astrobei · 2 years
hi about to expose myself so hard for being nothing more than a giant sappy ball of sentiment and mush under a suni astrobi mask but ! apparently i’ve written over 250,000 words this year and that + all the positivity on the dash today has got me in a Mood okay!! (continue for proof of me being a Loser ⬇️)
ok yeah so according to my ao3 statistics i wrote over 250,000 words this year alone which is. that’s insane. especially considering i didn’t post anything until august so that’s EXTRA insane. you’re telling me i wrote 250,000 words in FOUR MONTHS? for reference, in all my past fandoms i wrote maybe one or two works and then dipped. mind you, the longest fic i wrote before this was 12k words. (yeah. i know.)
anyways!! not to be gross and mushy and weird on main but i just wanted to thank everyone who follows this blog or has read my writing ever for literally being the Best <3 if you asked january suni what she thought she’d be doing in december, writing fanfiction would not have been anywhere near her list of guesses. so much changed for me so fast this year and i started writing again over the summer as a form of escapism, but i never expected to be welcomed into a community so fast !! coming on here and talking to people has literally been life changing and i’ve made some of my best friends ever in my whole life through this website and i am so thankful for that 🫂 it honestly blows my mind whenever someone tells me they look up to my writing or that they find me intimidating or if they express shock at me following them back or anything like that because i’m just me !! just some gal who cringes writing kiss scenes and can write tens of thousands of words on her phone but not a laptop. for some reason. (?)
i know i would not have been nearly as inspired if i hadn’t met all of you and i literally cannot express how grateful i am for all the friends i’ve made here !! just know that if we’ve ever talked, even just once, or if we’re mutuals or even if you’re here reading this !! i appreciate you all so so much and i can’t wait to go into 2023 with you guys <333 and let’s see if we can hit 500k words next year 🥳🥳🥳
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hughiecampbelle · 23 days
The Boys Preference: Being Becca and Butchers Child
Requested: Firstly HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!!! ゚+.ヽ(≧▽≦)ノ.+゚. Secondly, could u write like some headcanon about being Butcher's child (like who is two years older than Ryan) and how other members from the boys (+ maybe Soldier boy, cause of season 3 and how he would interact with them :3) - anon
A/N: Thank you my love!!! In the headcanon I made reader 10+ years older so they'd be at least 18 by the time they found out about Becca and Ryan, I hope you don't mind!! That way they can be part of The Boys and grow up with them, if that makes sense? I also had a very similar request of a headcanon so I'm basing it off that so there's some background :) I love this request!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
Headcanon Pt. 1 / Headcanon Pt. 2
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Butcher knew he couldn't take care of you. He was getting drunk every night, picking fights at bars, searching the city for your mom. Your perfect grades were slipping, you were getting into fights at school, you were emulating him. He knew how dangerous that was. First with your Aunt, then your Great Aunt, until you tracked him down all these years later. He still has a picture of you in his wallet, a baby picture that's creased and faded. You and Becca. You've grown up since then, though. And you're angry. He insist you go back to Judy, pretend you never saw or heard what you did, but you refuse. You want to pick a fight with him. You want to yell and scream and get out eight years worth of grief. He understands where you're coming from, he does. He never wanted to be like his father and yet, in so many ways, that's exactly who he was. Your relationship will never be what it is. That's not possible anymore. You have to learn to deal with one another now, in the present, instead of the happy kid you used to be, instead of the dad he used to be. It hurts you both to think about the past, who you could have been instead of who you are.
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Hughie isn't really sure what to do with you. There's no doubt you're Butcher's kid. He's still relatively new to the team, so he just assumed this was something else Butcher hadn't shared with him. When he realizes no one knew about your existence, he's shocked. You, like your father, gravitate towards Hughie for reasons you can't put into words. You'll let him sit next to you when you're watching TV and maybe even talk to him if you're in the right mood. You don't shoot daggers at him like you try with everyone else. Similar to a cat, he's someone you can stand to be around. He comes to your defense a lot, especially when you stumble in drunk and pass out for the day. He's sure if any of them had been raised by Butcher, or at least the outside relatives, they would have turned out exactly like you. He can't blame you for being angry, or pissed, or hurt. He can see the hurt better than anyone else no matter how much you try to hide it. He thinks you just need some time and empathy to get straightened out. The least they can do is offer that, right?
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Annie has no idea what to do with you. She tried smiling and talking to you, but you didn't want anything to do with her. She reminds you too much of your Aunt. She always said you should be happier, bubblier, that you were so smiley as a kid. You couldn't live in the past like her, with her. Too much had changed. Hughie assures her it's nothing against her, you're just getting used to things. She thinks it's sweet how you're attracted to Hughie. He's the only one you mildly respect and even, once in a blue moon, listens to. She doesn't take it too personally considering you're ready to rip your fathers head off. It could be a lot worse. Over time you see that Annie and Hughie are together and that definitely earns her some points. Annie can't imagine what your life must have looked like, all those years mourning your mother and father, all those years spent with relatives just doing their best. She understood why you were so angry all the time, so cagey and spiky. She doesn't hold it against you.
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M.M. feels conflicted. Betrayed isn't the right word, but it's the closest thing he can come up with. He never 100% trusted Butcher. He was always going behind everyone's backs, doing what he wanted despite the good of the team, etc. He was destructive, combative, and spiteful. But, he thought they knew each other better than that. When he met you he couldn't deny you were Butcher's. Your mannerisms, the crazed look in your eye when you were upset, it all matched your father. He can't help but see you like how he sees Janine, even if you're much older: a victim of Vought. A generational curse. You're stubborn, and angry, and distant all because of what's been done to you, all because of Homelander. If your mom had been around, if Homelander had never done what he'd done, you'd still have your perfect family. He feels this need to protect you the same way he does with your father, even if you both fight him on it, even if you don't want or deserve it. He can't help it.
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Frenchie doesn't trust you the same way he doesn't trust your father. He especially doesn't like that you and Kimiko are so close. She doesn't tell him anything about your conversations, knowing it would completely break your trust if she did. He believes Butcher would hide something as big and important as a child. He knows what your family can be like. Lying, drunken, selfish, vengeful. You're only a few of those things, not that he can tell the difference. You know Frenchie isn't your biggest fan, so you love messing with him, teasing him, rubbing it in his face that you and Kimiko are close. Similar to your father, Frenchie thinks this isn't the kind of place for you. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. M.M. might feel fatherly towards you, but Frenchie sees you as a Mini Butcher, just another handful no one on the team can deal with. You yell and scream and fight and drink. That proves to him you're still a child despite it all.
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Kimiko adores you. Despite the difference in circumstances, she sees a lot of herself in you. Ripped from your family, angry and hostile and doing everything in your power not to get hurt again. Besides Hughie, you'd warm up to her second. You're actually incredibly smart despite never applying yourself and pick up the signs pretty quickly. Whatever you can't sign, you write to her, wanting your conversations to stay secret. You show her the pictures of your mom that you kept all these years, telling her all about the good times you had before she disappeared. When you see Butcher you instantly grow hostile, angry all over again, and the person she saw, the person she was just talking to who was kind, and thoughtful, and smart totally disappears. When you blast your angry music she never minds. In fact, she quite likes it, adding it to her own playlist. She doesn't look at you like you need fixing or, worse, need to get out of here.
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Bonus! Homelander always knew about you. Becca was more than willing to talk about you and Billy to co-workers. He even remembers taking that picture with you that one Christmas. He's kept an eye on you through the years, but you never seemed like the vengeful type. You never knew what happened after your father abandoned you. He does, however, use it as leverage against Becca. Remember the kid you left behind? Seems like she's got favorites. Becca agonizes over leaving you, but she was caught between a rock and a hard place. He uses you to keep her there, in her place. He gives her updates, usually to make her feel bad. You're kid drinks way too much, did you know that? Of course you didn't. He loves to tell her that Butcher abandoned you all those years ago. He loves to see that it absolutely kills her. He's not worried about you coming after him. You've got to work through your issues before you get to him and therapy for a lifetime couldn't get you an Butcher on the same page.
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Bonus! Soldier Boy would actually get along with you. I think you'd have a Worst Dad Competition and though you're close, you definitely think you win. You two share a drink and you tell him all about your dear old dad. "No wonder you turned out like this." Ben says, pouring you more. Hughie urges you to slow down, but you have a high tolerance. Ben, to piss of Butcher, will always take your side in arguments and uses what you told him against him. "You dumped them off and never looked back. Now you're parenting?" Butcher absolutely hates it. You tell him about your mom, how much she loved you, how she was killed. You don't mention Ryan though, knowing Ben's go to answer would be to seek revenge. You have a lot of complicated feelings around your brother, but you still have a burning Hatred for Homelander. You make Ben promise he'll kill him. He does, even if it means killing his son. You two bond really fast. Neither Hughie nor Butcher trusts it or him, but you do.
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tojiwrd · 1 year
6: fate is fickle ; gojo satoru
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pairing gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary when satoru breaks off your engagement, you understand and accept it. but when he marries someone else, you don't understand because he didn't want to be tied down.
content warnings mentions toxic family, mentions of forced marriage, emotional infidelity, lots of crying, drama drama drama, confrontation, lots of reminiscing. also not proofread so im sorry for any mistakes !!
word count 4k
a/n sorry for late update lomls my gojo fate is fickle ver. came back into my life after three years of silence so this is chapter is coming straight from my bones guysssss . also i am so so so grateful for the support on this fic, genuinely makes me so happy i love u guys sm thank you SO much !! <3 also credit to the person of the art!! i can't find their name so if anyone knows then lmk <3
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Gojo Satoru didn’t get on one knee and ask to marry you. He did it when the two of you were in the apartment he bought just a few months prior, laying on the bed as the small opening of the curtains let a thin stream of silver streams in. It wasn’t that he wasn’t prepared because when he slipped the question while the two of you were facing one another, a hint of sleep heavy on the eyes on his moon-kissed face, he backed it up with the ring he’d carefully tucked away in his sweatpants. You swore your cheeks were hinting a fresh glow for the next week.
Maybe it was dumb to think you and Satoru, only twenty-five, would’ve worked out when he proposed on a random Sunday in bed. It did seem dumb, though, while you sat across Hana who was relaying her own proposal story. You’d tuned it out, not wanting to hear her drone on about how it was the most perfect, breathtaking moment when he got on one knee at a rooftop restaurant. You didn’t want to be there, partially because you truly felt as though Hana was painting Satoru out into someone he wasn’t, and partially because you were human and humans tend to get jealous sometimes. 
It was meant to be a simple brunch with ten people, friends of friends of friends. You had Reina right next to you, Reina, whose eyes were continuously twitching as Hana would relearn a new moment from that picture-perfect night and feel the need to share it with everyone on the table. You could also see some of your own friends who were aware of yours and Satoru’s relationship look at her, then you, with furrowed brows. Hers mostly out of confusion, and at you to ask why the fuck are you quiet?
“Ugh!” One of the girls, Jia, exclaimed as Hana finally seemed to get to the end of her engagement story. “I wish I had someone like Gojo Satoru; all these men are so unromantic and act like genuine children.”
Truthfully, if Satoru wasn’t your ex-fiancee, you would be on the same boat as the girls who were unaware of your past relationship. Hana’s story, from the pieces you forced yourself to hear, was dreamlike. A small part of you wanted to tell her that her romantic and unchildlike husband had proposed to her, too, right after he’d done some other things that would end that conversation immediately. But you didn’t because it wasn’t Hana’s fault, even though your mind kept putting some blame on her, that Satoru broke it off with you.
“I hope all of you find somebody like Satoru. He truly is the best,” Hana replied dreamily. 
You clenched your fists. Reina slammed hers on the table. 
“You’re so delusional, Hana, it’s concerning.” You wanted to raise your arms and pull Reina down and ask her to shut up. To not cause a scene. But Hana looked at Reina, a confused, concerningly kind expression covering her features and you realized there lived a monster in you that wanted to see Gojo Hana crumble. “Don’t look at me all coy, high, and mighty. You don’t know shit about your husband. Why don’t you skip over these semantics and really tell them the only reason the two of you got married was because your parents forced you to?”
You delighted in the flash of anger that slid across Hana’s face as she pursed her lips, trying to find the right words. You leaned back and stared, an uncharacteristically numb look covering your features. This, a part of you realized, might be detracking you from your healing process but it was fun.
Hana looked around the table and noticed how all eyes were fixed on her figure. If there was one thing you’d learned from girls' brunches, it was that everybody loved when it blew over and left one or many people scathed. She sputtered over her words, the tangle coming out completely incomprehensible and you almost felt bad. Almost felt bad because it wasn’t expected of her to admit to a whole group of socialites that the marriage to the Gojo heir wasn’t out of love, but out of an arrangement that went in their favor. If you were in her place, you, too, would’ve waxed poetic about your marriage because if the truth would bring the palpable exciting energy down, you would feel bad.
“Perhaps it was suggested by our parents,” she started, glaring at Reina with faux sweetness. “But it was only because our parents saw how in love we seemed with each other.”
You tried to hold yourself back but it was just so simple for you to scoff at her words. When Reina looked at you, a sheen of anger coating her eyes, you pushed yourself to talk. “It’s not love if he cheated on someone with you.”
You had thought about this moment before; you’d wondered if, were you to ever meet Hana again, you would drop the ticking time bomb in her presence that might either blow up her entire marriage or just cause a small blip in the working systems of it. But saying it now, after hearing her say all Satoru had said about you was that your fathers worked together, felt completely underwhelming. Though the shoe was dropped and it was clear everybody managed to get a small tatters of it to whisper about with other people, it felt wrong. Wrong because the way Hana looked at you, eyes brimmed with tears and brows coming together in sadness, you had most likely broken a piece of her.
She gulped then cleared her throat. “Can—Can we talk outside? Alone?” she asked and, without sparing a glance at anybody on the table except for you and Reina, she walked to the sliding doors of the restaurant and into the glaring sun above. 
Reina placed her hand on your forearm and said, “Come on, let’s go.” It was surprising to see a miniscule hint of guilt on her features, and you realized you had to have the conversation. 
Hana had most likely heard the clicking of yours and Reina’s heels because she didn’t turn back to face the two of you. “I know you and Satoru had something going on.”
You froze, stunned and silent. 
“I had heard from my mother that you both were in a relationship. He never mentioned it to me, though, and I didn’t mention it, either.” She turned around, eyes wide as she looked down and shuffled her feet in anxiousness. “I don’t know how it ended or when it ended, but I thought when he—he finally acknowledged there was something between us, the two of you were over. I didn’t want to know. We did get married because our fathers told us to, but I wasn’t lying when I said he was sweet and caring.” Her stare burned you like a billion matches. There was truth in her words, you knew—
“You homewrecking bitch!” Reina’s voice cut off your train of thought as she walked towards Hana, an accusatory finger pointed in her direction. Once again, you didn’t stop her even though you probably should’ve. “If you knew he was in a relationship, how could you even think of flirting with him? They were engaged. God! I swear, both you and Gojo are two peas in the same pod. You deserve each other.” Her words were also ringing through your head and there was confusion bubbling up within the same pot as growing anger. 
“Why’d you pretend not to know when we saw you at the club?” you asked, finding your voice again, in a calm tone that surprised you, too. 
Hana shook her head. Her face had curled up into fury, and you wondered if her nice, docile, angel-sent-from-above personality was a card she held up her sleeve the entire time. “I didn’t care. I didn’t want to know because Satoru was mine—is mine. You weren’t a part of his life anymore, so I didn’t want to add any worries that were misplaced.”
You wondered if you should tell her that Satoru had tried reaching out to you at Suguru’s gallery. 
“If he had told me he was with you, I wouldn’t have tried anything with him.”
You were sure you had moved past everything. 
After more than a year of avoiding any fire from your past with Satoru, the past two weeks had been filled to the brim with situations revolving around him. It was easy to ignore what you had with Satoru when he seemed like a distant memory and then a mere ghost in your thoughts. But when he’s insistent on giving you answers you never asked for, answers you didn’t want to know, and his wife had made an appearance that caused your brain to run without stopping, it was difficult to treat him the way you had. 
No matter how much you wanted to ignore everything and reset your brain back to its default settings, you couldn’t when the world was caving in on you and reality seeped through its cracks to light a bright, pertinent light in front of your eyes. You hated Gojo Satoru with every inch of your bones, but you were never truly able to forget just Satoru himself.
Your mind had an interesting way to deal with the pile of information dropped onto your shoulders. You should’ve been reliving how Satoru made your blood boil when he got engaged with Hana, how he carelessly broke your heart because he began falling for somebody else, somebody brand new while he was taking space on your bed every night. You should’ve been, but you weren’t. 
‘A relationship broken is always a relationship that could’ve been,’ is what you’d read once graffitied onto a brick wall you were leaning against with Satoru once in the middle of the bustling city streets. You’d pointed it out, he’d agreed. He’d agreed. You wish he hadn’t because there was a fragment of you that wished he remembered those words now. The devilish part of you wished that’s what he remembered, recounted abruptly while he was sleeping next to his wife. 
You wished he’d think of the could’ve been’s instead of the measly fears he told you about at the gallery. 
You also wish you had those fears, too. You loved Satoru to a point that he was in everything you did; your clothes smelt like his detergent because you would always take your laundry to his house for the weekends. The lamp next to your bed had his bracelet wrapped around it because he thought it was too loose on his wrist and he’d lose it. You would always accidentally call him because his contact was on your home screen, causing you to press on it when you were scrolling (he always picked up and he always talked to you for hours after, making you forget why you had opened your phone in the first place). The tattoo, a small design of baby’s breaths, on your hip reminded you of how he had held your hand through the pain. 
You knew Satoru’s dreams. You knew Satoru’s biggest fears. So, why did he never tell you the fears he had for the two of you?
As soon as the thought hit your mind, it was followed by you harshly reprimanding yourself by reminding you that it was because he was getting excited over someone else’s calls, someone else’s dreams.
“Y/N, honey.” You heard your mother’s voice call from your ajar bedroom door before she hesitantly stepped in, heel-clad feet grazing over the off-white floor with footsteps following behind her. “Your friend from the gallery here to see you.”
You knew exactly who she was talking about which is why you raised slightly from your bed, a panicked look in your eyes, and only began pleading with her to tell him you weren’t here. Before you could even utter a complete, coherent sentence, Suguru had walked in with his head down and your mother simply walked out of the door, sparing you a sad smile. She didn’t know any of what had happened, but she most likely sensed it wasn’t anything worth toasting to after seeing Suguru’s mood and your reaction. 
“Please, Suguru.” Your voice wobbled, a slight hiccup in your words because this was too much. Even though Suguru was somewhere on the top of your least-favorite people list at the moment, he didn’t deserve to see you get angry at him without having control over your words. “Leave.”
“Listen, listen, Y/N. I just… I heard some stuff and I needed to check on you.” His words were hesitant, as if he’d rehearsed them but had changed the script at the last minute. He walked closer to your bed and you couldn’t find the words to ask him to leave. “Hana told me—”
You snorted, cutting him off. “Hana told you what? That I ended her perfect, dreamy image of her marriage in public? Are you here to—what? Reprimand me? Tell me I was wrong—”
“Fuck, no. Stop, just for one second.”
You did stop because Suguru seemed more tense than you knew what to do with. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry, Y/N.”
You stared at him, unblinking. “What do you want me to say?”
“Nothing, nothing,” he quickly addressed, his body finding its way to the edge of your bed. “I want to say I’m sorry, and you don’t have to accept it. I was wrong—I realize that now but… I was scared, Y/N.”
“Scared of what? I wouldn’t have been any worse if you’d just told me what you knew, Suguru. You hid it from me when you saw how I was going insane the month after the breakup.”
“I was scared of this. How you’ve been feeling since Satoru told you the truth himself.” You couldn’t reply to that. “But I want to tell you that even though I hadn’t told you about it, I did let Satoru know really well what he did was wrong. Not that it’s any better, but I never supported what he did. I—I couldn’t stop him from marrying her because… well, because he’s Satoru. I shouldn’t have assumed you were okay, especially not after finding out about Hana after three months. But I thought you were and—I don’t know, I wasn’t thinking straight.
But I heard from Hana earlier today about what had happened at brunch. She said she was scared Satoru would find out what she said and I—I have no idea why she trusted me with that information. I’m not friends with her. I don’t know why she told me.”
You took in a deep breath processing all the information Suguru kept on dropping. “I’m not telling Satoru anything.”
“But she—”
“She nothing. I don’t want to hear it, Suguru. Whatever she did, even if she actively tried to sabotage me and Satoru, it was on him that he let her.” Your phone lit up from beside you and you glanced at the time, internally thanking whoever controlled it for the real excuse to kick him out of your house. “I have plans with Kento. You need to leave now, actually.”
You didn’t miss the way Suguru’s face flashed with a hint of disappointment at your words. 
Kento Nanami wasn’t understanding—not truly—which is why you were surprised that halfway through your date, when you told him you had to talk to Satoru, he understood. He walked you out of the restaurant, a calm, unwavering hand on your back and told you that no matter what happened, he’d be there by your side. 
And though you knew you had people by your side, you really couldn’t remember who and felt a flutter in your chest. 
By the time you reached Satoru’s (and Hana’s) apartment, the urge and confidence you felt when you came up with your plan ebbed away into pieces and left you lying there in a situation you weren’t sure you could face. You raised your hand up to press a finger against the doorbell regardless, trying to force away the thought that you would see the apartment you helped him move into and decorate. You briefly, for a second, wondered if he had changed it. You also wondered if it would hurt to see the small paintings you’d bought as a present for his new apartment not be in the spots of the wall Satoru put you on his shoulders to pin.
When the door opened, you were met with the same eyes that had haunted your dreams and nightmares. His mouth opened, wide enough for a fly to fly into, then he schooled his features into mere curiosity. You realized that you were the one that sought him out this time, you were the one who dropped in unannounced at his house, which meant you should speak. 
“I need to talk to you.” And frankly, at that moment, you didn’t care if Hana was lurking behind him and able to hear you initiate a conversation with her husband. That was what he was: her husband before your ex-fiance.
He breathed out and shook his head as if willing himself to speak, too. “Yes. Yeah. Come in, Y/N.”
