#i’m sure most ppl (at least from the uk) are probably only a few degrees of separation away from a beatle even if you don’t know exactly ho
franklyimissparis · 7 months
thinking about how my uncle’s dad went to school with john lennon but he died when i was 10 so i’ll never be able to ask any questions about it 😭😭
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yaz-the-spaz · 5 years
Hey Yaz, I didn't really know who to send this ask to but you seem to have some good insight on things related to stunts-- their teams hiring "fans" to stalk and follow them and get pics and perpetuate certain narratives about them. So I just have to ask, do you think the Metabolic (i think that's the name) Gym in London is merely just a stunt/PR location for Liam? Like I knowww that man has a full gym at his home, why WOULDN'T he?? And I don't know if this is relevant but I've noticed (1/2)
That fans who always manage to take pics with him outside the gym all wear a lanyard of some sort around their necks? I’ve seen it a few times, it’s the same lanyard in each picture, like an ID badge or something. Not sure if it’s relevant. But it’s always seemed to me that these people are called there to take pictures with him, they conveniently know the exact time he’s there and what exit he comes out of, and it just seems like his team would pull some shit like that to keep him (2/3)
Relevant and talked about when he’s not working. And it gives the gym good publicity as well. But like I said, I can’t imagine Liam not having a private gym at his home. The whole gym photo ops just seem very staged, and with my knowledge of PR for celebs in the industry, most photo ops are NOT random. (3/3)
Gym anon here, I’m not from the UK so it took me a moment to realize that many students there wear lanyard badges and it’s very common to see around their necks. And the reason they all looked identical is that that fans were probably all from the same school. So disregard that! lol
hey nonnie! sorry i missed all this when you were sending it and that it took me so long to come back and get back to answering stuff but you actually made some very good points. i do think the gym photo ops are partly publicity but like in a good way (not all stunts/pr necessarily have to be a bad thing if you get what i mean) so yeah i think it could be a good way to get his face back out there and keep his name in the press (and by press in this instance i mean both social media and tabloids/news outlets) when he’s not working while also serving as a bit of good mutual promo for both him and the gym. also always looks good for his image to get some nice “candids” with fans (when they aren’t stalkers)…like you said they’re probably not entirely candids as there’s a good chance there was at least some degree of set-up (though again not necessarily in a bad way) either to make sure the fans could be in the right location at just the right time when he would have been coming out, or to make sure liam walked out at the precise time when there were quite a few school-age kids walking by the area that (presumably) might have been fans of his and might’ve wanted pics that could be used for a good photo op
…it is interesting that they all seem to be from the same school though, my guess is maybe it’s a school nearby/in the neighborhood, and not saying it’s anything definitive obvi but that honestly makes me feel it gives more credence to my second theory (that him or his team saw a bunch of young ppl walking around outside while liam was there at the gym, guesstimated that at least some of them might be fans, and were like bingo perfect photo op! go get seen and take pics!). that just seems a lot more plausible to me than his team arranging for a bunch of students from some particular school to come and hang around/be outside the gym at a particular time and/or alerting them of exactly where he was and when he was gonna be walking out lol…like if the stalker fans had been involved it’d be a different story and i’d probably be leaning more towards that being the case since it seems to be the norm whenever they’re involved, but given that this just seemed to be a happy coincidence involving a bunch of kids from the same school i think it really was just a nice little positive spur of the moment thing (with possibly only a little set-up involved on the part of his team/pr person, if any)
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