#i would do this for blue/rainbow/jayden but that would take like an entire hour and im tired lmao
br1ghtestlight · 1 year
everybody has to listen to me ramble abt my ocs relationship NOW these guys right here ⬇️⬇️
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How did they first meet?
they were locked in a bedroom together in a foreign country with a bunch of strangers. totally normal meetcute :)
What was their first impression of each other?
two was probably like that guy is pretty annoying. too much of an anxious pushover and too optimistic and positive given the circumstances >:(
sunshine thought two was a HUGE grumpy grouch (he was but i dont blame him) and he was like i can cheer him up we can be friends :D <33 really he just thought two looked upset and he needed to focus his anxiety and worry onto someone other than himself in this situation so he latched onto two. like an octopus
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
neither of them really has family or friends outside of their collective hivemind thing so not really?? within their little collective im sure a few people thought "yeah they'd probably be cute together and they have feelings for each other" but they don't usually get involved with each other's relationships or personal lives unless it majorly impacts the collective which it doesnt by the time they actually get together romantically. they've got enough going on in their own lives to be worried abt everybody else's personal relationship drama!!!!!
Who felt romantic feelings first?
sunshine :)
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
not really?? two didnt even realize he HAD feelings until sunshine asked him to be his boyfriend and sunshine was never actively against being in a relationship with two. he was worried abt embarrassing himself or two not liking him in that way of course but he KNEW he liked two and he's never been great at hiding that kind of thing
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
worse lmao. two would probably end up dead after getting into a prison fight or whatever he didnt have anything to live for at that point. and sunshine would just be lonely and sad without meaningful connections in his life, always being a pushover and never challenging himself
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
before they met two would be like uh okay thats weird. does it have to be him??? and sunshine would be like i can fix him i can make him better :) (in the end two does most of the heavy lifting in their relationship)
AFTER they knew each other they'd both be like yeah i guess that does make sense. given the circumstances
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
sunshine asked two out and was like TOTALLY panicking not wanting two to think he was weird or embarrassing or being creepy he wanted everything to be perfect. and two was like sure whatever u dont need to Freak out abt this..... i already like you
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
never had an official first date!!!! maybe they hung out at the beach or something idk
What was their first kiss like?
after they agree to be a couple sunshine kisses two and two is like did u know. that was my first kiss >:D and sunshine is like OHH MY GOD IF I HAD KNOWN I WOULD HAVE TRIED A LITTLE HARDER LMAO
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
sunshine was two's first everything!!! he'd never been in a relationship or thought abt romance before (never came up in his life + he's probably demiromantic) so it was all new to him. two wasn't any of sunshine's firsts he's had a few boyfriends before
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
they're about the same height and uhh i dont have their birthdays on me right now but i think they're maybe 3-4 years apart (with sunshine being older)
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? Do they share a friend group?
neither of them has a relationship with their family (sunshine is fully no contact and two just doesn't Talk to his family very often for a few different reasons) but i think if two's sister was alive she would absolutely ADORE sunshine she always wanted two to have a supportive healthy relationship in his life. and yes they have the same friends lmao
Who takes the lead in social situations?
they're both quite introverted but usually sunshine!!! he feels more social pressure to be polite and introduce himself to people
Who gets jealous easier?
neither of them is particularly jealous bcuz they KNOW that their relationship is strong and exactly how they feel about each other in a very close and intimate way but i honestly think sunshine would be a little bit more jealous?? just bcuz two is less outwardly expressive towards him and sometimes his brain needs validation or he goes crazy and thinks everybody hates him
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
100% two at EVERY opportunity and sunshine always thinks its hilarious but tells him to stop anyway bcuz they'll get in trouble
Who said “I love you” first?
sunshine just bcuz two doesn't really think about those things?? sunshine is pretty loving and affectionate and two has been socially isolated for a lot of his life so he isnt used to saying those things
What are their primary love languages?
