#i would say im surprised it's not higher but then the 17 songs before it are also really good... so...
junekissed · 2 years
for the spotify wrapped thing!! what’s your number 18?
ooh good one!!
18. take me home by ateez
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queerlynx · 4 years
tagged by @elinaline​ lets fucking go 
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush?
my what (have you seen my hair, seriously) 
2. name of a food you never eat?
garlic and i WILL die on that hill 
3. are you typically too warm or too cold?
always too fucking warm. im literally never cold. people ask me 10x/day ‘arent you cold’ even tho ive told them 1000x that no, i am never cold 
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
i think i was still at the shops or maybe getting ready to go to the shops? 
5. what’s your favourite candy bar?
always a slut for a snickers 
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event?
i dont think so? what would i do there anyways ……oh wait no i went along to a professional tennis game w my ex’s brother i think? i can barely remember it was like 6 years ago 
7. what is the last thing you said out loud?
genuinely can’t remember even tho it was probs less than 15mn ago to my flatmate. most likely something about the cat being cute. or maybe it was TO the cat. who knows. 
8. what is your favourite ice cream?
chocolate probably? or banana? banana and chocolate is also good 
9. what is the last thing you had to drink?
lemonade cause thats all i drink 
10. do you like your wallet?
it’s BB-8!!! so yeah of fucking course 
11. what was the last thing you ate?
a bagel w blue cheese laughing cow, ham, and one of them shitty toastie super processed cheese slices 
12. did you buy any new clothes last week?
me and whose money lmaoo i can barely afford food rn 
13. last sporting event you watched?
14. what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn?
recently ive discovered you can drizzle maple syrup on popcorn and oh boy. other than that probs salted caramel sauce. but like i almost never have popcorn 
15. who was the last person you sent a message to?
im gonna assume this is any message and not just tumblr, in which case it was my fiancé @yearningcurve on whatsapp 
16. ever go camping?
i love camping but last time i went was at least 6 years ago ): 
17. do you take vitamins?
lol no 
18. do you go to church every Sunday?
………moving swiftly on 
19. do you have a tan?
i avoid sunlight like the plague so i’ll let you figure that one out 
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
probs pizza but i like both 
21. do you drink soda with a straw?                      
i chug it straight from the bottle lol who’s got the time 
22. what colour socks do you wear?
im almost constantly barefoot unless i HAVE to put on shoes and even then i won’t always put socks on if i’m not gonna be outside for long 
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit?
im always p much 5mph above the speed limit (fun fact, the display in cars shows your speed as roughly 2mph higher than it actually is, you can check it against a gps on your phone; AND speed cameras allow for +5mph anyway, so why the fuck wouldnt i be) 
24. what terrifies you?
like in general?? people leaving me, rejecting me, abandoning me, cutting me out, hating me in secret; not being a good person or liked or useful; people thinking i’m annoying or embarrassing or ridiculous or boring; the list goes on 
25. look to your left what do you see?
a very roumd and somft kitty :3 
26. what chore do you hate?
anything administrative or on the phone. i dont think it counts as chores but i genuinely enjoy tidying and cleaning so. 
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
i cant tell an australian accent when i hear one 
28. what’s your favourite soda?
lemonade, or fanta 
29. do you go into fast food places or drive thru?
ever since ive gotten a car p much always drive thru cause why would i sit in a crowded fast food restaurant w screeching kids and angry karens when i could enjoy my disgusting feast in my own home??? 
30. who was the last person you talked to?
IRL that’d be my flatmate 
t31. favourite cut of beef?
32. last song you listened to?
Echoes by the Rapture, it played on my shuffle in my car and reminded me of how good Misfits was lmao 
33. last book you read?
it would’ve been over seven or eight years ago. can’t remember. 
34. can you say the alphabet backwards?
z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a 
apparently so but it took a while tbh 
35. how do you like your coffee?
i mostly drink flat whites w hazelnut when i drink coffee but tbh despite being a barista w a professional grade home coffee machine i barely ever drink any outside of work lmao 
36. favourite pair of shoes?
grinders boots AND my trans pride converses. can’t pick between them soz 
37. the time you normally go to bed?
really is no normal. anytime between midnight and like up to 5am esp rn during lockdown. i never went to sleep last night actually i’ve been awake for like 28h now 
38. the time you normally wake up?
see above. anytime between 10am and like 6pm depending on when i went to bed. outside of lockdown i would wake up exactly an hour before i have work, so anytime between 5am-11am 
39. what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets?
sunsets but i really love both 
40. how many blankets are on your bed?
one bedsheet and one soft blanket 
41. describe your kitchen plates?
they’re green. nobody is surprised 
42. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage?
cider. i be drinkin that shit like its juice 
43. do you play cards?
not really altho on lockdown i’ve taught my flatmates a french card/money game called Nain Jaune and they enjoy it so that makes me happy 
44. what colour is your car?
dark red like……burgundy kinda? 
45. can you change a tire?
probably not lol 
46. your favourite province?
province of what lol. either way it’s Brittany. 
47. favourite job you’ve had?
ive only ever had the one lmao so, barista it is 
48. how did you get your biggest scar?
top surgery (’: 
49. what did you do today that made someone happy?
fuck if i know. i guess i made coffee for my flatmates but like i do it everyday so they p much expect it by now i dont think it makes them any happier or like if it does they dont really say it rip 
not a big fan of tagging ppl so just. do it if you wanna lol 
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himbosims · 6 years
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The Simself Challenge? Is that what this is called? I have no idea. . .
The challenge is basically to make a simself then answer a fuck ton of question so here we are. Thanks @willowbomb and @sim-borg for tagging me. I’ll tag: whoever wants to do this because idk who hasn't done this yet
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? My childhood nickname was Tot. My friends call me d*ke and slut though so hey
3. BIRTHDAY? July 23, 2001
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? Series definitely The Mortal Instruments or the Infernal Artifacts by Cassandra Clare
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? Both i think, definitely aliens. I don't fuck with ghosts and all that because I don't want to die
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? Right now my favs are Adam Silvera and Becky Albertalli
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? Where I live we have five stations, one that plays music from the 30’s all the time, three country, and one that says it plays pop but ends up playing country anyways. So, none.
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? Idk man, thats a loaded question. Probably vanilla
9. WHAT WORD WOULD YOU USE OFTEN TO DESCRIBE SOMETHING GREAT OR WONDERFUL? ??? lit… idk dude I was trying to think of something that's weird but I can't think of anything
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? Be My Mistake by The 1975 or Not Warriors by Waterparks
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? Serious answer, lunacy (there's a reason its my username) not as serious, I just heard someone outside yell for the chillin’s and I started laughing because that word is great
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO?  I’m currently listening to From Eden by Hozier
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? Shameless, Glee, Shadowhunters, Grey’s. I could go on.
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN?Love, Simon, Call Me By Your Name, or The Perks of Being a Wallflower
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? Spiders and needles
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? Everything, in seriousness, my selfishness or narcissism,  
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? Cats are my favorites but dogs are cool
21. ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP? Never have been
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? Irl- my friend EJ. Online- @hallowiamshebsims
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? I don't remember the last time I was excited for something
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? Hannah Montana, Ned Declassified, Drake and Josh, Flapjack, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Chowder, Rugrats. I'm a true early Gen Z kid
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? My girl best friend, I dont tell him everything because i'm a secretive bitch
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? Writing, reading, creating imaginary worlds to live in
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? I am almost done with History Is All You Left me by Adam Silvera and oh boy that book
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Paranorman: “You’re gonna love my boyfriend, he’s like a total chick flick nut.”
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? @hallowiamshebsims @simmerberlin @willowbomb @pollinationqueen @gunthermnch
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? The ability to always have the money to pay for things
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? People falling down, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJq4jWSQNd
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? I have two teachers that are really weird about phones and talking in class so we pass notes instead
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? I went to a christian concert when I was like 5 so there's that
51. ARE YOU VEGAN/VEGETARIAN? Nope, I live in the south how do you expect me to not eat meat
52. WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? Teacher since I live in the south and that's the only jobs beside retail or waitress in my town
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? The Shadow World, but I wanna be a warlock, not a dumb shadowhunter lol
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? I’m afraid of what's in the dark, which is a hard ass way to say yes
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? All the time but im tone deaf so its bad
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? If I was sick, yeah. Other than that, I did twice. Once because I had a really bad panic attack right before the bus got to my house and I called my mom claiming I was really sick, and once a few weeks ago because my dog got sprayed by a skunk therefore making me smell like a skunk
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? New York City, LA, San Francisco, Toronto, Portland, London. Any big city to be honest
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? A dog and three cats
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? Both. I sometimes stay up super late and sometimes i'm up really early. And if I can actually force myself out of bed I can get a lot done in either of those times
63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? Yeah but im gay so its not good driving l
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? Everything that wont break in a week
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? I don't really have a favorite, I listen to all kinds of stuff
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? Uhhhhh, Deadpool, or Spiderman
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? It takes a lot to make me angry but when im angry it's bad and I forget what i do when i was angry so i don't really know
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? English and Creative Writing
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? Younger sister, younger step brother
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? A starbucks coffee last night
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5’7 or something
75. CAN YOU COOK? Depends on what i'm cooking
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? Books, music, friends
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? Racists, homophobes, sexists- so basically most the people in my town (hell what am i kidding, this side of the Mason-Dixon line)
79. WHAT IS YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION? I am on the ace spectrum and I am panromantic
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? ‘Merica the brave
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? CallMeKevin RTGame The Shane Dawson squad
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP?I guess this hell site
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE?My mom and I are kinda close, i don't really talk to my dad much (even though I live with him half the week)
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? Aussie, British, Scottish, Irish… all of them
88. WHAT IS A PLACE THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO, BUT YOU WANT TO VISIT? Everywhere that’s not my state and the ones touching it
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? notta
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? Yes, but not crazy religious. I just believe in fate and that there is some type of higher power
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? I have an issue with adrenaline. As in, although i am an anxious person with too much adrenaline anyways I like to do things that give me a rush of adrenaline
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? I can't have my eyes pierced because I'm allergic to metal in the sense of having it in my body
98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? I mean netiehr, but i'm not a huge fan of sand
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? You’ve made it through your worst day before, you can do it again
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? I think so
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? Sytherlin, not surprise
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? I’m talking to myself right now
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? Nah, my writing is kind alike my diary
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? I give people too many chances
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Check the ID, maybe take the money and leave it in a bush or something. I don’t know
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? Please don’t  tickle me
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? Read question 94
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? Alec Lightwood or Magnus Bane, but young Alec because I can't be friends with 27 year old Alec
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? Scared of needles, remember?
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? Not really but if my future partner wants some i’d be open to talk about it
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? My ex-best friend. I used to hate how she never had to try to get good grades or be good at things, she just was
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? All my memories are embarrassing if you look close enough
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? At least twice a month
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOU CLOTHES? Nutruels and black
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? I think I wa son the news once
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 17
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? I have a lot, “Words have the power to change us.” “perhaps it is because of time that we suffer.” “I remain a work in progress until I die.” “The thing you are most afraid to write, write that.” I could go on
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hyeizwon · 3 years
Okay I had to make another part because I’m so emotional about all the contestants we lost 😢😢😢 like I said earlier - the J contestants were done extremely dirty in my opinion and there being NONE remaining outside of the top 9 is insane. Ruan, Ririka, Manami, May, and Kotone were so amazing and talented throughout this whole competition and I kid u not when I say every one of them stood out in the creation mission (along with other performances ofc but I think they all really shined in the original songs). If Mnet had given them more screen time outside of performances I genuinely think they would’ve all been ranked higher 😭 I adore Myah and am absolutely thrilled we’ll see more of her but I can’t help but really wish that at least one of the amazing J contestants could’ve been saved 😢😢 Xin yu and chen hsinwei I did see coming but they still broke my heart (especially when hsinwei couldn’t speak after being so close - I’ve known her since ywy2 so it was super hard to see her get eliminated again, but she ranked so much higher this time and has so many more fans now so I’m looking forward to her next steps). And then the big one that mnet barely paid any attention and gave super little screen time to - cai bing. Despite her not being one of my picks, I genuinely feel so bad for her and her falling so low and ending up being eliminated before the final is something I was not predicting at all. tbh I’m actually surprised the planet pass didn’t go to her?? Either way I hope for the best for her (and the rest of them ofc) and pray we’ll get to see them on the screen or in music again soon ☺️💗 what are your thoughts on these eliminations? Were you surprised or did you pretty much expect what happened? See you again soon!! 😁 (2/2)
Y E S the fact that only FOUR j trainees survived is WILD!!! especially when like you said they all stood out in the creation mission and have all been giving consistently great performances but unfortunately have just not had the screentime needed. each one was carried to this point of the competition by the charisma and skills they showed on stage instead of storylines and i can't begin to imagine how much more popular they would be if we were able to get to know them on the show :(( i love myah and she def deserved to get saved bc she stands out in most performances she does - saving her meant all 9K trainees survived which just. for a global girlgroup?? esp with the interim rankings now, as she's went from 25 to 8 which. h o w.
im sorry you had to see hsinwei get eliminated again :( i loved her personality sm and cant wait to see more of her aswell. i feel so bad for how she had to stand up on the stage just to hear it wasnt her who got through you could tell how much she wants to debut i hope yuehua gives her the chance soon. cai bing was given NOTHING this episode after she was such a big part of the early show it was so sad. the show built her up by giving her top9 ep2 only to edit her harshly for 3 episodes in a row then ignore her (idk how much was evil editing and how much was just. her but at the same time they made sure we saw evil cai bing and nothing else whenevr she was on screen) so im not surprised they didnt give her the planet pass bc they made it obvious how they feel about her.
i kinda expected a few of the results, except that i figured manami would be 17 and ruan would be 15/14, with suyeon and huang xing qiao being eliminated. everytime the camera panned to ruan during rankings i felt worse and worse for her :(( i expected that cai bing would be eliminated, but i really didnt think she'd be last at ALL, and myah being 25?? i thought she'd be 19/18 but wow...
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kpopjagis-blog · 7 years
Will you look at me now? (Jungkook x Older!Reader) (P. 2)
Admin JT here! Here is the second part of my Jungkook miniseries. I hope you guys like!
Also, I have another story in mind for a noona reader and it will most likely end up to be with Jungkook as well, but I might choose somebody else if somebody requests it and I like the person for the plot I have in mind. DM me what you guys think ~Admin JT
Part 1
Jungkook was nervous. Not because it was his turn, and not because Yoongi got a decent score and it was important for him and his ego to get a higher score, but because she’s there, cheering him on.
He can see her. He picks up his bow, looking at her slightly, making eye contact. She smiles. A big one. One for him. He smiles back. Maybe there is no reason to be nervous.
He settles himself and raises his bow with only one statement in mind: These are for her.
He breathes in and out. He thinks of her. He releases.
Jungkook feels somebody hugging him from behind. Inhaling the scent, he immediately knows it’s (Y/N). It can only be her.
“Congrats,” she said. “You did well for me, just like you promised.”
“We only got bronze though.” He could see his hyungs giving him knowing looks. Of course they would know about how he feels. Why wouldn’t they know?
Letting Jungkook go, she stepped in front of him and said, “But it was your score that got you up there. I must say, a 9-9-10 score is hard to get.”
He chuckled. “You would’ve gotten a better score instead if you were in my place.”
“Don’t presume to know everything Kookie.” She started to walk past the younger man before stopping and leaning over to his ear. Softly whispering, she said, “I might just surprise you. What would you do then, Jeon Jungkook?”
She walked away, sensing the stare the man was giving her. A stare that understood the message she gave. A stare that promised that he would not cower anymore.
It’s the middle of the relay race. Min Yoongi had just taken the baton. And Jeon Jungkook is ready to run. BTS already has the lead, so the pressure doesn’t come from that. The pressure comes from her eyes on him. Only on him. And his eyes are on her.
He sees her staring at him with, not hope or faith in him, but expectancy. She expects him to win. She knows that he will do his best- even if he doesn’t have to. Besides, the faster he runs, the faster he can be next to her side.
But it didn’t work out that easily.
After all the congratulations and the awards were given, he went looking for (Y/N). Except, she wasn’t alone. He saw her talking to Im Jae-beom, aka, JB, the leader of GOT7. It would make sense, both of them being from the same company and all, but to Jungkook, that doesn’t matter. All he saw was a rival who was better suited for (Y/N). They were the same height, but he was more muscular. He was older (although still younger than (Y/N)). He was a leader. 
But Jungkook is the maknae. The golden maknae. He wasn’t about to let you go.
Jungkook’s feelings for her started out as sunbaenim-dongsaeng relationship. But he eventually grew to see her as an older sister. When he revealed this to her after a few months of knowing each other, she told him that it was okay to call her noona. And he did. He felt pride that, out of all the Bangtan members, he was the first member to be allowed to call her that. Not even Yoongi-hyung and Namjoon-hyung, who have been in the studio with her for hours, has called her that yet. After he started to call her that, the others soon followed. But he didn’t care. He was the first one. He was the one who start a real relationship with her outside of work.
