shuicheese · 6 months
Is there a good way to ignore asks that you're not comfortable asking, but without people repeating the question or asking why you're ignoring them?
tbh the best way to ignore them is,, to ignore them. if they keep sending them the same ask i think calling them out or saying you're not comfortable or obligated to answer everything is gud-
i hope things be okay over there aah :<
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dralf0yy · 4 years
Wedding Bells || 2 || F.W x Reader
A/N: I AM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO GET THIS UP BUT ITS FINALLY HERE AAAA!! If i’m being honest, I’m not a big fan of the way I ended this bc it felt rlly unfinished but I felt the need to get it up as soon as I could. I hope you guys enjoy and sorry for the long ass wait 🥺
Word count: 1.6K (aaa she’s a bit sh0rt)
Part 1
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Fred landed at the beach just outside his aunt’s old cottage.
The place he proposed to you
The weather was unironically cloudy and cold—identical to the way he felt.
Chills ran up Fred’s spine as he wandered around the beach, taking in the beautiful, calming scene around him. It reminded him of you. More specifically the way you were always remarkably gorgeous without effort, even in your darkest moments, and the way you soothed him with your embrace and kind, loving words.
It made Fred hate himself for abandoning you. You were fragile and even the smallest inconveniences would chip away parts of you that made you happy and whole. Everyone,especially Fred, knew this. He knew that you had cracked when the war broke out and he almost died. And he knew that this time, you had completely shattered, and it was all his fault.
He made his way up the sandy hills, marching through some of the long grass that had sprouted up and halted when he had reached the top. His eyes fluttered closed as he inhaled the salty scent of the ocean, thinking of the day he proposed
One year ago
“Fred where are you taking me?” You giggled as you trailed behind Fred with your hand intertwined with his.
The two of you, and George, had been helping Bill and Fleur fix up their aunt’s old cottage. It had been a long, hard day of redecorating and repainting and the sun was almost completely set
“You’ll see soon enough my love. We’re almost there.. Okay now close your eyes and wait here for a few seconds”
You nodded in response and heard Fred’s soft footsteps shuffling around in the sand. You shifted your weight back and forth between your left and right foot and giggled when you heard your boyfriend curse at the sand under his breath
After a few more seconds of shuffling, you heard Fred whisper
“You can open your eyes now, love”
Your eyes fluttered open slowly and you expected to see his face inches from yours but much to your surprise, he was on one knee clutching a small, black velvet box that fit perfectly in the palm of his hand with a heart shape dug into the sand surrounding the two of you. Fred steadied himself and gazed up into your eyes
“Y/n, these past 6 years with you have been unbelievably amazing. You have shown me what love and true happiness feels like and I will be forever grateful for that. There is no one else I would rather have by my side for the rest of my life, besides George of course,” He joked as a tear cascaded down your cheek
“no one else that I would rather give my love to, wake up next to every morning, have lots of little Weasleys with, and no one else that I would rather marry than you. And the war last year made me realise that I didn’t wanna wait any longer for this. So, Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n.. Will you marry me?”
Tears of joy were now uncontrollably streaming down both your cheeks as you chuckled and silently—but enthusiastically— nodded your head
“Yes! A million times yes!” You exclaimed and pulled Fred up, bringing your hands around the back of his neck and pulling him in for a kiss that was so full of love and passion that it made his head spin
Fred let out a loud, broken sob and collapsed onto his knees remembering the memory that had once made him so ecstatic. He stayed there with his face buried in his hands for what seemed like hours while mumbling ‘I’m so sorry’ repeatedly to the empty space in front of him
Fred lifted his head back up and the sun was barely visible on the horizon.The sky had slightly cleared in the few hours that he had been there and it became a flurry of yellow, orange, purple and pink streaks.
It was a beautiful image. It was one that you wished you could share with your dearest loved ones when things were bad. It gave Fred the a sense of calmness that he needed to clear his head
“I’m gonna make this right” He stated and disapparated back to the Burrow
“Here Y/n/n, have some cake, love” George offered to you. A grateful grin appeared on your face as you took the small, fragile plate with a slice of cake on it from him carefully and snuggled into his side. You sighed tiredly as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders
“Something on your mind?”
