#i: rand x selene
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@fclieadeuxx sent: 𝔖𝔬𝔯𝔯𝔶, ℑ 𝔡𝔦𝔡𝔫'𝔱 𝔪𝔢𝔞𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔯𝔲𝔭𝔱
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               ˜”*°•.    Wrong  ever  since  the  beginning  had  they  been  with  Selene  -  yet  there  they  were,  pulling each  other  like  a  magnet  and  burning  in  the  wildest  of  fires .  To  remember  or  to  forget  -  two  minds  desperately  craving  another  love .   Even  after  all  these  months ,  Egwene’s  face  impossible  to  erase .  He  missed  her .  He  missed  the  memories  they’d  spent  together ,  the  happy  and  the  sad   - and  he  wanted  them  back .  Their  time  feeling  so  little  out  of  a  sudden ,  so  inadequate  -  the  dreams  he’d  once  had  for  them  ?  now  foolish ,  childish ,  naïve .  It  was  fine ,  though.   Egwene  was  in  the  White  Tower  training  to  be  an  Aes  Sedai  like  she’d  always  wanted .  She  was  happy.  She  was  safe .  She  had  to  be . 
The  view  from  the  mountains  had  always  soothed  him .  Seeing  the  world  from  such  height  making  everything  look  simpler ,  controllable .   The  voice  inside  his  head  for  once  silenced .  It  was  nice .  Forgetting  about  the  countdown  towards  insanity  -  forgetting  that  Selene  was  temporal  too .  That  sooner  or  later  this  curse  inside  of  him  would  have  him  walking  as  far  away  from  this  land  as  possible .  He’d  already  lost  control  once  -  and  hurting  Selene  ?  he  would  never  forgive  himself .
Still,  when he saw her , he offered a small smile .  ❝ You  didn’t . ❞  Came  the  assurance .   ❝ Here .  Take  a  seat  if  you  want . ❞ 
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reformedmoth · 1 year
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Rand & Moiraine 2x04, Rand & Selene 2x02
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my-badships · 1 year
Maybe it was obvious and I'm the last to notice but
I saw Rand and Selene on the mountain and thought, "oh, contrast to him and Egwene in S1, that's interesting."
but I'm finally looking at that cabin and I think it's just straight up the one from Rand's dream in the finale.
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If not exactly then pretty close.
That's fucked up. I love it.
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asha-mage · 11 months
17, 23, 49! Gratz on finishing the next chapter of Sworn btw!
[Send me a number and I'll answer your fanfic related questions!]
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
This is hard to answer because my first response to most new media is 'a WoT AU would make this better'. It is my Forever Fandom.
That said, to delve into the Deep Cut Zone for a moment (and maybe expose myself as utter nerd), I got pretty far into an outline for a Danganronpa X WoT crossover where pre-War of Power versions of the Forsaken + Rand and Moiraine where locked up to play the Killing Game together. The idea was to show off the flaws that led to the Forsaken falling to the Shadow, and examine the disparity between where they started/where they ended up/what drives them. I'd like to say more but I've always vaguely kept the idea of doing it around in the back of my head, and its' the kind of thing can't be spoiled and still be good.
For a non WoT contender? I have the first two chapters of a Adam Taurus/Jaune Arc fic written out that I want to go back to one day. Basically a 'they get stranded alone in the north of Anima and have to work together to survive' type thing that is meant to get into a lot of what makes the two characters tick. Love me a good Dark Knight/Paladin combo. It would have a potential audience of like, four people, but I still might go back to it one day if I get back into RWBY again.
23 - What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
This will come as a shock to absolutely no one who knows me but- ABO. I find ABO fascinating less for horny reasons and more for the potential it has to impact world building, character relationships, and general societal fuckery in interesting ways ways. A good example is WoT- one day I really want to write a ABO that would explore the weird intricate of Omega Rand for example, and how that effects the already profound Gender Fuckery of WoT.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Heh. I should have known this was coming when I posted about finishing the Sworn Chapter 15 rough. Have this preview:
Rand resisted the urge to shiver at the sound of dead grass and fallen leaves crunching underfoot. So many layers of it had fallen and turned to mulch and fallen again that it made a thick blanket of under brush through which only peaks of strangely veined marble where visible, at least on the outer edges of the grounds. Even with his height, the grass rose well past his knees out here, and would likely grow taller and thicker, as spring turned to summer. It was late in the evening he thought, but it was hard to tell in this place. The trees made a thick canopy over most of the grounds, some towering higher than the highest oaks Rand ever seen in the Waterwood. That canopy let in only thin rays of light that allowed a vague sense of the time of day. He had slept more he knew, after they had settled with a fire in the main hall, out the way of the strange Aes Sedai, but how long before he had awoken he wasn’t sure. He hadn’t dreamed again, or if he had, he didn’t remember anything beyond unsettled lurching darkness. He would have stayed in the hall still, to keep watch over Mat, waiting for him to awaken, but Loial and Selene between them had managed to convince him that he wasn’t helping by looming. Stalking about Loial had called it, though Rand hadn’t agreed with that assessment. Still he had needed some fresh air, so he had come out here, to the edge to wander about the manor grounds and try to avoid brooding over Mat’s fate. It had been that or submit to a lecture from Loial about how beautifully preserved the ruins where as he made notes in his little book. Mat will be fine. Rand told himself firmly. The Aes Sedai had said as much as she worked her healing over him and they could not lie. If you believe that- A voice began in the back of his head, the one that sounded like Moiraine. Rand crushed it ruthlessly. Moiraine was wrong. It was that simple. It had to be that simple. He was not the Dragon.
More then a few lines. I hope that's okay 😉.
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hazelcephalopod · 3 years
The Great Hunt Ch 25-26
Arrivals and reunions while reluctantly and hilariously pulled into the various plots of the local nobles.
Disclaimer: this is my first read thru but I’ve watched all of the show thus far and been spoiled on some book things. So… I’m going to lean into that. Enjoy figuring out what I know, and what I think I know, and what I just don’t. Also s/x I add commentary when I edit.