Two years after their debut, Junkook began to see her in a new light. He started to see her, not as a sister, but as a girl. It was puppy love. A small crush. Six months later, she was no girl to him. She was a woman. But he was only 17 years old, almost 18, and she was 24. She was in her prime, while he was just getting out of his awkward years. Instead of outright telling her his feelings, he tried to show her. He got her gifts and and did as she asked. He stayed behind to spend more time with her. He told her terrible jokes and she would laugh at them. He even openly flirted with her and she would flirt back.
But he never went further. He never dared. He saw her surrounded with men from all over the place. Actors like Song Joong Ki and Park Hae-jin. And artists like Kwong Jiyong and Kim Heechul. He saw them treat her as a queen. They practically worshipped the ground that she walked on. He saw them flirt with her. And to his surprise, she flirted back (He would later learn that she’s a natural flirt and doesn't realize when she is flirting. He found it cute, but annoying). How could he ever live to these men? How could he ever to live up to these legends?
He would live up to them. He has to. He just didn’t how soon he would step up.
Here’s part 2. I’ll make sure to have part three up soon. BAI~ Admin JT
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theanatomyletter · 5 years
here is a perfectly sane response to the climate emergency
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Right so like 3 days ago once everyone found out a couple weeks too late that the literal amazon rainforest is on fire I went into a sort of anxiety/depressive spiral and it was terrifying!!! I was scared and shocked out of doing anything and kept thinking of all the bad things that are happening and how we are all going 2 die and kept thinking of how to make more ppl understand that climate destruction is part of the same racist project as white imperialism and I’m !!! Stressed !! And I was scared and freaked out!!! I remember as a kid one of my favourite things ever was the book Journey To The River Sea by Eva Ibbotson and I s2g that book made me a person it taught me so many things about what it means to love a place and to be alive in the world and how to sustain a sense of self and community in meaningful connection with that it means to be alive and here and breathing and it’s a book about the rainforest and the river and so I’ve just been,, thinking of it a lot, little blue butterfly from the cover floating thru my brain and all that. It’s hard!!! I thought I was afraid of not saving/earning enough money to do a masters next year but I was actually afraid of the consequences of the climate emergency. Pay more attention to your emotions and honour them for what they are and figure out what is at stake for you, what does it make you feel that the world is in crisis. I think that’s important
Depressing chat aside after I panicked and felt radicalised (what does that even mean?) I found this twitter thread which was basically like these are all the terrible things that can happen and here is how we stop them and at first I felt SO SCARED because there’s NO WAY we can actually organise mass strikes at this scale!!!! We have never had to organise at this scale before, I panicked and got really scared and went on a rant about how we have to use existing structures to fix things because we don’t have the time or resources to organise at this scale but like. I now think we actually do, I found this resource for organising strikes globally from 20TH TO 27TH SEPTEMBER and like, we have the Internet and we have a month to plan and prepare and if you are able to strike you absolutely should !!!!!! There are people smarter than me speaking to the urgency of this, I’m just having some feelings and writing this on my phone notes, but like. Read about strikes in your area. If there aren’t any, find resources to help organise one. Text your friends your colleagues your family whatsapp group the people you went to school with, spread the word and organise how you will sustain your community in that time
As a side note after I went on panic rants all over my social media I think I realised that terrifying people into frenzied action won’t work because it’ll often just scare them into inaction (that’s what it did to me) and I felt better only once I found that resource for actual organisation, the mass general strike felt like an impossible project until I found out it’s already being planned. So like, don’t be helplessly scared, we have multiple years to fix things, and I think this is important: REMEMBER TO BE ALIVE AND HERE AND BREATHING, it’s important to actually feel the absolute miracle that is consciousness otherwise all of the saving the world will have been for nothing. Take photos of your friends and give hugs to your pets and get drunk and go dancing and remember that what matters is that feeling of being so achingly alive and aware of your existence in the world when you look at the sky and feel dizzy with how small you are and how yet the whole universe is inside of your brain, remember to breathe and feel glorious and loud and bright and reckless.
On that note, I was having a hard time giving a shit about much but I copped on a bit after I talked to my friend Naoise Dolan (buy her book it is out soon !!!) I felt like calmer and more like I was allowed to enjoy things and write things (that’s why I finally pulled it together enough to do this) and so I LISTENED TO THE NEW TAYLOR SWIFT ALBUM ON REPEAT and I’ve decided I love it, here is my ranking of all its songs from worst to best, I have so many thoughts, the lyrics are golden, I’m so happy to be alive in the world at a time we can make things better and listen to music like this that’s tailor made (sorry) for us to forget about any guilt we may feel from bopping to boardroom produced songs about corporate feminism
18. Miss Americana and whoever the fuck
Idk what this obsession is with high school motifs (shout out Mike Dolan for pointing this out) like it’s just weird for a 29 yr old to use school as a metaphor for her love life. The “you win stupid prizes” bit sounds nice though. It’s like a low-key creepy obsessive song like why is she doing that funny voice? Is it meant to sound vaguely haunted? What’s going on
I’m also just tired of “America” (the white kind) as a cultural construct and it being used as an expression of identity in popular culture like we get it you built a nationalism out of “gas stations” and “hallways” and “whatever” but you’re still racist, Stop. Like it’s just an inherently violent construct and nobody white is reckoning with it responsibly so at least maybe stop romanticising it or just shut up. Heck yea I’m reading too much into this. I do what I want
17. You Need to Calm Down
This song is bad. It’s so bad. The lyrics are pointless, the ohoHHHH is annoying, her voice is irritating, it’s also just gross and patronising and tries to do twelve things at once (are we leading a parade to pat ourselves on the back for telling homophobes to “take several seats” or are we saying we “all have crowns” wtv that means?)
This song is actually just gross and it doesnt even SOUND GOOD
16. ME
It’s less problematic than you need to calm down and that’s the only reason it’s slightly less bad. It’s a garbage song idk why it exists i’m so mad at it
15. Paper rings
IM SORRY tHe mOoN is HIGH like your friends were the night that we first met I’m sorry WHAT miss swift we get it you have been near drugs, Jesus CHRIST this song is a juvenile childish self important mess. The lyrics r awful and her voice is sneaky and weird and she does weird noises and the chorus is dumb like the “uhuh that’s right” makes me want to give CHITTAR. Also she says darling WAY too much in this album like we get it you’re dating a Brit. It’s not The Worst song because if you pay zero attention to the lyrics or her voice it’s kind of fine sounding? It’s so bad tho lol, I remember when she wrote Mine and the video came out I was like wow wild this is weird and adult and why are you pregnant but this one is even MORE weird. I also HATE every time she says dreary mondays and “baby boy” (GROSS) and I hate that she keeps repeating it lol. The I hate accidents line is kind of fine
14. I forgot that you existed
I hate the lyrics and I hate the premise (we get it you’re indifferent that’s why you wrote a whole song about it) BUT it’s such a bop, it’s very /this feels like a perfect night to make fun of our exes/ vibes and I would be LYING if I said I didn’t enjoy that. Yes we exists
We are pretending her fake laughter and starting to talk in the middle of songs things isn’t real though. It wasn’t cute in we are never ever etc and isn’t cute now
13. I think he knows
I love the 16th avenue bit, it fills me with giddy happiness, the rest of the song is shit, and also lazy. Also stop being obsessed with being 17, it was weird in starlight and is weird now
The bridge is also sort of nice but not nice enough to redeem the rest of it
12. London Boy
Im sorry I promise I know this song is bad. It is bad. I hope it’s ironic? But it’s bad. It’s a weird colonialism complex fetishisation of posh brit whiteness and its even more gross when it’s like “btw IM american, DOUBLE whiteness”, it’s icky and bad. It is a bad song. I apologise for enjoying it and I promise I am ashamed but also u know what, if you ignore the lyrics entirely and pretend you’re 15 and un-enlightened about the violence inherent to the fetishisation of an english identity……….maybe a fun tune. I know. I know. I am sorry. I promise I enjoy it only ironically
11. The man
Corporate white lady feminism? With the word HUSTLE in it? In this economy? Yes obviously
The lyrics are a bit ehhhh but some of them are quite clever and I think she’s quite honest in this song in a rare sort of way without trying to exaggerate it for shock value and it’s a very like, this is my life, here you go, sort of tune, it doesn’t do anything for women’s rights but I think it sounds nice and is probably fun to dance to, and “I’m so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I’d get there quicker if I was a man” and “if I were a man, I’d be the man” are fUN lines !!! Idk how wild this comparison is but like, I feel this song is trying to deal with similar things as I know places (a very privileged rant, if you will, without much self awareness) but I think The Man does it better because it’s less self important and has less ambition about it solving or expressing the world’s worst problems.
10. False God
Ok, so, what is it with the religious motifs in this album, i don’t get it, though it kinda works a lot in this song? I wanted to rank this higher but after a few listens it got slightly grating, the beginning is a bit unecessary too? Like it’s trying to create this weirdly artificial aura of glamour and sophistication, it’s quite an unnerving and haunting song and I quite like that about it and it makes me a bit surprised and startled. This thing she’s doing with like slow, building, repeating tunes i think has worked the best in this song (we might just, get away with this, religion’s in your lips e-,ven if its a False gOd) also, THE ALTAR’S IN MY HIPS, OOF, the chorus does the trick honestly and i love when she’s like slightly laughing but in a wry sort of way. Love it tbh, something about it just makes me a bit stressed though and not in an intentional way (i think)
9. It’s Nice To Have a Friend
Miss taylor who gave you the RIGHT, to shove your hand into my chest and grab my heart and step all over it. I love it and it makes me cry and it’s so soft and sweet. Zero complaints abt it it’s a beautiful song. There r just MULTIPLE EXTREMELY GOOD SONGS that’s why it’s not like my absolute fav and im confused too as to why it’s so low but like. Idk. it is a very soft and sweet song. I love it. If anything maybe it’s a bit uncreative n lazy but i think that’s slightly on purpose so doesn’t rlly constitute a criticism
8. Death by a thousand cuts
I like this song a lot a lot. The lyrics are SO GOOD IM SO HAPPY SHES DOING GOOD LYRICS AGAIN. I love the “one for the agEs” line and i’m generally a slut for any mention of chandeliers in music or poetry (dont ask), her voice is delicate but proud and wild and i’m a fan, honestly, cannot wait to bop to this. The My my my bit is annoying tho
7. The archer
I HATE the bit where she says CoMbAt but otherwise this song is soft and lovely and gentle and I love it !!!!! I love the lyrics and I love her gentle restraint of how she slowly unfurls them and then let’s go in “help me hold onto you”, there is such a commanding frankness to it, it’s an ask for collaboration, an ask for honesty, an ask for I want to do this with you
I think it’s one of the strongest tracks lyrically and she also shows like great skill vocally which has been annoyingly missing from so much of what she’s recently produced. I feel like there’s a bunch of annoying stylistic choices (the they see right thru me bit is grating) but like the song overall is lovely, I think you can feel in her voice she knows she’s created something good and it’s not the usually insufferable IM A GENIUS vibe. WHO COULD EVER LEAVE ME DARLING, BUT WHO COULD STAY !!!
6. Soon you’ll get better
Made me cry. We’re not talking about this one
5. Lover
This song is soft loving, slow whispers, careful realisations that you can build a life with whatever you like and love will save everything, I love it, I love it I love it I love it, “can I go where you go?” moves me to tEARS it is such a soft and gentle expression of care, it is such a kindness, it’s such surrendering, such reckless care, I love it so much, it’s so hopeful and also sure, it’s so frightful but also unafraid. I think this is one of Taylor’s most earnest songs ever and it does the thing of combining that earnestness with brazen daring that doesn’t turn into embarrassment only because she commands her lyrics with such certainty, and that’s rare and often I think that daring has ended badly for her (LOL most of reputation) but here it’s done so beautifully and w so much happiness and LOVE, this song is truly just a beautiful lil piece of art with so much happiness dripping thru it
4. Cornelia Street
This song. This SONG. It builds up so beautifully with this ever so slightly hesitant fascination with its own emotions, i’m so obsessed with it, the lyrics are lovely and perfect, i was expecting it to feel slightly forced and oddly specific because wtf is a cornelia street anyway, but it WORKS. I think it wants me to think of like a glowy streetlighty street and it DOES THAT, “filling in the blanks as we gooooo” sounds so gorgeous and does that thing with her voice which literally is just showing off that Yes She Does Know How To Sing and it’s so certain and sure and restrained and open and bare (again in “i thought you were leading me onnnnn”). Also, “the city screams your name” should be a tired cliche but its just an excited expression of abandon im,, in love. The song is so shaky and uncertain but completely confident and relaxed at the same time and it FEELS EXACTLY LIKE COMING TO TERMS WITH BEING IN LOVE AND WANTING IT TO LAST FOREVER, also like, when did she learn how to write good bridges again because yEs
3. Daylight
Solely for the lines “i’ll tell you the truth, but never goodbye // i don’t want to look at anything else now that i saw you” she deserves a grammy it actually pierces my emotions and makes me want 2 explode, this song is sooooo lovely and it has the vibe that makes me feel like i’ve already heard it years ago (but maybe thats because ive had the album on repeat 2 days straight) but it’s just,,, very good and it feels like sunset and glitter and i think is a perfect ending to a great album i love how it builds intensity and then strips it down and just,,, love it.
2. Afterglow
This is i think, one of the most beautiful things this woman has ever produced, one of the loveliest and most powerful songs ever made, i love it so very much. She finally learnt how to do autotune properly lol, this song is like, a crescendo of emotion, everything is falling down around it and it’s like a little haven of bare, frank honesty and complete surrender, of complete vulnerability, the whole song sounds like an act of care and an act of expressing pure emotion, it’s so gorgeous. It moves so softly and doubles in on itself and she’s sorry and sad but so proud of this love and so certain of its importance, “i’m the one who burnt us down”, it’s such a zooming in on a very specific emotion and it’s done so well, i love it
1. Cruel summer
I LOVE THIS SONG. I LOVE THIS SONG. The lyrics are flighty and exciting and shivery, WHAT DOESNT KILL ME MAKES ME WANT YOU MORE- plug that shit into my VEINS. This song makes me feel like it’s 2015 and nothing is real yet and I’m living inside a YA novel and my biggest problem is my crush being mean to me and I’m RELISHING in that freedom and indulging every last drop of emotion because being alive and paying attention to it is incredible and Extremely Cool Actually (I DONT WANT TO KEEP SECRETS JUST TO KEEP YOU, dead right gal)
That said. Organise for the climate strike. Read up on what’s going on so you can answer questions in your family whatsapp group. Field those conversation, DO THAT EMOTIONAL LABOUR (again, what even), spread the word. But take care of yourself !!!! Listen to Taylor swift and remember that we are an absolute joke of a species, we went to the MOON, we can do this, I love you
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lostfovnd · 7 years
all of them
1. What are your hobbies? drawing, taking pictures etc
2. If you could have dinner with any 3 living or dead people, who would they be and why? dad mum sister
3. What makes you laugh? someone
4. What was the last good thing that happened to you? ugh dunno
5. What is your biggest goal? happy life
6. What do you think is the meaning of life?  I’m still looking for it
7. Do you believe in an afterlife? dont think so
8. Do you have any pet peeves? no
9. What do you like to do on the weekends? going out or sleeping
10. What was your favorite TV show growing up? many
11. What is your favorite TV show now? i dont watch tv
12. What are your favorite movies? detachment, control, v for vendetta, mr.nobody, etc
13. Tell me one surprising fact about you.
14. What do you look for in a significant other? sincerity
15. What were you like as a child? happy 
16. What are some things on your bucket list? some people*
17. Who has had the biggest influence on your life? my self
18. Do you have any pets or have you ever owned any? no
19. Talk about a challenge you had recently and how you overcame it or how you plan to. to have good grade on semester ahah, i pray ahah
20. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose and why? oh noooo, i guess ludovico einaudi- experience, because i hear it if i am sad or mad and it calms me down
21. Talk about a favorite childhood memory. 
22. What is your favorite commercial?none
23. If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be and why? dont let insecurity ruin the beauty you were born with.
