br1ghtestlight · 1 year
everybody has to listen to me ramble abt my ocs relationship NOW these guys right here ⬇️⬇️
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How did they first meet?
they were locked in a bedroom together in a foreign country with a bunch of strangers. totally normal meetcute :)
What was their first impression of each other?
two was probably like that guy is pretty annoying. too much of an anxious pushover and too optimistic and positive given the circumstances >:(
sunshine thought two was a HUGE grumpy grouch (he was but i dont blame him) and he was like i can cheer him up we can be friends :D <33 really he just thought two looked upset and he needed to focus his anxiety and worry onto someone other than himself in this situation so he latched onto two. like an octopus
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
neither of them really has family or friends outside of their collective hivemind thing so not really?? within their little collective im sure a few people thought "yeah they'd probably be cute together and they have feelings for each other" but they don't usually get involved with each other's relationships or personal lives unless it majorly impacts the collective which it doesnt by the time they actually get together romantically. they've got enough going on in their own lives to be worried abt everybody else's personal relationship drama!!!!!
Who felt romantic feelings first?
sunshine :)
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
not really?? two didnt even realize he HAD feelings until sunshine asked him to be his boyfriend and sunshine was never actively against being in a relationship with two. he was worried abt embarrassing himself or two not liking him in that way of course but he KNEW he liked two and he's never been great at hiding that kind of thing
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
worse lmao. two would probably end up dead after getting into a prison fight or whatever he didnt have anything to live for at that point. and sunshine would just be lonely and sad without meaningful connections in his life, always being a pushover and never challenging himself
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
before they met two would be like uh okay thats weird. does it have to be him??? and sunshine would be like i can fix him i can make him better :) (in the end two does most of the heavy lifting in their relationship)
AFTER they knew each other they'd both be like yeah i guess that does make sense. given the circumstances
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
sunshine asked two out and was like TOTALLY panicking not wanting two to think he was weird or embarrassing or being creepy he wanted everything to be perfect. and two was like sure whatever u dont need to Freak out abt this..... i already like you
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
never had an official first date!!!! maybe they hung out at the beach or something idk
What was their first kiss like?
after they agree to be a couple sunshine kisses two and two is like did u know. that was my first kiss >:D and sunshine is like OHH MY GOD IF I HAD KNOWN I WOULD HAVE TRIED A LITTLE HARDER LMAO
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
sunshine was two's first everything!!! he'd never been in a relationship or thought abt romance before (never came up in his life + he's probably demiromantic) so it was all new to him. two wasn't any of sunshine's firsts he's had a few boyfriends before
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
they're about the same height and uhh i dont have their birthdays on me right now but i think they're maybe 3-4 years apart (with sunshine being older)
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? Do they share a friend group?
neither of them has a relationship with their family (sunshine is fully no contact and two just doesn't Talk to his family very often for a few different reasons) but i think if two's sister was alive she would absolutely ADORE sunshine she always wanted two to have a supportive healthy relationship in his life. and yes they have the same friends lmao
Who takes the lead in social situations?
they're both quite introverted but usually sunshine!!! he feels more social pressure to be polite and introduce himself to people
Who gets jealous easier?
neither of them is particularly jealous bcuz they KNOW that their relationship is strong and exactly how they feel about each other in a very close and intimate way but i honestly think sunshine would be a little bit more jealous?? just bcuz two is less outwardly expressive towards him and sometimes his brain needs validation or he goes crazy and thinks everybody hates him
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
100% two at EVERY opportunity and sunshine always thinks its hilarious but tells him to stop anyway bcuz they'll get in trouble
Who said “I love you” first?
sunshine just bcuz two doesn't really think about those things?? sunshine is pretty loving and affectionate and two has been socially isolated for a lot of his life so he isnt used to saying those things
What are their primary love languages?
for sunshine i would say words of affirmation and uh maybe physical touch and gifts?? for two probably acts of service but i could be forgetting something. honestly i probably have this written down somewhere
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
sunshine ALWAYS does typical cheesy romance things like pick-up lines and buying two flowers for valentines day and two will always make fun of him for it even tho he secretly loves it
Who initiates kisses?
they both do equally i would imagine?? maybe two slightly more bcuz he's less likely to use his words to show affection
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
NOT THAT OFTEN TBH they're not against it or anything but they just arent the type of couple who need to constantly be kissing or flirting at every opportunity and they'd probably be private with their romance (or as private as they could hope to be with seven other people around)
Who’s more protective?
two is more protective just bcuz he KNOWS sunshine won't stand up for himself or say no to somebody so he feels like he has to remind him to do that or intervene vs sunshine who knows that two can take care of himself
Who’s better at comforting the other?
sunshine has always been better with emotions and comforting ppl he's very good at it
What are their favorite things to do together?
i feel like they'd really enjoy watching bad/cheesy movies from the 70s and 80s and making fun of how bad they are or like 2000s high school dramas that are just completely ridiculous. they bond over being a little bit bitchy together <3 and two is glad that sunshine feels safe to do that around him bcuz it is a Big step for him to express negativity
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
they don't use typical couples nicknames like babe/sweetheart/honey but two will occasionally call sunshine nicknames like sun/sunny/shiney/little miss sunshine etc and my very favorite is "the literal embodiment of the sun" which two always uses when he's being a little bit cheeky @ sunshine or teasing him
"oh yeah we've got THE LITERAL EMBODIMENT OF THE SUN over here telling us how we're supposed to do things 🙄 thanks mr perfect"
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
im sure i have a full playlist somewhere?? but monster from adventure time is very them
Who remembers the little things?
sunshine definitely does but i think two would remember things like how sunshine likes his coffee etc bcuz he wants to take care of his boyfriend, and he knows sunshine's never really had anyone who cared about those things before :/
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
verbal :) also much easier for them for a variety of reasons bcuz they can always talk, but they cant always be together
If they get married, who proposes?
