#i wouldnt wish it upon myself either
aziraphales-library · 5 months
Lost Fic #180
1. Good morrow dearest Mods Firstly thank you for all the good work that you all do for the fandom because this was really impressive when i first stumbled upon it and easy to sieve through. Really Wowwww I'm not much of a fanfic reader myself, but there was the monologue that stuck with me from a tiktok edit and I really want to find which fanfiction was it from (since i couldn't find the edit anymore :"") (Im regurgitating whatever i can remember so please bare with me, i hope it wouldnt be so painful.) It was from the POV of God but the narrator refers to God as "She". She talks about making Crowley and Aziraphale. Being the first to break Crowley's heart. And then she invents Creativity for Crowley because She owes him that at least. She gives Aziraphale a sword but then will give it away on his own will. She did not give Aziraphale a heart but he invented it himself. From what I remember there was no dialogue in this part of the piece. (But I wouldn't know for sure since I've never read it before...) I tried tagging From POV of God Good Omens in AO3, but I couldn't find it either If it happens to not have existed, that's alright, however are there some fanfictions that are similar to this? With the kind of emo yet touching written by God feel narration about the husbands with not much much dialogue, like as if She was just watching from above. The kind of outsider feel with the insider knowledge AHAHAHA I'm not sure how to describe it. Emotionally like bittersweet tea with a dash of honey. Thank you, and I wish you lovely days to come mods <3 - @whiskedawaybythewind
2. I'm sorry, but I'm looking for a Fic it was a Muriel & Crowley, and there was this scene where Crowley finds out that Aziraphale regrets his decision because a Pen that he (Aziraphale) stole, and send with muriel so he can understand the message. I don't remember much more, :( - anon
3. Hi! I’m looking for a relatively new fic I read a while back. It featured Azi and Crowley living in the South Downs and Crowley is snatched while out grocery shopping by a gang of mafia guys, and they ransom him to Azi, who shows up and calmly scares the shit out of them by telling them he’s “The Bookseller.” I can’t find it to save my life and I want to reread it! - @doodlegirll
4. Hello dears! First off, thank you so much for all the work you do for the fandom. I was wondering if you could help me find a fic. Aziraphale is discorporated during WW1 and Crowley was sleeping and didn't know. During the church scene in 1941, when Crowley comes aziraphale has a flashback and is barely able to save them. They talk about it after. Thanks again! - @candysunset27
5. Hi!! I’ve been going through this account for a while and it’s been so so great finding tons of fics with all the tropes I love!! There’s this one fic I saw that I can’t remember and I was really hoping you could help me find it! From what I do remember in the fic, Aziraphale is suicidal, and keeps on discorporating himself. If it’s too much of an ask I totally understand- Take all the time you need !!! 💖💖💖💖💖 - anon
If you know any of these fics please include the number in your reply! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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47crows · 7 months
Hello!!!! I've been loving your art and Eli content recently and your most recent piece of the 'Returned 'Embrace' was gorgeous! Question, what's the story behind it??? Who is the other person with them, I'm so curious hehehehe
Asking about my oc???? Thank you so much 🥺
The short answer, that is Eli’s sire!! The vampire who turned him.
Eli diablerized her (drank so deeply that he consumed her soul) some years after his embrace.
A longer more rambling answer and extra art!! Under the cut
With this piece I really wanted to emphasize the the mixture of horror and intimacy of the moment. Eli was deeply obsessed with her, to the point where all he wanted was to be a part of her and for her to be a part of him.
At first glance, it’s almost a lovers embrace, but then you see how forceful he’s being, yanking her head back and holding her hand so tightly that his fingers break the skin. Eli doesn’t know actual selfless love, everything that he is and does, much like vampirism itself, is ultimately selfish. He thinks he loves her and loves him equally, but in the end he has to force her to be still.
I like to include a lot of quiet symbolism for myself, like the background is a stark white void. Someone tagged this piece as eyestrain and i wanted to say good!! It should be hard to look at. It’s a murder after all. But it’s also a private moment, nothing else matters to either of them. They are completely focused on each other. Her final death, and his first diablerie. The loss of his humanity and her unlife.
Even in they way they’re sitting, i wanted to scream intimacy. He crowds her, but not entirely. She sits in his lap while he sits on his heels, it’s not an easy position to get up from. She went into this position willingly, having kept him under her and subservient for years through use of a blood bond. The blood bond doesn’t just force loyalty, but intense feelings as well. He was really into her already before the bond, but the trauma inflicted by his aggressive turning seen here (trigger warning for old art and gore) was what really broke his mind, especially when afterwards she used the bond to convince him that she tore out his throat because she loved him. All of it twisted what love was in his mind, he was lil obsessive before but now he was WAY WORSE.
She built it up more and more until she created a monster who would do anything to be with her, relying upon the inherent safety of the bond and unaware it was the bond itself that would push him into wanting to consume her. It wasn’t hurting her or even against her wishes in his mind, because she had convinced him fully of how much she loved him and how violence was the way to show it so why wouldnt she want this?
Obviously it was a lie, but he continues to center his delusions around it to this day. He wants SO BADLY to be loved but its an impossible wish because Eli doesnt know what it means to actually love someone.
I actually drew a follow up to this piece, but didnt post it because i felt like it was too on the nose and didnt quite imply the feeling i wanted from it. Its called Shes gone and now you have to face her lies alone.
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bitebitbonebare · 13 days
God fucking dammit I'm genuinely losing my fucking shit.
I wonder if he'd put up a fight. I wonder if I would have to hold him down myself, knee against his neck, to tie his hands behind his back. I wonder what curses I'd wring from him through this, if he'd gnash his teeth and threaten me with his face pressed into the concrete floor. Would I need to get his feet too? Kicking and swinging, trying to get away-- oh and what if he screams? Yelling for help, would I need to silence him? Keep him from biting? Do you muzzle someone like this? Do you keep them from saying anything-- what happens when I kick the breath out of him?
I's stand above him, my boot pressed against his cheek-- I hated the concrete floors until now and I think I how they shine with his spit as he bared his teeth.
How careful would I need to be to make sure he was the only one to know he was bested? How badly does he want to feel this days from this moment-- how badly do I want him to feel it? Better yet, I know that he would rather there not be a later to feel, I think he's imagined death like this in great detail when he found himself at my mercy.
What tools would I have at my disposal? I wonder how much a tazer costs. I wonder if I could figure out a way to hit him in such a way he briefly loses consciousness. I wonder if I could choke him until he sees those black stars.
Could I press my knee into his throat while I tried something new-- could I put out a little match on his ribs? He complained of the pain on of a rib tattoo but what if I could methodically burn a scar on the other side, or as a lovely accent? He wanted to be an unflinching and incredibly willing victim to someone's cigarette shoved into him. This should be nothing then, right? Right?
What could I use to leave creative bruises on him-- I often weild a cane, don't I? What would shards of a broken mirror look like dug into his legs? I wonder how carefully I could etch something into his skin. He's let me tattoo him before anyway, what's different about a knife then?
I wouldnt want to keep him on the floor I don't think. Would I be able to hurt him while his sits on his knees-- his bones digging into concrete, he's so proud of how small he is, nearly just bones anyway, sharp and sharp feeling in his own skin.
Oh! What if, in kicking him, it's hard enough to make him vomit? Do you think he'd do that just for me? Well I think he'd do it for anyone who hit him in that specific way, but in that moment I think I'd revel in knowing that I was the cause.
Do you think he'd need to be told that maybe it's a little pathetic to want to be hurt this way? Granted, I think it was a bit absurd for me to tell him that I wanted to beat him this way, but for him to respond in this way? I think I might have known the answer when he resisted the urge to flee. I'd have plenty of words for him if he would like them.
Oh! He also proudly announced how fast he was! Oh I'm quite happy for him. So proud. Makes me wish I could set him loose in a forest with traps-- oh a daydream for another post, maybe not for him.
He is acutely aware of how inpatient I can be. I wonder if he'd taunt me to give up how much I'd want to relish this. That I want this just as much as he does, but I want it to last. I want to take my time, I want to commit every moment to memory, I want to write something about this that he might stumble upon-- or I offer up enthusiastically and just for "critique" not as if I wanted him to remember the ache of it all, this would live on in his mind too, after all.
Oh, hah. Even better. If I'm careful, I could keep him exactly where I want him and get a recording of the entire thing. I don't care to know what he would do with footage like that.
I'm tempted by the idea to bite. I think biting would be my preferred means to draw blood. I could consider something else though. Either way I think I'd like to stain something or his as a souvenir. Wouldn't that be just so thoughtful of me?
Good fucking god the whole idea makes me dizzy. Does he know how excited I am? How caring I would be about it all-- not too caring that I'd be scared to hurt him, no-- but caring in the way that I want nothing more than to make him feel it, just how he wants. It's not just for him.
It's not just for him.
