#i’ve been contemplating on setting a date
papurgaatika · 7 months
Nothing Fucks With My Baby
Pairing: Joel Miller x F! Reader
A/N: This got so out of hand so fast, but it is FINALLY here. This is for all my Joel girlies with crazy daddy issues, I see you and I get you. I really didn’t mean for the first half of this fic to be so angst-filled, but I think the smut is a good trade-off for it in the end. AS ALWAYS humongous shoutout to my beloved beta readers @joelsdagger and @carlynkurin yall kill me with your comments and I love yall so much. And yes the title is a Hozier lyric, I love that guy. Remember that TLOU is created by a zionist so please look at the resources at the end of this fic and in my bio on ways to donate and educate yourself!! Tags: daddy issues, minor misogyny, minor body shaming, angst, Joel wants to beat up reader’s dad, age gap, daddy kink, pillow humping, exhibitionism if you squint, oral (f receiving), Joel Miller’s filthy mouth, breeding kink, cumplay kinda, protective Joel, no outbreak AU, no use of Y/N Word Count: 5.3k
Visiting your parents with Joel for the first time brings up some bad memories. And lets you make a few good ones too.
(aka Joel hates your parents and fucks you in your childhood bedroom)
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Your fingers stilled over your phone, minor panic setting into your bones when you got a text from your mother asking you to come over for dinner with her and your father. Now you loved your parents and you think they loved you too, in whatever weird way they showed it, but your relationship with them was never amazing. They were overbearing when you lived with them, always expecting the most of you but never recognizing what you actually did, like you were never going to be enough in their eyes. You were a grown woman, a degree in hand, and jobs lined up, but with rent at an all-time high and entry-level positions barely paying enough, you had sucked it up for as long as you could and continued to live with them. The passive-aggressive remarks about their friends’ kids moving out and about your degree essentially being a waste barely mattered anymore, you kept your head down and didn't engage unless you really had to. Your daydreams of moving out and being independent dwindled a little with every snide comment your father made, but you were living rent-free so you didn't say anything. 
But then you met Joel, and Joel couldn’t see a single flaw in you, his perfect angel. You weren’t even planning on dating anyone, especially not someone this much older than you, but there was just something about him that drew you in. You could still remember the day you met him like yesterday. You had been driving home after taking a much-needed weekend to go see one of your friends from college and managed to run over a nail and saw your tire pressure going down. You had pulled over and contemplated calling your father, but the idea of him driving out to lecture you on being a better driver and why he thinks women shouldn't drive just gave you a headache. So, being the self-determined woman you were, you got out of your car, popped on a YouTube video on how to change a tire, and knelt next to your car. 
Granted, the video wasn’t helping you out much, and your headache was getting worse under the blistering Austin sun, and you felt the tears start to brim in your eyes as you rested your head against the door of your car. You were seconds away from sucking it up and calling your father when you heard a gentle, “Do you need any help, ma’am?” You’re not one to usually take help from men, especially not random men on the side of the road, but your head was pounding and your eyes were red, and something about his voice just put you at ease. So you sigh and nod, explaining how you really did try to change it, but it just wasn't working and he shoots you the prettiest smile you’ve ever seen in your life. “I’ve got it for ya don’t worry, it’s just a tire ‘ain't worth those tears.” 
You stand to the side as he kneels down to take a look at the damage before standing back up and grabbing the tools from your trunk. His arms were working on unscrewing the bolts of your (now useless) tire, and you couldn’t help but stare at them. His sleeves were pulled taut over his biceps and beads of sweat were rolling down his tanned skin. You watched as the fabric of his shirt clung to his belly and his gray-streaked hair grew damp from the heat, finding yourself unconsciously biting your lip when your eyes linger on the veins that strained under his arms. He lets out a soft grunt when he gets off the ground and turns to look at you. “I don't think it’ll be safe to drive on your spare sweetheart, let me call you a tow.” 
“Oh! No, it’s okay really,” your eyes go wide and your brows furrow as you try to figure out how much it would cost and who you would even call to come pick you up, but he’s already dialing a number into his phone and telling them they owe him a favor before hanging up and giving you another smile. “You really didn’t have to do that-” Your words falter because you realize you don’t know his name.
“Joel. And I couldn't let ya deal with it yourself, my mama raised me better than that.” You blush softly at his words, genuinely grateful to have met him. You let out a breath, your tears having subsided and your heart rate finally calming down before sitting back down on the ground, fully expecting Joel to walk back to his truck and head out, but are instead met with a frown when you look back over at him. “Can't just leave you here like this sweetheart,” he sighs looking down at you, “Let me take ya to the garage at least, just so I know you’re safe.” 
Quite honestly, you weren’t used to someone treating you with this much care and attentiveness, you weren’t sure what to do with it. But the worried look in his eyes and the warmth of his voice have you nodding, taking his hand and getting into his truck to go to the garage with him. You sit in surprisingly comfortable silence for the next few minutes until you decide to be bold and ask for his number “Well, just in case my tire pops again” Your words are matched with a small grin playing on your lips, and JoeL, well joel was a goner the moment you had said those words. 
You and Joel had moved relatively fast, only being together for about eight months before you were packing your stuff and moving in with him. He had heard all about your parents before then. He saw the tears that fell after a fight with them, heard the words they threw at you while you recounted to him, and he could never imagine treating someone, especially not someone as perfect as you, like that. He could recount how many times you would curl up into him, breathing in his scent to try and calm down while he ran a soothing hand over your back and told you it was going to be okay. So it was no surprise that he had a few choice words when you mentioned that your mother had asked you both to come over. “Dunno how civil I’ll manage to be, sweet girl” he groans into your shoulder, arm draped over your middle as y'all lay in bed. You giggle softly and tilt your head to the side so it’s leaning on top of his slightly. 
“Gonna have to be,” you catch his fingers in your own, running circles over the rough skin to soothe yourself. “I haven’t seen them since I moved out... I just want them to be okay with us I guess.” A sigh leaves your lips when you think about how displeased they used to be about anything that you ever did growing up, that displeasure skyrocketing when you started seeing Joel. 
You feel him still your fingers, taking your hand and wrapping it with his own, before shifting to look at you fully. “I can’t promise they’ll be okay, sweet girl, but just know I’m in it with you forever okay?” He brings your hand to his lips and presses a tender kiss to your knuckles and you feel your eyes start to water as you nod. “Now, we don’t need to think ‘bout it for a while, lets get some sleep yeah?” You curl into his side and mumble out a soft okay before letting yourself drift off, feeling the weight of his arm draped around you. 
The rest of the week passed with relative ease, you were busy with work and Joel had been doting over you more than usual to keep your mind off of things. Eventually, Friday rolls around and you find yourself in Joel’s truck fidgeting with the rings on your fingers, heart pounding in your chest. You’re staring out the window lost in the endless stream of anxiety that is your brain, until you feel Joel's hand, warm and heavy, running small circles on your knee. You let your hand rest on top of his, basking in the intimacy of it all before he pulls up to your old house. You can feel your breathing start to quicken, chewing on the inside of your lip, before looking over at him. “Wait, baby, can we go back, I can’t do this. I’m not ready,” your words were tumbling over each other, panic clear on your face. 
“Hey, hey, look at me angel. It’s gonna be okay. We can do this okay?” His hands are on your cheeks making you look at him, and you subconsciously lean into his touch. “I don’t like them any more than you do, but I’ll try to be on my best behavior, and if we go in and you wanna leave at any time, we’re outta here okay?” He breathes out a small sigh of relief when you nod, a small giggle leaving your lips at his words. You take one last steadying breath before throwing open the door of the truck, smoothing out your outfit, and letting the flowers you had picked up for your mother rest in your arms. 
You knock at the door and feel your nerves setting in again, but Joel's hand is holding yours and you feel like he’s pulling you back down to the ground again, keeping you steady. You’re both met with a loud laugh and are pulled in for a hug when your mother opens the door. “Oh! Sweetheart, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you! You certainly look like you’re eating well.” You did not miss those passive-aggressive comments at all, so you hand her the flowers with a tight-lipped smile, mumbling something about just having more time to make the food you enjoy, 
And being the attentive boyfriend that he is, Joel senses your discomfort immediately. He turns on his southern charm and throws one of those gorgeous smiles at your mother, complimenting her cooking and how good it smells in here. “If her cooking is any indicator, I’ll be asking for a to-go bag tonight.” Your mother just blushes and goes on about how her food isn’t that good but she hopes he likes it. You grin, watching the two of them interact helping your nerves dissipate slightly. Joel was always a charmer, that’s why you were drawn to him, he knew how to make you feel safe which was something you had seldom felt in this house. 
You’re sitting on one of the chairs, head leaning against his shoulder while he laughs at something your mother says. It finally feels like you can breathe like you don't have to put your guard up because Joel does it for you. And then suddenly it’s like the floor is being ripped out from under you as your father makes his way downstairs. It was like you were 16 again begging to get his approval for anything, waiting for the day someone would whisk you out of that house. You sit up straight and move your head from Joel’s shoulder and let your eyes dart to his, and he is visibly angry. Joel knows about your father, the fights and the screaming matches, the way you were so similar it made you sick, and he just could never understand how someone would ever treat their child that way.
Now your father isn’t necessarily short but Joel was looming over him, eyes burning daggers in his direction as you both stood up to greet him. Joel’s hand envelopes your fathers in a grip that looks like it could break a bone and you give your father a curt nod and however much of a smile you can muster up with a quiet “hi dad.” only to be met with a grunt like you weren’t even worth sparing a few words to say hello to before muttering and going to sit on the couch. “It's alright Joel… he’s just like that baby... let it go.” you manage to press a kiss to his cheek to let him know you’re alright, it wasn’t like you were expecting the world's warmest greeting anyway. 
Joel tries to let it go. He really tries for you. But it is so hard being nice to someone who hurt the person you love. So he brings up Sarah, not out of spite really, he just loves to talk about his girl. “Comes up to visit almost every month, jobs got her real busy though,” he says, taking a sip of beer, eyes focussed on your father across the table. “Couldn't go without seein’ her.” Joel’s face immediately brightens up when he talks about Sarah, the pride he feels for his girl sparkling behind his eyes. 
Your father is not a man who is good at hiding his emotions, anger, and resentment showing clearly on his face. “‘M sure it’s nice to have a daughter who amounts to somethin’,” you feel your blood go cold for a moment, tears stinging in your eyes as you duck your head down to look at your plate very carefully. Joel’s hand is immediately squeezing yours, bringing you back down to earth, back to him. You take a deep breath to respond, but before you even get the chance, Joel’s voice is hurdling at your father. 
“Sure is. You’d understand what it would feel like if ya made any effort to be in her life.” The silence in the room is eerie. You cannot remember a single time in your life when your father didn’t have something to say, something to hurl at you in a fit of anger, only to claim it never happened after the fact. You feel Joel squeeze your hand again as your father shoves a forkful of food into his mouth, not making eye contact with either of you. Your mother just looks between Joel and your father silently, apparently still unwilling to stand up for you. You press your eyes shut for a moment at the absurdity of it all; the absurdity of bringing Joel to meet your parents, of him trying to defend you, at the idea that you had truly believed that your parents would have changed. You knew better than to hope for things like that. 
The rest of the dinner passes in relative silence, save for a few questions your mother asks Joel about his work and a minor argument that ensues because Joel mentions his love for the UT Longhorns after your father brings up his love for the Aggies. You roll your eyes at Joel when he throws up the Hook ‘Em hands before you get up to wash the dishes, only stopping when Joel tugs at your wrist. You look down at where he’s sitting, eyebrows raised at you because you're well aware that washing the dishes is his job “Baby it’s okay, I'll just do them today”
Joel just shakes his head and pulls at your wrist again, essentially pulling you back into your chair. “Don’t think so angel, you know that’s my job,” you giggle with a small nod of your head before the both of you turn to look at your father who is scoffing from his seat. “‘S there a problem?” 
Your father rolls his eyes at Joel, clearly still upset about how dinner went. “Just think you should let the woman do the woman’s job, ain't yours to do.” Your father barks that out with such ease that Joel thinks he sees red for a second. He grew up helping his mamma around the house when he was younger and became even more fond of cooking and cleaning when Sarah was born, so it is safe to say that he doesn’t agree with the idea that housework is a “woman's job.”
You know how Joel feels about this but your father is getting irritated again and you’re not sure if you’ll be able to take another argument between them, so you’re trying to grab the plates from Joel again. But stubborn as he is, Joel does not let up, especially if it means letting your father think that he’s right. “I don’t think so, sweet girl. Ain’t the 1950’s anymore, if you’re too pussy to wash a dish wouldn’t consider you a real man.” Your mouth falls open slightly, and you try to bite back your smile when your father huffs and gets up from the table muttering something about not knowing a real man if it bit him in the ass. 
You finish helping your mother put leftovers in the fridge, save for a bag filled to the brim with leftovers for Joel, and catch a glimpse of Joel smirking happily to himself while the sink runs hot over his hands. You sneak behind him and press a kiss on his shoulder blade, letting your hands snake around his waist. “I’ll be honest baby, kinda hot watching you tell him off like that..” You hear him huff out a laugh before he shuts the water off and spins you around in his arms, pressing a kiss to your lips before letting his mouth drop to your neck. You giggle as he nips at your skin lightly, but push him off gently after a moment. “They’re gonna see you, Mr. Miller, gonna get me in trouble.”
“Is that so?” his hands are on your waist, prints from the water on your shirt. He grins down at you, eyes glinting with mischief. “let ‘em see baby, not their little girl anymore, all mine now.” He presses another kiss to your neck, finding the spot right above your pulse point and drawing a small mewl from between your lips, before standing up straight and letting go of your waist, a grin plastered to his face. 
