#i’ll get over it presumably i guess. that’s how attraction always feels when ur in the moment right
callixton · 7 months
i do not think i have ever pined for something so unequivocally impossible to ask for is the thing. like i think i often am interested in unobtainable people bc it is easier that way & it stays safe inside & i don’t have to navigate the reality/(a)romance. and ig this is. sort of like that. but it is worse.
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pundeserving · 6 years
tell me about aro reigen and ritsu pls i'm interested in ur take owo
Oh yes bless lol okay. So I’ve never really done any sort of meta writing or whatever, but this topic really interests me and I wanted to kind of look back and figure out why exactly I gravitated towards those two as being aro (as opposed to other characters) 
And the interesting thing is, despite acting totally different and having such varied personalities I can still totally see both of them sharing this trait. Maybe it’s because they both kind of subvert the typical… expectations of aromanticism? I guess (honestly there’s not actually any typical expectations because there’s hardly any actual representation, but that’s… another issue)?
I’ll put the rest under a read more because it got a little long!
First of all, we have these two characters who are seen as conventionally attractive and “popular with the ladies” 
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Students at Ritsu’s school clearly have a high opinion of him and think he’s handsome. Presumably, he gets a similar amount of attention that Teru seems to (minus the psychic powers). But while Teru takes advantage of the girls who find him attractive and seems to date around before he meets Mob, Ritsu never seems interested in pursuing any relationships like that. In fact, he doesn’t seem all that concerned with Anything outside of his desire to have powers like his brother. Romance isn’t even a blip on his radar. 
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Of course, while Ritsu makes his apathy towards popularity apparent, that doesn’t mean he thinks it’s necessarily a waste. When he sees that Mob is “becoming popular” (and thus sees how happy his brother is) he’s excited for him. Sure, he doesn’t get the hype, but he supports Mob wholeheartedly. This isn’t exactly relevant, but uh it’s cute lol 
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Another big characteristic of Ritsu’s is his detachment to his childhood. Everyone seems to find him to be a paramount of maturity and responsibility, and he himself is no exception. While talking about other middle schoolers, he seems to distance himself. Certainly He isn’t the emotional one, he never acts rash (ha ha)
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It definitely wouldn’t surprise me if he considered crushes and romance to be… somewhat childish or a waste of time. He has bigger fish to fry or maybe bigger spoons to bend. 
And sure, anyone can make the argument that he’s just not interested in girls, or is too young to think seriously about romance, which is fine (honestly Ritsu and Shou would be a hilarious/chaotic disaster couple and I’m all for it), but I also like the contrast of Ritsu’s narrative arc to his brother’s. Assuming that he feels no romantic attraction at all is such a good antithesis to Mob’s crush on Tsubomi and how his dreams of love fuel basically his entire story. 
That brings us to Reigen and oh boy. Just like Ritsu, he’s also seen as a handsome character (in universe. irl it’s a debate, but ONE seemed to design Reigen as more attractive than other characters so I’ll go by that) (Also, Serizawa agrees)
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Now, Reigen’s a bit of a different case than Ritsu. He’s a bit older, and at a point in his life where he’s definitely more expected to be settling down. On his birthday, his mother even sends him an email asking what the deal is
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(thanks, mom)
During the separation arc, we get a look at Reigen’s personal life. Up until this point it is only speculation of what kind of shady things he gets up to when Mob isn’t around, but we see very quickly that Reigen is… lonely. Unlike Ritsu, he isn’t admired by peers his own age, and he doesn’t have any friends. He comes to terms with this fact pretty roughly, but decides to venture on in his career alone. Reigen’s loneliness could just be attributed to him not hanging out with anybody outside of work (since his only employee is 14). But, being aro, one of the most prevalent downsides is a sort of hollowness felt when people you’re close to move on in their lives, finding partners, getting married, moving in together and spending time with each other. Romantic relationships take priority over friendships so I don’t think it’s unfair to say loneliness is something a lot of aros experience to some degree. 
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Personally, in the context of Reigen not feeling romantic attraction and not being “normal” and settling down like society thinks he should, the “What am I?” really strikes… I don’t know, but something. 