sunshine would propose sorry two 😭😭 he loves sunshine so much but he doesn't even think about those things tbh he's very in-the-moment he doesn't consider relationship milestones in the same way. he's just happy to be with sunshine without even considering marriage
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
they would probably have a small courthouse wedding and invite Obviously all their friends/the collective and their families if they so choose. i also think sunshine could convince two to invite some of his extended family and maybe his parents if they haven't died by that point. nobody from sunshine's family is invited
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
i always imagined they'd eventually have one daughter!!! she would be a tube of sunscreen just like two's sister and she'd probably be pretty athletic AND optimistic really the biggest supporter of anybody who needs it :) very physically draining to parent i would assume bcuz she's always running around and playing sports
Who’s the stricter parent?
two would be stricter but i wouldn't call sunshine like a totally laid back fun loving parent or anything. two is just a bit more intimidating but their kid is never EVER scared of him he's just...... intense
Who worries the most?
sunshine will always ALWAYS be the biggest worrier but honestly they're both huge worry warts when it comes to ppl they care about. rainbow and jayden have to step in to stop them from becoming helicopter parents
Who kills the bugs in the house?
THEY DO NOT KILL BUGS IN THEIR HOUSE two will always offer but sunshine gets upset and says that they have to take the bugs outside in a little cup or container even if its a really annoying fly and mosquito. two respects sunshine's rules even when he isnt home he will spend hours trying to catch a spider instead of just killing it
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
hmm i think sunshine would bcuz two feels like the type of guy who is up at Five In The Morning Not A Minute Later and sunshine convinces him to come back to bed and cuddle
Who’s the better cook?
two doesnt have a lot of experience cooking (bcuz prison) so sunshine is better at first but i think once two is given time to relearn old cultural recipes he'd be a really good cook too. sunshine is the type of guy to make pb&j sandwiches and Juice for dinner and two is out here preparing three course traditional togan meals with freshly prepared fish (u can guess whose cooking their daughter likes more)
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kaddyssammlung · 5 months
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Australia, April 2024
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saexy · 6 months
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incirri · 1 year
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etherealstar-writes · 7 months
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pairings: woso x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: fourteen
part one here
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ you guys back me up here
lotte y/n absolutely not
neev oooh what's gotten lotte acting like this
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ so i made this insane connection yeah lotte is literally a female tom holland but miss wubben-moy here is denying it
the REAL karate kid huh?
mccard hold on you might be onto something here
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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LOOOK it's not the best photo to compare from but tell me i ain't the only who sees it
stairway OMG
brightness oh yeah i'm seeing it
stephy YESSS it's the side profile
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ exactly!!
meado that is insane
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ seeee lotte! i meant it as a compliment when i said you look like tom holland's twin
elton changed lotte's name to tom holland's twin
tom holland's twin
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ 😔😔
tom holland's twin niamh do i need to remind you of this afternoon at the beach? because i will
hempo oooh i wanna know what happeneddd
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the REAL karate kid that is so sad we must've completely forgotten about you
neev Y/N NO
tom holland's twin Y/N YES
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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this one and jessie were STRUGGLING for an hour trying to place their mats 😭😭 it was so funny
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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and miss fleming here even gave me the bird guys she's not as innocent as she looks
flaming hot oh shut up y/n
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ you're just sour that the wind loved me
flaming hot yeah i really am
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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i'm justfdghjkem ehyu tyuiolkjehsyuikmdrnh
willybum um y/n you good?
elton are you having a stroke rn?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ sorry y/n's a bit busy rn
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ if you want to see her alive again i'm gonna need y'all to venmo me 10k each
stairway 10k?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ is that too much for you?
stairway oh no no it was just surprising how you didn't go for one 1 million like everyone usually does
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ oh well i guess if you want it that way then 1 million each from y'all
willybum STANWAY WTH
neev had to open that big mouth of yours
ona we'll save y/n just what is this venmo and how do i venmo you money?
elton i mean do we have to ..... she'll be fineee
neev you know what how about 1 m for y/n toone will pay for it on behalf of us all
elton HUH excuse you i ain't venmoing anyone a million dollars i'm positive i don't even have a hundred dollars in my bank account
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ wow glad to know how much i'm worth 😔
ona y/n! you're okay! do i still have to venmo for your safety?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ oh no no don't worry about it ona you're too sweet for this world 🥺 kyra and charli were being jerks and snatched my phone and ran away
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ added kyra and cha cha
kyra aw man you ruined the fun 😔 i could've earned some money
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ nahhh ona's too precious to be scammed by you but i mean ella on the other hand ....
