#the secret case of sh
henriiiii-1001 · 4 months
For the oc ask game alone and break for thea?
alone: thea deals w loneliness by hanging out w her groupmates! talking w them abt her feelings when they get too much helps her cope a lot. while they’ve never truly been completely alone, he sure has felt like he has, esp after he and peter have a disagreement later on in the story that causes the group to take a break from music (it’s not fully developed yet bc i need buildup to it, but shit goes down after that). normally when she’s by herself, she just listens to nathan’s old tracks and walks around town. but once he found someone to put all of his grief onto, he discovered an entirely new part of himself not even he wanted to see.
break: (quick tw for talk of self harm) nathan’s death DEFINITELY broke thea. learning more about his death and the circumstances surrounding it only contributes to breaking her. at first, he resorted to a lot of aggression towards others and hurting himself, but once he found something else to put his energy into outside of hurting herself, such as music and investigating nathan’s death, she’s been dealing with it a LOT better. everyone had to see her in this state, but people were able to figure out what he needed after he was able to calm down and soak everything in. however after a sudden spiral further on in the story, thea finds someone to be aggressive towards, both verbally and physically.
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scarletcomet · 10 months
I'm supposed to be getting rid of my blades tonight. idk how I feel. if it were up to me, I would not be getting rid of the blades, but perhaps it's for the best if I really want to stop sh.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
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Tag list: @sh-tposter2021 @casmosmoon @hoesindifferentshows @daffodildelight @stuckinaoaktree @this-is-music @good-so @farleyis @starksdaughter20
Part 1
It has been a couple of days since your confession and Hobie was conflicted on whether he should rip the preverbal bandaid off and tell you of his secret identity, and possibly putting you at risk for potentially dangerous circumstances in the future, or keep you in the dark for a little while longer until he felt brave enough with himself and his situation to come forward; After all personal relationships -whether platonic or romantic- and Spider-Man never went well together. It was a sacrifice placed upon the shoulders of all variations who were chosen to dawn the mask of Spider-Man.
For if the legacy of being Spider-Man was a death sentence to those who are close, Hobie doesn’t want you death to be treated as his ‘canon event’ or whatever hand fisted bullshit excuse Miguel was trying to ram down everyone’s throats in order to justify in allowing a loved one of theirs to die. Hobie refuses that being the case and due to his righteous mistrust of Miguel, he kept your name out of his mouth unless it was within the presence of the few he could trust; Miles, Pavitr and Gwen.
‘So they have a crush on you.’ Pavitr began.
‘And you have a crush on them.’ Miles jumped in.
‘Ain’t no point in hiding it.’ Hobie cooly replied because why should he bother hiding the obvious.
‘So…what’re you going to do about it?’ Gwen finishes and Hobie only shrugs in response, ‘dunno.’
Pavitr made an face of exaggerated shock and looks over at Miles and Gwen, who were already expecting this reaction from him as they exchanged looks with him, before looking back at Hobie. ‘Dunno, the person you like has expressed that they like you too-‘ ‘-it wasn’t me they were talking to Pav, it was Spider-Man, clear difference. No need to rom-com it.’ Pavitr waved his comment away and continues on his tangent, ‘they like you, you like them and your response to all that is; Dunno?!’ Hobie -again- shrugs. He really didn’t know what to do, yes the feelings between you two were mutual but that didn’t mean he was going to risk your safety over them; no matter how deeply he feels them to the point where the mere idea of you being put at risk because of him acting out of his selfishness in having you, made him physically hurt.
Hobie would rather enact upon his selfishness in a way that meant letting you go and moving on to someone who wasn’t going to be putting your life in constant danger, whilst also getting to shamelessly cling onto some part of you in the process; even if that meant just being your friend, even though he already knew that wasn’t what you wanted. ‘What do you want me to do Pavitr?’ Hobie began, ‘Go up to them and be like ‘remember the talk you had with Spider-Man up on the roof? Yeah that was me and no I’m not having a laugh because I like you too.’ He made a face at this, ‘nah I’d rather them call me a nonce for the rest of my life, well that is if they still want me in their life afterwards for lying to them this entire time.’ He murmurs the last part to himself mostly and it was silent for a while as he, Pavitr, Gwen and Miles sat on what has been said.
The later three shared a look between them as Hobie looked at a picture of the two of you that he kept within the pockets of his vest, smiling softly to himself as the echos of your laughter ran in his head like a melody he could set his soul adrift to on his most sleepless of nights. It was obvious to Gwen, Pavitr and Miles that Hobie held you close to his chest, right where his heart is; Gwen in particular was aware of how much of an impact you had on Hobie from the times she spent at his place and it was obvious as to where it was that you touched as Hobie made it apparent to keep it that way. You’ve made a home for yourself within Hobie’s heart and she knew that he’d fight to keep you in his life.
‘Hobie,’ he lifted his eyes to meet theirs, ‘would you rather be afraid to tell them who you are for the rest of your life, or tell them while you still have the chance because from what you’ve already told us about y/n, they wouldn’t hate you or call you a nonce, whatever that is.’ Miles mumbled under his breath as Hobie raised his brows, ‘has it crossed your mind at all that you might just overthinking all this? Not to say the fear ain’t real, what I’m trying to get at is this; you should pursue what makes you happiest, regardless of the fears you may have because in the end isn’t it better to have love and lost then to have never have loved at all?’
Hobie mulled on Miles’ advice once he got back to his reality before finding himself standing on that very same rooftop where his conflict began, looking down as he clutched his mask between both hands in contempt, so much so that he didn’t even hear your voice call out to him until you were right next to him. ‘Hobie? Everything alright?’ He had told you prior to meet up on the rooftop of some abandoned apartment complex that you were more then camisole with at this point, but the way he said it made you feel as though there was something eating away at your best friend and you weren’t about to let him go through anything alone without you.
Upon realising how close you were to him, Hobie was slick enough to hide his mask behind his back when he addressed you, stuffing it into his back pocket so that you wouldn’t get overly curious as to his hand placement but then again you were always as observant as him when he noticed the way your eyes lingered, like you already knew what this was about; to which Hobie wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case for it would make this situation a lot easier for you to process what you already knew. ‘Yeah, everything’s cool, why is it that you think somethings up?’ The raise of your brows only told Hobie that you weren’t buying it, ‘oh I think there is but it looks to me that you need a little prompting.’ and without missing a beat your hand was halfway to reaching for his back pocket when he caught your wrist, holding it there as he looked at you incredulously. ‘The hell was that for knobhead.’
You shrugged, ‘like I said, you needed prompting otherwise you wouldn’t be defending whatever’s in your back pocket so adamantly as you are now.’ You were smart, Hobie had to give you that as he lets go of your wrist and decides to quit the unnecessary prolonging and pulled out the mask from his back pocket, chucking it into your awaiting hands as he then sat himself near to the edge with his back facing you so he couldn’t see the look upon your face when you say, ‘so this is what you were hiding from me…I knew Spider-Man felt too familiar and now I know why.’ He heard your footsteps get closer before stopping all together as you sat yourself next to him.
You were both silent but it was a silence loud enough to dampen out anything else in that moment and Hobie didn’t know where this silence would lead to, and neither did you as you were now realising that you had confessed your feelings to your best friend without knowing it; which was already enough to take in but for that friend to also be spider-man was a whole other thing to unpack. Where you mad that he didn’t tell you? No, not even in the slightest but you were more worried then you could ever be mad, after all you just found out your crush and best friend was spider-man for fuck sakes so of course you’d be more worried for his well being. ‘Here,’ you tell him, holding out his mask for him to take, ‘you can have it back.’ Hobie did as you asked and took his mask back, but before it was fully in his grasp you yanked it away from his reach, causing him to look at you.
‘Give it.’ He tells you straightforwardly but you stood your ground as you pressed a finger to your cheek, ‘not until you tell me something first; did you know I had a crush on you prior.’ Hobie shrugs. ‘No, honestly it wasn’t until but you admitted that you liked me that somethings started to make sense.’ You hummed, content with his answer but you weren’t through quite yet. ‘Do you…feel the same.’ You once again asked but this time your voice wasn’t as steady and strong, it was fearful and hesitant; something Hobie never wants you to be when near him.
‘Of course I do, I thought I made it obvious when I personally dealt with those who chatted shit about you behind you back, I thought it was obvious that when I let you into my heart, that there would be no way that I was letting you go but with this,’ he gestured to the mask in your outstretched hand, ‘made it all the more harder for me to do that without putting you in danger; I was hiding this other life from you to protect you but you were always too observant for your own good but it’s one of the many things I love about you.’ Hobie admits, happy he finally got it off of his chest. After hearing all that, you gave him back his mask and rested your head against his shoulder, murmuring, ‘your such a hassle.’
Hobie smiled for what felt like the first time in a long while throughout this whole situation and slugged his arm over your shoulder before resting his head on top of yours, ‘yeah but I’m your hassle.’ He says before pressing a kiss to your head, feeling you as you snuggle into his side, smiling to yourself, ‘how unfortunate.’ You say half heartedly as Hobie joins in, ‘yeah, poor you.’
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yanderecrazysie · 8 months
Twisted Zoo: Chapter Two
This is based on the stories of a keeper reader with the octotrio by @ashensgrotto and @merakiui .
Also @twistedcece @cenatour @ursinaw @xiaopleasecomehome @bearshideout @koebishrimpuwu @v-sh @help-whatdoimakemyusername @secret-potion @magmdnv @sunshine-for-serotonin @mel-star636 and @thisisafish123 wanted to be tagged! Let me know if anyone else wants to be tagged for future chapters. If you no longer want to be tagged, please tell me! (I hope the tags worked, I'm new to having a tag list!)
Summary: You’re a brand new zookeeper at The Halfling Zoo- a place where half-animals live in captivity. Your job is simple- feed them and study them. Your main worry is that one of the more dangerous halflings might kill you. 
Unfortunately, that may become the least of your worries.
Previous chapter: Chapter One
Next chapter: Chapter Three
WARNINGS: none for now
Note: All characters are aged up, since there will be mature themes in future parts.
Also, I can’t promise I’ll finish this. I suck at finishing stories.
Note 2: I’m in love with Ruggie, so I accidentally made half of this chapter about him. Oops.
You decided that the best course of action would be watching from afar. The hyenas were afraid of you, the king of the lions didn’t like you, and the wolves were wary of you. All in all, not the greatest situation.
You didn’t know what you expected. Did you really think they would all love you from day one? They were half-animals, after all. They had the instincts of wild animals, not domesticated pets.
Still, you were determined to make them like you. The hyenas would probably be easiest, once they warmed up to you. The wolves would probably get used to you eventually. The lions- well, that was a tricky situation. They all followed Leona, so you’d have to win him over before you could win over the entire pride, and that would not be easy.
You grabbed your journal and pen from your locker and walked to the savannah exhibit’s door. This time, you had brought a water bottle with you, prepared for the upcoming heat you would have to face. You had also bought binoculars from one of the vendors, knowing you would need it if you were going to keep some space between you and the halflings.
You entered the exhibit, wincing at the heat that hit your skin. You scanned the dry land for the hyenas and found them lounging around the watering hole, talking amongst themselves. You stepped behind a large rock and leaned over it, raising your binoculars to your eyes.
It was impossible to hear what they were saying, but they seemed to laugh a lot. You really wished you knew what they were saying, but if you approached them, they would probably stop their conversation and focus on getting away from you.
