#should I tag this as Sherlock? eh sure
spark-circuit · 2 years
me: *after watching a lot of Persona 5 stuff* okay you know what? who is Arsène Lupin, i need to know
me: *bursting into my group chat 5 hours after a wiki binge* this is the funniest motherfucker of all time, he really said "i'm not stealing shit from this house until you get proper furniture"
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Unraveled 2
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: A curious man wanders into your dress shop with a lot of questions.
Characters: Sherlock Holmes (Cavill)
Note: thanks for waiting on this one.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The carriage stops outside a brick building. A walk-up in Marleybone, just along Upper Baker Street. An address you couldn’t even dream of living near, let alone within. You peer up at the facade, the orange brick unstained by the coal and smoke of the backstreets. 
Gavin appears to open the door and sets a step down before you can emerge. He offers his hand gallantly and you let him assist you down to the road. You thank him as you peer up at the arched front door of 221b. 
“You need only knock, miss,” Gavin goes to pat the horse’s haunch as it kicks. “Ask for Mr. Holmes, he is expecting you.” 
You grip your bag tight and set your chin. You might not belong but only you are troubled by it. You climb the steps alongside the iron rail and lift the heavy knocker mounted on the thick wooden door. It’s clang rattles even you. 
You wait, both hands on the handles of the bag. Gavin appears behind you with the rolls of fabric, breathless as he struggles to keep them from touching the ground. You return your attention to the door as it opens. 
“Hello, I’m looking for Mr.--” 
“Holmes,” the very man you’re seeking stands before you, “forgive me, my housekeeper... resigned.” 
“Not to worry, sir,” you assure him. 
“Come in,” he backs up, gesturing you within with his large hand. “And how was your journey? I hope you didn’t come upon any scoundrels.” 
“Only upon her destination, sir,” Gavin japes as he steps in behind you. 
“Eh,” Holmes tilts his head at the driver, “allow me.” 
Holmes takes the rolls of fabric from Gavin. He hugs them effortlessly in on arm as he faces you again, dismissing the driver with no more than a nod. You stand rigidly by the wall, hesitant to go any further. The door closes and the click makes you flinch. 
“Allow me to show you around,” Holmes offers, looming in the tight space of the entryway. 
“I need only see your sister,” you insist. 
“Ah, yes, Enola, you will, but it only polite to get you acquainted with the space,” he rebuffs. 
“With respect, sir, I’ve come out of my way and without warning to this appointment. More work does await me at my shop,” you squeeze the leather handles until they squeak, “it is a lovely home, I’m sure, but I’ve come upon business, haven’t I?” 
“Yes, but it wouldn’t take very long,” he counters, “yet, if you’d rather keep this formal, by all means, I will take you to my sister.” 
“Thank you, sir.” 
You bite down, wondering if perhaps you were more curt than you should be. The apartment is rather far from your neighbourhood and the travel time alone will impose upon your ongoing commissions. You don’t expect he considered that. He does seem the type to command rather than ask. 
He directs you to the stairs, just across from the door, and waves you onward. He follows as your skirts brush the top of your boots with each step. The wallpaper is tightly decorated with framed newspapers and portraits, cluttered together but not garishly so. 
You get to the top and he advises you to go left. You obey as he keeps pace. 
“Did you... discover what led to that woman’s fate? Or who she was?” You ask as you take measured steps. 
He isn’t demure as he walks next to you, crowded against you as his broad figure allows for little space, “sadly, yes and no. Not her name. Only that she was a factory woman. I won’t say much on the matter as it is ongoing and confidentiality is a part of my contract, I would only gird you to keep your doors locked and yourself alert.” 
You chew on his answer. It makes you nervous. You know the woman was found close to your shop and home. The news has been whispered for blocks. 
“I will be sure to hede your advice,” you say. 
You walk past a door as he stops to knock on it. You spin back, skirts swirling around you, and he glances at you as he plants his hand on the door frame. There is activity from within, scratching and creaking. He sighs and stands straight as he slides his hand down the pillar. He raps with his knuckles again. 
“Enola,” he booms through, his voice shaking you. “I told you to be ready.” 
You hear furious footsteps and the lock flicks back with similar furor. It opens and a young woman with a slumping bun greets Mr. Holmes. Strands fall loose from the clip and her blouse is half untucked as her sleeves are rolled to her elbows. She has a long oval face, flushed as she shows her teeth. 
“I told you, I’m busy--” 
“Not so busy that you would waste this good woman’s time,” Holmes insists, “she traveled all this way. We discussed this.” 
She flutters her lashes and huffs. Her eyes flit over to you and she softens her expression, “if her time is wasted, it is hardly my fault.” 
“Hm,” he hums flatly, “isn’t it? It wasn’t I who fed your dresses to the furnace.” 
She smiles, a smug look that pinches her cheeks, “I was cold.” 
“Sister,” he warns dangerously, crossing his arms, his breadth wider than ever. 
“You know what, I welcome her company. Much preferable to your own,” the woman sneers and turns her shoulder to her brother, “come on, then. Suppose I need a dress for the banquet.” 
You inch forward. A flare of resent burns in you at the position Mr. Holmes has put you in. Plainly, this appointment was not upon his sister’s behest. She holds the door for you and her brother exhales deeply. 
“All you need do is stand still, I’m certain you can handle that, sister,” he rebukes, “do let me know when you are finished and I will call the carriage.” 
“Thank you,” you utter without looking at him. He sets the rolls just inside the door and backs up to watch you. 
You enter the bedroom and find it cluttered and cramped. There are books in stacks with more littered around the bottom. A dried-up paint palette and an easel draped over with several jackets and unpaired stockings. There is a four-post bed with scrambled covers and a canopy twisted around the poles. Vials upon vials line shelves and an inkwell stands uncapped over untidy sheets of paper. 
“Very well,” the woman shuts the door, “I am Enola, the famous detective’s ne’er do well sister and you are the seamstress who will make me a peacock.” 
You stare at her and swallow tightly. You offer your name before you begin, “I’ve only come upon his request--” 
“Ah, yes, I’m certain you have. He’s still trying to make a lady of me. I see through his guise, though he doesn’t think it. He underestimates me, see. He lies but I will go along for I will more easily avoid his snare if I do.” 
You nod and narrow your eyes. The wealthy can always afford to be so eccentric. You don’t think any woman you know would view a new dress as such a curse. She is young, she cannot know. 
“If you don’t mind, I’ll only take your measurements,” you offer, “I can always fit upon the dress form.” 
“Do what you must,” she sighs, “shall I strip down?” 
You put your bag on a chair as she unbuttons her blouse, “not-- if you--” You look up at her as she reveals a corset and reaches to undo her skirt. You focus on your bag and scoop out your measuring tape. 
You approach her as her skirt heaps at her feet. She is tall, her legs on long, her figure lithe. You begin your work silently. She raises her arms as you request and puts them back down. 
“Suppose if I wasn’t here, I might’ve become a dressmaker. I always enjoyed stitching,” she muses as you scribble down each number, “it seems lonely work. Quiet work.” 
“It’s work,” you say as you take out the envelope and unfold the page to examine the dress again. You hold it up and glance past it at Enola. 
“May I see that?” She asks but doesn’t await an answer before she snatches the paper. “Oh, is this really what he chose? No, no, no, this won’t do. I want my shoulders covered.” 
You slip the envelope back in your bag, “it is only what I was given. If you prefer adjustments, it is your dress.” 
“Yes, my dress and my body,” she crumples the paper and tosses it onto the rug. 
You close up your notebook and go to the rolls of fabric, “would it be too much for me to do some piecework?” 
“If you insist,” she pouts. 
You take out your scissors and turn your back to her. She isn’t rude, per se, but you’re not in the habit of associating with this sort of clientele. You get numbers on a sheet and you sew. A living form is not quite your forte. 
When you finish, you can sense Enola’s agitated impatience. You don’t blame her. It’s plain she didn’t want the dress or your visit. It is more so upon the shoulders of her brother. Mr. Holmes. You’re similarly irked that he would put you in this position. 
Enola is already fiddling with some instrument before you can go. You emerge and pull the door shut after you. You stand in the hallway, bag at the crook of your elbow as you hug the fabric. You move with hampered steps towards the stairs. As the top creaks beneath your weight, your name is called from further down the hallway. 
“Ah, are you set then?” Mr. Holmes asks as he stops just outside a door, “I was thinking, to make up for your efforts, you might want to stay for tea.” 
You look down at your armful and back to him, “that’s very generous, but--” 
“I believe I paid an adequate fee for the appointment,” he strides slowly towards you, “but I am open to a barter if it was not sufficient.” 
You feel the heavy sovereign tucked into your jacket. You crook your lips and raise your chin, “no sir, it will do for today and the making of the dress. The fabric... I don’t have any as rich as the style requested.” 
“Another service I may require of you. If you wouldn’t mind to select the material, I would be happy to reimburse the expense.” 
“Would there be a colour? A fabric preferred? Velvet? Satin? Chiffon?” You prompt, “I solely work in cotton and wool, as I forewarned.” 
“Perhaps we might find a fabric seller at Covent Garden? You could accompany me on my next sojourn--” 
“I don’t know if I would have the time. I could write down some fabrics which would suit the silhouette we agreed upon,” you offer. 
“Mmm,” he hums, “you are rather professional. How about tea, then? Melinda from across the road sent some mutton over.” 
“The hour should see me back to my shop,” you shift your bag. 
“You are fastidious,” he stops before you and puts a hand on the fabric, “please, allow me, you are overburdened.” 
You can’t argue as he takes the fabric from you. You let him have it if only to avoid disaster you lean back on your heel. He angles the rolls under his arm easily and grins. A curl strays down his forehead. 
“I suppose you are right, given recent events, it would be best to see you home before the evening sets,” he says, “I would gladly see you home safe, miss.” 
He is overly polite, or perhaps you aren’t used to it. It is his home, he supplied the carriage, and he has paid generously. It makes each denial feel trite. 
“If you must, but I would be just fine on my own comportment,” you accept. 
“It isn’t any fuss, I will fetch a jacket and the driver,” he extends his arm past you, “after you.” 
You spin on your heel and face the staircase. You descend with your hand on the railing. As you come to the bottom, you wander towards the entry way and take in the fineness of the decor. Is much more becoming than your slanted rooms. 
Mr. Holmes places the rolls just beside the door and takes a jacket from the rack. He pulls it on and tells you to wait before he disappears outside. You linger as you are, sliding your bag down to your hands. 
When he returns, he reaches within to retrieve the fabric first. “Gavin is bringing up the carriage,” he declares and offers his free arm, “shall we?” 
You consider him. You wouldn’t want to be unkind. You step through the door, pulling it shut as you accept his bent arm, your hand in the crook. He accompanies you down the narrow steps, each step crowded by his. 
Gavin appears in the driver’s seat and reins the horse to a halt. The beast looks miserable. Mr. Holmes escorts you to the door and releases you to open it. He helps you with a strong hand and you sit within with your bag on your lap. He shoves the fabric in ahead of him, his head bowed as he fits through the small door. 
He closes it with a snap and settles on the bench on the other side of you. You stare across at the cotton, expecting he’d have taken that seat instead. His leg is on your skirt. 
You keep your hands on your bag. He knocks on the ceiling and the carriage rumbles into motion. You rock with it along the street, silent as you wring the leather handles. 
“I hope my sister did not cause too much stress. I know she can be a lot but she’s old enough now. She should start behaving as a lady,” he spreads a large hand across his thigh. “Perhaps, once she finds a husband, that will be easier.” 
You nod, uncertain of a proper response. 
“Not to mean... I don’t mean to assume, I am known however for my observations, and I have concluded you are not married,” he continues, “I gather if it were the case, you might not have a shop to sew in.” 
“Suppose not,” you reply dully. 
“It is only to say that my opinion of my sister isn’t general. A woman such as yourself is admirable.” 
“A spinster?” You supply. 
“I didn’t--” 
“I’ve chosen not to marry, that is true. I am not bothered by that fact,” you say, “isn’t that what you deal in, detective, facts?” 
“Fair,” he shifts on the bench, “but not everyone can detach emotion from facts.” 
“And why should I be emotional about that fact? I am much more happier than any woman could be with a husband,” you stare at the opposite wall of the carriage. “And I will assume, sir, as I am no detective, that you have neither taken to the altar.” 
