#i’m not in any reigion in particular
Because I’m a weird pokemon nerd, I decided that I would show you guys what I think would be my most likely team and how I got them!
1. Grovyle
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When I turned 10 years old, I was given the chance to choose my very first starter pokemon at school, one that would bond with me forever. The choices were Charmander, Treeko, and Totodile. I chose Treeko in a heartbeat and we became bonded closer than any other in my class. Over time, he became a Grovyle and even later he had trouble wih deciding weather or not he should evolve into a Sceptile similar to how I was experiencing trouble knowing what I wanted to be when I grew up and if I should take on the elite four, and so the two of us made a vow to find out who we are together and I gave him an everstone to hold onto until he felt ready to evolve. He’s my Ace pokemon and I love him.
2. Sylveon
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Once I had started my pokemon adventure, it wasn’t long before I stumbled across an eevee pawing at its broken pokeball. It was covered in bruises and was startled by my presence, clearly having been abused by its previous trainer. I opened my arms to it to invite it to my team, and we grew together as friends until it evolved into a sylveon from the care I treaded him with.
3. Zoroark
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My first actual catch! I caught this one when she was a zoroua, though she was a tricky battle so late at night in the darkened forests and she later evolved through training with the rest of the team!
4. Lucario
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A good friend of mine came across a pokemon egg one day and decided to gift it to me! It hatched into a riolu and trained alongside my Zoroua, Buisel, Lycanroc, and Grovyle as well as sparred directly with me so I wasn’t so defenseless as a trainer. I’d like to think that Lucario taught me more about fighting and honor than I taught him!
5. Lycanroc (Night)
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Lycanroc has been with me since the very beginning, though he started as the family’s pet rockruff that evolved through practice fights with Treeko. Lycanroc and Grovyle have a strong relationship because of this and have become inseperable friends through and through. Lycanroc can be a bit rowdy and is always itching for a good fight and will sometimes pick on Lucario (though he will always lose)
6. Floatzel
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This one is an interesting story. Since I live and grew up by the lake, I was very familiar with our various native water types and often did some of Grovyle’s early training with those wild and dangerous water pokemon. During one training excursion, our lunch went missing! When we went to track it down, we found it in the hands of a very hungry young buisel. He immediately tried to pick a fight, but easily lost to my treeko. Even after the battle, he refused to back down and I admired his spirit, inviting him to join us. He tapped his paw on the button of the pokeball I offered and instantly joined the team!
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The Nonkinaverse and You: Chapter 1 - The Nonkinaverse and Clowns as a Species
Well it’s time to kick off some World Building on this blog, and we’re starting with a double whammy: The Nonkinaverse itself, and Clowns as a Species in this ‘Verse.
The first thing that’s important to know about the Nonkinaverse is that it’s an OC Universe within an OC Universe, this main Universe being The Densetsuverse.
You see, Densetsuverse Clown, Kidd Clown, is a big fan of Japanese Manga and Anime, specifically Shounen series from the 1980/90′s like Fist of the North Star, Kinnikuman, Dragon Ball and City Hunter to name a few. Series’ about Muscle bound heroes fighting one another with tearful and manly friendships. It’s Kidd’s crack.
However Kidd has become fed up with what anime and manga has become in recent years: bland High School comedies, shitty fanservice that’s degrading to women, 100 different light novel adaptations being pumped out on a monthly basis. If it wasn’t for more recent anime and manga like JoJo’s or the more obscure Kongoh Bancho and Kengan Ashura (all of these series I mentioned I HIGHLY suggest giving a shot) he would have given up on both mediums.
But not wanting to just sit on his ass and complain, he decided to do something: Make his own Shounen Manga about Clowns fighting each other! And thus, Nonkina Ace: Clown Fighter!, was born!! (The name is derived from the story’s protag, Ace Nonkina)
Now about the Nonkinaverse itself (WARNING: Prepare for dumb Shounen tier writing and World Building): It’s actually not that different from the Densetsuverse, which in turn isn’t all that different from our own world, but it’s a world of fiction, so bat crazy shit happens in both Uni.
ANYWAYS, the world IS different in that the main center of the Nonkina Ace story, Diamond Star, is located in Upstate New York-Kyo, UPA (United Prefectures of America).
In the Nonkinaverse, World War 2 happened, but it happened differently. Instead of being an enemy to the US, Japan sided with America, and helped the country win the war.
Afterwards relations between the countries blossomed into something no one thought ever imaginable: The two countries formed a power-nation, transforming the United States into the United Prefectures. Much of the US stayed the same, but many cities and infrastructures adopted Japanese methods and aesthetics, making many parts of the US feel like Japan 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Yet Florida remains the same.
And with that out of the way, let’s talk about Clowns as a Species.
Clowns in the Nonkinaverse are, I guess you can say, mutants? I could never really explain it, but they’re DNA comes from a fork in human DNA, and the differences are mostly in physical appearance, as well as other factors that MIGHT be biological?
Again this is just Shounen-tier bullshit, don’t expect anything clever or on the level as Stephen King.
At a very base level, Clowns and Humans share the same, near 1:1 traits as one another. However, several factors make Clowns, well, Clowns.
First is their height: Clowns in the Nonkiaverse are taller than humans. Just to give you an idea, the average height of an adult human is roughly around 5′6″. The height of an average adult Clown is around 7′2. Yeah. Clowns are a tall folk.
Next is their skin: 95% of all Clowns are porcelain white from head to toe. Clowns that fall into this include Ace, Johnny, Bucky and Ryosuke. There also exist Clowns who have the white face and colored body from the neck down, such as Sally, Marco (pre-Death), and Raymond.
These tend to be Human/Clown cross-breeds (aka, when a Clown loves a Human), but there exist cases where a Clown can be born with the white face and colored body and even Clowns born with no white skin at all, but these are extremely rare.
But the rarest Clowns of them all are albino Clowns: Albino Clowns are born with absolutely no pigmentation on their ENTIRE being. Literally, from their hair to their toes, no color. Even their iris lack colors in SUPER RARE cases. An example of an Albino Clown is Momotaro Jigu-Jo who remedies their Albinoism with make up, hair dye, etc.
This segways into the next factor of Nonkinaverse Clowns: These are without a doubt the most defining trait of a Clown. Clowns are born with naturally colorful hair, a matching nose.
I feel as if I don’t really need to explain this. These are just regular Clown traits that I used for the Nonkinaverse Clowns.
Well I guess I could explain a thing or two more in detail, such as the color of hair and noses. It’s typically decided like how the color of iris are, it’s all hereditary. EX. A Clown couple both have a similar shade of red hair, and their newborn child has the same color.
But there are the occasional Clownborn who’s color is mixed from both parents. EX. A Clown has Yellow hair and their lover has Blue hair, they have a baby and their color is green.
Noses also come a variety of shapes. Round, pointed, crooked, realistic where it looks like the color is painted on and so forth.
And lastly, let’s talk about the Crotchular reigion of Clowns: Male Clowns have Penises and the Female Clowns have Vaginas.
That’s right. No Tentabulges. None. Forbidden. BANNED. I’m not dealing with this shite again. I’m not gonna have any of this Homestuck level tier of nonsense with my Clowns.
And that concludes the first lesson of ‘The Nonkinaverse and You’. Next time we’ll discuss Clown Culture of the Nonkinaverse. Until then your homework assignment is to start reading or watching any of the Manga or Anime I listed above as an influence on the Nonkinaverse.
Why? No particular reason. I just wanna show the world more of these great stories that get brushed off to the side unfairly.
Please give them a chance, they’re actually REALLY good. Trust me.
And now you’re dismissed.
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