for sunshine i would say words of affirmation and uh maybe physical touch and gifts?? for two probably acts of service but i could be forgetting something. honestly i probably have this written down somewhere
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
sunshine ALWAYS does typical cheesy romance things like pick-up lines and buying two flowers for valentines day and two will always make fun of him for it even tho he secretly loves it
Who initiates kisses?
they both do equally i would imagine?? maybe two slightly more bcuz he's less likely to use his words to show affection
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
NOT THAT OFTEN TBH they're not against it or anything but they just arent the type of couple who need to constantly be kissing or flirting at every opportunity and they'd probably be private with their romance (or as private as they could hope to be with seven other people around)
Who’s more protective?
two is more protective just bcuz he KNOWS sunshine won't stand up for himself or say no to somebody so he feels like he has to remind him to do that or intervene vs sunshine who knows that two can take care of himself
Who’s better at comforting the other?
sunshine has always been better with emotions and comforting ppl he's very good at it
What are their favorite things to do together?
i feel like they'd really enjoy watching bad/cheesy movies from the 70s and 80s and making fun of how bad they are or like 2000s high school dramas that are just completely ridiculous. they bond over being a little bit bitchy together <3 and two is glad that sunshine feels safe to do that around him bcuz it is a Big step for him to express negativity
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
they don't use typical couples nicknames like babe/sweetheart/honey but two will occasionally call sunshine nicknames like sun/sunny/shiney/little miss sunshine etc and my very favorite is "the literal embodiment of the sun" which two always uses when he's being a little bit cheeky @ sunshine or teasing him
"oh yeah we've got THE LITERAL EMBODIMENT OF THE SUN over here telling us how we're supposed to do things 🙄 thanks mr perfect"
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
im sure i have a full playlist somewhere?? but monster from adventure time is very them
Who remembers the little things?
sunshine definitely does but i think two would remember things like how sunshine likes his coffee etc bcuz he wants to take care of his boyfriend, and he knows sunshine's never really had anyone who cared about those things before :/
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
verbal :) also much easier for them for a variety of reasons bcuz they can always talk, but they cant always be together
If they get married, who proposes?
sunshine would propose sorry two 😭😭 he loves sunshine so much but he doesn't even think about those things tbh he's very in-the-moment he doesn't consider relationship milestones in the same way. he's just happy to be with sunshine without even considering marriage
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
they would probably have a small courthouse wedding and invite Obviously all their friends/the collective and their families if they so choose. i also think sunshine could convince two to invite some of his extended family and maybe his parents if they haven't died by that point. nobody from sunshine's family is invited
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
i always imagined they'd eventually have one daughter!!! she would be a tube of sunscreen just like two's sister and she'd probably be pretty athletic AND optimistic really the biggest supporter of anybody who needs it :) very physically draining to parent i would assume bcuz she's always running around and playing sports
Who’s the stricter parent?
two would be stricter but i wouldn't call sunshine like a totally laid back fun loving parent or anything. two is just a bit more intimidating but their kid is never EVER scared of him he's just...... intense
Who worries the most?
sunshine will always ALWAYS be the biggest worrier but honestly they're both huge worry warts when it comes to ppl they care about. rainbow and jayden have to step in to stop them from becoming helicopter parents
Who kills the bugs in the house?
THEY DO NOT KILL BUGS IN THEIR HOUSE two will always offer but sunshine gets upset and says that they have to take the bugs outside in a little cup or container even if its a really annoying fly and mosquito. two respects sunshine's rules even when he isnt home he will spend hours trying to catch a spider instead of just killing it
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
hmm i think sunshine would bcuz two feels like the type of guy who is up at Five In The Morning Not A Minute Later and sunshine convinces him to come back to bed and cuddle
Who’s the better cook?
two doesnt have a lot of experience cooking (bcuz prison) so sunshine is better at first but i think once two is given time to relearn old cultural recipes he'd be a really good cook too. sunshine is the type of guy to make pb&j sandwiches and Juice for dinner and two is out here preparing three course traditional togan meals with freshly prepared fish (u can guess whose cooking their daughter likes more)
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