He curls the fingers on his left hand, “I have not.” 
“And I’m certain you enjoy your bachelor lifestyle in your grand apartment,” you return, “while my own is not so extravagant, I find solace in it. On that, I think you might understand me.” 
He takes a breath and lets it out with a thoughtful hum, “I suppose we are similar in some way.” 
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lotus0kid · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier.
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Hello! Hm, well, let's see...
Self, Job/Work: I don't post anything identifiable, but I don't mind discussing relatable/weird bits of my life as long as it's not too specific.
Fandoms: Bagginshield, for sure. I'm starting to think I should just go ahead and read LOTR, but I haven't yet. I suggest you do engage with the canons for Good Omens and Stranger Things, because they're pretty good canons (despite current revelations regarding the co-creator and showrunner of the former).
OC's (I don't have OCs- well, none that didn't just serve their purpose in whatever fic I need them for), art/drawing (I've done some of that- tagged "lotus0kid art" if you're interested, there might be new stuff coming since I leaped bodily on that steep Clip Studio sale a bit ago), their writing (sure, I can probably yammer all day about writing, my own or the concept), blog specific only (I'm not sure what this means)
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Argh... uh... I'm going to have to say no, I really don't need any more distractions from the ideas I already have. Though, I dunno, maybe one-word prompts where I can write a drabble response, just to get the wheels moving? That could be nice.
Pets: Ain't got 'em. -_-. Unless you count the spiders in my windowsill.
Garden and Hobbies: My current icon is a picture of my itty bitty succulent that budded off a bigger succulent a while ago. Another bud is coming off that bigger succulent- I'm waiting for the stem to be long enough to cut so I can plant it on its own. That's all the gardening I do currently. And fanfiction is basically my main hobby, aside from occasional art stuff (*eyes stalled embroidery project guiltily*). Maybe cooking too, I think certain aspects transcend the "chore" category, like the opposite of the way my art pursuits can feel a bit chore-ish.
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druidx · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@inkoherentwriting, @bretongirlwrites, and @wispstalk have all tagged me in this so I should probably do it (this is not a complaint! I love tag games, I'm just think it's funny).
I'm not sure who of my usual list writes fanfic so this is an open tag.
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
151 in total. Druidx has 107, and my pseud for PodFics, Dru-Pod, has 44
2 – What's your total AO3 word count?
Currently 246,748. (I've got three other large fics in the works that'll bring that up to ~500k when posted.)
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
My main ones right now, by number of works, are:
TES IV: Oblivion
Fighting Fantasy World of Titan by Steve Jackson & Ian Livingstone
Thunderbirds Are Go (2015)
Those in the past, and that will never grace AO3, are (in order of recency):
Star Wars (Savage Worlds TTRPG)
Sherlock (2010)
Star Trek: Deep Space 9
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
Technicolour Nightmare (Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Flowers and Ice (Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Crimson Storm (Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Family Treasures (Thunderbirds 2015)
Avoiding the Emperor (Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Technicolour Nightmare is a kind of a surprise, because I don't think it's one of my better fics, and was a half-assed kinda throwaway story about a feverish HoK being rescued and cared for. For the longest time the top fic has been Flowers and Ice which never surprised me given that it's very much about Everyone worrying about Martin doing something stupid, and then descends into the HoK worrying about everyone, and ends with the promise things will be better. Avoiding the Emperor is also not a surprise, since it was the very first thing I posted on AO3.
5 – Do you respond to comments?
I try my hardest to, when I get them.
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Of those posted, it's probably Bitter Winds and Rain, which is about Aderyn not handling Martin's coma well. Young Dagger, False Dream which is drafted but not yet posted, comes a close second with Alexis feeling forced out of the group she thought were her friends after an ideological split.
7 – What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
TIL a lot of my fics have an upbeat ending XD At First Blush takes the win, I think, with Methredhel and Rhiannon's kiss.
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
Gotta get comments to get hate, eh? The worst I had was on Tumblr for No Rose Without a Thorn, where someone was rude about the OC I was writing about (wasn't even my OC - I'd borrowed someone else's which might be why it made me angry).
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope. I have tried and tried and decided it's not for me. It's never been published, because it makes me cringe at how bad it is. The most you'll get from me is some heavy petting and a fade to black.
10 – Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Dinner Time is probably the wackiest crossover posted, with the main Trio from Oblivion and some characters from Fighting Fantasy World of Titan. I also started a crossover with the Trio from Oblivion and the main characters from Thunderbirds (2015), but that's unlikely to see the light of day
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'd be honoured if anyone ever wanted to.
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not a fic, no. I tried co-writing an original story and it did not go well, and has soured me towards the idea TBH.
14 – What's your all-time favorite ship?
That I've written, I suppose I have to say Martin/Baurus since I've written 26 fics about them... By fave to read though is Bilbo Baggins/ Thorin Oakenshield (Bagginshield). TBH though, shipping isn't something that I really bother with much; Martin/Baurus was for a friend.
15 – What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Her Lonely Shadow is currently the top contender. It's the 'what happens next for Alexis Dalliance' story, set after the end of her campaign and before Elo's campaign. I've been writing it since 22 Apr 2015, it's still on the 1st draft sitting at 174,266 words. I don't feel like it's ever going to be finished...
16 – What are your writing strengths?
Pacing, the balance of prose to dialogue, descriptions, and character voice.
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting, subtext, and making sure 'c' grade characters still have some 3d-ness to them.
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
All for it. I think it's fun for a character who doesn't speak that language to have to figure things out from body language or other social cues, or muddle through with their broken skills. In fantasy it's less risky though, because you can mash words out that sound good, but for IRL languages, you need to take a bit more care. One would hope, however, that if a native speaker has an issue with something I've used Google Translate for, they would mention it in the comments so I can fix it.
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
20 – Favorite fic you've written?
... I'm going to do them by fandom because this is an unfair question XD
Starbound - Home That Our Feet May Leave, But Not Our Hearts
FF/World of Titan - Dead Reckoning Returned
Oblivion - Abecean Blue
Thunderbirds 2015 - Family Treasures
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itsohh · 2 years
Hello! I hope you are doing well! When you first started writing here on Tumblr, did you hesitate or were nervous and if so how did you deal with it? Or did you just power through it and fuck it I'm putting my writing out there and I don't care what people say?
Long story short I'm really wanting to write on here just to do something different but I'm hella nervous and just wanted an opinion. Because I really love R6 but I have a very hard time getting out of my shell. Obviously you don't have to answer if you are uncomfortable! Till then I can't wait for your next post! 😊
hmmm I think way back when I first started writing I was a lot more care free at the time back when I was like 13.
I don't think I was ever focused on like anyone hating it or anything like that. Like I've legit never got hate for writing in all the years I've done it. Either people will hit the like button or they wont. Back then I was writing for like supernatural and marvel then eventually overwatch and a bit of Sherlock. In the case of I guess it was 'whats the worst that will happen' in all reality most of the time people who don't like x reader have the tag blocked and so only people who like said thing will find it (so long as u tag correctly)
I've sorta just got to the stage where posting doesn't really phase me in nervousness or anything, like sure for somethings I lose interest or motivation at times but when I started posting I didn't really get any like feedback at all? Like it was very rare I would get anything that wasn't a like or a reblog and requests didn't happen much. I think the fact that Tumblr is so anonymous really helps, like its almost a mask. No one actually knows who I am, worst comes to worst I can legit just delete the blog and start anew.
I think also fandom size is a huge thing, is reconising your audience, there's no point comparing like notes to another fandom cause honestly it just reflects how popular said thing is. After I realised that I sorta don't worry anymore? I used to freak out a bit about people not liking my posts but now I'm just like 'eh R6S is tiny' and it is.
Honestly yeah so long as you tag correctly you should be alg. In the R6S fandom at leat people are pretty chill. (Idk there's some hate to oc's or something but as long as u don't tag as x reader u should be alg)
Anyway I'm rambling a lot but honestly yeah just go for it hun, upload. Nothing bad will happen, might feel a bit anxious or whatever but its like, yeah. You feel me? that being said if your going to write please remember capitals and new speaker new line theses are so important, as someone who breaks a lot of grammar rules those two shouldn't be broken in writing. I know a lot of people aren't a fan of first person so if you do write first person your audience would be smaller than per say second or first
Some people may have different ideas or interpretations of character but I feel as a tumblr collective (speshly this fandom) people won't like hate on you for it.
ANYWAY I went off again, yeah give it a go. eventually you will get used to it and it will become a second habit to upload, frankly so long as you ultimately always write for your enjoyment your always good. uploading writing is pretty much like the same as watching a movie with a friend id say, or like running a dnd campaign sorta vibes. kinda. but yeah just hit that post button and off u go. I guess yeah just power through it, hitting post the first time is def the hardest and you just gotta rip that bad boy off.
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justtrashperson · 2 years
I wanna!! Wanna talk about the secret case of s.h.!!! Because that comic is just, aheksgskagejsgsh in my brain
So rambling time let’s go
So so like, it’s Sherlock Holmes, but manga, and there’s watson, with a cane!!! At first it was a cane with a sword inside, but later he got a cane that can be used as a sword, somehow someway but just!!!!
Anyway the manga starts in their office, also there’s this girl, I forgot her name but in the actual Sherlock Holmes canon she’s actually a like, old woman??? But they made her into a girl?? Young woman?? here, but not in a creepy way or something. Like, her purpose in the comic is knocking sense into Watson and helps the other main character, Walter. And no she doesn’t have any romantic stuff with anyone here.
Before talking about walter, I need to point out that this is literally Sherlock x myths stuff or literature. Like there’s lycanthrope, vampires, hell there’s even this whole thing with Frankenstein project or some shit, and also there’s dr. Jekyll and Hyde!!!
Like, everyone’s is here aksjkwhsja-
Anyway, Walter is like, this teen character who was trying to seek help from Sherlock because he was, his hand was amputated by Hyde and his caretaker, his surrogate father, William gull decided to put a Frankenstein arm on him, because of Hyde or something
Also yes the case sherlock and Watson was investigating was about Jack the Ripper, who turns out to be this vampire named Vincent that’s dying or something, submit himself to the Frankenstein project, but then shit happens and now he’s killing people and mutilating them
Also William gull is also a Frankenstein project??? Like, okay he was part of the project, and they made like, a prototype Franken body, but then the building burns down, William escapes with the body, but then the body became sentient and like, absorbs him??? Idk the explanation for it was all over the place but I think that’s the gist of it
But anyway, Walter tried to seek help, but Sherlock actually went missing when him and Watson manages to caught Jack the Ripper in action, tried to stop him but instead Sherlock got attacked and they went missing in river thames.
So Watson was like, not in the mood because he lost his best friend but also, he doesn’t really like the kid because at first he thought the kid was Jack the Ripper because of the Franken arm, but after some explaining turns out he’s not.
Anyway, shenanigans happens, they went to mycroft for answers about Walter’s condition, but instead he captures them and jailed them in this underground cell with an old library outside that turns out to have like, those sentient book monsters. Anyway turns out Mycroft actually has the answer, but he wanted to have fun so he lets Walter and Watson go through hell and back just for that information.
Also!!! They did not shy away when showing Watson’s leg injury and when his cane got destroyed he was struggling!!! akejajjwkwhaja
Anyway we cut into Sherlock, who was taken hostage by Jack the Ripper, and he told him if Sherlock wants to be immortal, and then injects his blood to Sherlock to control him, because vampire or some shit
Then at one point Watson and Walter got into an argument, and Walter was left alone, homeless and nowhere to go because William gull was missing, and he had no one else, before he say Jekyll giving food to homeless kids, and tried to ask for a place to stay or something
Anyway at one point Jekyll turns into Hyde who is, a slime???? Like fucker can turn into slime and strong af, that’s why he can cut off walter’s arm with ease
But anyway the case and shit ends with them killing Vincent, who killed William, also Sherlock manages to escape his control when he was about to kill Watson, because fucker is of course smart and decided to drink something that can throw up blood, because if he throws up blood, the blood of the vampire will be gone and Walter then became friends with Watson and now Watson is like, his uncle or father AKSJKAJS found family.