On a lighter note, though, there are some instances where Reigen just seems flat out oblivious about love. It can be played off for small laughs, but knowing how suave and knowledgeable about things Reigen usually is, it’s actually even more hilarious and even more proof this guy wouldn’t know romance if it hit him in the face. From googling basic, childish advice for how to confess feelings, to offering “love consultations” in the form of having people fill out what’s most likely some sort of Cosmo teen girl who-should-you-date questionnaire, he’s definitely not the first person I’d go to for any serious relationship advice. 
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I’m sure if I actually dug deeper I could find more examples of both Reigen and Ritsu showing off characteristics of being aro/ace, these were just a few things I remembered or found in a quick skim of a few chapters of the manga. These are just my personal headcanons, but I still love all of the other lgbt hcs that people have for these characters! Hopefully this was at least a little bit coherent, I’m not always the best at getting thoughts out in an intelligible way lol
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zackcornfield · 6 years
The Ultimate Zagene Masterpost
as promised, i’ve gone through every official try guys video from the past few years to compile all the Zagene moments (this post also includes The Podcast™). i’ve provided dates and will link to gif sets/tumblr posts for specific moments (because i’m Extra As Fuck). i’ll try to keep this updated with new videos, so check back often (also, please let me know if i forget anything!) 
under the cut, because it’s looooong.
DISCLAIMER: i don’t mean to imply that i know anything about zach and eugene’s personal lives, or that most of these moments aren’t just things between two close friends. was literally just complying this list for a bit of fun, and because i was bored. pls don’t come for me, y’all 
another disclaimer: i’m australian, so some of the dates i use could be a bit off bc i’m something like 18 hours ahead of these two lol
also: i know initially that i said i would include instagram posts and other, non-buzzfeed videos on this list. unfortunately, i did not end up doing so. i’m maybe thinking about doing a part 2 where i include these things? no promises, this list took so much out of me as is
without further ado...
Nov. 13, 2014 - Guys Recreate Kim Kardashian’s Butt Photo
literally first video with these two together (?) and eugene’s already lowkey checking out zach (roughly 0:45-0:47). oh boy.
Nov. 19, 2014 - American Guys Try European Swimwear
zagene riding in the backseat together
“your dick might be huge” - eugene to zach (2:58), followed by eugene staring at zach until he makes a joke. um. ok.
zach checking up on hungover eugene (3:11)
December 30, 2014 - The Try Guys Test The Legal Alcohol Limit
eugene instantly goes to break up the fight between ned and zach (4:41)
during the little bits where they’re testing how drunk they are these two will not stay away from each other… at 4:56 eugene walks from one side of zach to the other to get in between him and everyone else lmao
5:38 eugene reaches out to put his hand on zach’s back for no reason
6:37 (again at 6:54) zach has his arm around eugene, sorta leaning into him. no complaint from eugene “i hate hugs” yang
eugene’s little dance on zach at 7:00
January 18, 2015 - The Try Guys Shoot Guns For The First Time
the boys sittin together at lunch, bein judgey (0:27)
(1:10) whenever i see this, i always think of this post, so it’s making the list
January 25, 2015 - The Try Guys Try ’Fifty Shades’ Style BDSM
the boys beside each other again, this time holding hands! (5:46)
February 23, 2015 - The Try Guys Taste Test Jerky
zach’s lowkey super fond looks at eugene from the backseat throughout the video
March 6, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Magic Mike Stripping
2:15 eugene is sitting on the floor facing zach, rather than keith who he’s actually talking to
“i’ve given lap dances drunk” eugene i’m not even remotely surprised (3:15)
March 11, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Makeup Tutorials
“eugene your hair’s blocking me. eu-eugene? eugene, your hair” (2:27)
April 1, 2015 - The Try Guys’ Naked Sushi Prank
zach stopping to wait for eugene (0:24)
1:05 - ok… love this little bit. eugene smiling, the high five, eugene hitting zach’s glasses off his face, zach’s little giggle. presh.
