#i’m obligated to add in the falling vulture part of vega’s name
teecupangel · 8 months
Bearded vulture Desmond?
Considering bearded vulture can be seen in the Arabian Peninsula, putting Desmond in 12th century Levant would be fun. He’s usually just chilling, watching Altaïr doing his missions with the look of someone who is proud of the accomplishments of another person but keeping a respectable distance.
But in the eyes of the people who notice Desmond, they have another word for him…
A stalker.
To be more exact, many of the Assassins believe the vulture stalking Altaïr is some sort of ‘blessing’. A herald of death that has taken a liking to Altaïr.
A show of Altaïr’s skills as an Assassin.
It wasn’t exactly a bad thing and the vulture doesn’t try to do anything other than stare.
Of course, Kadar believes this because Altaïr is so cool, it’s only natural to have some kind of being (perhaps even mythical) looking over him.
Malik thinks the entire thing is stupid and the vulture probably liked following Altaïr because it knows Altaïr would leave bodies it can scavenge.
An Assassin from Egypt tells them about how Ancient Egyptians believe all vultures are female so there are whispers that the vulture may have been the reincarnation of Altaïr’s late mother, looking over her son in her current form.
Abbas capitalized on this and annoys Altaïr, telling him that the vulture is most probably some poor woman who made the mistake of falling in love with Altaïr and losing her life because of his ‘personality’. This is crueler if Desmond starts appearing to him after Adha’s death but the Brotherhood (and Abbas) doesn’t know that.
Altaïr just ignores all of these and even ignores the vulture.
It wasn’t doing anything and it wasn’t getting in the way of his missions so there was no reason to shoo it off.
Desmond, on the other hand, has a problem.
He cannot… for the life of him… understand human language.
No matter what he does, he just can’t.
He tried listening in to their conversations but he just can’t understand anything.
Sometimes, he hears names he remember like Altaïr, Kadar, Malik… Abbas.
But any other words?
Altaïr was stabbed by Al Mualim for failing…
Al Mualim said it was an illusion.
But how…
“You should really rest today. Just because that old geezer used the Apple to show you an illusion doesn’t mean you’re not tired. You still felt the pain of getting stabbed, you idiot, and that takes a lot on someone. But noooo. Not you. Of course, not you, you overachieving bastard.”
And who kept whispering to Altaïr’s ear this entire time!?
(aka: Desmond can’t understand human language when he turned into a vulture and Altaïr starts hearing Desmond’s thoughts after resisting the Apple’s control the first time. Why? Isu bs.)
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