“Well.. I’m just worried Georgie. What if he’s done something reckless and got hurt or can’t get back to us—?”
“Don’t worry, love I’m right here” Both your heads turned towards the front door, and there, stood the one and only, Fred Weasley
You immediately sprung off the couch and out of George’s embrace, dropping the plate of cake in the process, and ran towards Fred. You jumped on him, wrapping your legs around his waist, and buried your face in the crook of his neck.
“Oh my Godric! You’re okay” You squeaked and hugged him tighter. He let out a quiet chuckle and gave you a kiss on the top of your head before setting you back down on the ground. He looked at you with a faint smile on his face, looking as if he was trying not to break again
He didn’t manage to keep the facade up for very long. He pulled you into his chest and burst into tears. Through his fit of sobs, you could hear him choke out an apology
“Shh it’s okay, Fred. We don’t have to talk about this right now..” You cooed soothingly—but slightly muffled— into his chest. You pulled away to look up at his face
“How about you head up for tonight? We can talk in the morning” Fred nodded and started to trail off towards the stairs with your hand wrapped inside his but stopped when he realised you weren’t moving
“A- Are you not coming up with me?” he hiccuped. You opened your mouth to answer but George beat you to it
“Actually Y/n, I think you better head off to bed. I need to talk to Fred”
Too tired to protest, you muttered an ‘okay’ and tread up the creaky stairs of the Burrow leaving the twins alone to talk.
Fred awkwardly stood in the room and rocked back and forth on his feet looking anywhere but at George who was patiently waiting for you to be out of earshot
“I’ll get straight to the point,” He snapped, “I hope you’ve acknowledged that you messed up, Fred. Y/n spent the last 5 hours crying and worrying about you, wondering what she could’ve done wrong for you to walk out on her like that—”
“She didn’t—”
“I KNOW SHE DIDN’T,” George sighed in frustration, “I’ve tried to mend her as much as I could, but the rest is up to you. She’s like a sister to me and I don’t wanna lose her because of something stupid that you did to hurt her. Now go up there and make it up to her and don’t ever take an amazing person like her for granted— because we both know that Y/n won’t give you a 3rd chance”
Fred nodded and trailed up the stairs towards his childhood bedroom, not knowing how to respond as it was a little unusual to see George so serious and worked up about something.
Fred quietly pushed the door open, expecting you to be asleep and not wanting to wake you. He stepped in and felt his heart ache at the sight of you curled up in George’s bed with tears streaming down your face, with muffled hiccups coming from you and clutching onto one of Fred’s christmas sweaters, staring at the floor
You peered up towards the doorway where Fred was standing. Your teary gaze shifted back to the floor next to a small mound of clothing. Your hushed hiccups ceased and the room was filled with deafening silence
Fred’s shoes came into your line of sight and his hand made contact with your shoulder.
“D’you wanna move over to my bed, love?” He whispered gently. You lazily nodded your head and sat up. You made your way over to Fred’s bed and hesitantly lied down on the edge of the mattress. A deep sigh left Fred’s lips as mattress dipped next to you
You unhurriedly shifted around and stared into Fred’s cinnamon coloured eyes with your own Y/e/c orbs. You noticed that they were bloodshot and slightly puffy, but nevertheless, they were still as enchanting as always.
You cast your gaze down towards the pillow, taking a deep and shaky breath. “Be honest,” You said in a voice that was barely a whisper, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No!” Fred exclaimed suddenly, making you jump, “Sorry I- No, you didn’t do anything wrong. I just—I was being a git and I was just doubting everything, you know? I was.. I was anxious that you didn’t really wanna marry me or that I wasn’t actually ready” he said in a quieter voice.
You nodded and sighed, succumbing to the warmth of Fred’s chest and absorbed what he just confessed.
You decided to leave a lot of things unsaid. Knowing that he was willing to come back and make things right again was enough for you to give him another chance—though you knew you would no matter what he had done anyway.