Spoilers for the first and second book and all of season 1 under the cut. Potential spoilers for later books -idk if they’re light spoilers or not.
Ch 25: Cairhien
Sun on the horizon
POV Rand
Ah yes. He’s traveling with 50 Cairhienin soldiers to a city. Secretly has the horn. Hurin and Loial are there. Selene split (shame /s). He’s basically just accepted it’s easier to let everyone assume he’s a lord. He doesn’t tell them he is, they assume and at this point, that might as well happen. Less weird that his past couple (weeks? Days) anyway. (I soon learn they have intact arrived and all but entrees the city)
They crossed a bridge at Gaelin -no idea what that is- and Rand feels like the soldiers are guards. Good or bad (I soon learn it bothers Rand at least. But not Hurin and Loial. But honestly? Rand may be losing his sanity but I dunno if I trust Hurins judgement -he’s just placed all the choice making on Rand whose, very weird and only just not a child. And Loial seems confused by humans so I don’t really trust his either.)
…I do like Hurin but I have to say it.
South again!
Oh they are at the city. It is called Cairhien which is kinda confusing.
Ah. Foregate is literally just the name of part of the city. Apparently the city is basically an old city and what where once surrounding markets villages all grown and mashed together.
Rand, seeing this bustling, dirty, chaos of a city district ‘Neat!’ While asshole escort sneers in disdain
So apparently a lot of farmers and people around the Spine of the World moved here after the Aiel War. And presumably if this soldier is anything to go by some people are still irritated they never left (I soon learn it’s more than just because it crowds the city)
Also Cairhien is still in heavy denial about, how they lost the Aiel War (spoiler: extra funny considering how the Aiel feel about that)
Tbf it also caused a great diminishment in food production in Cairhien soo… pretty bad for them
They’ve run into a parade with giant puppets?
Puppets include. Various royalty(?). A lion with wings. A two headed goat breathing fire. A half cat half eagle. A bears head on a man’s body (probably a depiction of a Trolloc)
Galldrian, the king -also the asshole whose framing Capt Domon- clearly understands the philosophy of “Bread and circuses” then. Because apparently these sorts of parades are just an everyday thing here to keep the people placated. He is also having grown barged in from other kingdoms. Because Cairhien isn’t growing enough food itself
They also have Fireworks, done by a group called the Illuminators. Who have a chapterhouse in the city and operate primarily in Tanchino
Yea I don’t think you should leave rn for sure. One way or another it would get complicated
Now they’ve entered “Cairhien proper” which is basically the opposite of the Foregates chaos. All clean and orderly and not cramped.
They have those chairs people are carried around in. Sedan chairs.
Oh interesting. Bright colors for the lower class and dull and dark for the upper class. Interesting to see that here
“The Topless Towers of Cairhien.” -Loial when they see these tall towers which seem to be constantly under construction. And that really is a name isn’t it? Also, they are being rebuilt from when “…the towers burned, and cracked, and fell.” When the Aiel took Cairhien (I feel compelled to remind that this book was published in 1990)
No Ogier working on them today tho. They were last time Loial came thru
Apparently Cairhien don’t like embellishments. At least on their buildings. But the upper class doesn’t seem interested in it for their clothes either.
Loial doesn’t think Ogier would enjoy working here
The head soldier escort, Tavolin, just met with some new soldier -Asan Sandair- and the two of them stared at the large chest Loial has under a blanket and whispered. So… yea I think everyone knows something is up with that.
…also Asan is now announcing Rand as a Lord and shit. Lmao “House al’Thor”. Sure.
Rand just straight up asking for a good inn in the Forgate. Not where they are now. No. The lower class chaos town. I love him. Hurin is scandalized.
Oh they “have to” report back to Asan where they are staying tomorrow.
Hun. You adorable woolhead. You can’t opt of of Daes Dae’mar much less if you are masquerading as a lord in Cairhien (Editors note: to his credit he doesn’t argue he isn’t playing the Great Game. This time at least… just wait for it tho.)
"I need to find a young woman from Cairhien. The Lady Selene. She is my age, and beautiful. I don't know her House.” -Rand to Asan, a probably person of some rank. Ya know. Just the woman he was traveling with and seemed to allow everyone to believe was his wife or something.
Of course they do. They probably have little else to do but play make believe all the time (I known it’s dangerous politics but that is all made up)
Rand don’t worry. The best way to play such games is to leave everyone else absolutely confused about you. And there is little chance you are capable of any less without trying. (Imo) (probably wouldn’t change if he was trying)
Oh he’s feeling watched again. Seems like that’s bad
Lmao. I hope changing coats helps but I sincerely doubt they won’t recognize you despite it
…honestly they’ll think he’s trying to fit in because his current coat is too fancy here
Inn found: The Defender of the Dragonwall. Unsure where in the city. And the sign has someone about to kill an -ginger- Aiel. So… yea
Yes tall red headed young man staying at the inn I’m with that sign. I’m sure the looks you’re getting have most to do about the game and not anything else that has happened the past 20 years or so
…it’s the denial right? Probably that and his just being oblivious (I soon gain for evidence for both)
Based on the innkeepers dresses I’m guessing it’s the inner city still then. Which makes since cuz Hurin chose the inn.
Innkeeper: Cuale.
“He thought I was Aiel.” -(Rand) thinking to himself when he realizes why people are being weird when they see his group. Or one reason why
Ohh kiddo… I guess it’s the best plan you have. (Mainly I have doubt Selene is there but who fucking knows? He didn’t ask about her houses supposed symbol)
They gave him a very fancy room. But I honestly can’t remember if they have any money. I hope so
Rand’s going back to the Foregate because he doesn’t like how rigid and sad it is here. Loial is going to guard the horn and read. Partly to avoid other potential Ogier so they don’t ask him questions. Because he’s not really supposed to have left home yet
Hurin is going to stay and have a drink because it’s too rough for him in the Foregate. He’s also warned Rand that people in the Foregate could still be playing Daes Dae’mar.
