#or fake episode ones. cant help it. i like the spooky.
slenderverse · 26 days
Considering one of my testimonials is in your Carrd, I really have to ask, what got you into Creepypasta/internet horror? Was it a childhood fixation that never left? What sparked it? Also, what's your favorite Creepypasta? :)
omg ok if you can believe it this ask made me go seek out the first ever creepypasta i listened to. i found out about creepypasta because i was really into those mlp horror ask blogs like lil miss rarity as a kid, like 10/11. so when i wanted to get into creepypastas i literally looked up "creepypasta, playlist" on youtube and this was the first video in it and it stuck with me
my favorite creepypasta ever for some reason is 1999 but alan resnik copywrite struck literally EVERYTHING related to it because it referenced alantutorials. and i mean everything. when i was 13 i drew fanart for it and he randomly got that taken down. because of that i have one-sided beef with him.
favorite NOT copywrite struck creepypasta is candle cove, so you can tell there are similarities there. it's been my favorite for a long time even before i got into everymanHybrid so you can imagine my surprise when it got referenced in EMH.
so like yeah very much a childhood special interest that has never left. i don't actively listen to them anymore because well... i often don't have the energy to sit through the more recent longform stories (there was a time i tried again but was quickly turned off because the guy was basically sponsored to read professional published horror short stories and im gonna be honest with you, i dont want my creepypastas to be professionally published, it loses the charm. those arent creepypastas at that point those are just short stories). also creepypasta youtubers keep turning out to be total creeps. but they still hold a special place in my heart. I WAS KINDA A SLENDER MANSION KID BUT ABSOLUTELY NOT TO THE EXTENT OF A LOT OF PEOPLE.
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daphnebowen · 10 months
hsmtmts season four episode four
Zac efron in baywatch is CRAZY BRO
richard Bowen: the French fry and the funnel cake
why does Mike suck at shopping? How do you buy cooking oil instead of tanning oil??? How do you do that???
”Ricky and Gina are just friends” yes Mike. Thank you for your input.
five nights in a row?!?!?!?!?!?
ricky is ranting to miss Jenn and Mike is crazy
MAKE GOOD CHOICES??? NO PROMISES??? What is he planning on doing tonight?!?!?!?
this song is really disturbing but also an absolute bop
spooky indeed…
okay I totally thought Ashlyn was going as ms Darbus too!!!!!! I never would have gotten Eleanor roosevelt??
”for the low low price of one of my cats for the day. That’s fine right?” No. No it’s not.
”let’s get this starty parted!!!!!!!!! Nope wait let me come in again”
”Bowen as baywatch???” Honey you’re not the only one who’s confused this is too hilarious
“I’m scared 😟”
again, ten reasons why kourtneys mom is the best parent
”wait. You think mr mazarra is HANDSOME?!”
“dude. Can’t say that.”
mike. Mike Mike Mike. Why would you only get one bag of candy on halloween??? Have you never had halloween before???
the fact that Mack knows EVERYONES NAMES except for Ricky’s that seems blatant right there tbh like how does he know jets and not Ricky’s???
”wow guy! The one who almost ruined the take!” “Wow.” “Yeah, like that!” Ricky is so over Mack I swear
“oh good, spark is here.” “His name is mark and you know this” they said with fake smiles and wide eyes
”sister slayed the remodel” “indeed she did”
”you got it… buddy” the most unconvincing thumbs up ever!
gina trying to hide her mark and spark poster board but it keeps bouncing back PKEASE DONT BE FORESHADOWING
kourtney is SLAYING
Ricky mocking jet is DEFINITELY josh “gotta play it cool tonight bro”
”iS tHaT fAbRiC?”
”jetty’s got a cruuush!”
only candy, Michael? Omg he’s so dumbbbb it’s giving “its only a song” “a song can mean everything”
he got her a bottle cap?? Tacky.
he’s a little bit too full of himself.