Anyway good comic, definitely could’ve been better but I give it 9/10
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princessphilly · 2 years
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Call Me Jake Part 3
CW: flirting, steam, we are heading to the smut
Posted on mobile, I apologize for wonky formatting
WC: 2426
Tagging: @withahappyrefrain @wildbornsiren @dempy @wombtotombx @writercole @mandylove1000 @a-reader-and-a-writer @hoe-on-the-range @hockeynshit @chara-hugs @starshine-hockey-girl @newlibrary @callsignhurricane @callsign-phoenix @callsign-valley @siempre-bucky @callsignhoney @sebsxphia @seasonsbloom @sunderlust @kryptonitejelly @gretagerwigsmuse @grey--scale--girl @andrei-svech @mikkorantanev @mayhem24-7forever @matbaerzal @marvelousmermaid @jostystyles @therebeccaw @marvelandotherfandomimagines @blue-aconite @atthediscowithoutpanic @ratcatcher2world @lorecraft @iguana-braces
“What are you wearing to your hot date? It better be cute,” Lauren asked.
Dorothy rolled her eyes as her best friend laid on her bed before stepping inside of her closet. “I’m wearing clothes. I mean, I don’t want a public indecency charge.”
“No shit, Sherlock. But you should wear something cute. I saw him at the munch, Hangman was hotter than he normally looks at The Hard Deck. Maybe you can introduce me to one of his pilot friends. I’m done with Marines.”
“You’d tear them up. But if any of them are looking for a Domme, I’ll hook you up, even if nothing happens,” Dorothy replied.
Stepping out, Dorothy twirled in her outfit. It was a simple pink polo tee and a skater skirt. It also showed off the fact that her right calf was a prosthetic. “Simple depending on where we go and fitting for the weather.”
“Are you sure you want to show off your leg? I mean, the last couple of times you went out on potential dates, you insisted on covering up your legs,” Lauren ventured tentatively. “I don’t want you to think that I don’t think you shouldn’t wear that and show off-“
“Calm down Lauren. Hangman is so fucking hot and fucking gorgeous for a man. So I might as well show him that my body isn’t what others consider perfect. So if he’s a dick, I cut my losses now.”
“That sounds extra, rather fatalistic. But whatevs.”
Dorothy rolled her eyes as she texted Jake. They had exchanged numbers on Wednesday and exchanged fet profiles on Thursday with Jake asking her to look at his. Dorothy hadn’t though; Thursday was spent all day with her mom and Carter since Carter was in town for Navy SEALs parachute jump school. Carter had exactly three days before he had to report and Dorothy spent her Friday with her little brother. Tonight, it was her night with Hangman and Carter was out with his buddies. Or, the night where either Hangman would prove to be the asshole Rooster said he was or prove to be decent despite the asshole exterior. Was it even worth it though? Why even bother?
“Dot, you look like you’re overthinking again,” Lauren scolded. “Kevin is probably up in heaven right now, cheering you on.”
The mention of Kevin’s name made Dot blink. “Are you sure?”
“Hell yeah. Kevin loved you enough to not only give you a letter to read a year after he passed, one to me to make sure you don’t wallow, AND one to Rooster to ensure you tried again,” Lauren soothed.
“I can already tell that Hangman isn’t like Kevin though.” Lauren sniffed as a couple of memories hit her at once.
Getting up from Dorothy’s bed, Lauren hugged her bestie. “That’s not a bad thing. Yes, you got to have one grand love already but that doesn’t mean you don’t take the chance to have another.”
Dorothy snorted. “I think Hangman’s great love is himself.”
“Eh, a man who looks like that probably is but it can’t hurt to try. Look at it this way, if it doesn’t work out, at least you know what you don’t want.”
Lauren grinned as Dorothy sighed. “Why do you have to be so reasonable, Laur?”
“Because I love you and you’re my best friend and I want you to be happy.”
If anyone asked Jake, he would say that Dorothy Kazansky was one of the prettiest women he had ever seen, especially with that long brown hair and hazel eyes. Right now, she looked amazing as she walked to him in that pink shirt and skirt with her long legs… and then he saw her right leg.
Her right leg was a prosthesis below her right knee. Colored in vibrant colors, it looked like it was tattooed before it turned into a metal part that was in her shoe.
It was absolutely beautiful just like Dorothy.
Jake took in the insecure look on Dorothy’s face and vowed to kill anyone who made her feel less than. “You look beautiful, Dot.”
“Thanks Hangman, I think?”
“Why the whole ‘I think?’ I hope it’s not because of your leg because it’s just as beautiful as the rest of you. And while I’m not Chair Force, I am a pilot too so I understand. You did what we all said what we do in service of our country.”
Dorothy gaped at Hangman, no, Jake. She truly thought he would look at her be turned off but other than the Chair Force comment, it was obvious that it didn’t affect him at all. Before she could say something, the waitress came by with drinks and menus. As Dorothy read the menu, she wrestled with her options. But she decided to just put it out there, placing the menu on the table.
“I’m just going to say this now because I know the rep that many Naval aviators have. If you plan on fucking as many women as you possibly can, this is not going to work, Hangman,” Dorothy stated before taking a sip of water. “I can see you’re ready to argue with that look on your face, so let me be clear. I don’t give a shit what you’ve done before, I’m far from a virgin and I have my own skeletons. But if you want us to play together and for it to include sex, we are only seeing each other. If you don’t want it to include sex, then who else you fuck is not my problem.”
“I don’t like to share, sugar, and I will have no issue saving my cock just for you, Dottie,” Jake drawled. “‘Cause I'm sure I can’t play with you without sex on the table.”
There was a clearing of a throat and the waitress looked at them with slightly reddened cheeks. Dorothy bit her lip while Jake winked. After they gave their orders, there was a pause as Dorothy played with her bracelets. Then Jake cleared his throat.
“Darlin’, I am greedy, I don’t play nice and I don’t share at all,” Hangman drawled as he played with his USNA ring. “And with the way I like to play, I will be the only one on your mind.”
“And what kind of way is that?”
Dorothy raised an eyebrow. Hangman talked a good game so far but the cockiest ones were the ones who were the biggest duds.
Hangman looked at Dorothy, assessing her before smirking. “One, I can tell you didn’t check out my fet profile.”
Dorothy blanched. He was right on that account, dammit. Jake continued, “Two, when you’re getting aroused, you quickly lick your lips before sucking your bottom lip into your mouth and releasing it. You like the idea that I don’t share and I don’t play nice. I bet if I really wanted, I could have you over my knees, pussy already soaking wet before I even give you the spanking you’d deserve for not following directions. But we aren’t there yet and we haven’t consented to that.”
Dorothy looked at Hangman, annoyed and yet very aroused at his words. Noticing she was doing the exact thing he mentioned, Dorothy set her lips in a straight line.
“Aw, don’t be upset, sugar. I may be the handsomest man you've ever met but I’m trained to assess every situation quickly and completely before I do anything.”
“I don’t know if this is bullshit or not.”
Sly green eyes looked Dorothy up and down and she felt like she was ready to burst. Then Jake finally said, “God, I hope you decide you want to play with me because it’s been a long time since I got to tame a brat.”
Dorothy’s breath hitched and Jake chuckled, the low tone washing over her like the finest Bourbon whiskey. This was going to be good, too good.
“For someone who didn’t get laid last night, you seem extra chipper,” Dorothy muttered to herself as she walked down the steps. She really did feel like she was floating on clouds after having dinner with Jake.
After starting rather sexually charged, dinner ended up being rather vanilla. The food was good and Jake was amusing as he described the antics of the younger officers under him on base. Dorothy shared some anecdotes from her time in the Air Force before mentioning that she was illustrating a book about planes for kids.
Jake’s green eyes had turned serious when he asked her if it was okay, considering that she had been in a crash that forced her to be medically discharged. Dorothy had felt touched that Jake had asked that as she told him that writing/illustrating children’s books actually made it easier to face the idea of being on a plane again.
Skipping down the stairs, Dorothy made her way to the kitchen. Bouncing to the fridge, she sighed happily. The night had ended with Jake’s tongue in her mouth and a promise to do more next time.
“You’re home earlier than I expected, I thought you’d still be out.”
Dorothy froze as she heard her mother’s voice. Sarah smiled as she sipped from her coffee cup, watching her little girl pull out a carton of orange juice from the fridge. Dorothy was definitely feeling happy and it made Sarah ecstatic. “I thought that maybe you’d be with that naval aviator you met up with last night.”
Dorothy’s cheeks flamed as she refused to look at her mom. She couldn’t, she refused to even mention her sex life or lack of one to her mother.
“It must have been a good time if you refuse to look at me.” Sarah chuckled as Dorothy rolled her eyes. “Maverick told me who you were seeing. He sounded like he wanted to have a heart attack.”
Dorothy sighed as she rummaged in the cabinets for some cereal. Sarah continued, “Sounds like this guy is basically what Maverick was when he wasn’t jerking Penny around when we were younger. Anyway, I met Hangman when he was first at Top Gun. You were stationed in Germany then. Your dad would invite the new classes at Top Gun for dinner during their time there. It was his way of supporting the younger pilots and everything.”
“What did you think of him?”
Steeling herself to hear something unflattering, Dorothy was surprised as her mom said, “Very intelligent, kind of like your dad in that they both knew they were the best. But he had that Southern charm too. Very cocky but also very clinical; Hangman seemed like he weighed all of his options within a second before he made a comment. Probably the same way in the air. Your dad liked him.”
“Sounds like the opposite of what Dad would’ve liked. He didn’t like cocky pilots except for Uncle Mav.”
“I think your dad liked that he had the smarts to back up his cockiness instead of being reckless. Mav is reckless.”
Dorothy couldn’t argue that. That was utterly true.
Then Sarah smirked, her hazel eyes turning wicked. “I plan on investing in earplugs but gags are a good thing.”
“I may be a widow but I’m not dead.”
good mornin sugar, hru
Jake put his phone down as he took out his badge. It was yet another workday but today he was flying so he was in his flight suit. His phone dinged and he read its 0700 & I don’t have to be awake but I am. But it’s okay because I dreamed of u last night
dont tease me sugar. u did agree to let me punish u if u tease me, darlin
Jake had taken Dorothy out for dinner and line dancing two nights ago. They had flirted and also worked out more limits and boundaries of what they wanted a potential relationship to be about. There was also a heavy dose of sexual tension and it took all of Jake not to bend Dorothy over the hood of his truck. Instead, they had made out, his tongue fucking her mouth, his hands groping all over her clothed body. Jake had been rock hard as he grinded his hips into Dorothy as they kissed. And the way Dottie had moaned and gasped into his mouth, Jake was sure she wanted him as much as he wanted her. But he was still going to make her wait. It was slow and Omaha and Yale were making fun of Jake for not sealing the deal. But they didn’t have Bradshaw and Maverick breathing down their neck.
“So help me god, Seresin, if you plan on just fucking around with Dot, I will kill you if you break her heart.”
Turning around in his chair at his desk, Hangman drawled, “Nice to see you too, Bradshaw.”
Rooster stared at his fellow aviator. Hangman wasn’t the easiest to read, using his cocky arrogance as a shell to keep most people from seeing him deep inside. But this was Dot, someone who was like the only sister he had. Dot didn’t need more pain and drama, especially from Hangman.
Hangman looked at Rooster, his vivid green eyes uncharacteristically somber. “I may be an asshole, a total prick, but I have no plans to be anything other than what Dottie wants and needs.”
Rooster couldn’t help the bark of laughter that came out after that statement. But it was obvious that Hangman was very serious and Rooster believed him. He actually believed the damn asshole.
His phone dinged again and Jake swore when he saw the message, glad he was in his truck by himself. Dorothy had sent him a picture, shirt on, nothing super visible. But it was obvious that all she had on was that shirt.
oops, i think I did something bad oh no
Jake snorted, knowing what was exactly going to be lurking on his mind all day at work. Before he could respond, Dorothy sent him another text. im sorry I just can’t help myself
Then there was another picture of Dorothy, this time bent over and Jake groaned.
r u sure u want what ur asking for, brat?
His phone rang and Jake picked up. “Seresin.”
“Jake, my evening meeting got cancelled. So, if you want to come over, you can or I can come over.”
“It’s Thursday, Dottie. If you come over, bring a bag with you.”
Jake chuckled low to himself as Dorothy’s breath hitched. There was a pause before she finally replied, “A bag?”
“I told you after we went dancin’, that I was going to need more than one night when I fucked you.”