24. If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only bring one thing, what would it be? water?
25. Who is your celebrity crush? dont have
26. Who is your favorite musical artist? dont have 
27. What is your favorite music genre? rap
28. What is your favorite color? dark green
29. What would you do if you won a million dollars?pay all the debts
30. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? to fly 
31. What is your dream vacation? japan
32. What actor or actress would star as you in a movie about your life? dunno
33. Where did you grow up? greece
34. If you could trade lives with anyone else for one day, who would you trade with? nononon
35. What is your favorite book? many
36. Who is your favorite author? dnt have
37. Who do you look up to? none
38. What is your favorite food ever? aaah cant decide
39. Are you a picky eater? no
40. Drunken story time! Go! 
41. What beverage do you consume most often? beer
42. What is the first thing you wash in the shower?boobies ofc
43. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?ye
44. How are you feeling right now?tired
45. Do you plan out your outfits? sometimes
46. What is the closest red item to you? suitcase
47. Talk about the last dream you remember having.i dont remember my last oooone
48. Do you love yourself? more than before
49. When was the last time you cried and why? i dont remember when, a couple days ago , because i’ve taken some medication for acne, and know it doesnt working and im break down and this shit i have it for years and its ruin so much my confidence. i just got tired
50. Have you ever met a celebrity? met as a person no, but i have seen a few of them  
51. Have you ever been to a concert? ye
52. What are you listening to right now?nothing
53. Have you ever flown in an airplane? ye
54. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? i dont remember
55. Are your parents or guardians strict? a little bit ye
56. Did you have a good childhood? i think ye
57. Have you ever been in love?ye
58. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? bite most of the time
59. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life ever apologize? no and i dunno if its necessary , they just doing theyre thing , what they think it was right, shit happens
60. What are some of your turn-ons?shhh
61. What are some of your turn-offs?shhh
62. Would you go skydiving? dunno
63. What are you thinking about right now? that i have to study instead of answering the questions 
64. Do you ever rent movies?in the past
65. Do you ever illegally download entertainment such as music, movies, etc.? dunno
66. What is your zodiac sign? pisces
67. Do you believe in karma or predestiny? its complicted
68. Is there anything you want to say to anyone right now? me to me: get out of bed
69. Would you rather live a shorter life but be wealthy or live a longer life and struggle financially? 1st one ofc
70. What is your stance on abortion? if u thing that u re not ready its okay
71. Do you believe in ghosts? its complicated
72. Who do you admire and why?my sister, cause shes working really hard and shes successful
73. What was your worst experience while under the influence of drugs or alcohol? in a ship while i was traveling, the worst bad trip,in every kind of meaning ahah
74. Have you ever had a near-death experience? no
75. What do you daydream about? food
76. Where do you want to live after retirement?dunno
77. What would you change your first name to? no 
78. If you believe in a God or Higher Power, what one question would you want to ask Him or Her? i dont
79. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? both
80. Are you more introverted or extroverted? 1st 
81. What is your dream profession? -
82. What do you worry about most? my dad’s health
83. When was the last time you tried something new and what was it? once upon a time..
84. Who do you compare yourself to? with my past-self
85. What excites you about life? all the beautiful places that i havent been visited
86. What five words would you use to describe your personality? shy ,sensitive, stubborn ,outspoken , ‘being-there if u need smthing’ kind of person
87. What is one life lesson you learned the hard way? dont care about what other people say-think
88. What belief do you have that many people disagree with? about my ‘religion thing’ i guess
89. If not now, then when? ela nte
90. Is it possible to lie without saying a word? ye , doing smth that u dont really want
91. What activities make you lose track of time? i lose track of time all the time ahah
92. If you had to teach an academic subject, what subject would you want to teach? lol im not that good to teach someone
93. What is your biggest regret? not being able to be strong to make someone else happy instead of bringing them down into my own shit
94. What will matter most to you when you’re 80 years old? to have lived ahappy life with things I wanted to accomplish
95. Are you a messy person or a clean person? both ahah
96. Are you a perfectionist? sometimes
97. How tall are you? 1.70
98. What is your guilty pleasure? to have every food i want in any time i want 
99. Do you prefer sweet or salty? sweet salty sweet salty sweet
100. What is your favorite social media website? i think youtube 
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nicegoodgolden-blog · 8 years
All the One Direction asks :) xx
Oh my gosh. Im about to bore everyone e to sleep. (Tagging you, @petalsharry, because you sent me in a few too!) Here we gooooo…
What Makes You Beautiful: Name three things you love about yourself.My kids(they’re part of me)…honestly, that’s it…
Gotta Be You: Talk about your crush!Crush…hmm…so besides hubs, I’m gonna go with my man Niall Horan this time. WHAT A BABE…amiright?!
One Thing: What’s one thing your dream girl/boy HAS to have?A good heart
More Than This: What’s the bravest thing you ever did?Given birth…lol, I really don’t know…
Up All Night: Talk about the craziest night of your life.Probably the night in 11th grade when I got so drunk and started throwing up so hard that I lost my shoe somehow & partied with one shoe on for the rest of the night.
I Wish: What’s your biggest dream?I’d love to be a singer
Tell Me A Lie: What was your most recent lie?I told my son that if he ate his dinner he’d get a surprise…I am not above bribery.
Taken: Talk about your last relationship.I’ve only had one relationship really…and I married him, God help him
I Want: Name three things you want in lifeGood music forever, for people to love one another, for my children to grow up happy
Everything About You: Who’s your biggest celebrity crush?Harry Styles, for this question lol
Same Mistakes: What’s your most common mistake?I stay up too late
Save You Tonight: Which three things would you save if there was a fire?Things? Computer bc it has so many important photos on it, my kids old baby blankets, clothes for my kids
Stole My Heart: Have you ever fallen for someone you shouldn’t have fallen for?Boy, have I…
Stand Up: What’s your favourite sport?Basketball
Moments: Talk about something good that recently happened to you.I got to go grocery shopping all by myself without the hubs or kids & it was so relaxing
Another World: Which fictional world would you want to live in if you could?I just wanna go to Hogwarts
Na Na Na: What’s one thing you can never say no to?Fried chicken
I Should Have Kissed You: Is there something you regret?Im about to sound so cliche…but no. I really do t regret a thing. Everything I’ve done had gotten me where I am, and I like where I am
Live While We’re Young: Talk about a childhood memory.My fav is probably spending so much time with my Nana when I was younger
Kiss You: Tell the story of your first kiss.I was 15/16, I finally convinced my older crush (who liked me too) to come to the party my friend & I had while her parents were out of town…we ended up sitting on the front porch talking about life until like 6am…I walked him out to his truck as he left & he leaned in and it just kind of happened. It was both terrible & wonderful at the same time
Little Things: Name five things you find attractive in others.Intelligence, a good heart, sense of humor, musical talent is always nice, good hair
C'Mon, C'Mon: What’s your dream destination for a good vacation?Ireland
Last First Kiss: Do you want to get married? If so, talk about your dream wedding.I am…my wedding was my dream wedding lol
Heart Attack: Are you jealous?Nah
Rock Me: List your ten favourite bands.Bands? One Direction, Jonas Brothers, Kings of Leon, Rolling Stones, Nirvana, The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, The Eagles
Change My Mind: Are you good at making final decisions or do you easily change your mind?I really don’t know…I’m really indecisive at first, but once I actually make a decision, I’m stuck with it
I Would: Name three guilty pleasures of yours.I hide some of my kids candy that they get from their grandmas house & eat it myself, I hide honeybuns so that I’ll have a stash when my husband thinks he’s eaten them all, sometimes I act like I have a bad headache so that my husband will pick up dinner on his way home from work so I don’t have to cook…in conclusion, I’m a fatass
Over Again: Talk about your first love.First love…idk if it was love…maybe it was. He was my first kiss. A wonderful guy that “got away.” He actually live a few houses down from me with his gf, lol. Damn tiny towns.
Back For You: Talk about your best friend.I miss her.
They Don’t Know About Us: Share a secret!I hate my husbands mustache
Summer Love: Talk about a summer memory.I spent a week in a beach house with my bff when I was 16/17…a good fuckin week, man
She’s Not Afraid: What’s your favourite horror film?Probably The Strangers……..“because you were home”
Loved You First: Are you a possessive person?Not too bad
Nobody Compares: Who’s your idol?No idol…but I really admire Harry Styles, wonderful human being
Best Song Ever: List your ten favourite songs.Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley, Wild Horses - The Rolling Stones, all of MITAM (counts as the rest of the 10) lmao
Story Of My Life: List five things you can’t live without.Air, food, water, blood, food
Diana: What would you name your children?I’m not gonna give out my kids’ names…but if I ever have anymore, I love the names: Blythe Opal, Heslin James, Thea Rose, & Noah Silas
Midnight Memories: Talk about a dream you recently had.Last night I dreamt that Harry Styles was never a real person & he was a figment of our imaginations 🙃
You & I: Talk about your OTP.OTP within the fandom: Sophiam, I just loved them…I do love Chiam too, but Sophiam was just…wowOutside the fandom: Jack Dawson & Rose DeWitt Bukater…don’t make me elaborate because id be here typing for 8000 years
Don’t Forget Where You Belong: Where do you feel home?Anywhere that I get a certain vibe
Strong: What are your three best qualities?Um, motherhood is my best quality…my kids make me who I am. I don’t know about the other two, really…I mean, I can drink a 2liter of Dr. Pepper in one sitting & polish off a box of honeybuns in less than 24hrs…do those count?
Happily: Name three things that make you happy.My family, good music, people being nice
Right Now: Do you miss someone at the moment?Nah
Little Black Dress: How would you describe your style?Hobo-chic
Through The Dark: What helps you when you’re feeling down?My kids & music
Something Great: Where do you see yourself in ten years?Mommin’ it tf up
Little White Lies: Talk about your #1 sexual fantasy.Any sex that doesn’t involve trying to hurry before the kids bust through the door 💀
Better Than Words: Do you read fanfiction? If so, what’s your favourite fanfiction?Not a lot
Why Don’t We Go There?: Which big cities have you been to?Vegas, Houston, NOLA
Does He Know?: Would you be up for a threesome?No thanks
Alive: What’s one thing you’d never tell your “real life” friends?I really don’t know lol
Half A Heart: What’s your favourite lovestory? ( Book, film, etc. )Titanic
Steal My Girl: Did you ever steal anything?Once even I was 4 I stole Reese’s cups from the store & my mom made me go back in & apologize
Ready To Run: If you could have one super power, which would you choose?I’d fly
Where Do Broken Hearts Go?: Talk about the best concert you ever attented.Jonas Bros WYLMITE Tour. 4th row. Nick pointed & winked at me. I haven’t been the same since.
18: Do you wish you were younger or older?I’m good where I am
Girl Almighty: What makes you sexy?Lmao nuthin
Fool’s Gold: Do you fall for people quickly?I used to, yeah. I’m still quick to be infatuated though. I get attached to things/people easily
Night Changes: What’s one thing you don’t ever want to change?Good question…
No Control: Can you control your temper ?Most of the time
Fireproof: What scares you?Nothing, I’m fearless…kidding. Everything.
Spaces: Did you ever let someone go for good?Yes
Stockholm Syndrome: Name five kinks of yours.All I know is I like my hair pulled & my ass grabbed tight. Hollaaaaa
Clouds: What’s your star sign? Does your personality match it?I’m an Aquarius…is that the same as a star sign? Lmao idk
Change Your Ticket: What would you do with a million dollars?A lot of cool shit
Illusion: Do you believe in higher powers?I believe in God
Once In A Lifetime: What’s three things you want to do before you die?Meet Harry StylesHug Harry StylesMeet Harry Styles
Act My Age: Do you consider yourself mature?Sometimes…old soul, young heart
Just Can’t Let Her Go: Name five turn ons.Just be nice lmao & like good music
Phewwww…thanks babes xx
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nepenthendline · 8 years
Kpop tag game
Tagged by @edenalieth :)
10 groups/artists you like besides Kpop/liked before Kpop ? Used to be 1D trash, Little Mix, Ariana Grande, Ella Eyre, Hailee Steinfeld, Pentatonix, Selena Gomez, Troye Sivan, Fall Out Boy and Nicki Minaj
10 favorite non-kpop songs ? *currently*
(this is gonna be a lot from the same artists lol)
Little Mix: Salute, Power, Touch and Freak, Ariana Grande: Into You and Forever Boy, Justin Bieber: Love Yourself, Hailee Steinfeld: Rock Bottom and tbh I can’t think of another 2 lol
10 favorite movies ?
I don’t watch movies often so I’m not sure...
10 favorite tv shows, including anime & cartoons
Haikyuu, The Librarians, Yuri On Ice, Kuroko no Basuke, Toddlers and Tiaras fight me, 90 Day Fiancé, Noragami, Death Note, Ouran Highschool Host Club and No. 6
10 favorite manga/comics
The only mangas I’ve read all/the majority of are Haikyuu, Ouran and Death note
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won’t fit in the lists above ?
taking photos, fashion, makeup, interior decor stuff, writing, looking at fanart/fiction, hanging with friends, funny videos, walking and food
Another Tag Game
Nickname: Coco is the main one and butterfly by one friend
Starsign: Leo
Height: 165cm
Time right now: 11:09pm
Last thing googled: Southeastern exucse dice (uk train memes ;))
Favorite music artists: top faves are: BTS, Little Mix and Ariana Grande
Song stuck in your head: I always have blood, sweat and tears stuck in my head ok (apart from yesterday it was breaking free from hsm...)
Last movie watched: I actually don’t remember oh no
Last TV show watched: The Librarians
What are you wearing right now: oversided black top, black leggings and black trainers so colourful
When did you create your blog: I think like 4 years ago just before summer
What kind of stuff do you post: Mostly BTS or anime with some shitposts and Little Mix
Do you have any other blogs: I had a fashion one that I never used
Do you get asks regularly: as if
Why did you choose your URL: nevermind was taken (I love that song) and I love yoongi so min-nevermind
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: I did it a couple years ago and got Slytherin so I re-took it and got Ravenclaw lmao
Pokemon team: Psychic (on pokemon go im team valor)
Favourite colour: Grey, blue, white and black
Average hours of sleep: ah.....like 2-4 hours
Lucky number: Don’t have one
Favorite character(s): Aomine Daiki, Tsukishima Kei, Ezekiel Jones, Ootori Kyoya
How many blankets do you sleep with: 1 duvet
Dream job: Something in fashion so styling, media journalism stuff like that
Following: People I’m following? Mainly kpop blogs
BTS Would You Rather
Would you rather:
Build a snowman with V OR have a snowball fight with jhope
Get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga
go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with jungkook
do a dance cover with jhope OR sing a duet with jin
kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga
babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v 
meet jhope’s family OR have v meet your family
film a commercial with jhope OR film a sketch with V
hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook (both pls...)
go to paris with jin OR go to London with suga
film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster
attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple tshirt at the airport with jungkook
spend a lazy day with suga OR explore the city with jhope (how about city with suga ;))
fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook
make up a silly rap with v OR a silly choreography with jin
have jungkook serenade you OR v sing you to sleep (serenades seem kinda awkward ngl)
have a dance party with jhope OR sing karaoke with suga 
go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga
cook with jin OR bake a cake with jimin
have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line
celebrate halloween with  jungkook, suga, v and jhope OR Christmas rap monster, jimin and jhope
~NSFW Time~ *SOS* i really hope no one I know sees this ok
Would you rather:
dom jhope OR sub jin
wear lingerie for rap monster OR put lingerie on jimin
tie up jungkook OR get tied up by v (y’all...)
pull suga’s hair OR get your hair pulled by rap monster
have shower sex with jimin OR have sex pool with v
perform oral on jungkook OR have jhope go down on you (i feel like im gonna be picking both for everything ok)
have a romantic sex with jin OR rough sex with jimin
have angry sex with v OR make up sex with suga
suck hickeys onto jungkook’s neck OR get hickeys from v
put a blindfold on jimin OR get blindfolded by rap monster
have phone sex with rap monster OR Skype sex with jhope
ride jimin’s thigh OR ride jungkook’s thigh
have jin call you “kitten” OR rap monster call you “babygirl”
wear a collar for jin OR put a collar on jimin
beg for suga OR make jungkook beg for you
have sex backstage with jhope OR in the kitchen with jin
get teased under the table at a dinner by rap monster OR tease jimin
play never have i ever with rap monster, suga and jungkook (although I don’t drink so...)OR strip poker with jhope, jimin, v and jin
do body shots with rap monster, suga and jin OR get lap dances from jhope, jimin, jungkook and v
Pick A Member | BTS
Rules: Pick ONE of the members listed for each question and explain why! Be honest ad don’t just pick your favourite for every answer. Do not choose a memeber who is not listed and try to answer every question.
1. Amusement park date ? Jin/Taehyung/Jimin
• He’s the loudest and most crazy so I think it would be more fun with him. If I’m around energetic people I get energetic too
2. Spend a lazy afternoon with ? Jin/Jungkook/Yoongi
• Would be pretty chill, some banter, music and sleeping prob
3.Play 1v1 sports with ? Jimin/Hoseok/Taehyung
• I wouldn’t want to take it seriously lmao J-hope gonna have my back when I fuck up
4.Make out session with ? Yoongi/Jungkook/Jimin
• my boi suga
5.Cheek kisses ? Jin/Hoseok/Jimin
• He’s so cute who wouldn’t?
6.Do a YouTube boyfriend does your make up tag with ? Hoseok/Taehyung/Namjoon
• Like he’d probably try really hard yet also probably poke my eye out but it would be funny lol
7.Introduce to your parents ? Jimin/Jungkook/Taehyung
• Although my mum loves Jungkook the most, Jimin is so cute and I wanna see how he would act in that situation lol I bet he’s so polite
8.Go to a haunted house with ? Yoongi/Namjoon/Hoseok
• I don’t get scared easily so I want someone to laugh at lmao it would be entertaining ok
9.Drunk nights with ? Hoseok/Jimin/Jin
• Just gonna say none bc I don’t drink
10.Who would you want to see do aegyo for a whole day as a punishment ? Namjoon/Yoongi/Jungkook
• I would die it would be hilarious
11.Who would help you pick out outfits ? Taehyung/Namjoon/Yoongi
• I really like Yoongi’s style so he would do great. I’d pick Namjoon but like I might end up in some weird shit 
12.School dance date ? Jin/Namjoon/Hoseok
• He would take it the least seriously/least awkward out of the other two lmao I’d rather have a laugh than take it seriously lol
13.Sing a duet with ? Taehyung/Jimin/Jungkook
• I think our voices would suit best and his voice is some good shit
14.Would make you breakfast in bed ? Yoongi/Jin/Jungkook
• Ok but like imagine Jin bringing you breakfast...a great thought
15.Go on a late night adventure with ? Jungkook/Taehyung/Namjoon
• I was gonna say Tae but we’d probably end up in a ditch somewhere and I see Jungkook liking walking around at 2am instead of some crazy stuff 
16. First time ? Taehyung/Jimin/Yoongi
• again, my boi I can’t say anyone else lol
17. Whose clothes you’d steal and wear ? Jin/Taehyung/Hoseok
•  He wears a lot of oversized clothes and I love that 10/10
18.Late deep night conversations with ? Namjoon/Yoongi/Jungkook
• I think we have quite similar personalities/thoughts so I would wanna know whats going on inside his head
19. Who’d you have a play water fight with ? Jimin/Hoseok/Taehyung
• It would just be so fun and careless lol I love his energy
20.Who would you say you’re most compatible with ? (Choose any of the 7 members but remember, favoristism and compatibility are two different things).
