#i wouldn't be mad if more mvs used it from here on out
cosmicdreamgrl · 5 months
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DUA LIPA Illusion (2024)
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gunsli-01 · 2 years
Okay, you know what I'm gonna say it- I am personally mad about the Haruka verdict this trial like on a very personal level and I'm gonna explain why. I feel like I need to preface this with I don't really like getting personal that often online, but I feel like people won't understand my point on this without me explaining myself.
As no one may know, because I don't get personal often on my blog outside of rare occasions, I had a somewhat similar circumstance to Haruka coming up. During my upbringing I was basically treated as defective from the start. However, even though I recognized this within his first trial song I wasn't like oh vote him innocent. In fact, when I saw Weakness, I believed he should've been voted Guilty, but he was already Innocent at that time. Just because of what Weakness centered around. So, this isn't just a case of oh I relate so I won't be critical. Because the more I relate to something the more critical I am likely to be. Eh-hem Mikoto sorry weird cough there.
So, tragic anime-esque backstory time I suppose which is not tragic or anime-esque since things like this happen all the time and continue to. So, I believe people should really stop this weird belief that abuse such as this can only happen in fiction then balking when they find out oh people just really be out here like this. I'm the youngest and last daughter of an incredibly self-centered woman. Since she had a daughter one year before me, she did not want a second one. She would tell me multiple times in my life that she really wanted a son not another girl. Stating the reason behind that desire was because sons tend to be more loyal to their moms (momma boys) and girls their dads (daddy girls).
Even went out of her way to give me my legal name just to later give me the nickname Lee. This was a failure of a plan because in the US you don't plan a nickname, it either chooses you when you come to age like a rite of passage, people just randomly start calling you something in your family and it sticks, or you actively pick one for yourself. What this did do is actively fuck me over in small social ways repeatedly since my legal name is still not even considered a real name due to its spelling and has zero meaning since if you go back to point one it is not a recognized name. If I looked it up right now google might tell me to fuck myself. I looked it up and Google told me I spelled it wrong. Been alive 27 years and still can't spell my own fucking name right I suppose.
This has caused some of my documents to be wrong cause she just didn't bother to tell me or anyone else for that matter how it was legally spelt until I was out of high school. Don't worry there's a great excuse for this in her own words, she was just taking a "hiatus" from parenting that included dropping off the face of the earth and popping back up randomly to force me to get braces because my teeth were just too crooked, missing every birthday I had but at least calling my sister on most of hers even showing up unannounced a few times for my sister's. Her birthday is a month before mine by the way. So, that was super fun, no way one could take that personally at all. Just to then reemerge when I was sixteen to be a parent again and explain it like she was taking a break from writing a manga. It's incredibly funny cause she just assumed I wouldn't know the meaning of that word, but I'd seen it a lot by that point so lol.
All that to say when I saw Haruka's second trial video it recontextualized a lot. Again, I already thought he should be voted Guilty on Weakness alone. Him being weak didn't really explain to me why he was killing any of the things he clearly did in that video. I just thought he was doing it just because fuck it's Tuesday why not. Like his first mv made it pretty clear he was killing animals and people. Also, that the person could have been a sibling. Like I'd been talking to friends about how he did that for a year now.
So, seeing it shown more blatantly was not like a oh whoa that's horrible because I'd gathered that already. There was nothing new to me in Haruka and Yuno's videos to be honest. I was actually very annoyed with Yuno's mv in a "Okay, tell me something I don't know way!" Like all of this is old news come on. So, really didn't rattle me in my core. I don't really think Mu's will shock me at all either but I'm dying when I love you comes out. I can feel it in my bones Mahiru is gonna be on some shit.
So, with Haruka I was like ah okay yeah, no innocent that's a failure in parenting. He killed a lot of things though hm unfortunate where was his caretaker when he was doing that? Also why is there an isolation room in his home? Like bro I can recognize someone's individual behavior is wrong and then consider the circumstances/environmental factors that may have led to that course of action. That is kind of something everyone is very much capable of doing. I can even just detach myself from my emotional sentiments on the issue as a whole and go, "Well wrong is wrong so not a big deal if he's voted Guilty he did kill someone after all."
However, even doing that I was just like this is still a stupid way to vote. Not just because having Haruka undergo something like this could very well be retraumatizing but as I've said before if his mom using negative reinforcement did not work why would it work here? He seems to actively respond better to positive reinforcement given his protectiveness of Mu and how he's been picking up words more through being patiently taught within Milgram.
However, Milgram isn't about rehabilitation, that's not the purpose but if I have a choice between rehabilitating and demonizing, I think the former should be chosen. Of course, for any progress to be made there are times when people must be told their actions were wrong. I think given Futa's second trial a Guilty verdict the first one was a good choice. I just don't think that sort of firm punishment is necessary in Haruka's case. Since we've gotten a great illustration of how he responds to negative reinforcement in general.
I feel like people greatly underestimate what being in an accepting, positive environment can do for someone mentally and the damage that being in a place the exact opposite of that can cause a person. How it affects their confidence, impacts the lengths they'll go to get attention, and how they view positive and negative attention overall. I hope this verdict doesn't negatively impact Haruka too much but as someone with those sorts of experiences I can see how this might just cause him to regress.
Well, didn't think I'd say this when the second trials started but at least he has Mu still hopefully...
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reddoll123 · 2 years
Hey, so here’s my lil’ mini review of Onew's first full album Circle after listening to the whole thing twice:
O (Circle): This was really good! Heard it first while watching the MV and at first didn't know how to feel about it at the very start but then the beat kicked in, and reading the lyrics as he sang so heavenly--this felt just so nice. Like not overly hype but not too mellow--was just right. Oh, and I looooved when the choir vocals came in and sang with him during the chorus--added a nice anthem like feel to this. And by the end, I actually had tears in my eyes lol like it's such a nice song--I didn't want it to end. Like the choir singing out with him towards the end like that--you feel that shit bruh--like goosebumps popped up from that.
Cough: Song was okay to me, like the beat felt a bit generic while the melody felt familiar in a way. The last chorus though, I got used to it and was vibing a bit ngl. It's not a bad song by any means though, like I wouldn't skip it if it came on but after O--I almost wish it came after another song on the album.
Rain On Me: His heavenly voice in this one!! Don't like the beat as much for this though during the verses, felt like I should be marching forward and not in a fun, hype way lol. So overall, this one's another okay song imo, like so far O is my fave. Though this is also another song where it really picked up during the last chorus and I wish more of the song was like that.
Caramel: Ooh this beat almost feels off but I like it. And I like how it's upbeat too lol. Just a nice fun, jazzy pop song and though the rap was okay--it didn't deter from the cuteness <3. Love how he sings 'sweet like caramel', and how he scats like a trumpet towards the end and the piano and him riffing with the same melody. This is this album's Sunshine and I love it~
Anywhere: Oh this is a fucking vibe~ Kinda song ya wanna blast from your speakers while travelling somewhere. I think it's the 80's retro-ness in the beat that contributes to it. This song sits at the same table as Key's retro album trilogy <3. And I already see myself singing the 'I'm not going anywhere' part A LOT lol.
