#i’m a writer with severe anxiety all i ever seem to do is overanalyze lol
the-woman-upstairs · 2 years
“We remember so you don’t forget.”
Like, whew, hearing this line in the context of America choosing to step on the memory pad so she can relive what’s ultimately a painful memory but is probably the clearest one she has of her mothers is so heartbreaking.
She was young when they were separated and it makes sense that she’s starting to lose some of her earliest memories and maybe even finds herself unable to remember small details about them: the color of their eyes, the sound of their laughter, the differences in their hugs.
So she takes the opportunity to see them clearly, their visages and voices right in front of her instead of conjured up in her remaining memories. But the sharpest and most readily available memory is also the one where she lost them, an accident she blames herself for.
She gets the chance to strengthen her remembrance of her mothers, only to never forget how she lost them in the first place.
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