#i’m gonna stay up till he arrives in Paris lol
accio-victuuri · 1 year
ROUND ONE OF YIBO X PFW engagement. ✌🏼
They already shared a trailer on their instagram for the event, you can easily like and mention Yibo. Whether that’s how excited you are to see him ( which is not a lie lol ) and the actual show or thanking them for bringing Bobo.
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It’s also on Youtube:
If you have twitter, ( i know we do and we hate using it lol ) you can post and use this tag for now: #WangYibo_WelcomeToParis
While it is said that the “broadcast” time for the show is 2:00 PM Paris time, the actual event starts at 10:30 AM. So we will definitely have content coming out way before the 2:00 PM schedule.
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superfem-imagines · 5 years
Birthday Surprises
So this is by far my longest yet, at 2,095 words. I hope everyone likes it, it wasn’t requested but I wrote it for Lena’s birthday which is apparently today (according to the content on my dash lol).
With her cape rustling behind her, Kara walked over to Winn, practically buzzing. “Hey Winn, can I call in a favor?” With his confirmation, she plopped into the chair next to him, grin splitting her face.
The only noise in the quiet office was the clacking of her keyboard. Lena sighed, running her hands over her hair before sending the email she had written to her business partners in Hong Kong. Moving to the alcohol cabinet, she poured herself a glass of wine, absently staring at her desk. A bright trill broke the silence and Lena retrieved her phone from near her laptop.
A picture of Kara with walrus chopstick teeth lit up her phone, along with a message from her. She smiled before opening her phone and reading the message.
Hey Lee! Game Night tomorrow at 7!
Checking her calendar, she saw that tomorrow was also her birthday. She grimaced at the thought but decided it was better to spend it with her best friend than working all night.
Sounds good, Kara. Would you like me to bring anything?
Just your cute ass
Brows up near her hairline, she reread the message, another one coming in right after.
That was Alex
Not that you don’t have a cute ass
Not that I was looking though- I would never.
Lena chuckled, amused that Kara was able to trip over her own words when texting.
I’ll be there, darling. Smiling, she packed up and left the office, telling Jess to go home on her way out. Maybe for once her birthday wouldn’t be so bad.
Lena dropped her purse onto her office couch, pausing as she saw a plain brown bag on her desk. She slowly walked over to it, opening it carefully in case there was a device in it. She wouldn’t put it past her brother to leave her a bomb on her birthday. In fact, she’d be surprised if he didn’t.
Taking a deep breath, she looked inside. Instead of a bomb, there was a white box with a blue ribbon tying it closed and a coffee cup next to it. Pulling out the card that rested on top, she opened it, breaking into a smile as she read the scrawled handwriting.
“Hey Lee, I happened to be in Paris this morning so figured I’d get you something. I won’t be able to come by for lunch but I will see you tonight. Have a great day!
- Kara”
Curious, she pulled out the box and cup. Untying the ribbon, she found some fresh madeleines sitting on a plush cloth. She pulled one out and took a bite, letting out a gentle moan at the taste. They were light and airy and the label marked them as the ones from the little cafe she had told Kara about. She finished the small pastry before grabbing the cup and taking a drink from it, the label matching the box’s. She smiled, grateful that Kara had gone out of her way to get these.
“Aleeex,” Kara whined, attitude not lining up with her Supergirl persona. She spun on the wheely chair in her sister’s lab, too nervous to stay still. “What if she doesn’t like them?”
Sighing, Alex pinched the bridge of her nose and took off her glasses. She grabbed Kara by the shoulders, stopping her from spinning. “Kara, stopping stressing on it. She’s gonna love them.”
“Ye- yeah, you’re right. I’m sure she’ll lo-” before Kara could launch into a rant, her phone went off, a text from the very woman.
So, a little birdy left something on my desk.
Kara smiled at the message, putting her hand on Alex’s forehead, keeping her from shaking her again.
Thank you, Kar. I love them.
“Well?” Alex huffed, wanting to see what the dark haired CEO was saying.
“She said she loved them!” Kara beamed, bouncing on the creaking stool.
I’m glad you do, Lee. Sorry I can’t make it to lunch today.
That’s alright, we can go to it some other time.
But we were going to try that new Italian place. Kara pouted after sending that one, sad that her surprise was going to interfere with her lunch plans with Lena.
We can go next week, yeah?