April 10, 2015 - The Try Guys Try UFC Fighting 
0:00 - not even a second in and already into it. “we love you eugene”
(0:23) - eugene is fully straddling zach. and like… bouncing on him
(0:35) “i feel like zach might squeal like a little piggy and it really excites me”
(2:24) “can we all kick zach real quick” weird way of flirting but if it works for u bud
(3:40) little hard to see but eugene’s leaning on zach
when jessica’s throwing eugene around zach looks thrilled and worried in equal measure
“didn’t come here to fight eugene! he’s fucking crazy” (8:57)
“i landed some pretty solid punches on eugene’s beautiful, beautiful face” (9:12)
eugene like… lifting zach off the ground by his legs? (9:26)
eugene leaning down over zach’s face; keith: “now kiss him like you mean it!” (9:37)
May 6, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Pregnancy Bellies
(4:52) - group hug, but eugene’s got his arm around zach and like,, kinda leans into the back of his neck?
May 7, 2015 - The Try Guys Change Dirty Diapers 
just generally stood suuuper close together the whole video
May 17, 2015 - The Try Guys Try American Ninja Warrior 
“right zach?” (10:14)
10:33 - eugene reaches out to take the towel (offered to zach) to dry him
May 31, 2015 - The Try Guys Hit 90 MPH Fastballs
“goddammit eugene” followed by soft smile from eugene (3:22)
(5:40) eugene reaches out to pull zach’s robe back in place lmao
June 20, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Wedding Dresses
(0:51) “this is my day” - zach, while pointing to eugene, who nods, smiles, and his eyebrows look kinda raised too lol
(1:01) “eugene’s gonna look prettier than any of us”
(1:32) zach’s just like… casually stroking eugene’s legs
(2:27) could they BE pressed any closer together
(2:46) goin in for the smooch… iconic
June 26, 2015 - The Try Guys March In The Pride Parade
the boys at pride…. bless :’)
i have no real specific moments from this vid i just love it so much
June 29, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Not To Die Alone
(1:24) zach: “that’s some good ash.” eugene laughs at this like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard
(11:23) legendary hug/tackle…. the best, unbeatable, iconic,
July 12, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Irish Step Dance
(0:28) shoulder pat
also dance partners, holding hands, bless
(1:55) “i feel like my butt is tauter” zach turns and raises an eyebrow
(3:15) they go in for a group hug and eugene instantly goes for zach. when it’s clear he won’t reach zach, he pulls away from them all. interesting
August 1, 2015 - The Try Guys Watch Anime For The First Time
(1:17) zach compliments eugene’s hair
(3:06) zach: “yeah i guess we’re having a good time again.” eugene has the biggest smile on his face
(4:51) another compliment for eugene’s hair
(5:07) zach says something, then eugene repeats it enthusiastically and like.. kinda bites his lip?
(5:28) eugene leans over ned so he can talk to zach
these two are so in sync in such little ways like.. correcting ned’s pronunciation (6:03), leaning forward to laugh at ned’s joke (7:10), the hand gesture (7:14)
7:33 holding hands :))
August 3, 2015 - The Try Guys Cosplay For The First Time
8:41 - the boys dancing together
August 29, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Extreme Swimsuits
(4:57) eugene casually checking out zach (”i just saw zach’s penis” “yeah i accidently showed eugene my dick already” “i can still see your dick”)
zach’s eyes go straight (haha) to eugene’s butt when he walks away (5:11)
September 12, 2015 (from some time in August) - The Try Guys Imitate Each Other
“so, the one thing i know about zach is that- besides being adorable-” (0:47)
“i’ve been to many bars with him” (0:53)
“i have never been so attracted to eugene” (1:07)
ok but zach imitating eugene LMFAO
(3:30) zach crashing into eugene for a hug 
September 23, 2015 - The Try Guys Watch K-pop For The First Time
(2:16) eugene like… reading zach’s mind
September 25, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Korean Cooking
the boys cooking together
(0:36) “so eugene’s gonna be my mom” “i am not gonna be your mom” “so i got mom here to help me-” “i am not your mom” “so mom what’s the first step?” “i am not your mom!”