And you did. You saw the walls, the paintings, the small hearts on the corner of the dining table you drew with a sharpie, the couch you picked out, and even the necklace you had forgotten that peeked from under his coat on the coat hanger. You didn’t comment on it, though. 
“Do you want water? Tea? Liquor?” 
You almost laughed at the anxiousness in his voice. “I’m good. This won’t take long.”
Satoru’s expression was what you could confidently call crestfallen, and he didn’t try to hide it this time. You forced yourself not to think about it. You merely went down to the couch in his living room that you picked out and placed yourself on the left corner because you always used to sit on the right. It helped you see the TV better. 
“She isn’t home.” You knew who he meant by ‘she.’
“Goj—Satoru, I need you to do something,” you said, unsure of how to start it off. In all fairness, you hadn’t prepared what you were going to say, it was just a messed up, jumbled backbone of stuff that you knew you had to tell him.
His reply was instant. “Anything.”
“I need you to not feel guilty or—I don’t know, keep feeling guilty but just keep it to yourself, okay?” You sounded like you were talking like a preschooler, and it wasn’t much different because Satoru looked at you with the hopeful eyes a kid has before you reject their wishes. But Satoru wasn’t a kid, Satoru was a man who made poor choices and hurt someone by doing something unexcusable, and that made it okay to tell him to stop. 
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t talk to me. If we’re in the same place, don’t talk to me. Don’t ask me not to hate you. Don’t tell me you regret what you did to me.”
It hurt to break your heart by your own words. 
“Y/N, don’t do this,” he trailed off, eyes wide and filled with fear now. “Please.”
“Stop.” Your own eyes brimmed with tears you weren’t going to shed. It was fine dealing with Satoru when he tried to talk to you, but doing it on your own terms gave you an inexplicable feeling of sadness you hadn’t expected. “You’re being selfish.”
“No. How…”
“You take when you want, Satoru. You know more than anybody else that I loved you and lost myself when I couldn’t. You were there that night in the car, holding me when I cried when you left me. You left me!” you exclaimed, pointing your index in his direction that would’ve jabbed him in the face if he wasn’t further away. “You were there even after you left me. You’re there now, making me all confused and angry, when you know you can’t give me anything. You don’t have any intention of being somebody I need in my life, so leave. Make this easier for me and leave. Let me live my life while you live yours.”
He had shifted down the couch, and though he was still not too close, it felt too close. 
“Don’t—fuck, don’t say that, love. Please. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
You flailed your arms in the air, his words not helping your case at all. “You can be sorry a million times over, but what’s done is done. You can’t… Fuck, Satoru. You can’t do this.”
A moment passed. Then another. He placed his head in his hands, facing ahead while you faced his shaking body. 
“I love you,” he said, and you were lost. 
“Don’t do this to your wife, Satoru. You love her. You’re supposed to love her. Don’t do this to someone else.”
“I love you,” he repeated, his eyes now looking into yours with a familiar fire of determination. “You know that, right? You know that I love you?” His words broke out into a sob that ripped directly from his scratchy throat. “Tell me you know that.”
“Then please leave. Don’t show up. Stop showing up, and stop explaining something that can’t be understood.”
And when Satoru placed a hand on your cheek, you didn’t push it away because you saw that previous fire dwindle within a second. He tugged his lower lip between his teeth as he scanned your warm face, your glassy eyes, and he noticed how you were shivering under his touch. You didn’t push it away because Satoru might’ve been selfish, but you were, too. And you would inhale the embers of him before they turned into ash.
“You want this?” he asked, but you could see he knew the answer. You didn’t reply. He continued, “I’ll leave you alone, if that’s what you want. But—But I want you to know I wanted it to be you. When Hana walked down the aisle, I thought of you. I wish you’d come. I would’ve never said ‘I do.’ I swear. I’m sorry I fucked up—I fucked us up. I got carried away and…”
You smiled sadly. “Don’t do that to her. You have a chance at being happy, Satoru. Don’t ever do what you did to me again.”
“Do you?” he asked.
“Do I what?”
“Have that chance at being happy?”
You thought about the question and Kento’s name flashed in your mind. It might have been small compared to the colossal amounts of feelings you felt with Satoru back then, but it was something. Even though you didn���t shake under Kento’s touch or feel your stomach turning upside down everytime he smiled at you, you felt safe and you knew that if you could stay, Kento would stay, too. 
“I do.”
He inhaled a sharp breath, a single tear falling from his eye. “Is it wrong that I still wish it was me?”
You wanted to say no, it isn’t because a part of me wishes it was you, too. You didn’t. 
He continued, “I can’t let you go, Y/N.” 
Another tear, then another, till they continued streaming down his face. You couldn’t stop them. You couldn’t react to them. Not even when he took his hand away from your face to messily wipe them away between sobs and hiccups. 
“You said you didn’t deserve me, and you were right. Remember that.”
And even though a larger part of you didn’t want to leave, you left, afraid that you might end up entangling yourself in his arms to cry with him. To get one taste of his lips for the last time before deciding to fuck it all and make one kiss more. To hold onto him for longer, forever. You left because you weren’t sure you could tell Satoru to leave again. You thought you still loved Satoru just not in the way you used to. But when you saw him pleading for nothing because there was no good outcome for the two of you, you realized you might still love Satoru the way you used to, just less and concealed by the hurt. You would’ve chosen all the bad outcomes and then some more if you stayed a minute longer.
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kittenofdoomage · 11 months
In case you missed it...
I'm currently posting a fic a day over on Ao3 for my Tropetober A-Z event on Patreon last year. It's a different character every day from different fandoms, mostly smutty (you know me). All red underlined links lead to AO3, please read the warnings on individual stories 😘
The fics:
A: Alpha/Beta/Omega - Winter Nights
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) You’re an Omega who lives at Kaer Morhen, unmated but belonging, almost like a pack Omega to the Alpha Witchers; Geralt, Coen, Lambert and Vesemir, though the elder Witcher is long past any need for you. Geralt is close to rut when he returns, and seeks you out.
B: Bodyswap - Worth The Wait
(John Winchester x fem!reader) Some supernatural beings don’t want to hurt anyone, they just want to prove a point.
C: Character Death - The One Good Thing
(Negan x fem!reader) You waited so long to have him back, and he’s waited so long to get back to you, now you can be happy again… right?
D: Dark fic - On Our Terms
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) A sorcerer out for revenge leaves you in a dangerous position, and you’re not sure you’re going to make it out of this one.
E: Enemies To Lovers - Trapped
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) An incident on a mission leaves you and Bucky trapped in a vault. Being sealed in a relatively small space is a problem on its own, but you’re faced with another dilemma; you absolutely hate Bucky Barnes.
F: Fake Dating - Keeping Up Appearances
(John Winchester x fem!reader) You haven’t heard from John in three months, after he abandoned you, but now he needs your help on a case. Are you willing to ignore your feelings to help him?
G: Glad To Be Alive - All Is Not Lost
(Negan x fem!reader) A sequel to "The One Good Thing" which was letter C of Tropetober.
H: High School Sweethearts - Bittersweet
(Steve Rogers x fem!reader) In any time or place, she'd love him.
I: I Don't Want To Ruin Our Friendship - Mistakes
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) She took a chance and it broke her heart - can Bucky fix the mistake he made?
J: Just Friends - Nightcap
(John Winchester x fem!reader) She’s sick of correcting everyone, and alcohol loosens the tongue.
K: Kiss Of Life - Near Miss
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) Geralt saves your life, then reminds you to never nearly die again.
L: Love Potion - A Wee Favor
(Dean Winchester x fem!reader x Sam Winchester) Dreams can come true.
M: Mates - Crossed Paths
(Alpha!Geralt Of Rivia x Omega!fem!reader) Destiny put them in each other's way for a reason.
N: New Old Flame - Always Yes
(John Winchester x fem!reader) They came so close to something special, only to have it torn away; is there any hope left for them now?
O: One True Love - Backseat Lover
(Dean Winchester x fem!reader) He's been keeping a secret from her, and when they're stranded alone for hours, he finally has to come clean.
P: Please Don't Leave Me - Vigil
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) He's halfway through a mission when something he can't fight happens.
Q: Queen Size Bed - Never Have I Ever
(John Winchester x fem!reader x Dean Winchester) Drinking can lead to all sorts of decisions, luckily, these are good ones.
R: Roommates - Sleepless
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) Turns out, the solution to the problem was there all along.
S: Soulmates - Runaway
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) You run away from the life your parents want for you, and finally find your soulmate in the most unlikely of places.
T: Time Travel - Time Breaks All Things
(John Winchester x fem!reader) - A misstep on a case puts them somewhere they didn't expect to be, and they're not sure if there's a way home again.
U: Unresolved Sexual Tension - Seize The Sam
(Sam Winchester x fem!reader) Dean "Matchmaker" Winchester strikes again.
V: Virgin - Life Lessons
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) The night that Geralt learned his most valuable life lessons…
W: Werewolf - The Wolf Moon
(Henry Cavill x fem!reader) A night of camping leads her right into the arms of fate.
X: Xenafication - Rough
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) Something changes you, and Geralt isn't sure it's a good thing.
Y: You Can't Fight Fate - Ships In The Night
(Dean Winchester x fem!reader) She keeps running to avoid heartbreak but she's breaking all the same.
Z: Zombies - Full
(Negan Smith x fem!reader) She knows she shouldn't, but the problem is, she wants to, real bad.
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If you do check any of the fics out, please let me know what you think 😊
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yujiwifeyy · 1 year
first date with them (jjk men)
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warnings : casino
an : tysm for showing sm love on last post🥹 + this is a gn fluff!
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• take care of him bc he might just die from excitement!
• prolly started making fake scenarios a week ago from ur date
• everything is sooo organised
• hands holding all day!!
• he’ll probably pay for everything so don’t worry just sit back and relax the date with the love of ur life
• his ideal date is going to an amusement park so hold tight girl ur golden retriever boyfriend will probably drag u to every ride
• but if the idea of amusement park is not for you then also don’t worry he got ur back! he’ll probably take you to bowling
• and if he sees that you’re losing to him at bowling then boy will literally make himself lose on purpose just to see you jump around while being happy
• after doing these activities during the day , at night you guys will probably go to stargazing while having a deep convo about your future and dreams and he’ll realise just how much you mean to him
• in general , he will try to make you the happiest girl! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
• after years of just roaming around here n there he definitely found some underrated and hidden place so he’ll take you there
• you were a bit uneasy about where you guys were going but after entering this street all ur worries vanished away
• this street looked so vintage but cute and peaceful at the same time. there wasn’t much people but everyone looked so elegant. it was just like the movies it definitely looked like heaven on earth
• he smiled at your reaction and lead you to a really adorable cafe. it was filled with adorable posters and the design was just sooo elegant!
• you looked at him with a surprised face "i never knew you were into this stuff" you asked him while pointing at all those adorable items in the cafe "it was for you dummy i thought you would like it" he said with a gentle flick on your forehead
• you guys enjoyed your lunch at this cafe and when the sun was setting down and it was evening ur boyfriend decided to take you to another hidden gem!
• he took you to a really peaceful beach where there was surprisingly no one
• you guys walked around the beach and talk about alot of stuff until he just picked u up and took you in the water
• don’t worry you’re not going to drown he’s holding you tightly this man got you at all cost!
• u both played alot there until you were a mess that’s when he decided to enjoy the nightlife with you like wild teens
• walking around at night while holding hands , trying out new stuff that you never imagined you would , going to the highest building to enjoy the view of the night. well this man got it all
• you were at at the roop of this really high building and was staring at the moon while being in the arms of your boyfriend until he decided to break the silence with ‘the moon is beautiful isn’t it’ (it’s a japanese phrase for ily) ( ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ )
• sugar daddy mood on!
• tonight your rich af boyfriend will take you to the lavishest restaurant of the town
• oh you’re an introvert? don’t worry bby tonight your boyfriend booked the whole restaurant just for you two!
• he put his phone on silent mode because he doesn’t want anyone disturbing him when he’s with his baby
• with the least disturbance you guys started your dinner and was having the time of your life
• after dinner , as you guys were vips the restaurant booked you guys an entire movie theatre (yes , tonight you’re y/n bbyyy)
• you guys started watching this really cute romance comedy movie but when you were looking at the screen and laughing he was looking at you and smiling
• after the movie , your boyfriend knew you had an pathetic week so he booked you a really relaxing spa!
• you two entered this room where there was alllll the asmr equipment with a relaxing music playing
• you guys enjoyed the relaxing massage which just felt like heaven
• when you guys were done with all the activities and he was driving you home you fell asleep in the car and when he noticed he smiled and just hoped that he made you happy because you really hold a special place in his heart! ˃̵ᴗ˂̵
• honestly , he was a bit confused about what to do and was afraid if he could make you happy until he remembered that once you mentioned you wanted to go an aquarium so he decided to take his baby to the biggest aquarium of the world!
• you guys went inside the aquarium and you were more than happy and he was happy by it. you guys clicked sooo many cute pics there and had some snacks here n there
• then he wanted to do something fun so he thought a karaoke would be a perfect option. he took you to a really cute karaoke centre!
• y’all had so much fun there bc geto kept making sooo many silly yet funny mistakes and a few minutes later you found out that you guys didn’t closed the door properly and everyone probably heard your laughs , voice cracks and failed high notes T_T
• after all these , geto kept saying that he has a surprise for you and you found out about it when he lead you to a cat cafe! it was super cute and you had sm fun playing with cats while having ur food
• in conclusion, a date with him will be vv cute and you guys will make sooo many memories that you’ll probably laugh about later + you’ll see his silly , goofy and soft side more which only you can pull out! ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ ) ♡
• a date with gojo and there’s nothing risky? uhh you’re with the wrong person
• he picked you up at 7 and you had no idea where you guys are going to. you tried asking him but he just shushed u until you saw a cruise and looked at him with a confused expression but he just smiled at you and got out of the car to open the door for you (we love a gentleman) and lead you to the cruise and oh god it’s a huuuuuuge cruise
• you guys entered the cruise and decided to have dinner first so he lead you to the dinner section and heck yeah it was bougie af
• y’all had dinner and started walking around the cruise and was having fun talking to all these famous and rich people as gojo’s gf until you saw all these elegant people being occupied with something you wonder what the matter is so you decided to ask him ‘babe what are all these people doing’ he smiled at your innocence and got down to your level and whisper ‘by any chance are you into casino bby’ he asked you while smiling but you just wasn’t getting whatever he saying.
• so he decided to show you instead. he lead you to an area where you could see alot of people and yes ofcourse they were playing casino and your boyfriend decided to dive in and put 1 million on line before you could ask anything he started playing. you wanted to help him win but nope , you didn’t know shit so you just keep watching him until you saw that this mf won 1.5 million!!
• he got up and hugged you and kissed the money and ofcourse you! you couldn’t process what’s going on until he pulled you into a kiss and asked you ‘do you still wanna be in this cruise bby or yk i have smh else in mind’ you were confused by his question until you guys left the cruise when it stopped and roamed all around the town
• from bougie to cheap places you guys went thru all of em. he showered you with so much money like boy literally bought you diamond ring , necklace and a freaking dress! he love spoiling his baby
• watch him having only 120k by the morning T_T
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badasgirlfriend · 1 year
hey, love your fics! can you write something about bada lee x fem idol readers relationship pls
Happy | Bada Lee Imagine
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pairings: bada lee x idol!reader
a/n: i kinda hate this but i tried my best hope u like it (i swear this looked better in my head)
Being an idol is fcking hard, Y/N will tell you that. It's toxic, it's draining, and she could sit here all day and tell you about every shitty part of it. She. But she chose this, she knew exactly what she was signing up for.
"This is hilarious," Y/N stated, barely able to control her laughter as she read out the various comments "I'm so disappointed with her, she was such a great idol, but now she's a disgrace!"
The room was illuminated by candlelight as Y/N laid in bed with Bada. The warm glow from the candles cast long shadows on the walls and ceiling, adding an air of intimacy. She could hear the sound of the rain outside, and she felt content and safe as she leaned against Bada's warm body. After finishing her concert two hours ago, Y/N was scrolling through the comments left by everyone. It was obvious that her decision to raise a lesbian flag had caused quite a stir, and the amount of controversy it had generated far exceeded her expectations.
She continued reading the comments, letting out a laugh at one she found particularly amusing. "This one's my favorite: 'I can't believe she supports gay people, she'll never get my money, that's for sure.' Oh no, Bada, my bank account will be empty"
Y/N's phone was suddenly taken from her, prompting her to turn and face Bada. Just as she did so, her girlfriend brought her closer in a passionate kiss. In response, Y/N naturally wrapped her arms around Bada, pressing their bodies together.
The kiss between began with a sense of gentleness and sweetness. In each moment of their connection, Y/N felt her heart fluttering with the same intensity that she had experienced in their first kiss. It was as though the world around them came to a standstill and the rush of emotions overwhelmed her. No matter how many times they kissed, Y/N still savored the moment like it was brand new.
"I told you to stop reading the comments." Bada's words were somewhat overshadowed by the passionate kiss that they shared as she voiced her concerns for her girlfriend. Even though she could recognize the humor in the comments, she also felt the worry and stress that the negative feedback was causing Y/N. She was well aware of the struggles that Y/N endured for her career, and the threats to boycott Hybe until they fired ber didn't sit well with Bada.
"I find them funny though" Y/N replied, responding to Bada's earlier comment. In her relaxed state, she playfully pecked her lover's lips
"Bada, I promise you I'm ok. I don't care what they're saying. I love you, and just being near you is enough. I knew the consequences of my actions, and still, I did it without any regret."
Yn was now settled in Bada's lap, playing with the hem of her girlfriend's tshirt "Even if my company fires me, which I doubt because I pay their bills, I wouldn't care. I'd find a new company. What I matters to me is us being happy"
The words from her girlfriend sent chills down Bada's spine. The revelation that Y/N would sacrifice her dreams and ambitions for their relationship was sending her over the moon. In that moment, her thoughts were transported back four years to the start of their relationship. They were a young couple back then, still navigating the world of fame and uncertainty that came with it. Despite all their fears, they had found a connection and a place within each other that made them feel safe and secure. With Y/N's words reminding her, Bada reflected on how much they'd grown together and how far they'd come. It filled her with a sense of pride in their relationship and the trust they'd developed along the way.
Bada had grown accustomed to the rumors around her girlfriend and the various male idols she was constantly linked to, but she never cared. For her, she knew that Y/n loved her and that was enough. Her fans saw Bada nothing more than her friend and choreographer. Bada had become YN's personal choreographer, following her wherever she went. It was true that Bada created all the dances for her, even stepping in to be a backup dancer at times. They even mirrored each other as they wore matching outfits on stage and shared intimate moments during their vlives. But everyone else seemed oblivious to their romantic connection, thinking they were just close friends.
This year, however, something new happened. YN's fans were shipping both of them and the couple found it sweet and endearing It was like a whole new world had opened up for them - where they could be themselves and express their love without fear of judgment or criticism. And that was all they could ask for.
"Earth to Bada" The sound of her girlfriend's laughter was enough to break through Bada's thoughts, bringing her gaze towards her once again. It was hard to ignore the beauty and love of Y/N, as her kind essence and everything she did brought happiness to Bada. As she lifted her hand to tuck a piece ofyn's hair behind her ear, Bada's focus remained on her face as she spoke. "I love you so much,"
Y/N was quick to return her girlfriend's statement with an exclamation of her own. "I love you more, baby," she expressed, her face buried in Bada's neck as she was overcome with shyness. She could feel her lover's laughter and was amused by it, her heartbeat accelerating at the sound of the woman she loved laughing at her.
"I have an idea" Yn was swift to action, grabbing her phone
"Uh oh that's not good," Bada chimed, but only one glare from Y/N was enough for her not to continue talking
Bada watched Y/n bring the phone closer, recording them kissing. "Hoes Mad" played softly in the background, as Y/N mouthed along to the lyrics, kissing Bada on the lips again and grinning at the camera. Bada chuckled at her silliness,
"Annnd posted!"
Bada's grin disappeared at Y/N's words, her expression shifting to one of shock as she realized what she had done. "What-? You actually posted it?" She was genuinely surprised by Y/N's bold move, her voice tinged with concern and disbelief. Before she could question her further, a notification popped up on her phone, with a familiar username. She tapped on the link and was met with something unexpected from the video Y/N shared online.
Bada groaned "no what did you do, you will get so much in trouble"
"Oh calm down, it's not a big problem," YN replied with a dismissive wave. She grabbed Bada's phone and turned it off then doing the same to her phone who wouldn't stop blowing from the notifications. Y/N then casually tossed them on the sofa near them
"Now, let's enjoy our night," YN said with a smug smirk. Her hand reached over and slowly traced the outline of Bada's shirt until she found her way inside.
Bada's lips curved into a sly grin, she was lucky indeed
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ayatoscupid · 2 years
you are...
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cupid x ayato | 1.2k words | established, romantic, p... p... proposal
note: listened to u r - taeyeon while writing.
a/n: it's here. i'm die. leavw me alone. um. hi i'm engaged now cries cries cries ok happy new year everyone dies again
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Cupid takes a deep breath once he’s far away enough from the festivities, closing his eyes and letting his shoulders relax. While he’s never one to turn down an invite to an exciting party—especially one to celebrate the upcoming new year—his battery runs out easily, and he’s found himself needing a break from the bustle of the festival to recharge.
Inazuma is cooler at the end of the year—quite the opposite from the weather in his hometown, where the weather is blistering enough to give him an excuse to go to the beach and lay on the cooling waves of the sea. For now, though, it’s far too cold to get himself wet, so he settles for sitting by the cliff at the top of Amakane Island and looking out to Inazuma City. The glowing sakura petals on the grass beside him shine with a thin layer of frost, and he picks up a few to rub his fingers against the silk, watching the ice melt into the warmth of his skin and create a small pool of water on the palm of his hand.
The way his hands shake makes ripples form on the surface—the closer the new year comes, the more nervous he is… and the heavier the small box in his pocket becomes.
“Ah—there you are.”
Cupid blinks and turns around, beaming at the familiar face smiling fondly at him. “Ayato!”