Paradise: A perfect song to follow after Anywhere! Another fucking vibe~! Like love the beat especially in this one! And love when he flexes his vocals bruh~
Expectations: So glad this album isn't full of ballads, like yesss give me some beats. I liked this one a lot and how the end of the pre-chorus defied my expectations--like this song goes places I wouldn't expect it to while still making sense.
No Parachute: Oh this song is sexy bruh~ Def could imagine Jonghyunnie on this one <3. Love how he sings 'Parachute' with the tone going higher at the end--it just adds a little extra flavor.
Walk With You: Ofc there has to be a cute song towards the end hehe. Song was okay, like compared to the others at least.
Always: And so the album's come full circle lol, started hopeful/melancholic, with fun, happy times in between and now it's the end. I'm not always a ballad kinda gal but his voice always lends so well to them so I can't even be mad lol.
And so my favs from this album in order are: Paradise, Anywhere, Caramel, O (Circle), No Parachute, Expectations, Rain On Me, Always, Cough.
TL;DR: Though I like/love 7 outta 10 songs, I'd say this is definitely a must listen album! Def his best one so far just 'cause the quantity of beautiful songs has increased (his last mini was great too though ofc). You'll be vibing with the beats and his beautiful voice, feeling chill, happy, nostalgic etc~
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diedbutterflies69 · 3 years
Drunk in love- Bang Chan imagine.
This is pure imagination. Minors don't interct.
Contains: explicit stuff fingering, blowjob, sex etc.
Red lights mv is the reason for this imagine.
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Being alone never bothered you until now. Being alone at a place you don't belong. Sitting in An expensive night club, after quitting your job you decided to have time for yourself and do all the things you missed out so and the sixteenthth goal of your list was drinking in the city's most stunning and expensive club, you decided to get Fully wasted while slurping various wines, champagne, sweet Mimosa etc. but after seeing the price you realised that the one shot of vodka's price was equivalent to your whole month's grocery budget.
So yeah this is how you were struck, with a beautiful woman who gave you rich CEO vibes slightly drunk and was ranting about some buisness stuff you barely knew.
And she was really something else so damn pretty, elegant even her voice was sexy even though you were quite straight you wouldn't hesitate to be her sugar baby cause Money .
You don't understand how a powerful women like her was being so vulnerable infront of you, maybe because you helped her fixing her expensive backless dress, which was on edge of tearing, who didn't expect her to give you such a great treatment and open up to you. It has been 2 hours since you have been with that stunning women, but now you were really tired and was just wished to go to your nest. While being deep in your thoughts that women whose name was Sana (pretty people have pretty name too) her phone ranged .
" hey, your phone is ringing", you said her softly resulting her in giving a whiny look.
" whoever that is calling can suck fuck itself, you hear me , ignore it", Sana said after silencing her phone and again giving you some great intellectual knowledge.
The phone may have vibrated more than 6 times before Sana decided to to pick it and you again knew however was on the other line will be hearing tons of unique insults now ..
"hello, Bang I am absolutely fine and just having drinks with my new found friend, you relax and go, bye" Sana said screaming her lungs out as the music was hella loud. You were quite surprise by how kind she sounded, She called someone Bang as far you remembered , Must be someone special to her you thought.
"who was it? ", You asked her cautiously trying to not appear too nosy. In answer to your question she gave you a big smile and continuing " My little brother, you already know what kind of shit I am going through so he just worried for me, I am lucky right?", While describing her little bro there was a big smile on her beautiful face and yeah she surly was lucky cause the brother you had was a druggist because of whom you used to get really low on money back in days. And now the phone again rung and she picked up guess she really hated how the person on other side of line was feeling.
"Hello again", Sana said her voice really tired and vulnerable. You guessed that person on the other side asked her where she was as she said the club's name next. You really hate this club from the depth of your heart, cause you didn't got any alcohol to taste nor good food. You were bought back to reality As Sana yelled at the person who was on phone.
"I will kill you if you come here", Damn Sana sounded 1999 times more dangerous now and you were scared to death. But a little glad as someone was coming to pick her up and that meant you can go back to your dead apartment too.
"Guess he will eventually come here, I should just get fully wasted than hearing his boring lecture" Sana said after cutting the call , she signalled a waiter to your table and ordering some great quality of alcohol. Yess finally you could too get a little raste too of that sweet paradise drink, you were internally screaming as the waiter bought some nice too good to be true shots. Sana immediately gulping down three shot one after another means she just swallowed your three months grocery.
Now pushing your urge to atleast try one shot, you stopped Sana from getting wasted and distracting . Once again you killing your desires, after about 20 minutes you saw a drop dead gorgeous Man approaching your and Sana's table . That man was wearing an expensive black suit you could feel his intimidating aura even from a distance, his eyes darker than your future, even in those blurry red lights you can easily notice every feature of that hot stranger. You were bought back to reality when that stranger straight up goes to Sana who was little wasted but still sane. You salute her alcohol tolerance level.
" you fine?" The man asked Sana, now you were sure that he was Sana's little bro but you didn't thought by little she meant such a great human with outstanding body proportions. He was so sexy you were internally drowling over that sexy human's visuals.
" You seriously came here? Damn I love my brother so much", Sana said in her voice clearly indicating how drunk she was. She was smiling adorably at her bro but he looked at her with a annoyed gaze.
"get up, let me take you to your house, come", the stranger said and helped Sana to get up from her seat, which made her stumbled and now you clearly knew her alcohol tolerance level was trash, she wasn't able to even stand without any support . Your hands reached her waist in attempt to save her from falling. And that action finally made the man to look at you . your heartbeat increased so much just by his mere gaze at you . And for the first time in night he talked to you.
"who are you", he asked you . Ouch, that was an obvious question to ask but you were disappointed because how boring and uninterested his tone was with you while with Sana he sounded so fuckin caring. But regardless gulping down your nervousness, you replied to him politely.
"umm, I helped Sana slightly and from then we are talking", you knew your explanation was just trash but it atleast made that man realise that you were the 'new found friend' who Sana described on call.
"Okay, can you help me carry her back till parking lot?", The Stanger asked you, his voice now laced up with little gratitude and expectation. You simply nodded your head and wrapped Sana's one arm to your shoulder and helped her walking while that man went to pay the bill.
At parking lot you were standing with a little dead women, while waiting for him , all you saw at parking lot was beautiful and costly cars, something which you won't be able to afford it this lifetime. You never felt this much out of place before. That man's presence bought you back to reality, again feeling insecure as you standed next to Sana. She was a goddess and her brother an alluring devil.
He didn't spoke much to you and simply helped you carry Sana to the Car.
