#i would also like to mention that the mangaka is a fan of Sherlock content and myths
justtrashperson · 2 years
I wanna!! Wanna talk about the secret case of s.h.!!! Because that comic is just, aheksgskagejsgsh in my brain
So rambling time let’s go
So so like, it’s Sherlock Holmes, but manga, and there’s watson, with a cane!!! At first it was a cane with a sword inside, but later he got a cane that can be used as a sword, somehow someway but just!!!!
Anyway the manga starts in their office, also there’s this girl, I forgot her name but in the actual Sherlock Holmes canon she’s actually a like, old woman??? But they made her into a girl?? Young woman?? here, but not in a creepy way or something. Like, her purpose in the comic is knocking sense into Watson and helps the other main character, Walter. And no she doesn’t have any romantic stuff with anyone here.
Before talking about walter, I need to point out that this is literally Sherlock x myths stuff or literature. Like there’s lycanthrope, vampires, hell there’s even this whole thing with Frankenstein project or some shit, and also there’s dr. Jekyll and Hyde!!!
Like, everyone’s is here aksjkwhsja-
Anyway, Walter is like, this teen character who was trying to seek help from Sherlock because he was, his hand was amputated by Hyde and his caretaker, his surrogate father, William gull decided to put a Frankenstein arm on him, because of Hyde or something
Also yes the case sherlock and Watson was investigating was about Jack the Ripper, who turns out to be this vampire named Vincent that’s dying or something, submit himself to the Frankenstein project, but then shit happens and now he’s killing people and mutilating them
Also William gull is also a Frankenstein project??? Like, okay he was part of the project, and they made like, a prototype Franken body, but then the building burns down, William escapes with the body, but then the body became sentient and like, absorbs him??? Idk the explanation for it was all over the place but I think that’s the gist of it
But anyway, Walter tried to seek help, but Sherlock actually went missing when him and Watson manages to caught Jack the Ripper in action, tried to stop him but instead Sherlock got attacked and they went missing in river thames.
So Watson was like, not in the mood because he lost his best friend but also, he doesn’t really like the kid because at first he thought the kid was Jack the Ripper because of the Franken arm, but after some explaining turns out he’s not.
Anyway, shenanigans happens, they went to mycroft for answers about Walter’s condition, but instead he captures them and jailed them in this underground cell with an old library outside that turns out to have like, those sentient book monsters. Anyway turns out Mycroft actually has the answer, but he wanted to have fun so he lets Walter and Watson go through hell and back just for that information.
Also!!! They did not shy away when showing Watson’s leg injury and when his cane got destroyed he was struggling!!! akejajjwkwhaja
Anyway we cut into Sherlock, who was taken hostage by Jack the Ripper, and he told him if Sherlock wants to be immortal, and then injects his blood to Sherlock to control him, because vampire or some shit
Then at one point Watson and Walter got into an argument, and Walter was left alone, homeless and nowhere to go because William gull was missing, and he had no one else, before he say Jekyll giving food to homeless kids, and tried to ask for a place to stay or something
Anyway at one point Jekyll turns into Hyde who is, a slime???? Like fucker can turn into slime and strong af, that’s why he can cut off walter’s arm with ease
But anyway the case and shit ends with them killing Vincent, who killed William, also Sherlock manages to escape his control when he was about to kill Watson, because fucker is of course smart and decided to drink something that can throw up blood, because if he throws up blood, the blood of the vampire will be gone and Walter then became friends with Watson and now Watson is like, his uncle or father AKSJKAJS found family.
Anyway good comic, definitely could’ve been better but I give it 9/10
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