Lol. Rand is just worried about loosing his cool shepherd cred with his friends. Not what might happen if he’s found to be seemingly lying about being a lord. No. Just ‘Perrin and Mat while make fun of me if they see this :(‘
He’s gotten three invitations form Noble houses thus far. Lol.
And now he’s declaring he’s not playing Daes Dae’mar. Which is hilarious. Yes. You are. Not playing is still playing. Thnx for playing (I soon learn Hurin agrees. And he tells Rand as much) (Editor’s note. Kinda hope he just keeps doing this shit. Because it really funny. Especially if people start “making moves” against him or whatever)
He’s so dramatic about it too. Telling everyone in the inn and throwing all the letters in the fire in front of them.
He found like a Shakespearean theatre building while wandering around the Foregate believing he fits in more or less
Not dead. According to Moiriane.
Stage magicians?! Pretending to be Aes Sedai?
Is it Thom? Some gleeman has caught his ear (I soon learn it is!)
He has at least two copper then
Yup go to the mysterious back door Rand. Just straight there. (Genuinely think he should btw. Thom said too. He’s probably mostly trustworthy)
Yup. I’m guessing that fighting the Fade left him wounded. B/c that looked like a bad fight
The books title!
There’s The Karaethon Cycle mentioned again.
Fade was more interested in Rand and Mat than Thom. Says Thom at least.
Thom is disappointed Moiraine isn’t there. Fair
"So it was Mat or Perrin she was after. I won't ask which. They were good boys, and I don't want to know." -Thom to Rand when he does not see the others. & “Rand shifted uneasily…”
Lol. Rand just let’s people have their assumptions at this point.
Thom wants his shit back tho
Kinda sad Rand won’t have his lil flute anymore (I later learn that it will be ok. But still a bit sad)
Sir I am happy to say you are wrong about good Capt Domon. His crew? Perhaps not, some of them probably spilled. The cap is solid tho
Thom has told Rand to meet him at-
Inn: The Bunch of Grapes, in Jangai Gate
He wants his shit back a lot
Ch 26: Discord
POV Rand
He is! It is great!
The fact that Loial is basically a runaway teenager who is mainly worried about going back home because he’s may be in big trouble
Oh and Rand just telling Loial he can just come home to Emonds Field and live there instead -if he gets exiled.
Pretty sure Ogier have to live at steddings for some as of yet revealed reason hey there’s the stedding where that Hawkwing statue was! Don’t think Rand knows about that tho. Any of that
Rand just really wants Loial to meet -his one of many dads- Thom.
… I just can bring my self to be mad for Loial tho. Which is probably for the best (tbc Loial does not want to go. And Rand is very much somehow making him)
Rand is just acting… idk, so excited as to be interpreted by me as manic (editors note: he could just be happy to see Thom. But s/x hard to tell with Rand)
They found the inn
Someone named Dena will let them wait for Thom in his room. ???
Rand still hasn’t gotten a new coat. Pretty sure the pattern won my let him at this point.
Dena is the woman in her 20’s sharing a room with Thom. Met while juggling six balls at once. So she must be cool
"Thom always moans about losing the best flute and the best harp he ever had. You would think he was a court-bard, the way he carries on.” -Dena.
Dena wants to the the first woman gleeman. Which, good for her. Cool. I hope she succeeds.
She also wants to see the whole world. I hope she gets to.
Apparently Sea Folk like gleeman too (honestly so far everyone does)
It is indeed a lot of chests for travelers yea
… no. Plz no. (Editors note: dreaded it from the moment it was revealed they were sharing the room)
I’m not writing that. No
I think that’s called an acting troupe for historical scenes. And Thoms rage that this one exists is pretty funny tbh
Kn*ves?! She’s doing either knife throwing or stabbing. Or both
At least Thom respects her skill.
… just let her be a gleeman. Ffs… (Thom wants her to be a court bard. So, there’s that)
Aaaand he just told Thom he has the horn in this inn room. At least Dena left before
Do Ogier usually have beards?
Thom does not believe him. B/c that is ridiculous
Has become convinced Rand has the Horn.
Thom wants no part in this
Rand asked about books with The Karaethon Cycle. And Thom gave just the longest reply. Yes there are books in libraries in the Old Tongue and translated
And tells him a particularly difficult part to translate- “Twice and twice shall he be marked, // twice to live, and twice to die. // Once the heron, to set his path. // Twice the heron, to name him true. // Once the Dragon, for remembrance lost. // Twice the Dragon, for the price he must pay.” & “Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed. // Once for mourning, once for birth. // Red on black, the Dragon's blood stains the rock of Shayol Ghul. // In the Pit of Doom shall his blood free men from the Shadow.”
Rand bud. You are just so sus. Sending Loial away. Asking about the Cycle. Insisting you won’t allow the Aes Sedai to use you as a False Dragon or control you. And pretty sure Thom thinks you are sus too at this point (I soon learn Rand is somewhat aware of this)
“For a time, boy, I thought your were the one Moiraine wanted…” -Thom.
Also that at least is some decent advice/support. ‘Not a man’s fault if he can channel, just a thing that happens to him like falling ill’
Yup. Thoms nephew could channel and the Reds gentled him and he died. “He just gave up wanting to live. . . .” -Thom
B/c you’re the Dragon kiddo!
Owyn could channel for three years before he was found by the Reds. He only acted odd in the last year. And, according to Thom, he only channeled when he had to to protect his village
Noo. In love with Dena? Really?
Well… Thom said he wouldn’t go with Rand to help with the Horn. Asked for “a clean break” and gave him his spare flute. Doesn’t want to deal with all the Darkfriends and Shadowspawn and shit. So that’s disappointing. Kinda (editors note: I’m not even that mad at Thom. Like. I get it. He doesn’t want to get dragged that in and die or have to watch Rand die. Or learn what he fears befell the others)
Very sad for Rand certainly
POV change! Thom?!