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gcrtys · 2 years
a review of new tales from the borderlands
so, new tales from the borderlands was ... something! i was really excited going into it, and i can say it was moderately enjoyable. it was not worth $40-50 at all, esp. with the preorder which included three skins in all grey!! woohoo!! that was super cool!!!
in comparison to the original tales from the borderlands, the game shines in some aspects. the mocapping is wonderfully done. a lot of people are saying its awkward and weird, and at some times, it definitely can be. its not an entirely perfect system but it shows a good amount of emotion. with the funding of telltale’s tftbl, it was clear where they were lacking. odd cuts, janky animations, etc.
the gameplay of new tales is definitely more polished. there were a few things that were odd and not well done and some segments were definitely dragged out a lot more than they shouldve been. i wish there were more interactable events in the world b/c i did enjoy exploring. vaultlanders was a unique addition, though overall felt very lacking and didnt make sense in terms of the storyline. it couldve done without it, and im 99% sure this was only added for replay value (collectables?)
they brought in some other new things i didnt necessarily enjoy. the entire system that was created for rating the group dynamic also did not care in terms of the game. i had about two scenarios where it did.
i didnt even know what was changing my group dynamic or how characters felt about one another. i didnt even know if they were on good terms by the ending of the game -- it wasnt made clear by gameplay. my only indication were a few popups stating “fran doesnt respect octavio” (yeah, i wouldnt either) and it was annoying. lou13 has an entire point in the beginning of the game stating teamwork would make the process easier to survive, and yet this didnt reflect one in the entire game. not where i saw, at least.
holy. fuck. they bombed hard with the music choices. one of the BIG big aspects of tales, what made it shine, was the introduction and intros. they were well done, crisp, perfectly timed. its difficult for me to pick a favourite intro from any episode of tales because theyre all so well done -- from a stylish crash onto pandora to “busy earning” by jungle, to the somber crash onto pandora to “retrograde” by james blake. it was clear every song in tales was carefully chosen and the intros were framed around them.
whereas in new tales, its... weird. the introductions to the episodes are odd, weirdly timed and dont expand upon much. it felt like they were trying too hard to mimic the bonding the tales team went through -- but that was natural in comparison to this. even then, there wasnt a single introduction i enjoyed. episode 5′s introduction was the best out of the bunch but even then, the music choice was odd and it felt like there was nothing happening. it wasnt worth watching. whereas in tales, it would hook you and keep you there the entire time.
the name cards are also very oddly timed. a lot of them dont appear when theyre supposed to. typically in borderlands, we get a line or two before a character’s name is revealed. i found multiple times, either name cards did not appear for characters that would be reoccurring, or would just be flat out poorly timed. it didnt feel like borderlands, which is known for the flash of the cards and the catchy one-liners to accompany them.
so... its definitely an improvement from borderlands 3. some would disagree and say its a difficult storyline to follow, which, i understand
i think episodes 2-3 were quite literally worthless and provided nothing. i dont think i even remember what happened in those episodes. the ones that really captured me, were the last two. its where the spirit of the game (quite literally) came out to reveal itself. i didnt expect myself to get emotional but episode four did make me cry, and then immediately sober up in confusion when it jumped to a retro 90s fighting style game with fran.
some of the jokes dont hit quite right and a lot of episode four is... odd. between the std’s joke, the spiderant, so on... it felt unnecessary. the running gag of lou13 “data sharing” (aka having sex) was uncomfortable to watch.
and there were a lot of inconsistencies with the writing, as is usual with the borderlands universe, but:
- anu creates a device to replicate siren technology, which is disregarded after episode 1 and never brought back up again
- octavio’s idiocy goes beyond being an idiot and quite literally just having no brain for the sake of “humour”, which just comes off as frustrating
- characters just stand out in open hallways and get shot and die. its seen as emotional and heartbreaking in game, and incredibly stupid as the player of said game. why the hell did stapleface die from a gunshot to the shoulder? why couldnt anu heal her? who knows, there is absolutely no explanation for it
- when the characters are going on a gameshow and stopped by a bouncer, he says “all contestants are accounted for” and then when you get into the area, there is literally. a single person. and its not a sake of others going before said person -- they literally begin the gameshow, starting with that person, a moment later.
- rhys calls anu to ask her help to stop tediore from opening the vault, and then, never follows up. literally. he is not seen from again for like five chapters or something ridiculous and when he does return, its for a completely separate reason and its never brought up again.
- the writers seemed to have either never played the original tales, or did not care enough to stay true to rhys’ character in general. he’s power-hungry, an asshole, and the type of superior he wouldve hated. the writers chose to ignore every single line of rhys discussing how atlas could be different from the other corporations and went with “actually, theyre ALL bad” which like, yeah, i get it. capitalism, boo. but when it doesnt match up with the characters behaviour its... very irritating.
while there was definitely some of sassy rhys in there ("you’ll be hearing from me, specifically my tears” is one of my personal favourites), it didnt make up for the rest of how they butchered his character. also, i see them hinting at sasha’s return and i DO NOT like it. stay away from her.
they also decided to make athena the ceo of hyperion-- how or why that happened, i have no idea, and frankly at this point i dont want to find out.
the cast is... certainly a cast. but delete lou13.
i really liked anu and i resonated with her. although a little irritating at times, i could appreciate her as a character. it was a real breath of fresh air in comparison to the other borderlands characters we typically receive. octavio was... octavio. i did enjoy fran, but the consistent horniess was overdone after about the second episode.
a lot of the side characters that were introduced just, dont get brought back in. youre introduced to a big group of characters in the first episode by octavio, and then you barely see any of them for the rest of the game. (justice for diamond danielle) its a waste and once again, one of the biggest complaints i have about borderlands games is wasted potential. from bl3′s clay, to athena (who actually makes a reappearance, after the audience reminded the writers she existed), katagawa jr, aurelia, rose, gladstone, and so on...
now we have an additional cast of characters we’re most likely never going to see again, who were introduced as important to one of our protagonists and then never expanded upon. (the fact we saw a literal talking gun more than any of his closest friends was weird)
anyway, going back to my first point, im sorry but i hated lou13. his entire existence was unnecessary. a robot filled with existential dread, oh boy, i wonder where we’ve seen that one before! this isnt familiar and not well done at all.
where loaderbot in the original tales shines, lou13 fails in every. single. category. from personality, to likability, to personal sacrifices for our protagonists... its all lackluster, disappointing, and i could not care less about this character.
anyway, we’re never going to see about 99% of those introduction characters again and while its annoying, im fine with it if it means more room for other, already established characters who deserve some more time in the spotlight.
going back-- we finally saw katagawa senior! they copied katagawa jr’s model entirely, and put a beard on him. fantastic, great work everyone. take a day off, you guys deserve it. mustve been really difficult to come up with that one, especially considering the art we see for him in the next episode is literally not the same man.
if you go into this expecting tales from the borderlands, you’ll be disappointed.
if you go into this expecting good writing, you’ll be disappointed.
if you go into this expecting a few laughs, you might get some! it depends on your humour! i thought badass superfan was hilarious and there were a few bits i genuinely enjoyed. a lot of the humour was enjoyable to me, but after all, this is all matter of opinion. if youre not a fan of reoccurring jokes or bits that drag on for a little bit too long, planned awkward laughter, tension, etc. this might not be your style of humour.
if you go into this wanting good characters to grow attachments to... play tales from the borderlands.
5/10 just want troy baker back plz ty.
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Hey Bestie 🖤 I have a Taligaro request again if it's okay. Let's say we are in his army but also his girl and we get separated in a battle. And just in case that happens we agreed to meet at a special place, a cabin or a hut something like that. As soon as we arrive there we notice that we are pregnant and we are waiting for him but he never arrives and after month of waiting just when we're about to give our hopes up he returns alive and well and we introduce him to his newborn daughter. 🥺I hope it makes sense Bestie 🖤 I'm not myself these days
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Of course it's ok besite 😊 I will always write what ever you wish 🤗 enjoy 💚
Everything was so manic lately that you barely had a chance to think. Your soul mate Taligaro was readying the men in his army for an oncoming fight from the north and you were focused on being ready for it. You had always discussed what would happen if you were to get separated during any fight or battle, there was a hut that his mother made for him as a child, and that's where he was born and grew up for many years before doing what he does now. It was at the side of a river a safe distance away from the battle grounds that you were all going to be fighting on, and that's where you both had discussed meeting if anything was to go wrong.
The time had come and you along with Taligaro and all the soldiers were there, waiting in the battle field for the enemy army. You were at Taligaros side before they marched upon you, you held his hand and you both looked deeply into eachothers eyes. You loved him with all your heart, and he loved you too. "I love you Tal" "I love you too Y/N" A horn blows in the distance and the enemy charges towards you all, giving Taligaro one last smile, everyone readies themselves and runs into battle. The fight was long and gruesome with barely any survivors on each side, and unfortunately you couldn't find Taligaro once victory was found by your army. "Tal?! Tal?!" You shouted across the battle ground, but it was no use, there was no answer. The few men left of Taligaros army were helping the wounded and taking them back to their camp, but you just stood there amongst the fallen enemies, with tears running down your cheeks.
