#i’m thinking like—shady back room meetings where james dresses like a terrible muggle spy
padfootastic · 2 years
currently reporting deliriously with pain meds and coffee (and procrastination)
but i had this image in my mind that si just annoying the fuck out of all slytherin cos he just keeps fucking with them and they * can't — not really* do anything to him, cause disgraced or not he's still the black heir and they have 4-5 blacks petty enough in their house that will fuck them up in ways that can't even tell how it happened.
sirus and mucilber ( or whatever that dude's name was just remember that's he's always the stupid one for any reason tho) get into a fight and mucilber does some stupid stuff and run his mouth
mucus foolishly - curses sirius with something dark and lethal
Sirius (obviously) - gets out of it and fucks up mucus with 15 creative curses.
james *sirius black 24/7 defence attorney* potter and bella *only i can try to murder sirius* black are now suddenly in cohoots like two kindergarten kids forced to be friends
cos muciber/mucus was stupid enough to whine in common room and James just has this 6th sense whenever sirus gets into a fight.
reg and cissa are researching poison for no reason at all
and Andy is just quietly looking at muggle ways to kill someone without trace cause she's progressive (and because it doesn't show on wand).
and just black family kiddies and James potter becoming unlikely friends cause of (1) sirius Orion black and that's just djfjbf
like this is obviously so crackish but imo, thai shows such a clear picture of world peace that it's just too funny to not use.
like use their power to full and all that yknow—
also snape in end just gives muciber a ticket to spain and be like - here's how you survive black family (not guaranteed)
i’m not saying i like that you’ve had to use pain meds and rely on coffee to get thru things but—
can i request these vibes in the inbox again? like, multiple times? because i am so into this.
for one, mucus is an absolutely fkn hysterical name. i just. Cannot take him seriously
and second. james & the blacks forming an unintentional alliance bc they’ve all started their own sirius black defence squad is so???? why can i literally picture it in my head 😭😭
(like i once talked about how james’ ability to inspire loyalty & devotion is so impressive he could probably be an accidental dark lord but this is just—another way to get to the same place and i love it)
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