asking “who is it “ ON HALLOWEEN BRUH like it’s definitely not gonna be little kids looking for candy which, by the way, you don’t have! 🤦🏼‍♀️
I wanna be called “cutie” :(
“bestie of the week” so degrading
omg this is so chaotic I can’t even Dani is like confronting Ricky about his costume and Gina is so confused and Ricky isn’t sure what to say… this is messy yall
omg Maddox is dying
“AS A FRIENDDDD” girl just admit it already she’s so shook
Mad and mad are… bad YES THEY ARE MADLYN FOR LIFE
oh crap Mack why you have to go and say things like that
Ricky is so over it lmao the whole time Dani is talking he’s like “shut up shut up shut up” POOR GINA THOUGH
“Troy and Gabriella are characters, not a couple!!” - Kourtney
ricky: “well…”
”WHAAAAT???” The excited squeal is literally me every time something rina-y happens ♥️
the way Mack was like oh shiitake mushrooms and Dani’s look of astonishment - no, you two will not be cheating on each other with the best couple in history TODAY 😝
jet is a VIBE BRO- “I’m so glad this is out in the open, it was getting exhausting” honestly SAME
oh no. Gina’s mom. (She doesn’t deserve a name)
buddies. Always a bad sign 😳
richard just got friend zoned after him and Gina admitted they were a couple in front of all their friends. Oof. Can’t say I don’t blame him for running
”I like to dress up as Mary poppins and you like to give over the counter pharmaceuticals to children.” Yeah Jenn that’s probably a bad sign…
i agree mike and miss Jenn got together way too soon after the divorce it was like BAM and idk how to feel about it
maddox’s hair looks so cute curly!!
lowkey wish Emmy and Jet would have gotten a duet
sharing songs with each other is literally the first step in any perfect relationship you can not prove me wrong
SEBBIEEE!!!! He really is a knight in shining armor
”not harder than you not talking to me!” Oh, um, think again… BOMBSHELLS
awww ash’s voice is so good
ashlyn and Maddox’s chemistry is honestly super good they are both absolutely gorgeous and can sing like no one’s business (but technically ash and big red are still together, right? So… wouldn’t Ashlyn be cheating if anything were to happen??)
pause. Richard. Please don’t break up with Gina. That would be the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. I have faith in you tho.
the way pumpkin guy awkwardly climbed thru the window
i still can’t believe Seb cheated
jarred is literally the worst at reading social cues like bro can’t you see Seb and Carlos are going through something over here? Take a chill pill and let them figure it out before you jump in ugh
hes not even that good looking either LMAOOO
Poor sebbie! But he shouldn’t have cheated imo
yes Ricky. Unleash all of your problems on miss Jenn. She will help you. She will use her magic powers and fix everything.
Ricky looks like he has a unibrow BAHAHA
yes miss Jenn call in those reinforcements
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ghostyprince · 5 years
“I paid $40 so I better die.” with shyan, PLEASE
I’m sooo glad you asked for this!! I saw that one and I was like o h that’s Shane. This got so fucking long compared to what I was planning to write lol. I hope you like this, thanks for the prompt Nini!
[Read on AO3]
Dread settles over Ryan as soon as they pass the entrance of the haunted house. It’s something new and albeit a bit expensive, only available for about a week in this part of LA, a special little thing to put everyone in the mood for Halloween that’s approaching rapidly.
So when Shane brought up the idea that they should check it out Ryan agreed without hesitation. He loves everything spooky, after all. Loves the adrenaline rush of watching a classic horror movie, or walking into a dusty old place with a history he was spilling over, deep in hours upon hours of research.
Still, appreciating the scare after he’s safe and sound in their hotel room, or stumbling into Shane’s arms lately after the shooting of a particularly difficult to deal with episode is very different from experiencing the damn thing right at the moment with all of his senses and nerves on fire and on edge.
He scoots closer to Shane, just barely, like he’s being all smooth and nonchalant, like the place doesn’t scare the living shit out of him already, but he still has some pride left, goddammit.
“They weren’t kidding in all those ads, huh?” He asks just to break the silence as Shane takes his hand. He reads Ryan so well, he always does.
The warmth of Shane’s big hand on his, their fingers twining together eases something inside him. They officially stepped over the line they’ve been tiptoeing around for months, years even almost a week ago now, but Ryan’s is stomach still does a little flip when they touch each other like this when Shane smiles at him like Ryan is something precious.
“Looks about as most locations we’ve been to. Maybe a little dirtier. But then again, it’s fake dirt so it doesn’t count.”
“I read someone got a heart attack while trying to complete this.” Ryan goes on as he starts walking finally, even though his legs still feel incredibly heavy and his fight and flight senses are yelling at him to get out.