The familiar sound of Fred’s heartbeat reminded you that he was there, and there for good, along with the feeling of his arms tightening around your frame and your entangling legs. Things were at a fair balance once again, and the two of you couldn’t be more content with your journey of love
Main Taglist: @paigeyisme @slytherinlovesgryffindor @cleopatera @accio-rogers @beacosta27 @anyasthoughts
Wedding Bells Taglist: @wand3ringr0s3 @angel-of-blue @stuckindilemma @angstywhore @imdixonsangel @girl22334 @gredandforges @dorothyofcosta @drvcopotter
Fred & George Taglist: @thisuserlovesyouandyouandyou
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Late Night Text-Tickles
Axel won't sleep. So Virgil takes matters into his own hands. Soon, there's a crowd to watch.
This fanfic was suggested by @agarus-fallen-lershal on Tumblr. I hope you enjoy!
[Virgil entered the chat]
Virgil: “Anyone up?”
Axel: “Me.”
Virgil: “What are you doing up?”
Axel: “Nothing...just not tired.”
Virgil: “Not tired?”
Axel: “Nope.”
Virgil: “How about I make you tired then?”
Axel: “And how are you gonna do that? Read me a bedtime story?”
Virgil: “Nope.”
Axel: “Then what?”
Virgil: “You’ll see…”
Axel: I hear you coming over...What are you planning?”
Virgil: “I said, you’ll see.”
[5 minutes later:]
[Logan entered the chat]
Logan: “I hear laughter, and I see...letters and symbols on the group chat. What’s going on?”
Virgil: “I’m tickling Axel. Sorry.”
Logan: “It’s”
Logan: “2am. Why?”
Axel: “SK RTK DSFJAI OEWRPCX M,E^$*( )e$#%”
Virgil: “Because the little bugger wouldn’t get to sleep! Did you not read the group chat?”
Logan: “Oh…I just finished.”
Logan: “The keyboard smashing is making me smile.”
Virgil: “Glad you like it. Now get ready for some more.”
Logan: “Got it.”
Axel: R GJLFr kjle KLfK Lfkl:dk l:”
Axel: “ej kle fKJ LKLRIO Pvkl4tk leg”
Logan: “This is great!”
Virgil: “I know, right?! Axel will not let go of his phone!”
“Wait, I have an idea: Logan, spam text me!”
Logan: “Hello”
Logan: “Hello”
Logan: “Hello”
Logan: “Hello”
Logan: “Hello”
Logan: “Hello”
Logan: “Hello”
Logan: “Hello”
Logan: “Hello”
Logan: “Hello”
Virgil: “OKAY”
Logan: “Hello”
Logan: “Hello”
Virgil: “YOU CAN STOP!”
Logan: “Hello”
Logan: “Sorry.”
Axel: “AAAA A”
Virgil: “I was placing my phone onto Axel’s belly. And your spamming made Axel DIE!”
Logan: “I could hear that.”
[Roman entered the chat]
Roman: “DA FUQ ARE YA DOIN?!��
Logan: “.........What”
[Remus entered the chat]
Remus: “Remus took my phone!”
Axel: “fjJFJKOP PK[ep_))i ( #)_@_!)! 0”
Remus: “Axel are you okay?”
Logan: “Virgil is tickling him to try and get him to fall asleep.”
Roman: “HA! Typical Virgey-Wirgey~ 😈”
Virgil: “What did I tell you about calling me that, Remus?!”
Remus: “Actually...that was me.”
Roman: “YEAH! Don’t blame me!”
Virgil: “Go to sleep!”
Virgil: “Kitchy kitchy koo~”
Axel: “AHEK:R”
Logan: “I heard a bang.”
Virgil: “Axel threw his phone. He doesn’t trust me anymore.”
Logan: “Hah”
Remus: “That’s hilarious! 😹”
Virgil: Aww! Cat...”
Remus: Did I just hear Axel SNORT?!”
Logan: “I will confirm: that was in fact, a snort.”
