#i would also like to dine with marjane satrapi
The Hunt, First Sight 🖤❤️
First Sight: If you could have lunch with 7 people living/dead or fictional who would they be?
Stephenie Meyer
Carl Sagan
Emily Bronte
Angela Davis
@mafitheedwardhoe <3
Young Kim
The Hunt: If you were turned into a vampire what personality trait do you think would be your strongest attribute as a vampire or could turn into a gift?
GOD... I have no clue. I feel a lot like Bella in that “maybe there’s something wrong with my brain” regard, so maybe I would be some kind of weak shield. Or maybe I could have my spirit float out of my body and influence people in dreams? I’d love to be able to do that right now as a mortal, actually.
ALSO LMAOOOOOO YOUR ICON,  I JUST NOTICED! I’m glad you liked my MS doodles.
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