Now, an overdramatic old aged man coming out of car, which you think you knew, her deceased husband's dad, Sana had gave you her whole family history , future and economic information, apparently that old man treated Sana as his own daughter and today Sana lost the lawsuit related to her late husband's death and that was the reason for Sana's mad women behaviour today. That old man looked as Sana and it seemed like he was controlling his urge to cry, but nevertheless got inside the car with her to tired to even thank you.
Now here's when the fun begins. You were left alone alone with that alluring devil. But you sadly knew he wasn't even interested in you even 1 % so you got ready to go back to your nest and started walking until..
"wait!, Let me drop you to your home please", he said and wooow how could you say no to that glamorous offer as it was too late at night to get a bus and too hard to get a cab. You acted like a little hesitant but eventually said yes, as you didn't knew how less time it will take him to take back his offer. Following him to his car And again your jaw almost dropped it was the hottest car you ever seen in your life. And it was honour for you to get a chance to be inside it. The man opened the door for you, you not being sure if he was being a gentleman or to was preventing you to touch his car, but nevertheless you got inside it the temperature was warmer inside the car and the air freshener was doing a great job. He got on driving seat next to you and started driving.
After exiting the parking lot he asked for your address, and you just told him to drop next to bus stop cause the building you lived was apparently more like a abandoned haunted place.
he didn't forced you for further answers and started driving to your direction.
You were lost in admiring the Stranger's car from inside and literally got startled by his deep voice.
"listen, can I please drop you somewhere , your place is too far from here, I need the go somewhere today", he said you and your mood literally dropped, yeah it was true that you lived far away from club it took you 3 hours to reach there in traffic, so swallowing your disappoint you replied.
"it's okay, drop me here only", you didn't knew why your voice was so weak at the moment maybe because you wanted a little bit kindness from that man but he just ruined your every expectation.
"I am sorry, but there is another option too" that man said to when you were getting ready to yeet yourself out of his useless expensive car.
"you gonna call cab for me, no thanks I will look for it " you Said and you didn't expect to sound rude. You thought now that man will now won't hesitate to throw you out of window.
But in response he smiled, for first time in night but his smile a little evil.
"no, I meant you can spend the night at my house", he said voice laced up with nothing but purness.
And your heart stopped. Spending a night at someone else house and that someone was a dangerous devil. You immediately said no to his tempting offer but
"Please,it doesn't make me feel good to drop off a such a fantastic women of my car and you even helped my sister, I should repay your kindness, please.."
You were more than just shocked, whatever he just said was something you least expected, he fucking called me gorgeous you thought and your heart literally flied in the sky.
"no, it's okay please drop me here", you said impatiently, the nervousness kicking you on head.
"Relax, I am not gonna do anything to you, don't be afraid" he said you in such a calm tone fully opposite of his devil like demonor, you immediately melted and tried to consider his offer, his house won't be less than any luxury hotel and you being you..
"are you comfortable, letting a stranger in your house?" You asked him honestly you didn't wanted to make yourself a burden to that man. In response to your question the stranger let out a soft chuckle.
"forget me,are you comfortable being in some Stranger's house?", He asked you with strange curious tone. You honestly didn't knew the answer.
"Yes, I am comfortable, you only told you won't do anything so", your voice coming out softer a little innocent. He smiled at your answer, somehow satisfied.
"So should I take car to my house?", He asked you again, damn you wanted to shout a big ass yes, but suppressed the desire by simply nodding. And so the stranger reversed the car back to his house direction.
"what's your name ?", He asked you, looking at you finally he initiated a conversation.
"Y/N, what's your name?", You asked him.
"Chan", he simply replied.
"nice", you said and again silence. You were a super awkward person and that fact wasn't hided from Chan.
"What do you do for living?", Chan asked after some second and you frowned upon hearing that question.
"I am sorry, if it was too personal", he quickly noticed your behaviour you tried to say something "No, I am just unemployed at the moment and I am writer, yes writer", you replied what you said wasn't completely a lie you used to write some articles back in past but your recent job from which you quitted was at a restaurant.
"Wow, writers are amazing, it's great make people connect to your work", Chan complimented you for something you really didn't did. Still you took it and smiled back.
" your work must be tough sir, balancing off an company ain't easy", you complimented Chan back.
" Sana must have told you about what I do, right?", Chan asked you to which you nodded.
Again silence and in 5 minutes the car stopped infront of a skyscraper.
Rich people really live in sky. You thought.
"here we are", Chan said after opening the door for you and handing off the keys to guard.your neck almost got twisted to see end of the building.
"Done looking?", Chan asked you slightly waving his hand infront your face and damn he was veiny. Having a thing for hands was definitely your thing and Chan must have noticed your hungry gaze on his hands but didn't said anything .
"yeah let's go", you replied and started walking with him.
You both entered in heavantor. And again the same awkward air surrounding you both. Maybe it was sexual tension in Chan's mind which you scrapped off as awkward.
"Do you perhaps... Have a boyfriend?", Chan asked with a little hesitation in his, and for the first time in your whole life you got this nervous, he didn't proposed you but his question was very suggestive.
"no I don't, do you have girlfriend?", You answered and asked back.
"No", Chan answered and again silence.
"why you asked?", You again questioned him
"To know if I can make you interested in me or not", Chan said back a proud smirk dancing on his face and you were dead. He said something bold so confidently your mind pure hazey now.before you could say something the doors of hellevator opened.
"let's go", Chan said immediately getting out like he just didn't almost gave you heartattack. Nevertheless you followed him.
He put on the passcode and you both entered in his luxurious house. The house something you didn't expect. Dark, just as much dark as your future, but it looked freaking classy.
Chan showed you a room, to spend a night, but you noticed how he was holding back from something and as well as you. And you knew it was now or never.
"I am already interested in you, why would you want to make me though?", You asked if you thought it was bold but you stuttered as much as students who gave presentations.
But Chan find it alluring about you. Cliché but, he was too in daze after meeting you. And now finally his wish coming true. He smiled and come a little too close to you.
"Because, I am really interested in kissing your beautiful lips", Chan said , if this line would be came out of any normal guy then it would be to cringy, But Chan was your alluring hot devil and fantasy, someone so beautiful interested in me you thought. you tried to say the first thing that came to your mind.
"Then kiss.. me", You said the last word almost like a whisper , Chan smirked at you, you were literally his ideal type he knew you weren't innocent but ironically you were.
Chan's hand reached your cheek and made you look at him, being too embarrassed you avoided his eyes.
"Look at me, Y/N", Chan almost said as a whisper. Gathering your scattered courage you finally managed to look in to Chan's eyes and his eyes were .. scary.
"I can kiss you, right?", Chan again asked you and you sweared nothing is as hot as consent. You nodded a yes to him.
"Baby, use your words", Chan said the word baby rolled of his tongue so erotically.
"Yes", you said not breaking the eye contract.
"is it okay to Call me sir?", He asked you, now you were dead sure that this man was Kinky af. And you won't be surprised if he had a tons of chain in his bedroom.