“You’re an absolute menace, you know that?” You squint your eyes at him, poking a finger into his chest, eliciting a laugh to tumble from his mouth. You give him a small kiss again and find yourself smiling into it. “‘M ready to go home now baby,” you murmur against the plush of his lips, wanting to feel his hands on your body again. Joel simply nods and grabs your purse for you while you say an awkward goodbye to your parents. You take your purse from his hands and open the door only to be met with the sight of rain. You were used to how quickly Austin would flood when a storm hit, you had grown up with it, but you hadn’t checked the weather and this was certainly dampening your plans to go home. 
You turn around to face Joel, eyebrows furrowed and before either of you can say anything your mother is swooping in. “Well, now I cannot send you two out in this weather! I have your old room set up still, and Joel can take the guest room!” Your eyes lock with Joel's, taking in the look of shock on his face. You should have assumed that your parents would be weird about letting Joel stay in the same room as you, despite living with him, but you were still caught off guard. 
You say your goodnights and thank yous, your father’s grip on Joel’s hand dangerously tight, before showing Joel up to the guest room giggling about having to be apart for the night. “Dunno how I’ll be able to sleep without you angel,” he groans sitting down on the old guest bed. 
You roll your eyes and kiss the scar on his nose “Sure you’ll be okay for one night cowboy, I’ll see you in the morning, ‘kay?” He just scrunches up his nose in response and plants a few more kisses on your lips before letting you walk out to your room. You can hear him exaggerate a sigh as you close the door and walk back to your old bedroom. You grin to yourself before walking into your room, taking in the sight of what used to be yours. Your hands skim over your dresser, the drawers mostly empty from when you packed in haste to move in with Joel, dried petals from the last bouquet of flowers he had gotten you still sitting in a small jewelry box. Pink sheets, pink pillows, and at least five stuffed animals still sit in their perfect setting on your bed, and a pang of guilt for leaving them bubbles up inside of you. You sigh and pull out an old shirt from the drawer and slip into it, foregoing pants and just staying in your panties. 
You spread out on the bed making futile attempts to fall asleep. It wasn’t like you needed Joel to be next to you, but you missed his hand draped around your waist and the way his body was a literal furnace to the point where you had to take the blankets off. Your mind cannot stop thinking about him. The way his hand was on the small of your back when you came into the house, the way he stood up for you when your father was speaking, the taste of his lips when he pulled you in for one last kiss before you left his room. You let your fingers trail down your body, sneaking into your panties and letting out a shaky sigh when you feel the slick pooling between your legs, eyes falling shut for a moment before situating a pillow between your legs. You press your face softly into one of the stuffed animals Joel had given you, the smell of him just barely lingering in it, and start to grind your hips down on the pillow. Your breath hitches when you feel the pressure on your clit through your panties, moans muffled by the bunny as you grind your hips down chasing your pleasure. Your eyes are still shut imagining Joel, lost in your pleasure until you hear a low whistle behind you, making your head whip around, your heart pounding a mile a minute. 
And there he is. Joel is leaning against your door, when he got in is beyond you, his eyes are hungry and locked in on you, eyebrows raising when you stop to turn around. “Why’re you stopping, baby? Go on, put on a show for me.” Your mouth opens to answer, but he’s cutting you off with a small tsk and a shake of his head “Nuh-uh. Don't get shy on me now, sweet thing, keep going.” His voice leaves no room for discussion, and his hands are on your waist pulling you flush with the pillow again. You whine when his hands leave your body, and try to turn around to grab at him. He pins your hips back down to the pillow, a low noise leaving his throat. “Like you were before, wanna see what you used to do when you miss me” 
A whimper leaves your mouth and you lay your head back down on the bed, pussy grinding on the pillow again. You move your hips back and forth, breathing becoming heavier as you angle your hips a bit higher and you bite back a whine as you clench around nothing “Joel please-” you plead, looking up at him over your shoulder with wide eyes,  “want you to touch me,” A small shudder movies through your body as you whine at him again. 
He just shakes his head at you, eyes not leaving your clothed cunt, “Not yet baby.” He brings his hands back to your waist and traces small circles into the skin just above your panties. 
  “but-” You keep grinding but throw a pout at him trying to get his decision to sway. 
He swats at your ass, not hard enough to leave a mark but enough to be a good warning “You arguing with me baby?” His eyebrows are raised, the look in his eyes not one that wants to deal with a brat tonight. 
You shake your head with a pitiful no sir and keep grinding on the pillow, your panties fully drenched by now. You feel your hips start to stutter as your climax catches up with you, a sheen of sweat covering your body. Your stomach is clenching and your breaths are ragged, “Joel- fuck gonna cum, oh god- fuck-” You babble at him, words muffled, legs trembling lightly, and eyes falling shut as you’re hit with your orgasm, face falling into the stuffed bunny again. 
You try to steady your breaths after coming down from your high, eyes still closed until you feel his hands sneak around your waist and under your shirt, grabbing your tits softly. “Fuck, you’re such a filthy girl, probably did this all the time when you thought about me? Desperate fucking thing.” You groan into his touch, and arch your back into him when he pulls you flush against his chest. He grabs at the hem of your shirt, before pulling it off and tossing it to one of the corners of the room, fingers playing with your sensitive nipples. You let out a squeak when he tugs at them before he lets go and presses his hand over your mouth. “Quiet. Gonna wake up your parents, or is that what you want, hmm?” His hand dips into your panties, rough fingers swirling over your clit “wanna get caught in the room you grew up in?” 
A whine leaves your mouth, muffled behind his hand, as you try to grind into his fingers. He brings his hand back to your nipple, flicking at the nub and making you jump. “Joel please- need it” You plead as he circles your clit. 
Joel pauses, drawing a pathetic whimper to leave your lips. “Came already and want another one? Greedy fucking thing” You nod at his words before yelping when he throws you down onto the bed and pulls you down to the edge of the bed by your ankles. He throws your legs over his shoulders and you buck your hips into the air, trying to catch his touch. He rests his head on the plush of your thigh, eyes on yours, waiting for you to ask for what you want. 
Your eyes are pleading with his, hoping that you can get out of having to beg by batting your lashes at him. “I’ll be so good for you, please.” your lip trembles a bit, hips still moving in the air, trying to get into his mouth. He relents and his lips press against your thighs, his stubble scratching at it gently, before pressing a kiss to your clit, making you jump softly. “Fuckk thank you.” Your head falls back as his tongue sweeps over your weeping cunt, his arm pinning your hips down to keep you from bucking into his face. 
His tongue dips into your slit, making your back arch off the bed as your hands fist in his hair. His lips wrap around your clit, and your hand clamps over your mouth to stop the obscene noises you were making from leaving it. His fingers tease your entrance before slipping into you and thrusting in and out at the same pace he was flicking his tongue. You feel your thighs start to tremble and clench around his head, your grip on his hair growing tighter as you feel your second orgasm hit you, red hot in the bottom of your spine, and up to the tingling in your fingers. Joel’s pace does not slow down as he coaxes you through it, hitting all the right spots. “Fuck look at her baby.” He says pulling his fingers out of you and spreading your slick over your pussy. “Fucking weeping for me. I’ll give her what she needs don't worry” 
His fingers press against your lips, and you let them into your mouth, tasting yourself off of him and groaning at the taste. He drags his spit-covered fingers down your chest, relishing in the fucked out look on your face. He takes off his jeans letting his cock spring free, dumb bastard going commando at your parents' house, and spits into his hand before fisting his cock in your line of sight. You whine at him, pouting your lips at him, cunt dripping down your thighs onto your bed. He chuckles at you and brings his hands to your waist, before slipping his cock into you, a hiss leaving your lips at the stretch. “Look at that sweet girl, taking me so well.” He moves so his cock is buried to the hilt in your cunt, the coarse hair that surrounds him pressing into your pelvis. 
You try to rock against him, to gain any friction. “Joel please move... please I want it” You plead with him, hands moving to wrap around his wrist. “Gonna be so good for you Daddy, please” And that does him in. He lets out a groan and thrusts into you with enough force to move your headboard. His cock is hitting you in just the right spot, filling you up almost too much. 
You feel yourself clench around him as his hand tightens around your waist, one of your legs wrapped around his back, pulling him in deeper. “Gonna fill you up so good angel,” he says as your pussy clenches around him like it was begging for his cum. “Make you all mine, show everyone who you belong to,” his thrusts are growing messier, and you can feel another orgasm building in the pit of your stomach, and it’s almost too much. Your toes curl and you meet his thrusts as you let out a pathetic slew of pleasepleasepleaseplease before you feel him cumming inside you with a soft pant of your name. You feel him pull out of you slowly, his cock replaced with his fingers. “Said I was gonna make you mine, gotta make sure it takes.” His fingers collect the cum that leaks out of you in the most obscene way and pushes it back into you, as a shaky breath leaves your lips at the depravity of his words. 
“Fuck thank you, baby,” You manage to get out after what feels like an eternity of recovering from your orgasm. Joel shoots you a sleepy grin, before wrapping his clean hand around yours and laying his head down on your chest, looking up at you with love in his eyes. 
“I should be thanking you, sweet girl. Did so fucking good for me” You grin and look down at him with sleepy eyes and run a hand through his hair. 
“You know you gotta get back to the guest room right?” You ponder, realizing the situation that you were in. The idea of your mother waking up to find you naked and stuffed full of Joel’s cum was horrifying. 
Joel just grins back up at you, pressing a kiss to the underside of your breast before pushing himself up off your bed and peeking at the window. “Dunno baby.. Rain stopped a while ago, I'm ready to just get outta here.” He raises his eyebrows at you, sliding back into his jeans as you drop your arm over your face with a dopey smile playing across your lips. 
“So long as you carry me to the truck, I'm game, baby” You bite your lip and smile up at him as he tosses your dress at you before he scoops you up and tromps down the stairs quietly and puts you into the passenger seat before getting in and pulling out of the driveway. “Thank you for being there tonight baby.. I love you.”
Joel just smiles at you, half asleep in his passenger’s seat, and runs a hand over your knee before grabbing your hand and pressing a kiss to it. “Love you too angel. Don’t plan on ever making you come up here again though” You just giggle and lace your fingers through his, extremely content to just spend the rest of your days with Joel, not worried about your parents.
A/N: From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free READ: This account stands with Palestine unequivocally, and so— I require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this. DO NOT BUY THE REMASTER, TLOU2, TLOU1, OR ANY GAME FROM NAUGHTY DOG! neil druckmann (the creator) is a zionist. PLEASE READ THIS. AND REBLOG THIS.  Thank you for reading, and free Palestine
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jjkamochoso · 4 months
It's me again lol!! What about jjk men taking the reader on an aquarium date or like a museum date! ^_^
Also I’m now including Ino because I can’t believe I’ve been forgetting to add my pookie in these
Enjoy and thanks for the request!!! <3
JJK Men Taking You on a Date to the Aquarium/Museum
JJK men x gn!reader
Warnings: none
“That fish looks like you.”
Your eyes fell to where Yuji’s finger was pointing. There was a huge fish with big, bulging eyes swimming in circles in the aquarium exhibit in front of you.
“Oh, really, does it?” You were thoroughly amused at your boyfriend’s antics, his grin widening as you played along. “This one is a spitting image of you.”
Yuji caught a glimpse of the fish you were pointing at and turned away from you, making you frown. Did you inadvertently hurt his feelings? The fish wasn’t *that* ugly. Besides, you both were joking around, but you never meant to go too far and make him sad. You tentatively put a hand on his back to get his attention.
“Yuji, I didn’t—”
He faced you again, this time sporting a quintessential fish face with his cheeks sucked in and lips protruding in a pout. You immediately started cracking up, and since laughter is contagious, especially among you two, so did he.
“There’s lots of cute fish here, but you were the cutest,” you finally said, making him blush. He grasped your hand tightly and you set off for another exhibit.
When Megumi asked you on a date to an art museum, you were elated. A quiet, calm activity like this was perfect for the both of you so you could enjoy each other’s company without many other people observing you. You walked side by side with the boy as you meandered through the exhibit that was showcasing artwork of animals in ancient civilizations. You stopped in front of a particularly cute sculpture of a dog, cooing softly.
“Megumi, look how adorable,” you said, and he nodded in agreement.
“Reminds me of my own,” he mused, referring to his divine dogs (you thought it was precious how close he was to his shikigami).
“Maybe we can bribe the curator with Gojo’s money to take it home with us.”
Megumi shot you a look. “Are you serious? I don’t think you can just take art like that.”
A few seconds passed.
“Can you?”
“I don’t know,” you said, “I was joking.”
Megumi was quiet as usual but the air about him seemed almost contemplative. After a few more seconds, he shook his head and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Gojo would probably break it anyway.”
“Wait, were you actually considering trying to buy it?” you questioned.
“Maybe.” The black haired boy shrugged, moving on to the next sculpture.
“Fushiguro the art collector, huh? Who would’ve thought you were so extravagant. Gojo’s spending habits must have rubbed off on you,” you teased, making him huff.
“Shut up,” he said, no bite to his tone whatsoever as you just giggled, cuddling up to his side as you continued on with your date.
“It’s like getting a million little kisses. I’m so in love with this creature.”
"Am I… jealous of a starfish?”
You were currently holding a starfish in your hands, its suction cups sticking to your skin, leaving behind a tickling sensation that you couldn’t get enough of. Your boyfriend, on the other hand, wasn’t a fan of your kissing analogy and was doing his best not to pout over something so silly.
“Yuta, come closer! It’s too cute not to hold.”
He couldn’t deny he was curious to see what the hype was about. People had flocked over to this exhibit in droves and you guys had waited in line to hold a sea star for an ungodly amount of time—he wasn’t going to miss out now. The handler put one in his hands too and he immediately understood what you meant earlier.
“They are really cute. I see what you meant by the whole kissing thing, that’s amazing,” he said, his voice laced with wonder and amusement as he watched the sea creature grip onto his skin. He then looked up and locked eyes with you, both of your irises alight with love.
“But I still prefer yours.”
There’s plenty of fish in the sea but you’re the only one for me.