Logan: “Please switch phones back to their original owners, creativity twins. Your names with your dialogues are hard to follow.”
Roman: “NOOOOOO!”
Remus: “Gimme back my phone!”
Roman: “NEVAAAAA!”
Logan: “Is it really that hard to get your phones switched?”
Virgil: “About as hard as the floor they both simultaneously body slammed…”
Logan: “Good to know.”
“Virgil: Want me to get them situated?”
Logan: “No. I wanna see how long this takes to figure out. And I like hearing Axel laughing. It’s rare.”
Virgil: “Dude, I read your text to Axel, and now Axel’s blushing!”
Logan: “Aww…”
Virgil: “Don’t aww poor Axel…he’s already in enough of a flustered attitude.”
Logan: “Too late.”
Virgil: “True.”
Logan: “I’m gonna head to bed. Good night.”
Virgil: “Good night Logan. Sweet dreams.”
Roman: “We switched phones finally.”
[Logan left the chat]
Roman: “Awww…Logan didn’t say if he was proud of us or not.”
Virgil: “He most likely is.”
Roman: “Awww, thanks Vee!”
Virgil: “No problem.”
“Roman: It sounds like Axel’s calming down.”
Virgil: “He is. I think he’s finally gonna sleep!”
Roman: “Yay!”
Virgil: “Alright. Good night guys. Virgil out.”
[Virgil left the chat]
Roman: “Good night Virgil.”
Remus: “Nighty Night!”
[Roman left the chat]
[Remus left the chat]
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dan and phil have another hot smutty moment whil phils in headspace but will phil go so deep in headspace even dan starts Roy worry? triggers? : daddy kink , bad grammar — “ohhh you’re gonna get it baby” dan whispered as he threw phil on the bed. “you were being such a bad boy today, teasing me in front of my dad. if you wanted me so bad you could have asked sweetheart” dan smirked as he let his hand roam free under phils light pink dress. “d-daddy” phil whimpered already a wet mess in his baby blue panties. “yes sweetheart” dan said still taking his precious time getting to phils panties. “c-can y-you touch m-me” phil stuttered out. “manners baby boy” dan reminded. “p-please daddy. I’ll be a good boy. I’ll suck your big-” phil stopped knowing he couldn’t cuss and pointed to dans growing erection. “thingy and I’ll swallow you all. please daddy I need it” phil said desperate for attention. “damn baby you really are a sight when your desperate and begging for daddy’s cock” phil whimpered at dans words. “what ya starin out babe? come on you said you would suck daddy’s cock” dan said unbuttoning his now very tight skinny jeans. “y-yes daddy” phil said already trying to pull down dans boxers. “a-a-ahh” dan moaned as he gripped his baby’s hair. “y-yes just like that philly. come on I know you can take more.” dan said as he kept working phil up and down. phil quickly pulled off to speak. with his voice raspy he whispered “daddy a-after t-this can you c-cum in my m-mouth please” phil looked up to dan with doey eyes. “aaaa fuck yes. now put your little mouth on my cock before I cum on your beautiful face princess” as dan said that phil quickly went back to working dan off. “a-a-aaa babe I think I’m gonna-” phil moaned around dan. That enough pushed dan to phil the edge. phil felt a new liquid run down his desperate throat. he moaned as he pulled off. still rock hard from dans noises. “d-d-daddy c-can i r-ride you?” phil said voice still raspy. “ahhhh yes baby boy please get on daddy’s cock” without a heart beat phil was on his daddy’s stomach. since they haven’t fucked since yesterday and phil still being in headspace dan totally forgot stretching. “wait princess before you ride you have to stretch. you know the rules princess” dan said as he remembered the rules he first settled with phil when they got into this relationship. “d-daddy can you go in raw” phil said already trying to push dan in. “raw?? baby you know how I feel when I hurt you” dan said still worried about how phil is in his subspace and this could really hurt him. “y-yes dad-ddy i k-now. b-but i really need it. please da-daddy” phil said as he bounced on dans crouch. just enough to get dan excited again. “aa-ash fuck baby boy okay we can do it but the moment it hurts you can safeword it okay?” dan said obviously getting way to turned on by all of this. “y-yes t-than-k y-you daddy” phil smiled as he got back into position over dans rock hard cock. “d-daddy!” phil screamed out as dan entered him slowly. “fuck babe your tight” dan grunted as he bottomed out. “a-ah