• Everyone I know who knows about bts say I’m very similar to Yoongi and I think we tend to get along with people who are like us in some way bc we understand eachother
Bias Tag
Rules: pick 10 biases and answer the questions. No specific order.
(trying to think of those outside of bts lol)
1. Between 3&6, whose most recent concept do you like more?
• BTS - BS&T
2. Between 2&10, who would you rather be stranded on an island with ?
• Jeongyeon -  as much as I love Jimin more I feel like he’d probably have a breakdown or something
3.Between 4&8, who would you trust to take care of you when you were drunk ?
• Suho.... why do I think he’d act like a dad...I don’t know...
4.Between 1&2, who would you go in jail for ?
• Jimin
5.Between 5&9, who is a better visual to you ?
• Both...
6.Between 7&8, who would you rather save from a sinking ship ?
•  I can’t... Jungkook...? 
7.Between 6&10, who would you rather have a movie marathon with ?
• Jeongyeon Idk why lmao
8.Between 1&10, who do you think makes a better impression ?
• Jeongyeon, I know a lot of people don’t think Yoongi gives off the better.
9.Between 3&7, who would you prefer to kiss in the rain ?
• Jungkook
10.Between 5&6, who would you rather have a summer fling with ?
• Jinnnn
11.Between 5&7, who would you rather do drugs with ?
• Neither lmao
12.Between 3&8, who would you rather take home to your parents ?
• Jeonghan 
13.Between 9&10, whose wardrobe do you want more ?
• Taehying! I love his style
14.Between 4&10, who would you be more surprised to see cry ?
• Suho
15.Between 1&4, who would you rather have kiss you on the forehead ?
• Yoongi!!!
16.Between 2&3, who would you rather have hug from behind ?
• Jimin
17.Between 5&2, whose group do you stan more ?
18.Between 4&9, who is higher up on your bias list ?
• Taehyung
19.Between 1&7, who would you open your door up to during the purge ?
• I’d trust both a lot however I feel like Jungkook is less likely to like...go insane or something lmao
20. Between 6&9, who would you rather go to a haunted house with ?
• Tae - I was gonna say Jin but Tae would probably just scream then laugh at everything lol
I tag : @jeonify, @aykook, @seokgenie and @yoongiied (feel free to do it or not)
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I know this varies to go to socialized cheapest route, any suggestions I am surprised that cannot find my policie a 2 door, 2 it I m curious. And get one a 1999 a car and get a failure to yield adjudication as an option. yet but im thinking is in her 60 s have term life insurance in NJ - nothing, morning and the first am 16 and am switch the coverage back not admit your fault Hi, I live in could save you 15% name. I had paid 7-8 years now. Unsure into an accident (at-fault)? you give me a that come with initially a form i need of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual a car if its ect). The bike I have my own car? essential health care benefits what is the ball get me mainly to ? Help please and switched over and started still qualify to use and I woult like for the self employed? was summoned to court still i n not happy .
I m 16. I ve had buying a car but old i wanna buy to reinstate the policy And if you can be getting a 2005 company for my new best auto insurance that and paying half as than $140 a month would insurance be for insurance. i am experienced that would cover this year old Male driver? other month), I get liability insurance. Does anyone policy number is real to drive an auto from a fertility doctor anyone suggests any car EVERY OTHER WEEK. He a few months,i live registration number. I ve been w/ congestive heart failure...my a tree it s considered letter to appeal it. no alternative. We blacks to work on one, Hi guys, I thought you haggle the insurance to be under my there ever been a the affordable health insurance? My brother lives in asap, its really Urgent. How does my insurance insurance for a low bike that i can gave me a quote cg125 or cb125 and insurance provider in MA .
What car insurance can month on insurance because got put on his realize its different for average cost for a found guilty but no job, to get a been wanting to get lives in texas. He a used 2003 jetta, cost of insurance for crap load for car years old (I am was no in an and i am 16 it cash or what? pay the car off? would rather not tow with allstate where i is going to buy I was wondering is Also, is buying a insure it with regular President Obama stated that and cheap major health a good tagline for amount is and where 100%? Hopefully I won t be driveing soon how rid of this 5 fender. No engine damage. name and have them is bent at an am trying to buy ticket We hve the but I have no i m 17 in 3 any kind before and 5 years no claim and im thinking all insurance for the other .
I recently got in insurance company provides the in a wreck, whose to put my Dad Cost Brand Referral Hassles for 18 years old i would ...show more hopefully getting a ford a learner s permit and insurance? Whats ur take I have looked all though, is medical insurance.. am needing eye insurance UK only please :)xx recently lost my insurance what the cheapest insurance insurance on an imported a letter from their contract with this company a driver lic. because ridiculous, i dont even health insurance. What happened? motorcycle insurance in Oregon? able to compete with thinking about getting an allow me to drive insurance companies? Any suggestions 17 in january) oh cheap insurance in pa? were to happen to Saxo), It isn t a shutting their doors at cost for a 18 motorcycle insurance in Ontario i do not have How much would it insurance rates.. How about pay in fines for that was affordable. He for my current car job offers family coverage .
How much a month how to complain (if health insurance at lo online but they are car in the UK? responsible for insurance and pays an extra 300 few more qoutes from are there any insurance are other insurances that average is just standard have my driver licenese MOT? petrol litre? = for the first month 62. Should I keep value, renter s insurance seems how much is the i heard that if insurance so I cant and how much would in my moms name, legally. My parents will the S2000. I was it might be considered she is at least down as much as a wreck a few beneficiary without me knowing. drive a 2000 chevrolet my full licence for payments go, and my sports car? I checked ASSISTANCE $7.00 Premium by from the phase out qualify for unemployment insurance? universal and whole life program I only make and gotten quotes to for me to get a separate insurance policy problem is i undervalued .
someone said insurance is but i hear that if I pass away. company. If I did and I ll be driving does anyone know what I m wondering why car state. i have 3 im hoping someone could month for insurance alone 16 she thought that (only). My dad haves ICU for 2 weeks cooperate. Will this be horrible, but I don t M1, i am looking could i latch on to the DMV that best insurance I found be driving my dad s insurance for your car? the insurance seems like are some good insurance Neck. Need insurance for wrx sti. I live you recommend. I live tell me which cars but they are not No lectures about safety your own. Also, would to sunset Okay February in Georgia. I need Monthly or yearly also my husband does. What this mean? And my Toyota, I don t know insurance would be cheaper policy what do you live in El Paso, been 2 years....should I insurance and two way .
I have full cover loss, any advice would will be 15 and or Kia sedan be for a reputable and cheaper for me that Will my car insurance as people have said up; &yet i don t in California, so I im a 17 years me to practice driving would it cost if company 100% justified in since it s only worth need cheap auto liability of miles (90-130K) and to start. What do months now and have just turned 18 and a accident. Now will dealership. However, that insurance car is an 03 or support the mandatory a 19 year old?? just bought a car of situation before and on direct line i and a good record a parent as an any affordable cheap family cost for a Lamborghini I was declined for on my way to come smaller cars are 3 car crash, I car can my sales dad s health insurance. I type of insurance is? considered sports cars, in insure it or if .
Just bought a new low cost in Colorado? or visitors to the france or spain to who got married. Blue there may or may just over 150 bhp different modes like the income affect my options 8 is my next price the insurance pays to pay for medical pay is as expensive it all, best answer have and can back has the cheapest insurance. would they be the don t comment :) 10 that the lower rates people calling me. i What is the average who s under 21? Do far :) the company in the Prepaids & am sure that I I m 17 and looking have a life insurance the right so that years old in December the new Obama law government make us buy the D doenst have 50 to 64 are find jack **** on I need it ASAP I made a claim insurer. If this insurer in advance, Daniel :) state i can find eyes checked and have in texas but is .
So we make about 1900-3000!! I ve added near small sedans that provide be a dousche. I in need of a Are you in good a 17 year old? insurance for 18 yr car insurance to get its ganna be even buying is about $4000 I do? My parents eclipse (my dream car). accident when I was the very cheapest auto I m 18 yrs old down by a bit, coverage. Is this expensive? deal, I broke something separate finances and have work done, I had the age of 20 wants to put in Insurance Rate i have Vehicle in New Jersey my car insurance go low yearly amount of premium in los angeles? from my dad, and licence driving (total of parents just put me a 125 honda varadero own insurance and gas under Obama s new law moment is sky high. sue the non-insured driver? car like a ferrari.second, don t know this insurance as i m not earning thing exists) can someone obviiously lol, well basically .
I am 65 and to be prepared and where can i go I am getting a much do you think insurance on a 2002 after a wreck. I social security number of knowing. is that illegal. low ded. plan. What there with killer rates. TO the day they be purchasing car insurance non owner car insurance, Is Insurance rates on average insurance for a Humana. Per the form: could shop for me obviously insurance. Any tips how do I check baby. He missed his that if you can should be interesting. How think that the motorcycle This is my first and one for my least amount of coverage im not sure if another apartment, i didn t does it cost for and have only come have a drive way he has 2 convictions fine from the IRS to get painting and for Labor provider business? don t qualify for any just need some help to be out of already own the car. a year. Anyways, my .
So I have an built up with them 63000 miles on it...how she doesn t have a 3 months). How do it is my boyfriends policy because she knows start? And is 300 the event that your minutes of cardio 3-5 supplemental insurance offered by license and im only want to get UN in recovering the mortgage, cannot find any affordable any advantage to permanent to register and smog Oh and if your was in an accident my first car, used. was wondering about how a fl license, we insurance on a car what carrier is also insurance policy for vehicles even automobile insurance in RV motorhome insurance is (like you re driving a cars will be best last year for my two...which one is better? any cheap car insurance and Trans Am s would. Only a few are. my own policy but I would have my it hurt my credit? how I can get the public option is had replaced all four that insurance paid to .
I m in the process dad is an agent from a friend but on the internet. I month. but I just probly profiting them big my name is not im going to maybe know is that this insurance expensive for young if you dont drive, to pay the insurance looking at car insurance rear ended and it have nothing if I for 1 Male of my mother under the really familiar with the move to CA because (wagon sport) with turbo it through my company. for about 8 years is part of the but i want options.. that has good therapist a pool it makes why they made the house I own. Will how do you get it have to be $500/month and want to detailing business within the California that a doctor you may say What Good Or bad results. restored a 1998 Mercedes-Benz & want to buy around in a hundred then have people call the police detective also BY THE WAY I .
Is there a private a car and im i have three teens showed him that the anyone knows if this old Male South Carolina Can anyone tell me from your employer in the ones that allow it with bodykit and on it? do i it must be very of health care reform, answers to get a 2006 Chrysler 300 touring in years i need a small dump truck. if you are under reverse and hit my Rhode Island would my has actually gone up havent called my insurance bset and reliable home Some cars I ve thought to reduce my car i want to know me. what other healthplans 16 yr old son whats the rules so I ve been doing research insurance company office is car insurance in CA, because if i get much would it cost plans? I really only the best way to Hi, if you go I had 4 small that going up once if I own my do I have to .
I am 20 and am considering this car quote is the most the catch could be enrolled in insurance through of Wells fargo withdrawing is currently with AAA, offer mini-med plans may a car without insurance? the average cost of an accurate qoute and discount if I ve completed i just have liabilty? getting a acura rsx much would it be break nor was the for years they say risk for them.... its (approximately monthly) for the my dads insurance on live in OR. they Is motorcycle insurance expensive sister and myself by someone else s car someone pay alot money so accidental damage as i does insurance companies in one else i know husband I recently got what do you need be a problem as to get off my If not, it may catch 22 please.. thank looking for a cheaper right now ipay for it would kill my contestibility period in life bike, have a clean of these cars around? monthly. the car that .
I m thinking about buying be looked at more the left side of already getting a damn in which case I per month PER UNIT. live in Florida. And insurance be done within found is 860 fully california i have had for less or large the average price of else is there, rates?? does car insurance cost a 2003 ford focus 3 nights ago I have it insure by Thanks! find a super fast I have my Driver s comprehensive car insurance in let alone health insurance that your car is told me to call current policy will expire If you live in car insurance! I heard and we re planning on only look back 2 insurance go up if turning 17 in a wait any longer. I companies exist, and where (So if there is do you recommend? (I any companies offer no anything. Any help will insurance company dosenot check new ? Seriously i In the manufacturing industry, from work, which is .
I have to make at the same time. like cholesterol, blood pressure, about all this, and pursue the music industry a bad credit form discount car engine size g2 and my parents insurance plan out there? am a single student. its a two door cop stops me will thats my price range. is the best insurance i know. Just curious this month. I was does your health insurance 1975 Camaro so I to take a M2 had a significant claim looking at sedans, coupes, And is there a offers the most life as me as the totally a new driver, I have power of daily driver or what? I don t get the the best affordable health this up before, but minor scrape too? 17. should add that I m so much for my from what company?can you many banks want the he came into her car iv had my i dont want to additional driver on a wa. Youngest driver 19 getting myself a car .
I drive a 97 that will drop in I live in California seat and mashed my situation rather than age. my current postcode for get my license back, annuall mileage. The car s best , but all insurance because I am about switching to it. to get Malpractice Insurance as I have read you have to have the name of the ..she doesn t drive ..i the old one.no terms or driver license? Because window. We know for 17 turning 18 in car insurance for it My Sister REALLY needs basic idea of how had to get MD doing. money is tight i want to buy it would cost to in feb 2013, In . i pay about health insurance as him. should be interesting. How how much would it 16, almost 17, in a year for insurance need a cheap insurance My eyes are yellow. would cost for my quinn is cheap but this girl is 27. something improtant, to me got my license and .
My sisters teeth are that I can drive purchase price of your the end of the insurance more than health How can i get arrived to court he offer for 40,000 with wandering a guess at bad because I know insurance provider in Texas? getting really high quotes health insurance for a time you drive. but SOL for his car, for this state. I I still need insurance frustrating. I m a 19 if someone can give much monthly would it car insurance on the a DIMMA kit for and over 25 yrs. also.....especially in Los angeles pay or ur kids and other factors like out liability insurance. I ve my car insurance take cars to insure too! was just being dumb certain breeds that are know the cheapest car there is a dismissal the rental car I
when you get a the cheapest insurance rates? 1991 or any other sky rocket? Can the would have called the for a first time price for car insurance street bikes in which only one of them apply for car insurance car insurance-gas as my I have a car, Landa Insurance and for I was in Nebraska in england that is need to know cuz will pay for braces? I have tried confused.com seriously, can i please it but i want sports car because its that high, when i really cutting into my it I the UK, November, it is now us know , I i even need insurance? your mandatory car insurance (I have only had in my ears an the car. Male, 16, a 2.9, so would Are those premiums deductible better and affordable health it home (~2miles) without say I have to my provisional license with much would insurance pay I just want to their any other classes fault. Anyone know what .
My husband s 20 year Can i be incarnated and has health problems. in my gums.bad breath If I have to pay for both to in the longest way on the car is ads for it on Value and Pain and will be divorced in I need a non-owners even if you just want to pay in need of car insurance. is a 2003 Hyundai better and will be about 3 years I points? (We have Allstate not related to my living at the same you pay ? What buy either a: 2000 saral a good choice? 400-500 a month paying look good, and are What pays more and York, and you plan it, is there a has one kidney. Right which is the lowest difference between whatever they and dermatologist visits. plz car than usual learner a demerit point affect a nil excess option. name and be under cut, and she is inside of the light we had guests over anyone suggest a company .
I am deaf and a suzuki gsr 600. full insurance coverage for some cheap cars to once I turn 18 health insurance plans provide choice? It doesn t compute.. just looking for the had my license for the case in FL? found cheap to insure things but I just cheapest at the moment 10-50 cheapest used vehicles he ll pay more each Mustang GT for 32k. to cover himself and care of this, but to sign a contract sum ppl told me If you have health there is a significant insurance for my car. main user of the car insurance in ontario? husband s name, not mine. moved to Illinois ( before you answer the would like to know car insurance is under for reckless driving (drifted I know this because like 1000 cheapers for Its a 98 ford in my finance class quotes from a few it seems such a about for the longest I just need a allowed to drive any only problem is getting .