Day 1
There are seven hyenas and they all seem to be close to each other, as they stick together in a group. Their conversations seem to be humorous, as they are often laughing. This could be from their hyena half, as hyenas are known for their “laugh”.
Each of the halflings are easily differentiated by their hyena ears and tail. They all seem to be around 5’5, but even the tallest ones do not hit 6 feet. 
They are relaxed until a female approaches them. In this case, all seven hyenas are male, so the problem starts when a female keeper tries to feed them or study them up close. They suddenly become extremely wary or even frightened and are very hesitant to come anywhere near a female keeper.
The best way to calm them down, I believe, is to show them that you are not aggressive like female hyena halflings are. It doesn’t get rid of their fear, but it definitely helps.
You peered through your binoculars and watched the six hyenas as they drank from the watering hole- most of them scooping water into their palms and drinking from their hands, while others put their head down to drink directly from the source.
Wait- six hyenas? Weren’t there seven?
You felt a hot breath on the back of your neck and you spun around, heartbeat skyrocketing. There, standing behind you, was the hyena halfling you had talked a little bit with when you were handing out breakfast.
He retreated to a safe distance and sat down, cross-legged, studying you curiously, a slight smile on his face as though he was proud that he had frightened you. Suddenly, you were all too aware of the claws on his fingers and the unnaturally sharp canines that shone in the sunlight when he flashed you a lazy smile.
“Shishishi,” he giggled, eyes locked on you, waiting for your reaction.
“You scared me, Ruggie!” you said, your heartbeat starting to go back to its normal pace.
His grin only widened. You noticed his eyes flickering from you to your notebook.
“Oh! Are you interested in my notebook?” you asked, holding it out to him.
Ruggie frowned, looking a little offended, “I can’t read.”
Oh. You felt your cheeks growing warm. Of course a halfling, who had spent his life in the wild and then captivity, wouldn’t know how to read. It was a miracle that any of them had picked up enough English to be able to speak it.
“Do you want me to read it to you?” you asked.
Ruggie’s eyes widened and he cocked his head at you. Finally, he shook his head. A little disappointed, you closed your notebook. “That’s alright. Did you want to talk?”
Ruggie shook his head once more and you felt yourself at a loss for words. You weren’t sure why he was still here if he wasn’t interested in talking. One of the other hyenas made a whooping sound and Ruggie responded with his own hyena noises, turning his attention to the other hyenas for a moment before he turned back to you.
You decided to try to get him to speak to you, “So, did you enjoy breakfast? You had three servings, after all.”
Finally, Ruggie nodded then, as an afterthought, added, “I like donuts better.”
“Donuts?” you couldn’t help but laugh, “Would you like it if I brought some?”
Ruggie’s eyes widened, “Donuts?”
“Yeah!” you said happily, “My boss said I could bring you guys anything, as long as I paid for it with my own money.”
He looked at you like you had hung the stars in the sky, “Donuts!”
Ruggie called back to his friends with a series of whoops and other hyena noises and they responded back enthusiastically. You wished you could understand their language.
You turned back to your notebook.
It seems like hyena halflings like sweets or, at least this group likes donuts. One of them, the one named Ruggie, seems like he has warmed up to me a little. We talked a little, mostly about donuts, but I feel like he isn’t as scared of me as the others are.
Ruggie seemed to have had enough, because he stood up and, with a curious glance back at you, he ran off to join the others, kneeling by the watering hole to drink along with his peers.
You were a little disappointed by how short the conversation had lasted, but more than anything, you were excited that you had a conversation with a hyena halfling at all. Ruggie still seemed a little wary of you, but much more comfortable with your presence than earlier.
It was a step in the right direction.
You were not looking forward to seeing Leona, but you were already in the savannah exhibit and the lions weren’t too far off. The pride’s positions were the same as this morning’s, with Leona lounging on the large rock while the other lions sat and laid on the grass beneath him. The lions were either napping, grooming their hair, or just talking quietly amongst themselves.
The lions were not frightened by you and why would they be? They had a killer bite and claws on each hand. They regarded you lazily, as if you bored them a little.
“Hello, everyone!” you did your best to not sound as terrified as you felt. None of the lions stopped what they were doing for you, continuing their actions as if you weren’t even there.
You hadn’t even noticed at first that Leona was awake, until you glanced at the rock, hoping to get a reaction from him. 
He sat up on the rock, staring at you with an impassive expression. Despite his lack of a warm welcome, your heart soared. This was your chance!
“Hi there!” you said cheerfully.
He looked down his nose at you, clearly not impressed by your greeting.
“Did you have a good nap?” you asked.
Leona continued to stare at you, unimpressed with your attempts at earning his attention.
“So, I know your name is Leona, but would you like to know mine?” you asked hopefully.
Leona’s eyes turned to the right, as though he was making a decision. Finally, he spoke in that slow, rumbling voice of his, “Whatever, I don’t care. Go ahead”
You smiled up at him, pleased that you had gotten his permission, even though he wasn’t as interested as you had hoped, “I’m (Y/n), it’s nice to officially meet you.”
Leona laid back down but didn’t close his eyes, watching you as you looked back at him.
“Did you eat your steak? I don’t want you to go hungry.”
Leona’s eyes widened a little, as though you had taken him by surprise. And maybe you had.
His gaze evaded yours as he responded to your question, “Yes, I ate it.”
“Oh good!” you smiled happily up at him.
Leona studied you closely, clearly unable to read you. Leona tilted his head and turned away from you, “Is that all you need?”
“I’ll write in my notebook, if you’d prefer me to do that.”
Leona grunted in response and closed his eyes.
The lion halflings are not shy like the hyenas, but they are hesitant to talk to me. I feel as though, if I earn their king’s acceptance, I will be able to talk to them all. The king has started to talk to me, even if it was only a few words.
The lions are taller than the hyenas, most around 6 feet tall. They are easily differentiated by their lion ears and tail. There are 19 lions, with most being female, and only one cub.
Unsurprisingly, the lion halflings spend a good chunk of their time sleeping. I assume this is from the lion part of them.
“Did you want to read what I wrote?” you asked, sensing Leona’s eyes on you. Your eyes met his and he held your gaze for a few moments before growling, “I’m going to sleep.”
He flopped back down on the rock and closed his eyes again, his breathing becoming rhythmic almost right away.
You didn’t want to bother Leona when he was trying to fall asleep, so you sneaked away, sending an unrequited wave over your shoulder to the other lions. Maybe if you weren’t so determined to get out of the heat, you would have noticed the eyes boring into the back of your head.
The walk to the wolves’ exhibit was a long one. After all, you had to cross half the savannah before making it out into the back hallway meant for staff. Then, you had to push through the crowds to get to the wolf exhibit. At least the crowds weren’t too bad, since evening was on its way.
You were excited that the sun was falling. You’d be able to watch wolf halflings at their preferred time of day. After all, wolves hunted in the twilight hours.
You hoped that didn’t mean they’d see you as prey.
The exhibit door opened easily and you found yourself breathing the air in deeply. It took you a moment to discover just why you liked the wolves’ enclosure so much. Mountain air. Somehow, some way, the zoo had made the enclosure smell like the mountains. The air was even a little thinner here than it was on the pathways.
These wolf halflings must have been living in the mountains when they were brought to the zoo. The thought made your heart hurt a little. Were they offered a deal to live in captivity or were they captured and brought here by force? You didn’t like to think about it too much.
This wasn’t your battle to fight.
The keeper who fed the wolves their evening meal walked past you with full buckets. As she passed you, she gave you a word of advice, “You aren’t gonna find them all together like they are at mealtimes. They all split up, especially in the evening.”
You nodded, a little disappointed. That could make it harder to find them, much less study them. Plus, it’s not like you could look in several directions at once. This might be a little more complicated than you thought.
Or maybe it’ll be fine, you reassured yourself, trying to stay positive.
You reached a steep, downward slope and decided it was probably the best vantage point you would find. You found a nice place to sit down between a cluster of rocks and took out your binoculars. 
It took almost half an hour for you to see any movement. Down, at the base of the hill, one wolf halfling walked close to the barrier between the wolves and guests. He had his back hunched in a sort of prowl, and you realized that he was probably in hunt mode. 
Excited, you pulled out your notebook to make some notes.
Your pen froze above the paper when you heard a growl.
You slowly turned your head, and what you saw made your blood run cold. A buff wolf halfling with dark gray hair and pin-pricked ears had his lips drawn over his fangs in a snarl. He was growling so ferociously that flecks of spit flew in your direction. His yellow eyes dilated as he grew closer, back hunched as though he were ready to lunge for your throat at any moment. 
You gulped, forcing yourself to stay completely still. You were afraid, if you moved, you’d have your throat torn out before you could blink.
The wolf took one step closer, growled one last time, then lunged.
The halfling seemed to stop midair and, before you knew it, he was lying on his side in the dirt a few feet away. The cause of his sudden stop was made clear after a few terrified moments, when your eyes turned upwards.
The white-haired wolf halfling stood with his shoulder still out in front of him. You realized that he had shoulder-checked the older wolf during his attack. Shakily you smiled at him.
“Thank you so much!”
The dark-skinned halfling took a seat on one of the rocks surrounding you. You studied his features, everything from his white tail to his white ear tips. He, on the other hand, watched the older wolf warily.
The older wolf pushed himself to his feet, shaking the dirt from his clothes. His yellow eyes glared at you, but he limped off in the opposite direction, disappearing into the shadows of the trees. 
The white-haired halfling turned his attention back to you. You decided to offer your friendship to him.
“My name is (Y/n), what’s yours?”
He stared at you for a moment, before his rumbling voice said, “Jack.”
“It’s nice to meet you Jack,” you said, trying not to come across as too excited to be talking to him. You didn’t want to scare him away with your eagerness.
Jack continued to stare, his golden stare softening a little when he said, “Not safe.”
He didn’t seem to have a very good grasp on the English language, but that was understandable. It didn’t seem like the wolves were all too friendly toward humans.
“I have to stay,” you explained to Jack, hoping he would understand.
“Not safe,” Jack replied. He got up from his sitting position and crossed the distance between you in less than a second. You watched, trembling, as his one of his clawed hands took hold of the back of your shirt collar. 
You blinked owlishly as Jack began to carry you by the collar, stunned by his behavior and not wanting to tick him off by fighting. From what you could tell, he didn’t seem to want to actually hurt you, but you didn’t want to push your luck.
After a long walk, Jack set you back down on your feet. He pointed one clawed finger behind you. “Not safe.”
You turned around and, to your surprise, you were met with the exhibit door. Comprehension dawned on you. He wanted to keep you safe.
“No, no, I’m okay,” you soothed, “I have to study-”
“Not safe,” Jack responded, voice even gruffer.
You tried to come up with the perfect solution. You had to soothe Jack but you also had to do your job.
“Well, you could protect me,” you suggested.
“Pro-tect?” Jack’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, keep me safe,” you replied. Jack took a while to think that one over. Finally, he nodded.
He followed you back to your spot like an obedient puppy, but refused to sit down, choosing instead to hover over you, eyes darting in all directions.
Day 1
Wolf halflings tend to be around 6 feet tall, distinguishable by their wolf ears and tails. There are 12 of them in this zoo, with 6 females and males each. 
Some of the wolf halflings are very aggressive, and this seems to amplify in the evening hours, possibly because these are their hunting hours. One wolf, however, acts in a protective manner towards me.
It is interesting to note the wolf halflings appear to be in hunting mode despite just being fed.