"Kiss me, Sir", you said literally feeling so submissive to him. A last smile Chan gave you before his lips touched yours and the butterflies in your stomach exploded. His lips were soft, but the kiss wasn't he sucked at your bottom lip almost painfully and when his tongue entered your mouth, butterflies again exploded, his tongue doing wonders in your mouth , you didn't even knew a kiss so deep, so sensual can happen. With Chan's right hand at back of your neck ,the other one reached down to squeeze your hand in a tight yet sensual grip you finally feeling those veins and the kiss getting more heated.
"let's continue this in bedroom, Chan said after finally breaking the kiss to catch breath, he lifted you up in his arms and it felt so fuckin great, he was so strong even though you were little heavy Chan showed no sign of uneasiness. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and while he carried you to his bedroom, you never felt this much safe in anyone's arms as much as this hot Stranger's.
He put you down while unlocking his door, after unlocking he again carried you and softly laid you down on his grey bedsheets. His room was a mix of grey and blue a little weird but you didn't got much time to explore as Chan immediately started his ministrations on your body. He was a great man who believed in foreplay supremacy.
"Aah", you moaned a little as he sucked at your neck the little sound of yours making his dick painfully hard. He got on his knees towering your frame.
"Can your mouth handle this?", Chan asked you pointing at his memeber and were glad to give him a positive answer. Getting up, you undid his belt and removed both his pants and briefs simultaneously, Chan looking at you like a animal the whole time. The moment his erection was visible to you , you were beyond shock, he was so fucking big he won't obviously fit in your mouth, but you didn't wanted to disappoint Chan so you slowly entered the tip of cock in your mouth going little by little back and forth slowly till it was deep enough to hit the back of your throat. You slightly gagged and that sended shivers to Chan's spin ,to get that feeling again his hand wrapped around hair and detaching you from his cock.
"will you be comfortable, if I go rough?", Chan again asked you , and without any second thought you said yes to him. After being satisfied with your answer, he immediately tightened his grip on your hair and shoved you back on his cock, his tip directly coming in contract with back of your throat and a gagged being heard, you didn't expect him to be this rouf but it was such a turn on for you. You stumbled a little as he was ramming himself inside you hands gripping on to his thighs for support. He wasn't moaning too much but grunting and occasional deep breaths.
"Fuck, you have wonderful mouth babe, so fucking perfect", Chan praised you that resulted in your pussy skipping a heartbeat and encouraging you to go Even deeper.
Your one hand coming in contact with his balls which maybe was his string before cumming. He was grunting too much which meant he was close .
"keep going babe, I am gonna cum inside your mouth, will it be okay?", Chan asked and to affirm him you just increased the speed.
"don't let it fall" , Chan said and after a few seconds he bursted in your mouth, a warm feeling welcoming inside your throat and just as Chan commanded you swallowed it all without letting his seeds fall. After fully empting himself inside your mouth Chan removed his cock from your mouth.
"let out your tongue", Chan commanded you in his breathless voice you immediately following his words. Slowly removing your tongue.
You looked so submissive to Chan, the perfect person to fuck he wished to fuck. Chan spitted inside your mouth, your eyes widen on his sudden such a filthy yet hot action.
"Swallow it, babe", Chan said voice fully filled with lust. You obeyed him without any hesitation, whatever Chan was doing to you made you feel like being on cloud nine.
Chan again made you lie on the matteress , him staring at you from top, ever so submissive. Chan's hand directly reached your Fully clothed breasts his mere action made you whimper, your small little sounds were giving him so much satisfaction.
"so fucking sensitive", Chan said to himself as he his fingers were dancing on top of your breast. To eager to see your naked body, he slightly tilted your body to undo the dress zipper after successfully removing it he undid your bra next. Your breasts immediately being exposed to his eyes and Chan just lost his sanity, immediately slapping your right breast as an instict,. You moaned loudly at the sudden pain but it was pleasurable enough to make your panties wet.
"Do you like it, you like being gropped and slapped ,huh?", Chan asked you and your head in pure haze .
"yes sir I like it", you breathlessly said causing Chan to smirk , he loved to know what kind of effect he had on your body and mind. After twisting and slapping your nipples Chan finally decided to take them inside his mouth and paint them with beautiful marks. You were questioning his real identity at this moment his teeth felt like Some wolf was devouring you but it was damn pleasurable.
You were a moaner even a screamer during sex , which fueled Chan's lust to give you even more pleasure.
Being done with your boobs now Chan's hands reached your most sensitive part. He wasn't really surprised to know how much wet you were down there when his hands cupped your pussy through the panties.
"my baby is dripping, who caused her wetness?", Chans asked you in dangerous tone you just moaned at his words but he harshly slapped your cunt.
"I asked a question, answer it", Chan warned you his sudden rude tone again surprising you you stuttered as you answered him .
"you sir, I am dripping because of you", you answered Chan and he was satisfied. He entered his middle finger inside your pussy with through the cloth, the harsh texture of cloth making you moaned out. He removed your panties and without a warning entered his 2 fingers inside you and twisting them ever so harshly , Chan was a sex God.
And it was just the beginning of night.
Thanks for reading ❤️.
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hitsujixx · 4 years
stray kids are getting a lot of hate now so i decided to make this little thread to show you guys that they're literal angels and don't deserve to be treated like that
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#1 they always produce and writes music to help others to go through hard times
they're aware of mental issues and other global issues for example they wrote songs about insomnia, depression and anxiety. there's too many songs that bring up these kind of topics but i will give you a few examples:
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#2 chan goes live once a week so we don’t feel alone and so that we have someone to talk to & just relate to
channie's room became a safe space for a lot of fans
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#3 not only chan goes live to help stays but the others do too
- hyunjin once asked for stays problems to see if he could give us advice and help us. he even read out a stays concern in english and tried his best to reply in english
- jisung went live to help stays fall asleep by reading a story
- changbin and jisung taught stays how to rap during one of their vlives
- minho goes live to teach fans their choreographies
#4 they support lgbt
- they attended new york pride in 2018 after kcon and met some fans there
- felix and changbin wore nike shoes that were designed to celebrate pride month
- felix talked about his ideal type and included a girl and boy type
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*cough* someone's whipped for changbin *cough*
- hyunjin talked about the song "1-800-273-8255" and said that he cried while watching the mv (the mv is about about lgbt and suicide)
#5 they respect everyone no matter what race or skin color
- chan showed us that he's educated on the n word (3racha - p.a.c.e)
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- he even said on his recent vlive that no matter your age, race or skin color stray kids concert is a safe place for everyone
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#6 they open their hearts to us and show us that they're humans too and even kpop idols sometimes feel lonely just like everyone else
changbin in his solo track "streelight" talked about going through problems without being able to tell someone and encouraged people to trust others and open up. he used the streetlight as a metaphor for how someone may look bright in the darkness but are actually sad and alone.