“I was looking for you.” Ayato hums, his arms already spread open for Cupid to stand up and walk right into. He chuckles when Cupid hugs him close and presses his face on the plush of his winter scarf. He hugs his waist in return, pressing a kiss to the side of his head. “Tired from the festivities, my love?”
“A little.” Cupid hums, muffled against Ayato’s warmth. He looks up at his boyfriend with a small pout, that falters only a little when Ayato tilts down to kiss his forehead. “I barely saw you the entire night. Don’t tell me you’ve just been hiding around to avoid everyone.”
“You know me, little moon bunny.” Ayato laughs sheepishly, helping Cupid brush a few strands of hair back to their place. Cupid notices a nervous lilt in his voice, but chooses to not comment on it for now. “I’m good at organising parties, but I’m certainly not the life of them.”
“I know, I know. That’s Ayaka’s job.” Cupid giggles. He’s about to pull Ayato down for a kiss when he’s suddenly stopped—by Ayato covering his mouth with his hand, a cheeky smile on his own lips. “Bwh?!”
“I heard from a dear friend in Mondstadt that over there, they kiss their loved ones to celebrate the new year.” Ayato teases, his eyes sparkling with mirth. “I think it’s a cute tradition, so why don’t we do it? There’s only a few minutes until the clock strikes twelve, after all.”
“...Diluc needs to stop telling you these things.” Cupid grumbles, pouting when Ayato simply laughs. “How long left?”
“Two minutes.” Ayato replies, wrapping his arms back around Cupid’s waist to keep him close. He opens his mouth—then closes it, and all of a sudden, he looks restless. He licks his lips and shifts his eyes everywhere but on Cupid, who frowns in worry.
“Ayato? Is something wrong?”
“Ah—um, nothing. I’m just… thinking.” Ayato chuckles unconvincingly, gently squeezing Cupid’s waist. He licks his lips again and takes a deep breath, as if deliberating over what to say. Cupid’s heart hammers in his chest the closer the clock ticks, and Ayato’s agitation really isn’t helping. “It’s just…”
“Ooh, one minute left!” A festivalgoer squeals from afar. Cupid and Ayato gulp in unison at the reminder.
“Cupid.” Ayato starts suddenly, his voice a little louder than he expected it to. He clears his throat to calm himself down, taking Cupid’s hands in his own. Cupid can feel how warm they are even through his gloves, and can feel the way they tremble just slightly. “You… before I met you—ah, no. Um. Through the time we’ve known each other… ah, dear, I had planned what to say and all, but I seem to have forgotten—”
“Ayato.” Cupid chuckles softly, gently squeezing his hands. “It’s okay. Just say what comes to mind.”
Ayato finally looks into his eyes then, and takes a deep breath. Lavender shimmers and reflects the stars and sakura trees that surround them, but what Cupid can see the most is Ayato taking off his mask for a rare moment, letting him see him at his most vulnerable. “...I love you. Those are the only words that ring to my mind when I look at you, when I think about you, and when I hold you in my arms. And those words will ring true for the rest of my life—for the rest of our lives, together, if you’ll allow me to be by your side forever.”
Cupid blinks, mouth opening slightly. “Ayato…?”
Ayato laughs softly, eyes turning glassy as he goes down on one knee. He squeezes Cupid’s trembling hand.
Three—is that lord Kamisato proposing?!
Ayato brings a small box out from his pocket and holds it up, a single sakura petal falling and melting on the wooden surface.
It is! Two!
“Will you marry me?”
One! Happy new year!
Cupid bursts into teary laughter, covering his mouth with trembling hands as he takes a step back in shock. Though half of his face is covered, there’s absolutely no hiding the lopsided grin on his face. Instead of answering right away, he slips his hand in his pocket to pull out his own little wooden box, giggling at the way Ayato widens his eyes in shock. Fireworks burst throughout the island and in his heart as he answers, voice unsteady but words ringing with nothing but truth. “Of course I will. Marry me too?”
Ayato’s silent for a few short moments, mouth opening and closing, a rare moment where everyone witnesses the Yashiro Commission caught off guard. Then, he laughs, bright and trembling as he stands up and envelopes Cupid in his arms, face hidden in his neck. Cupid feels his grin against his skin and laughs giddily, hugging him even closer. Ayato mumbles his answer only for him to hear, pressed into his warmth. “I’ll marry you in every lifetime, my love.”
Cupid has to bite his lip to keep his cheeks from hurting from how much he’s smiling, and Ayato leans back to press their foreheads together, smile smitten and eyes teary. Cupid brings a hand up to wipe one away before cupping his cheek, teasing him lightly. “Now can I kiss you?”
Ayato laughs softly, and instead of answering, he simply leans in. The press of their lips together feels more magical than the colourful fireworks that burst into colour around them, as if celebrating the new year and their life together, moving forward.
“I love you.” Ayato mumbles into the kiss, pulling Cupid even closer by the waist like it’s just the two of them alone, unashamed by the audience cheering and congratulating them on their engagement.
Cupid smiles against his lips, feeling warm all over his chest—like he can lay on the cooling waves of the sea, letting its pull blanket him with love and comfort until the end of his days, and for even longer after that. “I love you too.”
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iamfabiloz · 2 years
What are your thoughts on the upcoming Transformers: Rise Of The Beast movie?
I'm kind of excited, but honestly kinda sad that the Michael Bay movies probably aren't coming back. I know some people don't like them, but to me they were pretty dang awesome (especially the last 2 installments to it). I was so excited to see how they were going to handle Unicron(it was taked about in The Last Knight with the horn like things coming out of the ground) compared to Transformers: Prime. I also hope they make a Bumblebee 2, they did such a good job with every single aspect of that movie.
(Also I accidentally unfollowed rip, sorry for that-)
YEAAA IM SO HYPED FOR IT!! So so excited when the trailer dropped I went bananas (get it bc Monke get it get- *cricket chirping*) :3 honestly rlly lookin forward to it HEHE THIS YEAR TRANSFORMERS FANS R BEIN FED LIKE KINGS! Earthspark season 2, reactivation, the movie!! Other stuff am probably forgetting abt in the moment (Where is my BOTBOTS season two Netflix 😟???!!)
when I saw mirage and op and arcee and CHEETOR!! I SHRIEKED n couldn’t contain myself (I was in class LMAOO but everyone was like eh) it made me so happy :] and monke ofc Optimus primal WOO and ops designs got switched up 😮 tbh I really like the bayformers design of op, THE FLAMEZ R SOOO SICK I love them 😎 but this new op is fine :3 the silly!!! Also one of da locations bein in Peru esp interests me bc my family is from there so am excited to see it inna ROBOT MOVIE!! :3 my fav!! Also OOO new human characters I hope they as charming as Charlie (tbh after a bit sam in the other movies was kinda funny n I got used to his type of humor) rlly cool to see the maximals n stuff show up ARGHH I RLLY got to watch beast wars I’ve just been too busy n not in da headspace to bing r a show properly hrmmm BUT I WILL ONE DAY MWAHAH /lh
and YEAA I get u on that, the cliff hanger plot line woulda been cool to see carried out in contrast to tfp i wonder what would gone down!!! And yah my view on the bayformers has shifted since the last time I rambled Abt them, I have a soft spot for them now esp for dark of the moon!! I’ve watched it a bunch of times now, and I even watched it yesterday night w my dad LMAOO I know the beats by heart now, it might be my fav one KWJW it has like some sort of charm and I was bouncing w excitement watchin it, esp the moments where op was onscreen, can u tell he’s my fav from there/lh also YEE ur opinion is totally valid, i rewatched the last knight a few weeks ago n it was kinda fun :]! My love for robot overpowers all and some bits was rlly enjoyable in the rewatch like the Dino babies and OPTIMUS :3 his design in that movie kinda.. 😳*GETS DRAGGED OFF THE STAGE AND SPRAYED WITH WATER*
tldr: the iamfabiloz community has forgiven micheal bay /hj
and BUMBLEBEE I should rewatch that too it’s rlly been a while 😵‍💫 but YEAA a sequel would be so cool HEHE but I do rmemeber likin it YAYY the cybertron scenes 🥺🥺
And no worries haha
BTW ty for asking also HEHE I love answering robot related asks sm 🥺💖
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seriouslysnape · 4 years
HIii! I was wondering if you could write something Fred (6th/7th year) x Gryffindor Reader (i know u dont usually write him) maybe something where reader and fred are best friends and shes in love with him but she thinks he dosent like her that way with a fuffy ending? maybe some angst not too much tho thank youuu <3 if you dont want to write fred (😭) you can write it for lupin (6th/7th year)
His Favorite Girl
Fred Weasley x Gryffindor! Reader
Warnings: Language.
Word Count: 3,430
“Woah. Guess I had more to drink than I thought.”
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The Gryffindor common room. An ever changing space for all Gryffindor students to unwind, study, or party, depending on the occasion. The common room was always crowded from wall to wall after a Quidditch match, especially when Gryffindor reigned victorious. The players all filed in, bursting with good energy and an itch to celebrate their win. Oliver Wood exploded inside first with an unmistakably beaming smile spreading across his face.
The Gryffindor students who hadn’t been able to make it to watch the match automatically knew that they had won based on Oliver’s visible jubilant mood. You were one of the unfortunate ones that hadn’t been able to make it, but you knew that the team would bring the party to you. The Weasley twins came bopping in next, George carrying a very happy Harry Potter on his shoulders. Harry leapt off of George’s shoulders before the tall twin could knock him into the top of the doorframe.
Your sights automatically set on the other Weasley twin. Fred was beaming with delight at their impressive win. Fred was damn proud to be a Gryffindor, and beating the brakes off of Slytherin was one of his favorite pastimes. He couldn’t be any happier at this moment. It warmed your heart to see him so joyful and full of glee.
You raked over his tall, slender yet muscular frame. His signature red hair was damp with sweat and parts of his face were caked with dirt.
Fred caught your stare, his smile never leaving his face as he gave you a friendly wink. You closed the Potions book in your lap, getting up from the sofa with a silent hope that your thumping heartbeat wasn’t obvious to anyone.
It was a hard thing to do. Keeping your ever growing crush and admiration for Fred Weasley under wraps was becoming more and more difficult as time went on. The seemingly simple solution (as all of your friends had told you) to do would be to “just tell him” how you felt. But it was MUCH easier said than done.
There were so many things that could possibly go wrong if you were to confess your feelings to Fred. You would be running the risk of ruining a beautiful friendship that had done nothing but blossom over the last seven years if he didn’t share that same admiration. You didn’t want to lose your best friend just because your heart felt differently than his.
At the same time, you wanted to tell him every scrap and ounce of how your soul felt lost without him. There had been a few times over the years where you had an opportunity to lay your heart out on the line for him. Each time you had this heavy feeling in your chest letting you know you needed to make a move.
You built up the courage each time, but were interrupted by George or another one of your friends before you could bite the bullet. You knew it wasn’t healthy to keep this holed away in yourself. Your love would only grow more. The more days that passed, the more you began to wonder how different your life would be if you never told him. Not to mention that graduation was only a few months away, and there was always the risk of losing contact with him when you went separate ways.
That is, IF you were to go separate ways.
On the other side of the coin, there was always a chance that Fred possibly did harbor the same admiration for you. That would totally change things in the long run. The idea of starting a romantic relationship, possibly getting married, and having a family was nothing short of perfect.
But you had to get to that point first.
Everyone rallied around Harry, shaking him excitedly and singing their praises to him for his incredible Snitch catch. Suddenly, blaring and thunderous chatter filled the common room as more exhilarated students piled in. Within the hour, a sea of Gryffindors occupied the room, complete with blasting music and an ungodly amount of alcohol.
Oliver had gathered a crowd of first years in one corner of the common room as he retold every solitary second of the match from his point of view, starting from the very beginning. The wide eyed first year wizards and witches were on the edge of their seats as they listened to his story, some of them beginning to wonder if they had what it took to be great Quidditch players.
On the other side of the room, you were settled once again on the sofa with Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell, who were seated in the arm chairs across from you. They were exhausted from playing all day, but that didn’t stop them from engaging in some girl talk.
Alicia and Katie were your dearest friends, and they were the only ones who knew about your crush on Fred. A crush that had quite honestly evolved into something much more. They were always keeping an ear out to see if Fred said anything remotely leading them to believe that he might like you back. As surprising as it was, Fred never really outwardly spoke about his romantic side.
Speaking of, Fred and George were in another corner of the room with Harry and Ron, doing God only knows what. Fred was considerably tipsy, but nothing even close to plastered. You had seen Fred drunk before, and needless to say, it was a hysterical sight.
“So, [Y/N],” Alicia spoke up, her dark skin looking extra glowy from the fire roaring in the fireplace; “Fred was awfully excited to come back to tell you that we won.”
Katie perked up, her head lifting from where it had been leaning on the back of the chair.
“Yeah! The first thing that he told George was that he couldn’t wait to tell you the news. Although, I guess Oliver kind of told everyone before Fred had the chance.”
“Really? He said that?” You asked, sitting up a little straighter.
Alicia nodded vigorously, gripping Katie’s forearm with elation. Alicia and Katie had never tried to set the two of you up, mainly because you had begged them not to. That didn’t stop them from trying to be the ultimate wingwomen. They believed that you and Fred would be a stellar couple. They were convinced you were made for one another.
They both feared that you’d never make an attempt to make it happen.
“He sure did. I heard him myself.” Katie replied.
Alicia glanced over her shoulder to make sure no one was listening before leaning forward closer to you. Her voice was quiet, loud enough so only you and Katie could hear as she spoke.
“Graduation is coming up quickly. You’ve got to tell him.” She advised.
You sighed heavily. If you had a galleon for every time one of them had told you that, you’d be a wealthy woman. They just didn’t seem to get that it just isn’t that easy. You wouldn’t deny that proclaiming your deepest secret to someone didn’t scare you. It was terrifying to offer your heart and soul to someone, even when you knew that they might get broken as a result. You didn’t want to live with a broken heart.
But you didn’t want to live always asking yourself “what if”.
Before you could respond, a figure plopped themself next to you, his familiar scent sending flutters all through you. Fred basically snuggled up next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. Despite the fact that you weren’t dating, Fred was comfortable enough with you to get extremely close, which didn’t help your situation at all.
Alicia and Katie held down their snickers and giggles at how you were clearly flustered. You tried not to wriggle too much under Fred’s hold, and draw any attention to yourself. He was your best friend, and you knew how to play it cool when he was around.
“Hi, [Y/N].” Fred slurred loudly over the noise.
You laughed softly at the smell of Firewhiskey that was radiating off of him. You weren’t much of a drinker, but you’d have a drink with Fred from time to time.
“Hey, Fred. Congratulations on the match.” You complimented.
Fred grinned proudly, looking down at your slumped body. His eyes were beginning to glaze over from the alcohol, but he looked as sober as ever. He had a certain look in his eyes that you couldn’t identify.
“Thanks. Those bloody Slytherins got what they deserved.” He stated.
“Oliver seems over the moon with how it went.” You remarked, smiling as you looked behind you to see Oliver now standing on a table as he continued telling his thrilling tale.
When you turned back to Fred, you couldn’t help but notice how Fred hadn’t taken his eyes off of you. The butterflies in your belly were going totally bananas now. His gaze did eventually shift to the Potions book that was placed next to your feet, and he let out a guttural sound. He reached for it, noting that it had obviously been put to good use in the last several hours.
“Have you been studying?” He questioned, holding the book in his hand.
You sheepishly nodded, aimlessly reaching for the textbook. An offended look crossed Fred’s face as he held the book far out of your reach. Damn his long arms.
“I have a test on Monday. Advanced Potions is kicking my ass this year and I’ve just barely been getting by so I have to study extra time.” You expressed, laughing at your fruitless attempt to get the book back.
His sharp jaw fell open a tad and he stretched back even further to ensure you didn’t get the book back for now.
“You’re kidding me. I missed my favorite girl at the match because she was stuck in the common room studying for a TEST?” He acquired, not even aware of the weight behind his choice of words.
You felt your smile fade into more of a bashful expression. Your body slinked back into the cushions, forgetting all about the book. His words rang in your word.
Favorite girl.
Fred Weasley’s favorite girl.
Alicia and Katie were both wide eyed and jaw dropped at what he had just said. They were looking back and forth between the two of you like they were at an intense tennis match.
Fred was so aloof and oblivious to the fact that he had literally just melted your heart with a single sentence. You spent so much time with Fred that you just didn’t understand how he couldn’t see it.
Fred knew you backwards and forwards. He could see straight through you when you were lying or when you were sad, but claiming you were fine. He always remembered your favorite treats from Honeydukes and how you liked hot Butterbeer on cold winter nights. It made him happy to hear you talk about your favorite Muggle novels or tell him about something funny that happened in McGonagall’s class. He knew you better than anyone.
But why couldn’t he see the way you were yearning for him?
“You missed me?” You asked, shrinking even further into the cushions.
Fred looked at you as if that were the dumbest question he had ever been graced with. He lowered his arm at your sudden demeanor change, gently putting the book in your hand. Alicia and Katie leaned in carefully, eager to see where this conversation was going. Much to their disappointment, Fred didn’t get a chance to answer due to another member joining you on the couch.
George landed less gracefully than Fred had, basically landing on top of you and smothering you. Your shrieks were muffled in George’s Quidditch robes, Fred wrestling his brother off of you.
“Hey! George, get off of her.” He grunted, heaving his brother’s very limp body off of you.
Alicia threw her hands up in defeat at the interruption, Katie falling back into her chair. So close, yet so far. You gasped for air as George fell on the open seat next to Fred. George was way further gone than Fred. He was barely even able to keep his eyes open, let alone get any real, complete thought across.
“Nice timing, George.” Katie said sarcastically.
You gave her a menacing look, not wanting her to bring it up. George snorted, and his sentence came out more as one incoherent word.
“Did I interrupt something important?” He heavily slurred between hiccups.
You rolled your eyes. Leave it to George to ruin this for you. You were discouraged that your chance had been shot down once again, but it wasn’t George’s fault. You were just glad to see your friends in such high spirits. Soon enough, the rest of the party goers had crowded towards the center of the room where you were. The party raged on well into the night, a complete celebration with dancing, singing, and more drinking.
As easily as the party could’ve carried on and on, eventually the famed players’ exhaustion caught up with them and they all slowly dwindled down and sauntered off to their respective dorm rooms. You hugged Alicia and Katie goodnight, knowing they’d be passed out in their beds by the time you got up to your dorm room.
You spoke to Harry and Ron for a bit, giving Harry a friendly kiss on the top of his head for his winning catch. His pasty white cheeks went red as he and Ron retreated to their room in a fit of blushy giggles. That left just you and the twins in the common room that was now completely trashed. Empty cups and half spilled bottles of alcohol were scattered about, people even leaving behind some of their school stuff to be recollected in the morning.
George was a mumbling, intoxicated mess. He was close to falling asleep, and Fred wanted to get him to bed before he was completely unable to stand up. You’d be up for a while cleaning up the common room. You always hated leaving a room knowing it was messy, so you didn’t mind picking up after everyone. Fred knew you’d stay behind to clean up, but he didn’t want you to have to do it alone. He draped his babbling twin over his shoulders, grimacing at how George was usually heavier when he was drunk.
“I’m going to run George upstairs and then I’ll be back to lend you a hand.” He smiled, ignoring the things that George was trying to say to him.
“You don’t have to. I can handle it.” You said, tossing a handful of cups away.
“I know you can. I just don’t want you to be lonely is all.” He said, turning on his heel and marching up the boys’ dormitory stairs with George.
You felt a warm flush course through you at his words once more. You weren’t sure why you were extra sensitive to him tonight. Sure enough, Fred returned a few minutes later, almost stumbling into the wall at the bottom of the stairs. You both laughed as he gave a witty comment.
“Woah. Guess I had more to drink than I thought.” He said, walking into the room once he steadied himself.
“Is George okay?” You asked, accepting the pile of empty bottles that Fred placed into your trash bag.
You usually hand cleaned for the first few minutes, but would eventually grow bored and cast a spell from your wand to finish the work. It was seldom that the common room was this quiet, so you liked to bask in the silence for a little after there was a party.
Fred scoffed with a nod.
“Oh, yeah. He’ll be fine. Nasty hangover in the morning, but there’s a potion for that.”
As usual, the two of you were tired of cleaning, so you waved your wand with a quick cleaning charm. You both watched in amazement as the trash and everything else whisked around the room into trash bins, leaving the room spotless. You put your wand in your back pocket with a satisfied hum. Usually, this would be the time where you went to bed, but you were getting that familiar heavy feeling in your chest.
It immediately dawned on you that you had a perfect chance here. No one was around, and no one would be around for more than enough time.
“You want to sit and chat for a bit?” Fred questioned, noticing your dazed look; “You seem like you’ve got something on your mind.”
The fireplace was still occupied with a cozy warm fire, which was very inviting. You nodded, following Fred to the same couch you had been on earlier. The common room was beyond peaceful now, your head almost lulling onto Fred’s shoulder in relaxation.
Oddly enough, you weren’t freaked out now. In all the past times you had tried to do this, you were a jittery mess and could barely get a word out without stuttering. You felt so at ease now, as if this was something you did often. You hadn’t even had a drop of alcohol tonight, so you couldn’t blame it on that.
“So what’s up?” Fred questioned after you didn’t initiate a conversation.
He had unknowingly opened a door that you knew you had to take. It was now or never.
“I’m just thinking about some things.” You admitted.
Fred’s curiosity was sparked now. He was always interested and willing to hear what was going on in your mind.
“What kind of things?” He pressed on.
Your sights were set on the flames in front of you, causing you to miss the way that Fred was looking at you with such fondness and care. He was cherishing every passing second of this moment.
“You and me.” You confessed.
Fred was filling with anticipation, not sure where you were going with this. He raised a brow.
“What about us?” He replied.
You took a breath.
“Fred, what did you mean when you said I was your favorite girl?” You queried.
Fred looked into your eyes that were peering up at him in a puppy-like way. He noticed that you were expecting an answer. Fred, as confident as ever, responded with a voice like butter, his accent a little thicker.
“Because you’re my favorite person in the world.” He revealed.
Your heart caught in your throat and your breathing hitched. So far so good.