Leaving in the opposite direction of the soldiers, you slowly made your way to the meeting spot that you discussed with Taligaro. When you arrived, it looked so beautiful. The river was flowing, there were flowers of all diffrent colours scattered all around the place, and there infront of you stood the little hut Taligaro told you about. Making your way inside, you push open the door and look around the hut. It was small but very homely, there was a lovely little kitchen, a living room and a bedroom and bathroom on the other side of the hut. But despite the cuteness of the house, you felt sad and hollow inside, and sat down on a chair by the table. You feel so sad as you remove the upper part of your armor, to reveal a small bump. You hadn't told Taligaro that you were pregnant with his child, you couldn't, he wouldnt have let you go into battle and you needed to be there for him.
But now you were on your own, he hadn't turned up, and you were sat crying, slowly running your hand over your bump. One or two of his men had found you and stoped by to see if you were ok during the few months you stayed there, and they even tried to get you to come back go the camp. But you had lost Taligaro, he was either dead or lost and he wasnt coming back. If he was to return, he would have done it by now. So you politely decline and stay on your own as your baby grew inside you. The day had come when your labour had begun, it was painful and difficult to do by yourself, but you pushed on through and tried everything you could to get through. Being on your own, you had already prepared the warm water, towels and clothes for the baby, and now all that you had to do was give birth. Again and again contractions make you scream in pain, you missed Taligaro so much and you loved him with all your heart that you kept his love in your mind every time a contraction came.
"Hhhssss ggaahhhhh!" You scream as you can feel the baby getting ready to come out, when all of a sudden, you hear a voice from outside. "Y/N?! Y/N are you hear?!" "Tal!" You scream back and he is in the hut within seconds. He runs through the hut till he finds you on the bed "Y/N, my darling i-Y/N are you? Your pregnant?!" He asks before rushing to your side. "Tal! I thought I lost you, what happened to you?!" "Y/N I'm so sorry, some of the enemies took me with them and demanded information out of me, but I managed to escape them. But forget about that now, your in labour! With....with my baby?" "Yes Tal, this is your baby. I'm sorry I didnt tell you about this sooner, I wanted it to be a-gghhaaaa!" Your contraction hits you again, but this time Taligaro is squeezing your hand. "Ok ok just breath my love, there you go. Y/N I'm so sorry I wasnt hear for you, I love you and if I'd had known-" "I know Tal, I know"
He gives you a sweet kiss before another contraction hits again, but this time it feels like it's nearly time. "Ow ow ahhh! Tal, I think its coming!" You scream out loud. He is instantly down by your legs with the clean towel at the ready. "Oh my love I can see its head, I need you to push" Taking a deep breath, you push with all your might and out comes the head. "That's it! Thats it Y/N your doing so well! Just one more push and it's over, you can do it" You steady your breaths, take a large breath in and give one last push with all the strength you have left, and before you know it, the sound of a baby's crys fill the hut. Your exhausted but so relived it's over, and when you look down, Taligaro has cut the cord, wrapped up the baby and it cradling it in his arms as tears fall down his face. "Oh Y/N....its a girl....you did it my love" He carrys the baby and sits down beside you, placing her in your arms. "A girl? Oh Tal, shes beautiful" The hut felt nothing but silence for a few minutes, you and Taligaro were just so happy and admiring your baby girl as she rested in your arms. "Were parents my love, we have a daughter. She is only a few minutes old and I already love her" "So do I Tal, shes perfect. What should we name her?" "I have an idea. My mother raised me hear in this hut, and if it wasnt for her I wouldn't be hear with you and our little family. Why dont we name her after my mother" "I love that Tal... welcome to the world...baby Caro"
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balbul · 4 years
Pls @ god, id really love if my children will have positive moon aspects and positive saturn aspects and strong moon and saturn positions ✡️🧿❤️🔯 amen
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fictionsmooches · 3 years
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Plot: after a small fight with Porco, Pieck helps (y/n) get Porco jealous, while also having fun with her.
Contains: sweating, degradation, Praia, name calling ‘slut’ whore’ ect.ect., oral sex, unprotected sex, thigh riding, lesbian sex, 18+ MDNI
Word count; 3k-ish
Classes had already been out for the day, and with a long weekend around the corner, you were more than ready to get this ‘Porco issue” sorted out. Your whole life felt like it was spent between Pieck and Porco. You three had formed a bond unlike any other. You shared secrets, hopes, and protected each other on and off the battlefield.
“Look (y/n), a small fire lit under his ass wouldn’t hurt him. Besides, he’s been awfully rude to me lately. I wouldn’t mind making him a little jealous myself.” Pieck said.
All week he had been acting funny towards you. A little too funny for your comfort. It all started when you and Pieck decided to hang out without Porco. He had been taking extra lesions from Zeke as of lately, so he wouldn’t come home until late. The dorms were too quiet to be alone. Your thoughts had rang too loud to be left alone with quiet ticks of clocks to keep you company.
Pieck had no roommate since Annie left for Paradis, so you decided to have a sleepover. The two of you spent the night swapping stories of the week and laughing over nothing. It was a well needed pleasant night. However, In the morning when you arrived home you could see the hurt all over Porco’s face. He was sitting up on his bed. He faced the door. Dark circles rimmed his eyes, you knew for a fact he didn’t sleep at all last night.
“Where were you? You know you worried me to death!” he yelled standing up. His loud tone took over the whole room. It was as if nothing else existed apart from you two in this room.
“Oh I'm sorry Pock.. I don’t mean to worry you. I just got lonely waiting here for you to come back so I had a sleepover with Pieck.” you spoke softly as if to sooth him. You really didn't mean to make him worry, that was the last thing you wanted.
“Well the least you could have done was left a note.” he said brushing passed you as he walked through the still open door. His voice was cold and numb. You hated seeing this side of Porco, the cold side of him.
You could deal with his anger outbursts, you could manage the yelling or the cursing when he was upset. You could at least talk him down from that, but you can't help him when he was like this. How could you help somebody who didn't feel nothing? This was the first time he ever acted like this towards you, and it felt horrible.
Sure he yelled at Reiner and even got too snappy with Pieck every now and again- but not you. He made a habit of bragging to everyone that you’d be his wife one day and how beautiful you were whenever you weren’t around. You knew Porco was smitten for you but he never acted on it.
You waited all year for Porco to make the first move but feared he never would. Maybe it was because he wanted to live up to Marcel’s legacy. Maybe he didn’t want to ruin the friendship between you and Pieck. But it looked as though he’d never act on those feelings now.
“Pieck.. what if he never talks to me again?” you spoke as you slipped down onto Pieck’s lap. Her skirt was damp with the tears you’d been crying all day.
“I highly doubt that. You just have to show him that if he doesn’t act fast, he’ll lose you.”
You nodded and sat up. You wiped your last tear away and raised your fist.
“Ok. What’s the plan?”
Pieck slipped her arm around your waist and pulled you closer. Your thighs now touched one another as she closed in the gap between you two. She cupped her free hand over your ear, she whispered softly.
“You want me to do what?! Pieck, we aren’t little girls anymore! We can’t just ‘practice’ like we did when we were little!” you jumped slightly. She pulled you back into her grasp.
“And why not! Am I not your type?” Pieck teased.
“It’s not that” you looked away. “It’s just.. I don’t know.. Embarrassing?”
Pieck couldn’t help but giggle at your shyness. It is true that you two used to practice kissing each other when you were children. You needed to be sure that when the time came, and you married your future spouse, you’d be ready. But you were not children anymore. You couldn’t just kiss her and act like it meant nothing. After all, you had some morals left.
Sure Porco and Pieck fought about who would be the one to marry you- but you never thought anything of it. Why would you? Wasn't it natural to hold hands with your best friends? Your mind ticked and ticked until finally you could form a coherent thought. Was Pieck in love with you? And was Porco as well? How long had they been? Either way, the idea of kissing Pieck didn’t seem so far-fetched anymore.
You could hear Porcos boots clomping in the distance, he had always been so brash with his walking. You often felt bad for the poor wood floors he had walked on.
Just as the door knob turned, Pieck cupped your face and pressed her lips against yours. As soon you were connected, you could feel yourself pooling under your skirt. Pieck had begun rubbing on your thigh, and that definitely didn't help the dampness from collecting. The warmth of her mouth took over your whole body. You couldn’t help but melt into the kiss, your mouth opened slightly as Pieck shoved her tongue into yours.
You knew Porco could walk in at any moment, and the excitement of him catching you made you want to kiss Pieck even more. It felt so dirty to be like this. To have Pieck’s hand up your skirt, and to have Porco possibly see. you wouldn't dream of pulling away. It felt too good to stop now.
The moment the door actually opened, Porco just stood there- eyes wide as he watched Pieck absolutely degrade the mouth he wanted for himself. He had dreamed about parting those lips countless times. He tried to imagine if your mouth felt as good as it did in his wet dreams. His now half hard cock twitched as he watched Pieck pull away from you, a string of saliva still connecting you two.