“That’s probably bullshit! I’d say that too if I’d own the place, people love a good story.” Shane scoffs as he squeezes Ryan’s hand, there is a hint of encouragement in it.
It doesn’t do much to ease his mind as he’s trying to make out anything at the end of the hallway, it being just dark enough to fuzz his vision and make shadows and shapes form, taunting him. Regardless, Ryan appreciates the sentiment.
“Say what you want dude, I already feel like I’m on the edge of a heart attack and we barely walked two minutes.” Ryan laughs, it sounds nervous and a little hysterical even to his own ears. He can’t believe he’s losing it already from a poorly lit grimy corridor.
“I paid $40 for this shit, so I better die.”
“Shane!” Ryan wheezes again and the icy grip on his heart lets go just a tiny bit. He sees Shane smiling like he always does when Ryan laughs at his jokes, there is a lazy satisfaction to it and he looks almost proud.
Especially when he’s about to freak out and Shane pulls him back from the edge with a little quip that’s not even that funny but it’s familiar. It says I care about you and I want to take your mind off the thing that scares you or I’m here and nothing bad will happen, everything is okay.
It’s one of the many reasons why Ryan is so in love with him.
They take a turn at the end of the hallway where nothing was waiting for them, thank fucking god. Although, the dead quiet that’s only interrupted by their footsteps might be slightly worse.
About half-way through this nightmare place Ryan never ever wants to experience again, he had to realize Shane didn’t pay $40 to die. He paid to have Ryan cling to him for thirty minutes straight and he seemed completely okay with that. The bastard knew what will happen all along.
Despite that, Ryan wasn’t complaining either, he’s been tightly pressed against Shane’s side like they’ve been glued together, They’ve been walking like that ever since a clown with the creepiest facepaint he had ever seen just leaned out of a window right in front of him. Shane laughed like it was the funniest thing he’s ever seen and Ryan refused to even touch him for a whole three minutes until another guy started getting uncomfortably close.
They’re still barely twenty minutes in and Ryan’s shaking, clutching at Shane’s denim jacket as he’s desperately trying to think of anything else but the thin, pale girl following them for more than ten minutes now. Ryan heard the quiet footsteps that belonged to none of them and almost shit himself when he glanced behind and spotted her. She almost looked normal, like she could be a guest too if it wasn’t for her zombie-like appearance and dead eyes. She was a damn good actor, that’s for sure. The constant looming presence of her behind them puts Ryan on edge as nothing else did before.
But Ryan thought that’s probably the point. It’s a very good scare tactic and he honest to God thinks this is the best use of 40 bucks he could ever spend.
Shane’s long arm wrapped around his shoulder proves to be a good distraction, just like the occasional small kisses he presses into Ryan’s hair. Ryan is hot, probably sweating profusely, he’s gonna be all gross when they finally emerge but Shane’s a warm solid presence next to him, reminding him that everything is okay as long as Shane’s there.
Shane pulls him close when Ryan jumps a little too much after an actor gave them a good spook, startling even Shane, but he takes it like it’s barely anything and Ryan admires that, even though he doesn’t quite understand it. He’s dating a fucking demon.
“I don’t know how you do it. How am I the only one freaking out here?” He says softly, painfully aware of how thin his voice is.
“I am too, a little,” Shane admits. “But I’m also too preoccupied with keeping your heartrate just low enough so you won’t die on me and your little ghost won’t get stuck in a place like this. It’d be depressing.”
“Well, you’re doing a good job.” Ryan lets out a shaky laugh and then stops dead in his tracks. He was about to tease Shane about admitting to the existence of ghosts when he felt a cold hand at the back of his neck like someone was slowly dragging up a finger from his spine to the base of his skull.
It couldn’t have been Shane, his arm is currently wrapped around Ryan’s shoulders, rubbing tight little circles on his upper arm. And when Ryan realizes that, he fucking lets out a yelp, yanking a very startled Shane down with the motion of hooking his arms around his neck.
“What-? What happened?” Shane doesn’t hesitate for a moment to envelop him in a tight hug, sounding actually concerned now.
“Something touched my neck! I felt it. Fuck this, I cant- I hate this place, we need to get the fuck out, Shane.” Ryan can barely form a coherent thought, the words just stumble out of his lips, nearly drowned out by the pounding of his heart in his ear.
