#i’m never letting go of my ctommy
snow-flakeee · 3 months
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Thinking about ctommy with long hair…
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clingyduoapologist · 5 months
*taps mic*
May I have your attention please? Would the real DSMP protagonist please stand up? I repeat, would the real DSMP protagonist please stand up?
We’re gonna have a problem here-
Ya’ll act like ya never seen a ctommy before, jaws all on the floor, like Wilbur when cPhil walked through the door, started looking him up, sadly of course, eyes had remorse, didn’t want to use deadly force (but he did!) 🤣
It’s the return of the-“aw wait no way, you’re kidding. He didn’t just say what I think he did, did he? And ccdream said…” nothing you idiot ccdream’s dead he’s locked in my basement 😈
Feminist women love tommyinnit, “chicka chicka chicka c!tommy, I’m sick of him 😒 look at him, walking around, grabin his discs so tight, flipping off dream on sight,” yeah he’s so cute, right? 🥰 yeah probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose, but no worse than what’s going on in lore streams with ranboo, sometimes, I just wanna hop on tumblr and just let loose, but I can’t, but it’s cool for cSam to kill cRanboo 💀
ctommy’s on your screen, ctommys on your screen, and it’ll stay that way for a time slot that’s just obscene, cause everyone has gotta know ‘exactly what I mean, when I be sayin he’s the littlest guy I’ve ever seen ❤️
Of course you gotta know about the lore streams, about all the insane scenes, where he would put the big T in acTing-we ain’t nothing but bloggers, well some of us wrongers, posting takes cold just like Antarctica 🥶
But if people with the IQ low be makin posts bout whether not it’s moral to be cheering during a torture show and you feel like I feel I feel? I got the antidote, some discourse we’ll help promote, sing the chorus AND IT GOES-
It’s ctommy yeah he’s the real Tommy all you other ctommy’s should try to stop balling 😭, so won’t the main character please stand up? Please stand up? Please stand up? ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️
‘Cause it’s ctommy yeah he’s the real Tommy all you other ctommy’s should try to stop balling 😭, so won’t the main character please stand up? Please stand up? Please stand up?⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️
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demonadelem · 1 year
I’ve had a ctommy for years and we’ve never had any problems until a new neighbour moved in with a cdream. Ever since dream figured out I have a tommy in my house he’s been trying to get in to see him. Tommy, naturally, is absolutely terrified (and honestly I am too ever since I went downstairs one night to get a glass of water one night and I found dream in my kitchen trying to pick up one of my kitchen knives. I trapped him under a bowl). I roped my father into helping me build what’s essentially an impenetrable wooden fortress for him and I’ve taken every precaution I can think of to prevent dream from getting in. Unfortunately, there’s only so much I can do, since I don’t think the landlord would be happy if I tried to do anything too extreme.
I’ve talked to my neighbour, of course, but she doesn’t see anything wrong with what’s going on. To be fair she’s probably pretty neglectful if she’s letting her dream get loose so often. She told me that if I just let the two interact tommy would stop being so nervous. I had to hold myself back from slapping her. Everyone knows you’re not supposed to keep those two together and my tommy in particular has had some bad experiences with a dream.
I’m not giving Tommy up, that wouldn’t be good for either of us. Like I said, my Tommy’s been through some rough times and it took me a long while to get him to trust me and now that he does he’s clingy as hell. He doesn’t trust easily and wouldn’t do well being with someone else, plus it would break his heart to be separated from me. And as for me, Tommy’s helped me through mental illness. We have a really strong bond and neither of us could bear to be separated.
I’m seriously considering moving, but it’s a long process and finding somewhere as nice as this with reasonable rent is near impossible. Plus id be moving away from some very close friends, one of which has a cwilbur and cranboo that tommy enjoys spends time with several times a week, which is on,t a reasonable arrangement since the two of us share an apartment building. I’ve also thought of getting a ctechno (dw i have the resources to look after one) as they’re known to be pretty strong and protective, but I’m worried about introducing the two with my tommy already so distrustful and on edge.
Is there any advice you’d have? This is a fucking awful situation and I just don’t know what to do
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All I can give you is the comfort that you're definitely in the right.
Ask game
Part 2 Part 3
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sing-me-under · 1 year
Now, the time for me to complain about why I don’t actually like the finale is approaching because I’ve argued most of my points against the general negative consensus.