elton OI
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cha cha just enough 😁
stephy i was dreading when the three of you would meet up as if we don't already have enough chaos in this groupchat
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ stephyyy why would you think that 😔
cha cha honestly
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the REAL karate kid 😭😭
willybum HELP
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✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
i don't even know what the hell this is anymore 😭😭 but i hope you enjoyed this nonsense
part fifteen here
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Uranus and why your life is a ShiT ShoW > URANUS IN Yer HOUSe <
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Uranus in the FIrst - You are the most unpredictable little fuck-head that everyone loves. They always change > there clothes, there direction in life > their hair colour. they thrive in change unless you try to change them, they are the ones changing and dont you dare change them, thats all they have left ;( Uranus in the Second. - Crazy self esteem issues. these people think they are the greatest then the worst person, also same applies to their income because they dont think they are worth much, until they invest into bitcoin and think they will be the next warren buffet. honestly the only thing stable about you is the perception of your value changing. But they love change, something to look forward to i guess Uranus in the Third your brain and communication skills are kinda fucky you know that dont you. you always know how to say something shocking, and extremely good at changing the subject of a conversation, like you dont have to say much, but what you do say just made everyone go huh what the fuck you say? its amusing tho we appreciate you Uranus in the F4urth - Emotionally avoidant, dependent, and attached personalities. They cant make their mind up on how they feel, so they experiemnt with every feeling to see if they vibe with that. mum was probably very unpredictable, and they wanna be like her. they just trying their best to forgive her <3 Uranus in the Fifth - Okay this one is the genius. This one people actually think your onto something when your showing off because you break free of every social convention, and archetype, but in the most perfect way. everyone believes your special, and you can change the vibe of a room like dat Uranus in the Sixth - what a fkn mess your life is. I had this one friend who would have 10 different drinks in his room and he would drink each one sparingly (they were all warm too). he had some serious health issues, and lets not get into his mental health okay. but yall have crazy lives and you make it that way Uranus in the Seventh - Im not a player i just fuck a lot. they choose their partners based off how interesting they are, if you can satiate their curiosity you got em. but if your boring or not worth figuring out yeah g-bye. also they just come off strange so everyone is extremely curious. they get projected on a lot but they dont mind its a good way to find out something interesting lol Uranus in the Eighth - Freaks who will do anything.... and im not just talking about sex, if they want something they'll find any way to get it. masters of attainment, even if its probably not healthy for them, they don't care if they want it they get it. then the object of their fixation changes as soon as they do get it. they are like obsessed with 'progress' but its hard to call it that sometimes Uranus in the Ninth - Clever minds who are always skipping segments of a speech, or a video to find the juicy parts. They have very quick minds that are so easily bored, but if you talk to them, they'll never not have something interesting to talk about. also when change does occur its a LOt Uranus in the Tenth - why are yalll like this. just baffling people like they know how to make an entrance and when everyone starts loooking at them, they decide to make fun of everyone by doing something a lil bit too shocking, almosst making fun of you for looking at them. gets off on shocking ya Uranus in the Eleventh - They wanna change the world, but not in a way that is practical. until it is. They have a million friends because they have a knack for understanding people, but when you ask what they want or what scares them. it just makes you rethink why your even friends with them in the first place. 12 - your crazy. and its endearing but everyone is this close to calling the cops on you or locking you up in a psyche ward. maybe tone down your retardation. we all got something going on but you take it to a whole new level.
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hopenabi · 10 months
Show me
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Prompt: You and Jasper are hanging out at your house.
Reader! X Jasper Hale
Warnings : oral! F->M! , blowjob!, M-> F, cunnlings!, Spit!, deepthroating!, unprotected sex !, Creampie!, squirting! (Some others I may have missed)
*not proof read so I apologize for any errors*
Readers POV:
“ I love you” you whisper up at him as you lay your head on his chest admiring him.
“I love you to darlin, more than you’ll ever know” he leans in to kiss you and you make out for a bit before you finally get up and say Prove it . He grins and pulls you closer kissing you passionately as his hands roam over your body.
“I’ll prove it to you everyday for the rest of eternity”
“Yeah?” You whimper out grinding against him. He sighs against your lips as you continue to grind against him breathlessly.
“Let me prove it to you?” You say needy for him.
“Oh darlin. You don’t have to you already have my heart and soul” he kisses you deeply moving his lips to suck on you neck.
“But” he whimpers. “If you have something in mind I’m more than willing to oblige” he says teasingly. You climb off of him and lower your self down to his erection. You hurly unbutton his pants and push them down to his thighs as you stroke him though his briefs.
“Impatient are we ?” He says yet leans back and allow you to finish taking off his clothes, leaving his heavy cock out for you to admire. His cock is throbbing and beads of pre-cum coat the tip.
You take you hand and grab the base stroking him up and down as he groans at your motions.
“Just like that baby”
You take your tongue and spread the pre-cum all over his tip, you spit dribbling down him as you do. Finally you take him into your mouth and begin sucking on him.
You decide you can go further and you push him into your throat, gagging. You look up at him through teary eyes as you bob up and down on him.
You can feel your pussy getting wetter at the sounds he makes for you. Wet spot growing on the pretty white Lacey panties you wore just for him.
“Oh fuck. Your so good at this.” He moans out placing his hands in your hair to control your pace. You moan around him making him whimper out at the vibrations.
He starts fucking up into your throat creating noise. Ack… Ack… Ack… Ack sounds through you bedroom as his tips hits the back of your throat.
“Ah fuck…darlin I’m gonna come…. God your mouth is a vice” he moans out breathlessly. He pulls out of your mouth and you catch you breathe. He looks wordlessly at your fucked out state as tears run down your cheeks and saliva coats your lips as it dribbles down to you chin.
You cheekily smile up at him.
“ come in my mouth” you say and he taps his tip on your lips smearing the salvia there. Then pushing into your warm mouth once again.
“Oh shit” he chuckles out as he begins to fuck your throat again. The sounds your throat makes masking his moans as he reaches his orgasm.He starts groaning and thrusting harder as he gets closer.
Haah…Haah…Haah… is all that’s heard along with your gagging. You loook up at him once more making eye contact with him through your tears finally bringing him to his release.
“Such a good girl.” He says panting out trying to catch his breathe.
“Come here, it’s mine turn to show you how much I love you” he says moving so he’s on top of you. His hands roaming up your body to take off you T-shirt. His fingers gently gliding over your nipples causing them to harden.
You whimper.
“Shh. It’s okay baby. I’m gonna take good care of you”
He carefully takes off the rest of your clothes. Groaning when he sees the wet spot on your panties.
“Is this for me?” He says toying with the little bow on the front of your underwear then dragging his fingers to brush against your clit and play with the wetness of the fabric of your underwear.
You whimper and nod.