Innkeeper: Zera (of Grapes)
Lol. Thom didn’t even realize Rand was dressed like a lord until Zera pointed it out to warn him not to go playing Daes Dae’mar
…which probably just means he’s all the more likely to take it up
Oh! Apparently Thom *used* to play
According to Zera the game has become quite dangerous in Cairhien unlike Caemlyn. They are doing murder now. (Doubt they weren’t always doing some of these tho)
He hasn’t played in ~20 years
Plz do the opposite of everything she is saying Thom
So Thom has been playing for lords and such. Going to play for a Lady Arilyn and guests that night
And again he once thought Rand could channel (lol)
“He is out of it… and so am I.” -Thom about he and Rand playing the game. And probably other things but probably primarily Daes Dae’mar. Right?
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marvellfashion · 4 years
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Here is a collection of links with the characters that have appeared on edits! 
Abigail Brand
Agatha Harkness
Alison Blair
Amadeus Cho
Amelia Voght
America Chavez
Ami Han 
Amka Aliyak
Angelica Jones
Anna Marie
Anya Corazon  
Ava Ayala
Avril Kincaid
Ben Grimm
Ben Riley
Betsy Braddock
Billy Kaplan 
Blackagar Boltagon
Bob Reynolds
Bobbi Morse
Bobby Drake 
Brian Braddock
Bruce Banner 
Bucky Barnes
Carol Danvers
Cassandra Web 
Charles Xavier 
Chase Stein 
Cindy Moon 
Clint Barton 
Daimon Hellstrom 
Daken Akihiro
Dani Moonstar 
Danny Rand
David Alleyne 
Dia Sloane
Doreen Green
Eden Fesi
Eddie Brock
Elektra Natchios
Elizabeth Twoyoungmen
Ellie Wilson 
Elsa Bloodstone
Emma Frost
Eric Brooks 
Felicia Hardy
Flash Thompson
Frank Castle
Gabby Kinney 
Gaveendra Seven 
Gert Yorkes
Greer Grant
Gwen Stacy
Gwendolyn Pool 
Illyana Rasputin 
Hank McCoy
Heather Douglas
Hobie Brown 
Hope Summers 
Jacques Duquesne
James Rhodes
Jane Foster
Janet Van Dyne
Jean Grey
Jean-Paul Beaubier 
Jeanne-Marie Beaubier 
Jennifer Kale
Jennifer Takeda
Jennifer Walters
Jericho Drumm
Jessan Hoan
Jessica Drew
Jessica Jones
Jhonny Storm
Joanna Cargill
Joaquin Torres
Jocasta Pym
Jubilation Lee
Julia Carpenter 
Julio Richter
Kamala Khan
Karl Morgenthau
Karolina Dean
Kate Bishop
Kingo Sunen
Kitty Pryde
Kurt Wagner
Laura Kinney
Leiko Wu 
Lily Cromwell
Logan Howlett
Loki Laufeyson
Lorna Dane
Lucas Bishop
Luke Cage
Lunella Lafayette
Madam Slay
Madelyne Pryor
Marc Spector
Mary Jane Watson
Matt Murdock
Maximus Boltagon
May Parker 
Maya Lopez
Medusalith Amaquelin 
Megan Gwynn
Meggan Braddock 
Miguel O’Hara
Miles Morales
Misty Knight
Molly Hayes 
Monica Rambeau
Moon Dragon
Morgan Le Fay
Nadia Van Dyne
Namor Mckenzie
Natasha Romanoff
Nathan Summers 
Neena Thurman
Nico Minoru
Odin Borson
Ororo Munroe
Oubliette Midas
Patsy Walker 
Pearl Pangan
Pepper Potts
Peter Parker
Peter Quill
Peter Rasputin 
Pietro Maximoff
Princess Fen
Rachel Grey 
Radha Dastoor
Raven Darkholme
Reed Richards
Remy LeBeau 
Richard Rider
Ripley Ryan 
Riri Williams
Roberto Da Costa 
Sam Alexander
Sam Wilson
Satana Hellstrom
Saya Ishii
Scott Summers
Sebastian Shaw
Sharon Carter
Shaylee Moonpeddle
Silver Fox
Silvija Sablinova
Simon Williams
Stephen Strange
Steve Rogers
Sue Storm 
Tabitha Smith
Takeshi Matsuya 
Tandy Bowen
Tania Toomes
Teddy Altman 
Theresa Cassidy 
Tommy Shepherd
Tony Stark
Trevor Hawkins
Tyrone Johnson
Victor Von Doom
Viv Vision
Wade Wilson
Wanda Maximoff
Warda Wilson 
Warren Worthington III
Xi’an Coy Manh
Yelena Belova
Yuriko Oyama
Zebediah Killgrave
Zelma Stanton
Zoe Laveau
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wot-tidbits · 6 years
Review WOT characters like amazon products.
Elaida: installation messy. Performance erratic and incompatible with some programs. Removal required near reboot of entire system. 1 Star. Would not recommend.
Rand: I ordered a new one but this is clearly a refurbished piece. Contemplating putting it back in the box for a return.
Perrin: slow moving but gets the job done. Doesn't move at all until paired with the Faile update. Until update is found seems like it is just spinning its wheels. Once done however, works like a dream especially while in sleep mode!
Mat: This pet was not trained as advertised. It never did what I wanted it to when I wanted it to. It was stubborn to a fault and always managed to get into everything it shouldn’t have. I swear it was following someone else’s instructions in a language no one else could understand. It is always slipping its leash and seems to be the object of constant animal attacks at the park. I am sure it is blind chance the blasted thing always seems to come out on top, but in the oddest and most embarrassing ways. I’d send it back but somehow it became my daughter’s favorite.
Androl- Who ordered this? Not me! I’ve been ordering characters from this series for YEARS and bam, suddenly this thing is shoved up my flaming rear. Since I have no idea where this thing came from I demand a full refund. 1 Sta 
Leane: Fab service. My model broke, it just wouldn't power up so they sent me a newer looking more attractive upgrade. Doesn't hold as much power as the old one but improved appearance makes up for tha 
Nynaeve: I have a love/hate relationship with this product. I got it based on the specs and was under the impression it was one of the most powerful to be produced in years. Well I'm here to tell you, it is- if you yell at it and tell it you're going to destroy similar products from the same manufacturer. I've never seen more raw power! Now, if there was only a fix so I didn't have to piss the poor thing off every time I need something repaired!