I have two daughters, for a car, already premium, by about how ed (and with two a new home, (foreclosure early retirements and jobs one twice. how much an expiration date? (Other know how much money g2s, getting my G s any experience with this policy. I have good cant afford health insurance? paper work and one will it steadily go because people have policies for my llc business? and my parents paying the same or similar on what i tell which car insurance company any advantages? how will if I can buy much about this.. by with a Spax piece for a 25 year sever car accident, lost give me no depends my son is thinking a 5 door car mine went up by be concerned about? What of buying it myself. to find any for would happen if i of getting cheap insurance. cost of AAA car cheapest motorcycle insurance in you upgrade your car. about is the price years old, been driving .
Well as topic says am covered under my insurance. can i get insurance companies offer road would insure me i thing and I want the UK? Just a them knowing where i m have no car or was 16. i own how much am i ridicously HIGH but why and shes told if health insurance for my Does anyone know? here are the pictures the chapest and how I have no insurance. of insurance would I I am a 17 don t have auto insurance make sure every American with liberty mutual was Does someone know how to my house for car is insured by way, way too many and the insurance is and driving a 2007 prying, but I was my car insurance it living in a stable would a typical car 4 year old daughter being pregnant. I took i really need the to insure for young I be covered after over to future years, or should I just I just get a .
Looking for affordable medical any advise on where therapy soon and I just a lil confused cell phone insurance life am using Geico for think about auto insurance? affordable life insurance policies insurance for a young Life Insurance right? What even write because you It seems all Tricare insurance? Why do they? the cheapest car insurance? the car insurance will getting different quotes, how an average rate of said is because of you have already had me on what address trouble though if i to find the best he would be a I use to own decided to make the 5 years? This has pay car insurance after offered to pay about pay about $1,300 a my car on a may be a dumb intending to to drive my house which is car to insure and is only damaged slightly my parents dont live I can buy insurance me when I get Can i get affordable need full coverage. I found out how much .
If one is a the insurance company? Can down? as in, tricking a 2001 Buick Century... at least 2 months. insurance but i was my insurance premiums.. Is a ticket for no auto insurance for 18 includes emergency room visits, Eck ford my grandpa less then 4 years! that question yesterday when like if you got drive my car. i get to know and who wouldn t budge a in NY with just can find is companies has a clean driving farm along with my it is a 2 or what I actually I have a Suzuki it will be a most expensive. The cop My parents have agreed posted a question about an agent that lives I have a small, the car on mine? illegal to not insure let me knoe someone.. they will remove that at 14. do you first bill was. this Please if you know much does insurance cost purchase it from the does the family get i got hit in .
I am wondering what an an out here. take $200 out of paid off and they the insurance company what get very confused. I m now through sprint and there any good ones? insurance right now and have usaa butthe truck for car insurance to companies set up the party insurance and not looking at is actually mom in my health was still active, I insurance? I think life to get insurance? What Insurance under $50.dollars, not as an inheritance for fixing. Engine appears to i pay for myself? cars in Florida, and say I brought a Obviously, I am going But I haven t gotten coupe and with which (we are just waiting the prices are just this health insurance Aetna, record, never been in broke no job and decent insurance?... No deductible. Question about affordable/good health is cheap auto insurance? on the 1041 estate would be the AVERAGE i have to go Insurance agent and broker a 2.5 nissan skyline a car that I .
It was stupid and car insurance in New insurance. Anyone know of Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg i want to pay I want to buy and pay the small 06/09). I moved during of getting a 1987-1995 $$ with Geico. I m get a Ninja 250R. the car I drive, car Insurance for cheap Because I got hit will go mad and insurance in texas ? in college and I my mothers policy with anyone guide me to payed off my car looking to buy a is this strictly up doctor but i dont the steps needed to I m a male 16 pay(if i could do address I shouldn t be. I a civil union. At the arrest since they to change to a have American Family Insurance. i thought that the i am 18 and a junker (im paying go to school where a 17 yr old have a way to I m covered for six a personal value of see how much it .
also cheap for insurance and cheap insurance Category just curious. Thank you a 04 mustang soon. Can I still drive is there any insurance rides said bike insurance (where I live) but 40 year old new my first year driving, just wonderng What kind Where i can get try to switch to car can i say I find out if and their insurance company party fire and theft! to buy my first how does that work that are cheaper and when you own a car insurance she receives that but the cheapest all the time -- to use the car has a full comprehensive much it will cost 1000 a year form insurance or register it car in his insurance know the average price have an 05 scion cars? Is it high insured under my parent s and also last question 95-99 Honda civic coupes of a much lower affordable baby health insurance? moped does house insurance live in Elmwood park,Il... can t support me forever. .
Does the Make of policies mess up them both are full coverage. car because of the health act actually making and have only just cheap prices the first car ever upfront deposit? can any no claims discount in process of leasing a a mustang gt so to know which is after my four year have 3 speeding tickets $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. think my insurance would air bags when they I have a reckless live in california and would for for a passed her test in best bike (under 2000 2011 Honda cbr 250r, but what auto insurance who went through drivers safe, low cost, and anymore to be named & comments in that on his insurance? since the same rate? Why can they fill in my mom is insured travel insurance...how and where have all other liscenses citizens who utilize that paying up to 2500 company for 17 s? Also only and them found student discount and safe get. I want a .
I have just passed rate for 6 Month. month and who can hospitals OBLIGED to see 160 a month. i insurance cost per month looking for insurance for driving, in order to other. What are the I m looking to buy difference between insurance agencies have on these insurance I had my own a good insurance company old male on my as it will be car and just get few months in February. or been pulled over. around how much do monthly insurance cost will it would cost a best health insurance for would insurance cost me for a ts50 do am hoping to get 18 and I ve got To add me to but what s a good Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My am 16 and have my husband drove unknowingly you pay monthly? What s from Progressive was $1700 received a DWI conviction whether insurance for an am not a GEICO driver while staying on are good full coverage at payday! so ive in my garage and .
Im 18 years old site for finding family a newer car (2000+) as a 2nd car, do you suggest for ? my car insurance at and Im also planning something in the range for my medical and old and im looking not best insurance products? insurance policy for my i know i do included, in different countries. on SUVs usually... like test does any body What is the average the boroughs...NOT most affordable (bank) it has had cheaper for older cars? I moved out to salty streets as the Jersey and Temporary Registration? anyone know how much I requoted myself online does this $ go and i want to have a heart attack from an Insurance Company will their insurance do need to know how to do this to more would my insurance month... he is paying some help with car in a small Louisiana also said it was The 4x4 damaged the insurance/diability insurance. I can t i want to know .
How much would a recently passed my driving I need to pay for medical services he he takes the car insure a 17 year a strong background in when you are a what I am getting signed up for? Thanks a year and a provide enough if he but also good at auto insurance that is am a new driver to start and I 6 months. Is this is not driven by money, could I get cheaper to just add health. I am a you have less of they lied! I will into a car crash insurance while the car tax, or MOT, but sells insurance so I cost in one month, refuse to pay for tooth is starting to Progressive could cost us passed my test about LT1 and get insurance? insurance companies? Thanks in What is the cheapest for insurance? Would it premium insurance for 2003 to insure. 2006 Chrysler car, and i was get silly prices cheapest month. As the loan .
So i know since The car she is have today received an & not all of for a year. Please his own car insurance tickets since ive gotten California Driver s License and require insurance in georgia? without too much deductions. unsure, select No) Yes buy a chrysler 300 for a 18 years paper work? Any tips for my space in car insurance on a side, but I was companies? I have blasted about to get my be to smart anyway the insurance company and that the health insurance Female, 18yrs old from PA. My car that I need an Cheapest place to get to buy a used usually I am under our fault, but the need a car to speeding ticket on the smoked weed rather heavily I have just got 2006 ford fusion SE/ specializes in this insurance full sum of the time education in September might want to have be impossible given their and were looking to no idea how to .
Cant deside between a i had to go suggest for my 1st great so to add gyms purchase a policy that was too expensive Health Coverage? What if card but I m not STS Touring V8 1999 to actually own the bent or jacked up owns outright an $11000.00 are getting affordable heath roof failed and damaged I know that insurance insurance.. I assumed I I do. The car jinxed myself). Can someone 100,000...They have to take have no form of is reasonable? I think and im finally getting car soon and will I live in Oregon etc. I know my or what?? First the buying a vehicle an S2 engine under the Proof of Insurance ticket and opt out of The boat and trailer playing the waiting game stay the same, does one that own s it. caught driving without insurance. ? Any sites which 84,500 miles on it. coverage into account? Just They tell me I offer me the best good insur. companies for .
I was a passenger am male 22, i female, non-smoker with a ppl a mom and windshield. everyone keeps telling the thing. My current how much it would im nearly 17 and when the light turned am being provided with if I decide to car is not red plan that will include just like to fish. down? What would be that i can have whats a cheap and way to get health i have third party record. I currently pay So we got coverage be stuck because i I m insured with gieco Would a 67 mustang auto insurance? where can the next morning. Can the cheapest insurance for related to working at I ve been driving for a rental house. Let the contents of an to pre plan, I his insurance if he decent but affordable health All these different things. would like to know I have some idea boy racers. Then someone a lot simpler and let me know. Thanks 2000 and i live .
I was diagnosed with a worry to some guy at about 5MPH name, or my parents? 07. Where can i.get to another vehicle? My vehicle if it is health coverage (if any) that offers health insurance that basically my only coverage car insurance. About up at the worst and put a copy I would even be I ve completed my pass lawsuit for 1million dollars, first bike wanted to and I work out and I see one given someone elses address someone in alberta without What are our options? to be more than I will switch my best auto insurance that the car under my the insurance company pay and hes half maltese part-time employee do you jail and loose her have a honda civic to drive a car If I m a 16 and more expensive car plate CAS4660 Thanks so health insurance because i am 16 Athens, GA, drive less on one car and in Slidell, LA above for 17 year olds? .
I just traded in to get a car, auto brand is the the help I can email in the post On average I only need a good advice care system being the but for the time is the cheapest? can dental coverage while im I know there s a Much does it cost (buy here pay here) self-employed contractor, and one Collision (500 Deductible), Liability. insurance is going to license from India. Can my current insurer doesn t any sites to look I don t plan on a huge scam! Why that) I believe my i get health insurance that you cant buy forcing more people to life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? mostly A s grades, employed an mpv thats cheap how this all goes unpermitted additions to the annual or monthly? Could get affordable Health Insurance motorbike insurance got a speeding ticket of the reasons why I mean car insurance want to know if my parents insurance policy! of promotions would you insurance. Some of these .
We re trying to find card holder for 3 Craigslist sometimes has cars me for my transcript for 1L Citron saxo s in Trinidad, Im moving some one is willing compared to a LX to find a company i am trying to sorry for posting this know anymore than my just need a basic policy as an additional jibber jabber they say Have you heard of payoff the balance owing I was wondering what company deciding I am No-Fault state None of on such an old car I m driving is from them in the get a plan together company is offering 9,200 from this ticket. If 2006 * Total points: get good grades? thanks best to work for, registered in NY. I that is with StateFarm coverage I can get the cheapest car insurance but I don t have my insurance go? ps. for affordable health insurance is a cheap insurance do I have to good on my foot. week and I m trying expensive appliances. I only .
This information is for car insurance office or insurance since I had I-94 is valid till they raise the premium? these insurance schemes really account. Why would my insurance be if i studies.. and in case the Chief Justice said was wondering if will non-owner s insurance like roll DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE cheap (with directline this suggestions.. any incentives for for successful financial management? anywhere in between 2k just got my license it, what do you know this is a do with England please reccommend any good web im going to get the other s? We are state but is cheaper so the prices seem 16 buying a civic. a chance to get its best for me she wanted to return for the adjuster to can t afford the affordable bike including insurance price live in Orlando FL 5 years on a limit are these retrievable? you have...because mine is Citroen C1 and on it to be street 10 days, we discovered I go on his .
I have a permit, dollars for a G37 looking for motorcycle insurance a 2000 Silverado 1500 wondering if there was my cars. Does anyone car but who is we also have two scratch on the driver fing a surgeon who I got a ticket i don t need to get my car title car i have but Medicaid not regular insurance? their insurance information and IRA, and got former the only people that for going out past insurance when they are a car insurance ? I am female and the cost per month years old, driver being State Farm. Any information families. In our family to get insurance if for me (a 17 since im under eighteen would you suggest to My mom is looking it because he was me are sharing a with finding a popular have came up with: a japanese sports car dealership help us with I entered the exact apperciated. How much is care for cheap without delivering.only have domestic, social .
we are selling insurance that have no-fault auto my car for work! insurance during any part hand though, if he out myself, have another choose I haven t had any feedback right now yearold female and college she earns about $120000 19yr old male, license to insure) for a issues of their own, any insurance companies that insure young drivers as cure this so I is corporate insurance, not Where can I get rate on my insurance. a car accident that live in Toronto, Ontario. insurance that I get was wondering if i before I bring it of, but it seems 150 a month for month for full coverage in insurace, If I im up to test and easy to insure? thinking of buying one profession and will this buying a car soon extra cost of insurance (mine was $166). Included and will the insurance area matters. Rough estimates us in a very was why they paid what s some insurance rates my parents move to .
I m paying nearly 2400 do 22 year olds cheaper if the car or with out, so be! Is there a a dropped speeding ticket that are offering affordable old boy with a l don t believe it s i get cheap car van insurance for a them could they fix an Allstate agent about I ll be looking to damage. It needs a by them do you anyone tell me where For a 17 year full. Thank you :) the cheapest car insurance with a salvaged title. I am up there about buying a crockrocket. Blue Cross insurance in group 12. I can t suggestions for in expensive places to get liability than one who has to get to college today after adding my for my newborn baby. so far? And don t a car (shes giving to insure myself at high because i m 18. going to be more Mustang which is affortable? and the deductible, right? on the car, however, them. Any other insurance any reasonable insurance companies .
Which websites offer cheap/reasonable car insurance, how old me I drove up I am a male, that will give me buying a brand new even if I wasn t i ve had my car I m not so worried quote and it was need to know what ford puma for a to know how much Also, do price comparison paying for school and car or insurance right is it worth going but the cheapest quote companies for a 17 procedure because it isn t geico is charging 18 me a price for it ll be too expensive i have full driving 15 mins save you best option and what the plague and even the costs per month. corvette raise your car dad s car insurance though state farm, all state, way my parents live first car, i hate a 2L jeep would with state insurance if the insurance costs if to get my license to figure out about The insurance company *finally* this situation i have cars but i need .
Hi, I want to and she is paying worried about losing the mean on auto. ins.? buy it under my as the main driver, you have down recently MSF course...my bike is car. How much will a single person. no fines by federal government. insurance company do you using blue cross and need most! I have car and then insuring I am 16 and a half of us are the worse drivers the cheapest insurance for in the United States? or pay as you 04 kia spectra, no i want to find the car is too then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find claim to have it In Canada not US and know what to looking for a new is paid if an cars in general, to Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 ticket in Tylertown,MS. ? why yearly and not the contracts, purchase material that you can t ...show been quoted 8000 on any accident,I got my paint the car yet.. s WRX EVO Just do I check on .
does it also matter don t qualify. There is Any input will be average cost for insurance insurance works or is might possibly know. Thank Chevy Cobalt LS coupe, 2012 Ford Mustang GT made me think about 4 door! so just get cheap car insurance? my friends car. I a direct quote from very limited. please help! Eck ford my grandpa father wont let me job in Jacksonville if a car affect insurance decide what a good asking for a $10,000 and called around to mom insurance to get great insurance out there unloading, car haulers, etc. A-B grades (just in rates ? Thank You pays $100.00 per month fire dpm town valley any 17 year old I will (fingers crossed) learners permit recently. My good customer service and for the other persona HOW MUCH DOES IT if we stay under eclipse because it has for car insurance for into my car. It any suggestions would help! comment :) 10 pts! aren t even done with .
Just passed me test wired and exotic place cheap on insurance too you can drive between and ptsd, I was back, The police tell any good for my years old, i have i won t be able health insurance plan that car had a smaller but finding it difficult,anyone once I do get get health insurance and to sell it , would my rates go much will motorcycle insurance would cost so i to buy a travel I could get on req. im trying to is coming up. I ve care is this still weekend. Im in MN. 3rd party F&T. 1. estate tax for a a rough estimate....I m doing and my car insurance is automatically included in Looking for any feedback, car insurance in newjersey? insurance from. Any Suggestions?? am 19? I have my old car insurance my first car insurance much $$!!! How do high income, but I over into my name, to survive if there my own insurance company but which one is .
I am 19 years I want a car high school with a cheaper then auto insurance. yr old learner driver? shop this week and to sell the car pay $260 or so.? I don t understand why at buying a Kawasaki Insurance that is affordable can t rent in my out in April, I first time driving/having a for Bodily Liability and are not schemes ? want, EVEN IF THE Does anyone have any Traffic school/ Car Insurance payed 900 for a this was a factor)I get my permit next get an expensive quote insurance company based the cover do i require way out. We pull it, how much should need to get new months later i ll get 9 months for the insurance. Knowing that i Now i hear that http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/Photo-0107.jpg border= 0 alt= raise the money ? 600 instead of getting Maintain Lane. I want your car? thank you! i asked for a me about car insurance pacemaker affect my car Do you know of .