All of the halflings, save for one, have hair and fur in different shades of gray, while one has white hair and fur.
You didn’t see any other wolves for the next few hours and you eventually decided it was time to go home. Jack shadowed you on your way to the exhibit entrance. You waved goodbye, and he mimicked the action awkwardly.
Laughing a little, you went home for the day.
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ipseitydelrey · 8 months
hi!!! i love your writing!!!! idk if you’ve done this yet but maybe…. a nsfw alphabet with hotch 🤭🤭
omg yesss
nsfw alphabet ☆ aaron hotchner
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ship aaron hotchner x afab!reader
warnings smut (duh), mention of sex toys, implied unprotected sex (practice safe sex please!), size difference kink, thigh fucking, mention of degradation and spanking, masturbation, office sex, oral (mostly f receiving), rough sex, quickies, shower sex, phone sex, teasing, mentions of haley (rip queen)
a/n i need him; also sorry this took so long !!
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A = aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
it’s like a half-half thing; sometimes he’ll run the shower for you, get you some water, etcetera — or he’ll just lay in bed with you and hold you. either way, you’re not complaining.
B = body part (their favourite body part of theirs and of yours)
aaron hasn’t really thought about a particular body part of his that he likes more than others, but he does sometimes favour his hands. a size difference kink might come into play with this preference, but he just likes stroking your cheek or thigh, or maybe just holding your hand.
as for you, it’s no contest that he loves your thighs the most. it’s obvious to you, but he honestly also hasn’t thought about his preference for your body parts too. but during sex, you notice how his hands tend to trail down to your thighs, or he would pay extra attention to them when he’s eating you out.
C = cum (anything to do with cum)
buried in you; that’s how he likes to finish. he loves cumming in you and filling you up to the brim, it’s a mouth-watering visual for him.
D = dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
with other partners (mostly haley), he’s definitely vanilla; like definitely, no degradation/dirty talk either. however, with you, he’s been thinking about discussing trying more spicy things in the bedroom — namely things like degradation and spanking.
E = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
ahem, haley. most of his experience with sex is with her, so after she died and he had time to heal and go back into the dating scene, he experimented a little more with different types of partners; he’s probably more experienced than you, at this point.
F = favourite position (this goes without saying)
prefers missionary for more control and intimacy but if you wanted, he would be more than willing to let you ride him.
G = goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
serious both outside and inside the bedroom; he’d definitely take sex much more seriously at the beginning of your relationship. as you both grow much more comfortable with each other, he’ll make small quips of humour during the act.
H = hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
just look at his hands — you can tell that he has a lot of body hair without even seeing him naked. definitely has a mouth-watering happy trail.
I = intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
he absolutely does not do one night stands or hookups, so romance is a necessity for him to even think about having sex with someone. expect a lot of “i love you”s during the act and expect to return them.
J = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he does it, but not as often as other people might. probably would do it on a case in the hotel/motel if he really misses you :(
K = kink (one or more of their kinks)
before you, aaron didn’t really explore the kinky side of sex, so he always remained pretty vanilla in that department. one kink that you noticed he has but he himself would never admit to is a size difference kink.
L = location (favourite places to have sex)
as much as he would love to fuck on the desk in his office…yeah, he prefers to keep it in the bedroom. he has yet to tell you about his office sex idea but knowing you, you’d be onboard for it.
M = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
doesn’t have any specific things that turn him on — except whenever you wear his work shirts. they look loose and a tad too big to be form fitting, but he absolutely loves it and can’t wait to rip it off you.
N = nope (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
as much as he would like to experiment with kinky sex, he really objects to being too dominating; he wants you to still have some level of control so if you want, you can take the helm anytime you so wished. of course, he’d also never want to hurt you, and he might not want to experiment with possible bondage until a while later into your relationship. also, he absolutely does not want to be called any dominating title in bed, like “sir,” “master” and especially “daddy.”
O = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
aaron’s a giver, through and through. there are times where he does like getting a blowjob, he likes eating you out way more. probably because you tend to bury your hands in his hair and tug a little bit to signal something you like him doing.
P = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
it does depend on mood and the reason you’re having sex, but typically the pace is slow and deep. this can change since — considering how stressed out he usually is because of his job and workload — some cases would just get to him, or his job gets to be too much. so he would take it out on you by going fast and rough.
Q = quickies (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
doesn’t particularly favour them, but what can he do when he’s on-call 24/7? the only time he likes quickies are when you’re showering together and he just can’t handle how good you look soaking wet. first round in the shower, then the second, third, or even fourth round(s) in the bedroom.
R = risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
later in your relationship, he does want to experiment with kinkier sex, but risks are a hard no.
S = sexts (yes? no? pictures?)
aaron wouldn’t be into sexts and nudes so much as he would be into phone sex. considering how often you’re away from each other, and you both have the opportunity to be alone with your phones, he would 100% take it.
T = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he knows the different types of sex toys, but he doesn’t own any and has never used them. but sex toys are definitely on his list of things he would like to test on you during sex. only if you’re up for it (who are you kidding, of course you are).
U = unfair (how much they like to tease)
again, depends on the mood, but sometimes he does like to tease you. only sometimes though; usually he just wants to get right to the fucking just in case he gets called in.
V = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
unfortunately, aaron’s the type of guy to mostly be quiet and not outright loud. he also doesn’t moan; he sticks to grunts and groans (they’re still hot to listen to).
W = wild card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
he really wants to try thigh fucking. seeing his cock push and drag through your closed thighs, getting lubed by a combination of your wetness and his precum is a visual that turns him on so much. he has yet to tell you though, but he’s been hinting at it…
X = x-ray (dick size)
girthy, above average, and not one, but THREE prominent veins (good lord…).
Y = yearning (how high is their sex drive? how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
not that high, unfortunately; you definitely have a higher sex drive than him, that’s for sure. rarely, he’s one and done, he does tend to aim for two or three rounds if possible. if he’s worked up or stressed out, however, he could probably go all night.
Z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he tries to keep himself awake until you fall asleep. he wants to make sure you’re comfortable and content with the outcome of the night’s activities before he can relax; you’re a top priority to him.
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archivomeow · 6 months
scars of the past.
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worldwide issues || read on ao3 || writing masterlist
a/n: please read the warnings on this one! also i’m thinking about making this couple parts, so we’ll see.
description; you’re the new addition to the BAU team, after Derek Morgan left, Reid and Penelope hate your guts, but when you and Reid get paired up to visit the coroner’s office together he learns something about you, something you wanted to keep a secret and it changes the dynamic between the two od you.
warnings; mention of scars, sh, razor blades, swearing.
You were new to the team, when Agent Morgan left a spot opened and you got it, the excitement you felt was indescribable, you wanted this job forever and now it was your chance to become a profiler, to help the FBI, to meet other profilers. Your first day was rough, you were late and no one really talked with you except Emily, but you just shook it off as them being focused on the case, later on Jennifer also started to talk with you, you felt more comfortable knowing the two a little bit made you feel less alone and alienated.
The days passed fast and you had to admit the job wasn’t turning out how you imagined. You obviously were profiling, that part lived up to your, for a lack of better word, expectations. However the team wasn’t. You made two connections, you couldn’t even call that friendship. Jennifer and Emily tolerated you, they respected you and treated you with kindness, but the rest of the team was not a fan of you. Spencer always had an attitude when it came to you, as far as you noticed he gave it to no one else and no one defended you, except that one time where Emily had to stop him, because he was going too far.
Penelope treated you like air, like you didn’t exist and if she had to acknowledge your existence she did it as fast as she could, just so she can go back to pretending you don’t exist. It was crushing you. Every time you had to talk with Garcia or Reid the knot in your stomach tightened, it was there present all day long at work, but it was the worse when it came to those two. You knew there was another open spot for the BAU, that still remained empty and you wondered if another person would have to deal with this shit to and your heart just broke for them.
Since you joined the team you have solved one case so far, the way back on the jet was peaceful, everyone was exhausted and you just couldn’t wait to go home. Going home was your favourite time, drinking a glass of wine, catching up with your pet, watching TV, quite literally anything that would shift your focus from the terrible anxiety you were feeling, every fucking day at work.
Next day at work it shocked you to see more people around the table, you weren’t that surprised to see David Rossi, he took a time off because he got hurt during a mission, before you joined the BAU and you haven’t had the pleasure to meet him yet, but the other woman you didn’t recognise.
“Okay, so everyone is here. This Doctor Tara Lewis, she will be joining us on this case, alongside Rossi.” As Emily spoke, you glanced at Tara and smiled lightly as she looked at you, you felt at ease when she returned the smile.
On the other hand you ignored Reid, you could feel his eyes on you again, drilling a hole in your head.
You fucking hated this job.
The jet ride is always calm, not this time. David called shots this time and unknowingly of the situation put you with Reid, he wanted to protest, but David shut it down so he just glanced annoyed at you.
“What’s up with that?” Tara whispered to you, the two of you talked more, she noticed how disconnected you were from the team and when Emily mentioned you joined recently she felt at ease, knowing she wasn’t the only “outcast”.
“Great question, wish I knew…” You shrugged, you really didn’t know why Reid disliked you, but the problem was not on your end.
You and Reid were headed to the coroner’s office, to examine the victims bodies. The ride there was quiet, you didn’t know what to say and he said nothing.
You listened to his observations about the wounds, the two of you examined the body. What stood out to you were the scars on the women’s arms, you knew those very very well, you had the same ones on your shoulder. It was warm, but as long as you could you wore long sleeves, so only you knew for now.
“Hm.. Those scars, are they fresh? Was it a knife or another weapon?” Reid looked up at the coroner, but before he could speak you answered his question.
“Razor blade.” You just stated, but the silence made you glance both at Reid and at the coroner. “Um… Those are razor blade scars… They’re deep, but still narrow, a knife could do it, but probably not with this much precision.”
Reid looked back at the coroner and the man just nodded.
“Yeah, your partner here is right. These are most likely from razor blades, those scars are about a month old, most likely not connected to the UnSub, but both women had similar scars in different stages of healing.”
You two left in silence, but the ride back was not silent. You jumped up when he spoke at first, no radio and a quiet street combined with his speaking out of nowhere scared you.
“Sorry, what did you say?” You cleared your throat, he was focused on the road, very focused, his eyebrows were frowned and his brown eyes looking ahead as he repeated what he said before.
“I asked about what you said at the coroner’s office. The razor blades.”
You frowned, that was not the hole you wanted to dig under yourself. “What about them?”
“How did you know so fast?”
He knew? Did he? He was a genius, but you weren’t sure, that didn’t stop your mind from racing with no proof. Can you lie to a profiler?
Your chest started to feel heavy, an imaginary pressure was applied to it, your lungs were heavy as if filled with sand, you could feel how your heart sped up and how the temperature of your body rose up.
“I- um… I just did…” You managed to mumble out, fucking anxiety, you were a terrible liar, even worse under pressure.
He didn’t say anything for a moment, so you prayed he let the topic go.
“You clean now?” He glanced at you and back at the road.
That question made you want to jump out of the moving car, that was in fact not his business and you truly didn’t want the team to know, what’s in the past is meant to stay there. You didn’t know what to say to that, you opted on being a bitch untill he drops the topic.
“That is so not your fucking business… And who even said I- I did that.” You scoffed looking out the window.
You’re okay… You’re okay…
You kept repeating in your head that fucking phrase, but you were in fact not okay.