“I don’t know why I’m so turned on right now but I am, Hangman,” Dorothy muttered into the phone.
“Because you need me to be between those thighs. I gotta go but I’ll be home by 1830. No panties, sugar.”
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steve0discusses · 4 years
S5 Ep5: Female Friends
So I was up hella late because of Daylight Savings screwing my sleep schedule, and I was on Twitch and one of the people I follow was speedrunning a Yugioh game (I think it was called Forbidden Memories like it was some Romance YA novel) and I was like “that’s a thing?” And I watched about 15 minutes of just complete nonsense. Like this game makes no sense when your scrubbing through 30 minutes of gameplay, but when a whole game takes 45 seconds and they have mechanics using like planets and astrology symbols? What?
Y’all, I’m a little concerned your card game ain’t real. Like this is some ploy by knowing adults and this is some sort of Santa Claus situation where everyone else knows that this game ain’t real, but I’m the last person alive who’s like... “it is real though, right?” Hoping that I haven’t been played all of these years, despite having literally no empirical evidence that it is.
Just saying, I’m on to you, Yugioh.
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Thanks dub.
I am pretty convinced (could be wrong) but pretty convinced that Grandpa was probably just normal horny in this scene. Like it just kinda matches what I know about horny grandpa tropes (that and Vivian is really talked up to be this hot stuff although she’s just youknow...some girl who exists.)
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He immediately falls over. Like immediately, and I don’t know what’s up with Grandpa’s weird slipped disc, but luckily this is the one thing that Mokuba is prepared to deal with as a park manager.
Or what was his job again, Master of Ceremonies? That was the name of Mokuba’s actual chosen job that a 12-13 yo would choose?
Only Mokuba would have the choice to choose “a literal astronaut” and not choose an astronaut. This kid probably hates space though, with his family’s countless war machines now currently flying through the void.
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The amount of times that the Kaibas have had to call a doctor for these guys.
(read more under the cut)
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Bro was like “So Hawkins paid Grandpa to pretend to fall down so they could ditch Rebecca’s duel, right?” and youknow...probably. It was a pretty boring duel. They got off scott free.
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Rex and Weevil do cartoon antics that actually feel like cartoon antics--which feels so weird for this show. Of course, it also has this Vivian plotline that is a little sus for a children’s show?
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OK, show. You keep throwing women at Yugi Muto, and I get it’s a joke because he’s the world’s most undateable boy but there is a line of plausibility that even for a kid’s cartoon show it’s like “eh, probably not.”
Anyway, Vivian has Cho Chang energy of “I’m here for a problematic romantic conflict that never needed to happen and hamfisted diversity and uhhhhhh that’s it! I won’t exist after book 5!”
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What a step down from dueling on top of the train, right? Like this whole time you could have just dueled next to it? What? In this show?
The rest of the party show up to the train station, where there’s really no other audience watching. Like where are Rebecca’s adoring fans who were asking for her autograph like 3 episodes back?
Card culture is brutal, y’all.
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Vivian is not drawn like a 16 yo, being real. I was pretty surprised that she was under 25 according to a cursory Google search. Course, Joey Wheeler is drawn like a built adult, too, so I think the only convincing teenage child on this show is Pharaoh because at least he’s short. Just ignore how sometimes he’s got muscles on his arms that have no right to be there at the age of 16. (17?)
Then we had like a little Season Zero vibes where everyone just picks on Yugi for a hot minute.
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And so Tea’s character development comes full circle as she realizes that this whole time, the Female Friend she needed was already here in the form of that small child who has a crush on her kinda boyfriend.
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This was such an episode written by a bunch of dudes.
But at least Rebecca and Tea found something in common, although I really wish it wasn’t Yugi, considering how little on screen development he has with either of them. Where’s the reward for me as the viewer? If I cared about either of this love pentagon at all (well, hexagon...Bakura’s still in there.) there will never be a payout. You very well may be waiting forever for a relationship the writers clearly had never any intention to ever write except to act as a foil for our protagonists instead of like...a relationship.
And the show seems a little inconsistent with the relationship between Rebecca and Tea, too. They hang out a lot as the girls on the sideline, and appear to get along a lot of the time--but then they hate eachother a lot of the time as well because of jealousy? It’s just so weird.
I feel like TV shows in general have a really hard time approaching girl friendships, and speaking as a girl, I wish TV and books recognized more that our female friendships don’t have to be so freakin serious. We just act friendly and that’s freakin it.
That and these girls are going to go right back to hating eachother half the time after this is over because the main problem--Yugi not piping up and telling one of them to back the hell off--has never been addressed and never will be because Yugi is a broken, broken wet blanket.
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Back at the base, Seto is also making up his own problems to be upset about in the absence of any apocalypses happening on screen.
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Unless that hacker is Noah Kaiba, you’re probably fine. I really haven’t had too much of a reason to feel any fear over Zigfried von Schroeder. And maybe it’s because his character design was pretty complicated so no one wanted to draw it.
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This was a ‘who’s on first’ joke but still.
...why do cards have to be like this?
Also, I didn’t see anything about this nonsense in the speedrun I watched the other night so, guys, this game ain’t real.
Anyway, Rebecca won.
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We find out a little more of what happens to other duelists. Our Cowboy lost to a Sherlock Holmes boy, and I was very happy that I don’t have to come up with jokes about country music because I have none other than like...Taylor Swift jokes? Does she still count as country? I have no idea what’s going on in the country music scene.
On other side of the park, Yugioh decide to pay another tribute to the creative crotch shot with one of these:
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Rex and Weevil are off to fight the big bad, and when you think “OK, we’re gonna get a wacky duel battle with these two balancing on top of eachother,” they kinda whiffed it before they made it to the stage.
And then I kind of whiffed it when I realized that Mokuba and Weevil have never spoken in the same place before and they have the same exact font color so fml.
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The fact that Mokuba didn’t realize anything was wrong until they fell and revealed they were two small adults in a trench coat says a lot about most of the competitors in this duel.
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It is incredible how both the Battle City Tournament and the Kaiba Corp Tourney (s that it’s name?) are both poorly managed, but in a different way. The Battle City Tourney unfortunately had a bunch of murderers in it. This tournament, no one is killing eachother, but they are still kind of sneaking in through the back door and being chronically late to everything.
(and I just want to point out that after the last match Mokuba oversaw that had Joey nearly miss the appointment, Mokuba decided to set this one in front of a Giant Clock just to get his point across)
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So Zigfried has some sort of flying horse card that wiped them out right away, which makes you wonder........
.............why use any other cards?
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Kaiba makes these cards, right????
Like he should be the last person who’s surprised????
Anyway, Zigfried top-decked a horse, and the guy who spends about 15 minutes getting ready his big ol blue eyes dragons every match he’s ever played was like “Yo I have GOT to get into speedrunning!”
And yes, the speedrun I was watching did not use Blue Eyes White Dragons. They were using a bunch of other stuff that I tried to look up just now and the art is completely different from what I recall so...unfortunately that means that your game is fake. Pretty sure it’s fake and you have no way to prove to me this is real.
Anyway, that’s it for now, not much to say since we’re still at the beginning of the arc. Next week I guess we’ll find out if Seto ever removes his ass from this chair.
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scribeofred · 3 years
Thanks to @onereyofstarlight for the tag!
 1. What fandoms have you written for?
This is embarrassing but I actually had to look at both FFnet and AO3 because I couldn’t remember all of them. TRON: Legacy, Assassin’s Creed, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, Sherlock, Final Fantasy VII and XV and Kingsglaive, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Merlin, Skyrim, and, of course, Thunderbirds. I have a couple other fandoms that crop up in various wips, including a Tom Swift/Thunderbirds crossover that I really should finish.
2. How many works do you have on AO3 &/or FFNet?
FFnet has 45, and AO3 has 41. There’s also a couple stories lurking on tumblr, notably a final chapter for Reflection.
3. What are your top 3 fics by kudos on A03 &/or Favs on FFNet?
AO3 dominates in this area, if I can use a word like “dominates” for stories that have less than 125 kudos each haha. Oh well, the numbers don’t matter!
1.     118 kudos on tell the shades apart (my world is black and white)
2.     94 kudos on Reflection
3.     91 kudos on The 43rd Hour
4. Which 3 fics have the least kudos & Favs?
Again on AO3:
1 kudos on I Am You (And You Are Me)
5 kudos on The Dragonborn Chronicles
6 kudos on cynosure
5. Which Fic has the most comments and which has the least?
Reflection has the most at 29 threads, and I Am You (And You Are Me) has the least at zero.
6. Which complete fic do you wish had gotten more attention?
Lodestar, definitely. Sure, it’s for something of a rarepair, but they aren’t that rare, and I just really really like the way the story came together. On the other hand, of course my unfinished Merlin fic has gotten probably the most attention, because that’s just the way it goes, eh?
7. Have you written any crossovers?
None that I’ve published! I have various crossovers lurking in mostly unfinished states, including the aforementioned Tom Swift/Thunderbirds crossover, and an Assassin’s Creed/Thundeerbirds crossover that is very good and I should also finish. There’s an Expanse/Thunderbirds fic lurking in my brain that I may or may not ever commit to paper, who knows. I’ve also very vaguely toyed with a Batman/Thunderbirds crossover, in the sense that “nebulous” is too strong a word for the kind of toying I’ve been doing.
8. What is the craziest fic you’ve written?
I don’t really write crazy or crack or humor in general, so probably the closest thing to “crazy” is On the Lam, which was the result of wanting to throw Scott and Penelope toward an Egyptian stud farm. It ended up being the host for a bad joke about that, courtesy of one @thebaconsandwichofregret, who consistently gives some of the best dialogue advice I’ve ever encountered.
Actually, the true answer is probably a chapter in Glimpses into a Supernova, maybe the one about blood? It seems bonkers when I think back on it now, but I admittedly haven’t read it in many years. Possibly I am misremembering. Glimpses has some weird ones, though.
9. What’s the fic you’ve written with the saddest ending?
It’s a tossup between The Painting and a place where the water touches the sky. The former deals with a prior off-screen death; the latter is (maybe??) an on-screen death. People seemed upset by it, at any rate. I said it was ambiguous!
10. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
“Happy” is probably a matter of perspective? Depends on the overall reading experience and the ending within that context. Either septet or Three Towels and a Tracy, they’re both pretty fluffy overall.
11. What is your smuttiest fic?
protoinstincts, which I completely forgot I wrote and then rediscovered like a year later and realized “hey, this is actually pretty good” and you know what, despite it not being overly spicy, it is pretty good.
12. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not hate, per se, but someone left a review on Less Than Nothing saying they “didn’t like” that I “wrote the story as a series of drabbles.” Cool, I didn’t write the story for you, random guest reader, and the back button exists, friend 😂 It didn’t bother me on a personal level because I wrote the fic for an audience of one (incidentally, not myself and rather the recipient of a secret santa event), but I was mad because the reviewer had no way of knowing where I was at as a writer, and I know from longtime observation how that kind of comment can crush less experienced or confident writers.
Don’t leave flames, kids, you don’t understand the power your words have. Don’t like, don’t read.
13. What is the nicest comment you’ve received?
The nicest? Goodness. Hmm. I’d have to go hunting to find the nicest, but in recent memory, @ayzrules sent me a couple passages from Spanish texts she’s been studying that reminded her of my writing, and I was honestly so touched by the fact that she even thought to make such comparisons, much less mention them to me. Taking the time to familiarize yourself with someone’s style until you can make comparisons between it and someone else’s work is so much more meaningful to me personally than a basic “Nice story!” or “Loved this!” type of comment ever could be. <3 Ayz <3
14. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of, but I’ve never gone looking on any sort of copycat site or whatever either.
15. How many fics do you have marked as incomplete?
Two. First is The Dragonborn Chronicles, which is a retelling of Skyrim from Lydia’s perspective via her journal, to complement the in-game journal. It’s a slog of a style to write, though, even for someone who loves writing first person and doesn’t really want to write a lot of dialogue, and the outline is huge, and the story will be many times more huge, and just. Some day. Some day.
Second is tell the shades apart (my world is black and white), which has always been unfinished because the outline itself is over seven thousand words and the fully written story would undoubtedly land between 100,000 and 200,000 words, and there’s no way I’m writing that. I’ve always meant to upload the outline, but I got kind of self-conscious about the way I formatted it, and ugh I just haven’t bothered. One day, one day, right?
