#i wouldnt touch you with a 29 and a half foot pole
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Okay so, let me prephrase this with I dont care if you identify with the term "baby witch". To each their own. If you like the label then good for you. But personally in my own perspective i find the term somewhat heirarcheal and degrading. Lemme explain, years ago on old witch tumblr before i left this term started poping up left and right under the meaning of : "a practioner who was extremely new to witchcraft" and had borderline no experience. But the thing is the term itself is very infantalizing. I mean...i feel the term beginner witch or witchling would be alot more appropriate then referring to oneself as " a baby".
But the thing is...your not a baby. Babies need constant care and attention 24/7. So when you practice witchcraft the inclination behind this term make it seems as if you need the same constant 24/7 supervision when you practice magic. And this is not the case. The practioner should be fully capable of critical thinking at this point. (Though i wont lie i havent seen this applied with everyone).
And due to my own exeperience with people who identify with that term i have an EXTREME bias due to multiple past interactions. Especially those who randomly and repeatedly show up in other peoples dm's and start asking 1000+ questions for information on witchcraft. NOW im not saying that you cant ask questions if you really need help, but there is a line between needing direction and wanting to be spoon fed! More often then not its people that only want to be spoon fed and wont put in the actual work to pick up a book. And due to that ive become really jaded to the term. Like i wouldnt touch you with a 29 and a half foot pole kinda jaded because i used see it ALL THE TIME! And still do sometimes.
This being the main reason why i refuse to teach when information can easily be learned on owns own. Hence ill point a new witch in the right direction, but i sure as hell wont hold your hand. Because no ones magic is the same so when a "baby witch" starts asking a bunch of questions i immediately shut it down. Now if you still want to use the term, go for it. But let this post be like...a subcnocious reminder of why you want to identify with that term. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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