Still pouting, Kara texted back while still ignoring Alex. Ok, I’m holding you to that though!
Of course, darling. I have a board meeting so I will see you tonight
Have fun!
“Well?” At her sister’s demanding tone, Kara grinned up at her, shoving the phone in Alex’s face.
“She said she loved them!” Kara shouted, doing a quick spin on the chair.
“She also called you ‘darling’.” Alex wagged her eyebrows at the Kryptonian puppy in front of her, laughing as Kara’s ears turned red and she sputtered for a response.
Kara gently landed on her balcony, a deep blue box in her hands. She set it on the counter, looking at the German writing before removing the cardboard. A white cake with deep green ivy and “Happy Birthday Lena” in fancy writing on top in a lighter shade. Satisfied, she put the cover back on and moved it to the spare bedroom before placing the ice cream in the freezer.
Looking at the clock, she realized she had 15 minutes before the Superfriends arrived. Using a burst of superspeed, Kara quickly cleaned up the apartment, finishing right as there was a knock on the door. She fixed her hair and opened the door, revealing Winn and James, the latter holding a bottle of wine.
“I have to run and get something really fast guys, can you hold down the fort till I’m back?” Kara looked at her phone, checking the time Lena will be there.
“Of course, is everything okay?” James asked, a concerned look on his face.
“Yea, I should be back soon. Lena said she’d be a little late so I should be back before she gets here.” She thanked the boys before flying out the window.
Kara silently landed in a side alley, changing before stepping out. She was on a side road in Britain, a short walk from the shop she was looking for. Stepping through the jewelers doors, she walked to the counter. An older man quickly appeared from the backroom, smiling at her.
“What can I do for you dear?” He asked, light blue eyes trained on her.
“I’m here to pick up an item.”
“What’s the name?” He grabbed a notepad before turning back to her.
“Kara Danvers.” Nodding, he disappeared into the backroom again. She looked around the little shop, admiring the different jewelry on display.
“Is this it?” The older man appeared in front of her with a sleek black box, opening it so she could check.
“Oh wow,” Kara breathed, gently touching the cool metal. “It’s beautiful, thank you.”
“No problem.” After a quick exchange, she was on her way, black box tucked away.
She landed back in her living room before smiling at her friends. “I’m back!” She goes into the kitchen as Alex follows her.
“Well?” Alex asked, breathless from anticipation. Kara opened the box, smiling as Alex softly gasped. “It’s so pretty, Kar. She’ll love it.”
Before Kara could respond, the doorbell rang. She called to the others that she’d get it, handing the box to Alex so she could move it to the spare room with the cake.
Kara bounced to the door, swinging it wide open to reveal her best friend. “Hey Kara, sorry I’m late. I had to deal with that meeting.”
“That’s okay.” Kara reassured, pulling the woman into a tight hug. As they entered the living room Kara clapped her hands, getting everyone’s attention. “Alright people! You’re all going down!” Kara grinned, sitting with Lena at the couch as the boys booed.
After cleaning and almost everyone was gone, Lena was getting ready to leave. Kara wrung her hands together, nervous for what was to come. “Hey Lee?” Kara paused as those bright green eyes stared at her. “Can you stay a little longer?”
Lena set back down her purse, turning the the nervous blond in front of her. “Yeah sure. Is everything okay?”
“Y-yeah! Everything’s great. I- uh, I actually wanted to give you something,” she paused to grab a scarf that was sitting on the couch before stepping up to Lena. She held up the scarf, smiling. “It’s a surprise though.” Lena shook her head as she turned her back to Kara, indicating for Kara to blindfold her.
With her vision blocked, all she could hear was Kara leave before coming back and setting something down. She still didn’t remove the makeshift blindfold as Kara stepped up in front of her and began to talk.
“So I had called in a favor yesterday to figure out something. And I wanted to make it special so I went to Paris and Germany and Britain, because you’re so important to me and-” Lena cut Kara off as she reached out for the bubbly blond.
“Kar, I love when you ramble but you’re making me nervous,” Lena murmured, clasping Kara’s hands. The blond laughed nervously before removing the blindfold, letting Lena’s eyes adjust. “Now, what was it you wanted to make so special?”
“Well I realized the other day that I didn't know when your birthday was,” seeing Lena stiffen, Kara rushed to continue. “Which is totally fine! I understand- kind of. But the point is, you’re so amazing and I wanted to show you that. So I cancelled our lunch,” Lena raised an eyebrow at that, “I went to Paris this morning for your breakfast.”
