help but steal a few glances at the attractive older man.
For the whole night, Leon made you feel welcome, helping you with your bags and asking you for any refreshments you would like; your boyfriend mentioned how he hadn’t seen him so happy and eager for years; it must have been the presence of a lady, you thought. You forgot about the desire to have him dislike you; you even thought of continuing to ignore those feelings as nervousness in the relationship, but at the moment, you were so invested in everything Leon was doing and saying to you—you couldn’t describe the feeling he had over you.
As the night wore on, you saw your boyfriend’s eyes get heavier, but you were still wide awake as your conversations with Leon continued at the same pace as in the early afternoon, all the way to the late evening.
“I think I’m going to bed now; I’ll see you tomorrow,” your boyfriend gently kissed your cheek, automatically reciprocating it as he trudged upstairs back into his room, hearing the heavy door click into place.
Your heartbeat picked up when you noticed it was just you and Leon in the same room. You thought about all those thoughts you had when you first saw him, how you analysed his stature, how you looked at how his biceps filled the sleeves of his shirt, trailing down to his hands and how he used them in his manner of speech.
Whatever junk was playing on the television went on for a few minutes after your boyfriend had gone to sleep, and you noticed how Leon leaned back in his chair and listened carefully toward the bottom of the stairs, trying to hear if your boyfriend had gone to sleep already.
“He’s a fast sleeper,” you tried to break the silence. “I’m quite jealous of people who can hit the pillow and sleep -” You weren’t expecting to be cut off.
“Hmm,” a smirk played at the corner of his lips, making your curiosity peak. “You know, you’re a very good actress.”
“E-excuse me?”
“I know you don’t love him, gods, that kiss was pathetic… I know you don’t want to kiss in front of his old man, but that kiss was… plain… Does he really eat this shit up?” You were shocked how he saw through your facade; no one, not even your friends, who thought they knew you better than anyone, could see your true feelings. You felt anxious, like a cold spike that hung around your heart, that sensation in your chest; you were nervous about how he looked through, but in a way, relieved? Relieved that someone could finally see how you were walking on eggshells in your so-called ‘serious relationship.’
You sighed: “I’m sorry… Sir… I didn’t —”
“…Just because I’ve seen through your little act doesn’t mean I think of you differently.”
“Why? I’m kind of wasting your son's time,” you paused for a moment, “I didn’t mean for it to go as far; I just wanted something casual, and I—”
“Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, sweetheart, I don’t need to hear the excuse… I always knew… He showed me pictures of you… I was shocked he wasn’t making it up; in all honesty. A very pretty girl I thought, and I’m glad my theory was right.”
“You’re going to tell him when he wakes up?” you wanted to be prepared for when he would take the news, trying to talk to yourself and make sure you came clean until you heard Leon’s next words that curated a shake into your core.
“No, I think he can find out when he uses his brain… But I will say, this information does make me happy.” Your eyebrow peaked in interest, and you wondered what he meant. “It makes me feel less guilty.”
“For what?”
“Don’t play coy… I’ve seen how you’ve been looking at me,” you blushed as you swished your head to avoid eye contact, your heart thumping like an animal in a cage the moment you heard and felt him get closer, sneaking into the cushioned seat right next to you, placing his fingers on your chin and turning you to face him, “Don’t be shy now. I have to say I was excited to see that beautiful girl in the pictures; I’m quite glad she’s right in front of me now.”
“I, I, don’t think we-”
“Oh, now you’re a good person?” he teased with a taunting tone in his voice, slowly leaning back, “If you want me to stop, I will… just say the word, dear,” he tilted his head to the side, showing you he was hearing out for a ‘no’.
You couldn’t deny how much you were curious about what he was thinking. You were ashamed but also wanted to indulge in how Leon thought about you. You bit the bottom of your lip softly, slightly licking your lips as you briefly thought about what you were doing. You thought about the implications of cheating on your partner, for a little bit of fun, especially with his father, but that part of you couldn’t care about the right thing as you had Leon staring at you.
“Fine, I’ll —”
“No, wait… I don’t want you to stop,” you say in one breathless sentence.
“Hm,” he leaned in closer, placing his hand on your cheek as he brought you to his lips, “Just tell me when you wanna stop, darling,” he said as he pressed his lips onto yours for a moment, “and don’t worry… I’ll keep your little secret. For now.”
Your heartbeat continued to beat quickly, and you felt your blood rush through your body as you closed your eyes and got lost in his kiss; your lips brushed and glided against one another, and his tongue slid slightly in your mouth and smoothed over and around your tongue. You softly moaned into the kiss as your began to lose yourself even more, your fingers trickling through his blonde hair, feeling yourself drift into the experience as he pulled you closer as he placed his hand on your lower back and collided his body against yours, your arms wrapped around him as he slithered up to your chest.
His hand rose to breast, squeezing the mound that drew soft and whispered moans, continuing to meld into your soft plush as he continued to kiss you through your tender sighs; you instinctively moved your leg around his, making invitation for Leon for push you further into the sofa, not breaking from the countless interlocks and sensual touching. You felt him grind along your clothed pussy, feeling his growing bulge along your cores heat, pushing and rubbing against you as he continued to sway his hips forward and grind into your pussy that was already getting wetter the more the kiss and touches deepened.
He moved from your breast, grinding his index finger on your already hardened nipple, smirking at you not wearing a bra: “hm, you come prepared,” he said as you left a final strong squeeze and continued to graze down your torso, slithering to your core and lifting your dress up, placing a collective of his fingers along the wet patch of your underwear.