Two big, warm hands cup the sides of his as Ryan blinks once and then twice, finally seeing Shane clearly in front of him, goofy smile and all, but eyes full of concern.
“You okay, sweetheart?” Shane asks, lips twitching when he uses the nickname like he didn’t quite mean to say that, it just happened. Which seemed to be a theme when it comes to their relationship, Ryan thinks.
Ryan didn’t mean to throw all his previous fear out the window and kiss Shane at the office party celebrating the end of another amazing and successful season. It just happened. The cocktails he had certainly helped, but it’s been building for a while, and it didn’t matter they both were a little tipsy.It didn’t matter that Ryan squarely missed Shane’s lips and ended up pressing his lips against his chin because Shane’s too goddamn tall and can’t take a fucking hint to just lean down when Ryan is finally brave enough to make a move on him.
To be fair, Shane did, eventually, only for both of them to start laughing against each other’s lips, hardly doing any kissing at all.
But it was surprisingly easy to ask him out after that and take the same bed in their shared hotel room, tangled up, being brave enough to do so now, going to sleep with the promise of dinner together the next day. Just the two of them.
And that’s the thing, everything is so easy with Shane around, even calming the fuck down when something that didn’t quite feel human for sure touched Ryan’s neck.
Ryan wraps his hands around Shane’s wrists, Shane’s hands are still on his face, his thumbs gently stroking Ryan’s cheeks, always so so patient when it comes to calming him down and Ryan’s heart flutters happily.
“Yeah, sorry. Got a little lost in my head. Did you just call me sweetheart?” He asks with that special smile of his that’s only for the occasions of teasing Shane. It works every single time flawlessly.
“Apparently, I did. Any complaints?” He raises his eyebrows, in a challenge, just what Ryan expected. Ryan responds in a way he would’ve done the exact opposite of many years ago. He would’ve laughed and pushed him away, mumbling some nervous half-joke about Shane being weird. Right now, however, he’s pulling Shane down once again, kissing him shamelessly.It’s messy and desperate, probably at least a little inappropriate for the time and place, but it’s a distraction for his frayed nerves.
“No complaints here, big guy.” Ryan murmurs before giving him a last peck on the lips, satisfied with the slightly stunned phase he left Shane in. He wishes he could see him flush. “We should go, I’m okay. Let’s fucking finish this bad boy so I never have to think about this place ever again.”
Ryan’s legs almost give in relief as the last hallways start to get a little brighter than the rest of this terror maze. They made it, they reached the end. To celebrate that fact Ryan stops and pulls his phone out, trying to find the perfect angle that captures them both.
“Are you taking a selfie with me right now?” Shane laughs, brightly, eyes crinkling and there it is, Ryan quickly takes the photo. It’s perfect. “You were hyperventilating not even five minutes ago.” Shane points out, one hand slipping around Ryan’s waist, a move that became natural for them both quickly, that’s evident by the way Ryan melts against him immediately.
They’re stumbling out into the sunlight, their positions making it a bit difficult to walk, but none of them wants to let go. They’re flying high in their honeymoon phase, often annoying their friends and co-workers, but it’s nothing new, really, they’ve been doing that ever since they’ve known each other, getting lost in their little bubble way too often. It’s just a lot grosser now, as TJ kindly pointed it out after their latest Post Mortem.
Shane’s lips curl into a big grin and Ryan can feel the warmth of his face where it’s pressed against his shoulder when Ryan angles the screen so he can see it. The picture of them in Ryan’s Instagram story, captioned with ‘we’re finally out of this hellhole. my boyfriend is the devil.’
Calling Shane his boyfriend publicly gives him a bigger rush than any haunted house or horror movie in the world could. He guesses Shane feels the same if the tightening of his arms around Ryan’s waist and the big kiss pressed onto the base of his neck mean anything.“It wasn’t that scary, you know. Could’ve been worse.” Ryan says after they’ve finally started walking away, hands joined, lazily swaying between them. He laughs bright and loud at Shane’s incredulous expression and how he sputters, calling him out immediately.
“Why the hell were you freaking out then, huh? Wasn’t that scary my ass…” He huffs, slightly shaking his head, like he just can’t believe this guy.
“Alright, that lady following us was fucking creepy. Maybe she was the one who touched my neck.” Ryan reaches up to brush at the spot on the back of his neck. He can still feel it. Shane frowns at him though, quietly and looking very confused. It sends a chill down Ryan’s spine, dread gripping at his heart again when he says the exact thing Ryan was afraid he’d say. He didn’t even notice they both stopped walking.