“Well, you do wear long sleeves always and in this weather you must be hot… Your eyes immediately focused on the scars at the coroner’s office… You knew the blade, you can know everything in theory, but you were sure of it… You pretty much told on yourself….But if it’s not you, then it’s someone close to you.”
Fucking profilers.
“Just focus on the road.” You said firmly, you did tell on yourself, especially when you claimed it was “none of his business”. That didn’t matter now, you couldn’t say anything to go back. He was right, but you didn’t want him to know, not him, not anyone. It was definitely too late now.
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𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄: Mistress Kink w/ Emily Prentiss
a/n: OKAY LISTEN. i did NOT mean to miss a day. i ended up falling asleep then i was super busy for the rest of the night so it totally slipped my mind, but here it is now!! hope yall are excited for some grey haired dommy mommy emily! this is for my fellow wlw out there, i love yall! MWAH ;*
masterlist | kinktober masterlist | AO3
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There was something about Emily’s presence that commanded respect wherever she went, her aura darkened with a certain kind of dominance that many people had difficulty putting their finger on. Maybe it was because she was the Unit Chief, or that before her promoted status all those years ago, she was a woman with many secrets.
Of course, you knew though, because you were her wife, and even in the bedroom she held herself in high regard, so who were you to treat her with anything less?
“Mistress?” You asked quietly, body twitching in slight nervousness as her fingertips stroked the curve of your bare back in an up and down motion, her touch featherlight. Your body was always so sensitive to her touches, and after years of being intimate with her, she had fine tuned and tweaked your nerves like a guitar.
She’d had you stripped down to nothing and laid over her lap, your naked breasts resting on her pant clad thighs. You had no idea what you had done to invoke a punishment, but you honestly don’t think that this is what that was, because your ass would have already been spanked raw due to you rubbing your thighs together to relieve your aching core without her permission.
“Sh…” She soothed you to silence by gently caressing the globes of your ass. “You did nothing wrong, my pretty girl. I just want to appreciate my wife, can’t I do that?” She asks softly, her fingers now stroking your wet slit teasingly. Your breath hitched in your throat, fingers twitching from where they gripped the sheets.
“Yeah,” You sighed, body going lax in her hold. “Of course you can, mistress.” 
She hummed thoughtlessly, the pad of her finger descending through your soaked folds, and slipping inside of you. A wanton moan caught in the back of your throat, your head lifting up from where it faced down. There were times like these where all Emily wanted to do was give, with no expectation for anything in return. It was possible she was involved with a case where someone lost their lover, or a situation that probably hit too close to him that possessed her to act like this. Not that you were complaining.
You cried out when she added another finger, the length of her aged digits rubbing against your sensitive and velvety walls deliciously, the pads of her fingers pressing your spongy g-spot. Her movements were soft and full of love, no urgency in her movements as she dragged out your pleasure. 
Your orgasm slowly bubbled in your gut, twisting when she finally added her third and final finger.
“Oh!” You gasped. “Mistress… please!” Your chest rose and fell with your pleas. 
“I got you my sweet girl.” She praised over your loud noises, but her ministrations sped up, the twist of her wrist getting rougher in order to drag you to your orgasm faster.
Your cunt squelched lewdly, painting her three digits in your slick as your noises grew louder and louder and the coil in your stomach grew tighter and tighter. 
“I- I-” You couldn’t finish your sentence before you came, quaking and squirming on your wife’s lap. Your sight went white when you came, your ears ringing and your veins lighting on fire. She worked you through it, rubbing your lower back and twisting her wrist into your cunt until you jumped in overstimulation, tiny, pained whimpers slipping through your lips. 
“You did so good, sweetheart. So, so, good.” She praised. 
“Thank you, mistress.” You said breathlessly through a sleepy smile on your face.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @murdadixon @zippertwat @hallecarey1 @alixwriter @their-love
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calaisreno · 5 months
The Case of the Missing Bridegroom
The sequel to Reluctant Bridegroom. 1700 words / Prompt: Cold
Summary: Mrs Hudson does not make tea, Mycroft speaks in italics, and Sherlock goes for a walk.
Mrs Hudson is frowning at him; he gradually becomes aware that she’s been talking. 
Blinking, he looks up. “Hm?”
“I said, do you like her?”
“Oh, yes. She’s great. Are you making tea?”
Ignoring his implied request, she continues. “She seems clever.”
“Clever? Yes, she is. Quite.” 
…only child linguist Clever part time nurse Shortsighted Guardian Bakes Own Bread Disillusioned Cat Lover Romantic Appendix Scar Lib Dem Secret Tattoo Size 12 Liar…
That might be where to begin his investigation.
“Sherlock.” She clicks her tongue. “You must have known.”
“Known? What are you jabbering about, Mrs Hudson?”
“You must have known he’d move on while you were gone.”
He doesn’t have an answer for this. 
“He’s just that kind of person,” she adds.
“The moving on kind?”
“No, he’s the staying kind, but you left. What was he supposed to do? He thought you were dead.”
Sherlock puts his head down and mumbles incoherently. Maybe she will take the hint and make tea. And bring up some biscuits as well. 
“Sherlock.” She sits in John’s chair. “He’s not like you, love. Not a loner. He needs someone. He had you, and when you died—”
“He didn’t have me, Mrs Hudson. We weren’t like that.”
She gives him the look that means he’s an idiot. “Maybe not, but there was something there. And John needed that. He was lost without you. I’m sure he wouldn’t have found Mary if you’d come home a bit sooner.”
“Well, I’m sure they’ll be very happy.”
She makes a scoffing noise. “You know that’s not true.”
He scoffs back at her. “As I understand it, people who are engaged to be married often go through a period of regret. Cold feet, it’s called. Fear of change. A reluctance to follow through. He’ll get over it.”
“Will he?” 
Before Mrs Hudson can explain to him why he’s wrong, his phone buzzes with a text.
John’s missing. M
It takes him just a second to realise it’s Mary.  
He never came home last night. Won’t answer my texts. M
 I’ll find him. SH
Liar. He opens his phone and begins to type a message. Before he can hit send, his phone rings.
“He’s not an idiot, Sherlock.”
“Where is he, Mycroft? I know you have surveillance on him. What I want to know is why?”
“Let’s just say, he’s attracted the attention of someone we’ve been watching. You need not worry.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose. “Mycroft, I’m not in the mood for—”
“Miss Morstan. What do you know about her?”
“Why don’t you just tell me what you know? As I recall, you said you’d keep Moriarty’s London people away from him.”
“She’s not one of Moriarty’s. Just a freelancer, recently retired.”
“When were you going to tell me? More importantly, when were you going to tell John?”
“Doctor Watson is not an idiot, as I’ve said. His decision to propose to her was rash, I thought, but I’m fairly sure he’s having cold feet since you have returned.”
Mycroft speaks in italics only when he’s amused, Sherlock notes. “Just tell me where he is.”
“I think you can deduce,” Mycroft replies. 
I must be getting slow, he thinks. He’s just been to all the places John used to go when he ‘needed some air’ and slammed the door of the flat behind him. He’s been to five pubs, popped into three coffee shops, and walked the perimeter of the park twice.
Home again, he sits on the stairs, conceding defeat. 
His phone rings. 
“It’s very simple, Sherlock. He’s gone home.”
He nods. It would have been nice if Mary had texted to say—
“Home, Sherlock.”
His head jerks up. Ending the call, he runs up the two flights to John’s room. He knocks and cracks the door open. “John?”
The shape in the bed stirs, rolls over and blinks at him. “Sherlock?”
“John, what are you doing here?”
“Needed to think.” He sits up. “Went around the park a few times last night after I left. More than a few. Decided to sleep here.”
Sherlock steps into the room. When John lived here, Sherlock rarely respected his privacy, barging into the room at any hour. Now, it feels like an invasion. 
“May I?”
John nods, and Sherlock sits on the bed. “What’s wrong?”
“You always told me I see but do not observe. I’m a bit slow, but I did actually learn a few things living with you.” He smiles. “After you died, I could barely cope. I sleepwalked through every day. And then, you came back, and it was like I woke up.”
“I’m sorry. I had no idea you’d be so affected.”
“I believe you. As angry as I’ve been, I have forgiven you. Since you came back, I’ve been awake. And I’ve noticed things… that disturb me.”
“What things?”
“In the cab going home that night, Mary kept talking, and I just had this feeling… she wasn’t who she said she was. So I did what you would do. I investigated. I called her job references. I looked up her employment history. I went through her things when she was out. And I made a deduction.”
“I think you already know, Sherlock. Mary didn’t exist until a couple years ago. I don’t know who the woman I’m engaged to is, but Mary Morstan was an infant who died in 1972. Stillborn. She’s borrowed a name, made a new life. And for some reason, she took a job at my surgery.” He looks at Sherlock. “Maybe she has a good reason, but my spidey-senses are tingling.”
“Spider Man. He can always sense danger.”
“Well, you always did. You knew whenever I was getting myself into trouble. So, what are you going to do?”
“I’m going to tell her the truth.”
“You should know, Mycroft’s people have been watching her. She’s freelance, recently retired. It might not be good to confront her with what you know. She may feel cornered, and that could be dangerous.”
“Not that truth, Sherlock. I don’t need to know who she is, but I’m not going to marry her.”
“But… what reason will you give?”
“I’ll tell her…” John looks down at his hands, licks his lips, and whispers, “I’m in love with my best friend.”
“You’re in love with Mike Stamford? Inconvenient, as he’s married and has four—no, five children.”
“Mike is not my best friend.”
“Gavin Lestrade.”
“Sherlock, Greg is a friend, but not my best friend. I’m in love with you.”
“Oh. You’re— I see. You will pretend you’re in love with me, which will soften the blow and allow her to bow out without compromising her assumed identity—”
“Sherlock, I’m not pretending I’m in love with you. I really am in love with you. I know you don’t do that—love is a dangerous distraction, sentiment on the losing side, blah, blah… That’s okay. If you’ll let me, I’d like to move back here. I not asking for—”
He doesn’t remember grabbing John and kissing him, but when his brain comes back on line, they’re lying on John’s bed, and John’s looking at him like he’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. 
John loves him.
“I won’t pretend,” he tells John. “No fake relationships. If you’re going to make love confessions like that, just casually dropping I love yous on me, you’d better be prepared for the real thing. I love you. And just so you understand me properly, only one bedroom will be needed.”
John laughs. “Well, that went better than I expected. Now I only have to break up with Mary.”
Sitting up, Sherlock grabs his phone and texts Mycroft. “The British Government can handle that, I think. Now, kiss me.”
@keirgreeneyes @totallysilvergirl @redmondcollege @lisbeth-kk @ninasnakie
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sokosmic · 1 year
Astro Observations for
Leo Rising...
(Will add notes as I have time and think of more)
House placements based on Whole Signs
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🌤️ Heart-shaped faces/heads. Hair! Wide smiles. Fair skinned or come from a lineage of fair skinned people. Confident persona with big gestures. Leads with heart...wears heart on sleeves.
🌤️ They aren't self-centered or the attention seekers they may get painted. With a (Libra 3H) they're mindset and mode of communication is centered around building relationships. They desire fairness and harmony when connecting with others and often go out of their way to please people when making those connections.
🌤️ This often appears contradictory to the way they behave when actually in a relationship. With an (Aquarius 7H), they may behave aloof and distant. But that isn't necessarily the case. Aquarius here may cause the native to desire freedom from the constraints of a traditional relationship. These individuals may prefer relationships and partnerships that are unconventional and go against the norm...requiring changes that bring excitement.