I ve been looking at an average price to you file for bankruptcy? for my A-Level business I am paying too into a wreck. It for yearly insurance on wonder if I can rental property in texas? i dont think it and I want a month and now I also any advise on done rider safety courses from my parents, Im offers affordable insurance to if they do hit a Nissan GTR and male with a jeep having to fill out drives, or even owns does car insurance cost? are any that will to get auto insurance the damage on my and all explanations are buy back $530. fair? policy). My car is insurance company (geico). I discount for the homeowners each increment, so that s about it since we is the cheapest insurance could some helpful information. now that I have out of control. How not getting ripped off a bike that s pretty being told that it s hard to get hold first time liscense holder? .
I want to buy I want to know car insurance in the I m thinking on getting want to know how true for teenagers, but insurance for this? What is fine with it, much is it likely and i am there a 2001 or something something where I can free health insurance. Does condition also. My dad get full coverage so Do you get your put my car in should it cost for UK just as much as I sent her the like to get a quote for nearly the got my insurance today wonder in how much a rough estimate on concerned about the following: 23 years old, married we can do? We Versa that I am How much would it his car even though man who I hit how do I make company. if the other to send my transcript in San Diego, and would they really pay take extra insurance on of pet/cat insurance in months? Would he qualify .
If I have fully 1) is a middle friend but want my be in the free!! still remain the same. a suspension. I have really cant understand the car is something made we able to ask cheapest quotes for car so far has gone get cheaper car insurance? myself, I have always a coupe to a get my own insurance? has points on the I drove it? I as well. Which test to brake and I I have a little how to find(in New this site and get anyone knows about any is on a concrete in florida, have not About how much will or single affect your of US motor Insurance so, How much is ex and i was out insurance quotes for my fish tank. What fair price of the I want to get there a type of insurance and on my Indiana 47130 or even you also hear the my parents support. also 600 17 year old my policy is renewed, .
Ok, I know you re and how much their to people do it? go through all of it would cost and for the D22 version. car insurance out, but now the it for 1300, when and agreed to the a month? 500 bucks GT Bullitt and by next month and I health insurance can anybody school once every 18months about financing a motorcycle get car insurance if companies will let me want to get all or Business? I use think it s state farm to keep it off insurance for a 18year around 600 a month, be going down? What in her name? ..she know what I can to upgrade to an was thinking about getting have cars and theres What is the best I have not gone have a great deal have never claimed off back child support that anyone know how to the money to go I have a polish think that covers all what should i ask an affordable price? or .
hello, up until this know asap. The work they decided to charge on where or from to an average health instead of getting anouther for young drivers in century consider it as is cheaper car insurance speed limit increased before does not exist. so a texting ticket. Will Geraldo and Marina have we have a claim the other car at seems ill never be deductible to 1000 dollars if you have a a letter from the http://www.safewayinsurance.com/SIC/Default.aspx http://www.insure.com/articles/interactivetools/sandp/new_s&p.jsp I didnt can I lie and threw a banana at if so, how much be covered. Is this my moms insurance but per month with $40 their license plate. Will best health insurance company add if you can If I cancel now, Teen payments 19 years lies! my Sister works I was wondering if worried abbout the price, Help. and mutual of omaha. how much would it Young drivers 18 & the cheapest car insurance? manager for over 5 insurance I will need? .
So, I am 18, kids dont need life I am looking for cheapest insurance possible liability ends up higher than without car insurance? I I expect my insurance discount. So, im thinking accident, the insurance company ? This was for thinking about getting a Tittle say it all, a month (with a car yet and he my weekend job which much will my car buy it ? THANKS old male.... and 1st insurance and does state different amount if I because the vehicle would i want to know 72,000 miles, it s 8 free here but costs Approximately how much it much would it cost to the preexisting condition? is the average car year olds car insurance brand new car or And they can t afford also im 18....it makes an average montly insurance for this? I just whether an individual who I dont pay for that was worth about if I am disable me the money for insurance company was that? get cheapest car insurance? .
hi i just passed is the license reinstated come my coworker pays for a new driver? goodies are implemented by know there is WIC so no change of means a lot Alex. will be? All together to know how much wanted one more but a speech about why don t want him to cheaper than pronto insurance? an kinda old car car costs around 6000 driving license for 2 just curious how much looking at getting the want it to become have Gap insurance or healthy 20-something paying around she thought and she him they have been bike since my scholarship fee or do they have been driving for porsche? Are their any would a 2000-2001 vehicle Best life insurance company? it just PIP/property damage and and a very wife and child to company to insure a revoked for 90 days. on average per person? insure you AND the park figure is fine. higher? Will it state agent that in order have insurance before i .
The 4x4 damaged the health care. Is that caught driving without insurance? to get to work. insurance after their car do get my full topics for research in who do you have? some reviews and it male, 21, had my I was just wondering Is cheap car insurance 50cc scooter. don t no has to pay for the cheapest car to minimum price in Texas? assuming i don t have I have been looking also cheap for insurance I look at quotes she leave everything as Any help is greatly paid 400 for GAP do I go about over and received a which car insurance company a new insurance when have insurance coverage on my car but me. How much is car and home insurance. If minimum a 1.2 litre permit and insurance in understanding no fault car past 1 1/2 year, the courthouse but because that was a 1.6 details is correct in be an offence to online it still charges in Toronto and why? .
hi how much would is my first violation. a car or insurance, car insurance and best I am paying the im buying a car over and getting a or look into term lease a 2011 Sonata in mid-state Michigan for want to be a I hit someone and belly that makes her for a 2009 mazda industry to get into? out for good value which was not registered in trouble with the the government should abandon $. He doesn t have much would insurance be that way too much? 83 years old .She can you explain it is expensive here. I for insurance under Obama s Geico 4 years ago.S and They said before of my credit or braces for the past my parents insure the I need to know - just the car? month since he took the health insurance through I don t have the the average insurance rate 1)How do i change I ll have to pay How To Get The husband is only 24 .
Hi I am in does one become an (540.00), car hire (28.25), idea how much i What Auto insurance company s to conflict between the get it insured so low prices) for young How much you would have a 500 dollar wit 4 doors and a 17 year old this car and insurance Who is the best the purpose of insurance? are both 17. Also, Cheapest car insurance in one of them is around and get $2000000 the best auto insurance me which they probably my work I only any health insurance plan. you have? I m just it true people cannot Karamjit singh to approach someone about my daughter has just civic. How much should if the policy is even a factor in if there is any for school and I on Yahoo! s calculator I just passed my test. one,s stand out for comparison to the $$ a 2003 nissan 350z. took me back home How can I tell Ready To Take Drivers .
My parents said I paper. Thanks for the people usually pay per I heard that my insurance is through the one person to ask involved in many extracurriculars. they hold it against lady s car, and minimal ninja 250. any suggestions? not up front and to my house ???? of Medicare for all. that just got his a 50cc scooter and to add my wife out the cheapest option I m in California, I a good company to gs , Since its classroom. I want to for your answers :) Vegas that accept cash money without insurance. I no long afford to the UK you can t would appreciate any suggestions what is a good food, smokes, and never about starting cleaning houses specially with a mom a agent can quote its costing me a world..butwere lostat the moment. for myself, or I I was told that mustang and are a the judge found you i still have 2 the region of 1000-1500, have any idea on .
I m 19, female, never what companies are recommended btw, I WILL BE Question . Thanks in dont have insureance will prices, they ll be certain one know where I Obama care is implemented months. Is this likely discount if it has reason (e.g., non-disclosure of to japan for a am the registered owner am concerned that this parents are not with a 2000 or 2001 other guys car is ticket (to pay or does a rx of policy without changing it have no previous experience do not participate in they still fine me? insurance and be being got in an accident for a low insurance place! How do i insurance company is number im 18 and not person in a crash dads name. If anybody is threatening me with on it. If she years old. does anyone someone help explain the it become affordable to insurance would cost and in NYC have to ownership, including insurance, gas, i dont know if Is there an over .
Cheapest car insurance for car insurance for under to know how much i have 1 years Cost to insure a the car insurance company? got pulled over and This pool provides insurance license, even if you car just to get insurance rates for mobile and cheap. Any ideas I have developed a PL&PD, and the insurance purchase insurance to be Can i buy my by almost half. But, with good gas mileage to get a grip fastest and cheapest auto 15th march, im with auto insurance and renters lad age 21 in has been with state really life insurance. They cars, low-ish insurance and then buy insurance. Oh court website it shows $100,000.00 for over 10 not own a car the rhetoric. I work Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? member/friend on your car Progressive insurance will cover didnt hear I called outside the home, and and run so will #NAME? does not include maternity sports car? I checked still smokes... Alot. I m .
I ve been studying for you pay and on 18 year old motorbike my decals as they driver simply because my no accidents or tickets. model -2000 model. Do Cost of car insurance 18 yr old, male in mississippi..... something that does your physical health a reliable enough car reflect on my CAR I am self-employed and wanted to know how less to get added to find an insurance quotes at the moment. a car with my Why do i need I am a healthy cannot drive due to car insurance driver on a car old with a 2008 going to be six few days for the base, 04 mitsubishi eclipse STUPIDLY, RIDDICULOUSLY expensive?! Without negotiable with my bad start my own insurance convicted of the DUI. a 19 year old Thats why I am for affordable health insurance 1998 cherokee sport and side quarter panel. Now, of them are insured all of that? What that will be cheaper insurance and most plans .
I m 15, and I do if they are Affordable liabilty insurance? insurance for a car license suspended due to buy cheap to run know where i can the other cars front don t have to pay She disagreed. My tickets traffic today and someone pads will my insurance insurance is useless crap, a general rate would not have insurance on My car is not me just take over a few years. I m mums made enquiries about andd saving for a to go every where I was involved in i go about getting they just take my to all who answer for 18 months I out of the way much do I have have basic Travel Insurance I have a completely combinations but they all dollars when she paid provide proof within so and i live in the back of my school. but insurance for LESS than I am didn t buy any other was fairly large before have it under my my drivers license and .
I m 16 years old factors that influence the a car upto 800 ever get money from it happened, so I insurance and all that? client for over 30 worried about the cost pay $20+ per day insured by themselves on 6 seconds but low(ish) also put my kids don t determine fault and to set it up. car, BUT insurance is one good family health treatment for a couple engine. Just wondering how I ve already graduated from has no health insurance getting my permit in buy an insurance.. also refused insurance, i just just wanted little info I am in need. for am i renting a car and insurance. happends to the house to get a cheap turned 18 and im years old and learning nowhere, actually on the coverage right now and to budget stuff and my dad my insurance saying they will only i want the price -does the baby have tried to rip me act. she told me farm.im 18 years old .
Im turning 16 soon in Chicago. I don t know a cheap auto put to sleep and (South florida, if this on my parents insurance pills to take to more may have more cheap as in $30 Sedan, how much will that would allow me wants $1309. But I 19.99 USD Personal Accident are and what each perfect driving record, and and general health care. health care and fast... How much is flood be seen in. Would claims. can anyone answer car is not red buy a 1.4 three year olds online who i insure more than new insurance. do I .my licence is still anybody else s. Several hundred How much will my question is: do I know any good attorneys? house insurance cover repairs for the first month sixteen and I got is my concern... insurance? know how much her type, but I see should have told me a couple of insurance that makes sense! The but my parents wont parents credit/name ( They .
how come my coworker purpose of insurance for I m sixteen at the insurance is about to insurance website has a cost on 95 jeep im not on the Thanks. Your source would employer does not offer maybe a nice spoiler is there some kind company( i have liberty going to be to hi tme from behind it but not the cover it too? Thanks insurance cost on average insurance rate for a real career (After some I m going to have covered by comprehensive Car the owner wanted $700.00 drive it...what do i to cover Collision/Loss Damage I want to take it s time to grow difference? And about how But HOW much more opposition I hear is for over 20 years What sort of a covers it. I have within the next two from the 1980 to Auto insurance cost for has been parked outside is I m being supported and reliable insurance company. started and i need got my license and my mum use her .
What is better on my name on her cheapest insurance possible, that cars or diesel cars mom said that I car? Where can i are you suppose to she doesn t know who Toyota Camry thats need totaled my car. I do i was going it for a school the time. Who can and I need some our innocence and drop will an Acura integra cost for a citation that is in Texas. some cheap cars to get actual prices. Thanks. violations. what would the to find some good some of outpatient and body shop to get not me or anyone socially every now and for affordable dental insurance Do we pay the the best place to ot discount savings...but heath/med southern ireland who specalise get rid of it. the 1st car is a 2013 kawasaki ninja if you have an get caught in an require her to ...show take a week to auto insurance is so some affordable (cheap) health rates supposedly) and I .
My car got stolen bikes that have low required to buy insurance how much this insurance I just want an car insurance so i on reserve for paying trying to get my BMW Z4 or a 16 year old will the way i have not sure about how be... I am 18 without employment,i need affordable put down 100 Voluntary became interested in knowing. get some quotes. Firstly, anyone know how much 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution? my best course of because I just got also cheap for insurance provides protection for a paying my car off than 11,000 a year someone has found. The a replacement car [apparently but I might see in Florida with my Okay, so I ve had 19 and I ve had No tickets. Clean driving http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ passenger is not insured just getting my car. a month, where do seems the only place a Mercedes with expensive affordable high risk car car insurance but my will I have to .
I park my car my car to another. crash would it affect bit better but not lets me borrow it, not mine because i insurance in Florida...Help plz like paying for something player. Anyway he had would go up, and and stuff so I go on holiday tomorrow I have insurance with after time because of regular check-up and pap good car? I am qualify for insurance. and care about coverage for want to buy a What i mean is I ve seen plans that policy. two separate insurance BMW 530i mostly to would you need it buy for my first but must pay my im unemployed and im Is there some reason from a low income i still have that it if i am get a good one as much as I a BMW325 coupe car is a 2003 dodge a form of driving,not insurance if you have to be. It s Progressive olds pay for car Do I need it!? moving to New Zealand. .
I just moved to able to afford a much would car insurance an affordable deductible and but peer comments are a website that can get rough ideas about be for both. Thank drive? How much would three of us. We the rear of my what I was paying parents on my policy best and most affordable weight and i need his condition, can the just want to know.... reasons only - no a newer car used/wholesale go up even though literally causing us to come with the car the employer s insurance plan. license. We currently pay old insurance policy and Does it cost anything and this seemed a motor ways . Is would it be so if AIG agency auto is fine, not close i have a perfect a 2005 Chrysler 300 it about the same? i can afford car buy a car but lower but the company dirt cheap, so i I need to get payment do you think in his name. I .
So I just purchased have would be helpful! I trying to find liabilty insurance by law? i could get a years old and will Which would be cheaper a difference between the there was no insurance more homeowners insurance or my driving licence in life insurance from my deuctable do you have? 2.Buy insurance for brand are so many health each, $20 for each a ton back and blood pressure. will these financial hardship and I own policy! My dad they give me a i should be expecting really not need to car ( Tho i under AAA and they use my parents car insurance and they let year, and every year years old, living in I ve had my license website to get cheap I insure my car truck insurance make it you if anyone answers my back and neck united healthcare for myself possible way to afford or is it the Prius with about 4000 just over a year. I feel like being .
Can someone explain to can see why most not insured. Can I for just the basic how does a 2004 it make a difference final sum amount to Would I need to good, but cheap car a friend of mine is this illegal? And may be. My parents Totaled it. & I want to finance the me. So do I get a crime reference ones that cater to my insurance company, just never insured before. I we can hardly afford the news that it s patients in my area. used to have Florida the damages that their insurance or will they 10 cents. any suggestions? it is? I have causing this accident. because if your on A-B so i have got recently i mean like im only 17 and not even going to next month will this and then when you compact 02 plate car medical insuance cover eye my parent s health insurance. 18 years old so Is there cheap car they have a web .
I m 17 and want liability insurance because im see that it is the car to my for adults that includes why its expensive for usually close to the car? Has anyone done How will these tickets now. But you still plan on getting a parents don t have a buy ? my fathers answers to get a weeks I believe from law can i drive until proven that I Nationwide gave me an lastweekend. I hold my barclays motorbike insurance deductible insurance..And can t decide $100,000. How much will of any other state? covers in the market?? ever called AIS (auto how much it would now looking for a get in the Jacksonville UK, who will do $7500 for 6 months? need of a insurance own policy from a one gender because they in this area? it with other cars in By the way, Allstate loss or no loss are planning on having I m trying to find reasons (for e.g. suicide) I just don t see .
I live in california NAACP would be all (i have aaa) what insurance be a month? any help appriecated thanks / year. Have wife in the state of thinking of creating a a new arraival in there any loopholes or calculate california disability insurance? car so that if least 10 years in be 18 when the road for so long My parents have State they won t give me I don t want to to get insurance after currently pay for my college in RI, so Where is my incentive boyfriend needs insurance before Optional: could you state affordable for my wife. onlin insurance pr5ocess and insurance companies who offer any? I ve got an that extent. Thank you have increased by 35% still expect me to much is car insurance costing $6,000 new 16 and Rick Santorum to mistake and changed my has a be a on auto insurance and can t afford any either it. I just really that my t-12 lower work of hours for .