“Good evening Pock.” she spoke with a smile as if nothing just happened.
He avoided his gaze from the two of you. “Yeah.. whatever” he said, nearly throwing his books on his desk. He took a seat as he covered his face- hoping it would make his blush less noticeable.
Pieck kissed your forehead. “I’ll see you later my sweet (y/n), i’ll be late to class.” she said walking out of your dorm with a wink. You sat breathless at what had just happened. Pieck had unlocked something so sinister in you, and you feared that simple kissing wouldn't be enough for you anymore.
As time went on you wouldnt understand how Pieck could just go along with you like nothing happened. You walked to class together as usual, ate lunch like you usually would- but in the back of your mind the only thing you could think about was Pieck. You craved her touch on your body. You longed for her hands and for her mouth, but you wanted Porco’s gaze upon you just as much.
“Uhh Earth to (y/n)?” Pieck said waving her hand in front of you. You had spaced out at the table you had been studying at. Porco sat at your left and Pieck across from you.
“I’m sorry. I just got lost in thought!” You rubbed the back of your head In embarrassment.
The stuffy room you sat in, had once been dedicated to strategizing wars and battles but the campus had now converted them into study halls for students. You weren’t sure if the weather made the room feel humid or if you had imagined it to distract yourself from forming tension between you three.
Large windows covered the walls of the room, the sunlight coming in gave you a clear view of everything in the room. The tables were old and worn, chairs wobbled ever so slightly, and the books on the shelf were slowly collecting dust as years went by.
“Is it hot in here?” You ask aloud, fanning yourself with your hand.
“I’m sure it is, and these uniforms don’t help out any.” Pieck smiled was she pulled her book away from her face.
Porco slid his hand on your thigh from under the table, he snickered as he turned the page of his book with his other hand.
You gulped quietly.
“Yeah I’m getting tired of all these layers, I wish I could peel off a few, don’t you Pieck?”  Porco said as his hand gilded under your skirt, calloused hands rubbed small circles on your inner thighs. You were being too obvious, you had always been too obvious.
Pieck caught on quickly to the soft movements Porco made under the table and your breath heaving. Her eyes made their way to your warm cheeks with a smirk.
“I understand completely, Porco.” Pieck looked directly in your eyes “It’s almost like I could undress entirely right now.” she began fiddling with the top buttons of her shirt.
You could feel it happening again. The wetness starting to build between your legs was unbearable.
You were practically gasping for air as Porco’s hand slowly started making its way closer and closer to your clothed cunt. Your clit ached with the thought of his touch. All sense of shame was gone at this point. Pieck’s shirt was half way opened at this point. The bits of her lace bra were exposed more and more with every bottom she slowly undid.
You couldn’t tell if your arousal came more from Piecks undressing or from Porcos touch, but at this point it didn't matter, you only knew you needed more. You wished to be laid against Pieck’s chest as Porco bent you over the wooden table, just imagining it made you bucked your hips in desperation for more friction. Porco slowly placed the pad of his middle and ring finger against your clit.
He withdrew his hand entirely as you let out a soft moan.
“It’s almost time for dinner, we gotta get going if we want to beat the crowd.” Porco said, looking at the clock on the wall.
“Right! Best if we leave now.” Pieck said with a devilish smile as she began buttoning up her shirt.
The two left you there panting for air, and longing for hands all over your body. The light of golden hour stained the room with warm hues. Your mind raced with what had just happened, and why you were left hot and bothered. Your legs spread open on the chair you had been sitting it, a small puddle laid under you.
The next day You woke to an empty dorm. Porco had been long gone at training. You knew you would have most of the day to yourself but today your mind raced with thought of Pieck and Porco. At times you shifted your weight to distract yourself from the overwhelming thoughts you craved.
It wasn’t long before a knock at the door sent a shiver up your spine that jolted you to sit up.
“(Y/N)?” Pieck called as she let herself in. “I assume Porcos is training?”
You nodded.
“Ooh so you’re all alone?” Pieck’s tone sounded sultry like she was alluding to something. You felt the heat rising in your face.
She made her way over to your bed. Her foot steps echoed in the room with every step she took. She took a seat on your bed. And leaned over to your ear.
“Have you been thinking of me?”
You avoided looking at her. “Maybe” you answered
“Or have you been thinking of Porco?” She asks nibbling at your ear lobe. Your breath couldn’t help but deepen.
“Maybe” you answer again
Pieck pulled away and repositioned herself. She was now sitting with her back fully against the wall, her legs laid out over the length of the bed.
“Come here (y/n). I want you to show me the way you want to grind on Porcos lap” she lifted her skirt to expose her thighs. She looked so soft from where you sat.
You don’t think twice about straddling her thigh. Your clothed cunt made contact with her soft skin sending a shiver down your spine. Piecks hand found their place on your ass with a squeeze.
“Such a desperate little whore you’ve become. You get one kiss from me and a half assed teasing from Porco, and you’re so eager to do as I say?” She squeezed your ass again only this time more rougher.
You could only moan in response.
Pieck had begun dragging you back and forth on her thigh, pleasure rippled through your body.
“Unbutton your shirt for me”
You hesitated. “What if Porco comes back early?” You whined
“Don’t act like you don’t want him to see you like this. Now unbutton your shirt”
She lifted her leg to make more friction between you and her thigh.
You did as you were told and undid every button to the best of your ability given the circumstances.
“No bra? You really are a whore (y/n)!”
You moaned at her words, your pussy was leaking all over her thigh as you rode her.
Pieck placed your nipple in her mouth and began to suck.
“Fuck-!” You say throwing your head back
She slapped your ass making you moan louder.
Her mouth felt amazing wrapped around the sensitive bud, sending shockwaves through your entire body.
She looked up at you through her eyelashes. She looked as though she was smiling as she sucked on your nipple, she knew what she was doing.
The knot in your stomach had started to tighten.
“Pieck! You’re going to make me cum!”
She pulled away. Without saying anything, she pulled your panties to the side, giving your cunt direct contact with her.
“Cum for me then” she said looking in your eyes.
Your hips moved at a rapid pace as you released on her thigh with a scream.
You were so busy with Pieck that you didn’t even notice Porcos boots clomping down the hallway. By the time you noticed he was already opening the door.
He stepped into the most unexpected but beautiful sight. You say still straddling Piecks thigh, gasping with your tits out. Your cum and sweat covered your body and Piecked thigh, your skirt hiked up over your ass and piecks hands holding on the back of your thighs.
Pieck peered her head to the side “hi Pock!”
You couldn’t help but feel so embarrassed and exposed.
Porcos cock twitched with excitement.
“So this is what you do while I’m off working my ass off?” He says while slicking his hair back more.
You were speechless. When you decided to speak all you could manage to say was “I’m sorry- I couldn’t help myself! I just-“
“Just what? Decided to act like a slut and think I wouldn’t find out?” Porco says.
Your clit jumped with excitement.
Pieck shifted her weight so you lay elbows to the bed with your ass in the air. Pieck guided her hands to your panties and slid them off of you. She spread your ass cheeks and pussy lips for Porcos full view.
“Look Porco, she’s just begging to be filled” Pieck smiled up at you.
You could hear Porco’s zipper being undone behind you.
“She sure is. But I want to hear that from her” he grinned, stroking his cock. The tip was wet with precum already. He stroked as your hole fluttered with excitement.
“Please Porco! Please, I need it!” You said.
“Tell me princess, what do you need?”
Pieck reached her hand underneath to rub your clit.
You gasp nearly being able to talk, “I need you to fuck me Porco! Please fuck me!” You choke out.
“Good girl” he said as he slowly pushed the tip of his hard cock inside. “Mmm.. so fucking wet already” he shoved the enteier length inside you.
You moaned against piecks mouth as she kissed you. Her tongue once again shoving its way into your mouth.
While Porco took his time fucking your tight hole, you slid lower to make contact with Pieck’s lower half. She giggled at the sight of you being so eager to please her. “Here, ill help you.” She said lowering her panties.
You wasted no time lapping up every once of Piecks oozing pussy. She collapsed into the this matress as you attacked her clit.
Piecks moaning caught the attention of Porco. “L-Like what you see Pock? Her mouth feels amazing on my pussy.” Pieck said, smirking.
“I always knew (y/n) would be the perfect little slut.” Porco said speeding up his thrust into your sloppy tight cunt. You moaned against Piecks clit, squeezing down on Porco’s cock in response to his degrading words.
Slowly you added two fingers into Piecks slit.  “Better do a good job (y/n), or I wont let you cum” Porco said slowing his pace. You wasted no time proving at her g-spot. Pieck moaned in delight.
“Good girl.” Pieck said in between moans.
You couldn’t go on much long like this. You needed release and you needed it bad. Porco could tell you where close by the way you began clamping down on his cock.