Kara gently grasped Lena’s shoulders to turn her around, revealing the cake now sitting on the counter. “I went to this amazing cake place in Germany to get the best cake ever,” Kara gently steered Lena closer to the cake, admiring the baker’s work. “It’s red velvet with a buttercream frosting.”
Kara walked around her to grab the black box, now tied with a green ribbon. “Then I went to Britain and talked to this cute old man who helped me make this for you.” Kara gently handed the box to Lena, clasping her hands in front of her nervously.
Lena barely breathed as she gently untied the ribbon, letting it drop before opening the box. Inside, nestled on black velvet, sat a bright green stone linked to a shimmering silver braided chain. She admired the craftsmanship through teary vision.
“The chain is metal from the pod I used to get here,” Kara said quietly. “The stone is Kryptonite.” At that Lena snapped her head up to look at Kara.
“Are you nuts? This could hurt you!” Lena exclaimed, getting ready to move away.
“It can’t though,” Kara gently grabbed Lena’s forearm, stopping her from moving. “Alex made it to where it can’t.”
“Oh.” Lena’s brow furrowed in contemplation, thinking back to what Kara said. “So you just gave a random man the metal and what? A design and just trusted him with it?”
“Well,” Kara scratched the back of her neck, thinking back to the older man. “It’s a long story but he’s not exactly human. I saved him a while back and helped him settle down in the UK. The people from his planet are good with metal and jewels so he wanted to help me make it, to repay me for helping him.”
“Also,” Kara continued, crinkle forming. “None of the others knew about this, other than Alex and that was because I was worried you wouldn’t like it. I mean, you didn’t tell me about your birthday so I thought, ‘maybe I’m crossing a line’ ya know? Just going and figuring out when your birthday is. Cause what if you were upset with me and-”
“Kara,” Lena interrupted, laugh coloring her voice. “Thank you. Though I have to ask, how did you figure out when my birthday is?”
“I can’t answer that one, I promised the person because “She’ll murder me if she found out, Kara!”” At the interpretation Kara raised her voice to a higher pitch in a mocking way. Kara held out a hand for the necklace, taking it and moving behind Lena, brushing the dark hair away in order to clasp the necklace around her neck. She moved back in front of Lena, admiring the way it brought out her eyes.
Lena smiled up at Kara before pulling her into a hug, thanking the blond kryptonian. Internally Kara sighed, maybe one day she’d tell Lena she loved her. But for now, this was just fine.
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phakjira198 · 4 years
December Recap
This is a recap of what I’ve been doing in the month of December. Since I no longer have a guy to talk to, there’s nobody that knows what I’ve been doing daily and my memory is shitty, so it just feel like I’ve just been wasting my life away when in reality I’m doing a lot of useful and fun shit. So here we go, my December recap. 
1 -> Studied for Stochastic modelling all day. Studied by myself for a little in the morning, and then went to Samyan Mitrtown to study with friends. It’s a lot more effective when I study by myself, but I promise Nat that I would help her out, so I went and study with her. But she told me that morning before I left that Prime was gonna be there as well, so that was like the first time we had an interaction together since everything went to hell 5555555. And it has been the only time since as well. When I arrived he had like one the fakest “อ้าว hi” I’ve seen and we avoided talked to each other at first, by talking through First (lol), but eventually we addressed each other directly. Thank god. Anyway it was fun that day. Didn’t actually study that much, but I still got a 100 on that exam so eiei. 
2 -> Stochastic Exam in the morning and then I went to the Doctor because of my rash. At first I was gonna do Hi Tech work, but the rash was just buggy me so much that I can’t take it any more, so I went to the doctor and turn out it was an allergy reaction. 
3 -> Hi Tech work all day (by myself) at Starbucks. 
4 -> Hi Tech work all day but today with friends at I’m Park Starbucks. It was a lot of fun, we filmed a video around the different parts of I’m Park. For Mewii part, I was driving and Tam was filming her in the car 55555. Went to I’m Park at like 11 and stayed there until 9:30 pm. Had to วนรถ several times to minimises parking cost 55555.  
5 -> Father’s Day. I think I was dead that day, but can’t really remember lol 555
6 -> Senior project work + TOEFL 
7 -> Blockchain all day. Had a blockchain training session that Por arranged about private blockchain using hyper ledger. 
