#i wrote that one original thing ages ago and idk what the tag was dhjksdf
aka-indulgence · 3 years
Jewel of jewels
In which the reader (if you choose to step into the self-insert shoes) gets abducted by a dragon.
I’m. I’m just a fan of “dragon steals you to make you part of his treasure hoard” idea sfhjsdks
(Male dragon, female reader)
AKA the rare original idea (meaning: not fandom related, also actually not rare because I think about original ideas too but this is one time I have the motivation to actually write it)
The ground... it feels hard. Your body aches a little. You groan a little as you touch your back. And is that rock under you?
You open your eyes a little, slowly becoming as wide as saucers as you take in the environment around you. Quickly, you push yourself off the ground to look, ignoring the slight scratches on your hands as they push against small pebbles.
You’re... in a cave?
It’s enormous, giant stalagmites and stalactites in the distance. Somehow, the cave seems to be illuminated by something, and it feels warm in here.
You move again, startling when you knock into something, turning to see... coins?
Gold coins littered around you, the emblem on them unfamiliar to you. You even see some other shiny things in the scarce piles around you (that no doubt had more value than your home), necklaces, rings...?
You stand up, walking towards the light source, where the ceilings are patterned with golden shimmering... only to immediately stumble, falling forwards on your hands. You were on the ledge, high above the ground of the cavern you see, but also:
The cave was brimming with gold, jewels, ornaments- treasure far grander than you could’ve ever imagined. There were mountains of coins, some a different color. You can see the twinkling of different jewels, red, green, blue, even one that seemed to have the colors of the rainbow.
You could barely see the cavern floors, that’s how much treasure you saw.
“W... what?” you say, your echo fading away, your voice too small to fill the cave- the size of which made you goosebump. “Where...? How? Why?”
You step back, your head spinning. You look behind, and it seems this ledge is jutting out of the cave walls- there’s nowhere to go.
“Why.... am I here...?” you say, your voice small. You can’t seem to remember anything-
You scream, falling on your back. The voice was so immense, it felt as if the cave shook with it. You could feel it vibrating through the ground as something warm washed over you.
You turn to look- and what you saw struck such fear into your heart that any sound you would’ve made froze.
Near the back of the ledge, you were staring into large amber and red eyes, its gaze piercing you.
“You seem speechless, my dear.”
He had dark scales, armored plating covering his body. It shimmered slightly, reflecting the gold. You were as tall as his snout, and his blades for teeth were as big as your torso. He had ridged, wavy horns that pointed backwards from his head. Huge folded wings. You can’t see exactly how large his body was (you were too petrified to even think of going near the ledge to check), but you could see his forked tail in the distance, swishing back and forth almost playfully like a snake, the sound of gentle whipping in the air.
You think it was safe to say he’s giant.
The dragon chuckles, the sound like a rumbling volcano.
“Do you like what you see, princess?”
You finally find the urgency to move again when the dragon brings his head closer to you, the small movement making the earth shake.
You shuffle backwards as fast as you could, sentences failing to form.
“Wh-what, who?!”
Your fingers feel cold, your face feels cold. You scream again when something big thuds behind you, the dragon having put his claws behind you, stopping you from moving any further.
The dragon shook his head. You could see his horrid teeth forming a menacing grin. “I can see you are frightened, poor little thing. To answer your question, I am a dragon, and I’ve brought you to my lair. Don’t you remember the mountains...?”
The mountains?
The mountains...
It was a nice sunny day. Clouds dotting the skies.
A group of villagers decided to search for the “Dragon’s Hoard”, a legend no doubt been spoken about countless time, not just in your village. There were rumors that one of legends was in a mountain near the village. A foolish knight had come and gathered a group of men to go with him on this quest, including someone you knew.
“No, please, just come back home!”
Your childhood friend, bless his soul, was always the one to look for adventure, no matter what sort of trouble he might’ve gotten into. It was almost like he was testing the reaper himself. Dragon or no dragon, you knew the quest was too dangerous even for knights. If there was no dragon, the mountain will surely prove to be too grueling for everyone involved. Yes, the people of your village have scaled it... but never past a point.
“This could be big for us! We’ll no longer be a simple village, we’ll be richer than kings and queens, haha!”
“That won’t happen if you lose your life! Please just come home! If it truly is a dragon’s hoard, you surely won’t live long enough for the treasure to matter!”
Despite your own words, you followed them just past the point your people usually ventured. The knight had found you annoying, evidently, and while the people from your village defended you, they also insisted on pressing on.