“Words darlin”
“Yes sir” you say timidly as your body shivers at his touch. He pushes himself further down your body kissing your stomach and then thighs starting from you knees to were you ache for him. He licks the wet panties and you moan out, eyes rolls back at the sensitivity.
“Hmm. Such a pretty pussy, Made just for me
….I bet if I fucked your right now, I’d have you creaming all over me”
You whimper at his words and grind up into his face.
“Since you ask so nicely” he says taking off your underwear and he groans at the string of slick that comes with it. He throws your panties somewhere in the room and grabs your hips to bring you to his face. With two fingers he opens you up blowing on your clit.
“Oh fuck… please” you whine out
“I’m sorry darlin… I’ll stop” He says as he sticks his tongue between your folds, lapping up your wetness. You moan into you hand. However, the sound of his lapping is much more profound than the sounds you are making.
He continues eating you out like a staved man as you lay limp in his hands, eyes rolling back and legs shaking.
“Can I come please” you ask pleadingly as you look up at him with tears in your eyes.
He doesn’t answer but Instead inserts two fingers into you, causing you to moan loudly. “Oh fuck… please”.
He quickly thrust his fingers in and out of you creating a squelching noise of approval from your soaked pussy. Fingers going in … Squelch and then out … Squelch. You continue to moan loudly as you chase your orgasm.
“Come on darlin. Come on my fingers” he says as he sucks your clit into his mouth. Making you spasm out as you moan and cum in his mouth.
He hurriedly licks up all your arousal as it comes out. Finally you come down from your orgasm and melt into your mattress. He climbs on top of you grabbing you cheeks to get you to open up you mouth and you obey as he spits into your mouth letting you taste yourself.
Finally you prop yourself up and see he’s hard again, despite cumming in your mouth a couple minutes ago. You grab him and pull him onto of you as you kiss him.
“I want you to fuck me now” you say as grind up on him. Your pussy spreading to slide him through your folds and hit your clit causing you to whine out.
“ yeah? Want me to fill you up?” He says grinding on you as you whine out from the simulation of your clit.
“I’m sensitive” you say pushing him back a little.
He finally grabs you legs spreading them to get a good view of you. He spits down on your cunt and spreads it with his tip. He begins pushing in while pushing your legs to your shoulders.
“Oh fuckkkkk” you moan out as his tip stretches you out. You groan at the size of him. Grabbing onto the bed sheets and throwing your head back as you try your best to accommodate him inside you. As he’s pushing into your legs start shaking again.
“Shit. Baby. Are you that sensitive?” He says looking down at you and swiping at your clit causing you to moan out again.
“Come on darlin. I know you can do it.” He says as he continues pushing in. You try and clam down again.
“It’s too big. It’s not gonna fit” you say whinning out at the pressure he’s putting on your walls. His tip already reaching parts of you no one else can.
“I’ll make it fit”
Finally he’s bottoms out and moans as you clench around him, tightening to the point where he can’t move.
“Relax darlin” he says as he kisses you to soothe you , he slowly starts rocking back and forth as he feels you relaxing you hold on his cock.
“Oh god” you say eyes rolling back. As you break the kiss. He trust deep into you causing you to moan out loudly and cover your mouth with your hand causing him to chuckle out a laugh at your attempt at quieting down.
“Pussy is so good, darlin”
“Made just for me”
Huh. You moan out as he keeps hitting deep inside you. He holds your legs to your chest as he begins to thrust harder into you causing you to scream out his name.
“Oh fuck… oh fuck.. oh fuck… Jasper!”
“Shit baby. You’re so tight for me. Gonna have to fuck you more so that you get used to me” he says as he rocks into you faster.
“Come on baby. Come for me.” He says as he plays with you clit. You moan out in sensitivity causing your legs to shake again. Huh.
please… please… please you scream out like a mantra as Jasper fucks you harder.
“Oh fuck please” you say one last time as you begin to cum all over his cock.
“Ah… shit” you moan out as you finally come down from your orgasm. You and Jasper both look down at where you join together and see a thick white ring of your cum around his cock eveytime he pulls out.
“Oh fuck” Jasper moans out as he continues to chase his high. “You so fucking sexy”
You moan out at his words and feel your second orgasm approaching fast “ oh god” you say eyes rolling back at the sight.
“Come with me, darlin… please” he whines out as he nears his orgasm. You nod at him as you begin to tweak you nipples as Jasper thrusts into you and plays with your sensitive clit.
“Oh god it feels funny” you say worried.
“It’s okay baby.” He says trying to comfort you. As you begin to reach your orgasm and your moans get more high pitches.
“Ohhhh shittt” you say as you squirt. Jasper looks down at you amazed at how intense your orgasm is and slightly proud of his work. He continues to fuck into you causing your legs to start shaking and you to whimper eveytime he thrust.
“Oh fuck Darlin. I’m gonna cum” he moan out.
“Yeah?” You whine
“Come in me please” you say as you wrap you legs around him so he’s closer to you. Your two sweaty body’s joining together as you kiss passionately as he comes inside you, groaning out at the feeling of you sucking jim dry.
You whine out at the feeling of finally being filled up.
“So good baby” you whisper into his ear.
“You always fuck me so good”
“Yeah?” He says as he begins to get up and look down at his cum seeping out of your hole. He pushes his cock back into you to fuck his cum inside.
“Oh god… please… I’m so sensitive” you say trying to push him away, yet not really wanting to actually stop.
“Hmmm” he says as he finally stops and pulls out.
You finally lay limp on the bed as you take in what just happened.
“I think you broke me” you say laughing. He chuckles at your dramatics and gets you up and into the bathtub where he has filled it up with soap and warm water to wash you.
“You always say that after everytime” he states matter of factly and you smile up at him and give him a kiss.