Moral of the story is I’m intensely a short story writer, and I’ve really found myself settling into that role over the last couple years. Better a clipped, punchy short story than a bloated slog of an epic.
16. Which of the WIPS will most likely be finished first?
Literally no one knows that. I wrote 95% of the observable entropy of a closed system over five years ago, and then I proceeded to pull it out roughly once a year and write and rewrite various endings until last month, which was when I finally figured out how I wanted to end the story. septet, too, languished for about five years before I finally remembered it existed and managed to wrangle an ending. Endings are hard, man. So are those third plot points. Terrible creatures, those, bog me down every time.
17. Which WIP are you looking forward to finishing?
Uh... mm. See. If I were looking forward to finishing any of them, I’d be actively working on them. At this moment, writing fic isn’t exactly high on my list of priorities, but I am also coming off a four-day idle game bender, so I still feel like I haven’t quite reengaged with myself as a living person. Give me another few days and I might have an answer.
(I am always most looking forward to finishing this ridiculous Ignis-drives-the-Audi-R8 fic that’s been languishing in my wips for literal years. As mentioned above, third plot points. Killer, man.)
(oh and also the working-titled the art of murder. Scott and Penny attend a private art auction. Things don’t go to plan. It, too, is stuck at the third plot point. I know, I know I have a problem, shush.)
18. Is there a WIP that you’re considering abandoning?
Any wip has the potential to be revived—this year and the old wips I’ve unearthed, dusted off, finished, and posted have been proof of that. I don’t intentionally permanently abandon anything for that reason, some stories just probably will remain dusty old wips forever because I didn’t actually need or want to write the full story for one reason or another.
19. Which complete fic would you consider rewriting?
Now that’s an interesting question. Hmm! Honestly? None of them. Once I finish a story, I’m not inclined toward rereading it again any time soon, to the point of years in some cases, and I feel like I’ve moved on from the stories I wrote one, two, five, eight years ago in the actual writing sense. They’re finished stories, and on top of that are relics of their time, which doesn’t mean the stories don’t have any ongoing significance on a reading level—I just don’t have any interest in rewriting those particular stories. I’ve gotten them out of my head, to the point of not remembering at least a third of them on demand anymore, and I don’t have any desire to “retell” those exact stories. I do tend to tighten the wording and fix perceived errors/weaknesses whenever I do end up rereading an old story, and I usually silently update the AO3 version if I make any significant changes because AO3 makes it a breeze to update a posted fic. I might do FFnet too if I’m feeling up to it or have the time.
20. Which complete fic is your favourite?
Once upon a time I would’ve said Holding On, but I honestly find it kind of unbearably melodramatic now. the observable entropy of a closed system is equally melodramatic, as it was written in the same era, but at least it has the excuse of being told in second person and via a style that is a half step away from being poetry. Possibly I will reread it in a few years and find it equally obnoxious and overly dramatic, but it received some shockingly positive comments, which I wasn’t expecting at ALL, and I’ve been honestly blown away by the amount of praise it’s received. <3 to everyone who’s said anything about it!
21. What’s your total published word count?
141,000 on AO3, 160,000 on FFnet, but technically the light of my life SS wrote fifty thousand words of each. It’s too late for math.
 I tag @velkynkarma, @lurkinglurkerwholurks, @writtenbyrain, @thebaconsandwichofregret, and anyone else who wants to play!
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briars-glenn · 3 years
Get to know me better, I guess?
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
tagged by @ocheeva
Briar, which seems a bit redundant but eh
star sign:
Libra, as I’m sure many could “guess” (whenever someone asks they usually go “that’s what I thought”)
5′3 aka 161cm
time currently:
6:50 pm PST
10/10, that’s right I was born perfect
favorite bands/groups:
Ok, listen, I love music and I could go on and on so I’ll just list my last few played.
1975, Mother Mother, Fall Out Boy, Nothing But Thieves, Panic! At The Disco, 5 Seconds of Summer, Paramore, Hey Violet, BTS (No I don’t stan, I just like their music), BLACKPINK.
favorite solo artists:
Really? Ok you asked:
Etta James, Louis Armstrong, Cab Calloway, Lizzo, Beyonce, Ariana Grande, Halsey, Megan Thee Stallion, Estelle, Erykah Badu, Mitski, Jessi, Ke$ha, Cardi B, Doja Cat, P!nk.
you thought I was joking didn’t you?
song stuck in your head:
none rn, but just wait 10 min
last movie watched:
Strange Magic (2015) its so good, y’all should watch it fr
last show you binged:
Peaky Blinders (honestly I’m only watching for Alfie, I’m so glad he came back 😍)
when you created your blog:
May 10th will be 8 years (Holy shit!!) on this hellsite (affectionate).
last thing you googled:
the year Strange Magic came out
other blogs:
I have a blog to chronicle my 2014 trip to Europe as a 16yo high-schooler @briars-europe​
why you chose your url:
this is my glen where I curate my online experience, and the proper glen was taken at the time so theres 2 n’s cause I’m not creative
do you get asks:
no bc I am smol and any anons get eaten by the code immediately
how many people are you following:
470, but like half are inactive now and I’m too lazy to weed them out.
how many followers do you have:
like two-hundr.....417???? Where the fuck did all of you come from??
average hours of sleep:
*presses my palms together in front of my mouth* sooo, anywhere between 4 min hours and 10 hours? idk man I’ve got so many things that fuck with that on top of being a senior uni student.
lucky number:
??? Idk, 10? Evens tend to treat me well
Absolutely none! i have -190/10 hand-eye coordination, so yeah. I did “sing“ in choir though. (I say “sing” bc I can’t read music well and only ever copied/”mockingbird-ed”)
what I’m currently wearing:
legit? a Seattle sweatshirt from an old roommie, grey joggers, gay (rainbow) socks and my blue-light glasses cause I’ve been in class for-fucking-ever today
dream job:
Can I get paid to just travel? Like I just go around the world and just like talk to people and experience perspectives that are different to mine and maybe focus on history/the food systems of a place? Idk what you’d call that job but I want it.
dream trip:
I’d visit my grandmother’s ancestral home(s) in Ireland with her. (somewhere in County Kerry or Cork I think, in the south)
favorite food:
Chocolate, specifically milk/semi-sweet
favorite song:
I thought we’d talked about this
top 3 fictional universes you’d like to live in:
Oooh, this is gonna be hard to pick,
Doctor Who (It’s so similar so its a easier transition), Sherlock Holmes universe (ACD version or maybe the Jeremy Brett style, NOT Bendifart Cuccumbersnatch’s as much as I enjoyed watching it with Jet), and finally, I gotta circle around to Strange Magic, just cause I wanna be a fae with pretty wings too.
TAGGING:  Listen, I’m tagging 5 people and that's it. @erdsthenerds @the--queen-of-hell @biisalvatore @aconissa​ @achievebisexuality​ @superbcandyangel
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rasnak2 · 3 years
Author Self Interview
Thanks for the tag @flamehotman!
ATLA, LoK, Mahabharata, RDB, PJO, Kane Chronicles, (Kinda formerly: Sherlock (BBC), Marvel, Harry Potter.)
Where do you post:
AO3, Wattpad and sometimes crosspost on Fanfiction.
Most popular multichapter fic:
Kirti Kriti Aur Kartik Ki (KKAKK) on Wattpad and Mahabharata OS on AO3 (based on votes/kudos accordingly).
Most popular oneshot: Tough one there... If I am going by the Kudos, Just Give Me a Yes or No from my former AO3 account and Anniver- Wait What? from my current account.
Favourtie story you've written so far: I love all my fics. They are my babies, even if I am not always satisfied with what I've written and might have to abandon them cuz of time and when I feel I don't connect with the idea anymore. But if I had to choose... probably KKAKK. And the Closure series. Mother's Day and maybe Demons too.
Fic you were nervous to post: I am nervous to post any of my fics 😂, especially the ones that deal with trauma/PTSD in some form or the other. But I think it's a tie between Artist Bros (considering it was a fic I wrote without even watching LoK), Of Con Artists and Royalty (as it is kinda a mixed bag of a lot of stuff) and tbh, my songfics.
How do you title your fics: I struggle with it. Songfics are the easiest as the title is just the song's name (original or translated.) Otherwise most titles are like a... 'Ok this is the theme of this fic so it shall be the title,' which ends up being a random word(s) that is related to the whole fic (Kiran's Journey, Street Food, all fics in Closure series, etc.)
But I think the most thought I gave to keeping titles was for Eye Opener, maybe Demons and KKAKK...
How do you outline:
I usually don't. And in the rare case I do so... It starts with me ranting to my mutuals about a random idea, condensing the rant into a very rough paragraph as an outline and later on expand it to a page or two of the main details and finally a rough idea of what goes into each chapter.
Like for KKAKK it started off as 'what if A and B time travel to this time period and make drastic changes?' Then expanded it to a nearly 3 page outline of the major events/the idea of the OCs and I had chapter outlined and wrote nearly 40 chapters before I took it down for a rewrite.
Eh... All my OS are complete for sure 😂 I have a bad luck when it comes to multi chapters so only A Mission to the Past, Kiran's Journey, Second Chances and Operation Makroh have escaped that curse for now. I should be completed with Equalists and the rest of the Closure series by November hopefully. Apart from that, none of my multichapters are in a state of getting the complete mark any time soon.
Do you accept prompts:
Yes, I am always open to them. I might take my time to come around finishing them but I do complete them *looks at Mahabharata OS and Lockdown Shenanigans and Hair Styling*
Upcoming story you're most excited to write about:
My Bumizumi AU+Bumi's Strays series for one, which I should start off at Sokka week and continue to Bumizumi week and Bending Brothers Fortnight.
As much as I dread them... Revenge and Hearts to Hearts from the Closure series.
Con Artist and Royalty.
The untitled Mako and Bolin adopts Jinora AU.
Story you're excited to read:
Now that... too many to count but my top ones definitely are the Unrequited(?) and it's spin off by @busy-bii, The Candle or The Mirror by @old-and-new-friends, Creeping like Ivy and Silence of the Blue Spirit by @flamehotman, Iroh Alone by @orangepanic and rereading each and every Makroh fic of @sukiekagamine and @old-and-new-friends...
@old-and-new-friends, @ohmygodtheywereparabatai, @busy-bii Anyone who wishes to do it tbh.
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Higurashi New 2 | Wandering Witch 2 | Moriarty 1 | Taiso Samurai 1 | Kamisama 1 | Munou na Nana 2 | Golden Kamuy 3 1 (25) | Yashahime 2
I’m trying a seasonal challenge this time...so that means I have to leave some Crunchyroll anime to the side. That’s why I’m putting in the tags now.
Higurashi New 2
Apparently, now this Higurashi is called “Gou”…I dunno what that means in the context of this series, but *Saitama face* OK.
Is this girl…Rika? Or this Hanyuu girl I heard of on ANN? Update: Wait a bit from that point. You’ll get your answer.
Do they ever examine why the girls in Higurashi are what they are? Rika seems to have something supernatural going on, but Rena…is just a psycho girl right now, so it’s hard to care.
LOL, I was wondering where this “nipah” Rika meme came from, but it is present in the dialogue.
I predicted that Gilligan cu-er, transition far too easily…
Why is that kid’s face so tanned (?) in comparison to the rest of him???
How did these girls get up the building so fast??? (LOL?)
Wow, the cicada noise was pretty loud there, so…props to the sound guys for making that sound stifling.
Can we really trust what Mion is saying about Tomitake…?
I thought we were going to see Watanagashi in ep 3, but…okay.
Satoko speaks rather formally. She says kochira de gozaimasuyo! instead of kocchi! or kochiradesuyo!.
Who’s that blonde lady? Someone from Umineko?
The bright colours really help to sell the ominous nature of this ED and anime. I don’t think I understand everything that’s happening in said ED, though…
Gonna pause it here because I heard you need to watch the OG and Rei to understand this, now that the new Higurashi is operating under its “proper” name.
Wandering Witch 2
…Elaina’s a bit full of herself still…
…what the heck was that instrument playing over the titlecard? Bagpipes…?
LOL, it’s the Attack on Titan world!
Did Elaina lose her hat when she fell? That must be a very stable hat indeed.
Ooh, particle effects! However…there’s CGI here, although it’s only kinda noticeable.