You raised an eyebrow at the words on the phone screen shoved in front of your face while you were watching some fish swim by in the aquarium tank. Toge, meanwhile, was dying laughing at his lame pick up line written in his notes app. Seeing his reaction made your lips quirk up into a mischievous grin as something came to mind. You pulled out your own phone and hurriedly began typing, thrusting it toward him when you were done.
I cod-nt imagine my life without you, Toge. You’re a reel catch.
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your throat when you saw the grimace he wore.
“Fish flakes,” he said, putting his head in his hands and stifling giggles.
“My line was that bad, huh?” you asked, nudging him softly.
“Salmon,” he agreed, but the loving look he held in his eyes when they met yours again showed he was anything but bothered.
“You’re of-fish-ally the cutest boy I’ve ever seen,” you told him while ruffling his hair playfully, earning a loud groan from the blonde. He quickly typed out another sentence.
I’m so glad we go to the same school.
You were pleasantly surprised when Noritoshi asked you on a date to the aquarium. You figured he would’ve deemed it too childish or an experience not scholarly enough but you were wrong, now feeling the pull of his hand as he excitedly walked you around, pointing things out and chatting about things he had just learned.
“…and I just read that most fish don’t have eyelashes. Did you see that too?”
“Except for sharks,” you replied, a gentle smiling resting on your face.
Noritoshi took a deep breath as you led him to a bench to sit down and watch the jellyfish float around.
“I’m sorry for getting too passionate. I just feel like I can be myself here. There’s less… pressure, if that makes sense. Like I can learn things just to know them, not to impress anyone or get a good grade on something. It’s… nice.”
“You don’t have to apologize, I know what you mean,” you said, laying a comforting hand on his leg. Noritoshi rested his hand on top of yours and gave it a light squeeze, observing the entrancing dance of the jellyfish.
“They look so free,” he muttered. “I wonder what that feels like.”
Your head was now lovingly balanced against his shoulder as you squeezed his hand back.
“I promise you that one day you’ll know.”
“Y/n! You have to watch this!”
You were happy to accompany Aoi to the local science museum for a date. You two were having a fun time exploring and trying out all the different experiments the museum had to offer. You weren’t sure what to expect when Aoi called you over to the experiment he had just done since you were enthralled in a presentation about lightning. You were confused when Aoi put his hand on a big ball, but all of a sudden, the hair in his bun became even spikier than normal.
“Static electricity!” he exclaimed, sporting a huge grin. Seeing how happy all of this made your boyfriend had you smiling from ear to ear as well. When he eventually took his hand off the orb, his hair didn’t quite go back into place.
“C’mere,” you giggled, gesturing to his hair, “I’ll fix it for you.”
“Thank you, my love,” he said, leaning over to where you could reach him. You combed the strands back into place and gave him a kiss on the cheek when you were done.
“You’re having a fun time today, right?” Aoi asked you, a rare moment of vulnerability from the muscular man.
“Of course, Aoi. Thank you for inviting me here.”
“No problem,” he replied, his cocky demeanor back as he winked at you. “Now, if you’re interested, there’s a presentation on superconductors in a few minutes. Do you want to see it?”
It always surprised you when you remembered just how smart your sometimes air-headed boyfriend really was.
When you invited Satoru to the science museum, he was extremely excited. Not because of the science aspect, no, but because he loved to eat the packs of freeze dried ice cream you can buy from the gift shop. You were busy reading a giant wall panel about physics when you felt the thunk of a head resting on your back and heard a sigh of exasperation.
“Are you finished yet? This is boring,” Satoru said, mumbling into your shirt.
“I’m trying to learn, Satoru. It wouldn’t kill you to learn something either. You’re a teacher, aren’t you supposed to have a thirst for knowledge?”
“I have a thirst for soda,” came a muffled reply from behind you. You rolled your eyes, going back to reading. Satoru kept fidgeting and you found yourself getting frustrated at his lack of focus.
“Since you know so much, why don’t you tell me about relativity and quantum mechanics?”
“Quantum mechanics studies the world by looking at just a few small particles like photons and electrons. Relativity is the theory of gravitation that Einstein proposed around the same time as quantum mechanics. General relativity studies the construct of space-time and gravity, while special relativity studies special conditions and scenarios, such as length contraction, which is where an object is moving near the speed of light and its length actually shortens. See, I already know this stuff, so can we pleeeease go to the gift shop now?” Satoru whined, throwing his head back in an exaggerated display of boredom. Your mind was still reeling over the fact that your boyfriend was… ridiculously good at science and never bothered to tell you?!
“I… yeah,” you said, completely dumbfounded. Satoru ignored the confusion in your voice as he cheered, grabbing your hand and leading you to the gift shop.
You and Suguru were taking your time walking through the museum he chose for your date. It was nice to walk with him, holding hands and enjoying deep conversations about the pieces that were showcased in each exhibit. You came up to a bench in front of a particularly large infographic and took a seat, your lover sitting next to you. After he knew you were finished reading, he asked you the few little words he assumed would set you off on a passionate tangent (he was right).
“So, y/n, what are your thoughts on this topic?”
As you began to analyze everything you just learned, Suguru watched you intently, but not in a negative manner; he was just so genuinely interested in what you had to say that it was like the whole world around him disappeared every time you opened your mouth. He nodded along, hearing you bring up things he hadn’t even considered yet.
“I’m lucky to have a partner who’s so intelligent,” Suguru cooed, his thumb ghosting over your jawline, initiating this romantic moment like you two were the only people in the building. To him, you were the only people that mattered anyway, so what was the point in hiding how he truly felt?
“C’mon Kento, it’s not as scary as you think it is. They’re completely harmless.”
You were currently trying to get your boyfriend to pet the stingrays but he was not having any part of it. The color had drained from Kento’s face when you submerged your hand in the clear water, feeling the smooth surface of the rays under your fingertips. The blonde man wasn’t afraid, per se, but he didn’t think it was the wisest decision to be touching such a dangerous animal.
“Y/n, I just don’t think it’s a good idea. What if you provoke them?”
You were about to laugh when you saw he was genuinely distressed. Frowning, you stood up and tried to dry your wet hand the best you could before reaching out to him.
“Kento, honey, it’s alright. They have to be really angry to sting people. I promise you’ll be alright if you try it.”
Kento relented and leaned over the touch tank, hesitantly placing his hand in the water next to yours. When a ray swam under him, the rubbery texture gracing his skin, he immediately tensed up. Your unoccupied hand landed on his arm as encouragement and it seemed to help him relax a bit. A few more stingrays came over to him and Kento finally calmed down, smiling as he greeted his new friends.
“Babe, look, that’s literally us.”
Ino caught your attention away from a particularly interesting exhibit about seaweed as he pointed to a diagram that displayed two fish with their mouths on each other.
“Ino, that’s very sweet, but I think they’re fighting.”
Your boyfriend leaned closer to read the tiny print, his hands in his pockets in a display of nonchalance that you always found supremely attractive.
“Oh, you’re right! They try to flip each other over like that. It’s like the Spider-Man kiss but more badass.”
You shook your head, lightly chuckling as you linked your arm in his and continued walking through the aquarium. All of a sudden, you gasped and tapped Ino’s arm excitedly.
“Oh my god! This is literally us!”
Ino’s eyes went wide and his smile grew bigger. You were showing him to a video that displayed otters holding hands as they drifted in the water.
“Yeah,” he said dreamily, resting his chin on the top of your head as you watched the animals on the screen, “it is.”
You were sitting in a dark room of the planetarium, looking up at a projected sky full of stars with your handsome boyfriend. Choso had his arm wrapped tightly around your body, hand resting on your waist as your head was nestled against his shoulder. You sat there quietly, enjoying the peacefulness of the exhibit. The sight of the stars above you changed into a slow spinning view of the earth and you gasped lightly.
“Woah, look at how beautiful our world is.” You didn’t hear him reply, which was unusual, so you lowered your eyes from the spectacular scene above to look at the man next to you.
“You’re my world,” he stated bluntly, unrelenting gaze boring into your own. “You’re the brightest star in the galaxy of my life.”
“You’re so cheesy,” you said, trying not to show how flustered you got over his beautiful words. He just drew you in closer, adamant to never let you go.
“How does this piece make you feel?”
“Like I’ve been here for hours and I’m hungry.”
Toji wasn’t the biggest fan of the art museum you dragged him to but you were glad he allowed you to take him here in the first place. It meant a lot to you that he would willingly go somewhere like this that completely disinterested him, but he would go to the ends of the earth to please you.
“There’s a cafe around here if you wanna go eat,” you said, paying him no mind as you studied the painting that grabbed your attention.
Toji scoffed. “And leave you here by yourself? No way.”
Your focus was now broken, instead trying to stifle a laugh at his overprotective behavior. “The art isn’t going to kidnap me, you know.”
“I know,” he grumbled, folding his arms across his chest, “but some dude might see a smart, attractive person like you by yourself and think he has a chance.”
“And I need my big, hot, uninterested-in-art boyfriend to keep an eye out for me?”
“Exactly.” Toji smirked at you while you rolled your eyes playfully.
“I appreciate that. I’ll finish up here and we’ll head to the cafe together then?”
“Sounds good to me.”
You went back to your contemplative state while Toji’s eyes wandered the room. He would never tell you this, but he found many of the pieces actually interesting and hoped you would take him along to more places like this in the future.
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chilschuck · 5 months
on my hands and knees begging for post-canon confession. reader asks chilchuck what he’s going to do now that laios is king and he’s like “reconcile w my family, work on the union… and hopefully start courting you now that we’re not coworkers?”
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ THIS MADE ME MELT INTO A PUDDLE ANON. WAHHHHHHH i wasn’t sure where i wanted to go with this lil drabble, but it ended up shorter than i would’ve liked it. i hope that’s okay!!! i felt like it was good to end it where i did, heheh…
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— PLANS: chilchuck x gn!reader.
꒰ warnings: ꒱ none, sfw! fluffy. <3
꒰ wc: ꒱ 483 (short but sweet!!)
✦ once again, i’m so sorry this ended up so short!! but i wanted something really sweet with your concept, and this is where my brain took me. (;;;w;;;) feel free to send in another rq again!! <33
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“What are your plans now?”
It was such a simple question, but it held so much weight in the space between you. The tavern you two were in filled with laughter and chatter, only to never drown out your voice as he heard it. Taking a sip of his drink, Chilchuck sighed softly. Even in all the noise, you managed to make it out.
He knew what you were asking, it was a simple question: Now that Laios was king, what was he going to do? The half-foot knew his answer before he could even think of verbalizing it.
“Well… See my family again, make up and reconcile. Work on the union…” Chilchuck looked down into his mug, before letting that content grin grow on his lips.
Before you could comment, he interrupted with one more addition. “…And hopefully, start courting you now that we’re no longer coworkers?”
You couldn’t help but let your jaw drop. Not only that, but you could feel your chest heat up from his words alone. Chilchuck let out a light laugh at your reaction.
“You— Want to court me?” The words came out so quietly, but your head was reeling. The man you had eyes for this entire time… ended up having feelings for you too?
“Well, yeah. I would like to.” Chilchuck scratched the back of his head, giving you that bashful smirk that always made you melt. Your own glee was evident on your features, the low tavern lighting illuminating your smile. Before you could help yourself, the words left you in a playful rush.
“So… Does this count as our first date?” Chilchuck set his mug down, your statement causing him to bite back a smile of his own.
“I think I’d like to take you somewhere nicer than this.” The way he said your name brought butterflies to your stomach, the excitement of this new relationship making your heart race. His hand found your own under the table, giving it a light squeeze.
It was quiet for a moment, but not in the heavy way it was earlier. Instead, the atmosphere of the tavern paired with the happiness of your newfound relationship made it welcome. Unable to stay quiet any longer though, you asked a question that was occupying your mind.
“How long? I mean, how long have you wanted to take me out?” Chilchuck rested his head in his palm, contemplating your question for a moment. With a hum, he came up with an answer. “Since… Well, let’s just say a while.” He huffed, cheeks warming at the idea of having to confess how long he’d been harboring those feelings for you.
You leaned closer to him, the drink you’d been sipping on making you feel a little braver. “I can assure you I’ve wanted to longer.” The half-foot looked down at his hand that was still holding yours.
“I doubt that.”
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— dividers by @/cafekitsune! <33
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grandisknight · 1 month
xavier: your lipstick stains
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summary: Xavier helps you out with the age-old dilemma of figuring out what lipstick to wear. Although, his personal take is one you’ve never thought of until now.
tags: established relationship, gender neutral!reader, fluff, lipstick, kissing, light evol use/mention, implied/suggestive ending, banter, teasing, one shot, in the bathroom, ‘starlight’ nickname
+ wc: 1.7k | ao3
a/n: inspired by that one moment in his lost signal card bc the lips line(tm) is canon ₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎
No, not this one.
Too warm, too cool—one would be too glossy while the other barely reflected any sheen coat. How many have you gone through at this point?
If only choosing a shade of lipstick was as easy as counting to three, you would’ve finished getting ready a while ago. A familiar pile of soaked cottons stained in shades ranging from a family of reds to browns sit off to the side of your counter. And currently, a freshly-dipped micellar round was swiping over your lips once more in defeat. Great, another one bites the dust.
For some reason, today of all days, not a single shade complimented your appearance. The offended tubes of balm were littered in slight disarray, varying in size and color. There were enough of them present that you could line them up into a series of dominos and watch as they fall in succession. Your eyes narrowed at the selection, one of your own curation, in disbelief at the sense of betrayal they quietly emitted.
A pair of gentle taps break your dazed stare.
“Are you okay? You’ve been in there for a while.”
The soft cadence was muffled between the thick wood separating the two of you, and your eyes lift to gaze at the door through the mirror. Past your own reflection, where your lips have seen better days. Right, he was waiting for you.
“Sorry, I promise I’ll be out soon.” You offer in apology, a slight pang of guilt pricking your skin at the sound of it. It’s just lipstick. Should be something so simple and quick to get over with, yet here you were about to—dramatically so—end it all because not a single shade felt right. “Just, ugh. Doing something.”