I’m not gonna go in depth right now. It’s 4 in the morning I just spent the entire time baking Christmas goodies until I forgot to put fucking sugar in my last batch of cookies.
But to summarize some of my positive opinions on the finale:
The finale was the most logical scenario with the resources and people they were working with while still maintaining the same ending. There was probably a better way, but it was the most direct and logical route to a set destination.
c!Dream was being pitied for his fall from grace because c!Tommy knew they weren’t getting out of the prison alive. c!Dream would never have been allowed a redemption arc, and if there was enough time, he wouldn’t have taken the option anyway, especially not with c!Punz having no reason to not continue with the plan for his own personal gain rather than some twisted end game.
The content creators have been playing Minecraft for so long that they’re fantastic at displaying motion and body language through their characters. I dunno. Maybe you didn’t pick up on it, but I could sense the stress and pushing and limping and just THE MINECRAFT BODY LANGUAGE WAS GOOD.
Now for a sneak peek on my negative opinions:
A vast majority of finale neg and crit is valid and I agree with it. I just disagree with a lot of the rest of it and that’s why I’m vocal about what I liked. I don’t like to rehash what other people have said though, I also don’t like to actively ruin my enjoyment of something I like, so you probably won’t hear me putting in my two cents on the stuff that’s already been beat to death. I’ll just focus on specific crit that I don’t see much of.
They didn’t need the revive and limbo scene. I think it was stupid and I don’t get it. Everyone agrees that literally fucking killing cTommy then him going “Ah yes Dream wasn’t always bad” was a good idea, but for my own sanity, I chose to gloss over it. Just have like one normal conversation. Or just have cGeorge or cSapnap actually be there and having a dynamic with cDream instead of doing whatever the fuck limbo was.
Literally any other fucking character taking part in the last finale stream would have made it like twenty times better because there’d be someone to talk/slap sense into any of them instead of letting all of them have existential crises.
If it weren’t for the fact that cc!Dream plays both c!Dream and DreamXD, a finale in which DreamXD fucks up c!Dream and renders the nuke useless would have been much better.
anyway. That will be all for tonight. I have work later and tomorrow and then a long day of putting up with family that makes me want to rip my lungs out.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
anyway I do also wanna say how /gen grateful I am that we aren’t gonna get a scene where c!Tommy has to talk c!wilbur down from suicide.
Like, we KINDA did? C!Wilbur 100% threatened to kill himself in front of his little brother. That’s fucked up and awful and terrible for him to do even if he did it for a(mostly) selfless reason.
But like...the fact we aren’t gonna have a scene where c!Tommy has to talk him down makes me so damn happy. It’s a relief. I’ve been having stress-induced nightmares over the possiblity of such a thing for months since the recollection was hinted at, most of which were just versions of my own trauma w me in c!Tommy’s place, but they were still BAD, and when I woke up thinking of what the fandom’s reaction would be to such a thing, i felt even MORE bad and juts could hardly manage to function.
I’m glad we aren’t gonna get a scene like that. One of the biggest issues I have with c!crimeboys is how the inherent unhealthiness between them is so often brushed over in fanon in favor of a very uncomfy flavor of “uwu der buddas ur honor” that completely ignores just how damn TOXIC and TERRIBLE c!Wilbur is for c!Tommy at times.
And I’m happy cc!wilbur hasn’t forgotten that. it lets me enjoy his character again like I did when hitting on 16 was first posted. I never liked the miserable wet cat version of c!wilbur we got around the first few apology streams. he wasn’t fun or interesting. he was just.......not very c!wilbury. is how I’d best describe it.
IDK where this was going.
I’m just glad ctommy wont have to talk c!wilbur down again. i’m happy lore is back for now. I’m happy things are happening again.
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astroninaaa · 2 years
great! Ok so some people are upset bc ctubbo forgave ctechno but said he couldnt forgice ceret yet.. They said it was ooc for ctubbo. Like I dont get why they're upset at that?? It makes sense to me.
Ctechno clearly hurt ctubbo more, dont get me wrong, his actions have affected ctubbo waaayyy more than ceret's betrayal, but thats the thing, ctechno didnt betray ctubbo. Ctechno has always been an anarchist and has always said he was gonna destroy L'manberg and then he did.
The whole festival thing was a mess but it wasnt a real betrayal, ctubbo barely knew ctechno and it was more ctubbo trusting cwilbur and then getting disappointed than him trusting ctechno (at least imo gimme ur thoughts).
