#i’m going to sleep now i prommy i just had to write this down
pwurrz · 9 months
yakumo is already scary when he’s angry but when he’s angry at the people he cares about it’s less ‘cold, threatening anger’ and more ‘passionate, emotional anger’.
eiden is sick. very sick. he’s overheated, in pain, exhausted, and generally miserable. yakumo, as the one most familiar with handling domestic affairs like caring for a sick person, immediately took it upon himself to personally nurse eiden back to health.
quincy has also decided to stay. not to look after eiden, he trusts that yakumo has that covered, but to keep eiden company while he rests. he doesn’t fear getting sick himself, after all it really wouldn’t affect much of his daily routine. yakumo is skeptical, worried that he’ll eventually have to care for two sick people, but quincy convinces him to let him stay by assuring he’ll actually make eiden rest.
because eiden is.. stubborn. he can’t sleep because of the fever, and there’s a little voice in the back of his head that criticizes him for simply lying in bed and waiting to recover. cuddling with quincy and being doted on by yakumo is nice, but part of him feels like he could be doing more. he could be working, studying in the library, doing something to repay yakumo in advance for looking after him.
the first time yakumo finds eiden wandering the mansions hallways and not in bed where he’s supposed to be, he’s confused as much as he is concerned. did eiden need something he didn’t provide? was he not checking on eiden enough?
eiden manages to soothe his worries by whining about how he needed to stretch his legs and get out of that stuffy room. yakumo huffs and gently scolds him for leaving his room alone in the condition he’s in. eiden relents sheepishly and gets back into bed with quincy, who ignores a stern and suspicious look from yakumo by pretending he’s asleep.
it’s about the fifth time this happens that yakumo finally erupts. he comes in to deliver eiden some revitalizing soup, made with love to help him recover faster, and gasps in affronted shock at what he sees.
eiden isn’t in his bed, where he’s supposed to be. he is instead hunched over at his desk, papers and open books strewn everywhere to show that he’d been there for quite some time. and judging by the miserable expression on his face, he wasn’t hit by a sudden burst of inspiration caused by his improving condition.
“mr. eiden!!”
eiden whips around, eyes blinking a few times to clear his vision and immediately regretting it when he gets a look at the very angry serpent standing in his doorway.
“just what do you think you’re doing?” yakumo doesn’t raise his voice very often, if he can help it. but considering the lack of restraint he puts on his volume this time, eiden knows he’s pissed.
“oh! y-yakumo! i was just- i-i’m feeling a little better so i wanted to get a head start on.. work..” the excuse sounds weak and unbelievable as soon as he says it, and yakumo sighs in pure exasperation.
“you’re clearly not feeling better, look at you! i’d say your fever has even gotten worse! you’re never going to get better unless you stay in bed and rest!” eiden opens his mouth to argue, but feels the little strength he had remaining fizzle out. before he knows it, he’s being scooped up in yakumo’s deceptively scrawny arms and plopped back into bed. when eiden weakly tries to struggle out of bed once again, the serpent takes out a slipper (where did he get that from? does he just have that on his person at all times??) and holds it menacingly above his head with a glare on his face that could strike fear into the hearts of even the most fearless yokai.
“i swear mr. eiden, if i come back in this room one more time and i find you out of bed for any reason other than to use the restroom i’ll.. i’ll..! throw this shoe at you!!”
and normally eiden would call his bluff, yakumo? making threats? much less following through on them? the idea is almost laughable in its impossibility. but the fire burning in yakumo’s eyes tells eiden to simply nod and stay put.
“and mr. quincy!!”
the man beside eiden tenses slightly before opening his eyes, realizing his act of pretending to be asleep had not saved him from the serpent’s scolding.
“i’m trusting you to keep mr. eiden in bed, okay? i know you’ve been taking pity on him and letting him do what he wants, but that needs to stop if he’s ever going to get better!”
quincy opens his mouth to attempt to refute that statement, but yakumo beats him to it.
“and don’t tell me you were sleeping!! i know what you’re like when you sleep next to someone, you would’ve been awake the second he made a move. no more of that, okay?”
quincy lets out a grunt of defeat and understanding.
“good. mr. eiden, i made you some soup to help you recover sooner. make sure to drink it all, okay? don’t waste a single drop!” and just like that, yakumo resembles a sweet and attentive househusband once more. when eiden nods, he leaves the room with a satisfied smile, shutting the door softly behind him.
the two remaining men in the room make eye contact, and eiden struggles to contain his laughter.