“Would you mind if I stepped in? I can help you,” he offers, though makes no move to push the door handle. Patient as ever, a calm that was an opposite to your current storm of frustration.
You contemplate for a moment. But surely, it wouldn’t hurt to get a second opinion, right? A set of fresh eyes in comparison to your wearied ones that have engraved these shades, and your opinions on them, deep into your frontal lobe. So you decided then with a nod what had to be done.
“The door’s open.”
A pleasant creaking noise welcomed in the light from beyond and the man who shouldered it. Xavier was dressed to the nines, cream blazer neatly ironed down to the very creases and onyx turtleneck sneaking up to his Adam’s apple. A dreamy sight, practically glowing and an angel without wings—truly, the date night dress-code for an excursion out of Linkon did wonders. His shoulders press against the doorframe, arms crossed in thought as he assessed the situation before him. A heartbeat passes in the moment his curious gaze trailed over your figure from head to toe, and away to the messy counter that housed your bathroom activities.
“You look beautiful,” he concludes with a matter-of-fact tone. His brow creases when you don’t even offer him a small smile, sensing the distress radiating from your stare. “Oh. Is something else the matter?”
“This,” you emphasize, pointing a finger to your lower lip. There was a slight stain of previous pigments, a testament to your efforts thus far, and a sigh pushed past it. “I know it might seem a bit silly, but I’ve been struggling with finding something that works.”
Xavier takes a step forward, crossing into the small space as you spun around in succession. Your chests nearly met each other in close proximity and a hand under your chin led your eyes to his. Reflectively, his thumb runs over the plush of the source to your current woes. He hums. “Even your favorite one?”
“Even my favorite one,” you reaffirm. Your usual shade was a lost cause, which was when you knew that today was definitely not your day.
His eyes never left your lips as he posed another question. “I have one you might like. Would you like to try it?”
“Really?” Your ears perked at the suggestion, curious as to what mysterious shades he would have up his sleeve. “What is it—Mmph?”
A soft press of his lips against yours consume your query, neatly melting into your touch like a puzzle piece finding its match. By instinct, your eyes fluttered shut and arms looped around his neck, quickly welcoming the sudden lip-locking. His hands smooth themselves over your sides, gently guiding your bodies to push against the counter and attached himself to you with a further dip of his head. The walls of the bathroom do well to echo every ardent press of his lips onto yours—the warmth of his mouth enhanced the light traces of cherry underneath his breath, a familiar taste that undoubtedly belonged to him.
It was only when you began to feel his hands sneakily toy underneath the fabric of your top and tongue push against yours that you pull back, breathless in effect.
The first call goes past his ears, his lips dragging past your chin and peppering a line across your jaw. As much as you enjoyed this—you were losing sight of the plot, and needed to pull on the reigns once more in reminder. Both literally and figuratively speaking.
A slight tug to his nape and an emphasis to his vowels, you call out to him again. “Xavier.”
He paused with the second announcement of his name, warm breath fanning over the shell of your ear. Xavier pulls back then, and you could barely make out the ringlets of his steeled blues with how dilated they looked at you instead.
“Sorry,” he breathes. A fleeting kiss to the tip of your nose adds to his apology. “I got carried away.”
“You’re fine,” you reassured, patting down his nape in turn.
Although, your brow raised as the question pushed down your throat from several seconds ago rises upwards. “What lipstick were you referring to? You know, before all of this.” You gesture between yourselves, only just now realizing how naturally his legs were slotted between your own, and lower back leaning into the counter’s edge.
“The color of my lips suit you best.” Xavier responds as if it was the most sensible solution in the world, an edge of sincerity to his simple yet meaningful words. “So, that’s my answer.”
Even so, you snorted, lightly pushing his forehead back with a finger. “Weren’t you the one who said that my lips suited you back then?” Memories of the promotional filming flicker in your mind, and the same happens to Xavier in the way his ears flush.
“Same difference.”
He avoids your teasing gaze, a hand lifted to shyly itch at the side of his neck. It didn’t last long, however, when his eyes twinkled in mirth as they returned to yours. “But, hm. Here's the thing...”
“Hm?” You echoed, though in confusion and a sense of foreboding. Searching his face leads you to your answer, where his now slightly chapped lips curled into a small smile. You swipe over his mouth in amusement. “Well, well. What do we have here?”
He answers amidst your touches, lightly nipping at your searching digit towards the end. “Looks like I’ll need some lipstick recommendations. Don’t you have any for me?”
“I might,” you play along, withdrawing your finger. Your hand cups his cheek in turn, admiring the way his face nuzzled further into your palm in wait. “But we’ll be late for dinner if I show you.”
“That’s fine.” Xavier answers almost too quickly, blinking somewhat innocently to spare some face in the height of your raised suspicions. “I think I’d want some dessert first before we go, anyways.”
"I don't think that's how this works—Ah!"
You let out a surprised yelp at his unsuspecting hands sliding under your thighs, lifting you to sit atop the counter. Your hands steady themselves on his shoulders, in slight disbelief at the newfound shift. A couple of lipstick tubes roll from the sudden intrusion, hitting the floor with light clicks and littering the tiles below.
Your huff matches his chuckle at the disposition you've found yourself in, and you lightheartedly cross your arms with a pout. “I thought you wanted the lipstick?” You quipped, reminding him of his own proposal just mere seconds ago. "Now you want to talk about desert this and that."
"Am I not allowed to want both?" He candidly asks in turn, gaze lowered and long lashes kissing the height of his cheeks.
"...You can," you quietly confirm, words suddenly feeling dry at the expense of the heat steadily pricking your skin. Was it always this hot in here? It certainly was now, and you were far from complaining.
The butterflies in your stomach became tenfold as he drew closer to your raised body—one hand mindlessly caressed your thigh as the other gestured off to the side in a soft luminance. A whirr of light wraps itself around one of the closest rouges, seemingly floating in effect.
Xavier calmly uncaps the balm then, waving it around in the air with specks of light floating all about. It stops just before you, barely touching the skin below your cupid’s bow and moves with a faint swipe. “Then, I’ll just have to borrow it from you this way.”
He closes the distance between your faces once more, a kiss so fleeting yet purposeful sealing his promise. Another swipe of lipstick and a planted peck followed in suit—though a third brush of his lips against yours couldn't hide the smile on his face, enjoying the play of events under his crafted direction. He pulls back with a content hum, putting the lipstick aside and smoothing his hands over your thighs once more.
You find yourself staring at his lips, now equally as stained as yours and enhancing the natural hues of his pink. "You got your lipstick, and I got mine," you mused, pursing your lips together in thought. "Are we good to go now?"
"Not quite." Xavier shakes his head, nose nudging the underside of your chin and tracing towards your collarbone. He speaks into the cavern that protects your heart, fingers drumming against you before squeezing lightly.
"I haven't had my dessert yet, starlight."
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gay-dorito-dust · 7 months
ok what if reader is also a vigilante?
reader and Jason met in their civilian identities, and after a while they start dating. but like, neither of them tells the other one about their vigilante identities? and then something random happens and they both find out in a funny way?
(alsooo can I be 🐈‍⬛? :3)
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Idk if this is considered ‘funny’ but I tired, oh and Yes, you may be 🐈‍⬛ anon. 🦦
When you first met Jason in the cosy book store, you were far too concerned with keeping your stint as a vigilante as close to a secret as possible, so much so that the mere aspect of dating wasn’t something you contemplated on a day to day basis; Never less dating a civilian when you’re fighting street level thugs. However you couldn’t help but get lost in the beauty of his smile, his eyes and the way he ran his hand through his hair.
All you were aware in that moment was that Jason is just perfection in a six foot something frame. He was just that beautiful that you couldn’t find yourself looking away from him, ever; It had to be illegal to be that beautiful.
When Jason first met you in the cosy book store, trying to reach for a book that was just out of reach, he was far too concerned about the new vigilante that had taken to the street of Gotham. Nightshade was their name and they obviously had natural talent but were still sloppy in some areas, but they showed enough promise in their debut outing to be apart of the Outlaws. Dating was the last thing he needed honestly, despite affection, loyalty and love were something he deeply longer for more so then anything, however he felt a little tempted by the idea when you gave him a look of gratitude as he handed you the book was enough to set him alight.
‘Jason.’ He blurted.
‘Come again?’ You asked.
‘My name. It’s Jason.’ He clarified, internally cursing himself for making himself looking like a right idiot in front of you, but you just had that effect on him and it hadn’t even been ten minutes upon meeting you. Was he really that depraved? He asked himself as in that very moment you decided to smile at him, which gave him his answer that yes, he was indeed that depraved for a genuine connection. ‘Well it’s nice to meet you Jason. I’m y/n.’ You greeted, finding Jason absolutely endearing and insufferably cute. ‘Do you often help people with books or is it just a one time thing?’ You then asked, holding the book close to your chest, biting the inside of your cheek.
‘I don’t come here as often as I promised myself I would, so consider this as a rare occurrence.’ Jason shrugged, leaning against the shelf. ‘So do you come here often or are you a fellow procrastinator?’ You chuckled and Jason has to pat himself on the back for that one. He managed to make you laugh and god did it sound ethereal. ‘I’m kinda a fellow procrastinator but that’s because I’ve been busy with life and such.’ You told him, not wanting to admit to everything to a conventionally attractive man you’ve just met at a small, run down book store just yet; You didn’t want to fuck this up for yourself.
‘Oh yeah? Then maybe if you come here more often, I’ll have more of a reason to stop by other than the books.’ Jason said and you felt your smile even wider and tighten your grip on the book, casting your eyes to the floor. Curse this beautiful man for making you feel like a silly little schoolgirl either way a crush, it was both embarrassing as it was all consuming. ‘Sounds like you’re asking me on a date, mr Jason.’
Jason shrugs. ‘Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. I mean is it wrong for me to want to get to know you better?’
‘I guess it wouldn’t hurt.’ You admitted.
‘So it’s a date?’ Jason asked, anticipating your answer.
‘Yeah. It’s a date.’ You replied, feeling a warmth flood through your body, followed by a feeling of nervousness simultaneously it was hard to figure out which feeling you should focus on.
Several book store dates, skirting your obvious feelings for one another and moving into his apartment later, you and Jason were officially a couple: and a happy one at that. And yet despite sharing everything to one another, every deep secret you’ve ever kept in your entire life and yet the one secret neither of you chose to disclose was your vigilante identities, and for simple and justifiable reasons on both your parts; You didn’t want Jason to be brought into the crossfire as a casualty and Jason didn’t want you to get hurt because of the dangerous people he wronged as RedHood. You’ve both hated yourselves for keeping a tight lid on your vigilantism but you knew it was for the betterment of the other, after all ignorance was indeed -on some occasions- bliss.
However on this very night, everything you and Jason have ever hidden from the other had decided to come to light but not in a way that’d either of you were expecting.
You and Jason were cuddled up on the couch and enjoying a peaceful evening in together, seeing as for a week straight both of you have had your hands full with capturing and clearing the streets of Gotham of thugs, goons and drug dealers, and actually getting the golden opportunity to act like an ordinary couple and shower the other in the love and affection that you’ve both been aching for the entire week.
‘You need to get some better sleep Jaybirdie, I can see dark bags starting to form under your eyes.’ You mutter softly as you run your calloused thumbs under his eyes, naturally concerned for his health and well-being. ‘Are you saying that I’m not that appealing to look at anymore because I’m developing eye bags? How shallow of you babe.’ Jason joked as he moved his face from your hands and looking away from you with a pout on his lips.
You laughed, reaching to hold his face in your hands again and gently made him look at you. ‘Stop being dramatic my little Jay bird, I think you make eyes bags work for you but I just don’t like the idea of you staying up longer than you should.’ You said as you kissed his lips and then under his eyes, feeling him hum in content as he dragged you into him tightly. ‘I appreciate the compliment babe.’ He said as he pressed a kiss to your head, closing his eyes as he breathed you in deeply. ‘I’m sorry we haven’t had enough time with each other lately.’
You burrowed yourself deeper into him, hands clutching at his shirt. ‘it’s okay Jason and besides I should sorry too because there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while now. I hope you don’t hate me afterwards.’ You admit, scared that this might break your beautiful relationship with the sweetest man you’ve ever met, who had been nothing but unquestionably loyal to you through and through. ‘You could do no wrong pretty baby,’ Jason cooed, ‘but since we’re sharing things, I have something that I’ve been keeping from you also sweetheart.’ Jason said as he feared that he’d only be scaring you away afterwards and he can only hope that you’d stay and hear him out.
‘No, Jason you don’t-‘ you were cut off by the sound of two emergency alerts going off from your shared bedroom and before leaping off of Jason’s lap, much to his displeasure and worry, and rushed towards the bedroom with Jason hot on your heels going on about something you couldn’t quite make out over the noise of the emergency alerts. It was rare that it goes off and when it does, it’s when someone like scarecrow or Joker has made a reemergence to the public and when they do, nothin good ever comes to pass.
Within the depths of your shared closet in your bedroom were two equal sized duffel bags. Inside these duffel bags held everything to do with your vigilante personas that you and Jason had hastily shoved inside, and all before you officially moved into his apartment too. You never touched his out of respect for him and he never touched yours out of respect also, you both knew which one belong to who as they also sat just beneath your own civilians clothes, that and the fact that Jason’s duffel bag was a lot more beat up and rugged compared to yours which only had slight wears and tears; but other then that it was relatively a new bag.
Right of this moment however you didn’t stop to think about which bag you’ve picked up because before you knew it you had locked yourself within the bathroom, just about ready to change into your attire, when you were face to face with a familiar red helmet causing you to freeze in place. While you were trying to grasp the idea that your beautiful, beautiful Jason was the ruthless RedHood, a knock on the bathroom door broke you from your thoughts, and you automatically knew that Jason saw your vigilante attire and was feeling a similar sort of confusion towards you as you were about him. You placed the red helmet back into the duffle bag, zipped it shut before unlocking and opening the door wide enough for Jason to hold out your duffel bag towards you.