8 -> Skipped Blockchain thingy in the morning because I had to do some senior project + TOEFL work. Then went to the Blockchain thingy in the afternoon: we did lap that show the basic implementation, but it was kinda boring, so Praew, Nong Boss and I played a lot of speed racer typing game thingy 5555. 
9 -> Senior project meeting in the morning. TOEFL session with Aj. Savitri at Mitrtown and then spend the rest of the evening there. Bought a pair of Uniqlo jean so that I don’t have to pay for parking and then bought Taco bell for dinner cause I was hungry and I would have something to do in case there was a traffic on the way back home (which obviously there was one 5555). They placed my order wrong, usually I get the spicy soft shell taco thingy, but they gave me a hard shell taco that was filled with something that look like beef. So I was reluctant to eat it at first, but then I googled the menu and found out that it was chicken, so I ate it 555. Also bought my dad a mug and teas for his birthday. 
10 -> Dad’s BD!!! Went to the temple in the morning for you know the annual thingy. Then went to have a birthday lunch with my dad’s friends, which Mutt also joined so that was kinda fun, but I was very tired by the end of it. So I had an afternoon nap when I got home. Then we had to go out for dinner at China place with like ANS parent gang. When I got there Praewa and French already had their laptop out working, so I got my laptop out and started working on my senior project presentation as well 5555555. Anyway the dinner was kinda fun ( I didn’t want to go at first, but I’m glad that I did). I had 2 glasses of beer and 1 glass of wine, and got to talk a little bit with Praewa. 
11 -> Senior Project Proposal Presentation 
12 -> This was a very very random day indeed. Had breakfast at Plaza Athenee with K’Ban and เตี๋ยขวัญ. It was delicious and I ate a shit load. Their Egg Benedict wasn’t really that good though, I was disappointed, but the rest was really good. Then, somehow K’Ban talked with one of the waitress who is from Chumporn and came up with a conclusion that her family has homestay there, so she was like let’s go there today, and I’m like WTF, but my dad was like okay, and I was still like WTF. Anyway I told my mom and dad that I’m not going on the car ride back home and that they can go. Picked up Prim M at 19:00 and drove to IKEA and then came back to Samyan at like 23:00, arrived home at almost midnight 555. 
13 -> TA HW stuff, Senior project stuff, TOEFL stuff. 
14 -> TA HW stuff, Senior project stuff, TOEFL stuff in the morning and afternoon. Then ตี้ at cassette, groove in the evening till midnight again 555555. ตี้ with Tam, Kan, Pat, Non, and Pond. 
15 -> common thonglor, ANS reunionish kinda thing. 
16 -> TOEFL? can’t really remember. So sad 
17 -> session with Aj. Savitri. 
18 -> Dinner with Senior Project research group at mitrtown + went to the book fair and bought shitload of books. 
19 -> TOEFL 
20 -> Lunch with Pare and Kao 
21 -> KBTG Young Tech Scholarship all day 
22 -> Morning = doctor, Afternoon = King Power with Mom, Evening = Nails 
23 -> Lunch = Tam, the onion chicken thingy, got a Starbucks cup from aj naragain. then Hangout with Mutt till night. 
24 -> chill day at home, read the economist all day 5555. 
25 -> Went to ICON siam with mom to have a very very late lunch and finallyyyy get to have a Paella. Then had a little Christmas dinner bbq dinner with Tam, Kan and Pond. 
26 -> can’t remember what I did 555555 but I think I went out. Oh I remember now, I went to see Khun Yai eiei
27 -> Went to Central World with mom and dad to have the Michelin ramen. We went to get queue at 10 am and got the eat at 1 pm. The ramen itself was quite disappointing, but the day was fun. 
28 -> Stayed in bed all day 555555 watched series. Damon Slayers and Emily in Paris. 
29 -> Senior project all day baby. 
30 -> Went to Ratchaburi with Fam and stopped to have a very very late lunch (3pm) at Nakorn Pathom on the way back. 
31 -> Book everything for samui and surat, very tiring and very draining. Then drove to Paragon to go to sea life to reflect back on the year, but couldn’t find parking 55555. I mean I did try for 30 min and then give up, so I drove back to a cafe close to my house is now writing this blog and the 2020 recap blog. 
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