“Then what are you going to do about the dragon, Mr. Knight? Are you going to vanquish it with your needle?”
“Peasant woman, you don’t know how us knights have been trained. We know how to kill an oversized beast.”
And then the unthinkable happened.
A large shadow had emerged from behind the mountain. No one realized what it was until it was too late.
“D... DRAGON-!!”
No one even had the time to prepare. In the moment a village man shouted the word, he was upon you. A roar that cracked the skies made everyone freeze in their spots, and then...
And then all you could remember was screaming, as the ground receded further and further away from you as you were taken ever higher.
The... the dragon... he took you.
“Ah. So you do remember me after all.”
The dragon’s slit pupils tightened a bit, locking onto the small movement of you bringing your knees closer to your chest, as you try to shrink as best you could.
“W... why...” your voice felt quieter than a whisper after the dragon spoke. “Why have you brought me here, oh great dragon?”
The dragon made a sort of growling sound- if you thought his voice shook you, the sounds coming from deep in his throat was an earthquake. He blows a small ring of smoke around you.
“I know you have heard dragon stories, little one.” the dragon hummed. “Surely, you know the one where the dragon keeps the princess in the tower...?”
You have. But that doesn’t explain anything to you.
“Yes... but I-I’m not a princess...”
You see more of his white teeth exposed. Is that... a smirk?
“Oh my dear, did something happen to you while you were asleep? First you forget who I am, the next you don’t realize you’re a princess... whatever am I to do with a cute little thing like you?”
“Y-you must be mistaken!” You try to explain. “You’ve mistaken me for someone else. I-I’m not a princess. I live in a village near the mountain. I’m not the princess you seek, I’m sorry...”
The dragon seems to pause for a moment, as if taking in the information.
Oh no... have you disappointed him with the truth-?
“You are the one who’s mistaken, princess.” The dragon purrs. It sounded like he... seems to have taken a liking to you? “Aren’t princesses beautiful women who take your breath away? You cannot lie to me in the hopes of being released.”
“I-I’m not royalty, I don’t have a crown-!”
“I care not for a crown on your head, little pet.” the dragon scoffs. “I have countless of crowns and medals and gold more than any human can fathom. If I wanted a crown, i would take the crown, not the human who owns it.”
“S... so why take... me?” You look up at the dragon helplessly, the fear lingering but confusion clouds your mind.
The dragon laughs, a low, rolling rumble.
“My dear. As a dragon, I have a fondness for treasures... everything that’s beautiful. So beautiful that it corrupts weak minds with greed... I am that greed. When I see something precious, I take it here, to my hoard. And you, princess... what are princesses but someone precious, someone more precious than even the most valuable jewel...?”
You squeak, scrambling away as the dragon turns his claws, moving them as if to cup you. You hear it again- that growling sound. You see his mouth stretching into another smile.
“I have seen many humans seek my hoard. None have ever come close. Even when there was only but a small hill of gold, I witnessed kings attempt to find my treasure trove. Anyone that came close, I burned to nothing but ashes. Few I let survive to tell the tale. There are others like me who have done the same, making those poor humans confused with many tales of dragons, where you can’t tell which is real and which was fabricated...”
The dragon turns his head, bringing one eye closer to you, as it looked like he was drinking your image.
“But I. I am luckier than the others.” The dragon said. “None of them have the fortune of finding such a precious little thing like you.”
The dragon’s claws twitched closer to you. You can’t move, you can’t look away from the dragon’s eye.
“I see people. I hear people who come for my treasures. And I saw you. Sweet little thing. You didn’t want treasure. You only wanted everyone to be safe... you knew how deadly this ‘adventure’ would be. I saw how tired you were... yet you followed those men, same as the others- unprepared for a dragon.
As soon as I saw you, I knew you had to be mine, and mine alone. Humans don’t know how to take care of a treasure like a dragon does. So I came for you. I came to claim the precious gem that had unwittingly wandered into my domain.”
Your breaths were short. You swallowed thickly as it felt like your body was rooted to the ground.
You didn’t want to know, yet the question tumbled out of your mouth anyway.
“Wh... what do you intend to do with me, dragon..?”
The dragon shows off his mighty teeth again. You could almost see your face reflected in a tooth.
“As I do with the rest of my treasures, love.”
You shrieked as the dragon’s claws fell on top of you, digging into the ground like prison bars as you’re caged in. The dragon’s eye peers in, showering you in an ominous, red glow.
“You belong to me now, little one. I don’t intend on ever letting go of my precious treasures. And you, my dear... you are my most prized possession.”
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