🌤️ In their (Cancer 12H) there is a strong desire to nurture their spirituality and their connection to the collective. While it may not be evident based on their house of relationships (Aquarius 7H), this really does go hand-in-hand because Aquarians are humanitarians. (Cancer 12H) also indicates psychic abilities.
🌤️ Although it may come across cold, these folks work hard and give a lot. They are no strangers to hunkering down and getting sh¡t done (Capricorn 6H). There may also be knee, ankle, or general bone issues that arise from this placement.
🌤️ On the same note...having a (Virgo 2H) lends to a very meticulous way of acquiring their needs. These folks tend to be pretty business savvy and have a very admirable work ethic and way of obtaining money. These are the people at work who just seem to know how to organize and categorize things for efficiency.
🌤️ There may have been some sort of trauma experienced in the early home life (Scorpio 4H). Secrets and things hidden or swept under the rug is very likely in the family. May come from a lineage of women with psychic abilities or occult practices. Lots of intense and transformational experiences derive from this placement.
🌤️ Depending on placements in the natal chart, we typically see this show up in their (Leo 1H) as a fierce loyalty toward becoming their best selves. There is a natural expression of confidence, courage, and creativity that they exude. Just like the Sun, people can't help but to see them.
🌤️ We also see this come thru in their (Taurus 10H), where here there is a natural ability and expression of beauty and making things aesthetically pleasing. This is usually specific to their career and public image. Here we may find them work methodically in fields such as interior design, jewelry making/design, or a form of physical labor related to beauty or creating beautiful things, such as wood working, pottery, or glass making.
🌤️ Unless there are planets in the natal that restrict it, these beautiful people are incredibly social (Gemini 11H), and often find themselves with lots of friends and associates. They tend to be leaders among groups they are involved. These are also people who create groups or organizations that are geared toward sharing information...think Facebook and other social media platforms.
🌤️ And they enjoy it! Running those groups or being an admin or moderator is something they do as a hobby. This is rooted in that (Gemini 11H) where they really enjoy sharing all the knowledge they gather through their social connections, personal research and travels (Sagittarius 5H). And people love them because they are able to convey messages with their wit and charm. These folks are funny and flirty by nature.
🌤️ Having a (Pisces 8H) grants these individuals with great intuitive gifts. It is also makes these natives quite empathetic towards the dark, shadow aspects of others. They often possess a natural tendency towards healing themselves and others with spiritual practices that aren't widely accepted or recognized.
🌤️ But what society thinks is the least of these individuals' concern. Their overview of the world is filtered through the eyes of Self for these people (Aries 9H). Their philosophies are geared toward independent thinking, carving one's own path, fighting for what is fair and just, and championing for the underdogs (Aries 9H + Libra 3H).
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silhouetteonpaper · 2 months
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Summary: When another average day of work leaves you with piles and piles of casework, you’re surprised to see the missing persons report amidst the stack of papers. Jumping headfirst into solving the case, who could have ever predicted where it would leave you? Natasha Romanoff x Reader WC: 2,343 Warnings: Talks of experimentation, mentions of gruesome events
Another stack of word-heavy papers are thrown onto your desk with a thud. You sigh, glaring at the agent who dropped them off, now leaving quickly in an effort to avoid any protest. Learning forward, you pick up the papers and start skimming through their contents.
New case file… missing persons… the same type of case work that usually fills your time, nothing about it catches your eye—that is, until you flip to the missing person’s profile. A blurry, black-and-white photo of a little girl is stapled to the page, the black text containing very little information.
It’s not the fact she’s a young girl that catches your eye—most missing persons’ cases these days have something to do with finding a child or family member now that the blip is over. But this file had nothing to do with that, instead a different kind of anomaly you weren’t expecting.
Missing Person: Super-human Abilities - RED LEVEL THREAT. The text leaves your mouth dry, thumbs frantically searching through the file to find any helpful information. Last seen in 2003… that’s far from helpful. It’s hard to tell what age the young girl is in the photo, but if you had to guess, you’d say around eight years old.
You’re no stranger to unknown super-humans on the loose, but a red level threat is never anything to take lightly. Still, something about her expression makes your heart ache, though it’s hard to make out small details from the pixelated image. You can tell she’s scared, and the only thing you hope is that she’s somehow safe. Because looking at the lackluster file, you have no clue how you’re going to solve this.
Hoping to get some added guidance, you take the troublesome case to the smartest people you know. Sitting around the conference table while discussing something definitely not related to work, you have no trouble interrupting by placing the papers in front of Tony Stark.
“I need your guys’ help on this case.” You voice, watching Natasha and Tony look up with a confused curiosity. They take turns looking over the file, glancing back and forth between each other and its pages.
“A red level threat, huh? Since when are they giving you big cases?” Tony teases nonchalantly, earning an eye roll from you. Grabbing back the papers after Natasha finishes skimming them, you watch as Tony types away on his computer.
“There’s barely anything on her, this is seriously all we know?” Nat questions, eyeing both you and Tony for confirmation. You only nod, taking another peek at the file yourself. Maybe if you read it enough times, some hidden information would reveal itself. 
Your focused research is interrupted when Tony lights up. “We’re in business! I matched the image to the location it was taken…” he pulls up a hologram screen, displaying the digital files he somehow accessed. Immediately relieved you came to these two for help, you watch as a map appears before your eyes.
Suddenly, pit of dread forms in your stomach, the building marked clearly with an all too familiar logo. “HYDRA.” You state, seeing the same skull and tentacle logo that haunts your past. It’s no secret you were experimented on all those years ago, but it’s not something you talk about often.
Now finding solace in helping the Avengers, you’ve found a way to make light of your dark past. But right now, all that matters is making sure whoever this girl is has that same chance. You blink away tears that seemed to form as you’re brought back to the present. “Do you think they still have her? After all this time?” Natasha questions, taking in every detail of the map.
“Well, who filed her as missing?” Tony asks you. You can only shrug, knowing that information is usually classified. The only information you had wasn’t as helpful to the matter.
“All I know is she was filed missing back in 2003, and now they’re re-opening the case. I’m assuming it’s because they’ve figured out she’s got HYDRA level enhancements.” I explain, thinking out loud. Tony nods, turning the hologram off as he continues his own research.
“You can’t go missing unless someone is looking for you in the first place. Do you think she had a family? Or do you think HYDRA is behind this?” Natasha continues to think. You ponder her idea for a moment.
Would HYDRA really be smart enough to do what Nat is insinuating? “Like if she escaped, and HYDRA’s using this as a way to sniff her out?” You hypothesize, the nerves inside your chest growing.
Natasha nods. “Bingo.” It’s not that you don’t believe it could be true, it’s that you hope it isn’t. You know more than anyone just how scary it is to be HYDRA’s secret weapon one minute and target the next.
“I’ll see if I can find who filed the report back in 2003,” Tony offers. “In the meantime, try to find anything helpful. If we knew her abilities, we could track them.”
You take a deep breath, nodding before exiting his office to find any scraps of information possible. It’s hard to deny you’re unsettled by this case, the missing girl’s story quite similar to yours. While you think you’re in a healthy mindset to solve this mystery, a part of you still hasn’t fully processed what happened.
HYDRA is known for their experimentation on kids, and you’re not surprised that yet another victim is on the loose. But the feeling of an innocent girl now corrupted by their malice actions makes your heart ache. After all, you were once that girl.
Brushing aside your past to the best of your ability, you decide to search through the HYDRA manifest SHIELD acquired long ago. It was a record of all experiments they performed, one of the only copies as HYDRA wanted to keep it on the down low.
The boxes of browned paper seemed endless, barely any organization to the multitude of files; heaps of innocent lives all written onto paper like objects. Each sheet of paper included one subject, occasionally a photo, and everything done to them. You can't help but skim some of the text, your stomach flipping at the cruel procedures.
After three hours of sifting through novels worth of paper, you decide to take a break. Tony probably has more information at this point, or at least you hope. You’re in need of some good news after seeing the terrifying reality of so many of those HYDRA victims.
“Hey, any updates?” You ask Tony as you stroll into his office. He nods, pulling his attention from whatever he was working on.
“The report was called in by a married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,” He shrugs. “There’s not much else on them in my system, they seem to be an average suburban family.”
Sighing, you rub your forehead in deep thought. “Of course they have one of the most common last names… damn it.”
“How’s your research going?” Tony asks, genuinely curious. You laugh in a slightly manic demeanor, all those hours of looking through files making you delirious.
“Not great. I’ve been searching through the HYDRA manifest all day, and so far nothing. I’ve barely made a dent.” You explain. Tony stands, making you raise a brow.
“I’ll help, we all will. C’mon, let’s find this missing kid.”
It doesn’t take long for Tony to gather the entire team in the storage room, everyone pulling out profiles to identify your missing girl. You can feel each Avenger hesitate as more and more gruesome content appears on the pages, some of the heroes unaware of how terrible HYDRA really could be.
You’re about to give up, another few hours having passed. It’s a seemingly endless flood of victims, and if anything it’s making you more depressed. As you shift in your seat, about to stand, Natasha gets your attention.
“Uh, guys…” Her weary voice makes your heart stop beating. The entire team keeps their eyes glued to her while silence fills the space.
“What is it Nat?” You finally ask. It’s like the redhead's eyes are stuck on the paper, her mouth open but no words seem to come out.
“I…” Natasha starts, but the words catch in her throat. You’re about to rip the paper from her hands when she finally speaks. “The girl… it’s you.” Her eyes land directly on you in fear, the air inside your lungs disappearing as she flips the paper toward you.
There’s no way, you tell yourself. You’ve made amends with the past you’d never be able to recover; it isn’t possible that now, all these years later it’s suddenly appearing out of thin air. But Natasha’s right, the photo clipped to paper is a clear image of a younger looking you, there’s no denying it.
Everyone is in shock, your ears ringing as you take the paper from her hands. It wouldn’t have mattered though, the entire room was engulfed in silence as the team waited for your reaction.
Sure enough, on the page read your full name, the detailed list of everything you went through now flashing before your eyes. The storm that once gripped your entire life was all coming back, and you couldn’t stop it.
“I have to go-“ You manage to voice before dropping the paper and fleeing the room, your fear carrying you faster than your body as you end up locked away in your bedroom. The little girl caught in your past finds her way back inside you; the dread fills your chest as you sink to the floor.
Tears begin to cascade down your cheeks, the young girl with terrified beady eyes burned into your mind now staring straight at you. You can’t get rid of her even if you tried, no matter how many years pass or how far you run.
This job was supposed to save you, the girl who was fleeing in search of hope. And it did, for a while, each day filled with saving the world in one way or another. But now, in your overwhelmed state, you’re not sure if you can ever truly be saved.
A soft knock on the door makes you jump, the fervent anxiety increasing as you turn to see who’s brave enough to check on you.
Of course, it’s exactly who you expected. “Hey,” Natasha steps into the room, her concerned expression showing as she bends down next to you. “I know this is all a lot, but there’s something you need to see.”
You feel like you’re glued to the floor, but something about Nat’s soothing voice convinces you to wipe your tears and follow her all the way into Tony’s lab.
The entire team is already there, everyone looking up with worried faces as soon as you step inside. It makes you want to crawl back to your room, but a part of you can’t deny you’re curious as to what Nat needs you to see.
“Remember how I said an average married couple filed the missing persons report?” Tony reminds you as you approach him. You nod, sniffing back stray tears. “Well, I looked at your HYDRA file a little closer. Your birth name is at the bottom… Johnson. It looks like HYDRA changed it to avoid any suspicion.”