“I am?” You asked to confirm
Fred’s arm that was around you pulled you in closer. You were being flooded with such a sense of intimacy that it was overwhelming. Your nose was level with his chin, and you were so close to his face that you swore you could hear the blood flowing through his face. Fred knew what was happening now, and he was ecstatic about it. He had wanted you all along, but never knew how’d you’d react. The last thing he ever wanted to do was scare you off.
He thought about all the times he had seen you upset, and how it hurt him when you were pained with something. He always wished for nothing but happiness for you. He didn’t want to ruin things because of how he felt.
But now he was sure that you’d be here to stay.
“Absolutely you are. You’re all I ever think about.” He whispered, stroking your face with the side of his thumb that was wrapped around you.
This didn’t feel real, but felt all too real at the same time.
“Why are you whispering?” You smiled softly, whispering back to him.
He smirked, and whispered again.
“Because I want you to know how much I love you.”
A cannon of confetti seemingly exploded all throughout your body. Shock, desire, lust, love, want, everything went through you all at once. This wasn’t at all how you had imagined this happening, but you were happy that it did. It was very fitting for the two of you.
“Kiss me.” You whispered once more.
He lowered his head and his lips caught yours in a feverish way. All the pent up feelings from the last 6 years all loaded themselves into the kiss. It was a huge weight off of your shoulders.
“I love you,” You professed once Fred pulled away; “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to tell you that.”
Fred chuckled lightly, responding before kissing you again.
“I think I have a pretty good idea.”
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ghostdrew22 · 3 years
angst fic where ravenclaw!reader has thalassophobia and is playing with the water by the shore in the dark lake with the necklace draco gave her before they broke up a few years back when the new girl he’s been going out with throws the necklace into the middle of the lake in spite, and the reader cannot afford to lose it djeiwis sorry if it’s messy u dont have to do it ure uncomfyyy
If you die, I’m going to kill you.
Jump In || Draco Malfoy
Requested: Yes Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!reader Warnings: ANGST, a bit of swearing, panic attacks and thalassophobia mentioned. Summary: Years after breaking up with Draco you find that the last gift he gave you is still the only thing comforting you, and his new girlfriend doesn’t like that.
WORDS : 3546
Gleaming, twinkling Eyes like sinking ships on waters So inviting, I almost jump in
The crescent moon outside begs for your company and you oblige, preferring to be alone than stuck in a room full of people who pity you. You lift the bottom half of your dress from the ground and sneak out of the ballroom nonchalantly, anxiety dissipating as the soft breeze comes in contact with your face.
The sound of your heels clacking against the cobblestone fills the air as you walk toward the boardwalk hanging above the lake, and it reminds you of a time when Draco would bring you down here. The lake behind the Malfoy Manor has always been subject to your fear, and you rarely ever go toward it, but tonight you’ll do almost anything to feel alone and normal for once.
The tiny ripples forming on the surface send shivers running down your spine and you look up at the sky immediately in an attempt to subdue your anxiety. A few meters away lies the ballroom, full of dignitaries and old family friends of the Malfoy’s who attend their annually ball every time without fail, and you can hear the faint sound of laughter mixed with a beautiful crescendo. You shut your eyes, take a deep breath and drag your fingers up to your neck to toy with necklace lying around it, as you try to imagine that you’re anywhere else.
You’d thought that it would be easier, coming to the ball and seeing him with his new girlfriend, but it had proved to be a bigger challenge than you’d anticipated, and residual feelings that you’d been trying to stuff down for months had resurfaced like anchors being pulled up from the bottom of the sea. It reminded you of what he said that day, “I’m yours forever, even if you’re not mine.”, and the only thing that stopped you from running back into his arms was the chain hanging around your neck.
A silver chain with a midnight blue sapphire dangling on its end, worth one of your arms and a gift from the blond himself. He had given it to you as a promise, one to love you till the sun stopped rising, and at the time you had thought that it was the perfect gesture. But reality hit and you soon realized that a life with Draco Malfoy would be one filled with envy and uneasiness, and you knew then that you both deserved more.
The necklace’s monetary value reminds you that Draco belongs to a long and esteemed family line which demands attention that you cannot cope with. But the fact that it had been his proclamation of love reminds you that in order for you both to lead happy lives, you must be apart. The way it gleams beneath Chandeliers is so captivating that it always brings you back to earth; a life with Draco is inviting, but some invitations mustn’t be accepted.
But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
All eyes instantly fell on him the second that he appeared; sporting that notorious smile which always brought people to their knees, and a priceless suit that hugged his figure so well it made all the straight men positively envious. A true Malfoy; charming, rich, attractive, easily the whole package. You didn’t get a chance to speak with him because he was instantly preoccupied with the ramblings of his mother as she dragged him around the room with pride, showing off the son that she’d done such a good job at raising.
Draco’s life had always been politics and he’d been raised to invariably stand tall, look presentable, get good grades, converse well. You watched him in awe every time, admiring the grace and ease with which he conducted himself. But it made you wonder when he’d been taught the art of letting the spotlight go, to focus all of his attention on the one he loves instead of the search for approval. And the answer was that he hadn’t, Draco never grew out of the desire to have everyone’s praise and approval.
‘If everyone loves you, if everyone wants to either be you or be with you, then you’ve succeeded.’ He’d told you late one night after one these balls. You’d looked at him with pity, not having the heart to tell him that love and validation are not synonymous, and you’d hugged him so hard that somehow you both knew it was all coming to an end soon.
He grew up being a magnet to both jealousy and admiration, a symphony of applause being the background track to the movie of his life, and he didn’t know how to live any other way. When all you’ve ever known is lustful stares from fellow peers, stolen glances at the back of your head, and unbridled acclaim masked behind attraction, then it’s hard to put that life behind and settle for the love of only one person.
Walk past, quick brush I don't like slow motion, double vision in rose blush I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush Everybody wants you But I don't like a gold rush
He truly was magnificent though, even you couldn’t deny. Years ago, when he’d walked down the stairs in one of those clad black suits, he had met you at the bottom of the stairwell and you could’ve sworn that you were floating on cloud 9. He had smiled so brightly at the sight of you, had laughed so sweetly in the space of your ear, and fit so tightly into your side like it was a home made only for him, that you were intoxicated on the feeling of him and hadn’t noticed what was happening.
You were falling in love. You weren’t flying, no, you didn’t have wind beneath mystical wings that you’d somehow managed to grow. You were falling, and at a speed so treacherous that you didn’t even realise it was happening until it was too late. One day you were falling, and the next you were ruins buried so far into the ground that you couldn’t even tell where the earth stopped and you started.
Falling in love with him was fast, like a bullet train, but everything after was so slow that you felt as if you weren’t even moving at all.
What must it be like to grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominos I see me padding 'cross your wooden floors With my Eagles t-shirt hanging from the door At dinner parties, I call you out on your contrarian shit And the coastal town we wandered 'round had never seen a love as pure as it And then it fades into the gray of my day old tea 'Cause it could never be
Promises to run away together and start a life somewhere off in a distant town.
Fingertips, laced with the narcotic effect of young love, tracing lines across the expanse of each other’s faces and trying to figure out which of the other’s features would be inherited by your children.
Dreams about a time when your lives would no longer be dictated by the paths your parents had set out for you, but instead by the spontaneity and reassurance that came with endearment.
Tastes of tea replaced instead with the taste of each other as long-forgotten tisanes made home on bedside tables because you both got lost in the haze of tenderness.
Arguments about mundane and useless concepts that would go on for longer than necessary, because he insisted on disagreeing with everything, and always ended with your acute responses.
Lives that had once lacked passion, that had once been so dull they compared to Snape’s drawling, instead replaced with all the colours that the world had to offer.
It was the perfect life, the one you two had planned.
But it was too perfect to ever be real.
You take a deep breath and unhook the necklace to observe it once more, hoping that it’ll provide some comfort for the ache in your chest.
'Cause I don't like a gold rush, gold rush I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you Walk past, quick brush I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush Everybody wants you But I don't like a gold rush
“Y/N.” A voice slurs behind you.
You turn with furrowed eyebrows and roll your eyes when you see who it is, “Pansy.”
“Don’t be rude.” She hisses and hiccups as she stumbles toward you, “What are you doing out here?”
“Could ask you the same thing.” You narrow your eyes at her, “Are you drunk?”
“Just a tad.” She replies as she hiccups again and finally stands before you. You watch silently as she gracefully sits on the wood below her, making sure not to create creases in her dress or fall over in her heels.
“Shouldn’t you be in there? On his arm like a trophy?” You ask, and inwardly groan when you hear how jealous you sound.
“Probably.” She shrugs and looks out into the water. “It doesn’t matter though, I’m not you.”
She looks up and into your eyes, you look away immediately. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to take from that.”
“Yes, you do.” She states bluntly, “He told me why you left him. That was really selfish of you.”
You gasp and turn to look at her, “How dare you? You have no idea-“
“No, actually, I do.” She gets up from the ground swiftly as a fire rages in her eyes, “You think I don’t know what it’s like to be like him? We’re the same, we were practically raised on the same blueprint. Despite what you think, there’s a lot more to the issue than what lays on the surface.”
“Oh and I guess you have all the answers?” You spit out with a scoff.
“I thought Ravenclaws were meant to be smart.” She shakes her head and hiccups as she turns to face the water, “Draco’s entire life has always just been this.” Pansy turns and gestures toward the Manor with a grimace.
“It’s always been about being the best in the room, just so that he can earn five seconds of approval from his parents. But you came, and you showed him more, you gave him a glimpse of what love feels like. Then, because you were scared and couldn’t hack it, you left him.” She continues and you grip the necklace tightly in anger.
“That’s not what happene-“
“How can you possibly expect him to come back to me, to this bullshit, when he’s experienced actual happiness? How is he supposed to come back from you?” She finally turns to face you and you hear a slight crack in her voice with the last words, “I love him so much and if I could make him half as happy as you do then I would.”
“You can.” You breathe out shakily, “If you two try a little more then you’ll realise why it just makes sense.”
“Love isn’t about sense Y/N. It’s not about appearances, it’s not about applause, it’s not about any of the crap that him and I were raised to prioritize.”
“You call it crap but that’s all he knows, and he just isn’t ready to give it all up.”
“Why do you get to decide that for him?” She tilts her head to the side and raises her eyebrows, you look away from her.
“I should probably get back inside.” You mutter as you start to turn toward the manor.
“You’re righ-“ She gasps and you turn to see what’s shocked her, “You still have it?”
“Have what?”
“The necklace.” She points to your hand and you nod awkwardly in agreement, “I helped him pick it out.”
“A sapphire to match your virtue and faithfulness.” She says absent-mindedly as her eyes lock on the piece of jewellery. “Guess he got that wrong.”
She laughs coldly and you scrunch your face in confusion, “Excuse me?”
“You’re just like the rest of them.” Before you even know what’s happening she’s reached for the necklace in your hand, “You love him until it’s no longer convenient, until the paint starts to chip.”
“That’s not true.” Your voice comes out shaky and lacking conviction, it makes her laugh again in disgust.
“And then who has to pick up the fallen pieces? Me.” She continues to ramble as she walks toward the edge of the boardwalk, you feel your breathing start to pickup as you try to focus on her instead of the lake behind her. “As if I don’t have my own pieces to pick up.”
“Pansy, please just come here so we can talk about this nicely.” You respond and swallow.
“No. You don’t deserve a civil conversation.” She spits out as she finally reaches the edge of the boardwalk and hangs the necklace out by her arm, “In fact, you don’t deserve anything. You don’t deserve his love and you definitely don’t deserve this pendant.”
What must it be like to grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominoes My mind turns your life into folklore I can't dare to dream about you anymore
Everything after falling in love with Draco happened in slow motion. You don’t know how, or when, but your life had become a slackening slideshow of bad decisions.
You hold your breath as you watch the necklace fall into the lake. It’s as though minutes, hours, days pass in that moment, but you know that it’s merely a few seconds. When the splash finally sounds, you let out a huge gasp and Pansy laughs as she turns to leave.
Panic sets in and you start to contemplate your options. You could jump in and get it yourself? No, that’s absurd, you’re not going to overcome your fear that easily. You could rush into the manor and find someone who’s willing to get it for you? No, no one would take you seriously.
You shake your head and decide to just do the easiest thing; try and work up the courage to get it yourself. You start to pull off your heels and scrunch up your dress so that you can step into the water and you walk toward the edge of the boardwalk.
But as soon as you’re near the water you realise that you can’t do it and your panic rapidly worsens. You step back a few paces before falling to the ground and pulling your head into your knees as silent sobs begin to shake your core.
Breaths, in rapid beats, are going to and from your lungs as the sound of the water swishing fills your ears. Nausea begins to set in your stomach as you think more and more about your terrible predicament, your fear of bodies of water and your sadness at losing the necklace combining to form one indestructible lump in the pit of your stomach.
“Y/N? Are you out here?” A voice calls out from a yard or two away and you try to recognize it, but everything is foggy in your state of trepidation.
“Shit, Y/N!” The voice calls out once more and you hear footsteps pick up to a run as the person approaches you. “I swear to Merlin, if you die I’m going to kill you!”
You realise that the person still hasn’t noticed you, and is probably assuming the worst, so you try your best to croak out a word- any word.
“Here.” You manage to rasp out between sobs and wheezes, and the person immediately runs toward you.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” They ask as they pull your head out from your knees and you try to nod slowly.
You blink back a few tears and try to focus on the face in front of you, “The- the-“ You try to say and shake your head of the confusion as the words refuse to formulate.
“Hey, breathe princess.”
You recognize the nickname and then soon enough your eyes register that Draco’s kneeling in front of you. “Draco?”
“Yes, it’s me.” He responds softly as he cups your face in his hands and tries to wipe a few of your tears, “Take a few deep breaths for me, yeah?”
You nod and do as told, breathing until you finally calm down and manage to think clearly again. “I’m okay.” You breathe out and he sighs in relief.
“I was so worried, Pansy came in rambling about getting back at you and something about tossing and water- And I was just so scared that she’d thrown you in or something, because I know that you can’t swim and you’re terrified of the lake so I-“
“Hey, slow down, I’m okay. I’m right here.” You respond and manage a weak smile. He nods and sighs again. “She didn’t toss me into the water, though I think she would’ve liked to. She threw in the necklace. Shit! The necklace, it’s still down there!” You exclaim as you try to stand up but find that your legs are asleep, and end up coming back down instantly.
“Calm down. What necklace?”
“The one you gave me, the one with the sapphire that you said was a family heirloom?” You ramble and he furrows his eyebrows.
“You still have that?”
“Yes, I do. And it’s at the bottom of the lake and I need to get it back!” You stand up and Draco immediately does the same, placing his hands on your shoulders to keep you still.
“It’s just a necklace Y/N, you don’t need it.”
“It’s not just a necklace, it’s-“ You pinch your nose and sigh, “It just means a lot to me, okay?”
He narrows his eyebrows but nods in understanding, “Okay.” He steps back from you and pulls off his suit jacket, looking absolutely magnificent with his toned shoulders showing beneath the well-fitted shirt.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to get it for you.” He shrugs and you shake your head.
“You don’t have to, I can figure something out.”
“You tried to figure it out and you had a full on panic attack, I’m the best option.” He says sternly as he looks at you and you nod in agreement, “Now just wait, very far away, and let me find it for you.”
“Thank you.” You call out behind him but he doesn’t respond.
At dinner parties I won't call you out on your contrarian shit And the coastal town we never found will never see a love as pure as it 'Cause it fades into the gray of my day old tea 'Cause it will never be
“Here you go, in perfect condition.” He says as he drops the necklace into your hands and runs a hand through his hair. He looks gorgeous and you look down to avoid getting lost in his eyes.
“Your suit is wet.” You mumble with a sniff and he chuckles, the sound makes your heart race.
“We have magic, I’ll dry up.”
“Thank you.” You whisper as you finally look up at him and he smiles, that same hypnotic smile. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without it.”
“It’s just a necklace Y/N.” He smiles softly and you shake your head as tears begin to stream down your face again.
“No, it’s not just a necklace.” You sniff, “It’s you and I. It’s all that I have left of the love that we had, it’s all that I have left of the life we were going to build together.”
“Y/N.” The sternness in his voice makes you swallow hard, but you pull your hand up to indicate that you’re not done.
“Let me talk, please.” He nods and you continue, “This little gem is all the words that we never had the chance to say. It’s the nights we would’ve spent climbing into bed together, in our little house that’s tucked safely into a small town. It’s the cups of coffee I was going to make you when you woke up in the mornings, and the cups of tea you would’ve made me when we went to sleep. This little gem is the only thing I have to remind me that our love was real.”
“It also doesn’t hurt that it costs a fortune huh?” He asks with a grin, despite the fact that there’s sadness in his eyes, and you nod with a choked out laugh.
“Definitely a bonus.” You say as you laugh a little more and wipe away a few tears.
Draco pulls the necklace out of your hands and opens it to put it around your neck once again, and you turn around so he can put it on. “Look, Y/N, life is too short to fill up with ridiculous mistakes. You left me, like I never mattered to you, and it broke me.”
You turn back around quickly, “That wasn-“
He twists you back around abruptly, “Let me talk now.” You nod and he continues to hook the chain around your neck. “It took me months to decipher what you meant when you said that I had too much love for the spotlight, that I didn’t have the capacity to let it go. It took me months to finally grasp what you meant when you said that people fall at my feet, that my contrarian demeanor is a crowd-puller. And the recognition hurt, a lot, because I realised that you we right about most of it.”
You feel his fingers leave your neck as he places a soft kiss on your shoulder, “What was I wrong about?”
He pulls you back to face him and smiles as he looks down at you, “The only thing you were wrong about was my unwillingness to let it go.” He pulls you into his arms for a hug, and you sigh in his arms.
“You can’t just leave this life Draco, we both know it isn’t that simple.” You muffle into his chest and the vibrations of his chuckles make you smile.
“That’s where you’re wrong angel, I can just leave this life. You never gave me the option but,” You pull apart and he smiles so wide that you think his face might come apart, “I would give it all up, for you.”
Gleaming, twinkling Eyes like sinking ships on waters So inviting, I almost jump in
His eyes are shining as they look down at you with adoration and commitment, and it takes all the strength you have left inside to not pull him back into your arms. He brings his fingers up to the sapphire and rubs his thumb along it.
“It’s not all you have Y/N.” He pulls your chin up so you look him in the eyes, “I’m still right here.”
get added to my taglist 
taglist: @dracoscene @dreaming-about-fanfictions @astoria-malfcy @gwlvr @wh0re4blaise @marrymetheonott @dracomalfoyposts
hi lovies! guess who’s finally feeling good enough to write again! :) we’re going to ignore the fact that the FOOLWAG sequel is beating my ass though
I will not lie, I had a great time writing this, possibly one of my favourite requests by far. I was originally going to make the ending angsty but I figured  @evermoreeve (thx sweetie<3) reminded me that we all deserve a happy ending now and then.
anyway, i love you all,
jean <3
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swinterr · 4 years
fic rec vi ♡
this is a another new set of fic rec and i’ll probably do a compilation of genre (?) just like the first ones.
made some changes like tidying up a bit and adding summary, for those that doesn’t have any summary i’ll try my best to add my own summary (it will probably be shit tho, i ain’t making a smut summary guys, i’m not confident in my describing a fic ability but i’ll try my best. if its in italic it means i made the summary hehez )  if the summary is shit, i made it okay.
read and support the fic and authors here: the fic rec ♡
a for angst
f for fluff
s for smut
// for series or list
no title by @tyongf-nct | s
- smut blurb.
body guards and boyfriend by @pastelsicheng | f
-  sometimes the only way you can really get some alone time with your boyfriend is by making his job hard.
lipstick smears by @kopikokun | f
-  jeno never thought trying to get his makeup artist’s attention would be this hard.
[10:30] by @moonttaeil | 
- a lockdown moment.
[2:40] by @nct-jungjaehyun | f a
- cute quality fluff time with bf!jae with a dash of angst.
[11:41] by @jeongvision | f 
- family time with apples.
just like magic by @starryhyuck | f s
-  jung jaehyun’s body count is almost as high as yours. however, after yuta spreads a nasty rumor, you learn that jaehyun’s always imagined those girls to be you instead.
love to hate me by @moonctzeny | s a 
-  you and jaehyun meet as sm trainees, developing a friendship until he debuts and you decided to leave the company and pursue a solo career. when you reunite again in a music show and he acts like he barely knows you, you stubbornly begin a series of hate-brimmed sex rendez-vous. your touch-and-go relationship continues on, until a song collaboration will force you both to deal with all your repressed feelings for each other.
moving on by @ddeonghwaa | f a
- reader has been chasing jae for some time but when she moved on jae suddenly enter the picture.
sun&moon by @ppangjae | f a
-  asking jeong jaehyun to accompany you to your family’s 1-week christmas vacation as your boyfriend has its consequences. one can surely get through 1 week of pretending to be in love with an enemy, right?
snack run with a snack by @kopikokun | f 
-  on your usual movie night with the members, they assign you sudden snack collecting duty. you’re a little peeved, but at least jaehyun offers to tag along. Unfortunately for you, things really aren’t going in your favour tonight.
lover boy by @neoct-zen | f s
- bunch fics of lover boy jae and reader.
one more time, please by @haequarius | f s
-  you don’t know what you and Jungwoo are, but you are certainly weak for him.
jealous by @whiplashsan | s 
-  jungwoo is all smiles and sunshine until he gets jealous, and he just so happens to get jealous over the smallest things when it comes to you.
sugar, spice and everything not nice by @alreadyblondenow | s
-  doyoung getting your ring size wrong, unprotected sex, kitchen sex, slight fingering, wedding tragedies.
no title by @ncteaxhoe | s
- dom!doyoung, rough? i need holy water.
the little one by @ethaeriyeol | f 
-  a gift of life; female reader x husband!Doyoung; fluff, light angst, married au
exquisite taste by @weishenkonbini | s f
- smut but with a fluffy ending.
for you always by @labyrinthsofyou | f
-  in which you surprise yukhei when he forgets about your date.
6:19 by @cozykpopblurbs | f
- a cute fluff ft kun and winwin.
10:18 pm by @nctsoftarchives | f
- reader supports lucas at his superm debut stage. 