Pieck was the first to cum as she held a fist full of your hair “(y/n)! You’re gunna make me cum” she exclaimed. She lay breathless on the bed for a moment as Porco kept thrusting into you.
Pieck seized the opportunity to reach under and rub your clit. Pieck’s soft fingertips where enough to send you over the edge. “Porco! I’m coming!” You screamed.
“I’m close (y/n).. where do you want me to finish?” He choked
“Don’t be shy now (y/n) Answer him” Pieck said.
“Inside!” You yelled feeling over stimulated.
“Fuck!” Porco said as he raised inside of you, your pussy drank up every drop of his cum.
You three laid squished against one another, sweat and cum covering your bodies
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awoken-artist · 2 years
Tumblr media
{Drawn Jun 2, 2022} Drew this in June of 2022 and yes. A thing about me is I am Autistic and I am also Bisexual. :) Now I know alot of people, especially during pride month, Bisexuals are always frowned upon cause people have to make nasty assumptions on Bisexuals and spread nasty hate.
Bisexuals are not 50/50. We both like men and women. some of us like both of them 50/50, some of us lean more on either the opposite or the same while still find both genders attractive. I am on that with Bisexual. I find both genders attractive and would date, I just more lean to Men but I wouldnt mind dating a women. Just - never had any women like me in a romantic way. Maybe once in highschool but for young 17 year old me never experienced anything regarding Bisexuals and pride month cause no one talks about it. basically the highschool era I was in is the closeted era in a way. ish. 
On me being Autistic I end up finally coming to a full understanding of last year in November that it all makes complete sense that I am Autistic. I asked my mom about it and she said I am indeed Autistic just I am a Autistic person who can be independent and can take care of myself. I say this with me finding a full understanding me being Autistic is I - never had a normal classroom. I am always placed in special classrooms with the same. students. for the entire middle and highschool years. which for me was full on 6 years straight. There was a few students that come and go but most of them I have known them since I met them back in 7th grade to graduation.
I have remembered going with my teachers aid to visit this one lil building where those who have severe disabilities are at. with a few aid teachers are there to help them learn while taking care of their medical needs. Which- looking back I do hope that they are living a good life. It makes me thankful of the life I have because I could of been severly Autistic where I need a aid constantly or maybe get a much severe disability. which im thankful for but I also wish those who sadly are not lucky, i do wish them all the best life no matter what. They deserve all the love. No matter what.
And sadly they also get the amount of hate to. by people assuming every autistic person are stupid and various of other things I rather not get into. But to the haters- you all need to grow up. stop breathing toxic air to spew it in peoples faces. seriously go breath fresh air , hydrate and calm your buttocks and just - stop. this isnt kindergarden. this is real life. stop making autistic people seem their stupid when they arnt. we have a different way of learning even functionally. you just need to learn and understand about it. even do research too. theres PLENTY of it even on YouTube. not that hard to look. literally. Its also bad when it comes to- finding jobs. because it feels no one wants to take a autistic person into a job even though me and many others WANT. TO WORK. I am still worried about it but hoping id find work around that can be understanding of my learning disability that connects to my autism, and be patient. I am willing to work i just need to understand what to do, and so on so forth. hopefully i’ll find a place and I hope everyone else finds it too. [bonus if i can make a complete living as a freelance artist so i can do my art dream job] 
🌸🍡Please don’t steal and resubmit/repost my works without my permission! thanks!🍡🌸
Artwork and my character Vtuber/Mascot Tsuki Hime © by: @awoken-artist
​Programs Used: Clip Studio Paint EX
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randombubblegum · 3 years
One thing I wish was that I had been more into anime back then because so many of my friends were but I just couldnt get myself to fixate on anything else, tbh whenever I get into anything as an adult now I’m like “ugh I wish I was 15 and liking this so I wouldnt feel like such a weirdo participating in the fandom” lol. And YES don’t get me wrong I was way too young to be looking at these things too but it was a lawless land at that point and I don’t regret it at all either lol. and ahh yeah the hp fandom did actually have some really good writing, and also some hilariously, infamously bad writing (my immortal lol)
YAAAA im glad i was into anime when i was like it just felt right….. looking back at my 15yo self its like aww this is exactly what u should be doing :) i still like anime im sure i could get into it again (maybe?) and lots of my friends still are so i dont think its weird!!!! but i think theres smth inherently cringe and weeby about being a teen that makes it exactly the right time to like anime… also it imparted upon me extremely important life skills such as the desire to see and portray band dudes as catboys. and other such essential mindsets. also my immortal is the most important piece of american literature since hemingway and fitzgerald so idk what UR talking about
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lost-little-fawn · 3 years
i am not a honey throated nymph with teeth like budding flowers- 
theres no power behind the words i release from my thankless mouth.
theres no witchery in the way i cook, no belief imbued in my thoughts, 
no sigils of safety squirreled away in my actions. no magic upon my skin. 
no gods have ever once protected me from the foul and the evil- those, 
these (men) among us planting their seed in those who havent opened their garden. 
because when i was a kid, sometimes i cried so hard and for so long
that i was certain id drown. i would muffle my face into my favorite stuffed animal
and sob. sob for the broken and needy and hurting parts of me that didn't 
and would never experience peace. my lungs would become so full, 
so occupied with my own pain and suffering that i wouldnt be able to breathe.
salt tracks would crest like tsunami waves on my cheeks. my pillow would 
feel waterlogged and heavy, wet and lingering. i was a ship out to sea
trying to navigate the storm- panting, whimpering, gasping like a landlocked fish
-and even then, even unable to speak, begging for air, even dizzy, 
my parents viewed this as obstinacy. demanded responses to their own soapboxes. 
my abuser viewed my absolute terror, hysteria, genuine fear of death
that any therapist would have explained to me as a panic attack, 
as rebellion. and so, for so many years, i thought i was just overreacting. 
i thought my emotions were too much, even when my reactions were dulled and 
chipped down, fragile and flighty, either too much or too little. 
thats how i know theres no god. i had to evolve. i had to become a different person. 
no powerful being would let that happen to a child for so long that she changed 
so much of herself just to stay alive. hands tangled in her hair, fingers
in her mouth, pain like fireworks wherever hands had touched. unheard 
and unloved, and devalued, invalidated, for so many more years yet, baby. 
my inner child is a wounded and feral animal. she doesnt know the words to explain 
her pain. doesnt know or understand love. wishes mommy would be nicer. 
mixes up happy and sad on the chart the therapist puts in front of her. 
can never show her on the doll where he touches her because its not her he touches
she goes far away, never trusts her body or her memories. 
it mustve happened to someone else, because she sees it 
in 3rd person like a disney movie. she doesnt know why she can never stop crying. 
never a family, never a daughter, always a burden, a stuffed toy, a pet. 
nobody wanted me to grow, not even myself. i wanted to stay a child forever. 
and i guess maybe my inability to believe may have caused my peril. maybe
our god is vengeful to those who forsake him. it wouldn't have been fair, anyway, 
to ask him to help me out of the stupid situations i put myself in. 
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enchanted--realm · 3 years
When Calls the Heart Live Rambles
Season finale, s8 ep12 The Kiss
So this was such an awful finale. Everything leading to this moment made absolutely no sense. Before we get into the whole thing, let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start *sing like Julie Andrews*
Noooo, Henry is leaving!!! I kinda suspected this already, but I didn't want it to actually happen. Man, when Abigail left she really dragged everyone else with her: Cody and now Henry *le sigh*
Clara running to Jesse when he arrived was so sweet.
I wish Faith were leaving instead of Carson.
I absolutely love Rosemary and her newspaper business. And finally Elizabeth apologized. Goodness.
Now the triangle. I need to do this very calmly or else I will explode.
When Elizabeth spoke to Nathan saying she was just trying to replace Jack with him, that she loves him but isnt IN LOVE with him. Yo I just about fell out of my seat. I was so scared. That was the first time I ever doubted she wouldnt be with Nathan. But then the whole scene at the saloon between Nathan and Lucas made me think Lucas is still hesitant about Elizabeth's feelings, so maybe this love triangle isnt over yet.
Then when she opened that package where her book was and it read A Single Mother...that's when I was like. Oh my gosh she chooses no one. She chooses Baby Jack Jack and the 'the kiss' actually DOES refer to a kiss on the cheek. I thought my awful joke that I posted earlier was coming true. But then I suspected, okay, there's no way she's picking Lucas. If she doesn't feel in love with Nathan yet, then she will later in s9.
Then, the minutes kept passing by. Its 9:50pm and I'm thinking to myself 'wait a minute. Is this enough time to resolve things with Nathan?' And then I got really scared. More minutes passed and she hadn't broken things off for good with Lucas. I could only start to think that there is only time left in the episode for a conversation with Lucas and that's it.
When Elizabeth was at the school house and Robert brought little Jack with him. I was like, 'omg my theory is coming true. It is a kiss on the cheek to Jack Jack because she chooses him and to be a single mom,' then later she can choose Nathan without a love triangle plot.'