‘I believe this is yours sweetheart.’ He said awkwardly.
‘Thank you Jaybirdie.’ You mutter as you took the bag off of him, placing it down on the toilet seat as you picked up his duffel bag and handed it to him through the gap in the doorway. ‘I believe this belongs to you.’
‘Thank you sweetheart.’ Jason replied as he took the bag off of your hands as an uncomfortable air of silence followed as you both stood on either sides of the door, not knowing how to properly address the situation. Until… ‘I knew I recognise that ass in spandex anywhere.’
‘JASON!’ You exclaimed, face becoming flushed.
‘What? It’s true you’ve got a distinctly shaped ass! So of course I’m going to recognise it!’ Jason replied, throwing his hands up in the air.
‘So you’ve admitted to staring at my ass like a perv?’ You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
Jason pushed the bathroom door open fully to get closer to you and hold your face in his hands. ‘Don’t start acting like you haven’t stared at my ass like a perv, perv.’ He says with a chuckle upon seeing the expression upon your face, pressing kisses from your forehead and all the way down to the tip of your nose. ‘I thought you wouldn’t notice.’ You murmur softly, making Jason laugh as he lead you out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, where he then sat you down on the end of the bed and held your hand.
‘Well unfortunately for you, I do notice and I can’t say I don’t like the attention that I’d get for my charming parent.’ Jason says as he kisses the back of your hand. ‘You’re not mad that I’m a vigilante and have been keeping it from you all this time?’ You asked, running your thumb over his hand. ‘No because it would be quite hypocritical if I did because I’ve been keeping the same secret hidden from you also. Would you be mad at me being RedHood?’ Jason asked and you immeditly replied ‘no because I know you did so to keep me safe.’
‘Ans I know that you didn’t tell me for the exact same reason.’ Jason butted in. ‘Now that we know however, this just means that we’re even more of a kick ass couple because we literally kick ass every night and I couldn’t be more prouder of you baby.’ He add as he presses kisses to your face, making you chuckle before pulling away. ‘But that doesn’t mean I won’t stop worry about my baby. So expect a whole lot of team ups in the future okay chipmunk?’ You pressed a kiss to his cheek before stealing one from his lips as you stood up from the bed, tugging at his arm. ‘Why don’t we start teaming up now? RedHood and Nightshade, they’ll never see us coming by a long shot!’ You said and Jason couldn’t help but smile at your excitement as he then stood up, groaning dramatically. ‘Alright, alright, quick pulling my arm and get changed so we can go catch us some bad guys.’
You beamed brightly as you stole another kiss from his lips. ‘I love you Jaybirdie.’
‘The things I do for you buttercup.’ Jason spoke against your lips as he kisses you again.
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cakelitter · 2 months
Sugar Rush Sugar daddy! Leon x fem! reader
warnings: NSFW, sugardaddy! Leon, fem! reader, oral (f receiving), praise kink, age gap
summary: broke reader looks for a sugar daddy which happens to be Leon S. Kennedy
words: 4.1k
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“A week? How am I expected to find the money for rent by then?”
“I’ve given you 2 months to figure that out. This is the last straw, if rent is not paid by then, I’m afraid I’ll have to kick you out.”
“But I don’t even have a job I-”
The asshole hung up. Yet another door slamming right in your face. You throw your phone down on your couch as you sit next to it and contemplate what to do next. You can’t find enough money to pay in the span of a week, that’s impossible. You’ve been eating instant ramen for almost 3 weeks straight to cut down on costs, you’re starting to forget what real food tastes like.
You sigh and think about how you ended up in this situation in the first place, once being a hopeful college student who just graduated, full of energy, life, and so much optimist it’s nauseating. Found a new apartment in the capital and moved in a week later to find a job with nothing other than 3 cents to your name and a dream. You anticipated that finding a job with your degree won’t be such a difficult task, sure, your GPA wasn’t the best, but surely it won’t be that hard to secure a job.
If only you knew how naïve you were.
You’ve spent the past 4 months looking for a job left and right. Are people seriously not hiring these days? Either that or someone is praying on your downfall, or perhaps both. You’re way past the state of rock bottom at this point, if you looked through a dictionary for the word “fucked” a picture of your face would be there instead, smiling proudly with a medal around your neck. Your fingers claw at your life-long dreams as they try to slip away from your grasp.
Picking the skin off your lips, you start thinking about how you might have to move back to your home town, live with your parents again while they give you the ‘I told you so’ look, have to deal with people’s comments on why you came back and then have explain like a low life loser why. You start racking your brain for ways to find money, you need cash, and you need it fast.
How about you start selling drugs? Nah, you’d never survive in a field like that. Become a stripper perhaps? You’d fall off that pole and break your neck before you would’ve made a single penny. Your brain is filtering through the possible options you have at hand so quickly, your positive that smoke is coming out your ears at this rate. And that’s when you get it, the answer you were looking for.
A sugar daddy.
Bingo. The picture in your head features a white light with the silhouette of a smoking hot man in a suit leaning on a Porshe in the distance as dollar bills fall like flower petals angelically behind him. You do find older men a little hot, not that you tried dating any, but you’re not opposed to the idea of doing so. You’re no stranger to developing crushes on some older celebrities and video game characters, so this shouldn’t be any different…right? Look, you didn’t want it to reach this point, but desperate times call for desperate measures and in a week from now, you’re going to be homeless if you don’t start searching for someone’s dad to date right now. And apparently that’s all it took to convince you, as you find yourself downloading the app already.
Once the download is complete you open it, and you’re starting setting up your account. You pick the nicest picture you have of yourself, and it doesn’t take long before your account is good to go. Your eyes scan the matches that pop up on the screen, seeing the different faces in front of you that could be your new ticket of getting out of the predicament you’re in. And as you look, you read some of the disgusting bios that these men have, and soon enough a wave of self-awareness comes crashing down on you making you feel utterly disgusted with yourself. Are you seriously willing to go on dates with these dirty old men whose intentions are most definitely filthy, and for what? A hundred or two? You’re better than that, you’re an inspiring young woman with so mu-
The device in your hand vibrates, grabbing your attention as you get sent a message request from someone on the app.  You open the message, the username is L.S.Kennedy and his message says
“Are all girls usually this pretty? Or is it just you?”.
You stare at the message in front of you for a good minute, that might’ve been the cheesiest thing you’ve ever read since middle school. The account that sent it doesn’t have a profile picture and the bio just mentions his age. He is in his early forties, and aside from that you know nothing about the man. Your survival instincts start kicking in telling you that it’s a bad idea, talking to strangers especially men, online is how most people end up murdered only for their bodies to be found in a ditch. In addition, this man is cringy as fuck, there is no way he thought that would actually work. Those fifty dollars are not worth the years these jokes of his are going to take off your life span. No way, won’t work, you’d rather be homeless.
“Sorry if I came on too strong, I want to get to know you. How about 500$ for a first date? I’m willing to go higher.”
Your eyes go wide as you reread the number on your screen over, and over again. 500$. One date.
You love cringy and sappy shit, always had. They are in fact your favorite, love you a man with some cheesy pick-up lines. Call it love, call it fate, but this L.S.Kennedy guy is actually starting to grow on you.
“Hi! No not at all, I’d like to know you as well.”
Okay, that’s a lie. Being a slut and a liar is too much. You couldn’t care less about getting to know him, but alas rent won’t pay itself. The two of you then start talking for around an hour or two, he seems like a really nice guy. His name is apparently Leon and actually lives not too far away. His jokes are well… interesting. Epitome of dad jokes but again the man is the same age as your dad so that’s no surprise. On the bright side, he’s respectful and shockingly hasn’t said anything sexual or made you feel uncomfortable, so that’s a good start. Maybe this whole idea isn’t so bad after all.
The date was set for tomorrow at 7pm. He offered to pick you up but you refused. Listen, you’re dumb enough to go on a date with a man you knew for less than two hours for some quick cash, but not dumb enough to send him your address. The date will be at a nearby restaurant, one of the fanciest restaurants in Washington DC. You even heard that some celebrities and governmental officials actually go there.
Truth be told, you’re starting to get excited, this is by far the nicest thing a man has ever done to you. Albeit, the voice at the back of your head keeps reminding you that he could be dangerous, a stalker, a criminal, or worse, likes banana flavored stuff. A man with this much money is either in a higher up position, or simply working with the wrong people. Now that you think about it, perhaps asking him what he does for a living would’ve been a wise choice. But you didn’t want to sound like you were going after his money! Well, you are but at the end of the day, you still have manners.
The next day eventually rolls around and you start getting ready. You pick the best dress you have that hugs your body perfectly. Wanted to go for something which screams classy and elegant yet still hot. Just because you’re in debt, doesn’t mean you need to look like it as well.
Your friend agrees to drops you off at the location, she knows you’re going on a date with some guy you met on a dating app. She was almost as excited as you were when you found out where this “gentleman” was treating you. Little does she know this said “gentleman” is twice your age… let’s just hope you’re not going out on a date with someone’s husband.
Walking into the restaurant, you shoot him a text informing him that you arrived. Your phone vibrates a couple seconds later with a text that says.
“Waiting for you on the table near the second window.”
You start making your way to the table, and when you eventually find it, you’re greeted by the hottest man you’ve ever seen in your entire life standing near the table. He smiles softly and compliments you, you brain still didn’t register what he said though, as you’re still in awe with how good he looks.
Light brown hair, stormy blue eyes, a slight stubble decorating his chin and crow’s feet forming on the corner of his eyes as he smiles. His body, is in such a good form. Broad shoulders and massive biceps making the white button up shirt that he’s wearing tight in some areas. The chest, oh the chest, surprised how he’s not wearing a bra with those pillows glued to his chest, enough milk supply to feed a whole village.
The hidden cameras better come out now cause you’re definitely getting set up. This man is paying you to go out with him, while you’d pay a kidney and sell your friend for him to even step near you. He definitely has the sugar and daddy part checked off. You spent all this time searching for a job with no success, and you bag him first try? Maybe you should consider switching domains.
The two of you sit down at your table. The view from the window next to you is breath taking, the sun is setting and as she does, the rays reflect on the glass windows of the building below you creating a masterpiece of orange and red hues. The breeze up here is so refreshing, as the faint sound of by-passing cars honk below you. Your eyes move back to the man in front of you.
“This place is nice.”
“Glad you like it sweetheart.”
You’re already fighting the urge to sit on his lap and all he did was call you a stupid pet name. If you were a dog, your tail would definitely be wagging right now. The waiter eventually walks over to your table and you both place your meals before he walks away leaving the two of you alone once more.
“Can I ask you a question?” you say and he raises an eyebrow in return followed by a polite smile.
“Sure, go ahead.”
“Why do you not have your name or your face on your profile?”
Understandable question, he’s hot as fuck and would have woman fighting over him on that app if he showed his face. He chuckles at your question, the kind of laugh that sounds like a yacht and a mansion in the Maldives.
“Well, my field of work requires me to keep a low profile, not that I’m complaining anyway. Plus I don’t think my face is really important in these kinds of dates anyways. I know that probably looked really suspicious but I can assure you, I’m not trying to kill you.” He says the last part as he raises his hands defensively.
You nod gently in return. While that did answer some of the questions you had, you were still intrigued to learn more about him. What field does he work in anyway? How can he afford all this? Curiosity was getting the best of you, and so you ask.
“What do you do for a living?”
He grins, and looks at you for a few moments before answering.
“Hmm I get it. Nothing illegal, so that pretty head of yours can stop worrying.” You’re honestly a bit embarrassed now, it’s a date not an interview. But you needed to make sure that you’re safe okay! Better safe than sorry.
He then starts asking questions about your interests, past, favorite movies, etc. And soon enough your food arrives, you continue chatting as you take some bites out of your dish. He’s genuinely interesting, and very attentive. You notice how he watches your expression, body language, and the tone of your voice. Throughout the conversation you learn a bit more about him as well, learned how he went to police academy, hated wearing ties, and thinks that reading books is boring. Last one is a bit problematic, but sure.
Time passes and maybe it’s your brain playing tricks on you, or maybe it’s the wine you keep on sipping, but he seems to get flirtier by the minute. You notice the way his eyes drop down to your lips shamelessly as you speak, and how they linger for a little too long on your chest. You’re not completely innocent however, you are guilty of tilting your head to the side every now and then, batting your pretty mascara covered lashes at him causing a smirk to rise on his face. You manage to get away with it a couple of times before he decides to comment about it.
“Need something sweetheart? I’d like to hear some of those thoughts of yours.”
“I think you’re hot.” That was bold, but he asked for it. Your words don’t even take him by surprise, he knew what you were thinking about, its written all over your face but he just needed you to say it out loud.
“Feelings mutual. How about we get out of here yeah?”
He orders the bill which he pays while leaving a generous tip. The two of you get up, head out the restaurant’s door, and walk over to his car. He opens the door for you in true gentleman fashion and gets in himself. The car smells clean, almost like its brand new. The inside is plain with not much decoration but pretty neat. The windows are tinted blocking out anyone from spying in. He twists the car keys and the engine roars to life and soon enough you start heading towards his place.
Sometime during the ride home, his hand rests on the inside of your thigh and starts slowly moving up to your center before stopping. You bite your lip as heat starts pooling between your legs. His hand then begins caressing your thigh, running his thumb up and down, so close yet so far from where you actually want him to be. The whole time his eyes are fixated on the road ahead of him, simply toying with you for his own fun. Things remain the same for a while before his hands snake up our dress even further, thumb making contact with your cunt. His strokes are lazy and weak, almost as if his fingers are ghosting over your bundle of nerves.  Your hips squirm at the sensation and you attempt to move your hips closer to his hand to get more friction. But as you do that moves his hand away from you and repositions itself back on your thigh causing you to whine in protest.
“Almost there baby, can you wait a few minutes more for me? Promise I will make it worth it.”
He looks over to you and you nod a little too enthusiastically. His lips upturn into a smile at your eagerness.