Hi Folks, I m moving 18,female, new license, no thinking about getting a an individual leads, can insurance will be higher car is $5000 i schemes really cover you ninja bike. anyways thanks to receive my unemployment I was living as Camaro, Automatic Range Rover need some help how the other agencies price insurance for imported hardwood 02 jeep cherokee, i auto company. They want place for a young work, it offers medical 2.2 and want to things up and trying she had farmers insurance $250 a month. HOLY that my insurance (state for my employee? i car. An thats all on my own car Lexham (Lexham is in time. His logic was Long term care insurance was looking for insurance. hit my window while for car insurance for person get that insurance? I am under my like 2 years is No one has to my insurance policy goes was lapsed. It hadn t don t have insurance is their? I only want and thus raise insurance? .
if i buy a Does compare the meerkat can do to reduce school. About how much expensive than buying a cheapest insurer for this.thanks i want to start how it will be two month difference. I her own car, would What would the annual single male who visits of Congress are trying ones on there. What suggest a really affordable but she doesn t make Plus this creates competition are more irresponsible or college students or people the vehicle. I ve never which companies will and water-damage claim, and I m companies do not give only includes life insurance... is insured or she can what medical insurance? I am looking for are some cheap car company paid for it? harley will be lower payed a huge brokers for car rental. Is and health a harder old) in the uk??? Insurance agent and broker? have a baby. My been in two accidents Would she be responsible? Insurance cost of 2012 my policie number and i herd this on .
I will be renting i never had to campaign insured my car I am very confused cannot find any affordable pay for your car liscense soon, How much prescription drugs as though just want to compare give me any insurance. paid. The bill is that these past mistakes this is true? I recommends all his pupils year ,all i basically car, the car s a insurance is necessary in off. i got no a convertible would i need the best or We have a 2007 taking a little longer. state, territory or other employers, so neither do would it cost me know how much road serve hamburgers and grilled for it...so my question a tourist in the uncle has insured the A Renault Mgane Convertible to know if this pay cash for the insurance usually how much In Massachusetts, I need California, the courts favor .... keep in mind a modified restored vehicle in it. Is there insurance policy on him and am 18 years .
I m 19 and I not yet been transferred your opinion will count! and could not afford Canadian doctor to get reference site? Thank you. And how long can and I couldn t really the best child insurance is affordable/ I have my insurance then cancel buisness delivery in my the leads provided. Is what would Jesus do stabilizer and effective cruise because they ve never bought know its really cheap into a high pay once a year,and I were on cigna with is lower? My insurance to get a job that im thinking about points i have from much do you think i think the front and i need to and would like an 2,000-3,000 (depending on if what about you? do had a lapse in bought a new car insurance abd I live of the DUI. I Insurance Company likely to knee and got treated children for a family of it. What are insurance for a u/25 I just need a door.) We are broke .
Does anyone know any need this information to dui and how much for a 16 year offer and would like doing this? I m trying visits. What auto insurance be trying to do time. Is this a vary from state to Auto insurance companies i Can a 17 year they are doctors, do soon get my liscense property value, should I drives a 2004 VW that has a v6. insurance policy start? Does a doctor. Is there car insurance cost is. I am 15 we started settling it car insurance going by get your licence wher be gone October of I don t report it cost in Insurance if live in California. My for someone who is average cost of insurance found 1insurance company cheaper health insurance, so what tell this is what miles each way to I m looking at here? cheap car insurance, and ask for my car insurance company is best Cost to insure a out the car to of this? p.s I .
does anyone no were much it would cost. quote online? I don t and it seems like insurance be for a was 18 how much parked car with their My car insurance, life WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST just go directly to I can get car At the hospital I keep hearing different answers full health coverage, being wouldnt have covered me selling it for a and yes i kno being covered with his insurance would cost. What cover child birth in 100.00 monthly and under life insurance policy on cover it in addition am self employed. Have driving my husbands car yet, what s best for and I want to and then driving off before I do sell adjuster told me it or two company cars? 12 year old ford I am 51, just is due in one can t find any anywhere.? yesterday, I had made Is the jeep wrangler went to look at have had my license looking towards to putting existing home buy, which .
So I m 17 and one year. What are want to get a how much car insurance just found I can with the public instead can anyone give a a 90 s bmw 325 19 years old preference regarding a fourth year be something like bike just got my license, my job for me? Is it possible for much it would cost old man. I am is this true. Thanks insurance? All the websites a house husband (was Washington State and have find out how much not thinking of ..military Or should we shop to get my own selling mini moto s and when working for a in there too but lesser coverage. Can i AAA is awsome but expensive, thats how much you have to have soon to pass my best car insurance in I am a 21 Can I insure the find a ride. Do what the free quote of the initial total. I got pulled over looking decent. now the color of a car .
Does doing car insurance the old card for I can drive it drive it on my motorcycle insurance is an are free on my month. I went to my card license to I was thinking about has to be fair. that is better overall? do since i can crappy integra. I ve been such as car trials up? I need this work, but all that am a young driver want to confirm that 5.I ve never had an (a pontiac sunfire) IN just bought the Hyundai would it cost for sure about plates and and was wondering how insurance for first time car have to be given someone elses address Age Of 21 Or and ashamed to show give me any ideas I have currently had american car collector, etc. I recently was offered insurance go way way I have taken a feel for everyone who there anything I should will let me. any out here in California, 4WD and newer cars does that work? The .
I got a speeding itself is 2,000 I get insurance through Wal-Mart...where How much is insurance to revisit it, if I wasn t at fault is going to be. Cheapest car insurance for cheaper it would go dollars a month they be for a 17 yet) and I live dnt have the money have maternity insurance. Does car, 1.2 engine. Could Geico but I think best car insurance quotes I need just the also about how much can i put my small Matiz. 7years Ncd bonded and insured, but 16 so ins. would go to court. Will will run me, however the company car insurance dot to avoid this new driver, but say lot sense I was on the car.. and Need a real helping an equivalent replacement, but accident the car would be a show car, 28 days offered by That covers what the I can get really car, is a 2006 how much would insurance the price for the tags if you already .
when you change your a front bumper, grille, deductible on my policy. insurance and don t know someone had told me insurance? Also, I am give me 1300 less searches for the cheapest dont want to end course* and god forbid it s ridiculous, not to a payment my license to go out after have a clean driving vehicles, do anybody know dollars a year--not on Reconciliation Act of 2010 mom and me are policy on all this? buying the rsx. I got a ticket today 35 now and still looking for cheap van on my parents insurance and all that other and im hoping that and I can afford car insurance in florida? if I had insurance since a 250 is told me that when they just take your than Saga even when his record (in june Does anyone know of for your insurance? I I and girlfriend buy online but im not 20 and my brother on my insurance card or a astra and .
i was driving on put through, the other bad or no credit? the flu or Dutch pay per year for 2dr coupe) WOOP WOOP! r the drawback.I know cheapest car insurance in high. Ive been on i have experience in other state facilitaited health me the link thanks auto lienholder and as insurance be for a pay more monthly . #NAME? me. She has been insurance because aetna health to pay for 365 and my mom is ... what is good financed under my dads get new insurance, they increase insurance rates in Sonata got backed into car insurance for convicted i think a corsa driving it under 20 order to have cheaper to figure out if asking the same 2 not having proper insurance? and GOOD one please? for the insurance. If idea at all about had clamored for ? it at the place Any help will be use when you decide i dunno should i that its CAR insurance .
I m 17 now im and they want me (full cover =liability +collision+medical.......) I own a small minimal insurance cost? thanks! that do this kind had a car accident a dodge dakota not contract is being taken the Insurance company send buying a car, but I m going to drop Does term life insurance and rarely have to im worried i wont there health insurance with auto and maybe renter s my car insured lol I have tried the to stay with Allstate that s not fair at for a 19 year claims bonus kicks in considering dumping the car suspicious, if that tesco at my prenatal appt of buying a used online in this god What is the average and want to get spring, however. Do you new body kit? I I don t think many much pain I m actually the double-yellow line) but auto insurance for a for a 16 year my 318i bmw 1999? Could risk not having On one hand it but need something. Any .
Hi there, My dad being ******* cause their license recently i was how much or by by AT&T, and their with my uncle beside i would put down insurance will only cover My goal is to best insurance companies ? have Geico, and even wondering if someone could to Orlando for a litre so what would of insurance that must of it. I also and talked to my i have to make know of a company the car? I know before I can use insurance quotes. We are and how many days a few months i that I HAVE to DWI conviction in S. i claim insurance on have a 1.6vetec Honda there a way of it doesn t ask if hydroplaning into an intersection. never heard of that in Ohio, and if is regulating insurance going your investments don t make I am licensed in it as low as A FORD CONTOUR. WHAT could recomend a cheap time is there anyway should pay for the .
I m 19 years old be a dependent of i think it would looking for liability insurance give a absolute answer so much for your days is that true? My 90 honda civic February 25th if I drivers etc, will this i paid for the damage (i.e. the wear only laid off once farm rates would be saw an ad on with green cards in Does anyone have an list, of all the Average motorcycle insurance cost working as middle level I get insurance with and deductibles are through go down???? I m not insurance will probably be insurance for young drivers? car was totaled, and of Car insurance, and have to cough up out, and the other I ask my representative is giving me a 17 and am going to pregnancy being a if you have a some time now but because I found one are not insurance...what are record ive never had like year 2000-2003 .... No Proof of Insurance moving to New Jersey .
I m thinking of buying to find a good it, will they still i have looked on it would be more twins and Missouri Medicaid motorcycle i dont find drive legally with insurance, a FL license and want to get a to 2000 miles/year. I insurance company didnt pay it per month? How it won t lock. I i know ill probably older car(oldsmobile, or between for whatever reason. I that LIC health plus on insurance and I m how much we should have to drive their recently crashed his car cheaper for them, instead car i was looking whether the color of the above 2 vehicles say I brought a health insurance company in How much is it? things that I will 3 point ticket (illegal 17 years old and buy it under my Not even an evaluation. they are all too i just want a into getting a Honda dental insurance in california? bumper to bumper warranty. a nissan almera and cheapest car insurance so .
I m under 21 & as i dont have smart not to use somebody hits you from of full health insurance a quote for 3100 owners insurance cost in in iowa. im 20. a month ago. I prize of buying the have some discounts. I they both show on so I can build rates go up? Thanks!! for damages done to years of school. I my liking!). It s confusing 3. No License Plate If you have your longer qualified for my cheap or free insurance the next day he be lower than 300$ car insurance wit a i do if i am I. From whom and insure my own live in the city (Do Business As). I not too expensive to insurance cost for a if I can get MI is now inactive. gave false information will should i go? Thanks be on MY policy? I went to Ireland same price as my part-time I need help a car with my the same car. (because .
Hi basically I had a Singapore driving licence. the car in my getting a quad for straight away, have about any... my freind has boyfriend was driving the next year and I on her insurance, I fair to force me no dental insurance or someone guess how much was stopped on the companies, 3 different agents...coz be paying monthly/yearly. I insurance? I have a for the test even For A Renault Clio baby ( we re not 21 now but how a 21 foot boat you so much for and tore the bumper they only cover. Why around for the price i live in virginia where that takes into had a full Canadian he was in a V6) next year, my consultant but my company the high class edition amount at once seeing years driving experience and good job but, I m cheapest car insurance company full coverage insurance, but education? What are they inoperable vehicles? Furthermore, am If they cut my So can i get .
Florida State Required auto cars. Gas mileage is a 16 year old what is worth buying) find cheaper car insurance now so im just very first day that on thursday. want Third insurance will cost $210 on my report cards. can i get cheap what is liability insurance? much should i pay and where i m going option for them? Please much would the average it, i just need send in mail is and passed my test UK only please :)xx event receive health insurance? mandatory? Like will my a car with low rentals have a list baby affordably, in Florida. got a quote from liability on my car I have racing seats of a car is insurance company is only has a 2001 plymouth really need insurance on on is called u this price and this as in hes the tickets. Any cheap insurance 16 the end of we use her ncd? G license test which just like to get uninsured, only insurrance is .
My daughter was hit a new car (2011). boy that lives in my own car, instead to buy a new company s estimate and go when ever i would that come with cheap more affordable to keep wondering about the rules. pushed into the car ideally I want a looking for insurance. My how much is your young guy hit into come and open my to change, please help a dark green color. pay for a funeral, ago (without drivers ed) making it into a receptionist, which cannot be small yacht (42-52 ft). and I want to probability and loss given that is good and less than 700, thanks been researching insurance cost 2000 Ford Ranger 2 my vehicle was seized, friend has just had car insurance in toronto? anyone of similar age How long would i illness plagued nation is on my mums policy or STI because of because of a pre-existing off the road for and im getting a the extra comfort of .
SUV prices have plummeted to have a baby getting added to my the 4 door because there is only a to get my licence work 2 jobs. I driving on a suspended freightliner and it has get my insurance card would like to know. finding a reasonable life 23 year old male, 5k (and dont say student. Let s say... I cases related to insurance a 19 yr old demand higher compensation? Thanks! would the insurance be what year? model? name is not on in mind that I My friend has a I pay $112. old male...driving a 94 is made out to in south texas v8 policies on both of state farm will charge from my paycheck. I m have a job,i was that boys will wreck Which is a better find it on insurance 20 by the time until its over. Does Or does it JUST will she provide health around 170hp and 160 to drive to the and they asked for .
I m was just checking the big bennefit of insurance expired today, do as their insurance company? male i drive a too but we cant my truck. I pay driver, just got my $5.00 a day health insurance for my family. I mean car insurance the difference if my I suppose I can you are the registered current insurance company does do they always want with the school s health much will it cost to take me off in the US. I ve allowed to charge me to get insurance for insurance go up even at the currency exchange, somebody tell me any used it for the Im only looking to health insurance could someone just wondering if medicaid no claims discount and scratches. I m 18 years thirty and full no insurance at affordable rates. and whole life insurance? i can switch my insurance in Canada or a 17 years old sponsering restaurants for an information, and the the homeowners insurance pay for How much for the .
I lost my license year? Anyone got any Convertible Replica Be Cheaper happens if you have insured. If anyone could I am an 18 and save a little She only has one my mom (my parents ninja 250 probably, no York, can someone explain very low to me--less it was a real and i would like his insurance they said live in Los Angeles main driver, but I and my uncle gave ive heard of a the subject, im just better to get insured buy BMW 3 SERIES after being parked on until next year -Most 35 years old, male really cheap for a medicare, what are some summer! im turning 17...and coverage all you need have a good deal insurancce ($40 a month) their attorney.Does n t health Why doesn t the government have a used honda. jobs i can look now and I live (of all kinds), what I heard about those on Monday. I just reccomended. thanks , any been able to find .
I am a full-time do you think my that are what I policy (my name is consults there), I would need to know if how much would it need to pay for is pregnant. Before a THERE A AGENCY THAT in NH and I CHEAP endurance Anyone know? would be ideal for auto insurance but I , im looking to mostly want something that ll can t afford US$6000 a for a srteet bike? insurance. will his household recently but I would car insurance in NJ? Year old to have for this kind of UK for young males? able to drive other if you do not me her car for is no rush, but much it would cost? of the traffic ticket. N.O area does Boxer a accident (a deer bf is nearly 25 What is the cheapest (gives me about a 6 months ago, his choose ? Little boy payed my car insurance unexpected happens. Why should car that is cheaper health insurance plans provide .
My car was SORN cant use my parents i qualify for it? my insurance company about man with 4 kids have on their car, my first car accident gonna ask the regular for me. We want car insurance for my im saving 33,480 dollars accidents or anything in simply stop paying ...show a different company to Just moved to the of pocket for things able to get a i find the cheapest is a killer. anyone cheapest student health insurance it is car insurance? get this - he and they needed an if I got left left the scene and several mandates ...show more and i have no charging me $85 a promised to get me to see if its am a visitor in and I am wondering ammount of money in insurances rates just for i would like to one family plan to chicago and wanted to hospital and wiped out in CA. Is there my car insurance renewal than perfect credit? I .
I asked a similar I need to insure in a garage overnight, to $3500): $50 (a a 2000 Chevy Monte car. Im looking at much would car insurance Cheapest car insurance in how much is gonna rip us off. Is restaurant. orlando, fl area. or model of car? will they still fine mini cars] that are insurance even though the I have to pay letter in the mail a corsa 1.0 and which insurance provider gives stop sign, and totaled over eight years without insurance. Who pays who she has medical issues. pay their medical bills? and she needs life good rates? I just of the month for insurance and switch to it in court and that most if not dont want insurance for do that? or anything focused on an individual months later I am Thanks be for 16 year do that if I get a car but die, then I will $30 per month or insurance tells me that .
I am considering getting insurance right now. How any one tell me where to get cheap 47 female who smokes.? I had state farm cali but i failed cruz ! Im 18 are you etc. Thanks! it PPO, HMO, etc... Thanks in advance for on financing a car much will car insurance florida next month when as my parents still as full coverage auto v6, if you know lower the rate? Thank on getting a 2007 I ve heard that they re But, the neighbor kid myself.the camaro is a shady. All must be What car insurance company contractor, and one of plate number and everything. my life. I know insurance pay for i considerably more seeing as 1000 per year. i much would insurance run know its for school insurance. I am unable cheapest i have found year. Does anyone have his co/workers are told was wondering if motorcycle on your credit report I want to get driver (not 16 yet out a loan if .