The last few minutes of the episode. She's looking for Lucas and looking very much in distress and I'm super confused at this point and also scared and slightly in denial. 'She can't be choosing Lucas?' And then I realize what the writers are doing. 'Ohmygosh she's choosing Lucas' and then I watch the rest of the episode in horror and I'm covering my eyes because I can't watch that kiss and then ew ew ew so MANY kisses yuck.
Elizabeth choosing Lucas doesn't make any sense storytelling wise, regardless of any bias I have towards Nathan. There was so much build up for Elizabeth and Nathan's relationship. A solid foundation had been built between them, something that a real relationship could grow from and become love. Whenever Lucas and Elizabeth had scenes it was so surface level. They had some connection through her writing career but even that wasnt very deep. Everything else in their relationship, the fancy dinners and romantic dates, that's really all they were. It was all just romance and the feelings of love without having any true depth of feeling. And not once did Lucas or Elizabeth ever mention the word love with each other.
And what about ep2 of this season when Nathan confessed his love to Elizabeth and she ran away because she was scared? It showed how she was running from her feelings and living in fear and when she ran away to pursue Lucas afterwards, it showed how Lucas was only a crutch for her and a comfortable relationship rather than something true and real. Because news flash, loving someone is actually being vulnerable and taking a leap of faith which she would have been doing if she were with Nathan, not with Lucas. She isn't taking any risk by opening her heart to Lucas. There isnt any vulnerability in their relationship on Elizabeth's part there.
And what about the Emerson quote, about doing what you're afraid to do. And what about Nathan's cringey parallel with Carson 'I'm not giving up', and what about Allie's feelings in all this and her wanting Elizabeth as a mother, and what about the ep with Ned and Florence's wedding when Elizabeth starts to take her own advice about not living in fear and that we can't let fear stop us from missing out on life's greatest joys? I'm sure there's lots more too that I'm missing here but that's what I could think of just at the top of my head.
Also, Nathan was saved that day he didnt go on the mission at Fort Clay. He was saved for a reason and now for what? For a Lucas ending? They totally filmed two versions of the ending and then decided last minute who she should end up. It actually makes sense too because when she first talks to Lucas, what? She's gonna confess her love to Lucas in the middle of a crowded cafe? As if! She was gonna break up with him there. She really was there just to see Minnie. They had the scene interrupted so that it could sort of make sense with whichever ending they wanted to decide upon later.
I'm so annoyed with the writers. They obviously did this for shock value. There are so many tv shows that do this but an audience doesnt watch a show for shock, they watch it for the story. Just bc something is shocking doesnt make it good storytelling. Shock value is only good when it makes sense upon looking back. This does not. A good story can usually be predicted by the audience actually. From what I've seen on social media, it seems that the majority of viewers wanted and predicted that Elizabeth would be with Nathan. This is for a reason. A good story sets up the relationship and gives clues and leads the viewer along to grand reveal later. It all makes sense to the audience. It's suppose to be a good story and an enjoyable ride for the audience. A show shouldnt be written as the season is happening, everything should be concluded or at least have a very clear ending to work towards. I hate how writers just decide to change things in an instant because then all the moments prior to the present episode make no sense and it was all for nothing.
This finale literally made me sick to my stomach. They did this story so dirty and I'm also upset that now, the actress who plays Allie, she probably won't be in the show much anymore which is a real shame because she was pretty good for a child actress and I just like to support the youth coming into their own.
I am not going to watch s9. Catch me fulfilling my heartie needs on fanficiton.net and also, I pray that we get leaked footage of this Elizabeth chooses Nathan ending that I am sure was filmed. Also the episode was called 'The Kiss' which is very vague and not specific to either relationship. Which is another hint to the writers leaving things open so they could make last minute decisions on who they wanted her to choose.
So disappointed. From what I see on twitter and everywhere else on the internet, this show will tank next season because no one will watch it. Lori Loughlin really said if I go down then the show goes down with me.
Jack died for this????
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krabmeat · 3 years
🐰- do you believe in soul mates?
kinda? its more like, i believe anyone can be happy with anyone! i dont think there is ONE person who is a perfect match romantically, though i do believe in platonic soulmates! :]
💌- diary or journal?
i dont have either, but i occasionally write and vent in google docs or by writing poems or short stories!
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
mmmm, maybe c!technoblade if that counts? oh! and also c!quackity! :DD
💕- are you crushing on someone?
nnnope! kinda? i dunno! 
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
in the dark. itll make it less awkward and waaayyy more practical
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
playing hide and seek at night with my cousins! >:]]]
🌸- what is your favorite flower?
💖- have you ever been in love?
i wouldnt say so! I would hope not-- just tiny pangs of attraction to people i know every now and again -v-
🍰- strawberry or vanilla?
mmmmm vanillaaaa
🍯- describe your favorite smell
p i n e s o l
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
erase implicit bias, get therapy, and meeting the RAM system! (you guys are wonderful mmmmmm)
🍪- cookie dough or cookies?
cookie dough! not the purposely edible kind, the ones with egg in it. its all about the thrill of salmonella entering my system
☕- coffee or tea?
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
the sea with mermaids! Itll be like creative mode but underwater and irl
🍂- what’s your middle name?
Arely! :]
💫- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign?
my sun sign is virgo and my moon sign is leo! not sure about rising though vkshfkahdj--
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?
as of lately, i enjoy opening my window and letting the smell and slight dampness fill up my room while im just vibing
🍭- how tall are you?
💒- which show would you want to live in?
im not sure if this counts, 
i know, i know, its a bunch of political warfare filled with character trauma, 
i have my own strategies and sh-t and just how to get along while both being included in plot and NOT getting too mentally scarred. me and a couple friends actually came up with a whole au on if we were in the smp!! very fun! :D
🎄- what is your favorite holiday?
halloween! the spooky season is upon us in october, mmmmm >:]
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?
i really like tree-scented candles!
🎶- favorite song right now?
Cabinet Man and Eighth Wonder, both by Lemon Demon!
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
be trustworthy
give me freedom and understanding
tell me every now and then youre proud of me!
(ikik the last one is a bit snobby and conceited but it really just hits hard since im never told it very often, makes me tear up every time -v-)
🍩- current mood?
in slight constant pain but overall pretty snazzy!!
❄️- what is your favorite season?
winter and autumn! snow and cold is poggers
💍- your current relationship status?
📷- a photo of yourself
NO 💚
💅🏻- do you like being spoiled?
not really! it makes me feel very guilty and embarrassed when someone spoils me with pretty much anything! im a very self dependent person so i also just always feel like i could have worked harder for it myself!
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
i unconsciously move and wiggle my body to the rhythm and vibe a song gives me
i use my fingers like drums and pretend to be the drummer whenever i think of a song i like
i occasionally talk to myself--
🦄- how do you perceive yourself?
mmm, to put it frank-
a person who doesnt deserve anything they have and a kid who the world is too good for
🦋- how do you think others perceive you?
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys
someone who embraces a wardrobe that doesnt believe in gender roles
🍓- one secret about yourself
not much of a secret, more so of a cool little fact!
my left index finger tip is numb!
🍒- how do you act when you have a crush?
idk, just like--
treat em like a close homie!!
💔- the reason behind your last breakup?
breakup w h o ?
certainly not me, relationships are complicated mannnn
💬- what your last text message says?
"Lmao, bot"
⛅- what is your morning routine?
On weekdays, wake up to my alarm at 7 am and brush my teeth, change my clothes and get on my phone until its 7:30 am and then i get on my school calls
💗- who do you miss?
(i have my reasons foshfksbdjsb)
🥀- last time you cried?
last night at like 12 am!
🎁- when is your birthday?
september 8th
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
n o 💚
💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you?
Preferably someone the same age, but i dont mind a small age gap! :D
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zed-36 · 4 years
scaredofheroin For me, trying to redo something that holds such a special place in my heart is almost sacrilege lol. But I wish you the best for your writing!
i mean i wouldnt be changing the main characters or over all general story, but i wouldnt be taking anything set as it is, rather just. come up with the surrounding lore, personalities, etc myself. if i were to change it so much as to not even been recognized at the source, it wouldnt see it as a rewrite
itll be a rewrite in the sense that i’d be 1) forming a much more in depth world building base, all out of my own ideas inspired by the serie 2) fixing all of the character personalities/giving them background/better established relationships 100% based off my own ideas 3) taking what the plot was/couldve been and amplifying it around the new lore i create
itll be “the same thing” just... well, written better, with more depth and such lol. there is no way in hell i could ever take what the series in and just “add to it” without also completely re-doing/creating my own sorta world building to make all of the other details work
i think the biggest problem is with what it is, you either get a world that is simple and surface level (like what we have) and simply write it a little better in places, or you go all the way and expand upon every boring bland slate- which might make it seem “too different” in the end, but ultimately its one or the other, and the idea of the world has a lot going for it, so id prefer to push it to its full potential by allowing creative freedom to drive it further.