Have you never heard of money…?
Wait, witches get discounts???
It seems Saya comes from Japan.
LOL, this is basically Quidditch without a snitch!
I like mushrooms, so I don’t get why people kick up such a fuss about them.
Saya seems to act like this is yuri bait…*sigh*
Saya’s crying like her sister died…c’mon, it’s not that bad!
I’m hitting pause. If this is actually how the series is, then it’s primed for a drop, but I can’t help but keep it on for the spectacular visuals and the fact it’s basically anime Harry Potter.
Taiso Samurai 1
I keep swearing I’ll finish my old simulcasts…but then new ones pop up like daisies…(I guess it’s better than having no anime to finish, right?)
I just realised how pretty Jotaro’s eyes are…! The fact he just sort of splats and then doesn’t get up shows how weary he is, unlike Sakura from Moon Land, who would’ve probably gotten up and never tried doing gymnastics again if he were in the same position.
Just by glancing over the results when I google for this Montreal gold, it seems it was done by a Kouhei Uchimura, but I might be wrong on that front…oh wait, there are 3 golds, so it’s not necessarily just that one…
You can tell this is 2002 because of that flip phone.
Intai Zamurai…it’s constructed the same way as the anime’s title. Two characters and then “samurai”.
BB (Big Bird) on the side there is so goofy, he’s…kind of distracting. <- Note the official website refers to Big Bird as BB, hence my use of it.
I was wondering if Rei was the daughter or the wife…so it’s the former.
Kinugawa Ropeway…it rings a bell, somehow. Maybe the Boueibu crew went there as DVD/BD extras.
…does everyone know that a ryokan is like a mini hotel with a traditional set-up?
*snorts* LOL, Keanu (Reeves, obviously).
That montage was a bit worrying…maybe the CGI took out part of the budget? I was a bit worried when I could tell there was CGI in that one starting segment.
…LOL, wut. Agent Smith (from the Matrix)?
Yamakasi seems to be a parkour thing which has its own movie.
…I’m sort of wondering: was that ninja a woman? If Jotaro gets another wife…I dunno if I’ll like the anime as much. Things could become far too dramatic if he did. Update: You do find out later in this episode.
I think – from lip reading – the ninja used -de gozaimasu. I remember getting it drilled into me that people don’t use that these days, but in the time of ninja and samurai, they did.
…another anime set in Ikebukuro. I knew from the station, but…’bukuro must be a nice place if people are reppin’ it all of a sudden.
Was Tomoyo an actress…?
“Kinugawa, as in the river where ogres get mad?” – See, that’s the pun I made about Boueibu’s Atsushi years ago…
This Takizawa guy’s so expressive, LOL.
Gotta love a man in a suit, yes…
…they keep building up to this retirement, only for him to not retire??? Which is it?! (LOL) That declaration works better in Japanese because the -shimasen goes at the end of the sentence so the weird sentence structure in the English translation actually makes Jotaro look like he really messed up due to nervousness speaking in front of crowds. Update: He just sounds like he stopped in the middle of a sentence in Japanese, which he obviously did.
There’s no time travel for sure, but there are ninjas! Plus dudes in jumpsuits!...plus, of course, gymnastics! It could still work, but I keep swearing there’s something supernatural coming around the corner for this…Also, this “gymnast trying to retire” thing seems to be drawing me in because of my whole current lack of direction in basically everything, much like Rikuo of Sing Yesterday for Me.
Kamisama 1
Hmm…Kamisama ni Natta Hi…it doesn’t say the subject stating this became a god, so the pronoun could be “she” or “you” rather than “I”, which seems to be the current standard for it. Update: It says on the title card “I”, so it should have an I then…I guess(?)
There’s a fish on the logo.
…this girl, I already know her name is Hina. That’s the 2nd Odin this season (the first is in Sigdrifa…or however it’s spelt)…she’s gonna be annoying, isn’t she…?
What’s this about a date…?
There are two Izanamis this season, too. The second is Hifumi from HypMic.
Looks like there was an accident, according to one of the signs.
…This feels exactly like a visual novel. I’m surprised it’s an original.
I was wondering why “Key Ramen” (Kagi Ramen) sounded weird…then it hit me. Key! You motherf**kers!!! *shakes fist* You were hiding right under my nose all along!
Hey, Potato-kun! (I know his name is Youta, but…eh, aside from having a possible girlfriend candidate and being a Nice Guy, he’s still a Potato-kun.) Stop staring in disbelief and do something!
…Why Potato-kun, anyway? Is it because his name means “become god”???
…This Izanami is so emotionless…it’s hard to imagine her cheering, Youta was right on that front.
…that style in Hina’s background…I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it for Sailor Moon Crystal, but I’ve forgotten what the artist’s name is (the one that inspired that artstyle)…
I almost expected Hina to interrupt the confession, like Leo from Taiso Samurai.
I kinda just shrugged near the end of the episode and finished it just to see if the confession would be interrupted, so…big fat drop there. I must not like much Key beyond Angel Beats (and even then, it’s only okay because it’s the relic of a time gone by).
Moriarty 1
I’ve been picking up Sherlock-related things left and right ever since I was a fan of Detective Conan…not Sherlock, Elementary or that Robert Downey Jr. movie, but the stuff Conan Doyle had his hands in. (I’d also like to keep an eye out for that Miyazaki movie, but I don’t know if I can/should go out of my way for it.) Therefore, I was a pretty easy mark for a bishonen Moriarty.
Who’s this “El” guy anyway?
…That OP is basically Black Butler all over again. I admit I went, “Oh, stuff this” for a second when I saw Rasmus Faber’s name on credits – when I went to entire series for him, they always ended badly for me – but I couldn’t stop watching the episode (since I skipped forward to the actual episode due to background noise), so this might be the anime to change everything.
I’ll be real with you – aside from Japan, America and China (the former two of which I’ve gone to and the latter I’ve technically gone to Hong Kong, which I have stronger ties to anyway), I honestly don’t have anywhere on my bucket list. That said, anime (obviously, the London arc from DC was a big factor) and this one movie called What a Girl Wants have been pretty instrumental in making Great Britain…almost make the list of places I want to go to. Key word: almost.
…I want a dub. With accents like Princess Principal.
Also, I forgot Soma Saito was our Moriarty…LOL.
“…for Man of Standing” (sic).
Turn the other cheek, Mr. Tailor.
The eyes really tell you everything about a person in this anime.
Ooh, this has absolutely no holes in its logic. It’s a strong contender!
Yashahime 2
Holy s***, is that Kagome’s brother?(!) He kinda reminds me of Takagi from Detective Conan for some reason…
Come to think of it…writers like Takahashi don’t normally have androgynous leads like Towa, do they?
That was…not the best fight scene, man.
Ooh, naginata. I’ve read a bit about them, but I’ve never really seen one used in an anime before…not to my memory. Not even the naginata in Touken Ranbu (plural) can help with that.
…this Rainbow Pearl business reminds me of Sailor Moon’s…uh, whatever they’re called…Rainbow Crystals, that’s right.
There’s something oddly comfy about predicting the “it won’t be my crying face, it’s yours you’ll get!” line, as bad as that sign may be for predictability on the whole.
I’ve felt in the years leading up to now, the progressive nations are slowly causing the entire gender binary to unravel. The more I think about my own relationship with my concept of gender – I accept gender-neutral third-person pronouns because initially I wanted to be anonymous on the internet, but now I’m just generally fine with it, for instance – the more I can agree and yet also disagree because of the progress the LGBTIQ+ community has made in recent years.
Munou na Nana 2
Ah-hah! People were calling it that the enemies of humanity were actually the superpowered kids and this proves it.
Ah, I think this Shibusawa is Masuda. I was here for him, so here he is.
Nana just says konnichiwa, which is the most basic of Japanese greetings. I don’t think it was phrased as a question, so…why did the subbers go with that?
Nana keeps breaking her chopsticks by leaving a bit at the end.
Lemme guess…Shibusawa’s talent is actually reversing time, not stopping it.
Is…that Shibusawa Nana’s giving flowers to…?
Golden Kamuy 3 1 (25)
If this is episode 25, was this always planned as a split-cour with season 2? I wonder…
Lingonberries! Oh, lingonberries! They’re those berries Ikea puts into their jam, right? (I’ve never tasted a lingonberry, but…yeah. That’s how I know of them.)
The sign says “Hurep Honpo” (backwards, as some older Japanese/Chinese things do), so it really just says “hurep” (since “honpo” = main shop). Update: Hurep actually means “lingonberry” and not the berry wine like I thought it did here, so it says “hurep wine” after all.
Thank goodness for 2D bears! (LOL)
Ratel?...uh, honey badger! That’s what they’re called in English!
…uh, and then it turns out to be a wolverine. I don’t know my Mustelidae, it seems.
There’s nothing like someone throwing a wolverine to know this is Golden Kamuy…(as weird as that sounds.)
…what was that random line about boobs about…? (Maybe it was just said to be random…?)
…ohhhhhhhh. These yellow eyes work much better than the standard red eyes you see in Munou na Nana or Moriarty. They’re so sinister.
Why did it suddenly change to an interview style…? Weren’t we waiting for a fight? Update: Seems the answer is “padding”. Not that I mind, I think it was interesting actually. Do more of that if you can.
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galactic-academia · 5 years
#8 ‘Why are you so jealous?” With Moriarty pleaaaase and thank you 🙏😍❤️
Good choice, here we go =D
Rating: G
Category: F/M
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Relationship: Jim Moriarty/Female Reader
Tags: Imagine, Moriarty is alive & in love, humor, flirt, love confession, Greg does his best, playful reader.
Words: 1230
Notes: I’m not a native, please, forgive my mistakes. Gif is not mine. I hope you’ll enjoy it
Masterpost | Ask | Guidelines | Sherlock (BBC) Masterlist
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James Moriarty had been an evil mastermind of the crime, that’s true. He had been manipulated by Eurus to commit his worst misdeeds, that’s also true and that’s probably why it hadn’t be this difficult to put him back in the right path after all the debacle of Sherringford. Poor thing just needed some sympathy and trust to agree to help Scotland Yard catching the worst scoundrels, after him, of course. Well, the truth must be said: maybe working with Y/N had played an important role in this new collaboration with the Police. Moriarty’s sweet spot for her was really obvious. Except for Y/N.
The criminal of the day hadn’t been caught up yet, this is why Y/N, Jim and Lestrade had followed him to the restaurant where he went an hour ago. In other words: a plank. The two Detectives had stayed into the car while Jim had followed the outlaw inside, to be sure he wouldn’t fly away. Since the guy was just having a meal, the only thing to do was waiting. For now. The three justiciaries were tired, the man had made then running into London all the week without a possibility to catch him red-handed yet. Faces were low and mood bad. To avoid the situation becoming even less bearable, Greg started a little talk with Y/N
“Not the most thrilling case we have been working on, isn’t it?”
Y/N was positively bored. Sitting during hours in a car wasn’t the part she preferred the most in her job. But she understood her friend’s purpose and gave him a little smile.
“Indeed. What has been your most thrilling case?”
Even if she knew very well she was doing exactly what Lestrade expected her to do, she found herself unable to refrain a genuine chuckle when the Detective answered like an old cop in a bad movie
“I have seen strange things you know. I’ve arrested more bad guys and madmen than I can count, but the most frightening case I’ve been on must be the one John called The Hound of the Baskervilles…”
Of course, Y/N already knew everything about this story since John had told her during one of his awkward try to seduce her. But a good story can be told numerous times without loosing its interest when it’s done by a good taleteller. Y/N was ready to hear Greg’s version of the Baskervilles case when her phone vibrated in her pocket. With a little nod to her colleague to let him know she was still listening, Y/N reached to her phone. That was Jim. Odd since they all had headsets and microphones, so they were able to communicate with each other all the time.
“Did you really have to do that? – JM”
“To do what? – Y/N”
“To ask the Old Fox to tell you a story… - JM”
“Well, that was it or counting the flies so… – Y/N”
“I’m afraid you made a bad choice, Y/N – JM”
Jim couldn’t help but always annoying Lestrade in a way or another, but, deeply, he really liked the Detective. That was part of the reasons Y/N had a big crush on the repented criminal, beyond all the layers of smugness and sarcasm, there was a loving, caring good man.
