#i’m absolutely not discrediting the blatant racism and colorism of the fanbase because that absolutely exists
800db-cloud · 1 year
I think you should be made aware that theres a minidrama on twitter claiming Shiver fans to be racist. Which...some might be. My mutual in law got DOGGED recently and i saw all of it (all they did was make a lil joke i think
so i’ve heard… :( the entire situation is terrible , honestly. i’m not big into splatoon but i am a brown person, and seeing the infighting between fans about the racism and colorism in the fanbase is. stressful, to put it VERY lightly
i’m very sorry to hear what happened to your mutual-in-law. the recent splatfest has a LOT of people agitated. thankfully nobody has been rude to me yet, but knowing the internet (and how things are going right now) who knows how long that’ll last
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