“What lady?”
“What do you mean what lady?! She was following us for like ten minutes straight! Don’t tell me you didn’t notice her.” His voice goes high, and he feels like he might throw up and Shane has the audacity to shrug, infuriatingly nonchalant.
“Huh, must’ve missed her.” He says and starts walking again, leaving Ryan frozen in place for several seconds before having to run to catch up with those ridiculously long legs.
“Shane, don’t fucking do this to me, you had to have seen her! You fucking asshole!” He adds when Shane only answers with a delightful laugh.
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cylonbarnes · 4 years
gemma listens to the magnus archives
i’m going to listen to MAG 1: Angler Fish 
the accents sound fake even though theyre not
at least one person gets covered in worm holes (WAIT.... WORMHOLES?) at some point
night vale 2 electric boogaloo
to begin, i dont like angler fish. i dont like anything in the deep sea. i hate the deep sea. let us not actually be dealing with the deep sea.
i cant believe this guy sounds like this and you guys ship him with people.... some of you probably draw him as hot.... 
“there are very few genuine cases” oh so jon’s a scully
thank god this episode is only 16 minutes long.... i dont think i could handle jumping in to a 50 minute episode. for example, i love the adventure zone but it was a slog to start
is this his first day on the job?
he doesn’t count martin. who is the cute soft boy if i have decoded the fanart properly. who i think is also his ship.... person. his deckmate
okay so. i’m gonna guess that they start out reading statements but eventually become part of the statements themselves?? 
i just zoned out for most of this statement. i hope that doesnt come back to bite me later
why am i doing this. i think this podcast appeals to people who like scps and things. thats not me
actually, it is helpful that you tell me that there are steep hills in edinburgh
turns out eldritch entities (fish men?) dont care for cigarettes as much as they think they do
greasy breakfasts are the only way to deal with a traumatic evening
i forgot how fuddy-duddy jon’s normal voice was
wait the person who voices it is also named jon sims. the character and the actor is the same. this really is night vale 2 electric boogaloo
IT WASN’T BAD! it’s not really my thing but the episodes are short enough (for now) that i’ll listen to a few more. i should probably have more of a review but i dont???? ohhhh, spooky~~
the playlist on the rusty quill website is in reverse order which is annoying. i can probably listen to them elsewhere but i dont care to move
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lost-incident-kid · 5 years
halloween costume headcanons for all the vrains lads:
Yusaku: vampire (he saw a vampire costume a few years ago, thought ‘fuck it’ and got it. He thought it looked badass- and it does. For some reason it still fits, which is also really cool cuz he still likes it and can’t buy another. There was also a wig, but its all tangled now to the extent where he cant wear it).
Takeru: werewolf (He wanted to be a zombie. But... he found out Kiku once had a crush on remus lupin from harry potter, and he hasn’t seen the films/read the books nor does he know anything about harry potter, but once someone made a joke online about remus being a werewolf and for some reason Takeru remembered it, hence the werewolf costume to show off to kiku).
Aoi: cat (I dont have any detailed headcanon, i just know she has dressed as a cat. You don’t need context. I just know my child).
Ryoken: vampire (ok before i give the context: yeah motherfuckers, i repeated the costume. Its not the same as Yusaku’s tho. Ryoken’s costume is purple and black wheras Yusaku’s was red and black, and Ryoken got weird add ons like fake pointy vampire teeth and bs like that.
Okay so Ryoken saw the costume online and thought that maybe it would be cool if he and spectre had matching costumes (im respectfulshipping till the day i die, sorry) so he asked spectre who said ‘fuck yeah’ so they got the costumes. Pro tip: Dont order online without checking the reviews. These costumes were actually in kids sizes, but cuz spectre is tall af he had to get one of the larger sizes and cuz Ryoken is smol af he can easily wear larger kids sizes, so the one they got for spectre looked great on Ryoken.
Spectre (continuing from the last one lol): Skeleton (okay so after the internet shopping fail with Ryoken, Spectre ended up going to a costume store nearby, this was about 2 days before Halloween so the options were rather limited, the only one he thought was ‘okay’ (he didnt really like any of them) was a skeleton costume, so he got that one).