“Aren’t you getting in?” You ask as he leaves you to wash up.
“I am. I’ve just gotta change the sheets” he says raising his eyebrows as you blush in embarrassment.
“Sorry” you squeak out.
“For what?… being sexy?” He responds as he leaves the room.
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usertoxicyaoi · 1 month
anyway people on mdl, and even just general bl watchers that dont watch jbls for whatever reason, will always make me feel a little ... bewildered. they will say things like "japan only makes slice of life/food centered/cute/puppy love bls and thats it" (when i can eaaaasily list off so many darker themed jbls but ok ig yall arent looking and when you do, suddenly its ~too dark~? but ok.). they call segasaki and ritsu and kijima "red flags" and okay yeah *hand waves* whatever, they are. and good for them that they are!!! gooood. see? japan doesnt just make fluffy. but yall couldn't even handle them! whilst in the same breath saying that japan doesnt produce more of these kinda characters and more spicier stories (and they do but yall arent loooking!!!) and when they do and when they start showing the sliiiightest bit of obsessive possesive behaviour, they're squirming uncomfortable in their seats!!! people couldn't even stomach shows like taikan yohou. taikan yohou. and thats like. my favourite show of all time and its not even That Bad yall. ohmygod. but oh no! "oh poor yoh!!! whatever will he do now!!!! trapped in segasaki's enclosure!!!! i don't like this power imbalance beteeen them!!!!" when THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT, my friend!!!!! and yoh enjoooooys that and when he doesnt he says it out loud that he doesnt!!!
so! people couldn't even stomach taikan yohou. god knows WHAT they will say about happy of the end and love is like a poison that will be coming out soon! and never mind even going near sei no gekiyaku or koi kogare utae bc if they thought taikan yohou was "~dark~" when it barely even touched the surface! then sei no gekiyaku and koi kogare utae? will have their heads Gone, spiralling, trying desperately to find a light switch and some bleach to erase their memory!!!!
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
The great fires
Jake x avatar reader x neytiri
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Fear of the RDA coming back was something common, as everyone wanted to be believe they were gone for good and that there was nothing to fear. That was all a lie as soon enemies from the past that everyone thought they were driven from the planet will be returning back to pandora, but no on could tell when they were coming back.
Y/n " date night" The trio were going on a date night leaving neteyam and mo'at in changer of the younger kids, Jake and neytiri had planned this night knowing they haven't had enough time with their mate. Since the kids had become older and their responsibilities for the clan had started to change as well.
Neytiri " it will be good night for us to have some time with you, away from the clan"
y/n " anytime I have with you two I love deeply"
Jake " come one ladies enough talking lets get going" you and neytiri soon laugh, as she grabs your hand and soon walked towards the ikran together. Soon the tiro had taken off into the night sky starting off their date night, hoping this night will be magical but that was all going to turn out to nightmare.
y/n " how would two feel like having another kid" Jake and neytiri look at you, as your question had gotten them off guard.
y/n " well tuk is now seven and wont be seen as baby anymore, and I have been thinking about having another kid"
neytiri " you want another kid"
y/n " yes I know lo'ak is my son but I want to bring another child into this world, a kid like their sibling that are apart of two worlds"
Jake " I don't mind having another kid or two more it will be good" Jake and neytiri seemed to be all smiles after your questions, they had always been wanting to have another kids after tuk but either of them knew how to ask the question.
Jake " well now that settled let have some fun before we have to return to the kids" you and neytiri had smiled as you had started a game of chase, as Jake or neytiri had tried to caught you with the prize a kiss from you and cuddling with you tonight.
y/n " oh come on don't tell me the might warriors can't caught their mate" you had made a joke toward Jake and neytiri making them want to caught you even more now, as you ran threw the glowing forest at night. The ground light up below you as you feet touch it as you ran.
Jake " you can ran and make jokes all night long we will get you soon"
y/n " that sounds like an empty promise"
neytiri " we will get you ma y/n" you were running and laughing but it didn’t last for long, until someone and tackled you making you roll down a hill for a while. You soon opened your eyes to look up and see it was Jake and neytiri. Jake “ we caught you sweetheart”
neytiri “ we win ma y/n”
y/n “ yes you win now let me up” Jake and Neytiri smirked at you, they didn’t let you up for a while longer. They soon let you up as you had a bit more fun before laying down on some grass, you were sleeping peacefully until someone shakes you up. y/n “ huh” you soon saw Jake and neytiri were loooking up the sky, and saw a bright thing in the sky. It was not a star it was the RDA and soon enough a beam of fire started hitting the ground.
Jake “ run now” neytiri had helped you up onto your feet and soon all three of you started running. As a wave of fire was coming behind you, soon enough you had tipped, losing Jake and neytiri.
y/n “ jake Neytiri” you had reached a high point calling your husband and wife, you couldn’t see them.
???? “ y/n” soon neytiri came running towards you and soon hugged you, she was crying as you two look at the burning forest. Soon Jake hugged you as him and neytiri check to see if you were okay.
Jake “ honey are you okay”
y/n “ nothing to bad”
Neytiri “ we thought we lost you, we can’t lose you ma y/n”
y/n “ I’m okay”
y/n “ no the children and clan”the tiro soon head back home right away, everyone in the clan wide awake.
???? " mama" you soon heard your name getting called as you see the kids coming race towards you and your mates, you and neytiri were comfort the kids while Jake was trying to clam down the people. That night it started a whole new nightmare for all the navi on Pandora as the humans had come back, and there was going to be a war. Unknown to you that night your life and everyone else life will never be the same anymore, the once happy family you cherish so much will soon start fall apart piece by piece as the return of the RDA steal everything you and the navi hold so dear in life.
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maximotts · 11 months
PH Wanda and Nat … slight p*ss kink in theory … just bc it’s another way for them to control you 👀 LOOOK I’m not super into it but that’s hot with our mob wives!