“Such a good girl.” He says, his knuckle brushing against your cheek.
The car then parks at an apartment building, the type that is 16 stories high and the oxygen alone, feels more high quality. He gets out of the car and opens the door for you, before taking your hand in his and making his way to the entrance. The sound of your heels clacking on the tile floor of the reception as you follow his lead to the double doored elevator. You both walk in and he presses the button to the last floor which is followed by the elevator doors closing.
As soon as the two of you are alone in the space, his hand grabs your wrist pinning you onto one of the walls as his other hand grabs your hip before crashing his lips onto yours. You kiss him back, your free hand touching the exposed part of his neck before going up into his hair. He groans at the sensation and grinds his hips into yours, feeling his hardened cock through his pants causing you back to arch. His tongues coax its way into your mouth and you reciprocate. Both of your lips disconnect for a moment as he decides to move to your neck next, sucking and biting on the open skin leaving red and purple marks to blossom in the places where his mouth once was. A soft whine escapes you at the feeling of his hot mouth on the sensitive skin of the crook of your neck.
The elevator dings announcing your arrival, which is followed by the door opening revealing the stupendous penthouse in front of you. The windows are ceiling high and have a wondrous view of the capital, the apartment is dimly lit with only a few lamps illuminating the black and gray living room furniture. The house that you see getting sold for millions of dollars.
“I’ll give you a tour later.”
He says as he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder, giving your now exposed behind a smack, and your legs kick in return. He makes his way up the stairs and into what you can only assume is his bedroom before tossing you down on your back and caging you in with his arms. Your hands reach out locking behind his neck pulling him into another kiss, as his hand reaches out for your breast, fondling it through the fabric of your dress.
The stickiness between your legs is starting to get uncomfortable as the sensations of pleasure start taking over you. His hips which are now situated between your legs start rutting against you and open your legs further in return. You feel a hand unzip your dress as you shift slightly allowing him to take the article of clothing off which is then followed by your bra. As soon as your top naked, he wastes no times latching his mouth to one of your stiff peaks, while the other hand flicks the other. He switches between sucking on your nipple and leaving some bite marks of the delicate flesh.
Moments later the removes his mouth with a resounding pop, and starts kissing his way down from the valley between your breasts till the waistband of your panties. He gets off of you for a moment to unbutton his shirt and unbuckle his belt removing it and tossing it somewhere behind him, his pants following a second later. Your eyes travel over his body, unsure where to look at first. Chiseled chest muscles with some trimmed chest hair, defined abs and an unremarkable V line leading to his covered crotch area with few scars scattered all over his body like stars.
“Staring is rude y’know. But you’re cute so I’ll let it pass.” He jokes and moves positioning himself between your legs, he gives your clothed cunt an open-mouthed kiss, his hot breath making you squirm at the feeling.
“Been wanting to taste you all night.”
His fingers grab the hem of your panties pulling them off, revealing your glistening core to him. You feel the familiar sensation of his thumb on your clit once again moving in firm circular motions as his eyes remain glued to your center. The same thumb then moves down to your entrance collecting some of your dripping arousal before going back to its original position.
“Damn baby, all of that for me?”
You nod, your eyes feeling heavy and brain fuzzy from his skilled fingers.
“What you get your clit rubbed a few times and now you can no longer speak? Use your words, I know you can.”
“Yeah, for you. All for you.”
“Atta girl”
He speaks before replacing his thumb with his mouth, your head falls back against the plush mattress as a moan escapes your lips. His hands grab your hips keeping them in place as he eats you like a man starved. He shifts between sucking on your bundle of nerves and dipping his tongue into your entrance, as the prickly feeling of his stubble somehow makes the whole experience much hotter.
Your completely fucked out at this point and he hasn’t even fucked you yet. This is probably the best head you’ve ever gotten in your life. Maybe going after older men was the right call after all. Your hand reaches out and grips his soft hair tugging on it, earning a groan from him which vibrates through you, only intensifying the feeling bubbling inside of you. The view in front of you is now practically burn in the back of your mind till the day you die. The knot in your stomach only seems to get tighter and tighter as his tongue laps over your cunt over and over again.
“Gonna cum.”
“On my face baby, show me how good it feels.”
He opts to focusing on sucking on your clit as two of his fingers penetrate you, and begin to move at the perfect pace and that was enough to send you over the edge. Stars explode behind your eyes as your whole-body shakes. The feeling of his tongue on you that was once causing you pleasure, has now turned into the uncomfortable feeling of overstimulation. You whimper and tug on his hair once again. His face detaches from your core, chin shiny and coated with your arousal as he sucks off the remaining fluid on his fingers and he moves back up removing his underwear. His dick springs free, tip red leaky with precum as he strokes it a few times. Dropping down to your level, he gives your lips a soft kiss while he teases your entrance with his dick for a few moments before he bullies it into you with ease thanks to how wet you’ve gotten. He sucks in a breath of air as your heat envelops him. The tip almost kisses the opening of your cervix as pain and pleasure start to become undifferentiable. You feel full, the fullest you’ve ever been.
“Fuck, tightest fucking pussy I’ve ever had”
Both of you are now face to face with each other, as he gives your furrowed brow a quick peck. His hips then start to move back before going in once more. He grabs your hip with both of his hands as he starts picking up the pace. The look on your face says it all, completely and utterly cock drunk. Eyes droopy, mouth drooling, and babbling pure none sense.
“You still with me sweetheart?” he chuckles as he continues his rocking motion.
“Feels good.”
“And what do you say?”
“Thank you Leon, thank you so much.”
In return, his pace quickens. The sounds of skin smacking and both of your moans fill the quiet room. You don’t know where that came from, never in your life you ever said something like this. This man puts his dick in you once and he’s already rearranging all of your brain chemistry… and your organs. You’re already starting to feel your orgasm creeping up on you once more as your moans only seem to get louder. The pace that Leon is fucking you in, in addition to the praises that are spilling out of his mouth in tandem force another orgasm out of you as you claw at his forearms in attempts to stay grounded.
The spasming sensation of your heat around him causes him to moan as his peak approaches. He pulls out of you, gives himself a few strokes before finishing all over your stomach and collapsing next to you. After his breathing regulates again, gets up, grabs a towel and cleans the mess he made before tucking you in and placing a kiss at the crown of your head.
“Leon” your voice softly calls out to him.
“Are all middle-aged men usually this pretty, or is it just you?”
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banner by:@anitalenia
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cxrrodedcoffin · 2 months
Begin Again - Aaron Hotchner
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“you pull my chair out and help me in, and you don't know how nice that is, but i do.”
Likes are always appreciated but reblogs and feedback keep artists going!
Summary: Part 2 to don’t call me kid, Aaron takes Reader on their first date and things go better than expected.
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Aaron Hotchner massive prog rock nerd confirmed by me (◡‿◡✿) I’ve decided to turn this into a mini series so more parts to come!
TW: established relationship, anxiety, food, alcohol repeatedly mentioned, fem reader, fluffy fluff, reader + aaron are huge music nerds
Rating: PG
It had been two weeks since you’d confessed your love to Aaron Hotchner, and tonight was the night you were finally going on your first official date with him. You weren’t sure how to feel, your stomach swirling with butterflies of excitement and fear all the same. Your previous plans of doing this last weekend had fallen through as the BAU was called onto an emergency case, the last one you’d work with the team. You’d been with your new unit for a week, the new setting pitching your anxiety to an all time high, and the pressure you were putting on yourself for tonight certainly wasn’t helping either. How would this go? Would he find your interests intriguing, or childish? Were you even ready for a relationship as high stakes as this one?
You brushed your scattered thoughts aside as you pulled the dress you’d spent hours contemplating over your figure, pulling the zipper before nervously smoothing out the fabric over your hips. Aaron had chosen the restaurant, a small but upscale place close to your apartment. He didn’t mind making the drive to your part of town, he wanted first and foremost for you to feel as comfortable as possible, and he knew if things somehow went south you’d be able to get home easily without him.
Aaron had his own doubts, he knew you were more than capable of making informed decisions, he’d witnessed you do so many times over the last couple years, even under extreme duress, but he still doubted you fully understood what you were getting into with him. Truthfully he didn’t understand what you saw in him, he felt impossibly flawed in every way. There was always something more he felt he could do, constantly trying to improve himself to make up for his self-perceived failings.
What he didn’t know was that you knew about his past and a good amount of his complicated personal relationships, and none of it phased you in the slightest. The rest of the team wasn’t exactly tight-lipped about anyone’s history, a few drinks into girl’s night always resulted in gossip sessions about the whole team, and the subject of Aaron Hotchner was no exception. Your past wasn’t devoid of trauma either, and you weren’t afraid of a little emotional instability.
You looked over your appearance in the mirror one last time before grabbing your bag and car keys and making your way to the restaurant, pulling into the first open spot you could find. You scanned the lot, hoping to find Aaron’s car amongst the rows of vehicles, but it was no use trying to pinpoint it in the sea of black sedans.
You took a deep breath and walked to the door, heels clicking against concrete. You pulled open the heavy glass door, silently praying that you wouldn’t have to wait long for him. You approached the hostess stand, ready to explain your situation to the well-dressed server behind it when you saw Aaron rise from his chair at a table tucked away in the corner of the crowded restaurant, waving you over. You breathed a sigh of relief as you walked across the dining floor, clutching your purse tightly against your body.
He was so handsome, he always was, but tonight, in his open suit jacket, with the top few buttons of his collar undone, perfectly framing his Adam's apple, you felt like your knees could buckle at any moment. Your cheeks burned in embarrassment, smiling in an attempt to hide how flustered he made you.
“You look beautiful.” He broke the slight tension in the air as you finally approached the table he’d reserved for the two of you, pulling your chair out, ever the gentleman.
“Thank you.” You smiled at him, keeping your response short and turning your head down while taking your seat in hopes of hiding the blush overwhelming your cheeks. He made you feel like you were experiencing a crush for the first time again, and it made your doubts about doing this even stronger. Maybe you were too young, too naive to attempt to commit to a man as mature as Aaron Hotchner.
“Did you have trouble parking? It’s not usually this busy.” He skipped the usual greetings, feeling it unnecessary given your prior history. The mundane question pulled you out of the dark cloud of doubt in your mind for a moment, almost putting you at ease.
“Oh, it was okay, I found a spot right away.” You reassured him, picking up the menu to browse the dinner selection.
“Do you mind if I order for you? There’s a dish on the menu I really think you’d enjoy.” He asked, pulling your gaze from the menu. His request caught you off guard in the best way possible, your heart beating just a little faster at the thought of him thinking about what you’d enjoy. You figured it could be fun to put him to the test and see if he was really catching onto your tastes the way he seemed to think he was.
“Sure, I trust you.”
When the waiter came by to take your orders, he ordered the same dish for each of you and a bottle of wine he knew would pair well. You couldn’t deny that the way he took charge even in the most mundane ways was deeply alluring. Despite your naturally headstrong demeanor, you didn’t mind letting go of control around him, and if he was open to it, you couldn’t wait to explore that dynamic in other areas given the chance.
“How are you liking your new position?”
“It’s good so far, I do miss seeing you and the team, but I think I’m fitting in pretty well with my new team members.” You took a sip of your wine, avoiding eye contact as you tried to hide your half-lie. Truthfully, you weren’t adjusting the best to your new surroundings. Your coworkers were nice enough, but the low stakes nature of financial crime didn’t exactly build a family dynamic the way the BAU did.
“I’m glad you’re finding your footing.” He smiled softly, not letting on that he knew you weren’t being entirely honest. He didn’t want to push, trusting that you’d let him in more as you become more comfortable around him.
You didn’t know what to say, continuing to down your wine until the waiter brought your meals to the table. You both took your first few bites in silence, enjoying the food in front of you. Aaron was right, as he usually is, in picking it for you. Maybe he understood you better than you’d thought.
You exchanged small glances, content to enjoy the hum of hushed conversation coming from the tables around you, until you saw something stirring behind his eyes. He swallowed and took a deep breath, preparing himself to break the comfortable silence.
“I’ve been thinking about that night a lot, and I want to commend you for your bravery. I know it must’ve taken a lot of courage to open up to me like that and I want you to know how much I appreciate your vulnerability.” His right hand outstretched across the table to squeeze yours, the reassuring touch sending a spark straight to your heart.
“Thank you, Aaron, that means more than you know.”
He sat up just a little bit straighter at your words, as if the metaphorical weight he’d been carrying was suddenly lifted off of his shoulders. Having confirmation that he had been harboring the same nerves you were about tonight made the butterflies in your stomach settle to a dull flutter.
“You really seemed to take a liking to my record collection, who are your favorite musicians?” You redirected the conversation for his sake and yours, hoping to lighten the mood and get to know him a little better than you already did.
“You already know I’m a fan of The Beatles’ experimental albums, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd are classic, and Blue Oyster Cult are an underrated favorite.”
You couldn’t help but feel captivated by the way his eyes lit up talking about the things he loved, and this was no exception.
“You know, when I was your age I saw Paul McCartney on his first solo tour.”
You almost couldn’t believe your ears, taking a second to register if he was being serious or not.
“You’re joking.” You playfully scoffed, raising an eyebrow.
“No, I went with some of my friends while I was in law school, can’t say I remember much from it though, we drank half our weight in cheap beer before he even came on stage.” He laughed, taking a sip of his wine. You’d never been more jealous in your life, but the way the outer corner of his eyes crinkled when he smiled made you forget your envy in an instant.
“Who knew mister tall, dark, and serious was so cool?” You teased, a sly smile plastered across your face. He shook his head with a deep laugh, taking another gulp of his wine.
You spent the rest of the night talking about your interests, telling Aaron all about your hobbies, answering his questions about the knickknacks he’d seen in your apartment. The more he asked the more you felt genuinely appreciated in a way you never had before, finding his attentiveness and attention to detail immensely attractive.