Wow with Ryoken’s and Spectres, i could write a fluff fanfic oneshot lmao, okay ive gone off topic. Back to the costumes lol
Ai: legit canonically has a witch costume (we see him wear a witch costume, not only in the episode where playmaker does the first ritual summon of vrains and also on one of the @ignister cards. Its canon. His soltis outfit already looks kinda spooky-ish but i feel like he’d wanna be extra and change it up on halloween so he wears the witch one.
Shoichi: Zombie (i got no detailed headcanons here, folks. I just know).
Jin: Zombie (imitated Shoichi).
Ema: Harlequin (only costume she could find that she liked, also she actually dyes her hair for it. She considers wigs to be nasty, and she cant fit all her hair into a wig cap).
Akira: werewolf (just thinking of that card combo he used in his duel against Yusaku, the cards tindangle hound and tindangle angel were able to resurrect eachother due to their card effects. Akira thought it would be cool if he and Aoi got costumes that were a wolf and angel because of this, but Aoi really wanted to be a cat because if she wanted to be an angel she’d just go into link vrains. At the time, she didn’t get that Akira was trying to put symbolism stuff into it).
Hayami: creepy looking doll costume (she wore it to a Halloween party at her university a few years ago, of course it ended up like that Halloween party scene in ‘mean girls’. Everyone else used halloween as an excuse to dress like a hoe, not Hayami though. Her creepy doll costume looked great, the university whores calling it childish were horrible people).
Other smol headcanons (i stopped giving a fuck about formatting at this point)
Aso once dared Genome to get a doll costume, and he did. The jokes on Aso. He thought it looked fabulous.
Go Onizuka doesnt dress up, but he helped the orphans make homemade costumes.
Flame and Aqua cant wear halloween costumes because of what attribute ignis they are. Flame’s keep setting on fire and Aqua’s get wet.
Windy has a ghost costume and he keeps trying to scare the other ignis with it, so far he hasnt been successful with anyone but Ai.
Miyu has a mermaid costume she made herself, but she cant walk in it of course because mermaid dont have feet so she never actually wore it trick or treating or anything like that.
Kengo just doesnt wear his prosthetic arm and puts fake blood all arround the part where his arm used to be. He likes doing this because everyone thinks its just part of his costume and that he probably still has both arms and is just hiding the other one or something.
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dunesand · 7 years
bulbapedia categorizes pokemon in their color groups so i made a bunch of trainer cards aka ocs for da future this is a master post for me to look back to in the future when i want to draw/flesh them out lmao!!!
red trainer Oh-sung...delinquent. sort of wishes he could carry cuter pokemon but he's gotta put up a TOUGH ACT. doesnt like battling but good at it. his darumaka is his true bff.
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blue trainer Insik doctor/rescue guy! nice dude, doesnt battle. always busy and likes oh-sung a lot. he loves cold drinks and cant stand the heat. loves the beach but loves really cold weather cant stand tropical beach towns. cant swim!
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yellow trainer Namki traveling clown!! loves their pokemon a lot!!! is horrible at battling!!! just wants to have a good time. will take your things and their pokemon will also take your things.
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green trainer Shingo a mess of a human being depressed as hell. just graduated college and is a station master due to family pressure. would eat nothing but top ramen and never clean if his pokemon didn't help him get up and feel good every morning. super city boy.
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charcoal trainer Dowon a NINJA. can tell you which naruto episode is his favorite and why. throws his freakin minior everywhere like a shuriken for practice. likes to collect figmas but always breaks them when he makes them. fake edgy. likes kimoon a lot.
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brown trainer Soyi wuvs to bake. gets nervous when pretty ladies come to her bakery, cant help but give out free bread to all the beautiful girls. sort of a perfectionist, beats herself up a lot over silly things. never sleeps. wuvs her pokemon. dislikes battling but GOOD at it.
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purple trainer Seigen a SPOOKY SNOWBOARDER. rarely is seen out at day, seeing him is like seeing bigfoot. not actually spooky but accepts this weird title people have given him. likes to camp out with his pokemon a lot. shy.
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gray trainer Mija usually seen at the hotsprings. she likes to stay in the salt rooms and drink fresh sikhye while reading. retired, wife passed away but has three good good kids that visit her a lot. loves battling and eating tasty snacks that are bad for her.
