#i’m stone cold sober rn would u believe it
astrobei · 2 years
hi about to expose myself so hard for being nothing more than a giant sappy ball of sentiment and mush under a suni astrobi mask but ! apparently i’ve written over 250,000 words this year and that + all the positivity on the dash today has got me in a Mood okay!! (continue for proof of me being a Loser ⬇️)
ok yeah so according to my ao3 statistics i wrote over 250,000 words this year alone which is. that’s insane. especially considering i didn’t post anything until august so that’s EXTRA insane. you’re telling me i wrote 250,000 words in FOUR MONTHS? for reference, in all my past fandoms i wrote maybe one or two works and then dipped. mind you, the longest fic i wrote before this was 12k words. (yeah. i know.)
anyways!! not to be gross and mushy and weird on main but i just wanted to thank everyone who follows this blog or has read my writing ever for literally being the Best <3 if you asked january suni what she thought she’d be doing in december, writing fanfiction would not have been anywhere near her list of guesses. so much changed for me so fast this year and i started writing again over the summer as a form of escapism, but i never expected to be welcomed into a community so fast !! coming on here and talking to people has literally been life changing and i’ve made some of my best friends ever in my whole life through this website and i am so thankful for that 🫂 it honestly blows my mind whenever someone tells me they look up to my writing or that they find me intimidating or if they express shock at me following them back or anything like that because i’m just me !! just some gal who cringes writing kiss scenes and can write tens of thousands of words on her phone but not a laptop. for some reason. (?)
i know i would not have been nearly as inspired if i hadn’t met all of you and i literally cannot express how grateful i am for all the friends i’ve made here !! just know that if we’ve ever talked, even just once, or if we’re mutuals or even if you’re here reading this !! i appreciate you all so so much and i can’t wait to go into 2023 with you guys <333 and let’s see if we can hit 500k words next year 🥳🥳🥳
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petestarebanks · 7 years
D-Z fucker
D. Would you rather know everything the universe has to offer but in exchange lose all emotions or remain the way you are now?I like to be fake deep like I hate feelings but inside I like feeling shit smh I don't wanna be numb. I'd rather not know everything bc I'd really be a know it all ass bitch then and not only would people hate me but I'd know the secrets of the ocean NO THANKSE. If you could live and be healthy without sleeping or eating/drinking, which would you cut out of your life?FUCK I really like sleep and liquor! I like sleep more tho so I guess I'd be sober for the rest of my life manF. If you could take on the exact body and form of anyone else on Earth, who would it be?Ummmmmmmmmm Madelaine Petsch. She's the prettiest bitch I ever saw G. Would you rather burn or freeze to death?Freeze. Without a doubt. I'm from Florida we do not like hot. Give me some 60° weather and let me die.H. If it meant it would solve all world hunger, war, disease and bigotry, would you spend the rest of eternity in Hell?Let's say Hell exists, theoretically, and yes I would. I'm dead I can't suffer that much and everyone else will be happy? Leggo.I. Was the first crush in your life something you had or something someone had on you?I had the biggest crush ever on this boy named Brian Jones when I was in kindergarten-second grade and I was sure he was the one!!!J. Could you live without having sex ever (again) in exchange for eternal youth?This question has to have been written by a virgin lmao. I mean I guess it doesn't say anything about masturbation but also does eternal youth mean I'd live forever because hell to the fuckin nah man. I'd go with sex either way, my cheeks have already given me eternal youth.K. Have you ever watched a full length pornographic movie?I was fully prepared to say no and talk shit about plotlines of full length pornos but thwn I remember in 2013 I was epxloring the porn channels on my cable and I watched a aoftcore movie called Serena the Sexplorer about an alien who came to earth to fuck everybody and it was lowkey good, not just bc of the pornography lmao.L. The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?Yikes I'm not big on either. I was in chorus in the 5th grade and we sung Here Comes The Sun so I guess I'm partial to the Beatles.M. If you could have the ability to manipulate matter or energy, which would you choose?Matter probably. Idk I'm not a nerd I don't think I'd benefit from either.N. What was the worst nightmare you ever had?I had a nightmare I was in an airplane and there were no seatbelts and there was a hatch in the back (like the ones in Fast and the Furious where they ride the cars out of them somehow) and the plane i was in lifted up off the ground at a 90° angle while the hatch was open and no one had on a seatbelt and I held on as long as I could but eventually I saw myself fall out of the plane and splat on the ground. Then I saw myself talking to my siblings at the scene but they got up and walked away and I had that moment where I realized I was dead and then I woke up in a cold sweat.O. Would you rather spend one year with your one true love just to never see them again or the rest of your life with second best?Fuck. Second best. I can't imagine spending my life thinking about the one that got away.P. All the sequels/remakes/adaptations/rip-offs in movies nowadays, good or bad?Eh I like most of them. Depends on which ones. There's a new Heathers coming out and it looks horrible but also I stan for It and Ghostbusters. Q. Would you rather be dirt poor and emotionally fulfilled in life or be rich beyond imagination and emotionally dissatisfied for life?That's hard bc I am both emotionally unstable and super broke rn so I can see the positives to both. I would probably say the money one because I've already lived an emotionally dissatisfied life thus far and if I was rich at least I wouldn't be so stressed 💁R. Do you have any (secret) feelings of bigotry to any group of people?I don't think so. I try my best to not think badly about people unless they personally do something to me. S. Would you rather be the only person in the world that can read minds or have everyone else in the world be able to read minds except for your own?Hell yeah I want to read minds. I just wanna know who secretly hates me so I can ghost them.T. If everyone in the world would automatically only know one language, which language would you choose?French. It's so goddamn pretty.U. If you were old enough and not in a situation where it would be inappropriate, would you sleep with one of your (past) school teachers/professors?Ummmmmm, I don't think so. I can't think of a single teacher who was hot. How unfortunate.V. A world without religion, good, bad, neutral? Neutral. I think religion makes a lot of people happy, they get something to believe in. But it also causes so much problems. If it didn't exist no one would get the good or the bad aspects of it.W. The men's rights movement, legitimate cause or laughable, and why?Men's rights are part of feminism at the truest form of it, the only people who cry for men's rights seperately are misogynysts who are mad that women are asking to be equal. Men's rights people are the All Lives Matter of feminism.X. You can eliminate one of your five senses to substantially strengthen the others, which one and would you do it?Smell. But no. Because without smell you can't taste things as vibrantly and that's a fact. I also don't want to be blind or deaf and I definitely don't want to lose the sense of touch bc then I'd never feel cold enough to need a warm blanket and I'd never get to enjoy sex again.Y. Do looks mean anything to you? Don't lie, could you fall in love with someone you thought was ugly?I couldn't fall in love with someone I wasn't attracted to, of course, but usually once I get to know a person I like they become attractive to me, no matter what they look like. Physical attractiveness is as wide a spectrum as sexuality because everyone is into dmsomething different and like someone who's ugly to me might not be ugly to the next person. I usually only describe people as ugly when I don't like their personality anyway and I definitely couldn't fall in love with someone with an ugly personality.Z. Can you understand the mindset and logic used by the opposite spiritual opinion? An atheist understanding the belief in a higher power and vice versa.Yeah. I get why people are religious and it all comes down to the Life Of Pi. People want to believe in something better than reality, they want to believe there'a something good out there that can explain why the bad stuff is happening. People want to believe in miracles. I'm not gonna sit here and bash anyone for being religious unless they say something horrendous in the name of their religious beliefs (usually going against what their actual religious texts tell them to do and believe)
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