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he even included 'the blue project' in his mv. the blue project is to help raise awareness on mental health, helping to encourage people to open up. the blue plaint was inspired by jayden whyte who painted a tree blue on his parents' farm as a joke. he took his life in november 2018. after his death the blue tree took on a new purpose: “spread the paint and spread the message that it’s OK to not be OK.”
#7 they donate to charities regularly
minho buys his jewelry from korean brand wing bling. the percentage of every purchase is donated to wwf. he helped polar bears and supported snow leopard conservation through that small gesture
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he also supports a child living in africa through unicef but the child doesn’t know that he’s an idol. but he said that if the opportunity comes one day he would like to invite that child to watch him perform (arena homme interview with minho&hyunjin - april 2020)
#8 chan once said that he wants to get tattoos but he isn’t because he won’t be able to donate blood regularly
okay but imagine chan in tattoos. we wouldn't survive that 😳
#9 they ended gender stereotypes by wearing unique outfits
they wore crop tops many times and jeongin once said that pink is for boys
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#10 they made a series where they give advices to viewers on various topics (honey-tips)
jisung talked about depression (ep.4)
“You don't know what happiness is if there's only light so depression needs at least once in order to know how to recover. The deeper the depression is, the stronger the light will be. The light is definitely there."
the list is already so long so i will finish it here. i hope this little thread will help you realize that all those hate comments aren't true. they're literal angels and no one deserve hate.
please reblog so more people can see it
[update] just to make it clear. by haters i did not mean black stays. i meant all those people who used that situation to spread hate on the boys and send them death threats. i believe that educating them is the right solution, not spreading hate :cc
i even saw people bringing back that 'daddy thing' and getting mad at chan, thinking that he's telling underage fans to call him that when first of all he didn't mean to turn it into sexual matter and secondly underage stays shouldn't even know that's a sexual thing 🤡
they really don't deserve that
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ayearwithtaylor · 3 years
An incomplete thread on all the reasons why 1989 could be the next Taylor's Version:
1. The signed Fearless (Taylor's Version) CDs: Remember the price of these CDs? 19.89$. Do I have to say more? Sure, the signed Red (Taylor's Version) CDs were 20.10$, but Fearless came first. Could it be a hint at the order of the next two rerecordings? Guess we'll have to wait and see...
2. Rock and Roll hall of fame: When Taylor Swift inducted Carole King into the Rock and Roll hall of fame, she wore a bodysuit that reminded me a lot of the suit she wore for a performance of Out Of The Woods on the 1989 tour. You know, thethat replaced her skincolor-bodysuit and got mocked for looking like... you know. Was that a throwback? An easter egg? Only Taylor knows.
3. An upstate escape: On TikTok, Taylor herself acknowledged that the car in the ATW short film was produced in 1989. Wouldn't be the first time she used a music video as an easter egg.
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4. A scarlet letter: Talking about music videos, a friend of mine pointed out that the A left in the cake of the I Bet You Think About Me mv is a scarlet letter. "We show off our different scarlet letters", anybody? Honorary mention to the seagulls on the bottom layer of the cake.
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5. New York: Also known as the Big Apple. Where can we find apples? On the juiceboxes at the kids table, of course! Could also be a reference to the epic bridge in the Blank Space mv.
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6. Wonderland: Two things lured me into Wonderland in this interview she did with Jimmy Fallon. "If you want to go down a rabbithole with us, come along" and "We're all mad here". Oh, Taylor, I'm definitely mad here.
7. Magic, madness, heaven, SIN: When the first Red TV chapters came out, @taylornation posted these interesting polls. Notice anything suspicious? Like the three letters that are missing? And how they spell out sin? I have a blank space, and I'll certainly write down this easter egg.
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8. Her merch store: @TurtlesVersion over on Twitter shared this screenshot. I wonder why May 13th could be written in blue... surely nothing related to 1989 TV... /s
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9. The Joker and the Queen: Taylor didn't make a post for the "The Joker and the Queen" music video, but she did share an Instagram story. With five exclamation points. We know she counts emojis, so could she be counting exclamation points now as well?
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10. A blank space: I don't remember who pointed it out first, but there's a blank space between heaven and the last exclamation point. Are you mad yet?
11. An old conversation: In the music video to TJATQ, we see this old conversation between Taylor and Ed. When is it from? 2015. The 1989 era. The rhymes may not be the best, but the easter eggs are for sure.
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12. It's blue, the feeling I got: Towards the end of the TJATQ mv, we see two colors dominate the screen. Red, and then after this shot, blue. 1989's color. Red into blue, I think you know where I'm going with this
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13. Never out of style: Cathy Waterman, the artist behind the Red ring, posted this photo of the original design, along with a very interesting caption. Maybe she's designing some merch for 1989 TV? Maybe a paperplane necklace?
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In conclusion: does my clown make-up look good?
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stanharu · 4 years
beastars episode 24 thoughts!
this post got kinda long i have Many Thoughts on this one
Overall I had fun watching this ep but I could really tell it was rushed and there was so much that got cut, which makes me super sad. our fears about the finale having pacing issues due to all the added scenes & rearranging were confirmed & it rly sucks, but i'll elaborate more on that in a bit.
this week's ep covered the end of chapter 92, chapters 93-97, and included small bits of chapters 98 & 99.
so the ep starts with the ED and the latter part of the tunnel scene with ibuki and louis. i liked the visual effect they used to show that they were in the dark. louis' voice acting was also On Point. for the most part i think this scene was done pretty well but I can tell it's being rushed also. I really wish we got more buildup and narration instead of just jumping straight to ibuki telling louis to shoot him. the way it is in the anime feels less impactful imo.
also im sad we didnt get to see this in the anime
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before i move on, i wanna talk a bit about louis and his relationship w/ the shishigumi and ibuki. i feel like in the anime quite a few of the lil moments that really endear you to the shishigumi and also ibuki were either cut or kinda glossed over, which is strange to me considering how much effort and care went into the ED. it's very emotional and good but i feel like maybe anime onlies are missing out only seeing the anime and the MV. but idk.
legosi and riz's fight was quite rushed as well. there's so much narration and dialogue missing from it and that really rubs me the wrong way. It wasn't all bad but compared to the manga I just don't think it's as good. I will say tho that I really liked the sequence w legosi and the moths. I thought it looked really nice and was pretty well done.
also i liked how the backgrounds had some anti-yahya graffiti, its a nice touch imo
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it says "high quality horse meat"
I was happy to see legosi do the "tell me more" pose but I'm honestly disappointed that the anime took out the whole exposition about why legosi did it. like i feel like without that it's just legosi being weird when he has a reason for it!!! This is just one example of the anime taking out crucial narration during the fight.