16:47 by @sichengssmile | f s 
- a fluffy smut. lucas a big boi.
missed you by @tokyobts | a f
-  after you and yukhei broke up, yukhei still has feelings for you. he reaches out to you at school and tries to get you back. at first you avoid him but later his actions manage to make your heart flutter. you’ve come to a sudden conclusion that you maybe still want him in your life.
34 + 35 by @domjaehyun | s 
- you and your husband johnny decide to take your marriage to the next step.
i couldn’t wait a little longer by @alreadyblondenow | s f a
-  you two were never together longer than two days, but the feelings, oh the feelings that you have for each other is clear as the day. it was a never-ending try of making the relationship official. johnny tried, you tried but it never happens.
what happens in korea, not stays in korea by @alreadyblondenow | f s 
-  a week vacation in korea for your sister’s wedding became even more exciting when a famous dj had a crush on you. johnny was sure that it’s love at first sight. not putting both of your careers on the line, you two had no regrets when the time comes and you finally leave.
laundry day by @immabiteyou | s
- a domestic fluffy smut.
make a wish by @sluttyten | s f a
-  you’re jungwoo’s sister, and he’s made it clear he wants you and Johnny to have nothing to do with each other. so you and johnny start fake dating to piss him off.
want it all by @sluttyten | f s 
-  you are entirely innocent to the point of being naive. johnny is not innocent, but he loves that you are because it means he can teach you everything you don’t know.
wish i was her by @softsungchan | f a 
-  you wished you were her, laying in Sungchan’s arms and feeling his warm breath on your neck, giggling about sweet nothings whispered into the starry night. You wished for it to be you, the girl he liked.
2:21 am by @the32ndbeat | f 
- sungchan being whipped, thru a text message.
14:52 by @ukiyoexo | f
- a cute haechan and reader ft the reader’s baby sister moment.
prince’s order by @nsheetee | f
-  prince haechan nurses you after you faint, and orders you to stay with him until you feel better.
sweet treat by @markresonates | s
-  haechan takes you for ice cream but all you can think about is sex with him.  when you act like a brat, eventually you end up in the bathroom. with no panties. 
clingy by @love-mi | f 
-  I’m not clingy! I just love your company and constantly want to be around you and have your full attention at all times
hyuck is always right by @luvrenjun00 | f 
- ceo!mark x reader ft baby donghyuck. a tooth-rotting fluff.
snow storm by @whereisten | f s 
- a fluffy smut whilst a snow storm.
1:59 by @smoll-tangerine | f
- reader and taeyong ft my favorite game (where i always die first) among us!
is this allowed 1 2 by @seokiie  | f s
- how were you supposed to know bts would be filming at your coffee shop today? how were you supposed to know a certain curly-haired boy would take a liking  to you?
cabin pressure | f by @jiminrings | f 
-  pilot!y/n who accidentally became famous bc of a viral post about her, best friend!jimin!, taehyung having a shy lil crush on you aND ot7 being meanies for a tad bit :((
art major!tae and biochem major!yn | f by @jiminrings | f
-  tae’s cold and probably needs a friend more than he needs a model, y/n feels this nEED to take care of him, a term of enderment then a dash of emotional constipation and a sprinkle of jealousy :D
gank mid lane by @kimtaehyunq | f s 
- gank / verb: (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent)
birthday surprise by @ephemeralkookie |
-  like every year, you prepare a little surprise for your boyfriend’s birthday, one that you’ve been preparing for days. and after a very tiring day, taehyung only wants to spend the night in your loving arms.
cookies & cream | s by @1kook | f s 
-  jungkook will watch a thousand cheesy christmas movies if it meant making you happy. (and maybe having his dick sucked.)
unholy night | s by @ephemeralkookie | f s
-  after a christmas day passed with the Jeon’s family, Jungkook decides to transform the holy night into an unholy one.
‘a short’ abstinence | s a by @seokiie | s a
-  maybe blue-balling you boyfriend (who has an insanely high sexual drive) wasn’t the best.
in which she’s done with him by @minstrivia | a
-  jungkook angst/fluff where he always pushes oc away (who confesses her feelings but was cruelly rejected) and insults her but she always comes back to take care of him when he’s drunk or picks him up from his one night stands and she finally decides to leave him alone.
bad influence by @noteguk | s 
-  in which you know jungkook is a bad influence on you, but you can’t avoid falling for him every time.
jock!jk and shy art major!yn by @jiminrings | f
-  established relationship ft. jock!jk and shy art major!y/n, y/n gets an unexpected pep talk and jungkook doubts himself, and either so much tears or so much dUST according to kook
special affair by @1oserjk | f
-  sugar daddy au except it’s just jk spoiling u thru animal crossing
fairy of shampoo by @ironicarmy | f s
-  sundays are for relaxation, house cleaning, and happiness.
abstract ft bob ross by @mimithings97 | f
-  paintbrush in one hand, joint in the other and you sitting on his dick is what jeongguk wants. and what jeongguk wants, jeongguk gets.
badboy!jungkook by @jungshookz | f 
- badboy!jungkook falls for good girl reader ft the boys and the reader’s apple. 
growing by @lesgetittkookie | f
- dad!jungkook teacher his daughter how to walk. super super cute family/domestic fluff.
quiet, baby by @bratkook | s 
- i don’t how to write a summary on smuts so imma just put this. reader and jungkook doing something in the subway.
still want that by @whatifyoulivelikethat | s
-  fucking min yoongi ex-girlfriend? a terrible idea. being hopelessly in love with her at the same time? an even worse idea. knowing he was being used and still doing it anyway? ah, Jeon Jungkook, what are you doing? part 2 of savage love.
desiderium by @jeonggukingdom | f s 
-  “we’ve been at it like rabbits, how are you still so horny?”. a newlyweds!au smut.
chapstick by @softyoongiionly | f s
- based on the time Jungkook said he needed someone to scold him so he’d remember to put lip balm on. or jungkook’s had a really long day and the only that can make it better, is seeing you. 
lover boy by @jingukk | f 
-  jungkook likes you. a lot.
unexpected confession by @sunkissedjk | f
-  you gathered up the courage to confess your feelings, but it seems everyone in school knows about it before you could even find him.
string attached by @ephemeralkookie | s
-  jungkook is what we can call your sexfriend. No strings attached, just you and him having fun and releasing the huge pressure and stress of being idols. But after spending an entire day together, you realize that maybe he’s not just your sexfriend.
no title by @himbojk | f s 
- dilf jk.
ceo!eunwoo by @m0onbean
no title by @yutopiada | f
- a cute idol!reader and eunwoo moment at a music show.
disney by @bangchan-sonyeondan | f
- a cute date with eunwoo at disney. reader likes vintage things hence using a disposable camera.
baby, it’s cold outside by @fresh-outta-jams | f 
- a cute cold christmas fluff with eunwoo ft. the boys. reader went to the boys’ place for a sweater and cocoa gift exchange.
cruel brothers by @imsarabum | f
-  jackson and jaebum have always acted as if they were your big, overprotective brothers. so when they both walk in on you and yugyeom in a very intimate position, things get a little tense!
a special night by @gyuluster | f
-  an intimate insight on the first night of choi soobin’s wedding, consisting of kitchen floors, witches and an eternity of love.
boughs & branches by @jeogiyall | f 
-  decorating the tree with boyfriend! choi soobin from txt! fluffity fluff fluff with a lot of cute fluff thrown in and a dash of christmastime fluff. 
sleepy binnie by @immabiteyou | s
-  “i’ll let you do anything if you just touch me now. “ a sleepy soobin smut.
cake by @immabiteyou | s
- reading waiting for mc soobin with the guys. a cute fluffy smut moment.
kpop oc/s
seri by @ggukkiedae
anyway, thank you again for the writers please take care and be safe!
please free to recommend your favorite fic that i haven’t feature yet.
if the links won’t work and i labelled some fics wrong please let me know and i’ll try to fix it as soon as possible!
support the fic and the writers!
695 notes · View notes
hansolmates · 4 years
hoshi; vowels and veracity (m)
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summary: after a blind date that makes you feel like a giddy teenager all over again, you’re forced to grow up and take a chance when you realize that special someone is your daughter’s kindergarten teacher. pairing: teacher!soonyoung x single mother!reader genre/warnings: fluffity fluff nuggets, humor, a lil bit of angst when yn panics, *steve rogers voice* language! alcohol, unprotected sex (wrap the pickle before u tickle), face sitting w/c: 5.2k a/n: i really have nothing to say about this but i’ve been thinking about going back to school all week so this manifested. enjoy a lil sexy but sweet hosh💕 
“Y-you,” another giggle and the press of wet lips to the sensitive spot of your neck, “stop, Soonyoung! I’m ticklish there!” 
You feel a pout imprint itself in the sweet spot between your ear and your jaw, and you sigh at the rumble of his lips against your skin, “But you taste so sweet, baby,” he croons, and you’re practically melting between the door with how much Soonyoung has pressed himself against you, all of himself. 
“What if I don’t wanna stop, pretty girl?” he husks against your soft skin, whispering things in your ear that aren’t for the faint of heart. In your haste to keep a firm grip, one hand goes to his clothes and the other nips at the undercut of his midnight black hair, “what if I just open the door right now and we slip right in, and then I slip right in you?” 
Your breath hitches and suddenly your core feels like a timebomb, ready to combust. 
Go on a date, Joshua says. He’s a sweet guy, Joshua says. He’s a friend of Joshua’s, so you know going into this blind date that at the very least, he wasn’t a serial killer. But what Joshua failed to tell you going into this was how much Kwon Soonyoung packed and how much of a temptor in disguise he is. 
“I really would love to invite you in,” it looks like it pains Soonyoung to admit this, as he presses his forehead to yours and the edge of his fingers dig into your crushed emerald velvet number, “but tomorrow’s the first day of work and I am not emotionally prepared. But, I do want to see you again. I had a great time.” 
The previous mood melting into the night sky, you reluctantly let go of the lapels of his tweed blazer. Unable to suppress your crestfallen smile you nod, “That’s fine,” you reply, inching away from him to send him a pointed look, “I wouldn’t have gone inside anyway. I don’t put out on the first date,” you cross your arms in an attempt to feign nonchalance.  
Which isn’t a lie, although if Soonyoung had asked you two minutes ago to come inside for a cup of tea, you wouldn’t have argued. He is just that tempting. Said date raises an eyebrow in response, tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear at the defiance in your eyes. “Oh?” he echoes, “then what date do you put out?” 
“Date seven.” 
“Lucky seven,” he grins, “so if we go on a date every day this week by Friday we should be good to go. How do you feel about steak?” 
You slap his shoulder in his response, and the giggle that erupts from his lips in response has you feeling dizzy and giddy with excitement. Soonyoung has you feeling like a college freshman all over again, floating like Cloud 9 and drunk in anticipation. You peck one, two more kisses on his lips. He tastes like the peach champagne you shared and his own scent as he pulls you in for a much longer, much hotter kiss. 
“Good luck on your first day,” you mumble against his lips, vaguely remembering that he’s a teacher in a school nearby. 
“Mm, text me when you get home,” and with a final kiss to your forehead he unlocks his door, leaving you warm and full of heart-eyes on his front porch. 
The walk home, more like float home, has you feeling all parts exhausted and hopeful for the days to come. For the first time in a long time you feel young and unbridled, thrumming with excitement. Now you’re just playing with your phone, waiting to exchange goodnight texts. 
“Nari’s asleep,” when you walk into your shared apartment, you spot a sleepy Seungkwan on his laptop and sprawled across your couch. “How was it?” 
“It was reealllly nice,” you’re still a little wine tipsy, drunk on the taste of Merlot and a certain someone’s kisses, “he was really sweet, and surprisingly sexy.” 
“Did you get dicked down?” Seungkwan asks only the most important questions. 
You scoff, flopping down on the couch next to him, “As if, we have work in the morning.” 
“Speaking of work, are you sure you’re not able to drop off Nari to school tomorrow? It’s her first day of kindergarten.” 
“I can’t,” saying it feels absolutely awful, but a single mother has to work extra hard to keep her and her daughter happy. 
“It’s fine,” Seungkwan easily waves you off and runs a hand through his fluffy auburn hair, “her favorite Uncle is there, anyway.” 
“Hey,” you lightly punch his arm, “I’ve already talked Nari through it. I’m cooking a big breakfast tomorrow—chocolate chip pancakes, duh, and taking a million pictures before we have to part ways. I packed a little Kit-Kat for her lunch with a sweet note. When I come back in time for dinner I promised her pizza from her favorite parlor and she can tell me everything about her day.” 
“So, you’re bribing her with food.” 
“Sue me, it’s every parent’s weak spot.” 
Seungkwan stretches his arms, cradling you between his chest. You sigh into his clean linen scent, feeling sleepy. “Yeah, I’ve bribed her with my Switch once or twice,” he admits softly, eyes also drooping, “but you’re a great mother regardless. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything tomorrow.” 
“Thanks, Kwannie,” you sigh, feeling more at ease. 
Nari is the light of you and Seungkwan’s life. Five years ago, you promised yourself that if you were more than financially stable and still sick with baby fever, you would adopt. You didn’t want to find a romantic partner for the sole purpose of having a child, you could easily do that on your own. And that you did, you researched and visited foster homes off in the countryside. 
In a little town off the coast of the shore was where you met Nari, only six months old and full with cherub cheeks and eyes that sparkled like the moon and stars. You fell in love with her instantly. Fast forward five years later and she’s the reason you wake up every morning and work hard every day. Seungkwan being your best friend, also wanted rights as the godfather and therefore is also part of your perfect family picture. 
You and Seungkwan sleep warmly tonight, both excited to share yet another year of Nari’s milestones. 
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“And then Mr. Kwon said I was an ‘ace’ with my vowels!” Nari has a string of cheese hanging from her chin, and you don’t bat an eye as you reach to pat it away with a napkin. 
“I wouldn’t expect any less, baby,” you coo, carding a hand through her hair so her bangs don’t get caught in her meal, “remember when mommy and Uncle Kwannie taught you the vowels this summer? We sang that song.” 
“Yes! I sang the same song and showed everyone how ‘ta do it,” your heart is swelling with pride, and you fight the urge to tear up because Seungkwan’s already showing signs of waterworks from his side of the table, “I read a book Mr. Kwon gave me today and he said he’s so impressed I read at a Level B.” 
You quirk your brows at the new jargon. You certainly don’t know what it means to be a Level B, but it makes Nari happy and that’s all that matters. Wiping the orange grease off her lips, you muse that you must get in contact with her teacher one of these days.
“What’s a Level B?” Seungkwan similarly looks stumped at the new vocabulary. 
“I don’t know!” Nari shrugs, but nevertheless her teacher’s attention has her glowing. 
You giggle, “I’m so happy for you, baby.” 
“I’m excited to go back tomorrow, I made a new friend! His name is Jeonghan and he helped me with my numbers today. He called my bows cute.” 
“Cute?” Seungkwan perks up from his stupor, “of course you’re cute, Nari. So cute that you’re too good for this Jeonghwan boy.” 
“Jeonghan, Uncle Kwannie,” she pouts when Seungkwan scoffs, in favor of shoving half a slice in his mouth. She turns to you, tugging on your blazer, “Mama, can I go watch TV now? I finished my homework and I wanna see the new Ladybug and Cat Noir!” 
“Of course,” you pull away her plate, gesturing for her to go to the living room. 
“Thank you mama,” and she’s bouncing off her seat, pushing her chair in and off to watch Miraculous Ladybug. 
You sigh, “They grow up so fast.” 
Seungkwan’s eyes widen at your age-old phrase, the words reminding him oddly of his parents when they used to talk down to him. “And here we are, aging twice as fast,” Seungkwan bemoans, already starting to feel the greasy food settle in his stomach. “We used to eat a whole pie! We could eat absolute garbage back in college and here I am weak at two slices—oh my god, am I having a ‘back in my day’ moment? We need to go out. I need to go out. I’ve been practicing consonants and vowels all day. I need a boyfriend,” he playfully narrows his eyes at you, “I need a boyfriend like yours, sweet and sexy.” 
“Sorry,” you stick out your tongue, “but he’s mine.” 
Perfect timing, Soonyoung’s name pops up on your phone. You two have been texting sporadically throughout the day, making plans for your next date. The two of you are going to watch a drive-in movie, a situation that screams teenage-back-of-the-truck-sex but the movie is a much anticipated favorite of yours and you genuinely want to watch it. 
Soonyoung is full of humor and laughs, getting you to smile and relax at the right times during work and always manages to keep you on your toes whenever he says something flirtatious. 
“Are you gonna introduce him to Nari?” 
You stop typing, and look up towards your beautiful little girl in the living room. Her hair is out of her pigtails, drooping tiredly like she is. Her cheek is pressed against her favorite plush cat, fighting for consciousness because she’s waiting for Marinette to save the day. Your heart swells with affection. 
“Dunno,” you shrug, trying not to think too hard about it, “we’re not that serious right now.” 
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You’re absolutely winded. You finished work early today, due to the fact that came in early so you could clock out and pick Nari up from school. Despite the fact that Nari says it’s okay for you not to pick her up, you can’t allow it and you want to be the one who she runs into when she comes out the door. 
“Who do you think she’s gonna hug first?” Seungkwan’s elbowing you, baiting you. “Because this morning she gave me a hug and three kisses before I dropped her off.” 
“Three?” you seethe in annoyance, “three kisses is our thing! Two on the cheek and one on the forehead!” 
The two of you slowly steep together, waiting for the colorful blue door to the kindergarten area to file out. The heel of your shoes are digging into the grass, probably making a needle-like  indentation in the dirt as you struggle not to seep into the lawn. You feel like you’re going to flop on your heels, wishing you could go run back into the car and find your flip-flops from last month’s beach trip. But before you could debate on the run the bell rings, and you’re on livewire when you see the students start to file out. 
Your smile grows ten-fold when you see Nari’s jaw drop in surprise, seeing you waiting for her. She fists whatever is in her hands in surprise, breaking into the cutest smile as she screams, “mama!” 
And you’re ready to hold your arms out and throw her around in circles, until you see who follows right behind her. 
Kwon Soonyoung is Nari’s kindergarten teacher. Kwon Soonyoung with his hair down and untextured, wearing a mint polo and looking nothing like the date you had the other night. He looks absolutely soft and so, you are weak. 
Kwon Soonyoung, the sexy deviant who sends you questionable texts and sends you funny puppy videos, is staring right at you and utterly confused when Nari rams straight into your hip. 
Momentarily distracted, you pepper your pretty daughter in kisses (all three of them, two cheeks and one forehead) and tell her how much you’ve missed her. Clearly she doesn’t miss you as much, as she’s waving around a picture she drew during playtime, one of her and Jeonghan in the sandbox. 
“Really, Nari,” Seungkwan mutters under his breath, shamelessly vocalizing his opinion on a five-year old, “can’t you choose a different friend?” 
“Seungkwan!” you chide, but he pointedly annoys you when Nari finally enters Seungkwan’s embrace. He takes extra time to cuddle her, obviously jealous that another boy has taken refuge in your little Nari’s heart. 
The moment is so sweet and simple you have no choice but to revel in it and take out your phone to snap a photo. 
“Mama!” she pops her head off of Seungkwan’s shoulder, “come meet Mr. Kwon!”
And she’s tugging your hand, only you’re much stronger and you stay firmly planted on the grass. Heck, you even sacrifice your shoes by digging your heels in for extra measure.Your eyes widen in panic, but Nari doesn’t notice because she’s paving a path of dirt with her lime green light-up sneakers, trying to get you to move. You nearly forgot your latest tryst is your daughter’s teacher, and you never told him you have a kid. 
But within seconds, there’s an audible slam and the three of you are shattered from your bubble. Turning to the noise the heavy navy door is now locked shut, all the students dismissed for the day. The crowd is gone. Soonyoung is gone. 
Seungkwan’s eyes dart between the closed door and you, the pieces clicking. His mouth forms a little ‘o’ and he nods in understanding. “He thinks I’m your baby daddy.” 
The two of you point out each other like the Spiderman meme. “He thinks you’re my baby daddy,” you echo, horror marrying your face. 
“Mama? What’s a baby daddy?” 
“Shh, Nari—” he picks up Nari in one swoop, mouthing a go to you as he leads her to the car. 
All alone on the grass, you panic as you watch your family grow smaller and smaller as they enter the parking lot. Soonyoung’s just behind that door, right? Looking left and right to assure no one is going to think you’re being that parent and harassing the teacher within the first week of school, you bound up the steps to knock on the door. Your knocks clang heavily, echoing against the building. 
Ten seconds pass. Nothing. 
You deflate, pulling out your phone to shoot Soonyoung a quick text. 
You: hey, can you come out for a bit so i can explain? Please
A minute passes. He leaves you on read. Defeated, you slump against the door. This day is really a whirlwind on your mental state. All you wanted today was some extra time off work, Nari’s three kisses, and maybe a goodnight text from Soonyoung if you were lucky. 
The door suddenly flips open, and you’re braced against someone’s hands. 
“Whoa, you okay?”
Your face crumples in relief when it’s Soonyoung that’s come out to respond to you. He’s bracing your weight by holding your arms between his hands, although keeping a respectable distance between the upper half of your bodies. It makes you a little upset, but you understand. Once you’re stable, he lets you go and leans away from you.
“Why are you waiting out here?” he asks pointedly, looking at you up and down. You seem terribly overdressed in your coral pinstripe suit, mismatching with Soonyoung’s apple sauce stains. 
“Why do you think I’m waiting out here?”
“And if I close the door again?” he retorts suddenly. 
“Then I’ll follow you home.” 
A beat passes, whatever expression he conveys on his face is practiced and primed. You have a terrible time trying to decipher his blankness. Working with kids probably does that to an adult. “Come in,” he says neutrally, and you wordlessly follow him into his classroom. 
The room is decorated beautifully, with rainbows and glitter. It’s also surprisingly organized, all the crayons in place and the play area free of stray toys. Your eyes instantly search for Nari’s desk, and a small smile fits on your face as you trace her handmade name tag. 