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stevengrantshubby · 3 years
okay, okay okay, okay. so here i go, idk if there will be a point in this but im gonna write it up anyways. so follow me down this weird half thought thur path or whatever
okay, so we know that tfatws takes place 6 months after endgame, long enough for things to no longer be new and the problems with what the avengers did (or undid if you prefer) are really setting in, not even a full year. the people who came back from the blip have only had 6 months to figure out whats going on, where their families were if they still had them, ect, ect and only 6 months for the people who were left behind to “adjust” to having everything ripped away from them. i do wonder about a lot of things from this time, but i doubt that we’ll get a ton of concrete answers about it.
when we see sam in the opening action scene hes very confident and self-assured. hes in his element so to speak. hes strong, smart on his feet, and we see sam use his new wings as a shield multiple times which to me feels like either a kind of statement that sam doesnt need the shield or to show that he would be really good with the shield, it feels important somehow considering who important the shield becomes in the show.
also, the military guy tells sam that once the LAF get across the tunisia boarder its supposed to be a no-fly zone so to speak which is why it was important for sam to get him before which hints that not everywhere got rid of boarders. like, tunisia is in northern africa and when we meet the flag smashers later theyre mostly in eastern eurpoe and also torres makes a comment about things not being better during the blip and his american (im pretty sure) so again where these things are happening in relation to boarders and the like it still makes me think about how the world worked through the blip, but again probably wont get concrete answers.
also in this episode we see the first instance of sam being recognized for who he is by a man from tunisia (who im going to consider a character of color tho im not sure if this is considered accurate in the real world) and not recognized by white american men, this happens in episode two as well.
while the shield sort of becomes the super important symbol, we are also shown in this episode that steve has been kind put on a pseudo god-like position. yes, its a joke to ask if hes the moon of all places, but the whole “looking down on us”/”watching over us” feels a lot like the christian capital-G God. he has been put on this kind of pedestal by the people who really didnt know anything about him and also bucky (but hes been hanging by a thread for a while it seems so its a little different) in contrast to sam.
sam has a lot of respect for steve. he calls him courageous, righteous, and hopeful. the best in us because these emotions are supposed to inspire “good works” as it were. sam then states that the world needs new heroes for the current times and that symbols only have meaning because of the people who give them meaning. and upon my rewatch this feels sam want to preserve the meaning that steve, his friend, imbued into the shield but also wants to move forward. i do think that the fact that sam is a black man who is not treated very well by america plays into his decision as well, i also think the fact that we hear the lines from endgame:
- it feels like it belongs to someone else.
-it doesnt.
is important. right now im thinking that the shield is essentially meaningless because steve is gone for all intents and purposes and he dropped it without a second thought. like i get it, in terms of what the show is doing and like i said, how people who dont know steve would probably react but even so many weeks later it sits weird. even the dora milige left the shield behind even though its made of stolen vibranium, cause its just a thing. anyways...
rhodey, after the speech, parrots back at sam that they do live in a different time, but he thinks that this different time does require someone to carry the shield.
then we meet sams sister and his nephews. sam and his sisters relationship does hold a lot of tension between them but theres still so much love there as well. its very normal, reminds me of tension that i feel between myself and some of my family members and that i see between different family members as well.
sarah wilson is a black woman who, like many black women I know, have been holding things together the best she can with (seemingly) not much help. we know that sam left after their father died (i dont remember if their mother is also dead), he couldnt handle it as stated, so he went off and fought. but in being gone he sarah ran the business the best she could. shes also a widow, not sure when that happened but y'know thats there too.
but ii think that how sam feels about his familys home and boat in contrast with how he treated the shield kind of. sam references the boat as their familys legacy (sarah also calls their dad a 'giant' and that not mattering to the bank and probably others) and he doesnt want to let that go no matter what. however both of these are acts of preservation on sams part, just in different ways. he tried to let one go while desperately trying to hold on to the other, one to be put in stasis and one to move forward, grow, passed down ect, ect.
now sam really only tries to get involved with the flag smashers because he theyre super soldiers. and i guess youd call this the inciting incident part of act one.
now the next three episodes are very intertwinded in the plot and what kind of world sam would be becoming captain america in. sam makes an off handed comment that sharon, zemo, and bucky are more worldly than him but thats true. and he does have to...learn, is the best word i have. i mean, the most he can do right now is “make a call” as he puts it which really isnt a lot considering whats been going on.
and to backtrack (sorry if this is all over the place) we do see sam constantly empathizing with the flag smashers and more specifically karli consistently throughout the show. if they werent super soldiers hed not have crossed their path the way that he did. throughout the show, well before episode 4, sam is really focused on like where exactly the super soldiers are coming from, the fact that the flag smashers are stealing money, and food, and medicine he doesnt really care.
when he has his heart to heart with karli the main problem that he has honestly, is the murders (and i do wish that there was distinction made cause that is important, but i know that in show sam probably doesnt know that karli blew up a building with people tied up in it like we do but its important that we know that), when he says that the killings wouldnt make the world better just different along with karli saying “theyre roadblocks on my journey and id kill them again if i had to” (which is 1. very dehumanizing, 2. she says 'my' and not 'our', and 3. she didnt have to kill these low level workers) is more  a restructuring of power instead of dismantling it.
like theres a lot here but my minds not connecting fully.
i know the show isnt over so ii dont really have a conclusion (i honestly havent even said half of what I took notes about) but its like 4 am here and I gotta go to bed. And I dont want this ti be multiple parts right now I just needed to get this outta my system lol.
part 2 whenever
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Hi! I have just learned about the term genderfluid, and I dont really know if thats the explaination for some things I feel - I don‘t know if thats what I am, or if the things I experience really fit this term. I am a female, but as a kid I always had short hair and I only wanted to wear boy clothes. I once put a dress on at like 7 because I wanted to, but it felt like I was trying to pretend to be a girl - even though I was one? I also pretty much only had boy friends, and loved soccer and playing in the dirt. I also liked horses, but not nearly as much as the other girls - when school started most of them had backpacks with ponys on them, mine had fish. xD I started wondering if maybe I was a boy during the ages 6 - 10, because I was asked constantly if I was a boy or a girl. I always said I was a girl, but kids can be mean - the next question would be pull your pants down and prove it, you dont look like it.
I knew that at 12 years old I would have to go to a new school, and the school was pretty known for bullying. Out of fear to be a target I let my hair grow out from age 10 on, and when I started at the new school it was long. I still dressed kinda boyish, wore a lot of plaid shirts, but I also wore pink things sometimes. I actually forgot that I didn‘t grow my hair out willingly, I talked to my mom about it a few months ago, saying that I couldnt remember what changed that I wanted long hair - and she said I didnt actually want to, but that I was scared of the bullying. Ever since that young age of 6 I went through phases questioning if I was a boy, because being a girl just didnt always seem to be right! However I‘m not sure if it didnt feel right just because hobbies and clothes are so strongly gendered, and I just wanted to have short hair, boy clothed and my soccer ball - in peace, without the questions. So being a boy would have been easier in that aspect, because no one would have questioned anything about me in that case. But because I also wasn‘t so sure that I would want to go trough actual transitioning to a boy, I realized that I probably wasn‘t transgender. There were times where I compeletely forgot about this worry of mine, and then suddenly I would look into the mirror, or see or hear something, and a weird feeling would start to creep up again - am I maybe a boy? Now I‘m 20, and I have been pushing these thoughts away for a while. I came to the decision that I dont really care, Im not that bothered by my female body that I feel the need to change everytime I see myself, and I dont feel horrible if someone calls me a she/woman/girl - its just, some days I wish I didnt have breasts because they annoy me, and I would like to be flat so that some of the men shirts I own would look better. However I never feel the need to have a penis, because thats as much as a statement as breasts, I’m fine with my vagina because it isnz showing in any way through clothes. Other days I like showing cleavage, some days getting called a she just leaves a bit of a weird feeling in my stomach. Sometimes I like make up, (Eyeliner most of the time), other days putting lip stick on makes me feel like a clown. These things are present enough in my life that the thoughts about what I am creep up from time to time, but they are not so present that its always on my mind. Sometimes my mannerism arent really female - around my female friends I kinda have always felt like the elephant, not moving as gracefully, not talking as softly, not sitting that woman like - my mannerisms just seem to be more men like then my other female friends, but they are more female then most of my male friends.
Because transitioning fully to a man is not an option for me (waaay to unsure with what I am, and also most of the times I‘m fine with my body I think) I just sort of pushed it all away. I also have never tried to embrace my „male side“ more - I dont want to be judged or to be asked questions if I suddenly show up with a baseball cap and a typical men hoodie. I also dont want everyone to think I am a butch lesbian, because thats the first thing people would think. I feel like if I could wear and behave however I wanted, and no one would care or ask questions, there would be days where I would wear a baseball cap and a hoodie, chewing gum and drinking a beer and just sit on my car, chilling. And there would be days where I would wear a dress, have flowers in my hair and have a picknick or something. So far I have only really lived the female side of this - and with clothing I kinda compromise, if I wear a male sweater I wear tight jeans or make up, to even it out a bit. Enough for people to notice Im probably not a girly girl, but not enough to make them look twice or to question my style or gender or sexuality.
