#i would go on that website used in the ben drowned arg and talk to ben
cherubcallremade · 4 months
Considering one of my testimonials is in your Carrd, I really have to ask, what got you into Creepypasta/internet horror? Was it a childhood fixation that never left? What sparked it? Also, what's your favorite Creepypasta? :)
omg ok if you can believe it this ask made me go seek out the first ever creepypasta i listened to. i found out about creepypasta because i was really into those mlp horror ask blogs like lil miss rarity as a kid, like 10/11. so when i wanted to get into creepypastas i literally looked up "creepypasta, playlist" on youtube and this was the first video in it and it stuck with me
my favorite creepypasta ever for some reason is 1999 but alan resnik copywrite struck literally EVERYTHING related to it because it referenced alantutorials. and i mean everything. when i was 13 i drew fanart for it and he randomly got that taken down. because of that i have one-sided beef with him.
favorite NOT copywrite struck creepypasta is candle cove, so you can tell there are similarities there. it's been my favorite for a long time even before i got into everymanHybrid so you can imagine my surprise when it got referenced in EMH.
so like yeah very much a childhood special interest that has never left. i don't actively listen to them anymore because well... i often don't have the energy to sit through the more recent longform stories (there was a time i tried again but was quickly turned off because the guy was basically sponsored to read professional published horror short stories and im gonna be honest with you, i dont want my creepypastas to be professionally published, it loses the charm. those arent creepypastas at that point those are just short stories). also creepypasta youtubers keep turning out to be total creeps. but they still hold a special place in my heart. I WAS KINDA A SLENDER MANSION KID BUT ABSOLUTELY NOT TO THE EXTENT OF A LOT OF PEOPLE.
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internetdetectives · 7 years
Answering some submitted questions
“Good afternoon. I have a question. I’ve been researching on the Johnisdead wiki, but I’ve seen things (in the “died” box) as “2009 (human)”, but then something like “January 1, 2017 (entity)” appears. The “entity” comes to me in characters characters and with the same date. My question is: What does “entity” mean and why should the “entity” of all that I have seen be exactly the same date? Thank you in advance.“
Some characters were once humans who, when they died, turned into a spirit, ascended, or transformed into an entity. For example, let’s look at Kevin. Kevin died as a human in 2011, transforming him into Regiminis. Regiminis was defeated in 2017. This is why there are two different death dates, they are for the different ‘forms’ of characters.
“amigos yo llevo 11 meses en este cuento de lunar childrend y los canales de you tube y he tenido experiencias por medio de correos electrónicos que me envían advertencias y amenazas y con ellos un par de códigos vinarios y me siento un poco asustado, y aunque solo sea un juego no me siento seguro“
This is strange. The only time users have ever gotten emails to my knowledge is when they were the ones who emailed characters first. Are you sure you aren’t being trolled? I know some popular youtubers like Giorgio have been getting emails from trolls pretending to be characters from the ARG. Also, I wouldn’t worry or feel unsafe - it’s all just a story. You’re just dealing with classic trolls.
“How did Silentdork know that someday someone its going to try to find out this mystery?“
It is an ARG, so there are clues all over the place, slowly uncovering the truth for us. If you’re asking how he knew people would be interested, he originally had someone pose as a regular user on Within Hubris, a message board for Ben Drowned, pretending to stumble across the first website - a clever way of giving us the URL for the website without giving away his identity.
“Hello guys,I’ve have founded the website silentdork.com, the sound is pretty scary, i’m not sure what the binary code means (it’s posted on the website).”
This is an impressive and spooky site, but it is not canon at all, and is made by a fan. You can tell because no canon JohnIsDead sources link to this site, and the youtube channel that the codes lead to is subscribed to prank channels and stuff, lol.
“Ehhh Tío , tu crees que Jordi está haciendo las cosas bien o hay Algo de que aún no se ah dado cuenta? Si sabes algo verdad de SilentDork que Jordi junto nosotros no sabemos“
There is a lot that Jordi has not yet realized, but I think that’s because he has not read the timeline yet and sometimes stumbles across videos that are completely unrelated. It’s not his fault though, the ARG can be confusing to newcomers. Hopefully soon we will have a comprehensive video detailing the timeline in an easy to understand way.
“What about the threats that Jordi has been receiving?“
These are just trolls, just like whoever was pointing the laser in his eye and leaving him notes. A similar thing happened to BersGamer - someone sent him a completely unrelated video game claiming it was related to John is Dead. You can’t trust random emails, lol. There are a lot of fakes out there.
“1. Have you Lunar Children's pass?. 2. Do you understand Spanish? If not, how do u know what Giorgio says in the streams?“
The password to the protected post is mhftt. We currently have no password to the Archives. And now that Giorgio has given John is Dead a lot of attention, we have many new Spanish speaking players who help translate what he’s saying for us. A big thanks to those guys <3
“What will happen on April 28?”
Nothing, I think. Are you talking about April 23? 423 is a number that appeared numerous times in Jadusable’s Ben Drowned ARG, and so important things usually happen on 4/23. In this case, a video was uploaded to SilentDork.
“La pescadería o pesquería tiene algo que ver con silentdork o con la casa de John?”
The Fishery is a Lunar Children meeting place. A lot of important events happened there, and is a spooky location.
“Hey, ¿Link to the ID discord?“
Here you go: https://discordapp.com/invite/8p2h7q9
Alright, that appears to be all of the asks for now. Sorry I cannot respond in Spanish, my Spanish is very bad and I think google translate would just confuse people lol.
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