da-daddy” phil whispered already bouncing on dans cock. dan couldn’t believe how tight phil was and damn did it feel good. he felt like he was in the ocean relaxing and someone had hands through his hair. he felt amazing. now phil on the other hand. well he was enjoying himself far too much to even speak. he was so in headspace the only thing on his mind at that moment in time was how dans lips were a perfect “O” and how his curly hair was sticking to his sweaty head. phil being in headspace only thought of his daddy and how good he probably feels. phil being in headspace couldn’t breathe properly because how fast he was going. all he could think about is how his daddy’s big cock is hitting all of the right places in him. he felt like he was on fire. (sEE WHAT I DID THERE okay continue) dan could see how frustrated phil was getting by how he kept looking down trying to get hit in the right place. he kept missing his prostate and phil was gonna fall asleep before he got the release he wanted. “baby you okay” dan said still full on grunting. “yes sir” dan eyes went wide. phil was that deep in headspace. see when phils in little headspace he always refers to dan 2 different ways : daddy and or danny. see during his punishments he is specifically to only call dan sir and or master. now when they are just fucking and going fast and hard phil says daddy. Only once has phil ever said sir when he wasn’t being punished and man did it the out bad. the next morning phil couldn’t leave dan side. always asking what needed to be done in the house. worshiping dan. cooking dan food even though dan said he could order takeout. it took days to get him back in his normal cute and fluffy little space. dan knew phil had to cum before he goes further. as fast as he could he flipped them over. he started pounding into phil right in his abused prostate. “sir sir” phil squeaked. “yes baby” dan grunted from in between his teeth. “ma-may I cum sir” Phil asked trying to regain his focus on being a patient little servant for his master. “let go babe. you deserve it” dan said as phil started gripping the bed sheets. “sir I’m cumming I’m cumming!” phil screamed as he came over dans stomach long and hard. before dan could get out of phils abused whole phil choked out “cum in me, please sir” and that was enough to have dan spill for the second time in one night. after that dan swore he saw ztars. they stayed there for a bit. just dan rubbing circles on to phils back as he whispered sweet nothings in his ears. before dan could even request a bath with phil he hears snoring. he face palms himself for letting phil fall asleep in such a deep headspace. he quickly goes to find a towel and cleans them both off. after that he sees how peaceful phil looks and he falls asleep right beside his baby boy. morning- as phil wakes up and is still deep in headspace he can find his master. phil being in headspace and having anxiety starts to worry. “what if master doesn’t love me anymore” “what if he didn’t like me taking control for a bit” “what if he wanted to finger me on purpose” all these negative thoughts went on inside of phils head. he starts to cry. dan in the kitchen can hear some kind of movement coming from their room. “philly you okay love” dan screams into the hallway. “si-sir” phil says still crying into his soft hands. dans eyes went big as he noticed how deep phil was in headspace. “baby baby hey hey I’m right here breathe.” dan said softly knowing how emotionally unstable phil is right now. “sir do you still l-l-love me” phil said barley audible. “baby what? of course I do why wouldn’t I?” dan said as he was hugging his baby. “d-d-daddy a-are y-y-ou sure-e” phil stuttered out still hugging onto dan. dan sighed in relief. he’s not that deep anymore. “want me to show you babe how much you mean to me” phil looked at dan with red puffy eyes. dan not expecting an answer leaned in and kissed phil with as much love and affection he could. it was slow and nice. just how phil liked it when he was big. he was shocked at first since most of their kisses were mostly fast and sweet but this one felt special. it felt like dan actually cared. phil felt amazing. — whoop that was coolio to write. sorry my writing sucks but I’ll get better loves so don’t worry ! okay okay ily all bye -syd
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