#i’d love to see more of hunter’s past and obviously flapjack’s too
tohlover05 · 1 year
okay, I kinda get why some people think Luz is getting her palisman in that new ‘for the future’ snippet. It totally makes sense! But hear me out, I feel like it might not be that…I think it could be something different, perhaps a scene taking place in someone’s mind instead. The staff just looks too big and wide to actually be a staff…anyway, here’s why I think this might be a scene in someone’s (most likely Hunter’s) mindscape instead of the palisman-staff thing.
This is what Bo Coburn (one of the directors of ‘Thanks To Them’) posted after the episode came out:
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“For Flapjack…See you in our memories.”
You can see Hunter’s mask from ‘Thanks To Them’ here, Flapjack’s staff and a forest that is obviously meant to be a mindscape considering the caption of the post (see you in our memories). Since Flapjack is in Hunter’s mindscape now (just like the palismen Belos consumed were in his mindscape) that could mean the gang travels into Hunter’s mindscape and sees some of his or Flapjack’s past (-> memories of Caleb, Evelyn and Philip, memories of Hunter’s childhood, if he even ever had one, or his time in the coven, and so on…)
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See what I’m getting at? It all looks so similar…
(Also, Luz is alone in this particular shot, which could mean SHE’S in Hunter’s mind, possibly alone…)
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