I also think it's kinda weird how they changed how louis shows up at the fight. im not sure how i feel about riz just charging at him like that, but i liked how legosi kicked him before they ran lol.
i dont have much to say about pina's small scene but I did wanna say that during my first watch thru of the ep i was too distracted trying to read the graffiti behind him that i didn't notice him getting his phone out of the dumpster and calling the cops lmao
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it says "devour yahya"
and now... here we are... the predation scene.
overall i thought it was pretty well done but, like the rest of the ep, i could tell it was also being kinda rushed. some important beats werent given enough time to really sink in, and there's a few bits of narration taken out of this part as well that i find disappointing :^(
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tho i did like how the anime called back to this scene in s1 when legosi mentions utilizing his strength.
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also this part where louis is remembering ibuki had me like😭
I also really liked seeing louis cry. I was crying too sjdflskjdflsjkdf. i thought that scene was really good, its prolly my favorite part of the ep tbh. getting to hear the whole predation scene voiced made me kind of a mess lol. i really liked louis' expressions throughout this whole ep too. studio orange used their whole louis expression budget on these last 2 eps lmao.
seeing legosi instantly get all beefed up was great too. he looked a little ridiculous but i kinda loved it lol. he's so huge and poofy. i love him.
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big pomeranian
anyway, im also sad they took out louis' line about being reduced to a flashback character lol. instead he tells legosi "be a hero" again which... im not sure about that change. i liked the part with riz thinking back about tem tho. tho imo the way riz realizes he's in the wrong feels pretty sudden. again adding to how rushed the whole ep feels.
before i move on again i just wanna say legosi looks so cute. even all puffed up and covered in blood. how does he do that
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baby boy baby. i wanna ruffle his cheek floofs.
i think one of the things im most disappointed about from this whole ep was how the fight got wrapped up. i really like how the cops show up and totally shift the tone in the manga jslkdfjskljdf. im also really sad we didnt get this interaction
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tthe anime really took out most of the sillier moments from the finale, which makes me pretty sad to think about. i know the anime and manga have different tones but pls let the boys be silly sometimes!!
the next part where legosi and louis finally establish their friendship was really cute tho ❤️ even tho it was pretty different i enjoyed it a lot.
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the wrap-up for this arc and this episode gave me whiplash sdjlfkjsdf. it literally speedruns thru legosi's predation conviction, being released, louis & haru's graduation, and legosi deciding he's going to drop out of school. that is SO MUCH AT ONCE. also i was holding out hope that legosi would have his new years call with haru after the fight instead but that didnt happen!! so it just got cut!!! kinda mad about that tbh. legosi and haru having a lil scene at the very end made up for it a lil bit but that's still one of haru's few moments in this arc that's just not included.
we didnt even get the part wher legosi learns he can't marry haru bc of his conviction.
ive been really hoping for a season 3 announcement once this season ended. with all the background allusions to yahya, the added plot point of someone stealing elephant tusks, and sebun and melon's lil cameos in this season, it seemed to me that studio orange was kinda teasing a 3rd season. but now, with the dismissive way the anime ended, and paru's note from earlier today, im less sure about the possibility of a 3rd season. i'd still like to see the rest of the series animated, but i guess we'll just have to wait and see if more anime is announced in the future.
if we do get another season in the future i just hope that we swing back around and actually address the things that got completely glossed over in the last couple minutes of this episode instead of charging forward w/o touching them again.
i really think the finale for this arc should've been two episodes at least. not including the tunnel scene. i think then things wouldn't have felt so rushed. people have been saying this season really would have benefitted from at least 1 extra episode and i cant help but agree. some have even suggested a whole 24 episodes just for this arc, but i think that this arc couldve been done properly with 12 or 13 episodes if there was some better prioritizing on what to include and what to cut.
like i dont mind not getting the parts about legosi's family if they can be addressed somehow in a future season (or if theres no more future anime seasons thats a plot thread that doesnt have to be worried about). i could have lived w/o seeing sheila & peach's chapter animated if it meant more time for the focus of this arc. and was the kangaroo red herring really necessary?
adaptation wise, i dont think this season was as good as the first. i still think it did fairly well, but i know that it could have been much better. ive been excited to watch this season with my friends once the dub releases, but now im wondering if i should just tell them to read the manga instead. sighs idk. perhaps it comes thru better as a bingewatch, or perhaps im being a bit too harsh. idk. at some point ill do a rewatch and see how i feel about the season as a whole, but that wont be for a while.
if you've read this far, thanks for reading my ramblings!! it's been fun to make these posts every week and im gonna miss getting new episodes every week.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
It's official, Jikook don lost their minds- or they is madly in love- whatever y'all kids call it these days. Chilee, can't even tell the difference any more at this point. Sigh. When I tell you Jikook is real. Please Jikook is real.
Remember the thing they used to do behind suga in interviews when they were teens? Holding hands behind Suga and what not? They. Are. Still. Doing. It. Again. In. 2020. y'all
I can't with their asses.
I've said this before, I don't do these kinds of analysis- video analysis I mean. I literally can't do it. Lol. If I could I would. Y'all don't know how many days it's taken me to work this simple video edit. And even that I still had to solicit the help of my bestie- I'm starting to think she's more delusional than I am at this point. Lol. Bless her.
Anywho, we went through all that trouble falling on the video editing skills we don't have- well I don't have, I think she did great; not because of Jikook sneaky ass holding hands behind unsuspecting Suga in the the dynamite MV shooting sketch video- which Suga, It's been seven years and you still don't know what goes on between Jikook behind your back?? Jikook are smooth criminals but I'm starting to think Suga in on this. Smirk.
Suga is an accomplice y'all. Enabling these shenanigans as if he don't know. He knows!
Since my last post on VMinKookJoon's tensions, where I talked briefly about the subtle tensions that I've been noticing between Tae and JK throughout this year, it's come to my attention that Tuktukkers are running around the internet claiming the tension between V and Kook, in one of the clips I pointed out, had been because JK had been mad and Jealous over Jin wrapping his hands around Tae...
I respect their hustle. I really do. Plus, I don't like to meddle in other people's delusions- it brings me no joy whatsoever.
Jk wasn't jealous over Tae shit- In my humble opinion. Was he mad at Tae? Yes. Did Tae notice JK was mad at him and hence drew a sad face? Yes he did. The video evidence is there. All of that happened.
If you've not seen the moment I am talking about please check my previous post to see what I'm talking about. I said I was going to delete it- well I lied. Lol.
The tension between Kook and Tae in that Dynamite Shoot Sketch wasn't because JK was jealous that Tae and Jin were flirting and playing around behind him, it was because Tae had almost accidentally exposed Jikook flirting behind Suga- Something, I assume JK thought V had done on purpose. Hear me out.
Tae was sad because, he genuinely didn't intend to pull on JK's shoulder the way he did causing JK to toggle slightly away from Suga- I wish I could show you this in a video analysis. This is frustrating! But I suck at tech stuff. Ugh!!!
What had happened was:
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At the start of that scene, Jimin it seemed wanted to be close to JK- by close I mean he wanted to touch up on JK, feel up on him, kiss up on him, love up on him, hold him, slow dance with him, make love to him- Uno, horny grown up couple stuff. Lol.