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white trainer Kimoon monk! but rlly new at it. trying to get rid of wordly desires but finds it very difficult to do. likes reading/watching kamen rider. friends with dowon.
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pink trainer Ga-yoon RICH bitch. always on cruises, competes in pokemon contests and hits on other ladies a lot. always has a drink in her hand. very good at pokemon battles but prefers the contest life.
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(pink was the last of the colors on the bulbapedia thing but i made more trainers.) trainer Woojin!! friends with shingo, same family issues. real serious around others. nice when talking one on one, wishes he could have been a chef.
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trainer Won-chul likes going on late-night walks with his pokemon and early morning walks. never seen in the afternoon. sort of a mystery. likes watching kdramas and crying.
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trainer Ye-jun widdle baby. likes to jump around in puddles. his favorite thing is soda. his pelipper tries to make sure he doesnt drink so much.
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orange trainer Sanjun maid cafe! brother to Nari. loves chatting with people and all around nice guy. trying to save money for college, but wastes all of his money on nice dresses. surprisingly dislikes sweets.
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trainer Nari butler cafe! sister to Sanjun wants to beat all the gyms. trying to get some extra bucks for college. likes helping her brother fuss over this fashion and looking up cool suits to wear. really good at saving money.
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trainer Eunah, friends with Sanjun. sort of a gloomy girl. really quiet, gets dragged along to shop with Sanjun constantly. only works on rainy days.
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trainer Mi-ran, nurse. clumsy af. tries her damn best and really wants to be a good nurse but is always fucking things up. oversleeps all the time and is always lost in thought. loves napping with her pokemon.
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trainer Tae really loves cute pokemon. plays with them all the time when he's not playing football. hold all of his pokemon and carries them around everywhere. loves soft things, scared of bug pokemon.
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trainer Hideo, friends with Tae and Choki . takes baseball real seriously. chews too much gum and never shuts up. tries to make everything connect to baseball somehow. everyone usually ignores him.
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trainer Choki, friends with hideo and tae super talented, very busy. lives with his younger brother. stern and wishes his brother would take his studies seriously. always wants to train but his friends never want to. paints in his spare time.
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trainer Itaru, younger brother to choki, wants to be a contest winner with his pokemon. wishes his brother wasn't so serious all the time. loves summertime and jogging with his pokemon. enjoys ditching school and planting berries/flowers in his garden.
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trainer Hirotomo he's kimoon's dad and wishes his son would focus on becoming an enlightened monk. loves the winter time and meditating with his pokemon. smiles a lot but no one can tell cause of his beard
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trainer Kyoko and Kuriko GAY!!! they love each other a lot.friends with all the sports buddies. big fans of Ryoko and Choki. they're really loud and full of energy but mean well and supports everyone.
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trainer Banri, trans guy. very competitive especially against miu. good friends with seigen. loves all kinds of fruit. dislikes fast food. wants everyone to know how good of a color orange is.
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trainer Miu, trans lady. not competitive, just trying her dang hardest. always seems to beat banri in some way. has a crush on ryoko. sister to eita. best skier around, really dislikes the cold. likes to watch scary movies.
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trainer Eita soccer player! blunt, nice boy. loves hanging around hideo cause he makes fun of him all the time. brother to miu, loves bragging about his sister. loves going to amusement parks and is the best at winning prizes.
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trainer Ryoko super talented, the coolest out of the sports buddies. rlly nice and hard working. gets a bit nervous due to the high expectations set on her. everyone thinks she's cool but she's secretly a big nerd. loves collecting gashapon toys.
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trainer Junko loves fashion. likes to dress in historical clothes and dresses her pokemon up the same way. terrible at gardening but wishes she were good at it.
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trainer Jubei, brother to junko. also loves fashion, but just always wants to look stylish. recently became a kendo teacher. a bit stubborn, kind of tsundere. is perpetually annoyed that his sister can beat him easily in martial arts.
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thunderbird0204 · 5 years
Aww here we go again.
Welcome back to inconsistently scheduled Riverdale season 4 live blog review. I'm your host university student number 7005 who should be asleep but is bored at 3am so is going to watch the newest episode of a show they don't like yet are unfortunately addicted to. Yes I know long name, they had to print a special sized birth certificate for me. Ight let's do this.
Okay watching the recap I'm loving being reminded that Stonewall is a terrifying place. Oh ya, its american Thanksgiving, welcome to the Turkeysode.