“You’re already soaked, you dirty girl,” he whispered in you ear, before leaving a subtle nibble on your earlobe that drew a deeper breath from your lips, arching your back into him as he continued to rub along your covered clit, squirming as his fingers went in perfect circular motions.
“Mm, fuck,” you moaned in a whispered hush, biting your lip as Leon stared at your core, no longer being able to wait as he wrapped his fingers underneath the waistband and travelled the material down your hips, staring at your glistening wet cunt as he discarded the cloth onto the floor, lost in thought as he proceeded to touch your heat, feeling how wet you were the more he circled along the bundle of nerves, your puffy clit stimulated more and leaving you to try your best to keep hushed tones.
“You’re such a beautiful girl,” he whispered to you, then proceeding to place his hand over your mouth, “now try to be quiet darling… we have a secret to maintain.”
He pushed his index and middle finger inside your wet hole, creating a catalyst for your widened eyes and drawing in air for a deep gasp as you felt his long fingers penetrate inside of your walls, feeling him pump in and out, using his thumb to press along your needy clit; your eyes rolled to the back of your head, exposing the whites and seeing a blurred vision as your walls tightened around his fingers, making his cock grow harder against his pants.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he expressed as he continued to pump his fingers, licking his lips as he felt and heard how wet you were, “and all because of me… easy to please a slut.”
Your breathing hitched into a tremble as he poked the right spots, a tingling sensation within you as you closed your eyes and got lost in his expertise before he slowly took away your excitement, feeling your hole flutter from neglect as you stared at him licking his fingers: “you’re a sweet treat,” he complimented as he wrapped his fingers around his trousers and glided them off, seeing his large member and feeling it slap against your pussy.
“Do you want this?” he asked as he positioned himself to your entrance.At first you nodded to which he replied: “be a good girl and use your words, or I’ll leave you squirming.”
“Yes… I w-want you, p-please L-“
“You can call me sir now.”
“P-please Sir. I need you.”
“Good girl.”
He slotted his length to slide into your aching hole, pressing the head of his cock against your walls before hitting the cervix with his tip; “god, you’re so fucking tight,” he groaned as he swayed his hips as he continued to fuck you.
Saliva collected at the corners of your lips, as your body swayed up and down as Leon pressed his hands into gripping your waist, pounding his length inside you and you trying your best not to scream out; oxygen felt scarce the more you gasped in need for him.
“Shh, shh, shh, try to keep that pretty mouth quiet darling,” he cooed as he continued to rock forcefully inside you, feeling a wave inside you about to erupt in motions.
Your eyelids fluttered as your walls spasmed around Leon’s large cock, feeling his balls slap against your ass, him lifting your legs around his neck to get deeper and bruising your delicate cervix even more.
Your blood rushed through your veins all at once, as you released a muffled and large orgasm trapped by his hand over your mouth, feeling your stomach coil up into a knot as you released and made a mess all over Leon; but he didn’t care, as he continued to push further and deeper as he watched your tits bounce to the rhythmic thrusts he gave to you.
Before you could recover from your orgasm, feeling your cunt continue to pulsate, you felt Leon’s movement quicken into rougher grinds; as your moans got more laboured and strenuous you felt him drape your walls with his hot cum, swimming out and covering your walls and pooling out, making such a mess.
In a moment of recovery, Leon stopped to catch his breath, keeping himself inside of you and watching you gasp for air, before dictating you: “Go clean yourself up, no one likes a messy slut.”
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a/n: the partners dad leon fics are literally my favourite to write atm, and i’m glad to see so many people going feral over them hehe. just wanted to note that i am working on father in law leon kennedy series, and im thinking of not continuing the las plagas series as i don’t find myself or others liking it. thanks for anyone that reads and I appreciate and am grateful for all the engagement.
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alastorss · 4 months
Yahallo! I absolutely love your writing!! And and I just saw the Alastor x cat!demon Reader you did and I was wondering if perhaps you may be able to add more ideas of your own to it? With the reader's feline behavior and what would Alastor's thoughts would be on it and such
If you're okay with that ofc aaa
a/n: the cat demon!reader au has grown on me a lot and i have some ideas about them and alastor together!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
• I mentioned it a little bit in this fic, but I like to imagine you just show up at his door with dead rodents you hunted and you leave them there as little courting gifts. He's sort of off put by it at first thinking you're trying to threaten him, but eventually he realizes you're being nice to him and he eases up about it
• Was never really an animal person when he was alive but he's come to appreciate your company. He'll let you lounge in his lap while he reads, or curl up in his bed with him when he's in a really good mood
• You talk more than other demons which initially irked him, but he got used to it and even enjoys hearing you go on about your day to him
• Thinks it's rather cute that your ears go flat against your head when you get mad at him
• On that note, he also thinks it's pretty funny that they're a dead giveaway to how you feel in most situations. How did he find out you had a raging crush on him? Your ears perking up everytime he walked into a room really did not help your case
• Is so deathly insecure about his own tail but loves yours for some reason. Like, he's midly jealous of it until he realizes he would hate his life if he had that attached to him 24/7
• One time Angel tricked him into saying "little meow meow" out loud and he couldn't look you in the eyes for a week
taglist: @the-lake-is-calling @dragons-and-dwarves-are-nice @averylonelysea @bri22222 @cxrsedwxrlds @amarokofficial @anae-naea-zacheria @for-hearthand-home (send an ask to be added!)
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