Had to consult Silver on what classifies as “slight piss kink” and then made her wait overnight for the thought that I had so now here we are
I put this under a cut purely bc I can’t tell how long things look on mobile okay byee
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We all know how they love to play games and I think they’d enjoy making up one with you where when you’re sat in either one of their laps or cuddling and you try to move away they just.. don’t let you.
You could say you have to go to the bathroom and Wanda just sighs, “Don’t you want to cuddle with mommy and daddy a little longer?” And how do you say no to that because you actually hate that you have to get up and leave your cozy spot on the couch with them. So you wait.
Of course settling back in means submitting to all their little kisses and touches, but eventually Nat’s hand on your tummy starts to push down and you groan, complaining that she won’t be able to keep you much longer if she continues, but you can rarely ever get Natasha to stop what she’s doing, “You’re a big girl, you can hold it.”
And yes, you can but they’re making it so much harder with Wanda’s hand sliding into your pants, teasing you over your underwear, and Natasha pinching and squeezing at your lower belly, laughing about how desperate and wriggly you’re getting all the while. Any attempts to get up are quickly thwarted, both of them holding you down means you’ve got no chance to escape.
It’s only when you start begging them, “please, please you have to stop-!” that they let up, kissing you as best they can manage with how much you struggle to keep still.
“Go, run. You can only use the master bathroom.” Wanda whispers, before shoving you off the couch, both of them laughing as you nearly stumble to the floor and bolt to the bathroom that’s clear on the other side of their large house.
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rgr-pop · 5 months
TIME SENSITIVE ACTION REQUEST!!: can you my beautiful artists/clever people on tumblr make us some abortion button designs this weekend? To sell to raise money for Mountain Access Brigade, a collective of abortion doulas funding access to abortion in east tennessee?
I’m tabling a week from today at Stoopfest in Lansing, which will be headlined this year by Jhariah, R.A.P Ferreira, Weakened Friends, and Direct Hit!. I’m tabling with the Lansing DSA Women’s Section (working title) as well as a coalition of other women organizing with leftist orgs in Lansing (we don’t have a name yet but we call them “the girlies”). We’re looking to hit $5k on our fundraiser by the end of the month, but equally importantly, I’m tabling to meet people who want to plug into projects we’re getting off the ground to organize to defeat transphobic homophobic and anti-abortion power in Lansing, especially (my baby pet project if you know me irl!) launching our campaign to chase out and shut down the anti-abortion fake clinics in the city.
Here’s our fundraising page, you can donate and share (please!) but you should also read it to get a sense of how we talk about our vision:
So I need YOU to design abortion loving buttons for me to make to sell for the fundraiser and start conversations that connect people :). Please help lol. The vibe is queer, mutual aidy, creative! Many of the girls I’m going with are harm reduction activists and passionate about self management and self controlled healthcare.
We have a lot of fun/funny ones made already but we need more sweet/straightforward ones that inspire people and ground the sloganing in our principles. Some wording you can use in your designs (but please feel free to think of others)/some jumping off points/guidance:
- abortion is magic
- abortion access (or just access) saves lives
- we use the term “reproductive freedom” as a matter of practice (pro-choice and reproductive justice are okay, but we love this one)
- “bodily autonomy” is another one we orient around
- pro “repro worker” slogans (“i <3 repro workers” always good)
- “i fund abortion”
- tying in safer sex slogans (would love something like this in an 80s/90s safe sex campaign style)
- harm reduction/mutual aid framing (would looove some good ideas here)
- i REALLY want to come with something about bisexual women being statistically most likely to have an abortion (one of my favorite communist conversation starters irl) - in general messages about queer people getting abortions is a vibe!
- we don’t use “women” when referring to who gets abortions but feminist messaging is great. I’d stay away from body parts as imagery
- the classic, “i love abortion”
- slogan-free imagery that supports the vibe
- Y’allidarity :):):)
- This line from a lead organizer with DSA’s Trans Rights and Bodily Autonomy Campaign has stuck with me as a guide, it really gets at the core of this work for me: “In a political climate characterized by fear and isolation, our voice is steady, loving, direct, and shows courage in our democratic socialist convictions.”
- Make me some designs on a 2.25 inch circle button template (im a design idiot and need help) in whatever file format and give me permission to print them and turn them into buttons to sell for the fundraiser. THEY DONT HAVE TO BE AMAZING LOOOKING! email me at [email protected]
- reply to this post with specific wording ideas if the above inspires you!
- share this post :) and hit up your designer friends who have time this weekend! abortion fund-a-thon is about making hard asks of your friends who can help, and you’ll be glad you did.
- if you want to help promote this fundraiser on your own socials or somewhere else, feel free but you can also dm me for ideas!
Sorry for the last minute (this is why I’m really calling on tumblr GOATs), but I would loooooove to make buttons next MONDAY or possibly as late as Wednesday— I’ll edit this post when I know for sure. It’s an emergency! But you’ll be saving lives!
What can I do for you?
If you ask, I can post pictures on twitter and tag you if you want some traffic (some of our posts get a little traffic). I can PROBABLY also send you a finished button of your design after fund a thon season (May) is over but I don’t want to make that promise for certain yet.