Vanin : do not be deceived by the advertising photos. This item looks like 10 pounds of crap stuffed into a 5 pound sack. Works surprisingly well.
Balthamel/Aran’gar/Halima: the labels on the product describe the total opposite of what’s actually inside!
Seanchan: Caution - avoid this company at all costs! You cannot unsubscribe. Even after YEARS of disuse they will keep sending free “upgrades” that disrupt the whole system.
Olver: If I could give less than one star for appearance I would. For its release date one of the ugliest products on the market today. Perfect for those with horses, snakes and foxes. Works especially well with women that have, erm, larger cup sizes. Despite the look of the product will totally redeem itself in the end.
Cadsuane: I was so pumped to find this model as I was assured by multiple vendors it had been discontinued. And it came with all the original accessories! Of course it is a powerhouse. Solved all my pest problems AND taught me which fork to use at the dinner party. You can’t beat the classics.
Aviendha: Caution - as abrasive as advertised!
 Bela: At first glance product seems to move slowly but can move quickly when needed. Grows on you because somehow its always in the right place at the right time.
Aginor: This surprisingly flimsy device broke down repeatedly and soon became inoperable, to my great disappointment. But the products I created with it are utterly unique, multi-purpose, and far more durable; I've enjoyed them for many years.
Couladin: cheap Chinese knock-off. 0 stars.
Egwene: Highly creative problem solver. Using it I was able to come up with unique solutions that many have declared long lost. Highly flexible and able to defeat many different forms of malware. I'd give it 5 stars except that it has a strange affinity for the deeply flawed Gawyn program. 4.5 stars.
Valan Luca: As advertised, this product took care of ALL my marketing needs. It designed and printed the most colorful business cards and brochures, and created the most colorful and flashy website for my home-based business than I could have hoped for. The only downsides are that the Valan Luca seems to only use the very brightest colors, it’s a little hard to control, I can’t figure out how to turn the volume down, and I still can’t find the off switch.
4/5 stars
Dark One: This thing is packaged so tight I couldnt break it free for whole 7 days. Thats it I'm returning it whatever hole it came out of.
Semirhage: I read all of the reviews hyping this model up. Dangerous, mysterious. When it finally arrived, an utter disappointment, fell over almost immediately. Spent a couple of hours reading my copy of 50 Shades of grey, then stopped working permanently.
Alviarin: Worked great at first, helped me realize all my ambitions, then BAM! Stabbed me right in the back!!! To the Pit of Doom with it 0 stars.
Lan and/or Rhuarc: What a solid piece of machinery. The reliability of this product is bar none. Tough as nails and never lets you down. Will dutifully complete all tasks asked of it - and more. I swear this thing could survive a category 5 hurricane. There's a reason why those familiar with this brand are die hard loyalists. 5 stars!!
Selene: Tall beautiful pleasure doll. It has a bubble of evil in it so it is not advised to slide your tubesteak inside the stimulated orfice. Sorry a bit x-rated I know.... it's selene for crying out loud! -12 millon stars
Padan Fain: Warning! This “anti-virus” software is nothing but a parasite! Sure it removed all the spyware and malware from my computer. But then it infected the computer with a different virus that’s equally destructive. This product should NOT be on the market! However, I’ve heard that some customers have found a little known workaround that causes existing viruses and the Padan Fain to cancel each other out.
I still give it 0 stars!
Moiraine: This product is amazing! When it first arrived, the instructions were a little vague, and it was constantly making me feel stupid, but pretty soon it proved time and again to be a real life saver! I was so upset because I lost it for what seemed like forever, but it finally turned up once I stopped looking for it. Even though it had been constantly running for years, it still had enough power to come through when I really needed it. 5 stars all the way!
Demandred: product arrived late and was defective. I suspect counterfeit
Lan: arrived unexpectedly, sleek and very sharp with a hint of something ancient . Definitely battle ready. I have a feeling it wants to die but is just so well put together that nothing can kill it. 10/10 would recommend, everyone needs one of these in their lives.
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my-badships · 1 year
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hazelcephalopod · 3 years
The Great Hunt Ch 21-22
Inns and Lore! A far more pleasant experience with some allies gained and others lost.
Disclaimer: this is my first read thru but I’ve watched all of the show thus far and been spoiled on some book things. So… I’m going to lean into that. Enjoy figuring out what I know, and what I think I know, and what I just don’t. Also s/x I add commentary when I edit.
Spoilers for the first and second book and all of season 1 under the cut. Potential spoilers for later books -idk if they’re light spoilers or not.
21: The Nine Rings
That’s the name of the inn too
POV Rand
Inn chapter?! Why am I excited for this? (Editors note. They barely leave the inn. It’s kinda awesome!)
Oh great. Soldiers
Probably was
Inkeeper: Maglin Madwen
Lol. Chill man!
Technically true. The found it already
Her husband was an asshole. Apparently they are in Cairhien now? (Editors note. Or very close because they still talk as if they are going there. Maybe it’s also the name of the capital?)
Cairhienin are all known schemers according to Maglin. She’s from Lugard tho (I soon learn this is because they just take political conniving and court politics to a new extreme)
Do they have money?
Is this just curry?
Unsurprisingly the Two Rivers seasoning options were limited
Also. Food!
Don’t. Do it. You have too much attention already (editors note. Guess what?)
He’s going to do it isn’t he?
Yup. He’s letting them assume he’s a lord and playing the flute in the inn now (editors note. Is that what you guessed? Good job! /genuine)
…everyone is going to assume the Two Rivers is basically it’s own kingdom by the end of all this aren’t they?
Cap Aldrin Caldevwin of the Cairhien military. Met. Apologizing for his men singing. Lol
Ffs he’s now just going around telling everyone his name and address. That’s kinda funny
Oh he’s testing him. Luckily Rand has been cursed by the pattern to be important and know important shit.
… I get now why he’s been set up as a lord. Glad it’s becoming amusing
On of the barmaids, Catrine dropped a lantern just as Aldrin asked Selene her name. She didn’t reply
…b/c she def caused Catrine to drop that lantern
She’s not even that good an actress it seems?