But like he knew ceret, he GRINDED FOR LIKE 12 HOURS the day prior to the revolution with them and then he got betrayed. I dont think ctubbo EVER trusted ctechno, but he did trust ceret. A Lot.
So TO ME, since ctubbo is a very logical character, it makes sense that he would forgive the character who's always been very upfront about where his loyalties lie and why he still doesnt fully trust ceret.
but idk thats just my opinion plss tell me your takes
i had never thought of that actually but that makes a lot of sense. that’s actually a great take towards ctubbo’s forgiveness (or better lack of lmao) towards c!eret.
imo as much as ctubbo is in fact still not over getting blown up, he doesn’t keep that much of a grudge against ctechno because. because ctubbo is just too fucking smart to. he understands ctechno was put in a weird position and understands why cwilbur and ctommy didn’t jump in and understands why ctechno wanted to just let it go. does he think they could have/should have done something to stop it? definitely. does he get why they didn’t? of fucking course. i’ve said this in that one other analysis about ctubbo and logicality i wrote but like — ctubbo can see big pictures and work a thousand steps in the future before anyone can even understand what the issue is. as much as ctubbo will probably never trust ctechno like he might trust others (in the same way he could never truly trust cwilbur after the festival), he’s also not going around hating him for it because. what’s the point? what’s the point of hating him, in the big picture? what does that change?
i think what ctubbo feels about ceret is different to that bc, as you said, ctubbo genuinely cared about ceret. ceret was his family. he didn’t love ctechno, but he loved ceret. his betrayal definitely hurt a lot more bc he was actually someone ctubbo loved and cared for and worked with before the betrayal. there was no weird position. there was no impromptu decision to be made. worse: it was the beginning of the end. i mentioned this in the cove today but i believe eret’s betrayal was, for ctubbo, the first domino to what would become the sequence that ruined his life and made him into all the ugly parts ctubbo has never been able to love. of course ctubbo still feels strongly about it.
has ctechno earned redemption? fuck no. but i don’t think ctubbo ever truly blamed ctechno for the festival. he blamed cwilbur for letting it happen, and blamed schlatt, and even quackity a little bit, even tho quackity did not have a hand in it in the way ctubbo told cranboo he did. ctubbo’s feelings towards the festival are complicated and gnarly and confusing in a way i don’t think even ctubbo understands them, but as i’ve read someone say today, ctubbo never outright blamed ctechno for his execution. ctommy did. only ctommy did. so why are people so adamant in pushing ctommy’s feelings towards the festival onto ctubbo in the first place?
has ceret earned redemption? absolutely. but there’s the whole thing on how someone earning redemption doesn’t mean the people they hurt are obligated to forgive them. so there
PSA: i’m talking out of my ass. i haven’t watched today’s stream. i have no idea what’s going on. my opinions are INCREDIBLY biased towards ctubbo and everything i say is catered towards tubblings. have a good day
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elytrafemme · 2 years
ok. ao3 is eating my comments. again. askbox time ^.^ just caught up on CS i literally can’t bear to contain my thoughts lmao, i’m just gonna like. copy paste what i was gonna say here, genuine apologies for the great wall of text friend </3
fgvdhbjvhdcbskm chapter 20. CHAPTER 20 MY BELOVED……. succh a good chapter, the marriage phone call had me giggling so much it was so very sweet, and ohhh my gosh his reflection on marriage and romance after the fact…….. sooo good i always say you are so amazing at in-character narration and writing thought processes and stuff AND the scene where he’s contemplating his gender, it just feels so grounded and natural i feel like i could read entire chapters of just one of your characters thinking with nothing else happening, no stimuli, and i would literally lose my mind go bonkers crazy for it, it’s something i’m so consistently impressed with in ur writing
i wish i could give more constructive commentary on the spiral panic attack after fundy shows up but i honestly thought it was perfect, it drew me in so much i forgot i existed and ended up letting my tea get cold </3 that is such a niche and specific feeling, one that i personally could sort of tangentially relate to (it felt kind of like seeing a family member you haven’t seen in years but the situation is so fucked it’s just Very Feeling), and you portrayed that anxiety and that familiarity sooo well just oughghg……. also fundy immediately switching to the right name was a really nice touch :]
amazing chapter i’m so excited abt being introduced to fundy and to see what your plan is with him….. ‘most tragic relationship in CS’ top ten most hype author's notes i've ever read