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growling · 11 days
oh wait i forgor. tribe nine beta lol
Zero my angel I'd recognize that voice maybe not anywhere but like in some places
"kuronaka got 10 gold" *EAR BLASTING 9 HOUR LONG FANFARE*
hmmmmmmmmmm.. not saying anything but narrowing my eyes thoughtfully
they're trying to fnaf pizzeria simulator my ass, unfortunately for them I am an incredibly clever smart intelligent wise boy (looked at the art on tweeter)
they put kuronaka in the generic rpg torture dungeons💔💔💔 get well soon
shut the fuck up boyyyy look at the claypot. loook at my claypot boy
jesus stop jumpscaring me if i die my grandma will sue
im calling it now. lady goddess is just zero (and if so: gender win)
if it does end up being zero it will be so fucking funny. please. let this manifest. me when i put some random dude in the generic rpg torture dungeons and make him look at claypots forever as form of foreplay also i pretend to be a statue
its that blue hair motherfucker from the promos or whatever
this is so fucking funny im tearing up. im tearing up. also they just implied that i was right. this is so fucking funny. vidio game brainwash yaoi. zero you silly man i desire you carnally
"well its not unusual for this man to do this kind of thing" please tell me more about zero's crimes against humanity .
forgot to mention this earlier but of course the protag has amnesia. not a proper kodaka game without an amnesiac protagonist. this is not a complaint
this is so funny. this is so funny.
redguy yellowguy leave that poor fucker alone. blueguy grayguy why are you just staring tell them to leave that poor fucker alone this is probably not how you approach a dude with amnesia who has been stuck in the generic rpg brainwash torture dungeon for an unspecified period of time
3d time. fuck that boy up guards induce a panic attack in this man
and the torture dungeons were just some random medium sized platform..... help me thats so embarrassing for kuronaka!!
"the village you were saying [sic] were all just drawings on the floor and on the walls!" THAT'S SO EMBARRASSING.... KURONAKA THAT'S SO EMBARASSING......
ok. ill stop being mean to him. i promise i will be nice and understanding of his situation from now on. it must be very hard and traumatizing for him.
also buy him brown contacts pls
Fucking look at him this shit looks biblical. look at him descending onto the mortals. this is fucking jesus imagery
nice robot hands. they're not attached yet but i will force him to become a cyborg no matter how many limbs i must detach from his body
i am not ready to hit unpause. but also im yearning.
wait look at his hand pose.... awww look at him i want him carnally
alright alright whatever im unpausing.......
so 24 city is just named like that because it's the 24th city and they ran out of ideas
24 city must be a shit place to live in, a strong breeze knocks you over and you fall one kilometer onto the pavement
"... but who would have thought that there is such a surreal area here, designed just like a video game?" zero. zero would have. that man is all about vidio game addiction i called it once and ill call it again
and he called him "the masked man" i fucking cant i need t. i need to take a breather okay i cant take this anymore
zero lore listen closely now this will be on the test (instead of listening starts imagining zero touching me in a bus and gets so hrard ii passkdf uout )
Kuronaka likes tea. +1 for Kuronaka I love tea
Zero the robot enjoyer
alright, Iroha is gonna return Kuronaka's smartphone next time and I'll end it here :] twas a pleasure. transcending experience
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anulithots · 2 months
Draw this in your style
but's it's a lotff art I failed at. (I had a whole anime style scene in my head whyy subpar art skills why)
So here's the text prompt:
Kamari laughed, leaned faer head on faer hand, and shot a side glance at Ankh. "I love you." Ankh's expression hardened. "Don't say that." "Why not?" Kamari grinned. "I'm fooling myself"
So there's a different version in the failed art...
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Notes: ANkh is taller than kamari, and the original idea had a Kamari fake smile.
SO! Do whatever you'd like here! A panel, the mini comic (that would be crazy), change expressions, the composition, and such! Please tag me so I can see it
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okay so this might be the only current drawing I have of them???
umm. ANkh has a leaf tail, plantigrade. kamari is more like a kangaroo? Digigrade but not really? Long feet and fae stands on faer toes most of the time.
*loooks up a kangaroo* okay so modified kangaroo. Fae also has wings! wowo.
The dearest, most wonderous people, otherwise known as the lotff tag list:
@waitingforthesunrise @sm-writes-chaos @holdmyteaplease @full-on-sam
@osbob-the-existent @awleeofficial
@clearcloudlesssky @gummybugg @sleepy-vix @starryeyeddarlings
@sea-dwelling-wizard @snowpoet123 @ashirisu 
lmk if you'd like to be added or removed <3 🌿
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knwatchesninjago · 7 months
S1E13 Day of Great Devourer (3)
okay okay... lets just get into it, lol.
Okay, going thru my 89 screenshots, I;m just gonna say this: this ep was INTENSEEE
also... be prepared.... i have a feeling that a very angsty fic is gonna be written about this ep soon
#Siblings Have Trauma
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this is honestly gonna be soo traumatizing for them.... i think that after the adrenaline and excitement pass, their gonna start to feel the blow of it all....
especially Jay:
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poor thing crashed thru a window...
if y'all have seen post 1 of this ep, i was honestly freaking out when saw Zane "die" but thankfully he didn't loll.
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does anyone know when his face gets fixed? I forgot when, loll. But honestly, the team's lack of responce when they saw his face was just dumb... surely they would have acted somewhat surprised when they saw his face... right?
Loook who's backkkkkkkk
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like seriously... how is that guy alive?
y'all.... there were ppl here....
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harumi was here....
oh my gosh... this day must have been traumatic for EVERYONE!!!!
Lord Garm is BACKKK
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I honestly believe that Lloyd is the reason why Garm was able to snap out of his evilness to kill the Great Devourer. cuz if u look at Garm b4 Lloyd calls him he looks like he's ready to be evil, but it seems (to me) that lloyd calling him was able to snap Garm back into reality for those few secs.
also... since my 30 pic limit is up, i'll leave u with this:
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Poor lloyd... he truely doesn't wanna hurt his dad... I love how Kai was immediately there to comfort him, lol.