“Normally, I don’t let parents in my room until it’s Back to School Night,” Soonyoung says, leaning against his desk. It makes you terribly nervous, knowing the ball is in your court and he’s waiting for you to make a move. His carefree, easy going nature is nowhere to be found, and all you see is walls and a mean poker face. He pulls up the sleeves of his polo, exposing pale, strong arms. Your mouth waters a little (you can’t help it!) and you immediately reach for a bottle of water in your purse. “So, what is it you have to say?” 
“Seungkwan’s not my baby daddy,” you blurt, and you immediately blanch when Soonyoung’s eyes widen. “Wow uh. I didn’t mean to say it like that.” 
“But you did say it like that,” Soonyoung replies slowly, “no child just doesn’t give three kisses to someone who isn’t their father.” 
“I only called him my baby daddy because he said it first,” you grumble, almost childishly, “and Nari’s a baby, of course she’s going to give three kisses to anyone that feeds her and coddles her.” 
“It sounds like an excuse.” 
“It sounds like I’m freaking out because you keep talking back and forth like this!” you cry, slapping your hands against your thigh. You don’t have to look in a mirror to know that you’re quickly getting annoyed, your face morphing into a shade of embarrassment. You can’t tell if this is amusing him or this is a real interrogation. “Let me explain, Soonyoung!” 
He says your name slowly, deliberately. And then, “do you want to take a break in the Calm Down Corner?” 
“The—the what?” Soonyoung’s eyes flicker to a corner at the far end of the room. The radiator is decorated in a sky blue wallpaper, and there’s a yoga mat on the floor. There are chairs next to a desk filled with coloring pages, decorated with fairy lights. Filling three of the chairs are various stuffed animals, a tiger, a cat, and a panda, all dressed as doctors. It’s a child’s therapy corner. “You gotta be kidding me.” 
He raises a brow, and—is that a smile on his lips? “Then explain, why are you here?” 
“Because I think I really like you,” you confess, frustration melting away to reveal the uneasy upturn on your lips. You lied when Seungkwan asked if you would ever consider introducing Soonyoung to Nari. In a different world, you would’ve loved to take the time to take Nari to the museum and introduce Soonyoung there. They’d definitely bond over their love for tigers. “Seungkwan is my best friend, and helps me take care of Nari. I adopted her five years ago.” 
Something softens in Soonyoung’s eyes, and the air feels much more relaxed. But his dark brows remain knit together, and he looks at you with confused eyes. “Then if you like me so much, why didn’t you tell me you had a daughter?”
“Because kids can be deal breakers,” you admit, and the colorful classroom feels smaller as you hug yourself. “I just, wanted you to like me first.” 
It’s the primary reason why it’s taken you so long to date. Sure, there’d be a fling here and there, but nothing that feels as tangible as Soonyoung is. You’re not old enough to find a partner that wouldn’t blink at the sign of children, yet you’re still at that weird age threshold where a partner could immediately run for the hills at the mention of one. Nothing will top Nari, she’s number one in your heart, but the small selfish part wanted you to put the focus on yourself for just one night. 
“You don’t have to hide, I want every part of your life no matter how long we have,” he assures you gently, firmly without an ounce of regret. Soonyoung opens his arms, and you cry in relief when you get to collapse in the scent of his cologne. You tuck your head in the crook of his neck, slightly sweaty from whatever activities he needs to do with the kids, but you don’t mind. His voice is quiet, melting in your ears, “and I really like you too. I really like Nari as well, she’s a great kid.” 
“She is, isn’t she?” 
You two pull away, and he swipes a thumb under your eyes in case some tears manage to escape. “So, Friday? Movie?” 
“It’s a date.” 
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“Where’s Nari?” the question is huffed against your breath as you’re pressed between your freshly washed bedspread and Soonyoung’s body. He takes care in making sure the zipper of your delicate dress doesn’t get caught in the rush, easily slipping your dress off and throwing it on your desk chair. 
“At Seungkwan’s, why?” 
His cheshire cat eyes glow under the moonlight, positively devious. “It’s date seven,” he announces sweetly. His gaze betrays his saccarine reply, a look that only tells you that Soonyoung plans to fuck you five ways to Sunday, and you’ll gladly let him. 
You sit up on your elbows, enjoying the show as Soonyoung quickly sheds his clothing. It’s ungraceful, exciting. Tonight was a simple carnival date, easily making you feel like a giddy college student all over again. Soonyoung won you five Pokemon keychains today, you could put a whole party on your hand. 
“It’s actually date six,” you tease, tilting your head as his pants finally come off, revealing black boxer briefs that snug deliciously around the waist. 
“Oh, okay,” he looks at you like you’ve spoken God’s word, reaching to pick up his shirt, “so you don’t want my dick fucking you raw tonight? Okay, I see how it is,” he pretends to put on his clothing, jabbing a thumb out the door. 
You have the audacity to giggle, pulling him over by the waistband, “Come here so I can make an exception.”
You don’t know what it is that makes you want you want to give everything to this man. Heck, five years ago you didn’t even want a man as an excuse to have kids. But as he nudges you in all the right places and places you on top of him, you know this man will treat you like an absolute treasure. Every kiss is laced with smiles and sweetness, filled with vigor and vivacity that fills you up and leaves you afloat. 
He takes care of you first, unwilling to let you budge as he places your core over his face. He makes quick, but effective use of his tongue and fingers, making sure you’re nice and sensitive for his future plans. You’re practically throbbing with pleasure, vibrating from every cell of your body. Within minutes he’s glistening in your arousal, and he pulls you down so you’re lined up with his crotch. It’s involuntary when you pulse against his member, your body shamefully alerting you that it’s desperate with need, and the remedy is right under you. 
Soonyoung looks more satisfied than you, eager to please you. Without warning, he stuffs two fingers in your mouth, “You pretty, pretty girl,” you are keen at the attention, your body is glowing a radiant rose. 
Your tongue rolls against his fingers, sticky and tasting of your arousal. Tilting your hips up you let Soonyoung pull his member out, lining it against your entrance. Feeling the soft tip brush against your delicate folds, you moan against his mouth. With a little ‘pop’ he releases you, lips shiny and parted. 
“I hope you don’t think I’m some kind of hit-it-n’quit-it kind of guy,” he noses the sensitive spot of your jawline, which distracts you momentarily when the plush tip nudges your folds, coaxing you to unite. “Because after tonight, I’m definitely keeping you. Forever.” 
The reply that dances on your tongue is overtaken by your whines when Soonyoung slips in fully, forcing your body to clench tightly against his. You take him, all of him. You feel wet and sticky and hot and swollen with affection as Soonyoung praises you for taking him so well. His pace is firm and passionate, short nails digging deliciously into your hips for leverage as he makes sure to fill you to the brim. 
He’s right, tonight is far from being a means to an end. You feel like you can have nights like this the rest of your life. And when the both of you finish and you’re pulling the covers over one another, you finally manage to grasp the reply that was nearly forgotten. 
Pressing a kiss to his jaw you whisper, “I’m keeping you, too.” 
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“So, how long can we keep this a secret for?”
“Ideally? Ten months. Realistically, I’d say Christmas.” 
“Why Christmas?” 
“Because I know you’re going to be dying to get Nari a Christmas present.” 
Soonyoung props his elbow on the pillow, looking at you petulantly. “I could say it’s a good behavior reward. She’s been racking up those gold stars during morning meetings, babe. She’s not even trying.” 
“That’s my girl,” you coo, rolling over to lean your head on his chest. Light has long flooded into your apartment, seeping through your curtains and reflecting on your white duvet. Soonyoung looks absolutely fluffy and well rested, and you can’t help but reach to pat down the ebony bird’s nest atop his head. 
The two of you lay like that for a little bit, playing with each other’s cold feet under the covers and relishing under the touch of bare skin to bare skin. You remind yourself that you need to take Joshua out to dinner one of these days, as he managed the inevitable and set you up with  an amazing partner. 
“Breakfast?” Soonyoung pops the question easily, “let’s get steak.”
“Steak isn’t eaten for breakfast.” 
“Then can I eat you for breakfast?” 
You snort, hiding under the covers while Soonyoung attempts to tickle you. The whole act in itself feels wholly innocent despite the fact that you’re both naked and smell like sweat and sex. Just as you feel Soonyoung’s head dip under the covers to meet you at your chest, the door swings open. 
The previously warm room feels like wickedly sharp ice, freezing you to your spot as you clutch the covers closer to your chest. “Baby!” you cry exasperatedly, flinching when she throws all her weight on you. She’s still in her ladybug pajamas from last night, hair falling out of her braid. 
She lifts her head from your breast to give you an adorable one-toothed grin. You try your best to maintain eye-contact, but Nari has impeccable vision. Her grin evolves into a full-on beam when she finds your bed partner.
“Mr. Kwon!” she’s squealing, clamoring over your lap. You do a double-take when you see Soonyoung sitting next to you, wearing a t-shirt. Where on earth did he get that?
Soonyoung’s eyes reduce to crescents at his (secretly) favorite student. “Good morning, Nari-ah. Had a fun time at your Uncle’s house?” 
“Nari,” you force your daughter down to stand on the hardwood, giving her a stern look, “give Mr. Kwon some space, it’s really early and it’s the weekend.” 
Knitting her brows together, she looks between the two of you, “But you two don’t have any space.” 
You wince at her perception, and nudge yourself away so you’re pressed against your nightstand. The oakwood corner digs painfully into your back. 
“We were haviång a very special parent meeting,” you fight the urge to cry when Soonyoung turns on his teacher's voice, sending your daughter a very convincing smile. You watch as your daughter’s eyes go wide, probably feeling very special that her teacher came all the way to her house to have a meeting. “You’ve been doing so well during the read-alouds that I had to tell your mama in person!” 
“I told you mama!” Nari juts out her chest, and you lean over to kiss the crown of her head. “But Mr. Kwon, why are you having it in mama’s room?” 
“Her room is the warmest!” he says like it’s the most obvious thing, his and Nari’s eyes widening simultaneously as he gestures to the open window. “The sun travels directly into your bedroom in the morning, and those rays send heat—”
“Mr. Kwon,” your voice is as steady as it can be, and  you frown when Soonyoung wiggles his brows. You already know he’s thinking of three separate ways you can use the term Mr. Kwon in private, but you’re not having any of that, “shouldn’t we uh, wrap up this… meeting?” 
“I wanna stay,” Nari glowers, obviously nosy as to what you two are talking about.
“I know baby. We just gotta finish up the meeting, okay? Can you—” you cut  yourself off when Seungkwan finally decides to make his appearance, eyes wide at commotion he’s created. He’s in matching pajamas, ridiculously red as he bends down to scoop up Nari. Absolutely sweating and as red as his clothes, his eyes dart between the two of you. You could care less that Seungkwan’s eyes have bags under their bags, and was probably too tired to catch her when she ran inside the house. No, Seungkwan doesn’t deserve the title of godfather anymore. 
“Nari! You can’t interrupt teacher meetings,” Seungkwan pretends to scold, and Nari turns her head so she can hide in her Uncle’s shoulder. 
Knowing that Nari can’t see a thing, you mouth a very explicit I will kill you to your best friend, and he immediately mouths an apology to the both of you as he ushers himself out the door. You wait ten seconds for your daughter to be out of ear shot, before dropping the blanket from your neck and throwing yourself against the pillows. 
But Soonyoung’s chuckling, pressing a litany of kisses all over your bare body in an attempt to comfort you. Instead of reveling in his lazy morning touch, you want to disappear between the sheets, never to be seen. What will the PTO moms say when they find out? How will you stop Nari from telling Jeonghan, and therefore Jeonghan telling the entire kindergarten population? Why isn’t Soonyoung freaking out about this? Instead, he favors to taste your body, in between kisses muttering something about it being kismet that Nari so happened to see right as you were discussing the secrecy of your relationship. Ten years from now, your daughter will be horrified when she realizes that no, teachers don’t normally give housecalls in your mother’s bed.
Your boyfriend pinches your thigh, regarding you with mirth in his eyes. 
“So, that means I can buy her a Christmas present now, right?” 
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junnibook · 4 years
“ one more time”
An old high school friend
 Izuku Midoriya X fem!Reader
Warnings: Izuku semi fluffy semi not. Nsfw ((duh)) eating out, fingering. Virgin reader
All characters are 18+
How sweet of you to meet your old friend.
A/n: this is the last 2020 draft I had which I wasn’t going to keep but what the hell might as well right. No full sex scene just giving.
Ask box is open for reactions
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You smiled happily seeing izuku come over to you dressed nicely, he wore a black turtle neck which made him look so handsome and mature. He’s gotten taller since high school and muscles?! Who told him to be so handsome.
He asked you on this date not to long ago. He seen you at a market, shopping for who knows what. you use to be the closest of friends, always walking home together. But once you graduated you and him have been rather busy that you got separated.
So when he seen you standing there he wasn’t going to waste any second to not talk to you, he rushed over greeting you. The both of you talked as if there wasn’t any time separation at all.
He was glad to see you, your smile and you laughed he loved so much. He noticed your body matured as well and stood out in the floral puff sleeve midi sundress. it hugged your curves and showed off your chest just a little. 
Did you know how attractive you look to him? to everyone. 
your innocent look only made him more and more into you. he wasn’t going to lose the chance to ask you out like he did in high school which surprised you honestly. the short shy boy who couldn’t get a full sentence out when talking to you before, just asked you on a date with such confidence. 
“awn zuku when did you grow up on me” you teased him and he finally blushed, like before blushing at the slightest glance you gave him. “ after high school haha you missed a lot” he didn’t mean for that to sound so sad but it was. 
you two did everything together. you even met his mom and she adores you. Drifting apart never hit you this hard before. you missed his freckles and his big bright smile he gave you after every battle that happened in high school, telling you he was okay so you wouldn’t have to worry about him. 
he walked you home, the both of you talked about everything and nothing, just smiling and talking about minor he stuff. you didn’t have a company like some student you graduated with. but you was very well known. 
“ so Saturday? by the station?” he asked, which your were okay with walking u the few steps you had to walk to get to your door. turning to smile at him “ see you zuku” you turned to go inside leaving the hero blushing like crazy, 
How could you be so cute? 
you walked in your your apartment, it was a nice comfy one. In your living room, was a picture from your graduation. Mr.Aizawa took it.
It was you, Izuku, Todoroki, Iida , Ochaco and Tsu all together. You and izuku had the biggest happiest smiles, hugging each other. The last year you both were so close. You ran your fingers over the the frame, softly smiling.
Looking at the picture on made you more excited to see him...
You were early- how early you didn’t know. You didn’t want to be late. You stood there in a black dress, seemed appropriate for a first date, right? You wouldn’t know, you’ve been on a date before.
“ Y/N!” You turned to the direction that Izuku came from smiling. You paused seeing how good he looked. He really did grow up huh? His muscles were shown threw his turtle neck. His blush on his face made he look even cuter.
He stood in front of you, even his scent was attractive. You turned around to face the wall you was in front of placing your hand there.
“ uh.. y/n are you alright?” You took a deep breath preparing yourself to look at him. “ little Izuku grew up on me it’s hard to process” you turned to him your cheeks red. You pressed your lips together looking away from him.
He thought it was cute how you blushed. But he didn’t want to be “little Izuku “ he wanted to show you how much he’s grown and not just in height “ are you ready to go?” He held his arm out for you to take “ such a gentlemen zuku” of course you grabbed it - it would break his heart if you didn’t.
He walked you away from the train station “zuku?” The way you looked up at him in questioning. “ i planned on driving to the place” he smiled scratching the back of his head. 
you both walked slowly to where he parked, while the two of you where walking, a small crowd of people came at you a izuku with their phone and note pads.
“Oh my Deku! i can’t believe i get to see you in person! can i have your autograph and a picture” the people pulled him away from you. he tried to talk to them tell them that he was busy but they never let him. 
being the very calm person you are, you did what was right. you pulled him right to you and you walked off, leaving them behind. “you’ve became mr.popular haven’t you” you pouted making him smile down at you. he was happy you did that for him. 
you reached the place, seeing how fancy it looked, it kinda made you nervous. “zuku you didn’t have to bring me here” you moved closer to him. you feel under dressed, maybe too plain. “haha i never got to take you out in high school, not like this at least.. i wanted to do something special” 
your cheeks got heated thinking about it, he never did, he looked so adorable when he tried to take you out but got so blushy that his ears got hot. 
“hm? your blushing this this time” he got close to your face, “ no! It’s just hot in here, don’t we have to sit down and eat! “ he wanted to kiss you, your soft lips would look so perfect on his. 
the dinner went well, you both caught up and spoke as of no time was missed between the two of you. he held you hand walking around the outdoors, looking up at the sky. he held you close not wanting to let you go. his green pools couldn’t leave your e/c ones. 
at first you didn’t see him watching you until you, when you did you turned to see him tilting your head, the moon light only made you prettier. “zuku?” he took a deep breath giving himself helpful advice and encouragement. he didn’t talk aloud like he use to- well not as often. he was much more brave remember.
“ can i do something” 
you knew what he wanted to do and smile happily. “ of course” you won’t say you never imaged kissing your highschool friend before because you have PLENTY of times. wet dreams wasn’t new to you either.
izuku bent down to your height holding the side of your face so gently, as if you would shatter into a million pieces. he paused before pressed his lips onto yours. it was just like he thought. 
soft and delicious
he pulled you closer as your lips dances with his. his tongue made his way into your mouth. “zuku we shouldn’t kiss here- people would see and you would be on the news first thing in the morning” it’s bad enough that he’s been seen with you. 
When the two of you got to your house it didn’t take long for you to be on his lap, his hands on your hips moving them slowly as his lips danced with yours.
When you felt him- you felt him. It poked your thigh. Izuku tried to contain his thrill he really tried but he waited years to have you on him and like this, he could feel his precum making his layers wet already.
He could tell you where getting turned on too, he can smell your sweet desire. So he played a risky move. Making his hand slowly inch towards your panties.
First he stopped at the top of your thigh slowly running circles around it than moved to your inner thigh checking if your lips hesitated for even a second- it didn’t
Your busy taking his lips as if they was your last meal.
He moved his hand until it reached your panties, he slowly moved his middle finger to rub small circles over the wet fabric separating his fingers from your clit.
Your soft whimper made up from his smll worries. He felt your lips leave his to hide your face in his shoulder blade- your redder than he is right now.
“Do.. you want me to stop” his fingers light brushed on you, as his voice soft sent shivers down your spine.
You’ve never been touched there - well only your fingers now the land. Having his there felt different like it brought more pleasure to you so of course you didn’t want him to stop.
You shook your head- that wasn’t enough he needed your approval to continue. “ keep going” and that he did.
He used his thumb to move your panties to the side, slowly moving his finger closer. He took his time on you never going fast, he enjoyed your soft moans when ever he switched the speed a tiny bit or your whimper when he slowed down.
You couldn’t tell him in word form that you want more but he understands, he finally realized how much you haven’t been stretched when he slips just a finger in you, when you tighten is when you get a soft groan from him.
He just imagined himself in you, deep in you and how tight your walls will feel around him- he’d be addicted for sure.
He moved his finger slowly, he had a little power behind them. He loved the way you held him closer when he added to that finger, your juices covering his hand. he could feel you tighten around his fingers and he could feel you hold on to him as your thighs shook and you moaned softly. 
he came to a realization that he loves making you cum the most. he wants you to do it again, so many times, just for him. well you unlocked his deepest horny side, one he didn’t want to show you just yet. 
he flipped you on your back his head on your lower body, his green pools looking up at you-he searching for your permission. which you give him, your face red- a thought went threw your head and you quickly voiced it. 
“zuku, i don’t wanna go all the way- not yet” he didn’t mind, since he’s understanding and isn’t forceful he’ll take his time getting to your cunny.
he moved your panties down pulling them over your knees and completely taking in the sight of your bare parts, his mouth watered with hunger, it didn’t take him long for his mouth to be attached to your clit, swirling it around with his tongue.
It felt so good - to good. You can’t even stay still anymore, his hands held your hips down as you kept bringing them up to meet his mouth.
You taste like sweet honey to him and he couldn’t get enough licking up all your juices that tried to escape his tongue.
“Zuku!” Your going to cum aren’t you? He doesn’t want you too not yet. But he has the whole night to control your other orgasms “ mm” he of course know what you wanted, you didn’t know if you wanted him so close when you came.
But he wasn’t making it easy, his tongue picking up speed more and more until you couldn’t even control how much your legs moved around his head.
He slipped to fingers in thrusting them quick and fast inside of you. He groaned you pulling his hair as you ride your orgasm out. He licked up every little juice that feel from you.
