#i’m utterly convinced thomas is representative of men/incels who don’t change and can’t take no for an answer
maeo-png · 2 years
s4 was actually so incredible in terms of development. Kitty becoming more self assured and confident. The way julian and alison got on (the guy who lost his daughter and the girl who lost her father) so much better compared to season 1. Robins love of life expanding from curiosity to outright looking over a rat family and redirecting lightning to save mike. thomas is there i suppose. The Captain being more open about his ideas and things he likes, things we never saw in season 1 or 2. Mary’s entire fantastic story that i thoughts about that i simply can’t put into words. Pat having to confront both sides of a loved one passing on, both being the loved one and having to comfort others. Fanny going from thinking Alison was a prostitute to defending her when Thomas wouldn’t stop his remarks, her internalised misogyny taking further of a back seat. the collective development from season 1 where they wanted alison to leave, to leaving a glowing 5 star review for their gatehouse. i love this show so much.
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