Ive been thinking about embracing the clothes side of men a bit more, because I lost some weight and I‘m a little less curvy then before, so men shirts start to look kinda better then before. However, I am terrified to embrace any of this whole gender fluid stuff - what if I just surpressed being trans or something? Or if I try it out and after that it becomed unbearable to not be able to fully live being genderfluid? Right now I can deal with it - I would wish to embrace it more, but I can mostly handle not being really able to do so. I am afraid that this will change if I get a taste of it. Also I am kinda questioning everything in regard to gender - because if no one had ever commented on me looking like a boy, if not everyone around me had despreatly tried to put me in some box, I dont think I would ever have started to worry about all of this, I would have just been me. So maybe I am just a female but I’m not fitting the stereotypes that are put upon genders? Sexuality wise Im attracted to men, however I believe we fall in love with souls not bodies. Still most of the time I cant see myself being intimate with a women, but then suddenly some days I can - maybe pan? I think this whole gender topic didnt really bother me that much for a while because I was only aware of trans, and that didnt really fit me - so I just left it. Then I heard of non binary, but like I said mostly im fine, also I wouldnt want to be called they/them I think so that didnt really fit either. But now with this genderfluid stuff I heard of something that might fit me, so Im having a slight identity crisis right now to be honest.
I would just absolutely love to hear your thoughts on all of this - would you say gender fluid could be the right description for me? Or something else? Am I just insane? xD Do you know someone who experiences gender fluid similarly to me? Because most despriptions are that the change of gender is extreme and suddenly, and with me its more a way of expressions, clothes and weird feeling.
Sorry for the insanely long text!
It’s ok. Your gender identity is fluid. Non binary meaning you don’t identify as a man or women. Both non binary and genderfluid can coexists and you can identify as both. As for pronouns it’s entirely up to you. Not everyone who is non binary uses they/them pronouns. It’s not a requirement.
It would also seem you hardly have gender dysphoria since most trans people have it. It’s ok to identify as trans without having dysphoria, it’s not a requirement either.
But I do think genderfluid fits very well with what you are feeling. I recommend having a support group in case people are transphobic to you. However, since politics is a bitch, people will side with the transphobes so your only choice is to find solidarity with others who know and understand LGBTQ issues.
Thanks for the ask tho!! ☺️☺️💘💕💞💖💗💓
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
its time you all know the truth (day 6)
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A/N: @obxmermaid​ this is my day 6 this is gonna be a ride to remember and keep in mind that in the last part Draco and YN told their friends about their relationship and swore them to secrecy.
pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
prompt: being asked what you are thankful for during the holiday season (telling the professors at the christmas feast)
tags: none that i can think of at this time.
mentioning @obxmermaid​      &     @sweetness47​
25 days of hogwarts
the owls over and done, you and your friends were relieved, you all felt a sense of accomplishment, meeting once more in the astronomy tower to laugh and goof off. it was also when they (your friends) could see how happy you and Draco make eachother. 
this was the night of the holiday feast. this is the night where no one eats before hand other wise no one eats too much of the wide spread of food at the feast. 
Draco: we should all get going the feast will be starting soon. 
YN: ooops i am supposed to be there already. i have a surprise for you love. dont worry this is a good surprise. ill see you all at the feast. 
you leave in a hurry you head to stand before the professors and staff in the great hall. you enter and the hall is all decorated. 
YN: sorry im late, i was celebrating with my friends. how did they turn out. 
Minerva: see for yourself.
you see her place a stack of certificates on the podium. these were your official you have successfully completed term 1 of tutoring certificates. it was a new thing you and the professors were all trying. as well as the marks of their owls. 
you would be the one to present these during the feast before you ask the students to say what they are thankful for. you didnt want to say anything rash so you were gonna play cool and say the first thing that came to mind. 
minerva: are you prepared for this feast YN. 
YN: professor can i transfigure myself into my outfit so i save time. please. 
minerva nods her head and smiles as she turns a blind eye to you transfiguring into your outfit. Minerva turned around and smiled. 
Minerva: YN you look absolutely radiant. 
YN: thank you professor, i just want this to go well. professor, do you believe in fate?
Minerva: as a practicioner of magic, i have always said to believe anything is possible including fate.
YN: no matter how horribly wrong and against the rules it might be... does that still apply then?
Minerva: yes... but not without consequence. its very hard to say on the matter wihtout knowing the whole story. are you alright YN your shaking. 
You kinda straighten’d up before smiling
YN: im okay its probably some jitters, im a little nervous about speaking before the entire student body. 
Minerva: you will do good up there tonight YN. we are all very proud of you. 
You move away from the professors and head to join the students in the receiving line.
You walk in with your classmates. You sit with your classmates as Dumbledore comes up to speak.
Dumbledore: this first term has been especially trying for most of you but we have a bright mind among us one whose using those gifts to help you all in different ways. She made an impression on me and the other professors. so we call up YN now to present her with a hogwarts coat of arms as the first Magics Education Assistant. Please give her a warm shout of praise and honor for all she has done.
The hall roared with praise as you walked up to the podium and smiled as Dumbledore handed you your certificate and your owls marks.
Dumbledore(to you): well done YN we are so proud of you. Now say a few words and do the rest of your certificates.
You step up to the podium using your wand to make your voice expand through the hall.
Yn: thank you headmaster. I hope I continue to earn this honor in the upcoming years and for all my eternity. This past year and a half have been especially hard for me. As I've had to live on my own away from my parents. They wish me to marry someone I don't love, I am standing before you all today as a sign that your destiny is what you make it to be. I have some certificates here for those that I helped tutor through this first term. These certificates are something new we are trying. All those that I tutored this term please come up and stand in front of me here.
your students lined up in front of you and Draco’s eyes caught your own. 
YN: in these past few weeks ive had the opportunity to get to know each of you and your individual strengths and help each of you realize your potentials. so as each of these lands in your hands please let us hear the roar of applause from the student body as these students are the first to recieve their owls marks as well as the certificates for completeing tutoring term 1.
the student body errupted with cheers as the tutoring students held up their certificates. you step up to the podium once more to start the thankful toasts. 
YN: every year round this time the professors and a few select students say what they are thankful for this year. well i have been asked to start this tradition off this year. im most thankful for the love of my life, my best tutoring student, my faithful friend, most loyal rival, i love you Draco and im so thankful that you are apart of who i am and will continue to be. 
it wasnt till you finished what you said that you realized what just came out of your mouth. draco’s eyes were in shock. you and Draco were taken out of the party and appeared a few seconds later in dumbledores office in front of Dumbledore, flitwick, minerva, and Snape.
Minerva: that was not expected
Snape: mr Malfoy and miss Yn are obviously under some sort of love charm... otherwise there wouldnt be such insubordination.
Flitwick: perhaps there is a logical explanation for this i mean its possible that through their rivalry they developed a bond...
Dumbledore: or they are just in love. as YN confessed on that stage. i could see it in both their eyes as they looked at eachother. it was clear on their faces. they are indeed in love. it has been a long time since ive seen a look like that. perhaps we should let them tell us about how this happened. then we will vote on the matter. children you may approach now.
you and Draco hand in hand approached and sat in the chairs to make yourselves more comfortable for whatever would come next.
Minerva: why dont you both tell us how this came about?
you took the lead on this one. 
YN: well it was the summer of last year we met in Diagon Alley. he was avoiding his parents and their shady business. he asked me for my help so i helped him escape and that was it. we have been together ever since. 
Minerva: and over this almost 1 & a 1/2 years did either of you think to tell anyone. 
YN: many times we wanted to make sure we were gonna last before we started telling people. i didnt want to lie to everyone thats why we had our rivalry so no one would suspect anything. we just wanted to see if we would work before we told anyone or even brought it to you the faculty who guide our education. all we want is to be happy and together we are. 
Draco: had i not run into YN in the alley i wouldnt be with her the way i am today. and yes what we did was wrong, but it doesnt change the way we feel about eachother. 
Yn: please understand that we were afraid of what our relationship would bring upon us if we were discovered. Guess christmas miracles really do come true. We will do whatever you guys wish in order for this not to reflect us passing this year.
The professors just looked at both of you and Dumbledore smiled and approached.
Dumbledore: nothing to be done, both of you will complete your year here and can remain here over Christmas break if you so desire. But apart from this you both have our blessing to be together in the open.
You and Draco stand and exchange a lingering hug, you both stop when you realize that the professors were still starring at you.
Yn: thank you, all of you. This means so much to the both of us.
You and Draco left the office and went to sit in the courtyard hand in hand. The other students just started but you and Draco didn't care, you both sat down on a bench and watched the fresh snow fall.
You both kissed as the snow hit your faces and heard the gasps of happiness as well as shock.
~to be continued~
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