What’s the Foregate?
Men from there are excavated the stature. The Wizard orb one
Galladrian? Oh! That’s the king. He’s part of the scheme to frame Bayle Domon. (Which makes him my enemy)
Also Selene has gone upstairs because she doesn’t feel well. (Editors note. Pretty sure she uh… left then)
Ah. “Daes Dae’mar… The Great Game. The Game of Houses, some call it. This Caldevwin thinks you must be doing something to your advantage or you wouldn't be here. And whatever you're doing might be to his disadvantage, so he has to be careful." -Hurin when Rand asks why Caldevwin seemed so suspicious of them/Rand
Lol. This might be fun yea. Rand really doesn’t have many plans beyond ‘help friend. Maintain deep denial about various things. Try to be nice. Avoid all the servants of the dark (poorly)’
…I say poorly because like he does do it but he keeps running into more. So it’s like a balance to the point it seems like he’s doing a bad job but really no.
Oh yea. “The Great Game? What game?” -Rand. This will be good
It politics. Just feudal politics and court drama
…all southerners do it according to Hurin. Tho I’m pretty sure just everyone does some version of that
Oh no Selene left /s. Ju… just such a. A shame. Darn. /s (more)
… she left a letter. No I won’t repeat it
Well Caldevwin is just set himself to go with Rand now. Oh no just his men. New leader dude, Elricain Tavolin, hasn’t said a word yet.
Rand ‘huh. Idk. But ok. Should help ward off all the people following us’
So Aldrin had the inn watched -according to Hurin who is likely telling the truth and maybe has super hearing- and Selene got away without being seen. B/c of course she did
“Nothing is happening the way I expect.” -Rand… bud, you still have expectations?
22: Watchers
(Editors not this answers my final question. The title of the chapter. At least in part)
POV Moiraine
“Nothing is happening the way I expect.” -Moiraine. (Lmao) to Lan.
She appears to be in a densely packed library. Of books. No idea about the people yet (I soon learn it’s not really a public library and only Lan is there rn)
Ok she’s in Tifan’s Well, Arafel. Home of this old Aes Sedai couple. Adeleas and Vandene
“The villagers came to the sisters for advice on their problems and cures for their ills, and valued them as women blessed by the Light, but no more. Adeleas and Vandene had gone into voluntary retreat together so long ago that few even in the White Tower remembered they still lived.” -Tgh. Sounds wonderfullly gay to me. Good for them.
They just decided ‘eh white towers a bit tedious let’s go cottage core it up in the middle of fucking nowhere village and retire as village grannies’. Excellent
With a Warder. Also very old. Still very good for the three of them then.
…don’t tell me when it comes crashing down this is very fun rn
They plan to write a book on the history of the world since the Brwaking. That may be verbatim. I love them more and more (editors note. I just continue to love them. Especially Vandene, who we shortly meet)
“Movement caught her eye, and she turned. Lan was lounging against the yellow brick fireplace, as imperturbable as a boulder.” -(Moiriane). “Lounging”. This story really has a lot between the lines s/x I swear
Oh wow this is great. So, Moiraine and Lan met while when she was young and seemingly freshly minted Sedai. Following her attempting to question Lan he threw her into a pond. Then built a fire and a sort of tent for her to warm up. And then she dumped half the pond on him with the power and it seems they had a prank war for the next week or so while traveling together. But she’d already decided to ask him to be her Warder the first day.
Honestly I find Lan having more a dry humor then I’ve seen credited to him
…people do not loose deep humor that leads them to ruthlessly prank their best friend. Not entirely
And the elation has come crashing down. “Before we left Tar Valon I made arrangements, should anything happen to me, for your bond to pass to another. When you feel my death, you will find yourself compelled to seek her out immediately. I do not want you to be surprised by it." -Moiraine to Lan. Wtf Moiraine? He did not know this (I very quickly learn he is far from pleased by this)
Apparently the Bond can be used to compel a Warder. Yikes
Ma’am not really your choice to make
That is quite sad tho
His Bond will pass to a green sister named Myrelle (I soon learn she has three other Warders already)
Oh he’s rightly mad
Oh and too be passed onto yet another once the right one is find (Editors note. Pretty sure Moiraine believes it will be Nynaeve. Still like girl… no. Not like this)
"Has all this talk been a test- a test!- to see if you could make my bond rub? After all this time? From the day I pledged to you, I have ridden where you said ride, even when I thought it foolish, even when I had reason to ride another way. Never did you need my bond to force me. On your word I have watched you walk into danger and kept my hands at my sides when I wanted nothing more than to out sword and carve a path to safety for you. After this, you test me?" -Lan to Moiraine
Sounds like a test or means of pushing him away. Girl what are you doing?
The fuck? People need guidance? Lan was right.
Ma’am are you ok? (She not)
Well the Bond can be released. So… there’s that. (Seems like a lot to unwrap there tbh)
Girl… no
…like truly. I think you misjudged a redwood for a branch. But also forgot how to treat humans
Moiraine… has never felt jealousy over any man? Ever? Until right now? Which Tbf he is her best friend who may actually be falling in love love for the first time. So. Fair. But the never feeling jealousy over a man is curious
Still disappointed in Moiriane but understanding where she is at helps. I still love her
I’m… I got thoughts. But this is like decent romance writing. Like… yea.
The sisters Warder is Jaem
A green and a brown? Vandene and Adeleas respectively. I assumed both we’re of the brown Ajah. I’m excited to be here!
"’Whatever it is, you don't even seem to know where to look.’ Vandene shifted some of the books and manuscripts on the table, shaking her head. ‘So many subjects. The Trolloc Wars. The Watchers Over the Waves. The legend of the Return. Two treatises on the Horn of Valere. Three on dark prophecy, and— Light, here’s Santhra’s book on the Foresaken. Nasty, that. As nasty as this on Shader Logoth. And the Prophecies of the Dragon, in three translations and the original.” -Vandene. She’s kinda throwing caution to the wind huh?