onto chapter 21 — tommy is low key my favorite character in CS, the way you write him is so charming and emotionally intelligent and just!!!!!! i appreciate not having his pov sometimes (even though i desperately want to see how you would write his internal monologue) because i love being left to guess a little with him. i really like him being completely ambiguous half the time from ranboos perspective and then seeing him through tubbo, the person who probably knows him best. it’s just. idk where this came from other than like, the fact that he’s in this chapter LMAO, but i think he deserves some appreciation. really love that dude and the way you write him, honestly haven’t seen many better depictions of ctommy, like, ever
okokokok i can never get enough of how personal and sometimes uncomfortably close you get with your characterization, like tubbo noticing his name is written in a different sharpie and him casually contemplating which of his friends he would choose if he had to, it just feels incredibly real and i’m soo glad u don’t shy away from it! also ‘eligible to be homophobic’ made me laugh so hard thank you, the beeduo content this chapter was delectable ,,, tubbo thinking about ranboo’s coping mechanism of helping other people, and then comparing it to big q and schlatt was So Good like okay well what if i cried. what if i screamed and rolled around on the ground like an anguished worm. i have Been There for realsies and i felt the way you wrote that bit was very accurate
the final scene of tubbo and tommy talking was difficult to read (SLASH POS) but relieving in a way bc it’s such a difficult situation, one that i can relate to so i’m just hugely invested in it atm i just want allium duo to be friends again soon :( you’ve done such an amazing job building suspense with dream, having his presence in the narrative hold SO much consequence despite us knowing absolutely nothing about him and having like, two scenes with him. terrified and excited to learn more
thank u for writing and sharing as always, you have made my day more times than you know!! gonna catch up with lungs as well so if ao3 comments don’t pull through, just letting you know to expect another rambly ask today LMAO hope ur doing awesome atm :]
that's so fucking sweet of you genuinely thank you so much, i actually struggle a LOT with writing character thoughts? i guess it doesn't necessarily read that way but that's what i've always seen as one of my weak points, but i learned some tips from a temporary mentor of mine at a writing program i attended as to how to write those kinds of scenes and i think that helped a lot.
the sigh of RELIEF i let out when i noticed that people generally seemed to like the fundy reveal scene could have been heard in the fucking stratosphere, that scene was a pain in the ass to write but so fucking worth it. also yes :] initially i had written fundy struggling still with the name but i kind of thought about it and figured that while this whole situation is very shocking to him i do think that he's perceptive enough to make that change in the moment even if he can't reconcile the rest of ranboo yet.
MHM MHM... they make me tear up a little. very excited for you all to see.
ough i am SO glad people love cs!tommy because he's genuinely just my little guy. i love him to death, i actually do have some plans for a post-cough syrup set of oneshots and one of those has at least part of it written in his POV which will be fun, but i do like writing from external perspectives! i think it's interesting to see how unreliable people can be with their narration of him in all facets and how much he vocalizes-- were he a character that didn't vocalize his emotions nearly as much i think writing him from unreliable perspectives would have been kind of hard to manage, but, yeah! i try really hard to make sure his dialogue is perfect though because i do want his fuck ups to be clear even when it's not showing his intent, y'know? also your last comment there... <3 <3 <3 that means the world friend thank you
really really happy you like my characterization (plus im SO glad you noticed the sharpie thing i was unreasonably proud of that!) and also like. i think one of the most fascinating things about experiencing and writing generational trauma if i were to emotionally disconnect myself from the experience is the fact that it's very easy to slip into comparisons. for example, i am my father's son and the granddaughter of the iraqi painter i never met. and there's a lot held in those relations. i try to bring that back with tubbo because yes he's himself, but he's also the child of the parents he never knew beyond their greatest mistakes, and he's the descendent of alcoholics, etc. like it's very complicated and i think it's easy for him with that context to try and affiliate ranboo into all that, too-- whereas ranboo has so little family connection that he doesn't have much to compare to.
so happy you liked that scene as well <33
YOU HAVE MADE MY DAY A MILLION TIMES OVER I HOPE YOU REALIZE LIKE!!! you make me so happy to see your comments your art your asks your posts your presence your everything, thank you so much <333 much much much appreciation thank you
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snow-flakeee · 6 months
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tommy doodles :>
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