(1:10) eugene feeding zach (”thereee you go”)
(1:41) “you fucked me hard”
(1:47) “eugene’s a mean daddy”
(1:52) hand on the shoulder
(2:42) eugene just looks SO done
(3:04) “we’re a great team” :’)
(6:18) arm around the shoulder 
September 26, 2015 - The Try Guys Recreate Korean Drama Scenes
(2:04) iconic…. zach going in for a kiss. when will ur fave ever
September 27, 2015 - The Try Guys Try K-pop Dance Moves
(3:15) zach: *sniffs eugene* “still smells good”
(3:49) zach (lol and the others) wearing eugene’s clothes
(5:46) “let’s smell him again”
October 29, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Childhood-Ruining Costumes
(4:58) zach’s got his arms wrapped around eugene, trying to pull his costume off
November 1, 2015 - The Try Guys Get Prostate Exams
(2:46) “i’ve never had anything up my butt- well” ???????????
eugene looked like he enjoyed the exam way too much LMAO
December 13, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Therapy
the boys opening up to each other (just all of them in general) :’)
(6:17) as soon as eugene holds out his hands for the others to touch zach immediately reaches out, even before eugene was finished talking
(7:25) “now hug us!!”
eugene tries to wave off the hug until he sees zach’s arms then kinda reluctantly shuffles over
(7:28) ok zach is FULLY cuddling eugene at this point
December 19, 2015 - The Try Guys Break Into A House
(1:18) boyfs ridin off in style
Febuary 7, 2016 - Sexy Edible Lingerie Taste Test
(5:18) zach chose his nipple as the place for eugene to lick, despite presumably knowing it’d give him away bc of all the hair. go big or go home i guess
Febuary 28, 2016 - The Try Guys Play F***, Marry, Kill
(2:06) eugene noticeably reaches out to touch zach, pulls away, then moves his arm back over to grab zach’s arm
(2:17) eugene pats zach on the back
also… not zagene but……. eugene in glasses…………………
March 6, 2016 - The Try Guys Test Their Sperm Count
(5:47) eugene puts his hand on zach’s back again
March 16, 2016 - Which Type of Alcohol F*cks You Up The Most?
(3:28) “bye eugene” “where did he go?” “where does he ever go :(” why does zach sound so sad omg
these two actually weren’t super touchy in this vid which is weird when u look at the last vid where they all got drunk together
March 27, 2016 - Extreme Asian Food Challenge
(1:25) “do you wanna feed each other?” eugene gives a Look to the camera- “…sure”
(2:17) for the life of me can’t work out what eugene’s doing here. is he abt to put his arm around zach? put the phone in his pocket then quickly change his mind? touch his butt? we may never know
(5:19) zach’s “are u being for fuckin real” look still manages to be incredibly fond
(5:49) “keep your screaming to a minimum” “ yEaH eUgEne We’lL KeEp ouR ScrEamiNg to A miNimUm”
April 19, 2016 - The Try Guys Get Style Makeovers
(3:15) “first person who comes to your mind when you think of a well-dressed guy” “eugene” (same)
(8:29) eugene looks lost for words
(9:40) “it’s workin on me”
(12:22) “you look like a deleted scene from cowboy bebop” “that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me” “you’re welcome”
June 17, 2016 - The Try Guys Try Not To Die At Sea
(0:40) eugene helping zach into the water
(1:22) while eugene’s fixing his hair; “i think you look good”
(2:06) eugene holding zach while he pees over the side (one hand right on his butt). good job being supportive? 
August 5, 2016 - The Try Guys Try The Ancient Olympics
(2:43) zach’s rubbing oil into eugene’s butt, which totally isn’t suggestive at all
(3:34) pretty much leaning into each other again, this time while fully naked
(11:15) eugene comforting zach after he kicked him lol
zach has that same worried/thrilled look he has when eugene’s fighting ned that he had during the UFC fighting ep
also unrelated to zagene entirely but steven’s in the background during the wrestling?? omg
(13:54) back to zagene zach goes to help eugene off the ground when he has his ass handed to him
(15:50) eugene shoving zach when he’s being a little shit. i’m also like 90% certain he said “zachary!”