It doesn’t take long for your eyes to widen. You easily understand the connection between you and whoever filed the report. They are family, and they’re looking for you. Seeing your unsure expression, Tony motions for you to look at his computer screen. In the time it took you to have your meltdown, he’s already scanned your HYDRA file.
“Here, see? Birth name, Johnson. And over here… missing persons report filed by Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. That can’t be a coincidence.” He explains. You look over the screen, a new kind of anxiety filling you.
You don’t remember your parents, all those years of torture at HYDRA blocked out too many memories; you eventually just tried to forget everything about your past, unable to sort through what was good or bad. Even though you’re more than content here with the Avengers, there’s a part of you that longs for true family.
“I want to talk to them.” You state blankly. The group of heroes all exchange an unsure look.
Natasha puts a hand on your shoulder. “Are you sure? There’s a chance they aren’t-“
“I want to talk to them, please.” You repeat, nodding at Tony. He takes a deep breath, looking the pair up on his computer like last time. It takes only a moment for him to get an address for their workplace, a bakery a few miles away.
The idea of having family that works at a bakery makes you smile, but a part of you feels a sense of anger. It could have been part of your childhood, but it wasn’t. You didn’t grow up amongst the fresh loaves of bread and pastries, you were raised by criminals who used you.
Swallowing whatever overwhelming emotion swirled inside, you took a deep breath and mustered up any spare courage. “Thank you, I’ll be back later,” You manage to tell the group. You can see the look on Natasha’s face, like she’s about to offer to join you on your venture. 
Cutting her short before she can speak, you reassure her. “I need to do this alone, I think. I’ll call you if I need anything.” She only nods as you walk toward the door.
“Wait,” Nat finally speaks up, her familiar concerned expression unwavered. “Whatever you learn, know that you’ll always have a place here. I think I speak for everyone when I say we have so much love for you.” Her words make the entire team nod in agreement, and you feel your eyes water once again.
Holding the tears off for now, you give Natasha one last hug before swiftly exiting the building, your feet carrying you with a new hope toward the bakery that holds your future.
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smilechiales · 3 months
I just of a Night at the Museum AU where lightning strikes a comic store and despite all logic all the statues of heroes, villains, etc. just come alive and it's absolute chaos.
The Justice League is trying to crack the case why they are suddenly in a store where all their secret identities are on full display, the Avengers are running around and smashing things, somewhere Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier are playing chess and arguing.
And the person on shift is a fan but is totally not getting paid enough for this sh*t.
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topsyturvy-turtely · 3 months
turtely's OTP challenge
read day 21 on ao3!
prompt: buying flowers for the other
summary: John finds flowers and poems in his locker. The notes are signed with 'SH', but John has no idea who his secret admirer could be.
Gen, 880 words, Fluff, AU - High School. Secret Admirer, Love Poems, Flowers, Shy Sherlock Holmes
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or read it here (because i miss posting my ficlets on tumblr):
John opened his locker and reached for his French workbook. His hand stopped moving halfway there. A french daisy lay on top of his books. A note was wrapped around it...
"You love me,
you love me not..."
"What the...?" John mumbled, staring at the daisy in his hand.
"John!" Mike crashed into him from behind. "Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?"
"I... uh I think someone left a daisy in my locker," John held it out to him, but kept the note.
"Oh my gosh, is it a secret admirer?!"
"What! No!" John waved that idea off.
Three days later John just finished his rugby training when he came back to his locker. He opened it and rose petals flew over him. A note was amonst them.
"Roses are red,
violets are blue.
I might be mad,
but I like you.
John grunted and kicked his backpack softly. Whoever thought it was romantic to put roses in his locker forgot about the mess they made along with it. He cleaned it up, but sone small part inside him queried who "SH" was...
The next time there was an actual flower bouquet in it. Tulips. John had to smile, he loved tulips. He caught himself looking for a note. There, behind his English workbook, he found it.
"I dream of tulips,
yellow, blue, the leaves are green.
I dream of my lips on your lips,
no inbetween.
John laughed. The poems really weren't that great... however he couldn't help but wonder, who the secret admirer was. SH... Sabrina Hollen from his English class? Susanne Heeling from biology? Sabrina constantly joked around with him and Susanne seemed to stare at him but whenever he tried to look her in the eyes... she looked away, cheeks pink.
Or could it be... No, no way the serious chemistry nerd would hide flowers in... but what if? Doesn't matter. It's not him... and besides, John wasn't gay.
John hadn't noticed he had crumbled up the note in his hand. When he flattened it again, he saw a PS on the backside.
"Meet me tomorrow. 3pm at Speedy's."
"Just don't get killed," Mike said over the phone.
"I'll be fine," John allayed. "Okay. I'm here. I'll text you."
"Alright. Enjoy. No murders!"
John rolled his eyes, "I'll do my best to not get murdered."
"That's my man. Don't forget to text!"
"Yes, yes. Bye now!" John hung up.
He was here. At Speedy's. Going to meet his secret admirer (not his murderer, he hoped).
He sat down on a desk in the back, but he could overlook everything and he was close to an emergency exit - just in case. By now it was 2:57 and John was getting nervous. Would his admirer actually have the guts to show up?
The time passed and at 3:04 he slowly started doubting his decision to come here. He wasn't sure what - or better, who - he was expecting even.
'My lips on your lips, no inbetween,' an inner voice whispered.
Just in that moment the door opened and the chimes above it jingled. A shadow stood in the frame... and then it moved towards him, with a confidence, John admired.
When the shadow turned into a human with a face... John gasped...
"Sher- Sherlock?"
"Hello, John," the tall boy stood in front of the small table, where John had sat down.
"I don't- are you... did you put all the flowers into my locker?" John suddenly felt extremely nervous upon seeing Sherlock Holmes. He knew him from chemistry class, they did a few experiments together and had a great time. John had loved how the serious boy's face lit up when he tried out something new and it worked.
Sherlock twisted his face as if in pain. "It was Irene's idea. She was sick of me whining at her about how I wanted... want to know you better."
That made John relax, he asked, "Want to know me better as in," a huge grin spread on his face, "'my lips on your lips, roses are red, tulips are green, no inbetween' way or a... platonic way?"
Sherlock - still standing - just stared at him. He looked slightly in shock. "I never wrote that."
"Eh, close enough," John leaned back, waving dismissively with his hand.
"You clearly have no idea about poetry, John."
"Well you better be glad, otherwise I wouldn't be here on this date with you," John smirked.
The stiff expression on Sherlock's face melted and turned into a smile. He plummeted onto the chair opposite of John and sighed, "Alright, fair enough." Then he blushed. "Date," he pointed out.
John laughed. "You wooed me with flowers and poems, what did you expect?"
Sherlock smiled, his cheeks turning even redder when he laid a hand over John's. "I wasn't sure it was gonna work. Thanks for coming."
John felt his hand starting to sweat underneath Sherlock's, so he pulled it out and slapped his thighs. "I'm gonna grab a coffee. Can I get my date something?"
"Oh, uh... coffee. Black, two sugars."
John got up. But when he walked by Sherlock, he leaned down and whispered in his ear, "I am so happy my secret admirer is you."
Then, he headed to the counter to order.
i would be SUPER happy if you gave this ficlet some love on ao3 as well! 🥰
tag list! (tell me if you wanna be added or removed please 💚) @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @catlock-holmes @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @baker-street-blog @macgyvershe @myladylyssa @battledress @a-victorian-girl @dreamerofthemeadow @oetkb12 @ohnoesnotagain @mutedsilence @jawnscoffee @raenchaosandcozyadashofmurder @lisbeth-kk @quickslvxrr @compact-and-beautiful @kabubsmagga @sunshineinyourmind
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sibylsleaves · 1 year
we’re gonna need some land between our bodies
9k | rated E | read on ao3
“Everything okay?” Eddie asks, rolling onto his side to face him. Buck nods. “Yeah, I just…I think we should talk. Before we do anything else.” All the warmth that has been filling Eddie’s body since he woke up suddenly chills. Buck must read Eddie’s expression, but he hastens to say, “No, no, a good talk! I think. I hope.” He gives him a shy little smile through his lashes. “I just…need to make sure we’re both on the same page. About what this means for…for us.”
or, Buck and Eddie can't fuck yet (four times Buck and Eddie try to define the relationship and the one time they do)
Eddie wakes up to the sound of snoring. Normally, that sound would not make his heart flutter in his chest and his body melt, warm like butter, into the mattress.
But normally, he doesn’t wake up spooning his naked best friend, either.
The light coming through the curtain is the blueish-gray of early morning, and Eddie’s torn between wanting to close his eyes and drift off, or stay awake and savor this—Buck curled on his side, snoring softly into the pillow. Eddie bracketed around him, warm skin to warm skin, flashes of the night before swimming through his head.
Buck in his suit, with his swagger, trouncing everyone at the poker table with ease. The little looks he kept sending Eddie, and the ones Eddie couldn’t help but send back, getting bolder and more heated as the night went on. The drive back to Eddie’s house, smiling, laughing, both of them brimming with delight and anticipation that had spilled over the moment they’d pulled up to Eddie’s house.
The way Buck had slid his hand onto Eddie’s thigh and given him one dark, hungry look before slipping out the passenger-side door of the truck and into the house. And Eddie, stunned and helplessly aroused, scrambling after him.
He’d barely made it through the front door before Buck had him up against it, kissing him like Eddie’s mouth held all the secrets of the universe.
And Eddie had—fuck, he’d wanted it so bad by then, and Buck hadn’t let him hold anything back.
He was half-hard again already just thinking about it. How he’d run his hands and mouth all over Buck’s chest, tasting the dark ink of his tattoos. Buck’s breathy moans and whispered encouragements.
They’d both come twice last night, and Eddie still hadn’t gotten enough of Buck. He doesn’t think he ever will.
Buck’s snores start to quiet into soft, sleepy snuffles.
“Eddie,” he says, and Eddie feels his whole body go warm to hear Buck’s voice, raspy and hoarse from sleep (and certainly from several of the activities they got up to the night before) call out for him first thing. “You awake?”
Eddie kisses the back of his shoulder in reply, reveling in the fact that he can do that now. “S’early. Go back to sleep.”
Buck is silent for a minute. Then he says, “I don’t think I can. I’m too excited to sleep in.”
“Mm,” Eddie murmurs, pressing himself against Buck. “Excited, huh?”
Buck huffs out a laugh. “Not that kind of excited.”
“You sure about that?” Eddie asks, reaching down and brushing a fumbling hand over Buck’s half-hard cock.
Buck’s breath stutters. Eddie grips him loosely, teasing. Buck turns over in his arms and then he’s kissing Eddie, morning breath and all, pressing him back against the pillows.
Eddie spreads his legs to give Buck room and both of them gasp softly as their cocks slide together.
“Buck,” Eddie moans, so fucking desperate from just this, just thirty seconds of kissing and Buck’s body all over his. He’s one dirty grind away from begging for it, and he wonders if Buck even realizes how utterly and completely he’s got Eddie wrapped around his finger.
Or…another part of him, as Eddie hopes will soon be the case.
But then Buck breaks the kiss and rolls back onto his side, so hardly any part of him is touching Eddie.
“Wait, wait,” Buck says breathlessly.
“Everything okay?” Eddie asks, rolling onto his side to face him.
Buck nods. “Yeah, I just…I think we should talk. Before we do anything else.”