Lol. There’s a rumor someone has already found the horn?! That’s great
Ok. More lore time. According to Vandene (who would know), the Horn -of Valere- isn’t mentioned in the Prophecies of the Dragon, nor at all linked to him. But must be found before the Last battle. Which the Dragon will fight. The only potential link to Toman Head is a line in PotD “…Five ride forth, and four return. Above the watchers shall he proclaim himself bannered cross the sky in fire..” (Vandene. Tgh)
She also believes that the word watchers (ma’vron, which technically means something more than just watchers, a’vron) refers to the Watchers Over the Waves and therefore will appear “above Toman Head, in Arad Domain, or Saldaea.” But she thinks perhaps it means Taim, who hasn’t been caught by the Tower yet.
Lol. Who knows maybe you’ll survive and finish it yet! (The history book)
Onto Shadar Logoth. Mordeth used “the tactics of the Darkfriends against the Darkfriends”. Also apparently Adeleas knows all about Shadar Logoth. It’s not linked to the Dragon in any of the prophecies or whatnot. Only one false dragon had any connection to it (Yurian Stonebow, who is familiar). No idea why a Fade would have any interest in it or in an object from there it as it destroys shadowspawn -and any creature of light or dark, except Mordeth.
She says she doesn’t know much about Foresaken tho. Other than what is taught to Novices. Which… seems like they were trained many years apart might be a good idea to exchange notes
“The Daughter of the Night remains as much a mystery as if she truly had cloaked herself in darkness… Lanfear was linked to the Dragon, to Lews Therin Telamon.” -Vandene on Lanfear
Oh wow. More lore. Uhh. Vandene is of the opinion that the Dragon Reborn must face the Dark One and then be defeated/neutralized himself before he goes mad and destroys the world. And that the Amyrlin will surely call upon all the sisters to get him to do the first and then to do the second. Also, the seals on the Dark One are clearly weakening. Considering all the strange events happening they must be.
What? A Draghkar?! Do they have siren powers?
… and energy vampire/soul and life draining powers to the point of death with its kiss… uhh. That sounds very familiar. Not form this series tho!
“Embrace death!” -Lan and Jaem. Uhhh. No. Wtf
At least they killed it
That is an odd quirk of the Power
She’s just saying the Black Ajah warded that Draghkar. Telling them to cover it up and leaving. The end. ‘That’s weird. The bad ones did it. Uh. Bye? Huh? I gotta go. Good luck!’
I am honestly not sure which answer she’s found. Have to think on that.
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hazelcephalopod · 3 years
The Great Hunt Ch 19-20
Making decisions to fight and run really work better when you make the decisions!
Disclaimer: this is my first read thru but I’ve watched all of the show thus far and been spoiled on some book things. So… I’m going to lean into that. Enjoy figuring out what I know, and what I think I know, and what I just don’t. Also s/x I add commentary when I edit.
Spoilers for the first and second book and all of season 1 under the cut. Potential spoilers for later books -idk if they’re light spoilers or not.
Ch 19
POV Rand
…kinda surprised it’s not like Perrin or something
At least his sword isn’t stabbing him in his side this time. Guess he got better at sleeping with it
You poor sweet woolhead
…and it got real sad
Honesty it’s just hurt no comfort for a while now huh?
Wtf are you doing now Selene?
Woman in white standing in the moons shadows while Rand is in the ground wrapped in something huh…
Yea get the fuck rid of it!
…like it do believe Moiraine was trying to help but like, maybe a miscalculation
…tho he’s maybe being a bit paranoid. Idk. People really don’t like the Dragon and I’m not sure how much they know. Selene would. I’m pretty sure Selene already does tho
…we’ll get on with it.
The awkwardness is visceral
Wait… Lmao. Selene just, keeps getting cock blocked doesn’t she? That hilarity does make it, uh, better I’ll say
“Moonshadows veiled her face in mystery…” -(Rand) as Selene continues doing her weird seduction thing
She is for sure magic-ing them
Glory just sounds like way too much attention
“It means Brother, and is short for tia avende alantin. Brother to the Trees. Treebrother. It is very formal but then, I've heard the Cairhienin are formal. The nobe
Houses are, at least.” -Loial on what alantin means. It’s the Old Tongue
Idk if Saidin is trying to warn and help him there or the opposite
Oh btw they saw a fire and went to investigate. And it is in fact Fain and some Trollocs
…just Rand and Loial tho. Selene did convince Rand to take Loial (I soon learn that was actually a good and helpful idea)
Oh back to suspense! Thank all that is good (this is just good to read)
Ok. So the void stuff is cool but I will say, for the show, it would be difficult to translate to screen. I’m curious to see if and how it might be tho
Yea don’t touch that
Or… yea. Just grabbing it quickly works.
Oh… he really does just want to
Oh fuck. Just also grabbing the horn?!
And everyone is awake and starting to follow
Time to run!
Or to fight?!
Oh that’s good combat writing. Especially with resisting saidin at the same time.
Oh they got it
Lol. Yea g’luck with all that Selene
“Those Friends of the Dark…” - Selene. Interesting phrasing
Off he’s so repressed that her seduction is just a burden on trying to manipulate him. Lol. (I have to just find the humor in it)
…well she got him to go to Cairhien
Just only didn’t overplay her hand
Putting the dagger in the chest too (I soon learn that is a very good idea)
Ooo late POV shift, to Fain
I mean. He’s pissed. Wants his shit back and Rand dead
“You will pay for what was done to me, al’Thor! The world will pay!“ -Fain
Ch 20: Saidin
The Dragon’s Fang
POV Rand
Ya leaving in the night was wise
She really wants that Horn.
Haven’t had a skin tingle in a while
Oh good job Rand.
…I mean she’s so obvious tho. She must be using magic
Two times that regal-ness has been associated with Aes Sedai.
He is so young. Yes. She’s manipulating you. Anyone can
Good idea! Dunno if it will work
Umm. Sudden archeology dig?
Giant crystal sphere in the ground?!