August 27, 2016 - The Try Guys Danish Food Taste Test
(0:19) ok not super zageney BUT i did use this moment in this post (#shamelessspon)
(1:48) “i think we should lady and the tramp this” “no” instant cut to them lady and the tramping the food
(2:47) “i like watching you eat! it’s like watching a little baby eat”
September 12, 2016 - The Try Guys React To Their First Videos
(3:21) zach and eugene sassing ned
(5:06) “look at that big boner i had” “that was NOT your boner” alrighty zach
(5:44) “i didn’t want to hurt you...”
(8:56) zach’s got his leg lying on eugene’s
(9:13) leaning into each other
(9:12) “promise you if we get to 200 videos we’ll fuck each other” can’t wait for The Try Guys Try Guys (i’m definitely not the first person to make this joke)
November 4, 2016 - The Try Guys Try Distracted Driving
(5:11) zach gently brushes hair off eugene’s forehead
(8:47) eugene and zach smiling at each other so softly i’m....
December 12, 2016 - The Try Guys Crash Cars Into Each Other
(1:35) zach’s giggle at “demolition derby is basically backing dat ass up”
(12:34) eugene gives zach the most adoring look
December 17, 2016 - The Try Guys Try The Weirdest Beauty Trends Of 2016
(4:57) eugene’s got his arm resting on zach’s shoulder
February 17, 2017 - The Try Guys Prank Each Other 
(2:05) “you pick the stupidest pranks zach” eugene sounded so giggly here aw
(5:05) eugene absolutely cracks up at zach’s “stupid prank”
(6:13) eugene cracking up at one of zach’s pranks again. genuinely love how happy he seems in this vid
(8:30) eugene leans right over zach to point at his screen and zach doesn’t even think twice about it. doesn’t flinch when eugene touches his face to steal his glasses either 🤔
(8:46) zach’s fond (yet exasperated) face and eugene’s kinda giddy laugh
(8:49) highkey looks like eugene was going for zach’s hand. he settles on his wrist
(8:53) zach’s hand goes to eugene’s to try and pull him away. and then cut to eugene halfway across the room??
(11:11) (make a wish) eugene and zach noticeably walking apart from the others
February 21, 2017 - The Try Guys Try Virtual Reality 
(3:10) eugene hugs zach from behind and looks thrilled with himself
(4:38) eugene leans towards the back of zach’s neck to whisper something to be a lil shit again (”back, demon!”)
(8:22) eugene wanders over to be a shit again, a reoccurring theme for this vid
(9:47, but also earlier (i forget when)) when eugene’s standing with his renditions of the try guys, he has his arm around his version of zach
March 5, 2017 - The Try Guys Take A Friendship DNA Test
(2:42) uh the whole dominant/submissive thing? what kind of kinky shit?
March 12, 2017 - The Try Guys Sexy Alcohol Taste Test
just the fact that these two were paired together for this kind of video
(1:20) “did you put your sex inside my drink, eugene?”
(1:48) eugene leaning right into zach’s personal space
(3:09) eugene looks so challenging when he’s describing the blow job shot. he’s READY
(3:13) “gene i noticed that yours is girthier than mine” eugene’s Look. also the nickname
(3:34) zach is so wide eyed when eugene takes the shot. also eugene definitely looks like he’s showing off
(3:45) “oooh yeah, i’m blowing your job...” “...just take the drink Zach, don’t think about it too much”
(4:04) eugene guiding zach’s head to take the shot???