The more he learned about you, the harder he was falling. His previous impression of you as a young, naive agent was thrown out the window with every word that left your lips, finding himself completely captivated by the vibrant, intelligent, sexy woman in front of him. He wanted to give you everything if you’d let him, and you hoped you could give him the world all the same.
tag list: @lover-of-books-and-tea @ssa-aaronhotchner @pleasantwitchgarden
DM me or send me an ask if you’d like to be added to my general or Aaron Hotchner taglist :)
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martinmuhl · 2 months
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⋆✧˚ ༘ prove it (part 3)
pair: paige bueckers x reader
warnings: none!
summary: notorious player paige wants to take the star volleyball player out on a date
authors note: hi guys, sorry it’s been a min. i’ve been in a writing slump so this prob isn’t very good :( it’s def not my best, but i hope you enjoy! love yall sm
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next week was the busiest week you’d had in a while. the national college volleyball tournament was next week and your coach was not messing around. if you weren’t in class, you were in the gym preparing. it was hard to focus on anything else when you were being worked so hard, but that didn’t mean you weren’t thinking about paige and her next surprise. it was 9pm on monday night and you were in bed about to pass out when you heard a knock at the door, feeling some nostalgia to when kk had surprised you everyday the week prior. sighing deeply, you got out of bed and opened your apartment door. peering down at you was the blonde you were just thinking about.
“well hello there, sleepyhead.” she jokes, a low laugh slipping out. you hadn’t even stopped to look at yourself before opening the door. your hair was probably a disaster and you were barely wearing any clothes, expecting it to be a teammate at the door.
“oh my god paige, really? you couldn’t have texted me first before showing up here?” you reached up to feel your hair and just how bad it was probably sticking out everywhere.
“i don’t have your number actually so… but i just wanted to ask you if you were free anytime this week? i know this is probably a pretty busy week for you, but i just need like a few hours of your time if that’s okay?” she smiles at you and despite how busy you are, you decide that you could probably spare a few hours for her.
“i guess i could probably spare a few hours of my time,” you giggle. “how’s wednesday? i have class and practice, but im done around 5ish. that okay?” she nods with a big goofy grin on her face.
“ill pick you up at 6 then, ma.” she says, bouncing on the heels of her feet. you nod, and she looks like she wants to say or do something else.
“did you have anything else you wanted to say?” you ask and a sheepish smile appears on her face.
“i just like you a lot and i really want to touch you,” she says, her face instantly turning red. “oh god, not like that. i just mean that i really want to hug you or something and i don’t know if-“ you cut her off, chuckling at her rambling.
“paige.” is all you say.
“you can hug me.” as soon as she hears that, her arms engulf you in a hug. she squeezes tight, like she doesn’t want to let go. after she let go, she looked like she was going to say goodbye, but you had other ideas.
“did you want to come in?” you couldn’t help yourself. you knew that you couldn’t fully trust her yet, but it was paige bueckers. she’s the most beautiful girl you had ever seen and was already proving to you that she was worthy a date. why not invite her in?
paige rocked back and forth, contemplating. “i really want to, i hope you know that… but i feel like if i did it would seem like im going back to my old ways and im not at all.” she chewed her lip, peering down at you.
you nodded and felt disappointed, but also a bit of relief. you wanted so bad to believe her and honestly, this was a huge step for you toward that. you weren’t looking to have sex with her tonight, but the fact that she didn’t even want to chance it made your heart swell. eventually, paige said goodbye and you fell asleep that night thinking of her.
wednesday rolled around and paige picked you up for your surprise. she ended up driving you to a local park to watch the sunset and have a picnic. you felt like it was a date, which is what she was supposed to be working toward, but you didn’t want to take any of her excitement away so you let it slide. she was so proud of herself for setting it up all by herself. it was a great night, paige was everything you thought she wasn’t. she was kind and always complimenting you, but also seemed so interested in you and learning all there was about you. you were hesitant at first, but eventually opened up and told her about your family and other personal things to which she did the same.
after the surprise, she drove you home and hugged you goodnight. you had also gotten her number, finally. you were over the moon. paige was making you the happiest you’d been in a while. the next two days passed and you had decided. you didn’t need to wait the whole month, right? she had already proved so much to you. she had changed and she wanted you. just as you pulled your phone out to text her to come over, you received a message from your teammate, allison. your heart sunk.
allison: hey girl, just wanted to let you know that the team is at the bar right now and so is the wbb team. paige has been hanging with a brunette i’ve never seen before all night and they look really comfy… just wanted to tell you just in case you didn’t know :/
you: oh wow.. thanks for letting me know alli <3
allison: you should get your ass down here and confront her!! no one plays you! want me to beat her ass?
you: no no, it’s okay i’m on my way. you’re right, no one plays me.
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leclsrc · 1 year
can i please request a forbidden relationship with charles? like maybe a verstappen!reader or a wolff!reader? angst to fluff please 😩
name calling – cl16
Charles develops a new nickname, but it's not for you. (wolff!reader)
auds here... i love u anon and i hope its okay that i did not write angst into this!!! i needed a feel good thing to get the trope going. listened to this a lot while writing, one of my favorite cutesy love songs ever!
“There’s peach and apple,” you say over the phone, inspecting the juice box flavors in the well-stocked fridge of the Mercedes motorhome. Apparently, over at Ferrari, the supply is running dry, a report generously provided to you by your boyfriend.
“Is there lemon?” You two have the same favorite. You rifle through the stock and find a lone lemon flavor collecting frost at the back of the pile.
“None.” You say, clearing your throat. “Come on, man. Peach and apple.”
He makes a noise of suspicion, but gives in. “Peach then.”
“Okay.” You tuck your phone in-between your ear and shoulder and collect multiple to find the coldest one, an accompaniment to the heat this weekend; your call is cut short when your dad walks in, eyebrows set in a straight line of contemplation.
They raise when he spots you harboring a bunch of peach juice boxes. “Gotta go, bye,” you add in a rushed whisper, and he says a quick see you thanks before hanging up.
“Dad,” you say casually. You raise one of the six boxes in your hand. “Juice?”
“Is there lemon left?”
“No luck. Peach and apple,” you say sweetly.
“I’ll have apple. Listen, I’m going to a principal’s meeting using your scooter.”
You toss him a box. “Okay. Stay safe,” you respond, letting him pull you into a one-armed hug. “There’s too many people in the centre so I’ve been scootering behind motorhomes to get to places faster. Might help.”
“Okay, spatzi,” he says, punching a straw into the box and departing. This signals a greenlight for you to call Charles again—despite your best mutual efforts, you’ve both been almost caught calling or being near each other by your dad. And, in the words of your lovely boyfriend, he’s not yet ready to die. But the hiding is worth it; after all, it’s hiding from the public, which you both wanted from the get go, and your dad. Your mum and several friends know, which makes the lying ease up a little bit.
He picks up in the middle of the first ring. “Hey. Got my juice?” 
“Yeah. Back door.” A routine crafted over years of knowing each other—first as friends, then as lovers—serves you well, a rushed meeting at the back door of a garage or motorhome to discuss date night plans or to hand over a gift or plate of food. In this case, it’s a juice box, half-tossed in your rush to not be spotted by one of your dad’s friends.
And, as always, he blows you a kiss as you close the door.
Four sips into his peach juice, Charles sneaks past the Mercedes motorhome and moves back to Ferrari, but not without spotting a mess of long limbs on the ground beside a forgotten scooter. Upon closer inspection, his suspicion of it being a deranged superfan is rejected—it’s Toto Wolff.
“I must have tripped on a wire,” Toto grunts, eyes scanning the ground. He meets Charles’ eyes. 
“Let me help you,” Charles says, immediately offering a hand and pulling. The guy is jacked, so he exerts a bit more effort than he’s willing to admit; the job gets done nonetheless, so potato-potahto, really. 
“Thank you,” wheezes Toto, sitting up, all six feet five of him, “son.”
Charles is slack mouthed. Oh my God. Son???? “You are welcome, so welcome,” he responds kindly, despite the awkward tension. “Um, Papa.”
Toto pauses his ascent and stares pointedly before shaking his head. “I… must go.”
“Well, drive safe. Watch the roads. And all.” Charles says, laughing sheepishly. “Toto. Watch the roads, and all, Toto.” He emphasizes, like that takes back the fact that he called the big boss Papa just ten seconds ago. He chews at the straw of the peach juice, gnawing nervously.
“I will. Thanks again.” He falls quiet, staring. Then a knobby finger points to the juice box, waving back and forth in-between the juice box in the garbage bin a few metres away. “They’re… your juice box… is that from the Mercedes… motorhome?”
“No,” lies Charles with unrivaled stiffness.
“It is a German brand we special order for my daughter.”
“No—see, I am very into German juice.” He ignores the way it sounds like a euphemism. “What’s that? My phone is now ringing. Okay. D’accord. Au revoir.” He walks away as he makes up additional excuses, not missing Toto’s laser stare that seems to permeate through walls and asphalt, finding reprieve only when he’s back in his room.
He chucks the juice box into the nearest bin and prays to all the gods.
Charles ends up getting P1. He’s surrounded by whoops and cheers and receives a very solemn “good effort” nod from Toto across the paddock, which he feels cements his apology and effectively keeps your relationship hidden. He’s handled it well. For once, he’s the mature crisis handler in the relationship, and you don’t need to know about any of this, you really don’t.
You congratulate him at the back door like always, when he’s on the way to the parking lot.
A kiss to his cheek. Then: “I have something to ask.”
“What’s that, darling?”
“Did you, um. Call my dad Papa?”
He presses a palm to his mouth in a very Charles-esque overdramatic way. “Oh my God, he told you?!”
“Oh my God, it’s true?!” You detect the volume in your voice and usher yourself out, quietly shutting the door before facing him again. You raise your eyebrows.
Your boyfriend, your adorably aloof boyfriend, just sputters. “Well—he called me son!”
“Yeah, because he’s old! Old people do that.” You gesticulate wildly “I can’t believe you called him Papa.”
“I can’t believe he told you.”
“I can’t believe you both thought I did not know,” comes a voice from the door that is, unfortunately, not Lewis’ or George’s or yours or Charles’.
The door swings open and there your dad stands, eyebrows raised quizzically, windbreaker-clad arms crossed over his chest. “Charles, I know you don’t ‘like German juice.’ Spatzi, I know you don’t ‘enjoy exploring Monaco hotels by yourself.’” Stoically, he raises air quotes.
“… Sorry?” You offer, smile sweet.
“It’s okay.” He allows a small, warm smile directed to you. “I’ve known a while now.”
“Sorry, Toto,” Charles says profusely, visibly anxious.
The smile chills. Your dad just nods, waving him off. “Cool down on the Papa, though, Leclerc.” 
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peetaslefttoe · 1 year
could you write a smut where you and peeta have been dating for a month, but havent gotten intimate yet? finally he asks if yall could get intimate and it becomes very spicy - fem! reader pls ❤️
warnings: oral (fem! receiving), p in v, lil bit of filth, sub Peeta oops 🤭
summary: request above
author’s note: ahh i love that idea sm tyyy 🫶 sub peeta is my religion 🙏🙏🙏
Masterlist Pinned xx
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Peeta sat down beside you, placing a warm hand on your leg. You swung your legs over his, lying back against the armrest. He traced circles and patterns with his fingers on your thighs sending shivers up your back.
You and Peeta had been dating for a month now, you didn’t think you’d ever been so in love with a boy as you were with him. His gentle gaze set your heart on fire, his careful touch and soft expression eating away at your resolve. You’d spent day after day with him in the woods, walking through town, sitting at home. There was one thing buzzing in the back of your mind, despite all of the happiness and butterflies the last few weeks had brought… you couldn’t help but crave more. Every innocent touch had you melting under his hands, you had trouble resisting your urge to straddle him and fuck him right now. His jaw clenching in the firelight, his strong arms across your legs, tickling at your sensitive skin. Suddenly your horny silence was broken by his deep voice.
“Hey Y/N?” he asked, looking to you suddenly.
“Hm?” you responded, turning your eyes to meet his own.
“I’ve really enjoyed the time we’ve been spending together… I really do like you and-,” he paused, contemplating his next words, “If you’re not ready I would never push you, I just wanted to let you know that I’m ready… when you are I mean,” he finished awkwardly, his cheeks blushing.
“Ready for what?” you asked feigning innocence as his eyes flicked across your face trying to read your expression.
“You know… I want to feel you, around me,” he said quietly, looking down at the his fingers as they traced your thighs. You smirked at his sudden shyness, pushing yourself up onto your elbows to see him better.
“You want me to fuck you, pretty boy?” you asked slyly, relishing in his embarrassment. He paused for a moment before nodding. You sat up coming down to straddle him and cupping his jaw in your hands. You leaned in kissing him gently. He pulled back, trying to speak.
“Can I taste you?” he asked with a sudden burst of confidence. You felt him grow hard beneath your ass as he grew increasingly desperate.
“I don’t know…” you said, cocking your head at him. God how you wanted to hear pathetic begs fall from his delicate lips.
“Please,” he nearly whimpered, his hands gripping your hips tightly.
“Beg me for it,” you demanded, looking down at him and running your hands up his chest slowly.
“Please Y/N, can I please eat your pussy? I haven’t been able to stop touching myself thinking of how you must taste,” he confessed, his cheeks bright with embarrassment and need. You smiled, satisfied with his answer. You climbed off him, gesturing for him to lie down before you shimmied out of your panties and pulled your shirt over your head, baring yourself to him. Peeta’s breathing quickened at the sight of your body, he clenched his hands into fists trying to regain control as his cock throbbed painfully in his jeans.
“Go on, take your dick out darling,” you said, wanting to see how he got off on pleasuring you. He obeyed quickly, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants before lowering them enough to release his cock and balls.
“Fuck, such a pretty dick,” you moaned, nearly drooling. You held yourself back from your urge to spend hours licking and sucking his fat, dripping length. You snapped out of your thoughts when Peeta cupped his sack, whimpering loudly.
“What’s wrong baby?”