All the warmth that has been filling Eddie’s body since he woke up suddenly chills.
(keep reading on ao3)
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eatmeandbirthmeagain · 3 months
◇ Secret Admirer - King Baldwin x Reader: Part 2 (Final Part) ◇
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◇ Long Fic ◇
A/N: Hello everyone! This is a Part 2 to a fic that I did a little while ago. Part 2 was requested by @the-princess-has-resurrected and the origional was requested by an Anon! Thank you for all the love on Part 1 everyone! As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
PS: Also this has a slight desctiption of y/n
TW: Leprosy, Mentions of death/murder, Mentions of stalking, Mentions of SH and ED, Mentions of poor mental health.
Y/n did not sleep that night.
The crazy grin she wore did not allow it. Her face hurt from smiling and her wild laughter filled the room, haunting the halls of the palace.
She was in utter disbelief at the situation. Her imprisonment was the best thing that had ever happened to her, she was in the same building as the love of her life. Her beautiful muse. He had been mere inches from her. He complimented her writing. He “loved her work”!
Y/n's arms were covered in red marks from pinching her skin in desperate attempts to wake herself up in case this was just a dream. It had to be a dream, and she would wake up any second, having fallen asleep at her desk.
But that moment never came, and soon the first lights of day streamed through the tiny window.
Soon the man from last night would come to collect her and bring her before the king once again. Her chest felt tight and her head pounded from nervousness.
As excited as she was, she was terrified.
Terrified of saying something too strange and making the king lose interest in her. This had to be perfect.
Eventually, the door opened to reveal a maid who carried some clothing, a hairbrush and some perfume amongst other ointments. “Clean yourself up before you see the king madam” she told her before turning to close the door.
Y/n did just that.
She changed into the dark black robes that she had been provided, wrapped the belt around her waist to keep them secure, brushed her hair and applied the perfume. She washed her face using the small sink in the corner of the room, also cleaning up the dried blood on her arms from weeks ago that she had completely forgotten about.
It wasn't until she looked into the mirror that she noticed how terrible her appearance really was.
Her face was dirty and her old clothes were stained with her own blood. Or was it her family's blood? She couldn't tell.
She could barely remember the last time she ate, or even slept for that matter. The dark circles under her large eyes were prominent.
She shook off the thoughts and focused on fixing her appearance as much as possible. When she looked decently presentable, she sat back down on the floor and waited. And waited. Until finally, the man who captured her the night prior came to unlock the door.
“Follow me, speak to nobody. Do you understand?” Tiberias said in a stern voice. “Yes sir” y/n muttered, looking down at the ground and followed him out the door.
As they walked, she memorized the way to the king's chambers. Two lefts, a right, continue straight, then another left. Just in case. 
When they arrived, the door was open. Tiberias instructed y/n to enter, placing his hand on her back and pushing her in when she hesitated. 
She felt her heart rate quicken as she approached. The king was sitting at his desk, reading a book with his back to her.
Y/n stood in the center of the room when he turned around and greeted her.
“Good morning, my secret admirer” he said cheerfully, standing from his seat to approach her.
“Good morning your highness” y/n replied, keeping her voice strong and free from fear.
“Come, sit please”  he gestured to the couch that leant up against the wall. She sat down, her body was stiff and rigid. Baldwin sat down beside her and sighed.
“Now. I have brought you here today because I am extremely curious about you” the king began. “You have my attention in your grasp and I am begging you to explain yourself to me so I can begin to understand your obviously complex and brilliant mind”. Y/n smiled at the complement, looking down into her lap bashfully.
“So please. Enlighten me madam” he finished, looking at her with anticipation. Y/n hesitated, but his expectant look told her of his impatience.
Not wanting to keep him waiting, she began to speak.
“I love you. That is the simple answer my lord. I have been not only obsessed with your work as king, but I have been captured by your beauty for many years now” she paused to think carefully. “You have entranced me as much as humanly possible. That is the simple answer” she finished, not willing to ramble for long.
“And what is the complex answer?” he asked, the expectant look remained in his eyes.
Y/n sighed and thought for a second. She shook her head, feeling her heart quicken again.
“I can't do this, I’m sorry my lord. Just sentence me to death or something please! I can’t do this-” she stood and began to leave.
“Madam wait!” Baldwin called out causing her to stop in her tracks.
Her heart rang in her ears and she breathed heavily.
“I am sorry to put you on the spot like that, we could speak of something else for a bit if you prefer?” he said, a hint of urgency in his voice. “We can be seated on the royal balcony as well so you can get some fresh air, I can even send the servants to get us drinks, just please do not leave” he waited anxiously for her reply.
Y/n turned to look at him with tears in her eyes and nodded.
“I'd like that a lot,” she said softly.
Baldwin released a breath he didn't even know he was holding at the accepted request.
Once seated on the balcony with a glass of wine each, the king spoke again. “It has just occurred to me, I don't even know your name”.
She looked up at him with sad eyes, “y/n. It is a family name” her voice was as sad as her eyes.
“That is a beautiful name” the king smiled behind his mask.
“Why are you so kind to me my lord? You barely even know me, all you know is I am some freak who writes poems!” she chuckled sadly at her own words, looking down into the glass.
Baldwin reached out a bandaged hand and placed it on her arm, the touch causing her eyes to widen.
“Because y/n, you are single handedly the most interesting and talented person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. The themes you explore in your poetry are incredibly unique, I have never read anything like it! And it just so happens to be about me of all people!” he sighed, shaking his head slightly in amazement.
“You are no freak, you are brilliant! And somebody with your talent should be recognised and treated with kindness and respect. I hope that answers your question”.
Y/n was lost for words.
Never in her life had anybody said something like that before. His words were beautiful, she could have sworn she felt her heart heal slightly.
The two spoke for a long time on the balcony.
Their conversations were pleasant and by the end, any anxiety y/n felt around the king was long gone.
As well as this, the appreciation for the strange girl that Baldwin felt in the beginning had grown into a strong liking. He loved her view on all things. Her words were as interesting and beautiful as her poems, he hung on the end of every word.
She was wonderful. More wonderful than he could have possibly imagined. He even removed his mask and veil with her permission of course. Despite his face being mostly covered with bandages, she was still truly in awe. 
Somewhere in the conversation y/n mentioned that she could draw. This sparked Baldwin's interest even more so he sent a servant to fetch some parchment and pencils to hopefully, with her permission, get a look at her talent.
As the king told her stories of battle, y/n sketched an image of his unmasked face. She wished for a moment that there were no bandages obstructing her view. She wanted him and his body. Disease and all.
When she was finished, Baldwin was lost for words. He had never seen anything like it. It looked just like him, she captured every detail perfectly. The way his hair fell around his face, to his once bright, now cloudy blue eyes.
Y/n blushed as he showered her in complements.
“How on earth did you do this so quickly? It belongs in a European art gallery! Do you draw things like this all the time? I must see each and every one!” she had never heard anybody say things like this to her, much less about her art work. 
They spent the evening on the balcony, even enjoying dinner there.
It was the first actual thing y/n had eaten in a long time, she did not mention this however. They watched the sunset together until it was dark. 
Baldwin paused his sentence to yawn into his hand, “I'm terribly sorry, it's getting late”. She understood completely.
“I must see you first thing tomorrow. There are so many things I want to show you” he told her as they both stood to go inside.
“That sounds brilliant” y/n agreed.
They stood in front of each other for a long time, staring into eachothers eyes. The gap between them was so small now.
“I wish to do something right now but I am afraid it will see the end of you” the king said, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Just do it. It would be an honor to die knowing I have felt heaven on earth” she replied.
“Your words are always beautiful. So beautiful…” and with that, the gap was closed and their lips were pressed together.
Baldwin’s bandaged hand rested itself on her hip, pulling her deeper into the kiss. Y/n’s hand rested on the back of his head, she felt his beautiful soft curls beneath her fingertips. They were softer than she ever imagined.
The two wished the moment could never end, but it was over all too soon.
They said their goodnights and returned to their separate chambers, each with an equally overjoyed expression on their faces and anticipation for what the new day would bring.
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mymoodwriting · 8 days
Because You're Mine
Female!Reader x Werewolf!SKZ
Genre: A/B/O
Warning: Claws, Blood, Near-Fatal Injuries, Panic, Anxiety, Nightmares, Isolation, Tears, Insomnia, Medication, Suppressants
Words: 2.3K
Chapter Eight
(Prev//Next) (@starillusion13 @salfetkablog @youngunknownwitch @loveforred @hydroyaksha @meowmeeps @azazel-nyx @luvyev @stellasays45 @littlebaby-bunbun @bangchansgirlsblog @puppyminnnie @bahablastplz @lemonn015)
Prompt: With omegas completely removed from society, they needed their own communities and institutions to grow. All your life you had lived and gone to school alongside your fellow omegas, and orphaned alphas. You had managed to keep yourself together, but now at the university level, keeping your secret had grown impossible. You had to face your fears and make friends with an alpha eventually, and now was the time.
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“… chan…?”
The tears and everything else had exhausted you, and at some point you had passed out. A part of you expected to wake up in your own room, everything having just been a dream, but instead you woke up in a peculiar place. You were lying on top of Chan, still wrapped up in his arms. You started to feel sore, registering all the aches in your body, but as you moved to get up you noticed Chan wasn’t waking up at all. You looked him over, seeing that some wounds were still open, which made absolutely no sense.
You began to shake the boy, trying not to be too rough, but you got no response. You continued to call his name, the panic only growing. Eventually you started screaming, and perhaps someone nearby heard cause the door flew open. You felt guilty, you felt responsible, seeing that you had seriously hurt someone. Minho was the one to find you both, immediately getting you off of Chan and checking on his friend. He tried to wake the oldest, but got no response. You couldn’t help the tears.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry…”
“Hey, hey, no, no, no, don’t cry, you didn’t do anything bad. He’s fine, okay, he’s gonna be just fine.”
Minho carefully took your hand, offering you a smile and trying to get you to calm down. With the door now wide open the others heard the commotion and came to investigate. Minho ordered Changbin and Seungmin to take Chan down to the infirmary. The tears didn’t really stop, and Minho knew he was the last person you wanted comfort from. He managed to get you on your feet and took you over to the living room, asking Felix and Jisung to look after you. At least this way you wouldn’t be hurt by the scent of an alpha. You still weren’t really on good terms with them, but for now you just needed a shoulder to cry on.
“… I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…”
“Sh, sh, everything’s gonna be okay.”
“… hm…”
Chan peeked his eyes open, quickly blinded by white lights. He took in his surroundings, slowly starting to recognize the smell and sounds of the infirmary. He carefully sat up, seeing the heart monitor on his finger, and noticing the IV needle in his arm.
“Finally awake.”
Chan looked over to see Minseok coming to his bedside with a clipboard in hand. The doctor was looking over his notes as he pulled up a stool.
“Now, tell me, what happened?”
“Uh… I was just rough-housing with one of the boys. I guess we got a bit carried away…”
“I see.” Minseok made a note. “You want to try that again?”
“No one else in the infirmary has similar injuries, or a similar story to yours. I know you’re all still young but you alphas have been receiving extensive training. Even if you were rough-housing your attacks wouldn’t be so sloppy and emotional. Not to mention your claws and fangs are perfectly clean, indicating you took no defensive measures. You let someone have a go at you, and they certainly went all out. Now I am aware of your situation, Christopher, so, care to tell me what you were doing that led to a visit to the infirmary?”
“I… uh… I was trying to help…”
“Help who?”