(4:12) “this is the worst blow job i’ve ever gotten” and all that follows
(5:41) eugene like full-on bites
(6:15) “to zach’s tiny, fuckable body” “ahh... one day”
March 26, 2017 - The Try Guys Wear High Heels For A Night
(3:22) sitting beside each other at dinner
(5:47) eugene’s got his arm around zach, hand kinda on his neck
(6:44) ok... i know some stuff on this list is a bit of a stretch but DEFINITE heart eyes from eugene here
(7:36) eugene’s got his arm behind zach on the wall, leaning into his personal space
(8:25) zach leans into eugene to say something to him
(8:26) eugene’s reluctant to tap out bc he wanted to last the night, so zach suggests they call it a night so eugene can take the heels off without feeling bad
(8:41) eugene has his hands on zach’s shoulders, lets him lead him out
(8:43) eugene’s arm around zach’s shoulders again, hand kinda bunched in his shirt (also, “tonight zach carried me home”)
April 1, 2017 - The Try Guys Drunk Fast Food Taste Test
(0:12) eugene - “when people are drunk, they’re more honest than ever” hey so i wonder why u two get super touchy whenever ur drunk  🤔
(0:17) “my pants are still wet from the other video” “no one- no one wants to see that zach” eugene says, while staring at his butt
(0:39) “don’t eat without me, motherfucker”
(5:30) zagene being all cute and giggly at the end
April 15, 2017 - The Try Guys Take A Lie Detector Test
ok before we begin... #shamelessspon here and here
(1:48) eugene leaning over zach, one arm on either side of him
(2:18) eugene looks so goddamn fond here i’m dead
(4:35) when it’s revealed zach’s made out with a coworker, eugene looks pretty damn smug
also eugene looking progressively more annoyed the more coworkers zach’s said he’s made out with lmaooo
(5:22) eugene wants to fuck zach. literally have nothing to add, it speaks for itself
(6:09) zach reaches out to grab onto eugene’s arm
(7:44) zach grabs onto eugene’s arm again
(8:13) zach reaches out to grab eugene’s shoulder again
(8:35) hey so guess what zach’s doing, yet again
(8:54) eugene wraps his arm around zach’s shoulders
(8:59) eugene’s leaning heavily on zach’s shoulder
May 20, 2017 - The Try Guys Take An Ancestry DNA Test
ok before i begin i absolutely love this post by @foundghosts which might be worth a look if ur into reading body language (i think it’s super cool, which is a surprise to no one following this blog)
June 13, 2017 - The Try Guys Re-Create Photos Of Their Dads
(1:51) supportive bf shaving zach’s chest hair
also zach talking abt finding someone in the voice over when eugene’s the only person in the shot with him?
also this ask that i got
July 29, 2017 - The Try Guys Try The Japanese Tablecloth Trick
(5:33) “just take your pants off”
(6:43) zach and eugene driving everywhere together gives me life
(6:49) mocking each other like 5 year olds smh
August 5, 2017 - The Try Guys Try Cuban Miami 
(9:36) sitting beside each other for a coffee break
(10:35) teamwork on the cigar wrapping
(12:11) eugene’s arm is wrapped around zach
August 12, 2017 - The Try Guys Ski In Speedos
(0:29) [”i see eugene, i click”] zach: “i click! i click!” eugene just looks fond and exasperated 
(1:53) eugene is giving definite heart eyes here (also his fucking HAIR Y’ALL I’M SCREAMING)
(3:41) zach reaching forward to run his fingers through eugene’s hair (living the dream if we’re being real)
August 26, 2017 - The Try Guys 12-Mile Wilderness Adventure
(3:21) zach calling eugene tf out
(5:04) what is this cutesy couple-style photoshoot going on here
(7:40) eugene and zach walking together behind the others
(11:41) during the group hug, eugene has one arm fully around zch while his other is kind of just awkwardly patting keith’s shoulder lmfao
September 2, 2017 - The Try Guys Throw A $300,000 Bachelor Party
(3:27) sitting together in the back seat (literally incapable of driving anywhere if they’re not sitting together i swear)
the shots dotted throughout the video of zach and eugene talking to themselves or the camera and leaning towards each other a lil
(18:15) definitely got arms around each other, also eugene’s smile aw
September 9, 2017 - I Have An Autoimmune Disease
(3:37-3:55) eugene messing around with zach
(8:10) eugene was with zach the first time he got his shot (other try guys at least weren’t there)
September 16, 2017 - The Try Guys Get Makeovers From High School Girls
(8:21) eugene looks pretty flustered when he sees zach in his bad boy get up
(8:35) “nice meme reference!” 
yo but the things zach says when ned comes out in his clothes... u sure ur straight bud
October 7, 2017 - The Try Guys Try Immigrating To America
(0:05) eugene immediately looks to zach after making a joke (looking for validation?)