He moved back up kissing you deeply making you taste your self. “ I want to make you feel good too zuku” he moved back looking into your eyes kissing your head “ not yet we have all night, I want to make you cum one more time “
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ronsonlywhore · 4 years
❛ 𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝗿𝗼𝗻 𝘄𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗴𝗶𝘁. ❜ lavender brown x reader
summary: ron weasley may be a complete dickhead, but you do owe him your life’s greatest joy: lavender brown.
pairing: lavender brown x fem!reader
warnings: a bit of angst and pining / ron weasley slander???? i’m sorry this hurts me just as much as it hurts you
a/n: YES THANK YOU MY LOVELY ANON FOR REQUESTING LAVENDER ILY SHAWTY. also i LOVE ron, but for the sake of this imagine i must learn to hate him sigh. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
everybody knew you hated ronald weasley, but they didn’t know why. 
it was quite simple really, the reason for your ever-burning desire to pitch weasley off the astronomy tower and throw a party in celebration: he so securely grasped the attention of lavender brown, your best friend.
it wasn’t like you liked lavender or anything...okay, well, you did, as more than in ‘just a friend way’. you two met in the first year, on the hogwarts express. you had complimented her hair, mesmerized with the sheer curliness of it and the way she wore it in two pigtails. you remember your stomach doing a flip, but you assumed it was just the nervousness of seeing which house you would be sorted in. you realize now that it was your eleven-year-old heart telling you, “hey, this girl is kind of really pretty.”
when you both got sorted into gryffindor, you were the happiest girl in the world. you were happy that you didn’t have to be torn away from your first friend at hogwarts.
you even thought her name was pretty, though she didn’t think so. at first, she insisted you call her a nickname, like ‘lav,’ but you refused. you liked saying her name, liked how nicely it sounded with your voice. it rolled right off your tongue. lav-en-der. 
when she first showing an interest in weasley, around the end of fourth year, you didn’t know how to feel. you weren’t even sure you were supposed to feel anything; it’s not like you guys were dating. but you felt hollow whenever she would gush about how weasley looked at her in potions, or when she ranted on and on about his freckles and how they were “like the stars in our galaxy, all spread out.” 
you couldn’t hate lavender for liking him, but you could hate weasley for making lavender like him. you could hate how he would always brush a hand through his hair, earning a swoon from lavender. you could hate how he always seemed to obtain lavender’s stare, even when he was swallowing a chicken wing whole. you could hate how much lavender wanted him. you could hate how much it was his fault that lavender didn’t want you.
when weasley tried out for the quidditch team, you knew you never stood a chance.
and when lavender and him started dating, all you wanted was for the world to swallow you whole. 
lavender would spend every one of her waking moments with weasley. heading out to lunch? i have to go find won-won. want to study for our astronomy test together? i promised won-won i would study with him. need help with your transfiguration essay? thanks, but i’m sure won-won will help me.
won-won. it was always about won-won. you wished lavender would give you a nickname, no matter how stupid it sounded. 
and the worst part was, you could tell weasley would never care for lavender like you would. you knew, always knew, that he was just going out with her to make granger jealous. granger was who he really wanted, and lavender was just a pawn in his plan to get her. 
so yeah, you thought ronald weasley was a complete and utter git.
lavender would always go on about how weasley made her feel wanted and cherished, and that made you feel sad. hadn’t you made lavender feel like that since first-year?
still, she was happy, and that’s all that mattered.
but then she wasn’t happy. 
it was like a dementor was always near her. she never smiled anymore. she kept her head down. her eyes were always clouded, her head always somewhere else. you asked her what was wrong, and she answered, “i don’t think ron loves me anymore.”
and she told you about the hospital wing incident, and how he called for hermione instead of her, how he made her feel like a burden sometimes.
you didn’t care that weasley had just recovered from almost dying; you tracked him down and punched him in the face, the hardest punch your arm would let you give. 
his nose spouted blood for an hour. professor mcgonagall wouldn’t stop reminding you of that fact during the detention you snagged for yourself after granger went running to her.
“why did you punch him?” lavender asked.
“because he hurt you, lavender.”
“no one’s ever punched anyone for me before.” she responded quietly. 
i’d do a lot of things for you, lavender, you thought.
weasley always cowered away from you after then. that brought you joy, though you wished he would get nearer so you could punch him again. he didn’t treat lavender for what she truly was, in your not-so-humble-opinion: a gift from the heavens above.
if weasley wouldn’t love lavender, you would. you would adore her like your life depended on it, love her like the moon loves the sun; out of reach, but never too far to admire. 
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
“(y/n), i think i love you.” 
“aw, thanks lavender, i love you too.” 
“no, i mean, i think i love love you.”
you stop writing, your quill coming to a complete stop. you look up at lavender, and see her big, brown chocolate eyes staring at back at you. she’s biting her lip; you’ve noticed a lot about her lips these days, like how they never seem to be chapped, how soft they look, how she chews on them when she’s nervous.
she’s nervous now. you’re starting to get nervous too. not in a bad way, in a good way, like how you’re anticipating good news and can hardly wait to hear them.
“...love love me?” is all you can manage to say.
she opens her mouth, then closes it again, looks down at her book and back at you before she finally says, “i know it’s stupid, but i think i always have.”
you will yourself to say something, anything, before she thinks you don’t feel the same way. because you do feel the same way, have been feeling the same way for the past seven years of your life. 
“you know how you complimented my hair first year? on the hogwarts express?” she continues.
you nod and answer, “yes. it was in pigtails.”
“even though people made fun of me for wearing them, saying that they were childish and unsophisticated, i kept wearing them because you liked them. and if you liked them, that was enough for me.”
it’s funny, really. how quickly you realize you want nothing more to hug a certain person and never let go.
“you would always call me pretty, even when i didn’t feel like it, and when ron ripped out my heart and stomped on it in front of me, you stomped on his face.” she laughs.
you laugh too, simply because her laugh makes you laugh, seeing her happy makes you happy. 
she reaches across the table and takes your hand in hers. they fit perfectly together.
before she can speak, you say, “i love love you too, lavender.”
she smiles and presses a sweet kiss to your hand, and right then and there you silently thank ron weasley for being the biggest git in the world, because if he hadn’t been a jerk, maybe lavender would’ve never realized how much she just wanted you.
you now love lavender like the galaxy love the stars; making sure everyone can see the brightness they bring from millions of miles away.
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moonlit-han · 4 years
stray kids’ reactions when finding out that you’re pregnant ↠ all members
genre: reaction, fluff, angst word count: 3.3k warnings: discussion of pregnancy (obviously), mention of abortion, discussion of sex & kinks, swearing, suggestive request: yes (anon) a/n: i tried to make this inclusive of anyone who can and decides to bear children. this is in no reflects stray kids in reality, as this is purely a work of fiction. also, thanks to lin for the cheesecake and twirling bits~ reminder: respect a person’s right to choose whether they will have a child or not. it’s their business and their’s alone. if you have a problem with that, then perhaps this fic isn’t for you. and, please remember to practice safe sexual habits and always, always, get continued and enthusiastic consent!
✧ masterlist & tag list info in bio ✧
bang chan
a year after getting married
the two of you had decided to have children
and had been trying to conceive for maybe 5 months
for the first couple months, you’d both been stressed and so your bodies hadn’t exactly cooperated
but just this last time you’d tried, everything had been perfect
the mood was just right, you’d moved seamlessly together, it was exactly the right time of the month
everything was as it should be
so, a few weeks later
you’d called chan into the bathroom and taken the little test
having woken up feeling a little off
…..well, not necessarily off, but just different
you thought it’d be a good idea to take the pregnancy test
you sat on chan’s lap as the test slowly revealed the information
and since you’d done this several times before,
you leaned your head back against your husband’s shoulder, waiting with bated breath
after a few minutes, chan, who’d been looking down into your lap, rubbed your belly excitedly
“oh love, you’re pregnant!” he said,
you turned in chan’s arms and began to cry from sheer relief and happiness
you’d had a little nagging worry in the back of your mind that you might not be able to get pregnant
but it was just that now: meaningless worry
you couldn’t believe it
you were going to have chan’s baby
and honestly, you couldn’t think of a better person to be a father
chan was practically vibrating
because, oh my gods, he was so excited
i mean;;;
he now gets to channel all his dad energy into
actually being a dad!!!
he’d been wanting to be a father and now he was!!!!
he was on cloud 9
and so he scooped you up to carry you to the bed, gently laying you down
“i’m not going to break like fine china” you giggled, and chan just kissed your nose
for the rest of the day, chan absolutely worshipped you (and your body)
making it extremely obvious that he was even more in love with you than before
that he would love you until the end of time and beyond
lee minho
you hadn’t exactly been trying to get pregnant
but pregnant you were
you’d used protection—two kinds!
and were careful
but sometimes that’s just not enough
you noticed that your period was late
only by a couple days but your cycles were freakishly regular
so, you went and got a pregnancy test
minho was at work when you called him
(he’d had to go in on a saturday to finish something ajhskjfh)
so you really just couldn't wait to tell him
when he picked up, you didn’t waste any time
“minho, i’m pregnant”
you could practically hear minho’s look of shock through the phone
“i’m pregnant, minho. can you come home early so we can talk about this?”
“yeah i’ll be home as soon as i can!!”
you just curled up on the couch with the cats, waiting for him to get home
minho was a little panicky bc neither of you had planned for this
not now, if ever
the two of you were neck-deep in your careers
and had been doing perfectly fine without children
while the idea of it was nice, you knew that, realistically, you probably wouldn’t be able to support children
it seemed like you were being tested by the universe or something
as much as you didn’t want to admit it
the decision was fairly clear to you
so when minho came home
you’d been thinking about the situation for a long time
and had already cried once
“i can’t, min,” was the first thing you said when he sat down next to you
“i know, honey. it’s okay.”
“i feel horrible but i can’t have this child. we haven’t planned for this or anything. this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
your voice was a little shaky as you laid your head against minho’s shoulder
“so, what are you thinking you’ll do?”
minho’s voice is gentle and leaves all the space in the world for whatever answer you’ll give
“i— please don’t be mad?” you’re starting to worry now
“y/n, love, it’s completely your choice. you know that. i support you whether you decide to have the child or not.”
minho wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer
“i don’t think i can see this through right now, min,” you said quietly
he nods, knowing what your next words will be
“i’m going to get an abortion. it’s still so early—it’ll be fine.”
minho just held you as the weight of what you’d just said crashed down
but you knew it was the right choice
there was no way you were ready to have a child
minho was the most supportive and understanding he could be
you were glad that you’d chosen him as your life partner
and, if you ever did decide to have a child, you knew that he’d make a great father
just his reaction and support in this situation alone told you that much
maybe, just maybe, you’d try in a few years
seo changbin
you and changbin were kind of neutral on the whole “having kids” thing
you weren’t trying to get pregnant
but then again, you weren’t trying not to get pregnant
plus, you’d just found a new kink of changbin’s
he’d come home one night and was ~very much in the mood~
he was just praising you over and over, and telling you exactly how he was going to make you feel incredible
then one little thing slipped out, one totally new thing
“i’m gonna fill you up so well”
but there was no denying that it was insanely hot
especially in his slightly husky voice
he’d continued, over and over, his face buried in the crook of your neck
and by the end of the night, you’d felt a bit like an eclair with too much cream in it
it wasn’t your period that had alerted you
no, not that because your period was annoyingly irregular
it was when you started to feel a bit funny in the mornings
that you decided to take a pregnancy test
you’d been shocked (well, only a little bit) to find that you were indeed pregnant
you waited until changbin got home
and then sauntered up to him quite sexily
you trailed your fingers over his chest and whisper “hey baby”
changbin looked more than a little excited and was all “just give me a minute and then i’m all yours”
and then, you just dropped the news into the conversation like a child drops a particularly large rock into a pond
knowing there will be a splash but not really caring
“i’m pregnant” *y/n grinning like a fox*
changbin spluttered and had to lean against the wall for a moment
he finally got himself back under control
changbin: “well, i guess my impregnation kink paid off”
y/n: “fucking hell bin, you’re not supposed to say that!”
changbin: “i’m right tho…..”
yeah okay changbin was right
and it had been a hot several weeks in the bedroom since he’d realized that kink
you definitely couldn’t complain
the two of you decided that you’re ready to be parents
and that, of course, you’d stay together
the child would have two completely devoted parents
who, when the child turned 25, would insist on telling them the story of their conception
changbin was absolutely over the moon
he couldn’t wait to cuddle you while your belly grows
bc you’d be even softer than usual
and absolutely lovely
just knowing you’re carrying his child makes him even more in love with you than he already was
hwang hyunjin
mild panic
nothing major
what if his mother found out
he’d definitely be dead as a doorknob, then
hyunjin would be nothing but incredible
yeah, he wasn’t expecting that he’d get you pregnant
and you’d been on birth control and being very careful
he also completely expected you to not want to have the baby
and, really, he was okay with that
it was your body, after all
but when you told him that you were pregnant
and that you wanted to have the baby
he immediately went into full-on support mode
telling you he’d never, ever, leave you
and that he’d always be there for the kid, too
he snuggled you for hours
(literally some of the best snuggling you’d ever had)
just talking about how you’d be parents
and what color you should paint the child’s room
hyunjin voted for peach, since it’s a warm color that would both brighten the room and calm the little one
you also talked about whether, now that you were pregnant, you wanted to get married
“while i’d be heartbroken if i couldn’t marry you, y/n, i understand if you don’t want to.”
you’d immediately shot down that idea
“nope, i’m marrying you, hwang hyunjin. you’re not getting out of that one so easily!”
hyunjin was extremely relieved, since all he’d wanted to do since you’d started dating was marry you
and now he was going to!!!!
you’d kissed him thoroughly and were well on your way to doing more
when hyunjjin remembered that he should probably tell his mother that
a) he was getting married
and b) he was going to be a father
you promised to tell your parents, too
everyone was surprised, but not too surprised
your mother actually said she’d been waiting for one of those two things to happen so the two of you would just get it together and be together for the rest of your lives
(ajfgakjdfghalkj moooooooom;;;;; )
you decided to have the wedding after the baby was born
after all, you were committed to each other
and there was no reason to think otherwise
all you could think of as you lay in bed that night was how your child would definitely be taller than you by the time they were twelve
as hyunjin lay beside you, all he could think of was that the baby would have your smile
he was sure of it
and he knew that everything would be okay
as long as he kept you smiling
han jisung
jisung’s immediate response was:
“oh my god, we need cheesecake to celebrate!!!”
and proceeded to drag you out the door to buy cheesecake
he’d be just as excited as chan
and had definitely been thinking about what it’d be like to have kids with you
so when you’d told him you were pregnant
jisung was ecstatic
he’d already been thinking about names
and wasted no time in telling them to you
the day after you told him
you spent an entire day in bed, just talking about what you’d name your child
how you wanted to raise them
what you’d like to be called as parents
if there were things that you were completely against in parenting, you’d discuss those, too
aaaand after a particularly lovely morning in bed,
jisung just kinda mumbled to you
“baby, you’re gonna be so hot”
“ji what’re you talking about?? i’m not already hot?“
“you’re gonna be even hotter. when you’re showing. like, holy fuck!! just knowing you’re pregnant with my kid is the hottest thing ever. you’re gonna be an amazing parent—it’s all you! there wasn’t, um, much for me to do…”
“hmmm, enjoy it while it lasts, because i’m gonna have dark circles under my eyes for the next 10 years”
“you’ll still be hot as fuck, though, baby”
he’s just really sweet and excited hhhhhh
jisung would also try to learn everything he could to support you
and make sure that you and the baby stay safe
oh and then that one time you went to the obstetrician for a routine check early on
and welp you’re having twins
jisung kind of freaked out
but mainly around his friends
to you, he was nothing but excited and totally ready to take on the challenge of raising two kids at once
but he would be determined to do everything right for the kids
and would be such a fun and loving father
lee felix
felix hadn’t said anything about it to you before
but once you’d gotten married
he’d really wanted to have kids
felix, though, being a sweetie, hadn’t brought it up because he wanted you to have full choice over whether you’d have kids
but he’d secretly hoped that you’d decide that having kids with him was what you wanted
so when you told him that you wanted to go off birth control
bc you thought it was time the two of you should start a family
felix felt like it was his lucky day
when you told him you’d waited long enough for the birth control not to affect you
felix had texted your friends, who were supposed to meet you for dinner, that something unavoidable and important had come up
and that you had to cancel
then, he’d pulled you into the bedroom and you hadn’t gotten any sleep
two months later, you told felix that you were, indeed, pregnant
he picked you up and spun you around, squeezing you so tight!!
and then put you down quickly, a look of horror on his face
“what if i just hurt you and,,,,the baby,,,,”
“felix it doesn’t work like that, you know that”
“true, sorry. just paranoid.
he kissed you so deeply that you thought he must have some merman in him
no normal human could go without proper breath that long
felix then called every single one of his friends and family to tell them the good news
he called chan twice by accident
and chan just acted like he’d never heard the news before
(chan texted you shortly thereafter, wondering if felix was okay)
felix was all smiles for weeks after,
telling anyone and everyone that he was going to be a father
he’d leave little post-its around for you with baby names
or would add random things to the shopping list, just to see if it was something you were craving
on more than one occasion, your cravings found new and surprisingly delicious food combinations that felix managed to create proper recipes for
once the baby was born,
felix’s favorite thing was to fall asleep with the baby on his chest
he’d sing soft lullabies to them, usually putting you to sleep, too
all he wanted to do was show both of you all the love in the world
kim seungmin
you’d called seungmin a month after a surprisingly wild night together
you’d been seeing each other off and on
just casually, nothing serious
mainly just physical but with a nice friendship
it was the perfect thing for two graduate students who sometimes needed to take the edge off
but now he—
he’d gotten you pregnant
he couldn’t believe it, especially since the two of you were always careful
you sounded so bewildered over the phone
and seungmin insisted that you meet up to talk about it
when he saw you, he immediately wrapped you in the tightest embrace possible
and just whispered “i’m sorry” over and over again
then, you had a long conversation about next steps
you wanted to have the baby,
since you’d wanted to have a child someday
and thought, seeing as you could actually provide for the child, you were fine with being pregnant
but you also wanted seungmin to be in the child’s life
he wholeheartedly agreed
and then…
and then you suggested actually dating
seungmin, who’d “caught” feelings months ago, was overjoyed
he was all for becoming a couple
and being there for you and the child in all ways he could
he began by asking you out on a date
and all you could do was laugh
bc here he was, the man who’d gotten you pregnant, asking you on a date
it was mildly ridiculous
but you said yes to him faster than you’d said yes to anything else before
seungmin researched the things pregnant people should and shouldn’t do
and then made sure not to suggest any of those things for dates
oh and he always had a little note in his wallet with the foods you shouldn’t eat, too
he just wanted the best for you
and completely spoiled you
seungmin felt a little guilty, as if he’d somehow tricked you into dating him
but you insisted that it was nothing like that
you truly wanted to be with him
and had, honestly, just been waiting for a chance to broach the subject
even after you decided to be life partners
and even after the baby was born
seungmin still felt amazed that he’d been lucky enough to end up with you
you were amazing
and the baby had your laugh,
which only made his world all that more brighter
yang jeongin
jeongin absolutely smothered you in kisses when you told him
it was as if he wanted to show his purest self
totally and unashamedly in love
and intent on showing it at all times
he’d carried you to your bedroom and told you to just rest
you’d giggled, insisting that you didn’t have to be bedridden yet
meanwhile, he’d gone to the kitchen and made you breakfast
he was determined to do everything for you
after all, another life was growing inside you
it was the least he could do
later that day, he started dismantling his office so it could be the child’s room
and insisted on going out and buying you every single piece of maternity clothing you could ever want
he researched all the right foods for you to eat while pregnant
and make sure to do a lead test on the paint in your slightly older home
(it was all okay, but he just wanted to check!)
jeongin was so, so excited that he was having a child with you
he couldn’t stop talking about it when you went to a small get-together of friends
he definitely told all his co-workers
and was just glowing with pride
jeongin had a list as long as his forearm of all the different baby names he loved
and he hoped that you would want more than one child
he was incredibly excited for the whole experience of being a father
after being the youngest in his friend group and being babied so much
he wanted to show that he could be responsible and mature
(even though he was already 34 years old and mature enough)
sometimes he acted a little silly and giddy
but who could blame him?!
bc after months of careful planning and attempts
you were pregnant!
and jeongin couldn’t be happier
he would show you and the child (or children!)
that life was sweeter than ambrosia
and that he’d love you with his whole being
completely and utterly, as deeply as he could
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angelguk · 4 years
→ lessons in love — a jeongguk scenario
member: jeon jeongguk
word count: 5.4k
genre: smut + that’s it there’s barely a plot i just ramble for 5k words + besties!au + virgin au
warnings: virgin!oc / jeongguk keeps laughing at her / hey can i touch your dick for experience purposes / except jk is kinda into oc but let’s not discuss that yeah / um descriptions of dick / a handjob that takes forever to be a handjob / oc is babie but like she could be soft dom if she tried / basically jk is a leo moon and oc is taurus idk why she just is / somewhat sub!guk if u want it 2 be / over-stimulation kinda / they r not in highschool they just graduated it’s summer and oc would like to understand how dicks work / there’s a lot of hesitation in this but everyone has consented jk just has to do a lot of manhandling for oc to even touch him
soundtracks: dwbyf + bother, lil halima
a/n: happy birthday aleah! :3 💕💖
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This is weird. Jeongguk knows this is super weird. He can feel it in the rigidness of his shoulders, stiff with a pressure that makes his skin crawl. There’s a weight wavering over his head and heart pounds erratically in his chest, driven by nerves he’s struggling to adjust too. Because, in what world is it normal for him to be sitting pretty at the edge of his bed, stripped to nothing but a loose t-shirt and his boxer-briefs, waiting to instruct his best-friend of twelve years on how to give a handjob? Jeongguk’s already came to the realisation that his life was an utter tragic comedy. But this? This was an incredibly new low for him. And when you meander into his room, the bathroom door adjacent to his room falling shut behind you, Jeongguk has the overwhelming urge to call this off. He really could; just slip his pants back on and kindly ask you to leave. But when you glance at him, gaze unexpectedly steady, it throws him off. He’s already somewhat lost, navigating through the anxiety and excitement that mingle in his system with difficulty and the indifference in your features isn’t helping. It’s what makes him swallow the apprehension that clogs his throat, forcing out a sentence that sounds meek even to his ears.
He says it at you descend onto the bed beside him, the tension between your bodies tangible.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
You pause, staring at him closely before you give a quick nod of your head. “Yes. Are you not sure?”
Jeongguk doesn’t know where he stands at right now. He really wants this. There’s already a tingle of heat sparking in his gut and you haven’t even touched him. But he’s also acutely aware of how this could change things. Maybe not for you because you were so painfully oblivious it hurt. But for Jeongguk? He knows his entire world could shift. Turn upside down on its head leaving him disoriented and lost in a complex ocean of emotions he’d never dared to dive into. But he still wants to, so bad that he thinks he might never forgive himself if he lets you leave him like this right now. Especially when you were offering to give him something Jeongguk had thought about more times than he’d like to admit.
He still remembers the night you asked him about this, the pretty innocent look on your face as you’d bunched your hands into the hem of his shirt and murmured your question. He’d forgotten how to breathe, for a moment, when those words glided out of your mouth.
“Can I give you a handjob?” No hidden objectives, just your body huddled into his one night, pressed so tightly together that Jeongguk could feel you. Every inch of you. He’d spluttered on air, his own hands falling to clasp yours and gently push you away because Jeongguk needed space if he didn’t want to do anything he’d immediately regret. But your face had fallen so quickly at that subtle rejection. And before he could tug you closer, reassure you that his reaction wasn’t negative, you were wilting into yourself, suddenly so far from him that Jeongguk couldn’t help but recoil, yearning for the warmth of you against.