“i’ve never seen him get so fired up before! he didn’t stutter even once!”
quincy nods, the same soft smile he usually has when he talks about yakumo gracing his features.
“hm. he’s quite cute like that.”
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ffxvthingies · 6 years
Hey, I saw you were interested in prompts so I thought I'd deliver! How about Prompto trying to figure out how to make a good meal for his vegetarian SO, ft clumsy Prompto and lots of fluff? Thanks so much, and I really like your writing!!!
ooohhh alright alright interesting.
This features lots of clumsy Prompto with fluff in at the end (I’m not good with fluff, only angst sorry anon!)
But I hope you enjoy this!
Prompto is determined to make a meal for you, especially after the hard week you’ve had and the stress he knew you were under.
However, on top of actually cooking well he also had to make it vegetarian, so he turned to the only man who could help.
“Hello Prompto,” Ignis’ voice could be heard through the other end of the phone.
Normally Prompto would exchange pleasantries and ask if he was busy, but he had five hours to make a dinner and no idea how!
“Iggy help! I need to make a nice, vegetarian dinner!” He’s leaned over his computer, frantically searching vegetarian recipes, but no knowing which is actually good.
“Ah, and you’ve come to me for ideas?”
“Pleeaasee Iggy! It’s for Y/N and I want it to be special!”
“Alright, alright. An easy recipe would be... Ah! A Caprese Pasta Salad. Do you need me to talk you through how to make it?”
“Yes please,” Prompto squeaked out.
Prompto first had to run to the store and buy everything needed (along with some... extra things).
After that he placed Ignis on speaker phone and followed his instructions as closely as possible.
“Now, get a strainer and drain the water out.”
“Uhhh-” Prompto look around trying to figure out what a strainer might look like.
Ignis spoke before he could ask, “It looks like a wired net, it keeps the food from falling through.” Oh, that makes sense...
He found the strainer and only dropped it twice in his flurry of cooking so he called that a success!
“Ow! Shit!”
“Prompto, are you alright?” Ignis’ voice actually had worry in it, pressing for answers as Prompto ran his hand under the cold water.
“The pot is hot!” He shouted as an answer, letting the cold water wash away the burn.
He managed to hear Ignis sigh on the line, “Yes Prompto. The pot is hot because it’s on a stove.”
“Okay, rolls are done Iggy!”
“Excellent! Now just wait for them to cool down and place them in a basket to go along with the pasta, make sure to add butter as well.”
“Sure thi- OW!”
“... What did you do?”
“I... well I didn’t think the rolls would be that hot so I-”
“You dropped one didn’t you.” Prompto could swear he felt Ignis pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Just one!” Prompto tried to assure, picking it up and examining it. “It’s fine, yeah, no harm done-”
“Prompto Argentum you will throw that roll away!” Prompto was quick to dispose of the roll, mostly in fear that Ignis would hunt him down if he didn’t.
You walked down the hallway that lead to your apartment, feet hurting, head hurting, and ready to just fall in your bed and sleep the weekend away.
You managed to slide the key in the lock and turn it, eyes threatening to shut on you, but you were meet with the smell of pasta and tomatoes and...
“Is something burning?” You called out to your boyfriend, who yelped along with a thump. You hurried to the kitchen expecting to see a fire or blood or something, but instead you were greeted with two candles lit on the table, a basket of bread, and two bowls of delicious smelling pasta on the table.
“Prom... did you... make all this?” You were at a lost for words, examining each food item to make sure it was real and not your imagination.
Prompto wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. “I wanted to make you a nice meal because you’ve had a hard week. It’s all vegetarian too!”
You blinked your tears away as you kissed your boyfriend, “Aw Prommy, thank you so much! This was so sweet of you!”
“Anything for you chocoboo.” He kissed your head one final time before pulling away, gesturing to your chair. “Now then! Shall we eat.”
You nodded and sat, digging in and oh my Gods this is actually good! Not burnt, not soggy, the flavor maybe a little too powerful but it still tasted amazing!
“Prompto,” you spoke with a mouthful of pasta. “This is really good!”
“Aw thank! I looked up the recipe online, and it was a little confusing figuring out what items they meant and-”
“You called Iggy, didn’t you?”
“Yeah.” Prompto slouched, a playful defeat on his face, but it didn’t last long as you smiled and laughed it off. Afterwards you two cuddled on the couch with your favorite movie to work off the “food baby” you two had just made.
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