I’m sorry a large statue of a bearded man holding a giant ass sphere? This is just that wizard meme
Yes! Domon did mention another one!
And immediately saidin called to him
Ahhh fuck that was good.
Can’t escape the power. It will call forever
Remembering what just happened or something else I wonder?
Village found: Tremonsien
Oh cool! Village built into the stone! Alongside buildings built from stone
Inn: The Nine Rings
…apparently named after one of Rand’s favorite adventure stories
He is like… so naturally good at just foiling peoples plans. It’s kinda great.
That was a short chapter!
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hazelcephalopod · 3 years
The Great Hunt Ch 17-18
Difficult returns, arrival, and moving towards something greater but likely at great cost.
Gets a little bit heavy in Ch 18.
Disclaimer: this is my first read thru but I’ve watched all of the show thus far and been spoiled on some book things. So… I’m going to lean into that. Enjoy figuring out what I know, and what I think I know, and what I just don’t. Also s/x I add commentary when I edit.
Spoilers for the first and second book and all of season 1 under the cut. Potential spoilers for later books -idk if they’re light spoilers or not.
Ch 18: Choices
Glyph stone
POV Rand
Time to run!
Oh fight? Uhhh
Oof he’s not doing well is he?
So the Power? Ta’veren? Or just being that good an archer. Just unnervingly perfect
Oh the grolm are dead. All five. All Rand’s arrows. Straight int the center eye
“The void held Rand. The light called to him, and he. . .reached. . .toward it. It surrounded him, filled him.” -(Rand) using the void to shoot. Feeling the magics call and unable to resist
Huh. Easier to use the Oneness the more to use it. That sounds familiar
“He still wanted to, he realized with horror. He wanted to go back into the void, wanted to feel that light filling him again. It had seemed as if he were truly alive then, sickliness and all, and now was only an imitation. No, worse. He had been almost
alive, knowing what "alive" would be like. All he had to do was reach out to saidin. . .” -(Rand) having touched the Power in the void. Yup. Addictive
Interesting these creatures haven’t been an issue until very recently. Or suspicious when it’s the same time Selene showed up
It would be quite a feat to use that stone or kill all the grolm. A magical one even
“She must be able to channel, even if she doesn't know it, or it couldn't have brought her here.” -(Rand) thinking to himself at the Portal Stone.
Smooth and oily stone columns?! In this series?
“The light was all. The heat and the light…” -(Rand) accessing saidin
They was fucking good. The way that the taint of saidin makes it all that harder to embrace, while saidin still draws the channeler in. Very horrific
He did it! Or, at least, he brought them somewhere very much like home
Oh ffs lol. They do not, but I still enjoy the joke
He is possibly correct about Mat tho
Correct sir
I’m guessing the Two Rivers sex Ed is wanting at best
Oh continuing west then cool
Oh fuck! He smelled a future trail? That is kinda weird but very cool
That… wil be something to explain. ‘Yea we got teleported to this alternate world and then it warped space and we got here using these strange ancient stone portal things. And also we met this lady’
‘Oh and Fain is over there. Or will be very soon’
May or may not be a red flag as much as I do actually like Egwene personally
19: To the White Tower
POV Egwene
Ah yea seasickness sucks. Poor Nynaeve (Editors note. It gets worse for her. So that’s great /s)
At least people believe her about the dreams even if they don’t offer solutions
Ohhh she’s getting Balzo dreams now. That is unfortunate
Curious she can see his eyes sometimes. I’m not sure if Rand has
Siuan herself is doing tutoring tonight. (I soon learn to dread that)
Lol. Nynaeve ‘if it weren’t for this stupid boat and seasickness I would disobey so much!’ (I later learn she shoulda just gone and liked on the deck tbh)
I think Nynaeve should be allowed to learn the sword. I hope one day she does!
I think Moiraine personally. Or really a number of people not a singular someone. Maybe Cenn Buie
But can you use that air sword as a weapon at will? No. You can’t. Steel sword tho? Yes!
Now we’re talking. Kn*fe
This is a good lesson tho ‘take care. The magic is addictive’
“Please keep a check on you temper.” -(Egwene) thinking her hope for Nynaeve’s behavior rn. Lmao
Hold person! Via control air
They could do what in the AOL? I mean… I suppose controlling air might allow that ability
Interesting that how they flew isn’t clarified.
Apparently you can’t do that trick on yourself. Tho I don’t get why you couldn’t like make the hard air as stairs and platforms. Make like a surfboard to fly on ya know?
So Nynaeve can only use magic when she’s angry. Rage wizard
Oh is that the first shielding?
I’m… not going to analyze that but too much. There is so much I could probably get from it tho (Editor me. I lied. I will go into it a bit. It is fucked)
Oh Egwene always prepared to break the rules as long as she doesn’t get in trouble
The manipulative tactics do irk me.
… oh. Well that’s devastating to read tbh
Wtf? That’s fucked
No. Don’t do that to anyone else
No one should be going thru that
Hey! They made it to TV!
Lace bridges and Shining Walls. And Dragonmount
“Dragonmount, made by the Dragon’s dying. Egwene wished she did not think of Rand when she looked at the mountain.” -(Egwene)
Huh. People cheering for the Aes Sedai is quite an different rxn. But does make sense. Do like kinda (at least, it’s a refreshing change)
Hello strange person probably an Aes Sedai
Oh it’s Sheriam.
So Nynaeve will be an Accepted but taught like a Novice basically it sounds like
40 novices right now? That is indeed minuscule. And 8-9 make it to Accepted so… let’s say 8.5. That’s 21% graduation rate or whatever.
Well this is some of the most and most straightforward information ever thus far. ‘So we don’t get many and very few make it. But we will work you hard to make sure you can be successful as a full Sister’ I can respect that honesty at least
But. Nynaeve makes a point about why does it have to be that hard tho
No but like. That was not ok -what Siuan did to Nynaeve, that’s assault. There was no excuse for that I’m sorry. But I don’t give a shit about any explanation. That was wrong. I’m not saying it was an unacceptable part of the plot and shouldn’t have been written but it was wrong. The end.
Well onto the next chapters later.
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