(4:06) “i think i have a crush on... iranian eugene” “don’t have a crush on fake me”
(5:10) “you’ve been recently widowed” “that means i’m single”
October 14, 2017 - The Try Guys Try Roller Derby
(2:04) eugene glances at zach a couple of times, looking incredibly fond
(2:31) eugene skating towards zach to hold his hand is still the cutest thing ever
(3:03) eugene skating towards zach to make him jump out of the way
(8:06) eugene reaches across ned to touch zach’s hand, for seemingly no reason
October 28, 2017 - The Try Guys Test Who Is The Most Attractive
(2:20) “you’re doing great sweetie”
(20:11) eugene “i hate children” yang: “but think of our children, how successful they’d be”
November 4, 2017 - The Try Guys Become Groomsmen For Keith’s Wedding
(2:06) “take your clothes off, zach”
(8:17) “ok umm... just think about zach naked” this is such a weird thing for eugene to have said and yet i’m not remotely surprised
(13:08) the Look
November 11, 2017 - The Try Guys Bake Bread Without A Recipe
(9:57) great minds think alike :’) (also eugene apparently just lurking around behind zach)
ok also adding on the little smile eugene does whenever zach smiles at him. i’ve noticed this before but i don’t think i’ve brought it up yet
(11:08)  zach mutters something to eugene, shared smile
(14:25) eugene’s classic adoring smile
(17:16) “i’ve been asking for hugs all day!” says zach, looking sulky
November 18, 2017 - The Try Guys Feed Wild Animals In Alaska
(2:26) adorable teasing
(3:49) leaning into each other a little
(6:44) more teasing
also y’all we’ve rlly gotta hand it to zach for not checking eugene out in the clips at the place they’re staying, even if he is straight. like bitch i’m a lesbian but oh boy.....
December 2, 2017 - The Try Guys Make The Ultimate Holiday Calendar 
(9:08) eugene confirms he’s lgbt, to the surprise of absolutely no one
(10:22) zach FULLY checking out eugene’s dick
(12:42) eugene adjusting zach’s scarf thing around his shoulders (i’m not jewish lol there’s probably some jewish name for it) - EDIT: it’s called a Tallus or talit
(15:30) “touch my butt” “i’ll hold his butt”
16:52, 16:54, 17:23 zach tries to kiss eugene
(17:23) “wow gimel that’s three kisses!!” “noo! that’s not how it works!”
December 11, 2017 - Not Too Deep Podcast with Grace Helbig
(19:10) “yeah we hang out more than’s probably healthy at this point” [what percentage of your weeks are spent with each other] “um, approximately the amount of time you’d spend with a significant other” “i was gonna say 80, it that too high? like my waking hours” [and sometimes when you’re sleeping!] “it has happened, yeah”
(20:09) (grace brings up zagene) zach: “i love this podcast already!!” eugene: “you know, zach loves that”
(20:20) zach wants to do a try guys recreate fanfic video. eugene is more reluctant. read into this as you will
(21:04) “he’s a classic bottom, i’m a more prototypical top”
(26:48) zach is “obsessed” with the idea of a fanfic recreation vid
(29:13) another example of zach offhandedly mentioning how hot he finds eugene
(33:34) “you’ll get married, you’re a romaaantic”
(35:57) great minds think alike :‘)
December 16, 2017 - Male Sex Symbols Throughout History
(6:46) ICONIC ass slap
and eugene’s winning smile immediately after
January 27, 2018 - The Try Guys Race Dune Buggies
(2:31) why do they literally sound like parents arguing abt who has to tuck their child in LMAO
zach also puts his hand on eugene’s back a second later
(2:40) eugene’s resting his head on zach’s shoulder as he leans forward
(5:05) eugene doing a mini photo shoot of zach kills me every time
(13:14) eugene initiates the group hug, but doesn’t extend it to ned and keith when they come over
also side note but zach fits into eugene’s arms so well it’s adorable
February 10, 2018 - The Try Guys Race Dog Sleds
(3:59) watching them goof around together is so sweet
(6:04) zach’s like got his hand fisted in eugene’s jacket
(7:03) why is it whenever we get a candid shot of these two they’re always standing suuuper close together
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