“C’mon, it’s a great story! – Y/N”
“Eh… No. My crimes were incredible, scary, but beautiful and clever. Baskervilles was… How could I say it? Rough? Messy? Gross! I can’t believe good old Greg preferred that to my works – JM”
At this point, Y/N wasn’t listening to Lestrade anymore but chuckling at her phone
“Really? Why are you so jealous? It’s not because Daddy isn’t talking about you right now that he doesn’t love you anymore, you know? – Y/N”
She heard a little gasp on her headset. He had read the text.
“You’re totally misunderstanding the situation. I’m not jealous, why should I be? And, please, never call Greg “daddy” again, would you? Never – JM”
Jim liked to annoy Greg. Y/N adored to annoy Jim, this was their way to flirt after all.
“My, my, what a dirty mind you have! I wasn’t calling him “Daddy” this way and I was implying he was your daddy, not mine. And, by the way, I don’t think I misunderstand the situation: you’re upset Greg didn’t choose one of your crime to tell me and because he’s rambling at Sherlock’s genius instead, that’s all – Y/N”
This time, Moriarty couldn’t contain a giggle while reading Y/N answer, happily, Greg didn’t hear it.
“I just told my crimes were better than this ridiculous horror tale, and I uphold. I’m a misunderstood genius *sight* but brainy is the new sexy *wink* - JM”
Well, if that wasn’t an opening it was looking like a lot! Fine.
“Brainy is quite cool, but jealous is really sexy – Y/N”
There was a little blank. Half a minute while Y/N asked herself if she had misunderstood the genius, if she had crossed the boundaries of their flirting. Then, another message.
“All right, I confess, I’m jealous Greg is talking to you about Sherlock and not about me – JM”
 Easy, Y/N, easy. Not time to scare him.
“Why? – Y/N”
“I already told you – JM”
Well, easy, ok, but she didn’t have any of that sh*t, it seemed he needed one more push…
“Really? I’m sorry but I love this story. Besides, jealous is sexy but honest is SO hot… – Y/N”
She heard Jim clearing his throat at the other end of the line. Time to see where they were really going.
“Fine, fine, I’m jealous because Greg is rambling about Sherlock and not about me because I want you to be impressed by me and not by Sherlock. Are you happy now? – JM.”
Very. One more little push, just for the fun. Y/N couldn’t resist.
“Nothing thrills me more than possessiveness – Y/N”
The answer was immediate.
“Could you, please, tell Greg to stop squeezing your arm each time he thinks he’s saying something funny? I really like him and I would regret to have to punch him in the face immediately after the end of this case. Thanks in advance. – JM”
At that, Y/N looked up from her phone and saw Jim waving a little at her by the window of the restaurant. She tried to hide her laugh and her blush in the same time and ended coughing her lungs on the passenger seat, interrupting Lestrade by the way.
“Y/N! Are you all right?”
She was still trying to get her breath back when she heard Jim’s voice in her headset.
“She has to, our man is leaving, I’m on it but be ready. And, Greg, get off my girl, please.”
The two Detectives exclaimed in the same time, although Y/N voice still was a little throttled
“Your girl?”
And Moriarty to grumble
“Yes, my girl, my future girl, soon-to-be-girlfriend, love-interest, whatever… Didn’t know I had to be that precise, it’s a question of hours now. Can’t we catch this son of a b*tch so I can propose already? My, you should know patience isn’t my greatest virtue…”
That certainly wasn’t the most thrilling case Y/N had worked on but, my… It even was her favourite, so far!
Thanks for reading
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tisfan · 6 years
Title: Accountability Square: K2 - Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier Warning: coffee shop AU, unrepentant fluff Pairing: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Summary: Tony wants to have a stable relationship by New Year’s Eve. Well, Bucky’s here to hold him accountable. Link: A03 Word Count: 2,199 For @tonystarkbingo and @aoifelaufeyson
A/n - not responsible for tooth decay.
“Coffee, Black, extra, extra large. And put a few shots in it,” Bucky’s first customer of the day said.
“Ton- what?”
“What’s your resolution, for New Years,” Bucky asked.
“You’re going to write that on my cup? You know you’re going to have people in here fighting for the cup of ‘go to the gym more’ by ten a.m.”
“It’s called accountability,” Bucky said, loftily. “If everyone sees you in the coffee shop with -- what did you say it was?”
“I didn’t. But-- I’d-- I had a shitty night, and my New Year’s kiss was a joke. I’d like to have a real relationship, this year.”
“Get a significant other,” Bucky wrote dutifully on the cup, then Bl, xxg 2sh on the side under it.
He handed the cup off to Sam, who started pulling shots and getting the drink line moving. Wanda rang up the sale, and Bucky went on to the next customer, who, true to SO’s prediction, had lose twenty pounds as their resolution. Not gonna happen if you keep drinking large lattes, extra whip, sugar.
Bucky’s idea started conversations; at least half a dozen people pulled out their phones when Call Mom More Often picked up her Americano. Two people found workout or walking partners. People lingered in the shop to talk about it; lingering people bought more coffee or muffins. And word spread, the way it tended to do. By lunch, the line was thirty deep.
“Man, I hate you,” Sam said, as Bucky passed yet another cup along.
(more under the cut)
Get an SO came up at least three times to get a refill, spending most of the morning poking his tablet industriously, taking advantage of the free wifi. In the relatively dead period just after lunch, while Bucky was clearing off tables, he asked, “So, how do you go about keeping people accountable?”
“Really? I don’t,” Bucky said. He picked up the chair, turned it around and straddled it. “You do it. Once you say it, and someone says it back to you, it’s halfway to being a fact.”
“Is that a fact?”
“It’s psychology,” Bucky said. “The power of saying things outloud.”
“Which is why you… work in a coffee shop, instead of having an office and clients on your couch?”
Bucky only chuckled. “I’m still in school, hot shot. Plus, I like my job. Talking to customers, getting to know people. Testing my threshold for some wall street tool’s dickish behavior. Means I’ll be able to handle him when he’s in my chair, wondering why he still ain’t got a date.”
Sig Other waved a hand near his forehead. “Yeah, okay, you got me. We’re square now?”
“Actually, no,” Bucky said. “Tell you what, why don’t you prove you’re being accountable. Bring your first dates here. Coffee shop meet ups are the thing, and I’ll see you’re taking my advice seriously.”
“You’re going to give me dating advice?”
“You can tell a lot about a person from what they order at the coffee shop,” Bucky told him.
“And what, pray, does my order say about me?”
“Mostly? That you should probably get more sleep. That whatever you do keeps you busy; you don’t have time to be fussy about your coffee. Black’s easy. Hard for someone else to fuck it up. You don’t strike me as the kind of coffee snob who wants black because he pretends he knows shit about the beans and roasting. You probably drink red wine, or scotch. Forget to eat more than you want to admit. And you don’t have very many close friends.”
By the time he was done bullshitting the guy -- playing Sherlock was fun, but it was no more true than Wanda and her tarot cards -- Sig Other’s eyes were huge.
“Okay, you convinced me,” he said. “I’ll bring my dates in. You tell me which ones to bring back.”
Bucky hadn’t actually expected Sig Other to come back, much less return with a date. He wasn’t even sure, after the first week of January was over, that he’d have remembered the guy. Waiting on more than five hundred customers a day, it took a lot of repeat business before he usually recognized anyone in more than that vague way of seeing thousands of faces. Even longer before he knew names.
But orders, for whatever reason--
“Oh, hey, Extra Grande, black, right?”
Those brilliant brown eyes, almost the same color as the heart of an espresso pull, lit up. “Hey, it’s the Accountability Guru,. Yeah, please. And--” He gestured and a very lovely woman stepped up behind him.
She was willow, brunette, and way overdressed for a coffee date. Her haircut probably cost more than Bucky made in tips during the day. She glanced up from her phone for a few moments to ponder the menu. “Raspberry latte,” she said. “With the art on it? And a biscotti.”
Bucky wrote the orders down, passed them on. “Do the swan,” he told Wanda. She was the best latte artist they had, not that many people bothered to look into their cups before heading out the door. Might as well give Sig Other a head start, right?  
He watched them between customers, Sig Other keeping a proper date-space for a first meeting, asking questions and appearing interested in her answers.
When she bothered to give them. Mostly she poked her phone. Took a picture of her latte. A selfie. A picture with Sig. Cackled over some responses to her social media of choice. Tipped her screen toward Sig a few times so he could share in the joke.
They stayed about twenty minutes, and then she got up and he saw her to the door and her taxi. A moment later, he was leaning on the pastry counter.
“No,” Bucky said, flatly.
“She was dressed way too nice,” Bucky said. “She expected you to wine and dine her. She’s in it for the money. I assume there is some?”
“You could say,” Sig said. “You didn’t like her? She seemed friendly to me.”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Bucky said, then turned his phone toward Sig. “She dissed out my coffee artist. Real friendly.”
It hadn’t taken him long to find the instagram, not when she tagged the shop by name. Run of the mill coffee art. There was more, mostly talking about her date, but Bucky didn’t bother to read that.
“I thought the swan was clever,” Sig said.
“Well, I don’t want to brag, but Wanda’s competed at the WBC, she’s not run-of-the-mill.”
“How is it bragging, when you’re praising her?”
“You want one to go?” Bucky asked, changing the subject.
“Yeah--” Sig paused a moment, then, “It’s Tony, thanks.”
Sam nudged him. “Your boy’s got another one.”
Bucky flicked his cigarette and took a long drag. “I’m on break. Another socialite?”
“Naw, if it was that boring shit, I’dda left you out here. He’s got a dude with him this time,” Sam said.
Bucky swallowed his mouthful of smoke and then choked on it. Well, that changed everything, didn’t it?
Except it didn’t.
“You oughta quit that nasty habit,” Sam said, and Bucky waved him off.
He snubbed his butt and tossed it in the ashbin out back. The alley was gross and smelled like stale coffee and rotten muffins, but at least he was allowed to smoke there. There weren’t lots of places left that allowed it.
Went inside, snuck a peek at the line. Sure enough, there was Tony, about ten back, with a good-looking blond guy. Like, underwear model good looking. And then Bucky got a better look at his face. Oh, god. That guy.
“Is that--”
“What are we talking about?” Wanda wanted to know.
“Don’t bother trying to get blondie’s coffee right,” Sam told her. “He’ll spend the next twenty minutes telling you what you did wrong. Just pour him a cup and some cream, and then make him what he actually ordered. He never accepts the first one. No point in wasting your time.”
Tony got his usual, and then spend a moment behind blondie’s back making the ‘look at his guy’ gesture with both hands. Bucky’s mouth tipped up in his the customer is always full of shit smile.
Bucky poured Tony’s coffee, pulled a shot, and went around the side of the counter to give it to him, while blondie was describing how to put half a pump of sweetner in his cup. “Really? This guy? I didn’t know you were into dudes, or I wouldn’t have suggested that you give Heather another date last month.”
“Yeah, no I figured that out when we had a little discussion about Freddie Mercury,” Tony said. “You knew?”
Bucky bobbed his chin around. “I suspected. She’s said some shit, but-- eh. Some people just have a little bi-prejudice, doesn’t affect anybody much, unless they’re dating someone who is bi. Besides, she ticked off all your other boxes.”
“Well, if she’s not going to want to have a relationship because I might have, at some point, touched some other guy’s dick, then the rest of the boxes don’t matter.”
Trust Tony to say something like that, while Bucky was already thinking about the fact that Tony was actually into guys. Bucky shifted uncomfortably. Getting a chub while at work was awkward.
“So what’s wrong with Ty?” Tony looked over again, watching as Ty walked Wanda through the steps of pulling a shot, like she’d never done it before.
“He’s a mansplainer,” Bucky said. “He always knows everything, better than everyone.”
Tony chuckled. “I am, in actual facts, a genius.”
“Won’t matter,” Bucky said. “He’s the expert.”
“Could be good for a romp,” Tony said. “Experts can be great lovers.”
“Until he starts telling you everything you’re doing wrong,” Bucky pointed out.
Tony looked offended, although Bucky wasn’t sure if it was directed at him, or at Ty for not-yet-occurring critique of Tony’s bed skills. “We’ll see,” Tony said.
“You’re planning to make pancakes for breakfast?” Bucky wasn’t jealous, he wasn’t. Not that it hadn’t been a while since he’d gotten laid, that was irrelevant. Just--
“It’s been looking good, so far,” Tony said.