I'm sorry Hiram is already mayor. Man time jumps in this show are getting crazy. Also didnt they just elect a mayor like months ago I mean I know she was arrested but was no one doing the job at the time? Geeze Dogger's got a crime family, and there going after Archie!! Oh I'm so shocked. I bet Hiram wishes Veronica was as easy as Hermione. Okay, I'm going to have to keep the comments shorter and better spaced because I cant keep up with the show.
There are other professional people in the world that can help with the whole Baxter Brothers thingy. Does this school not allow cellphones? Why is Jug just using a random rotary phone like he is in prison?
Toni idk how often someone has to say this but like gtfo. The crazy-hot scale isn't really a thing but like let's say Cheryl has reached maximum hotness.
I'm still confused about the fact that Hiram won as mayor, do ballets not have a no vote option? Just because someone is running unopposed doesn't mean they have to win. Like the town does know and remember to some extent the damage he did to it and their children right? Ugh how do I shut off the logic half of my brain??
Man the only character I feel bad for ever is FP, he and Fred where the closest thing to real in this whole gosh darn show. WTF IS JELLYBEAN?? Like Betty is with Jug and the parents are getting busy but there is a teenager who lives there right?
Gotta say Veronica's little Papi moment was quite enjoyable.
WHAT! A Secret society within an old private school that looks like it came out of a family skit? Colour me shocked, confused and dismayed.
Dinner with the enemy.
Oh new killer? Or is Jug going to become part of the "secret society ooohhhh" ( imagine spooky ghost voice and perpendicular jazz hands, think I used that word wrong but what ever.)
K it was a fake attack.
I've had to pause because riverdale is quick to answer/spoil their own moments. (Side note I was going to make a comment about that)
Oh is this lady going to go after Archie's mom?
I'm sorry who assigns a suicide note as an assignment.
I've been waiting for this deep fryer to finally explode.
Oh tell them it was Hiram. Just be like the mayor did it then they will try to kill Hiram and he will go after Dogger and clan. 2 rats one shotgun.
That's a dumb rule, finish the flask I mean I know that was the an but still. Is Betty going to get caught? Nope.
Lol knives to a gun fight.
Archie does have a hero complex but he didn't beat Dogger. (I know no one can tell I've paused because this isn't like a live film but I am pausing at 24:54 to say I think the lady is going to shoot Archie's mom. Kk back to the show.)
Sad face I was wrong. Wait did she do it? Is the Turkey going to explode? Oh man there going to do an I'm Spartacus moment arnt they. Yep it's a yep. Lol touching display. All of 3 people.
Yay turkeysplosion. I've never had hand. Also, they are going to call the cops but FP had been drinking. Like I know Hiram didnt set this up but that's how its going to go.
I mean I dont want him to go to jail but I really want FP to kill Hiram. He is a literal cockroach.
Did they eat the uncle?? Oh frick ya. I'm down for unnecessary cannibalism. Toni looks legit perturbed. Lol they didn't even eat the pies. Oh my God, faking cannibalism or did they actually cook him up? You know what idk I like the implication. You know what Adams family with a sprinkle of gothic Blossoms is quite entertaining in a stupid way.
Wait hasn't Jug tried to cover up several murders. Also they are letting played. The tie pin, way to easy. Lol sex with the student, come one Betty, she's playing you.
Poor FP, welp riverdale is back to it's normal setting, Kingpin mayor and Gangleader Sherrif, that's the riverdale I know and am confused about.
WTF is up with that doll.
Thank you Betty for not being a complete dumb dumb. Eww not the headmaster he probably runs the secret society. OMG, that is the most obvious camera. Normal people would have noticed the giant obnoxious flashing red light and no one can tell me otherwise. Like if my power bar is facing me it ends up being a complete distraction. Jug claimed to have searched that half of the room so I'll give him the benefit of maybe saying they put the camera their afterwards but still. I found my episodes pet peeve. Who doesn't notice such a large camera. Like I don't understand. Donna "coming clean" lolololololol. I love how secret societies work. "Case closed" life is so convenient for the rich.
Okay ghosts are real, Riverdale has confirmed it. First the doll now Fred.
I will admit that was a touching end. With that I am done its 4:15 in the morning. I have class in 5 hours, and an appointment in 2. Good by and I'll see yall next week, for another episode of Why am I here.
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