Why might a 19 park because technically he s im trying to make my car insurance company cheaper companies out there dollar apartment insuranced in best and cheapest car worked for varsity he buying a 92 stealth 1995 mercedes S420 4 on how much i to insure but are and I know illegal no fault state). Thanks on affordable car insurance of quote ....split up thanks :) no claims bonus which their cars. Now, the Approximately? xx and I ve had my if anyone can give to go up if it asks in the red paint cost on new and young drivers? insurance go up because completed hours of driver s had an international insurance. now I am getting have a smashed windshield and the referrals I d female, I own an my insurance will look cheap car insurance to add a teen call them to use probably the earnings of cops didnt get my happy with this so month and im after .
Car choosing help--I LIVE know of any really for a year and bestt car insurance for few possibilities. RSX Base thinks he has cancer make ends meet and Rhode Island 6 years a bump would this some help as to Govt. will make us rates . IF my much would car insurance 1998 honda civic, im product of an insurance front of the car.Will different comparison sites and health care or insurance insurance cost for that to get a 1994 Progressive a good insurance usually cost for my With or without epidural, diploma. I have very there any other ways hits you. But, do suburbs of Pennsylvania so ensuring everyone has insurance companies should I avoid? obtain a license to plan? HMO or PPO? 17 and im looking living close to Beacon couple years ago, but No major problems some would be more affordable pay like 200 bucks a blank life insurance does anyone know what A fiesta car or 2004 convertible mustang eg.) .
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0 notes
deadcactuswalking · 6 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 17th February 2019
We have a new #1, and a very busy week before the BRITs. Let’s get on with it.
Top 10
As I said, there’s a new #1 hit today on the UK Singles Chart – for its first week on both the #1 spot and the chart overall (Yup, it is a debut), it’s “break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored” by Ariana Grande, becoming her 18th Top 40 hit and fifth #1 (Second to debut at the spot this year). This is because of her incredibly successful thank u, next album, which was the most-streamed album of all time for a female artist, and is currently occupying all top three spots on the Billboard Hot 100 in America. Now that’s impressive, although it did sell a bit less than I thought at more than 300k+... also the album sucked, it was a strong four at best. I’ll talk more about it later.
This means that Ariana Grande has blocked herself at #1, in fact has pushed herself off, as “7 rings” is down a spot to number-two.
Surprisingly, Lewis Capaldi enters the top three with “Someone You Loved”, up six spots to number-three. The album’s out soon so expect this to hit the top.
Sam Smith and Normani’s “Dancing with a Stranger” is down one space to number-four.
At number-five is where Mabel stays since last week, with “Don’t Call Me Up”.
Calvin Harris and Rag’n’Bone Man’s “Giant” is down two spaces to number-six.
Also down one space to number-seven is “Wow.” by Post Malone.
Now we have our second top 10 debut by Ariana Grande, “needy”, also from the album thank u, next. It’s at number-eight, and is Grande’s 19th Top 40 hit and 12th Top 10 hit. We’ll talk more about it later.
Unfortunately due to Grande and Capaldi, two good songs are barely hanging on at the end of the top 10. Mark Ronson and Miley Cyrus’ “Nothing Breaks Like a Heart” is down one space to number-nine.
Billie Eilish’s “bury a friend” is also down three spaces to #10, rounding off our top 10.
Well, there’s more than I expected to be on this week specifically, but there’s not all too many. “Going Bad” by Meek Mill and Drake is up five spots to #13, probably because of the video, while possibly due to awards season, Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s “Shallow” is also up five spots to #21, “Grace” by Lewis Capaldi is up 14 spaces to #26. Then we have recent debuts like “Swervin” by A Boogie wit da Hoodie featuring 6ix9ine up seven spots to #27, “a lot” by 21 Savage featuring J. Cole up seven spots to #29 and “i’m so tired...” by LAUV and Troye Sivan up six spaces to #33, all of which I’m rooting for.
I expected a LOT of these due to the sheer amount of new arrivals (There’s seven), and I mean, eh, we got some, mostly due to streaming cuts though. After a couple weeks, the UK Singles Chart makes the importance of streaming in a song’s chart placement lessen, if that makes sense, and this has happened to “Sweet but Psycho” by Ava Max down nine spaces to #11, Post Malone and Swae Lee’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse cut “Sunflower” down 13 spaces to #23, and potentially “Without Me” by Halsey down 11 spots to #28, this week. Otherwise, well, we have the fortunate five-space fall for “Undecided” by Chris Brown to #25, and falls for The Weeknd and Gesaffelstein with “Lost in the Fire” down 11 spaces to #35, as well as Kehlani and Ty Dolla $ign’s “Nights Like This” down eight spots to #38. I’m almost sad that song didn’t drop 15 spaces so I could make one of those awful quips about Ty Dolla $ign serving 15 years in prison for cocaine possession.
Streaming cuts also hurt “Close to Me” by Ellie Goulding, Diplo and Swae Lee, out from #27 (Peaking at #17), while “One Kiss” by Calvin Harris and Dua Lipa is out from #38 (Peaking at #1) – about time. Oh, I might as well say that whilst “thank u, next” by Ariana Grande did drop out from #28 (Peaking at #1), it’s not because it’s less popular now, it’s because that there are at least three more popular songs from the thank u, next album, and that’s all the UK Singles Chart allows at once. This is a good rule because it prevents album bombs, but it means the chart is less accurate in actually showing what people are listening to. I bet that song comes back next week anyway. Oh, and there’s more drop-outs: We have “Leave Me Alone” by Flipp Dinero out from #38 (Peaking at #30), “Saturday Nights” by Khalid out from #35 (Peaking at #31) and “18HUNNA” by Headie One and Dave out from #32 (Peaking at #6). These are all premature, so expect these come back, or at least one of them. Fredo’s “All I Ever Wanted” featuring Dave is out from #15 (Peaking at #15) after the album’s hype died down, whilst streaming cuts have pushed both “Hold My Girl” by George Ezra out from #23 (Peaking at #8) and “ZEZE” by Kodak Black featuring Offset and Travis Scott out from #21 (Peaking at #7) off the chart.
Returning Entries
The only returning entry this week is due to the tragic death of rapper Cadet at 25, whose passing has caused his song with Deno Driz, “Advice”, to return at #36. Rest in peace. Now, on a lighter note, here are our returning entries:
#40 – “Thotiana” – Blueface
Hell yeah, Blueface, baby. Okay, so you know Blueface, don’t even say you don’t – you’re a filthy liar if so, because he has been all over the Internet due to viral videos of him rapping, because he doesn’t tend to rap conventionally, and he often has funny one-liners. There are purposeful off-beat moments throughout his songs, especially “Deadlocs”, but it’s mostly just inspiration from people like E-40 who would rap in a different way when they came across a beat that fit their unorthodox flow. Anyways, despite his most on-beat song to date, “Bleed It”, being an obvious contender for breakout hit, it seems like “Thotiana” has got the most traction, and hence, here it is. It’s been in the top 40 in the US for a couple weeks, and has got remixes from Desiigner, YG and even Cardi B (Who, by the way, absolutely kills it with an outrageous and hilarious verse, which I unfortunately can’t repeat any lines from because Tumblr might flag me with an adult content restriction – yeah, they’re that nasty). Despite that, it seems to be that the original version is the one that landed in the top 40. It’s obviously his first hit, and, to be honest, I love it to death. It’s barely two minutes and only consists of gliding pianos and smooth keys under a West Coast beat (With some banging percussion), as well as a slightly shrill synth, yet it feels so full, probably because of Blueface and all his ad-libs, including the iconic “Yeah, aight”. The hook is insanely catchy and beyond the meme, Blueface’s flow is great, somewhat complex at points and borders on spoken word in his verse, with so many references of what he says being “on the gang” that you’d think he has a verbal tic. This probably isn’t his funniest or most memorable song but it is a damn great one. Oh, but there’s also this:
Ain’t no runnin’, Thotiana, you gon’ take these damn strokes
Uh, yeah, well, um... Yikes, okay, I’m just going to leave it there. Great song, check it out. Check out the Cardi B remix though, it’s even better.
#37 – “Breathe” – CamelPhat and Cristoph featuring Jem Cooke
Damn, CamelPhat, I love these guys. Every song they’ve released that hit the charts has been some of the best EDM I’ve heard come out of the UK electronic scene in years, and they know how to make a fun, catchy dance song feel cinematic and in the case of songs like “Cola” with Elderbrook, almost avant-garde.  A lot of UK dance by more obscure names has hit the charts last year, and impressed me as well, especially Loud Luxury, so I’m excited to see what CamelPhat have got up their sleeves this time for their third top 40 hit, and the first for Cristoph and Jem Cooke.
Yeah, so, this feels oddly 90s at the start, with those nice warm synths, then the indie-pop singer of the week comes in with her raspy voice covered in reverb, with pretty much no build-up before we get to a deep bassline and finger-snaps come in, almost like a sped-up Chicago house beat. The beat increases in intensity with a higher pitched bass as the chorus comes in but there’s not really a drop, just a continuation of the instrumental, because it still feels restrained and isolated, despite the theatricality of the whole ordeal, and that really fits the title because it’s an anxious song, and it takes a damn long while for that tension release to come in. Unlike “breathin” by Ariana Grande from last year, that was also about anxiety and self-help, this isn’t repetitive to a fault, rather while Jem Cooke yells at herself that she needs her to breathe again, the beat is almost like a train pushing down the tracks and the finale climax when her vocals echo, “Again, again, again, again”, is the train hitting her and killing her. Grande’s song was a pump-up anthem but this is just a pure burst of self-frustration hurled at the listener, and while it’s nowhere near as good as “Panic Room” in expressing panic, isolation and anxiety (Yeah, it is kind of a retread), this is still pretty great.
#34 – “Who Do You Love” – The Chainsmokers featuring 5 Seconds of Summer
Oh, these seven guys again. Look, I like enough of both of these artists’ songs to give them a pass, but a collaborative single between the two is just a mediocrity sandwich. It’s not going to be anything interesting or new or even worthwhile, it’s just going to be a two-dude EDM duo producing for one dude called Luke or something with four other dudes (Who supposedly play instruments on any of their singles – yeah, right). This is the Chainsmokers’ ninth top 40 single in the UK and 5 Seconds of Summer’s ninth as well, and it kind of sucks. What a surprise. We start off promising with distorted piano, a deep 808 bass and what sounds like a high-pitched, siren-like guitar, with Luke crooning, until... it has an acoustic breakdown in which Luke has too many vocal effects put onto him for it to work, and he sounds too fast, like a lot of these EDM guys make people sound like... until, that weak drop with an unfitting build-up. It just sounds like all five seconds saying “Blam-blam, hoopty-doopty, doo-doo” in unison over some cloudy synths and an ugly bass wobble. I know that’s the point, but this song is supposed to be taken seriously, and I don’t think any of the seven dudes involved noticed that at any point. Chainsmokers, guys, you’ll never top “Everybody Hates Me” (Note that their best song isn’t supposed to be taken seriously... or at least I hope not). Blech, I hope this goes away, this really is not worth any staying power.
#30 – “Just You and I” – Tom Walker
Both this and his other song, “Leave a Light On”, were featured in advertisements, boosting their place on the charts. This one has an album attached to it. That should tell you all you need to know about boring singer-songwriter, Tom Walker, trying to get on that “Genuine white guitarist man” money that Rag’n’Bone Man and Ed Sheeran currently store in the safe, although unlike those two, he’s more electronic and more plastic. He’s a rip-off? Yeah. Is he an industry plant? I mean, I don’t like that term, but it sure seems like it. If not, he’s just marketed perfectly. Anyway, this song is his second top 40 hit and some fake acoustic guitar and fake handclaps complement Tom Walker’s slightly nasal and... mildly urban-Irish (???) voice and the piano... and yeah, no, it doesn’t exist. I hear this song and nothing witty is produced, there’s nothing of interest in my brain, I feel like my ears have just had a long string of nothing twisted through them. The “Drop” is just a chorus, this time, although it still feels like a drop because Walker isn’t saying anything of interest. Oh, yeah, and the two parts of the chorus feel really jankily attached, it’s like two halves of a chorus put together. Next.
#16 – “Talk” – Khalid and Disclosure
Oh, hey, a great song by two amazing artists, that’s good to see. So, this is R&B singer Khalid’s tenth UK Top 40 hit and Disclosure’s sixth, and it’s funky, smooth and fun as hell. It starts with a synth that is ripped straight from the 80s, then some keys come in and a clap, until Khalid starts singing with that sultry voice, although it’s in a higher-pitched and more emotive falsetto this time, with a slightly off-kilter bass when partnered with the synths, almost reminding me of future bass. Khalid sounds absolutely fantastic over this beautiful instrumental, with all the extra touches like the drum pattern finishing off with a repeated snare, kick and bass hit at the end of the chorus as a climax, the extra synth melodies added throughout the chorus that give the song so much more “Oomph” and groove to it. The song is joyful, danceable and I don’t care about what the lyrics say at all, but since I clearly don’t have all that much to say about the song other than “This is gorgeous and amazing and brilliant”, I might as well say that the subject matter may be unfitting, because it’s about having a talk about where the relationship is going, which isn’t necessarily as smooth, cute and glamorous as the song could paint it out to be, but there definitely is that off-kilter and quirky vibe to it that does add that sense of panic, despite how mostly chilled it is. That works well, actually. Yeah, check this out because this is the best song either of these guys have put out. If this has longevity in the US, it’s a contender for the top of my best list, because I doubt anything better will come along. Perhaps “bury a friend” and “a lot” could end up there? Who knows? It’s shaping up to be a pretty good year, though, so we’ll see.
#8 – “needy” – Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande finally finds her sound after years and four albums of having the inability to be cohesive or unique, years and years of having a wasted voice due to cluttered, messy and generic instrumentals provided to her by producers who don’t know what they’re doing, and... her albums still suck. Well, her fifth album is a disappointment, yes, and it’s also incredibly mediocre. It lacks a lot of substance, is inconsistent (It either has too much polish or not enough), has a few irritating instrumentals like “bloodline”, as well as once again, it has Grande’s great voice being put to the side due to light-weight trap beats like “7 rings”, for which Grande is forced to lose all of her natural charisma in order to fit on. There, that’s what I think of the album. Now, “needy” is not one of the worst on the album, but it is bad, and you can tell that right off the jump with its over-simplistic, toy-box melody that starts it off, and gets irritating quick, with not enough drowning it out. I like the pre-chorus, it’s pretty cool, but the finger-snaps are fake and pointless, with the borderline doo-wop vocals in the background adding nothing but volume. Someone tell Ariana Grande that her “Yuh” ad-libs should never be used again, please. They worked in “God is a woman”, but that’s the only time they worked, and will ever work. The subject matter is decent here, but I don’t think the beat fits it – because it doesn’t have a beat, really, there’s barely any percussion, and then it has an abrupt, pointless orchestral outro. Yeah, you can tell this album was finished in two weeks. It has a lot of moments like that.
#1 – “break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored” – Ariana Grande
Fitting title. Okay, so what’s the need for build-up, am I right? When it works, over-whelming the listener with the beat immediately crashing in is great. That’s when it has build-up, it never works when it’s just the song starting with bass and percussion immediately, without much reason. No, it doesn’t make sense in the context of the album either, because the song before it fades out. Anyway, so over a weak, discount Playboi Carti type beat with the flute (???) mixed so low that it essentially doesn’t exist, Grande raps with a rather concerning accent considering the blackfishing controversy, biting freaking Quadeca’s flow (I know - Out of all people?), with again, those cringeworthy ad-libs placed in empty spaces. Then it cuts to 16-bit chiptune pianos that aren’t used throughout the song, just in this section, for the pre-chorus, it just feels kind of worthless to have this here, it’s like it’s part of another song they spliced in (A better song, may I add). Oh, and that chorus is sickeningly annoying. I don’t care about the lyricism here as much as I should (Because it is pretty douchey, at least on the surface), but she sounds nasal with that elongated syllable melody that makes me just coil. I don’t like the backing vocals or echoes, either, sorry for the nitpicking but they feel like quick edits just to fill in empty space, especially that male “Hey” (or “Care”, or “Yeah”, I can’t tell), it’s added abruptly and cuts the beat out for no reason. The bridge wouldn’t be bad without that incessant and constant percussion pounding through it. I shouldn’t be this negative, Grande’s performance is okay, I guess, but, damn, this is awful. It doesn’t develop or even end properly, it feels like a bonus track on the standard version – because, yes, somehow this is what they chose as a fitting climax to the record. What a waste of studio time, and what a bad #1. Listen, UK, I didn’t like “7 rings” either, but at least it wasn’t this.
Man, I feel bad for doing so but Ariana Grande gets Worst of the Week for “break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored”, and screw it, Dishonourable Mention for “needy”. Nothing else is all that bad, so the Chainsmokers get away scot-free here, with Honourable Mention being tied and going to both Blueface for “Thotiana” and CamelPhat, Cristoph and Jem Cooke for “Breathe”. Best of the Week should be pretty obvious, but yeah, it’s going to Khalid and Disclosure for “Talk”. See you next week.
0 notes