“Well, have fun,” Bucky said, his smile coming naturally to his face. Yay customer service job.
“I plan to,” Tony said.
“Coffee, black.”
“You were right, if you want to tell me so,” Tony said. “But, coffee first?” His eyes were bloodshot, as if he’d been drinking heavily, or crying. Or both.
“Sure, sure,” Bucky said. He added two shots to the mix. “Here, come on, it’s on the house, are you--”
Sam waved at him. I got this.
“-- are you okay?”
Tony held up his hand and waggled it back and forth. “We had a big fight,” he said. “It, uh, didn’t end well. But hey, I had almost three months of a relationship. Well, a little more than two, at least. Too bad it’s freaking October. I’m… running out of time.”
“You’re not running out of time,” Bucky told him, scoffing. “You’re in your prime. Plenty of time to find someone, settle down.”
“I mean, I know,” Tony said, sinking down in his chair, “that I don’t need someone to make me happy, that my life has meaning and value. And just because I’m alone, it doesn’t mean I’m unlovable. See, I’ve been talking to my therapist, right.”
“Well, no,” Bucky said, hesitant. Tony thought he was unlovable? He was the most interesting person that Bucky knew. “You’re pretty damn amazing, actually. Smart and sexy, funny. You’re interesting, you’re unabashedly nerdy, and enthusiastic about your geekiness. But not a gatekeeper. Really, Stone didn’t deserve you. He was a dick. I think you’re a hell of a catch, and I don’t understand why people are bein’ so dense about it. I--” would totally date you.
“Yeah, no, I’m-- I’m just not seeing it,” Tony said, and he turned his phone around to show Bucky a hungover frownie face selfie. “Not… just not happening this year. I’m done. Accountability shows that I tried, but this year is just another fucking washout.”
“Um…” Bucky licked his lip, hesitating. “Uh, maybe it’s not?”
“Yeah, why, what do you think, the perfect person’s going to just plop themselves in my lap? I mean, I know you work in a coffee shop--” Tony pushed his chair away from the table. “-- and you’re apparently delusional enough to be a romantic, but--”
Bucky stood up, took a deep breath--
--and plopped himself into Tony’s lap.
“I am an incurable romantic. I do work in a coffee shop, and maybe the perfect person for you is absolutely going to throw themselves in your lap.”
Please God, let this work, because otherwise, this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done in my life.
Tony almost dropped him, before scrambling to get an arm around Bucky’s waist. “Wh-- oh. Oh. Oh, my god.”
“Would you, erm… like to go out? I know a great coffee shop--”
Tony blinked a few times. Then his arm tightened on Bucky’s waist. “Yeah, yeah, I think I might like that. Wouldn’t want to, you know, fail in my resolution.”
“Don’t worry,” Bucky said. “I’ll hold you accountable.”
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starsandstitches · 5 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Anthea (Sherlock), Sally Donovan Additional Tags: Established Johnlock, Valentine’s Day, Mystrade Valentines Calendar 2018, Mycroft and Greg getting together, Kitchens are very interesting places, First kiss..., ...like I said - kitchens are not just for cooking..., Turns out Mycroft has an interesting kink..., Well - what d’ya know? Greg has one too!, ...Lucky they both suit each other; eh?! Summary:
Spring is in the air. A young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love...and deviousness.
From chapter 3: Mycroft sipped his own scotch slowly, using the glass to cover his mouth after he had spoken words he could hardly believe he was able to say. As he lowered the glass again, he licked his lips discretely, feeling the sweet burn of the whisky pass down his throat. He didn’t even realise he was doing it until it was done, but he had mirrored Greg’s stance in a postural echo, leaning back slightly against the worktop and crossing his legs at the ankle.
“Really?” said Greg, thrilled at the candid admission, and noticing the body language. “Should I let you get a closer look just to make sure?”...
A new fantastic 🔥 HOT 🔥 HOT 🔥 HOT🔥 chapter of “Something Vaguely Heart-Shaped” is up on AO3!!! A Mystrade Valentine story by @souper-doup , who writes as TheSoupDragon, which I have the privilege to beta. ❤️
If smutty sexy times and romance 😍 between Greg and Mycroft are your cup of tea this chapter (and the whole story) is just for you! You won’t regret reading it. 😉
🔥 😍 🔥 😍 🔥
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Sycamore High: A Mission (Chapter 13)
A/N: I was very tempted to tag J but not all the characters are suffering yet so... maybe one-day 
summary: Paul decides Jail doesn't sound so bad
words: 1,614
warnings: Crying, negative thoughts, cursing, abuse mention, blood (not too graphic but its there)
Ao3 Link
Paul was done, no you know what? He was further than done, he was over it. He was exhausted, he had way too much shit going on and this? This put the entire world on thin fucking ice.
“Hear that universe? You’re on thin fucking ice” He declares angrily as he stormed the halls the next morning. “Where are you fucker” Paul mumbled scanning the tired halls full of zombie students. He finally spotted him, the little sleaze. No, not even sleaze, that was reserved for Ted. He made his way towards the locker but abruptly stopped being interjected.
“Omg, it’s stage 5 Paul” Ted teases stepping into Paul’s murder path. He glared at his friend, nothing but his mission occupied his mind.
“Not now Ted” he warned pushing his friend into the locker, horror-struck him as he heard his friend groan in pain. “Shit, shit I’m so sorry Ted, I wasn’t thinking” he ranted, Ted, with the help of Bill regained his former posture. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you”
“Eh, I’m used to it” Ted stayed simply shrugging his shoulders. Another wave of guilt hit Paul, well that doesn’t make me feel better. “So What brings stage 5 Paul to school today?” Ted asked, rubbing his side carefully. Paul bit back his lip.
“He-“ Paul shot a glare towards his target “Did it again, he hurt her again and I’m just-“ he sucked in a sharp breath “I am very much done, so I have decided to spend the rest of my life in jail” Paul seethed
“Oh so you get to murder him, but I don’t get to murder Billy” Bill complained, the other two looked at him with hints of shock and respect. They were taken aback by the sudden sass and serious tone their usually calm and nice friend displayed. Ted wished he had taken this change more seriously, but alas.
“I just want my friend back!” A pained voice shouted through the rain
“Well, he’s gone!” Was the simple angry response that left the two shatter
“Just saying, I’m Sherlock so switch my motives and I’d be an amazing Moriarty” Bill explained calmly. Ted burst into a fit of laughter, nudging Bill softly who’s face softened at his friends laugh. He shied away finally retreating back to his locker and Paul turned back to his unlucky victim. He suddenly had a thought and turned back to Ted.
“Wait why are you here? You should be… not here” Paul cringed at his own phrasing but they go the point.
“Wow…” Ted said ��Paul Matthews everybody” he mimicked a fake round of applause, Bill snickered. “It’s chill, I’m just grabbing my stuff and then leaving” Paul was still not satisfied, leaving to where? Obviously, Ted caught on to his friend's concerns and continued “Bills dad is taking me home, he dropped us off and is just waiting for me now” Paul nodded slowly, Ted, deciding his friend was satisfied with the answer turned back to his locker grabbing the rest of his things. “I should get going, Professor Hidgens and...Professor Hidgens-“ He paused clearly holding back something “Are coming over later to discuss some stuff, so… please don’t commit murder and if you do don’t get caught. And say hi to the girls for me!” He declared finalizing his rant, he turned to Bill who immediately jumped into a quick but cautious embrace. Ted accepted happily before waving a quick goodbye to Paul and disappearing into the crowd of practically dead students. 
“I’m worried about him” Bill said softly after a moment, the murdering mantra had now ceased as Paul faced his friend. He sighed heavily and exhausted giving his friend a reassuring look.
“Me too but… he has an army of people who just want the best… he will be ok” Who Paul was trying to convince, he wasn’t sure. Bill nodded with the same uncertainty before deciding he had finished at his locker and walking to his first-class but not before telling Paul goodbye. 
“Alright, now it’s just you and me” He stayed glaring at the arrogant figure who was still leaning against his locker, wearing his stupid red cap and stupid smoke club shirt. “Oh it’s on, Stage 5 Paul is fucking pissed” 
“...and then we can work on finding you a new home” that’s it, Ted had heard enough. He had sat for the past hour listening to 2 adults who, bless their hearts were trying, but who clearly knew absolutely nothing.
“New home?” He seethed, his tone became dark “No, no, there is no ‘new home’ ok?” he glared at the pair, really hoping it had the effect intended. “You don’t get it, this will blow over, I will go home, keep my fucking mouth shut and live my life.” Now he was going, he did feel bad the Professors clearly just wanted to help but Ted was done with everyone trying. If they couldn’t do something right now, then he didn’t care for their bullshit ‘tries’. Ted grunted loudly, he wanted to throw something but he didn’t dare. Not only had Bills father been an amazing person and truly cared for Ted, but he was also scared. Would that all turn if he made a mistake now? “There is no new home” he said calmly, but everyone could feel the darkness that poured out. “I will go home, and I will listen to my parent's fight as always. I will fear my mornings, as always. And I will get hit and shoved for being-“ he froze in horror, he had done it. He actually said it, oh god…
I want my mom
He clasped a hand over his mouth, creating a prison for his words. The professors who had been shocked into silence up until now stood. Approaching Ted carefully, please don’t hurt me, I’m sorry. He cowered preparing himself for a blow, instead felt himself wrapped into a steady embrace. Ted could feel a heartbeat, it was even, unlike Ted who shook violently against the mans hold. He opened his eyes to find two beautiful blue ones staring at him, Professor Hidgens kneeled next to him,  he gestured towards his chest. Ted glanced for a moment feeling a confused flustered feeling rise upon his face.
“Mimic my breathing Ted” The Professor said, finally something I knew how to do. 
“5 things you can see Ted” 
“Bill? 5 things you can see, right now” Ted repeated
So with a shaky breath, he began. “I can see you, and.. and the couch… I can see Professor Hidgens” he shook his head pulling away from Chad's embrace, who simply smiled pridefully at him. “I can see my backpack… and… my hands” the two men nodded patiently. 
“Good, now 4 things you can…” his voice drifted off. Ted sighed feeling himself steady as he recalled the faces of his dear friends. 
“I can see you, Ted” He said, reassuring himself that was the name of his friend. Ted nodded smiling. They continued, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. 
And so Ted did what he had told Bill to do weeks ago. Finally calming down, Bill's father suggested he go upstairs and get some rest while the men discussed the matters at hand. Ted wasn’t one to oppose free sleep, So he obliged.
I’m here, I’m right here Bill
“Can we adopt him?” Chad asked innocently 
“Simple answer, definitely” Henry responder almost immediately “Actual answer, love you know that’s not how this works” he said disappointed, stirring the tea that Corey, Bills father, had provided the couple. 
“But… isn’t it? The boy is being… “ he paused, Henry gave him a look. No need to say it, we both know now. “I mean he can’t possibly go home” Chad whined, he was frustrated. Henry understood, and he recognized this behavior. Chad had an inexplicable but beautiful need to protect people, Henry loved- nay, adored that about him. But he hated seeing Chad look so… defeated. 
“So he stays here, for now, we figure out what measures need to be taken to remove him from the house-“ Henry paused, how could he have been so stupid. “Ted's mother…” Henry whispered almost impressed by his revelation. “How could we forget Ted's mother!” He exclaimed Chad tilted his head confusion riddling his soft, sick face. “Think about it..”
And so they did, and finally, after long hours into the day, the pair finally came to a conclusion.
Not yet! Patience little one, patience
“Are you absolutely insane!?” Alice exclaimed rushing over to her brother. He gave her a stupid grin feeling himself slip away. He stood in the doorway to their home, blood dripping down his nose and a very dark eye. He didn't care however, he stood in their doorway pridefully having also a trace of someone else's blood gracing his knuckles. Alice assessed the situation, rushing to the kitchen grabbing an ice pack and the first aid kit. She leads her brother over to the couch and began tending to his probably broken nose. “You are so lucky mom isn't home-”
“Paul!” The pair turns to a sudden bang on the door, they share the same look of alertness. “Paul I know you're in there, open up!” The previously absent feeling of panic now set into Paul as he recognized the angry yet concerned voice from the other side of the door. 
“Emma” He whispers, very scared for what might happen as he stands up and opens the door to the one tiny angry girl on the other side.
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