“Why?” He tried instead - which was the wrong question. Who inquires the intention of a blowjob? Jeongguk, that’s who.
You’d frowned at him, the scowl on your pretty lips making his heart pound. “Never mind.”
“No – tell me, why?” Jeongguk’s pushed it because he still couldn’t process it the sentence that had left your mouth. It had not settled in his head yet, what that offer meant for him. For your friendship.
“Just because,” you’d retorted, shifting away. “But forget it. You don’t want to anyway.”
“I never said that.”
And that was all it took. You were looking at him again, the glean of hope in your gaze making Jeongguk want to do very dangerous things that he normally would never have conjured up in his head if your eyes weren’t settling on him like that.
“I want to learn,” you replied.
“How to give a handjob?” Jeongguk responded, the disbelief in his voice obvious.
You’d pouted, but your face betrayed the hesitation that gripped your heart. “I’m about to go to college and I’ve never even kissed someone Jeongguk. Or done anything with anyone – I think I should at least learn something before... You know.”
Jeongguk did not know. At all. But he withheld that comment, still bewildered that you were asking for this. “So, why start with a handjob? Not kissing?” The furrow in his eyebrows was instinctive.
“Why would I want to kiss you?” You’d snapped back, clearly irritated by the contents of this conversation even though you were the one that had initiated it.
Jeongguk had just glared, perturbing by this sudden side of you. “Yeah, but you’re willing to touch my dick.”
“All dicks are the same,” you replied.
“No, they’re not. Some have foreskin, some are short as hell, some are –”
“I don’t want a fucking descriptive piece, Jeongguk. Just tell me whether it’s yes or no.”
He’d faltered, taken the moment to read the gaze in your eyes. “You’ve still not told me why you want to do this. And why me?”
“Because you’re the only boy I can stand,” you said, slow with your words.
“Why not just…. learn from porn?”
“It’s not the same thing and you know it,” you’d replied. For once he can agree with you; there’s a difference between watching people fuck and doing the act itself. And it’s a lot more overwhelming and intimate when it’s your first time doing anything like that. “Besides, I don’t like watching that stuff.” That’s when you started twiddling with your hands in your lap, lithe pretty fingers fumbling over themselves. He doesn’t know if that was on purpose but it made Jeongguk’s brain start working, gears in his mind turning as a visual suddenly sprang before his eyes. The feeling of your hands around him, smaller this his own, working yourself along his length, touching him in ways he never imagined could be a reality.
That’s partially why he’s here now, half-naked on his bed. The other reason is that the idea of you doing this with anyone else kindled a fire of possessiveness in his gut that Jeongguk was very foreign too.
You nudge your foot against his, retrieving Jeongguk from the well of his thoughts with the abrupt reminder of your presence. It’s oddly silent in the room – something unacquainted to the both of you because you could never be quiet around Jeongguk. Not since the day you met him, when you were that little but loud rambunctious child that somehow befriended Jeongguk one late afternoon.
But you’re no longer children. Jeongguk’s painfully aware of that fact. Because he’s about to teach you how to give handjobs.
“Are you hard?” You suddenly say, breaking through the silence that cloaks you with an innocence that makes Jeongguk nervous. He is adamant not to give in to it, feeling somewhat irritated that he’s so weak for you that he’s allowing this. Your eyes aren’t even looking at him, focused on the band poster plastered onto his bedroom wall. The corner of it is ripped, and you’re trying to recall the name of the band when Jeongguk scoffs rather loudly, demanding your attention back on him. When your eyes meet, something tightens in your chest. It’s fast and has claws that sink deep, gripping your heart with intent. He’s staring at your closely, gaze unwavering and you’re struggling to decipher the hidden words in his eyes.
“Do I look like I’m hard?” He says it plainly, but there’s a challenge in his tone that you refuse to fall bait to.
“Well… Get hard then.”
Jeongguk laughs. He actually laughs. And you can’t help but be annoyed as your eyes falter to your lap, your palms warm because this shouldn’t be as awkward as it was. Yes, you were about to give your best friend a hand job but shouldn’t there be instinctive sexual tension? Electricity in the air or whatever. Not this – this mortification you feel so deep in your bones because Jeongguk knows you’re inexperienced and he’s just laughing at you.
The punch you land on his shoulder is involuntary, but all you do is hit hard firm muscles and he barely flinches, his fingers slipping into the mess of brown curls that sit atop his head like a halo.
“You’re making it hard to get hard with that attitude,” he comments. Which is true. Jeongguk is incredibly soft right now. Maybe it’s his uneasiness getting in the way but there’s also the wide gap of space between your bodies that is not aiding to the situation in his pants right now. And he’s the only one almost naked. You’re fully dressed beside him, which is strange but not as strange as the fact that you’re in his room to give him a handjob. And still, you won’t even look at him. He’s noted it, the way you’re sitting at the very edge of his bed, ass perched so precariously he’s surprised you haven’t fallen off yet, with your eyes glued to his walls or your lap. Never on his crotch. Not even on him for longer than a brief moment. It’s off-putting. How were you meant to touch his dick with your hands when you blatantly didn’t even want to look at it.
“Well… What can I do to help then?” You murmur. It would be nice if Jeongguk could just hurry up and get hard on his own because you were only here for one thing and that was a lesson you suddenly wished you’d looked for elsewhere. But it was too late to pretend like this never happened – it would be easier to just get it over and done with before swiftly erasing it from your memory.
Jeongguk clears his throat, and you immediately regret offering any help because he seems like he doesn’t want it. Not from someone with your naivety. But in reality, the simple question has a torrent of thoughts flooding Jeongguk’s mind and he has to physically stop himself from drowning further in that hole in his head because he might never be able to reach the surface if he lets himself get that deep. It’s enough for something to spur in his gut, a quick flash of heat that wanes out faster than he wants it too. But it’s a start. And that’s all Jeongguk needs to pretend like this isn’t as weird as it is.
“We could lie down instead,” Jeongguk offers, glancing at you as he awaits your approval. When you nod the tension in his body fades for a bit. Because it would have been ten times weirder if you gave him a handjob sitting on the edge of his bed with ten inches of space between your bodies.
It takes you a moment to get comfortable, rearranging the various pillows that scatter Jeongguk’s mattress until you’re both settled. Jeongguk’s flat on his back and your resting on your elbow, your bodies lined against each other. The intimacy makes your stomach swoop, a fast flash of longing that spreads through your system when Jeongguk tugs his shirt upwards, revealing his firm abdomen. He’s all taut muscles and brute strength and even though Jeongguk is your best friend you can’t lie that that doesn’t do something to you. He’s attractive in a conventional way; tall, handsome and so charming that it makes you sick. But at this moment Jeongguk looks so vulnerable, baring himself to you in a way that makes your heart thump hard.
Your stillness makes him diffident.  
“You’re going to have to touch me, you know,” Jeongguk says, gaze flickering to the way your shirt stretches across your chest. He shouldn’t be staring but it’s tight, revealing the silhouette of your chest easily. He’s noticed them before, but never like this. Something in him hates the way his dick stirs awake in his pants.
“I know,” you retort. And then your hand is skipping down his chest with no hesitation, fingertips warm as the journey along his happy trail. It’s the suddenness that takes his breath away, how bold you are as you touch him, the feeling of your hand tracing ginger patterns just across his navel sending heat right to his gut.
“I – uh – thought you said you were new to this,” Jeongguk can’t help but mumble. There’s already a stiffness forming beneath his underwear and normally he would be embarrassed but Jeongguk can’t seem to muster up a reason to care in this already bizarre situation.
“I am,” you reply. And he can still you’re still tentative from the way your palm hovers above his growing bulge.
“Go ahead,” Jeongguk says, giving you a pointed look that you return with vehemence. But before he can get out another jib at you, your fingers are cupping his cock, pressing hard into the fabric covering his length and Jeongguk short circuits.
You’re not even doing much, but the feeling of your warm palm against his has his brain struggling to string together a sentence, the heat consuming his body steadfast now. He bucks up into it, relishing the tiny gasp of awe that leaves your mouth. Because Jeongguk is rock hard now, heavy and thick under the press of your fingertips, straining against the material of his underwear. It’s then the air shifts – a subtle difference you wouldn’t have noticed if your ears didn’t discern the breathless moan that Jeongguk chokes out when you gingerly squeeze his length.
“That’s – oh,” he sighs when your drag the edge of your nails over his length, cock twitching because of the unexpected gentle pressure. But then you halt, looking at him for further direction and Jeongguk abruptly remembers the reason for this whole situation. He had lost himself, for a moment, in the feeling of your hands touching him like that. But there’s no place for that here.
“I don’t like it dry,” Jeongguk says, gesturing towards his drawers. “There’s lube there, third drawer.”
You’re up fast, digging through his stuff until your hands clasp around a bottle. “Strawberry?” you deride, drifting back to the bed where Jeongguk waits.
He blushes, abhorring the tingle in his gut. “What? It smells good,” Jeongguk justifies. But then you’re dipping back into his bed and he nearly bites his tongue. A part of him wants to ask you to take your top off, make him feel less exposed than the does right now. But that’s overstepping your argument. It was just meant to be him – this was educational after all.
You’re kneeling beside him all of a sudden, a delicate motion that makes his chest bloom dangerously. The bottle is twiddling in your fingertips, the confidence you’d exhibited moments ago diminishing rather quickly and Jeongguk realises you won’t touch him again unless he pushes for it.
“Leave that,” he says, taking your hand. The bottle hits the sheets with a soft thud. “Touch me again.”
Your fingers itch to do so but you’re still so unsure of yourself so you don’t move. Jeongguk exhales, so low that you wouldn’t hear it if it wasn’t for the silence in his room.
“Can I do something?” he mumbles. You nod because you know if he didn’t, nothing would happen and the both of you would have to wallow in this awkward mess you’d initiated.
His hand is gentle as he tugs your own downwards, resting your palm against his straining bulge once more. You slip in some pressure because you know he likes that, and from the subtle twitch of his cock underneath your palm, you think your observation was correct.
“I’m… I’m gonna take it out now.” He only says it not to startle you, because you feel so skittish beside him that Jeongguk has to hold every reaction you draw from him back. He waits for you to nod before he shifts your fingertips the band of his underwear, wordlessly encouraging you to help him out of the last bit of fabric that supports the boundaries of your friendship. You just dig your fingers into the elastic, throat tight as you force it down with the assist of Jeongguk shifting out of the material. His cock hits the cool air a second later, bouncing along the firm lines of his abdomen. The first thing you register is his size. He’s large. Not like you have anything to compare it too, but you’re not that foolish. You know he’s big. That’s what makes you pause, quiet because you’re actually about to touch your best friend's dick.
Jeongguk doesn’t notice it until underwear is somewhere on the floor, cock patiently waiting for a touch that never comes. He tries to give you time to adjust, but you’re just staring at his dick and it’s unsettling.
“Why are you just looking at it,” he asks. You blush in response, face bright with your bashfulness. Jeongguk feels a little embarrassed too. It’s one thing having your best-friend give you a handjob, it’s another to watch her just stare at your cock like it’s a bug.
“I don’t know,” you respond. But you do. Porn wasn’t your favourite thing in the world although you have seen penises before, mainly out of natural curiosity. However, seeing one up close with your own eyes and having the imminent knowledge that you were about to touch it was something else entirely. You don’t know where to put your hands so they stay put in your lap and you consider, for a brief moment, asking Jeongguk to forget about this entirely. That would be incredibly difficult to do though. You’ve seen his dick now – it’s scored in your memory for eternity. Every detail of it, from the veins that run along his length to how it sits heavy against his abdomen, head red with expectancy.
“You’re going to make me soft,” Jeongguk abruptly says, cutting through your apprehension.
There’s a long pause. He sighs again. You feel stupid.
“Do you… want to try to touch it? We can stop here if you’re not comfortable.” Jeongguk says it so gently and you feel even worse immediately.
You want to scoff at that because the person who should be uncomfortable here is Jeongguk. You’re the one who put him in this situation and now you’re just staring at his dick like it’s the ugliest thing you’ve seen on the planet. For the record, it’s rather nice. A decent length and thickness that makes your thighs clamp together involuntarily. The fact that you now know what Jeongguk's dick looks like is jarring in itself.
“Show me?” you say. “I mean like… how to touch it.”
Jeongguk bites back a soft laugh. “Just touch it. I’ll like anything you do.” When you reach for the bottle of lube he halts you. “Try without that first, though. If you want to.”
You nod your head, taking in a deep breath because your hands are shaking. And then you reach forward before you can overthink this any further, your fingers wrapping around his length. The first thing you register is how soft he feels in your hands. Warm too. Your gut twists suddenly at the weight of you against your skin, a sharp heady feeling that coaxes your fingers around him tighter.
“Oh – oh fuck,” Jeongguk shudders for a second, the sudden feeling of your bare palm against his length making his head spin. You’re not even moving your hand but he spine tingles, the promise of his high sitting thick in his bones.
“So…what now?” You ask, holding his dick like it’s a fucking joystick.
He can’t help it, the laugh the drifts from his lips. It’s innocent but your blush so hard that Jeongguk partially regrets it. So he stifles it and reaches out for the discarded bottle of lube in his sheets.
“It’s literally so simple, like so simple.” His flicks the cap up. “Open your hand.”
The lube is cold in your palm and you can’t help the tiny flinch that flickers over your face. You hadn’t expected it to feel like that, but you adjust quickly. When Jeongguk’s satisfied with the wetness coating both your hand and his cock, dumps the bottle to the side. His hand settles around yours a second later, gingerly guiding your fingers around his once more.
It warms up quick, the moment your hands begin to create a steady rhythm of up and down strokes along his length. It’s oddly lewd, the sound of your hands working around his cock, his fingers directing your motions. Jeongguk swallows the small sounds that threaten to leak from his throat, afraid he’ll make you uncomfortable. But he notes one thing right away. You’re too gentle. He likes his handjobs hard and fast and demanding. But you touch him like he’ll crumble in your hands.
“It’s not going to break,” Jeongguk mumbles a second later, unable to keep that remark to himself.
“Well,” you retort, exasperated because Jeongguk is so silent beneath you. Not even a gasp to let you know how well you’re doing. “What am I supposed to do?” You ask because you want this to be good for him. Need it to actually. There’s a heat pooling between your legs that you refuse to acknowledge but you’re acutely aware of the how tight your chest feels.
“You could just –” And then his hand squeezes down on yours, subsequently tightening the grip you have on the base of his cock. His body reacts instantly, just a shallow shift of his hip upwards but it’s enough to let you know what to do. “Holy –” Jeongguk stops thinking, brain turning mellow because you squeeze around him again and when your hands twist upwards your grip is tight, dragging at the edge of his head when you pull down. It’s so different from the stoic way you were touching him just moments before. You move with finesse, stumbling sometimes but you read his body well enough to know that Jeongguk reacts when you touch him like this, rather rough even though your fingers glide along his cock. You’d never thought he’d prefer it like this but the way he shivers whenever your palm settles tight around his head is enough to make you stomach flip. Whether it’s with yearning or surprise you discern just yet. Or rather you refuse to decipher that feeling at all. Instead, you keep your hand moving, swiftly along his length until Jeongguk’s mouth finally drops own, the groan that leaves his lips breathless enough to render your own lungs empty.
“Fuck – that’s so –  Nngh,” Jeongguk’s mumbling into the air, hips shifting up to meet the twist of your hands around his length. His fingers fall away, but you keep your fist tight just as he instructed, snapping up and down in quick motions that make the air charge with a heat you’ve never felt before. It’s weird to look but you can’t look away even if you wanted to. Jeongguk is gorgeous, the head of his cock red and needy, slick slipping from the tip with every graze of your palm along him. It gets swept up in the motions of your hand, which is already beginning to ache with the constant friction but the feeling of Jeongguk writhing underneath you spurs you forward, a sudden determination blooming in your chest. He’s not even hiding his moans, the air coloured with the cadences of his pleasure, so carefree with how he lets you know you’re being good to him. It’s intoxicating, observing the haggard rise and fall of his chest as Jeongguk whines into the sheets, your hands still wrapped tightly around him, coaxing out an orgasm that builds so deep inside of him. He should have jerked off beforehand but the prospect of you touching him like that had halted him. And now he was, thighs trembling every time your hand settles tight on his tip, with a load in his balls that he really wants to give you. He couldn’t stop it even if he wanted too. In fact, he desperately chases after it, his brain loose with the pleasure that courses through his body.
Maybe it’s the feeling of your small hand dragging down his cock or the little gasp that drifts from your lips when Jeongguk unknowingly twitches in the palm of your hand. But it happens before he wants it to. A fast cave of his stomach, breathe caught in his throat and then he snaps, spilling all over your hand as your name glides from his lips. A small chant, a prayer to ground him back to Earth because Jeongguk is levitating. Nothing has ever felt this good. And the fact that you don’t stop, hand still working him even when he’s so sensitive, the cum that leaks from his tip aiding the glide of your palm, nearly makes his brain melt into nothingness.
He chalks it up to your inexperience. You don’t know when to stop and give him a breather. But Jeongguk doesn’t mind because he likes it like this. Likes being pushed past what his body can give, enjoys the sting of pain that lies beneath the pleasure. He’d done it to himself multiple times before but it feels so different when it’s your hand working his cock like this. Like you want him to give you everything he has. Everything and more.
Jeongguk knows he’s in trouble the moment the forces his eyes to crack open, the shudder that slips down his spine when he finds you looking at his cock as you wring him dry making the bones in his body fuse together. He’s tingling, bursting with heat and electricity that threatens to devour him whole. But then his eyes shift to your lips and your tongue sneaks out, skipping over your bottom lip, pink and wet. Jeongguk can’t help the thought that forms in his mind. How your mouth would feel around his length, your tongue on his cock, the feeling of you choking on him as he fucked your mouth open. It’s hitting too fast for him to cope, a terrifying burst of warmth that runs from his head to his toe and Jeongguk nearly cries. It’s then that he paws your hands of him, let’s his still hard sensitive dick drop to his chest, desperately searching for air because he’s about to combust.
You only pause then, the stickiness that coats your palm making your chest feel funny. But then you glance at Jeongguk. His golden skin is glistening with sweat the rouge blush that scatters across his bare body, oddly beautiful.
“You’re still hard,” you murmur, involuntarily reaching out for him.
Jeongguk swats your hand away and something in you crumbles.
“Give me a moment,” Jeongguk gasps into the silence, too afraid to move because his dick hurts but it’s still so hard. He can still feel that edge, sharp and dangerous with how makes its presence known in his gut.
“Was I bad at this? You didn’t like it did you?”
Jeongguk wants to laugh again because anyone with eyes could see the mess you’d just wringed out from him. He can feel the streaks of his release on his chest and the fact that you don’t realise this makes him feel things he can’t understand. But he reads the unsureness in your tone and bites back the laugh in his throat.
“I did,” Jeongguk says instead, voice gentle despite the tension in the air. “You were about to make me come again.”
And that’s all you can say because you see it now, how much the sheets beneath you are ruined not by the bottle of lube you’d all but dumped on his dick but by the mess of Jeongguk that now coats your hands too. You’d never expected it to be this much but there’s something about seeing him now, wrecked on his bed because of the way you touched him that makes your brain go fuzzy for a second. When you shift on your knees, you feel it. The weight in your gut, the heat between your thighs and the wetness that clings to your underwear.
Jeongguk must see it too because he meets your eyes with his heated gaze, cock still painfully hard against the perfect line of his abdomen. He feels himself sink deeper into that hole when your tongue skips over your lips again. There’s trouble in his. He knows it. He knows it so bad and yet he can’t help himself. Not when your eyes settle on him like that.
“Oh,” you say it again, fingertips settling on Jeongguk’s thigh. He tenses because it wouldn’t take much for you to drift your hands upwards, touch him again until he was whining into the sheets helplessly.
He hopes you read it in his eyes, the silent plea for this to not end just yet. He’s not ready to let this opportunity slip from his fingers right now. And then you say it. Jeongguk kind of wants to kiss you right away.
“Do you want me to make you come again?”
You shouldn’t have asked but your brain isn’t currently attached to your mouth right now and the wanton desire leaves your lips before you can swallow it down. There’s a moment of silence in the room and you don’t dare to look at Jeongguk, because you know he’s looking at you.
It’s the lilt in your voice that renders him helpless, plaint to any of the whims you wish to subject him too. You’re bolder than you pretend to be and Jeongguk wants to see more of that. More of this. Even that thought is wrong in itself because this is just a onetime thing. A blunder in your lives that both of you were immediately meant to forget. He sighs hard, back moulding into the sheets of his bed because Jeongguk feels heavy. The weight of his realisation sits on his heart, accompanied by the warning that bubbles in his chest. He should address it, but it’s so easy in this moment to ignore it. Because he wants that as much as you do. Maybe even more. So he lets himself have this, doesn’t question the way his heart flips when you glance at him, still waiting for his answer to your sudden offer. One mistake can’t hurt, can it?
He takes your hand into his, abhorring the way his gut tightens when your whimper. A tiny helpless noise that makes his thoughts run. Would you sound like that with his dick buried deep in you? Would you even be able to take him at first? No one had ever touched you like that. A part of Jeongguk wants him to be the only one to see you like that. But that’s not his to have. You’re just his best friend. That’s it. Yet as he guides your hand back to his length, feels the weight of your fingertips as they wrap around him, Jeongguk can’t help but imagine having more with you.
“You okay?” You suddenly ask, the sudden twitch against your palm drenching your underwear. But Jeongguk looks so distant, spaced out in the solace of his mind. You want him here, want him present. You give his length a sudden squeeze, the soft moan that glides from his mouth soothing the sudden need for reassurance that lingers in your heart. “Is this fine?”
No this is not fine, Jeongguk thinks. He’s not okay – at all. And that’s because he’s thinking thoughts about you and him and together. The both of you. Waking up with you, limbs tangled in his sheets. Going to bed with you in his arms. Being able to kiss you, touch you, without it being strange. Making you feel good underneath him (or on top of him – whichever you preferred). Being there for you forever. Not just as a friend. As more. He can’t help but long for that.
He hums instead, drives his hips up hard. “Yeah,” he says, even though his heart is beating painfully as he lies. “This is fine.”
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