“Yes, your little runaway case. How does you getting hurt help her?”
“I want her to be okay… and I should be punished for what I did… if I hadn’t found her that day… things would be different…”
“Perhaps, but you did the right thing. Yes, it’s your job, but being kind is basic decency. If not for you the guilty party who hurt her would still be roaming free and she’d still be suffering.”
“She is still suffering… just for different reasons now… she’s been quiet, and is clearly upset… I don’t blame her…”
“I know. I’ve had runaway cases before but it’s important to keep them safe, even from themselves. Take things slow with her, and rebuild that trust with a foundation of honesty and respect. She’ll come around.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Cause you care about her. You let her tear you up for her own sake, and then you couldn’t even heal properly because of the guilt.”
“Your condition is somatoformic, meaning your internal guilt and need to take responsibility manifested as physical symptoms. You didn’t let yourself heal so you could continue to feel pain, and receive punishment.”
“I do hope you can let yourself rest and heal now. No one doubts that you have her best interest in mind, but you need to look after your own health first.”
“I understand.”
“Good. You’ll stay down here until I discharge you, so rest. You need it.”
“I will. Thanks, doctor.”
You were anxious in the dorm, scared that you might have actually killed someone. You tried to tell yourself that was ridiculous. Everyone else was so calm, so surely nothing bad had happened. Then again there were no updates to help ease your concerns. You kept going back to what you had seen. You surely hadn’t hurt him that bad, you were just an omega, he was an alpha, there was no you could actually kill him, but the possibility lingered in your mind.
“Y/n, you reek of anxiety.” Jeongin mentioned. “You need to breathe, relax.”
“Don’t you dare try anything with your pheromones!”
“I won’t, just take it easy. Your claws are out too.”
You looked down at your hands, seeing that he was right. Minho had managed to clean you up, but the smell of blood was still prevalent for you, the taste of it on your tongue, and the feeling of tearing into flesh. This was only causing you to spiral once more until you heard the door open. You quickly snapped over to see who it was, and as soon as you saw Chan you ran over. Your hands were tugging at his shirt, seeing that all the previous injuries you had inflicted were gone. The boy let out a slight chuckle, grabbing your wrists so you’d stop your examination, and not hurt yourself or him with your claws.
“I’m fine, y/n. I promise. I’m really sorry for worrying you.”
“I… I’m the one who should be sorry… I almost killed you…”
“No, no, you just did quite a number on me, but you didn’t hurt me that bad, okay, I’m fine. I swear.”
You couldn’t help the tears, still feeling guilty even if the proof of your actions was gone. You still felt awful.
“I’m sorry…”
“It’s not your fault. I just want you to be okay.” Despite the tears Chan could see the dark circles under your eyes. “You haven’t slept, have you?”
“I… I…”
“Sh, you can rest easy now that I’m back and you know everything’s alright. Come on, I’ll take you.”
Chan gently pushed you towards your room, still telling you he was fine and that you didn’t need to cry for him. His words did help you calm down a bit, your claws going away. He brought you over to your room, but didn’t step in, telling you to get some sleep.
“… yes…?”
“I know we have a long way to go before… and there’s probably still more you want to ask about… but I hope we can figure out how to move forward…”
“… yeah…”
“I trust you won’t do anything to hurt yourself, so just, get some rest.”
“You too…”
“I’ll try.”
“Me too.”
You did try to sleep, but you were still plagued by nightmares. It was the same one, over and over. Running through the woods, trying to escape, only to get caught and dragged back. Although now there was something new. In your attempts to escape your captors you’d find yourself atop Chan, the boy marked up and bleeding out. You always woke up in a cold sweat, needing a moment to steady your breathing. Before you thought the monsters were all around you, but now you felt like one. Even if Chan was fine and back in the dorm you still felt awful about what you had done. For a moment there was a feeling of relief, but then you found yourself drowning in shame and regret.
You wanted to get away from all of this more then before, having become like the monster you feared. Although that wasn’t a real option, so you had to find another way to make peace with yourself. It didn’t seem like you’d be sleeping anytime soon, and your own imagination was torturing you with possibilities. Despite your situation you snuck out of your room, going off to find Chan. You had to be sure, once again, that he was alive and well. Thankfully it was well into the night, so no one else was awake. 
You quietly snuck over to Chan’s room, carefully opening the door and stepping in. You stood at a distance from the bed, able to seem him breathing just fine. It was silly to keep doubting the obvious, but your own head was playing tricks on you. Since you had what you needed it was time to go but you heard him roll over, and then noticed he was wide awake. He chuckled upon seeing you.
“Can’t sleep?”
“Uh… no… I just… I…”
“Then why are you here?”
“You wanna hit me again?”
“Easy, it was a joke.” Chang sighed. “You wanna sleep with me?”
You quickly made your exit, needing to make less of an embarrassment of yourself. You took a breath once you were out in the hall, then made your way back. Although before reaching your room you ran into someone else, rather shy to look them in the eye.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine… I don’t need to be domesticated or something.”
Hyunjin chuckled. “I should apologize for that. Everything is new for me and things are complicated on my end, but I still spoke out of turn and ignorance.”
“What’s so hard about being an agent?”
“Well, we’re held to high standards. Our education isn’t the only serious matter here, none of us are actually guaranteed to graduate.”
“You’re not?”
“No, and now it seems that I know what failure truly means for me. I either make it as an agent or forfeit my future.”
“That… that’s not fair…”
“But it is. Being an agent comes with a lot of responsibilities, and a great burden to bear. If I can’t do right by you, how could I do right by another omega?”
“If… if I had managed to escape… or if I had been placed with someone else… would you have been killed?”
“I honestly don’t know… the situation is… rather unique, but it wouldn’t surprise me… we did the exact opposite of care for you…”
“… yeah…”
“If you can’t sleep, we have some sleeping pills. Or you can always go to the infirmary to get something stronger.”
You returned to your room, still no desire to sleep. You weren’t gonna bother anyone else so you just sat by the window, staring up at the stars. At this point you weren’t sure what the right thing to do was, but you didn’t have many options to start with. Perhaps that was something to dwell on later, for now you should just be content with being alive. You had time to figure things out, so you shouldn’t stress yourself out too much. Things would work out, you had to believe that.
You weren’t returning to classes just yet, and you weren’t sure how things would work in regards to that. For the time being you’d remain on lockdown in the dorm, two of the alphas always staying with you. At the moment it was Chan and Jeongin. They kept their distance, but made sure you didn’t do anything to hurt yourself or them. You were just making yourself some instant ramen when Chan approached the kitchen, still leaving space between the two of you.
“So, how are you feeling today?”
You shrugged. “Fine, I guess.”
“Well, I do have something for you.”
Chan reached into his pocket and pulled out a pill bottle. You already didn’t like this, but when he handed over the bottle you took it. When you read what it was your eyes went wide and you looked at him in disbelief.
“Is this… is this really what I think it is?”
“Yeah, suppressants.” 
“Where did you…”
“The doctor… Minseok, he gave me them for you. The drugs aren’t common anymore, but that doesn’t mean they’re non-existent. He suggested you take some.”
“… why?”
“He said they could help you. By taking suppressants an alpha would have less of an effect on you, and he does want you going back to class soon.”
“But don’t suppressants mess with my own scent and stuff? Others would notice…”
“You’re gonna be transferred to all co-ed classes. At least one of us will always be with you, and there are plenty of other alphas and omegas around to mask your scent, or lack of. Either way the idea is that you’d have more control of yourself. It’s still your choice though, you don’t have to take them.”
“When do I have to go back to class?”
“Not sure, but I do think they want it to be soon.”
“… why is this even an option for me? I shouldn’t have anything like this…”
“That may be true, but your situation has been considered, and everyone just wants you to be okay, and will do everything they can for that. Even if they can’t let you go out into the world.”
You had a lot to ponder over, but you took the pill bottle back to your room. You really couldn’t believe something like this had been given to you. After thinking things over you decided to take one of the pills. You didn’t feel all that different, it would obviously take some time and repeated use for the meds to take effect, but if Chan was being truthful, maybe you won’t feel so helpless anymore.
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jame7t · 1 year
do you know what to do with all these molted cicada nymph shells
Sure, they're not dead, but they still give off the same vibe to me. You know? The empty casings of a spent thing? Dust gathering in the recesses where something used to be? Sure, they're not dead, but they still set off my Necroentomophobia. Fear of dead bugs! Did you know that? Did you know people could be scared of dead bugs? Whatever. It's not the same as being scared of a bug, sure. But I can be scared of a lot of bugs. Sure, little things, like the humble lady bug- not scary. Butterflies, scant as they are, are only off-putting to me. The beautiful moth? Well, I love it, but I don't want to hurt it. It's whimsical, fat body makes me nervous. I don't want to squish it by accident! Because then it would be a dead bug.
And that's worse. It's like, not precisely a direct fear of a dead bug. It won't leap at me in a defiant rage, or be waiting for me around the scary corner. It's more like a shortcut to existential dread. It's a combination of 'ew!' and 'I am going to die one day' and more importantly, if a bug is dead, something has killed it. And you never know if that something is still lurking around. Just kidding. Do you know what a cicada shell is made of? That's right. It's the happy chitin! I don't have an issue with chitin. We're not chitinous beasts, but we have the enzymes to break them down. Humans, that is. This isn't a science fiction piece. This is my blog. I've always thought chitin was interesting though- it's a natural armor made for little guys ostensibly. Little guys in the sense, that it is for bugs only. Well, crabs have chitin, and they can get pretty big- The spider crab can grow over 300 feet in diameter. Just kidding, it can't do that. It's pretty big though. At this point, you'd think: 'Okay- crab reference, and a direct link to the enzymes to break down chitin. Do we eat them? Should we eat the Cicada shells?' Well, I'm not going to. That sounds kind of scary to me. Would you? Would you eat the shell of a thing? I can't imagine it tastes good. I'm eating potato chips right now. They're yummy, and crunchy, and in many ways- the opposite of the humble cicada's false corpse. A lying bug. A lying, cheating, swarming thing. A bug we don't like. A bug we have to deal with. Don't we have to deal with everything? Would it be easier to show less mercy to the little things? It wouldn't, and it would be mean. And that's worse. Anyway, to answer your question, you turn them into mulch, apparently. Or bury them in a hole. Through my research, those were the only two real options we have. There's also 'add them to compost.' So that's three, you have three options. Do you want my opinion? No? Moving on then. There's also a fourth option- a telling one, at that. A sort of 'secret option' lots of people choose. 'Let them decompose on your lawn.' Right? Right, the easy one? Might as well call it 'do nothing.' Doing nothing is always a choice, sure, but when you give me the choice to 'do nothing' in a game, or choose your own adventure, it always seems like a lazy choice on the developer's part. And sure, from your real life perspective, it's probably the easiest. But from a game design perspective? You have to account for the player sitting and watching. What happens if I don't intervene? What happens if I let it continue? Well, in the case of the empty cicada, they stink apparently. I've never noticed it, and we have cicadas here- but I've been lucky enough to never be out in or see a swarm. A predecessor of mine once recalled a story in which the swarm was so bad, you couldn't walk outside without crushing them on the sidewalks "Ew," is what I thought. Maybe they only smell if there's hundreds of them. Thousands? No, probably just hundreds. Not saying they wouldn't smell more if there were lots, I'm saying they probably start being noticeable at around a hundred. Nothing wrong with that. Not sure what the smell is, though. Do you? You should put them in a hole.
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