Don't mind me.
I don't know what was going through his head in that moment but clearly he was craving some form of physical connection from JK hence why he initiated that contact.
You could see the progression of them drawing closer and closer to eachother, trapping Suga in between them.
Listen, JM is scary when he is high on adrenaline! That's when he starts rubbing JK's thighs and foot and- sweet lord he is wild. Chileeee!
He placed his hand in his pockets and pushed his body against Suga's but once he does that he takes his hand out and tugs on JK's arm or something- smooth criminal this one.
JK noticed what JM was up to so he did the same thing- pushed his body against Suga and held JM's hand. Then there was a cut.
It's hard to spot except for that the two had ended up after the cut sandwiching Suga in between them. Had it not been for Tae that moment would have gone undetected.
Whatever they were doing behind Suga, it seemed Tae had clocked on. He turned his gaze in their direction briefly and looked away suspiciously- Tae... How that man is great at acting but sucks at hiding his feelings beats me. Lmho.
This is the same person y'all swear is hiding a relationship in BTS? He mustn't be feeling emotions for this person then. Chileee.
Dude glanced at JM and exchanged what I could only assume was a disapproving stare at JM in the process. I bet he wanted to scream, 'let's not hold hands behind our hyungs' in that moment. Lol.
I think JK noticed Tae glancing at whatever they were doing with their hands behind Suga but kept his cool- so Jikook, y'all did all of that with a straight face? Damn they slick!
Unfortunately, Jin pushed Tae- I don't know if that was by accident because Jin was just playing around with Tae. However, because Tae had his hand wrapped around JK, he had ended up dragging JK along with him- That's when the Taekook saga began. Lol.
I believe JK had assumed Tae had done that bit on purpose because as I've said it is part of Taekook's dynamics - Tae is constantly teasing and shading JK and even sometimes passive aggressively exposing Jikook's antics as seen in the dynamite MV reaction VLive.
Remember in their earlier dynamics, that moment when JK wanted JM to stand next to him but Tae was in the middle so he kept poking at Tae's ribs to move? And JM too was low key pulling on Tae's shirt to move at the same time but Tae deadass wouldn't move?
I'M DEAD🤣🤣🤣🤣
Tae is that friend! Chileee. I just love him to bits!
I think Jk found it ironic that Tae should place his hand over his shoulders when a few seconds ago he had attempted to separate him from his man which is why he had that look on his face when he glanced at Tae's hand on his shoulder.
Frankly that thing is something that I feel irks JK a lot. Not just when Tae does it, but when RM or Hobi or Suga or anyone else does it.
That's what most of these Jeonlous moments are about really, especially in recent times.
For example, him elbowing RM to get his hands off Jimin in their recent Home performance wasn't because he was jealous. It's more so he was annoyed. If you paid attention to the 'fan service' bit Jikook did in the bedroom scene it's clear they had been given a talking to- to keep things PG, just as RM had indicated in JK's bdae VLive when he said they had all agreed before filming not to do and say certain things.
I could see then why it would irritate JK if anyone else would freely do skinship with JM but then censor him if he tried to do it with Jimin too- know what I mean?
Most of these 'jeonlous' moments are just JK basically saying, let's all be held to the same standards- if I can't do this with Jimin, atatatatatat, neither can y'all.
Gotta keep the same energy.
This is what I mean by stress. You can hide a relationship but you can't hide the stress that comes with keeping that relationship a secret. These kinds of tensions are bound to arise as a result of keeping Jikook a secret.
I mean there is a reason Jikook try so hard not to look like a secret. There is a reason they play off some of their interactions as 'fanservice'. They do that to take the edge off because keeping secrets is hard.
And so when you look at that moment, and you see how freely TaeJin were 'flirting' and having fun openly, but JK and JM had to sneak behind Suga's back to have a moment; and to have Tae pull on JK like that- I get why JK would be triggered. But honestly Tae didn't do it on purpose. Not this time around. Lol
Chileee, JK! You scare me! Lmho. He out here scaring people for no reason! Had Tae looking like he about to call Jimin to arrange a heart to heart meeting with Kook again. Chileeee.
It broke my heart watching that bit because Tae honestly didn't do that bit on purpose. I can vouch for him, JK. It is why Tae had that look on his face. He hadn't intended that bit.
This does not mean however that each time or all the times that Jk has pulled away from Tae when Tae has tried to hold his hands or do certain things with him like in all the times I've mentioned or during the recent On:e concert, that it's because he felt V was trying to sabotage his moments. That's a silly thought.
I can pull out a list of all the times there's been tensions between those two especially this year and I can tell you only a hand full of those moments have anything to do with JK's relationship with JM.
Some are about him trying to enforce his personal boundaries which he does with all the members as well, among other things.
Taekook have their own issues going on which has nothing to do with JM. Whatever falling out they had had in the past, Tae has been really trying to rebuild their connection- they both have been putting in the effort and I hope they can fix things and go back to the way that they were before because I kinda miss the old them. Sigh.
Anywho, when JM noticed what had happened- that Tae had pulled on JK's shoulder , I think he too thought Tae had done that bit on purpose. He dropped his hand from Hobi's shoulder and composed himself. I think he tried to take his hands down but JK wouldn't let go of his hand. Lol.
So when the music started playing and they were all dancing, JK and JM were the only once dancing with Just one hand each and you could see JM's shoulder inches away from Suga- Yoonminers I see you. I love y'all but JM wasn't holding Suga's waist. Don't get any ideas. Lol.
When they started moving away at the end of the video, that's when you can clearly see JM's hand drop down from behind Suga.
Listen, Jikook are smooth criminals but they ain't slick. They tried it. All that body pressed up against Suga, chilee I thought they were going to crash that man.
Jikook have been pretty sneaky this comeback. For good reason I guess. Jk throwing the boy with love sign at JM after JM kicked him during the second day concert, and this moment right here amongst others so far are my favorite.
I love it here.
Please go watch the original footage for yourself and draw your own conclusions.
My conclusion is, 'Jikook gay, Jikook married' Jikook is real, keep supporting them.
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sailor-freak · 3 years
Girls in the Park (GWSN): THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOON - Album Review
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Alright then, let's get into this... IT'S A LOT.
(I've actually had to put triggers in the tags... I only mention them by name and don't go in depth but yeah I'll play it safe)
Burn - A VERY SOLID START this was a unit song between Miya, Seoryoung, Anne and Lena (they chose Miya and Seoryoung my 2 biases hhh), but was the shortest song so it works really well as a start to this album. It was kinda slow, intense, had an almost haunting sound? Definitely some sparky fiery vibes in the sound, and the use of autotune and vocal effects getting into it REALLY lifted it up. It was a sudden end after the second chorus, but it serves as an intro song to this album so I think it works. Again, very solid start.