(nvr did i think i would say that, lol)
wait.... where did Pythor go!? 👀
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bloodydeanwinchester · 6 months
hi jenna gif questions for u 💜 what's your favorite part of making gifs? what's the most valuable thing/tip/trick you've learned? what's some of your favorite gif sets you've made?
hi ida!!!! sorry i took a couple days to answer this i wanted to wait until i had some time to think about it before i answer! i loooove these questions tho so thank you so much for sending them 💜💜
my favorite part about making gifs is probably coloring and like...that moment when i get the gif to look exactly how i want it to. i like to play around with coloring and try a lot of different things with it and that can be so fun! i think over the last like 6-8 months my coloring has really improved a lot and i've been having a lot of fun learning new ways to do things! but i actually had a really hard time coming up with an answer for this question because i mostly enjoy the entire process! the only part that i don't really enjoy is picking out the frames for each gif. i always start with way too many and then i have to cut stuff out and i hate that part. also it's reaaally hard sometimes to not end up with like 20 gifs cause there's so much i want to include!!!
okay im gonna cheat on this one and give a few things i've learned since i started that have been sooooo valuable to me. first is the importance of having a good quality download to start with. i think my gifs got significantly better when i finally downloaded all of the episodes in 1080p instead of using the screen recording on netflix like i had been before. second sharpening is so important! i did not do any sharpening on my first gifs i made! sharpening makes the gifs loook sooo sharp and crisp and pretty. third and kind of similar to sharpening was learning/figuring out how to use the camera raw filter. there's sooooo much you can do with camera raw filter (coloring sharpening lightening). and finally one thing i learned that i think made my coloring look significantly better was to try not to lighten the gif too much and/or to figure out ways to lighten darker gifs without it messing up the background too much (sometimes when they're lightened too much it will like pixelate the background and it looks awful)
and finally (in order of when they were made from oldest to newest) here are links to some of my favorite gifsets:
Bloody Dean Throughout the Seasons Set - this one actually came out really good considering the fact that it was made only a month after i first started making gifs! if i remember correctly it's the first set that i ever used sharpening on.
6x20 F+TM King Set - this one is a favorite mostly just because i love the song so much and tmwwbk is one of my favorite episodes. i think some of my favorite sets to make are the ones that i add lyrics to.
2022 Nov 5th Set - i was really happy with how this one came out! it's so hard to get gifs from episodes over different seasons to look the same! and this one had gifs from 12 different seasons! also i think this was the first set i ever made that got over 1000 notes which i remember being really excited about!
Laughing Dean Set - this one is a favorite purely based on the content of the set. it feels like injecting serotonin every time i look at it<3
1x12 Faith Set - another one based on the content of the set. i just love this episode so much.
Season 9 Dean Set - i LOVE the coloring in this set! and season 9 dean is so beloved to me. he is just so beautiful and bloody and sad.
2023 Cas Day Set - another f+tm lyric set! i love the space overlay that i added and the blue-pink of the coloring so much!
4x18 Destiel Every Episode Set - i loooove this scene so much! this gif series has by far been more popular than any of the other gifs that i post and this set is definitely the most popular in the series. no other set has ever even come close to getting 4k notes like this one did. also i really like the purple coloring a lot<3
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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ᴍɪɴɪ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛ > COTTON CANDY CLOUDS˚۰
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BARE✲FOOT kyoraku shunsui x f! reader
request. @the-witch-of-one-piece asked: Hello my love!!!! Ahhh this loooks so amazing!!!!! 🥺💜 cotton candy event!!! Love cotton candy!!! If it’s okay if I can request shunsui x fem reader for the prompt barefoot. Thank you so much my love!!!!!! 💜🥺💋 tw. none honestly. pure love. mentions of pregancy. shunsui and you have a baby together. wc. 434 masterlist.
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Endless sky reflected on a calm sea. It seems to never finish, with cotton candy clouds.
Lilac, pink and orange. seagulls dance in a pastel canvas.
The sound of the waves crashing on the shore, mixes with the laughter of three happy souls.
On your soles, it feels wet. On his, it feels refreshing. But to that young soul, it feels new.
Tiny fingers round your and his index, the cute laughter, the curiousness, everything is new. The wind caresses chubby cheeks and tiny curls that barely sprout…
“You like it, my tiny baby?” Shunsui asks, crunching right at the little bundle of joy’s height. Babbles and smiles, jumping and happily paddling at the shore accompany your late afternoon.
Everything has changed, not once, but twice.
When you meet him, his brown hair was tied in a low pony tail, and he was wearing a suit. And even if he looked so structured, Mr. Kyoraku turned out to be the funniest and relaxed man you’ve ever met.
And, when the fruit of your love was born. His hands looking so huge while holding the baby, his lips placed on your tired forehead. “I love you, (Name). Thank you for this miracle”
A miracle, that’s exactly what all of this has been. Magic in the mundane passing time. Two souls that met and give this world a beautiful new one.
“See, (she/him/they) wants to swim!” he says, lifting his baby in his arms. Shunsui is wearing a pink haori over his summer yukata. He likes to be comfortable when he is not working.
“I see! But please be careful you two!” you joke, scolding them with a sweet tone and kissing your sweet offspring’s forehead. You own a giggle that fills your soul with love, so much love. Love that Shunsui tops with a kiss on your lips.
You watch them slowly and carefully step a little further into the shore. It’s a little cold for the baby’s bare tiny feet, but (he/she/they) still enjoy it. The daddy, who also has fun like a kid, jumps and dances and the sunset bathe both in orange shine.
Yes, they shine. And you shine too…
The camera of your phone isn’t powerful enough to capture the beauty of the moment, and you are scared that perhaps, this memory won’t last.
“Come with us, mommy!” he calls you, smiling just like your (son/daughter). “I’m going!!” you answer back, laughing.
And soon you realize that this memory will forever last, because every time you bare foot would walk over the sand, this moment will forever replay in your mind…
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