I Can't Breathe - I'll start of by saying, with the teasers and concept a lot of us were expecting this album to be a little dark... WE DID NOT EXPECT THIS DARK. I'll get into the lyrics soon, but musically this again has a haunting sound and is now paired with lower toned vocals and even more intense backing vocals, and the way they have sudden silence and words like "wake" and "daytime" AND THE FUCKING BREATH AT THE END OF THE CHORUS ohhhh it hits. And the actual lyrics, looking at a piss poor google translation of the Korean parts they seem to be singing about a loss of self identity and made even self worth? And then the English lyrics, "sacrificial lamb", "death by drowning"?? KBS DIDN'T BAN THIS I'M NOT MAD I JUST WANNA KNOW WHY 😂. I think this is my favourite song on the album, there's another that comes close second and that one's also unbelievably dark 😂.
Like It Hot - THE TITLE TRACK I haven't done a post on the MV but I did give thoughts on Twitter when it came out, this song I guess is the one for the non-GWSN stans? It's not generic, at least not in my opinion, I think it does something with a bad style and makes it good. It starts with that kind of slower vibey sound, it builds slightly but stays pretty consistent, until the chorus hits and it is QUITE A CHANGE, it becomes more up tempo, the vibey sounds leave and it's more of a funky bass guitar sound, however unlike a lot of songs that use this trend the two sounds still fit together? They're different but they're both funky and dancey, the sounds will stick in your head. Considering they're nearly at 3 years without a huge fandom, a song like this could be really good for them, using modern trends but not completely changing and losing themselves to try and be popular. Also Miya singing in the bridge my heart 😭.
e i e i o - Okay this is another one with a lot to unload... uhh so this is a song about torture? Just as a song, it's fucking TERRIFYING if you think about it, they're using this twisted blend of children's songs and death threats, Lena legit sings head shoulders knees and toes it's REALLY twisted. Lyrically there's mentions of nightmares, chasing, and there's musical elements of childish melodies and dark intense electronic sounds. At the beginning and end there's literally an "e i e i o" chime sound like the nursery rhyme, it's used in a playful way which paired with the lyrics is truly CHILLING dark GWSN is here and we should all be scared, full on this song was banned by KBS FOR REAL.
Starry Night - I think this is more of a sad song than a dark song, it's not super slow and super somber but lyrically it's more about loneliness in general rather than the dark breeding of I Can't Breathe. Musically it's just kinda nice? It stands out to me more cos it really reminds me of Actually this is a secret by ZN of LABOUM, and while the vocals are really nice if it wasn't for the fact it sounds a lot like that song (they had the same producer it's okay I can say it lol) it wouldn't be as memorable to me. It's great, I LOVE it, but in an album that has sacrificial lambs and e i e i fucking o it's not gonna hold up as high to me unfortunately.
I Sing (lalala) - Honestly this song is kind of what I expected it to be, a mid tempo slightly jazzy song, it's a common type of song at least in the groups I stan (SNSD Love Is Bitter, Nine Muses Hate Me, Dreamcatcher Jazz Bar), so I guess along with Starry Night it doesn't stand out as much to me, but it's still such a sweet song 😂. I have to talk about Miya tho, first of all SHE SINGS AND IT'S GORGEOUS, and then ofc you get her rap WHICH HAS A LINE IN JAPANESE I'm so happy for her 😭. This song was also banned by KBS for the Japanese line (which ffs e i e i o I understood that shit is dark but a line in Japanese warranting the whole song being banned not okay) which is a shame cos I think this would have been a nicely promoted song with Like It Hot, but oh well.
Okay, overall thoughts, GOOD SWEET LORD THIS WAS DARK. I would say dark for GWSN, but... they sang about drowning and torture legit I don't even think Dreamcatcher could ever and they're VERY dark 😂. So this is an interesting album, I am liking this darker direction and if they continued with songs like this in the future I would be rather content 😂. But GWSN could release anything and I'd love it all their songs are so good 😭. Favourites, I Can't Breathe and e i e i o, least favourites Starry Night and maaaaaaybe Burn, but they're all such good songs 😭. Music show promotions start tomorrow and I am absolutely not prepared I'm gonna be getting up 8am every day for as long as these promotions go on 😂. Doesn't sound bad, recently my wake up time has ranged from half 9 to half 11 😂.
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tom--22--felton · 2 years
What do you think about the man that is not a man but is a man cause we heard it but it can't possibly be a man cause Tom did a voice over because it's actually a women and it's actually r but not really cause it's a man but plot twist it's r and she was turned into a man but then again it's just a man?
Anonymous asked: Ladies and gentlemen today on ✨ is this r or a man or literally any human being on earth ✨ seems to be a man speaking. Possibly his brothers. All his brothers are tall and lanky except for maybe ash no offense to him he seem great 😌. Isn't col the one to "stay attentive" r is short the person (man I mean c'mon it's a dude) is tall. Why would Tom do a voice over for a wholesome video? He isn't crazy and no one else was near by you can see the background from the car that no one else was near by ✨✨✨ she's clearly of her hinges. She went feral from the music video pic she needs more she falling of the horse 🐎. The only thing that makes sense is Tom turned her into a man with his magical 🪄 wizard powers. At this point if someone sees Tom just ask him 😅 he's human what's he going to do if he's asked, kill you on the spot? If he wanted it out there it would have been c'mon guys let's be real it's Tom for crying out loud 📢📢. This concludes ✨ is this r or a man or literally any human being on earth ✨ take it from here val 😂😂😆
Anonymous asked: As if there was a bloody reflection of someone in a car and COL has shared it as Roxanne😂 Poor girl can’t catch a break ffs. You can’t even make out what gender it is in the video! Madness
Anonymous asked: Here we are again with another spotting of r. What do you think val do you think the man who spoke in the video of Tom putting willow in the car is r. Cause if you ask me the reflection looks like a tall man with big legs. Tom's brothers are tall lanky guys and to be very honest Tom would have never post her if she was in it. But don't forget that 🪄 magical 🪄 voiceover that Tom went above and beyond to edit so we wouldn't think it's r. Not to mention no one else is near by and we can see the background in the car. Call me crazy but not too crazy 😉 but I think the logical explanation is that Tom used his wizard magic to turn her into a man. Let us know what you think val and we'll see you next time in ✨ is this r or a man or literally any other human being on the planet ✨ 😂😂😂
Anonymous asked: It's Chris' voice and Olivia in the video. R isnt tall and we've seen Olivia with Tom before she is a tall gal also she has wider hips. Col doesn't want to admit it cause shes gone to far with this voice over claim. It's too late to go back and apologize like the whole Christmas show. Ever since the MV she thinks every girl is r. She needs to get a life and so should everyone else
I don't want to talk about COL, they can do whatever they want. As for whose reflection we see in the car, i can only identify seahorse when i see her face, not hair, not back and hips. So i don't care what COL says, i hear another man's voice in the video. And i can't imagine Tom would go as far as editing the video.
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