“Need you, need to taste you,” he whined. You tugged his shirt over his head before straddling his shoulders. You placed a soft kiss on his head and brushed his sweaty blonde hair from his face. You then moved forward, lowering yourself slowly down onto his outstretched tongue. You moaned as his open mouth embraced your sensitive pussy. You felt his whimpers spread from your core up your spine. You threw your head back whining as he devoured you like a starved man. He sucked at you, filthy noises filled the room as he latched onto your soaked pussy. You felt your legs shake around him as you clutched his face into you. Suddenly he pulled back making you groan at the loss of contact.
“Please, I want you to cum on my cock pretty girl,” he said lowly, squeezing your hips gently. You smirked down at him before moving back down to straddle him.
“Normally i’d punish you for stopping mommy from cumming but my cunt is fucking dripping,” you said, pressing a firm kiss to his sore tip. He whimpered at the feeling and bucked up into your face. You grasped his hips, pinning him back down.
“Can you be patient for me Peeta?” you asked slowly. He moaned at your use of his name, grinding his hips and nodding needily. You brought a tight fist to his hard length, easing yourself down onto him. He shuddered, his face contorting in pleasure.
“Oh my god, you’re so fucking tight,” he nearly whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut and clutching the sheets beneath him. You moaned at his words, slowly setting a pace as you bounced on his thick cock.
“You’re stretching me out so good Peeta,” you said breathily as your wet hole burned at the size of his length. He rutted up into you at your praise, his cheeks turning crimson.
“You like it when I praise you, don’t you pretty boy?” he nodded pathetically, his eyes begging you to continue.
“Such a good boy for me, letting me milk your big cock,”
“yes mommy i’m a good boy,” he whispered, his eyes shut in pleasure. He suddenly realized his slip up, he sat up slightly in shock, his eyes snapping open. “I- I’m sorry i didn’t mean to say that,” he stuttered nervously. You laughed softly, cupping his cheek.
“You don’t have to apologize, that was beyond hot baby,” you pushed him back on the bed, plunging his throbbing dick into you harder than ever.
“Mommy,” he whined, testing the waters as you rode him furiously.
“Such a good boy for mommy, think you can fill me up with you stickies?” you asked, breathing heavily as his dick rammed into your sweet spot with each stroke.
“Yes mommy, gonna fill you all up,” he cried, his body stiffening as he shot ropes of warm cum, coating your walls as you rode him wildly. Your own orgasm hit you like a train, you pulled yourself from his dripping cock and rubbed at your clit, shaking. You came hard, squirting all over his chest and face as your hips bucked and your hole leaked his hot cum.
You lay beside him, your bodies leaking fluids and the smell of sex and fresh sweat coating the sheets. You kissed him deeply, as he held you tight.
“I love you so much Y/N,” Peeta whispered. You smiled against his lips.
“I love you too baby,”
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hippolotamus · 4 months
thought i planned for everything (just didn’t count on you) | 1.6k | E (BuckTommy)
Earlier today I promised my wife @bidisasterevankinard an incentive for studying in exchange for making her think about too many WIP ideas. Since husband @diazsdimples is also going through it with schooling, this is for both of you 😘 ps: idk anything about what certs and licenses and stuff Tommy would need. Just roll with it and be nice, yeah? Also, this is unbeta’d so if you see any mistakes, no you don’t.
Tommy scrubs at his forehead, blowing out a frustrated breath. He’s looked at the material in front of him for months now, determined to ace his recertifications. And it had been going well. Really well, in fact. He had a study schedule mapped out, accounting for his shifts and time with friends. He even left a small margin for the unexpected. There was just one factor he hadn’t accounted for. Evan.
The past few years of dating haven’t exactly gone anywhere serious. Some casual dates, one that he thought could go the distance but only broke his heart. So the expectation of having that feeling again? Of having someone thoughtful and caring, who gives him butterflies and makes him want things? Pretty much zero.
But then a hurricane happened. Actual and metaphorical. It tore through his life, upending the idea that love – or anything close to it – just wasn’t in the cards for him. And when everything settled, there was Evan. Evan, who asks how his shift was, tells him when he gets back from a call, and turns a pretty shade of pink as he blushes and says ‘I missed you’.
Tommy doesn’t regret any of it, but he does wish the universe’s cosmic timing could’ve held off just a little longer. At least until the state of California tells him what he already knows and says he’s fit to pilot an aircraft.
A knock on the door gets his attention, but he seriously contemplates ignoring it. He didn’t order anything and he doesn’t have plans. Unfortunately, the first responder in him can’t help wondering if one of his elderly neighbors needs something.
Fine. He sets down the pen he’s been chewing on and reminds himself it’s been too long since he stood up and walked around anyway.
“Evan?” Tommy asks, surprised to see him standing there. He instinctively looks him up and down for obvious injuries or signs of distress, but finds nothing. Only his gorgeous boyfriend, smiling coyly. “I didn’t forget about a date, did I?”
“No, uh, nothing like that. Because you are supposed to be studying.” Evan raises one eyebrow like Tommy is in the wrong for answering his own door after somehow manifesting Evan’s presence.
“And yet here you are.”
“Here I am,” Evan says shyly. “I know I’ve been taking a lot of your time lately and wanted to help.”
For the first time, Tommy notices Evan’s got his hands behind his back and wonders what his definition of ‘help’ is. He’s dressed down, soft and adorable in a hoodie and joggers, so it’s unlikely to be a booty call. Though not completely out of the question. And not that Tommy would complain either.
“Did you bring flashcards or something?”
“As a matter of fact…” Evan steps over the threshold, past Tommy, like he owns the place. While shy, demure Evan is a favorite, confident Evan is by no means a turn off. Especially as he whirls around and proudly holds up a set of blue, yellow and pink index cards. “I did.”
“A few nights, when I couldn’t sleep, I might have taken some notes of my own. And, like I said, thought I could make myself useful for my hot, pilot boyfriend.” He rocks up on his tiptoes, capturing Tommy’s lips for a chaste kiss before he meanders to the kitchen.
Tommy pushes the door closed, following Evan where he lays the cards down on the table, opposite the books and manuals Tommy has scattered. Evan walks to the cabinets and helps himself to a glass, filling it with water before returning. Next he makes himself comfortable in a chair, sitting slightly back with his legs spread apart.
“So, can I help?”
There’s a glimmer of mischief in the way Evan looks at him now that has his heart racing. Like helping is the last thing Evan plans to do.
Tommy gathers himself enough to sit down in his own seat and flashes Evan a confident smirk.
“Do your worst, kid.”
“I’ll start with an easy one. What is the atmospheric gas composition?”
“Twenty-one percent oxygen, seventy-eight percent nitrogen, one percent other,” Tommy rattles off.
“Well done.” Evan flicks the card down then casually leans over to untie one shoe and slip it off.
“What are you-”
Evan clicks his tongue, tutting in fake admonishment. “Can’t tell you all my secrets, baby. Next question. Each one hundred meter climb in elevation causes a temperature drop of what?”
“One degree Celsius.”
Evan simply grins and removes his other shoe, leaving him in socked feet. Tommy would be lying if he said his dick wasn’t taking interest now that he’s caught on to Evan’s game. It is thoroughly unhelpful.
“PAIP should be implemented how many minutes after an aircraft fails to give its position report or is overdue for arrival?”
“Fifteen. Got anything harder for me?”
Evan’s tongue darts out, licking along his lower lip. “Oh, you bet I do.”
Tommy takes a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure and think about… anything except bending Evan over the table. If only it was that simple.
They repeat the process, volleying questions and answers back and forth until Evan’s stripped down to his boxers, his cock obviously hard and leaking beneath the tented fabric. It’s distracting as hell and Tommy doesn’t know how he’s supposed to concentrate.
“Come on, old man,” Evan teases, palming himself lazily. “Lives are on the line here. You need to be able to think under tense conditions.”
“You’re such a brat.” Tommy’s jeans press uncomfortably on his own straining erection and he doesn’t bother to stop himself from mirroring Evan’s movements.
“Yeah, but I’m your brat.” Evan applies more pressure, letting out an obscene moan as he strokes himself. “Or I could be – ahh – if you get this – mmph – question right.”
“Fuck, Evan.” Tommy undoes his belt and zipper, creating the tiniest bit of relief.
“That’s the idea. Even – oh, fuck – wore the new plug I told you about.”
Christ, Evan’s gonna kill him before they get the chance to see this all play out. And that’s unacceptable.
“Don’t stop,” Tommy orders, stalking off to grab the lube stashed in the couch cushions. When he returns, Evan is still stroking himself exactly like he was instructed. “Good boy, Evan. Doing what I told you.”
Tommy grips his chin and crashes their mouths together in a filthy kiss, delighted as Evan makes the most beautiful whine.
“But, you – ah – didn’t answer me,” Evan protests when they separate.
“Myoglobin.” He leans close to Evan’s ear, nipping at the lobe. “Lesson’s over, kid. Face down over the table. Naked. Now.”
Evan nearly trips over himself, leaping up from his chair and shoving his boxers down. He drapes himself over the piles of papers and index cards, wiggling his ass like he’ll die if he has to go one more second without being fucked.
“Gotta say, I like your methods,” Tommy murmurs, starting to work the plug in and out, tracing his other hand along Evan’s bare skin. “But now I think it’s time for your reward. Don’t you, sweetheart?”
“Yeah, yes. Please.”
“So desperate, my Evan,” Tommy coos. “Thought you would be in control, getting me all worked up. And here you are, laid out so gorgeously for me, just begging for it.”
Tommy pulls the plug out completely, discarding it to the floor. Evan keens and clenches around nothing, just waiting to be full again.
“Don’t worry, baby. I got you.” Tommy shoves his jeans and boxers down to his thighs. He slicks himself up with the lube and smears a generous amount on his fingers, fucking them in and out of Evan’s hole. Just enough to ease the way.
“Tommy,” Evan pants, practically crying when he pulls out.
He lines himself up, gripping Evan’s hips and pushing in without additional warning. He doesn’t pause for adjustments before he sets a relentless pace. It’s unlikely either of them are going to last, but he’s not going for longevity here.
Evan curls his hands around the edges of the table, leveraging it to fuck himself back against Tommy’s cock. It’s stunning and breathtaking, the rhythm they’re creating. A symphony of moans, squelches and skin against skin.
Soon the familiar heat pools in his belly, bringing him closer to the edge.
“Ohfuuuuck,” Evan moans, purposely tightening around him.
Tommy digs his fingertips into Evan’s sides, the world around him being reduced to static and white noise as he comes, filling Evan up. He thinks he might shout Evan’s name, but he’s not really sure, nor does he really care as he slumps forward, draping himself across Evan’s glistening skin.
“Gimmeasec,” he mumbles. “I’ll take careayou.”
“No need,” Evan murmurs back. “All good.”
Tommy presses a lazy kiss to Evan’s spine, enjoying the resulting small shudder. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
He kisses another ridge, and another, before answering. “For taking notes. For caring. Wanting to help out. For being you.”
“It wasn’t too much?” Evan whispers, hesitantly.
“Never,” Tommy assures him, dropping gentle kisses over his neck and shoulders, mindful of the mess forming between them as he maneuvers to properly reach. “Never too much, baby.”
He bites back words that are too early to say, even if he definitely feels them. Has felt them building in his chest, creating a near endless chant. He wonders how long he’ll be able to smother them before they burst forth. Hopefully long enough. Enough for Evan to feel them, too. For Evan to want to stay.
“Clean up and nap?” Tommy asks instead.
“Sounds good. Earned it.”
Tommy huffs an amused sound against Evan’s skin before pressing one last kiss there. God, I hope so, kid.
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stars-tonight · 25 days
Hiiii!! Love the event that you are doing! Sounds so fun! Can I have Milk and Cookies with never have I ever? I’m so excited to see who it is lol!!!!
Love your writing style!!!
milk and cookies → ushijima wakatoshi
never have i ever → animal shelter date
synopsis: you take your large, stoic boyfriend to the animal shelter to look at cute animals. pre-established relationship. fluff
word count: 776
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“‘toshi, come look!”
you practically drag your boyfriend to a cage where a tortoiseshell cat sleeps. “how cute!”
ushijima tilts his head, studying the animal. an animal shelter wasn’t what he was expecting when you had asked him to hang out today. when he realized where you were taking him. . .
well. he went along because he wasn’t about to say no to you. you had seemed so excited at the idea of going to an animal shelter--he knows you adore animals. and maybe it’s just that: going to see cute animals.
but ushijima can’t help but feel sorry for them. they don’t fit in anywhere; they live at the shelter, sure, but shelter life isn’t suitable for any living creature. people come and stare at them, coo at them, take pictures. much like some of his own fans. ushijima pictures himself as a rabbit, stuck in a cage all day long with nothing to do but sleep and chew on carrots. he looks through the bars of his cage, and he sees his fans holding up signs with his name and face on it, sticking their fingers through the bars to try to pet him.
he contemplates setting all the rabbits free, but then decides that would be inappropriate.
you had booked an hour at the shelter; all the animals are for you to meet and play with. the worker will be in the room next door in case you need her; she gives you each a bag of treats and explains which ones are for which animals. you listen extremely attentively; ushijima tries to pay the same amount of attention as you, but his mind keeps drifting to long ears and carrot sticks.
eventually the worker leaves you two alone. you sit in the center of the room, and immediately a sphynx cat goes over to you, sniffs your fingers, and plops himself into your lap. you laugh, the sound like tinkling bells, and gently stroke the top of the cat’s head.
ushijima is still awkwardly standing. he looks around at all the animals, and his gaze lands on a german shepherd. this is his type of dog--big, strong, and silent. while the other animals are playing, tripping over each other and scrabbling to get the treats you throw to them, the german shepherd is calmly sitting off to the side, ears perked up as if on the lookout for danger. he tentatively reaches out a hand to the dog; within a couple of minutes he is absent-mindedly stroking the large canine as it lays by his side.
for most of the hour, the two of you stay in comfortable silence. your relationship is often filled with long periods where no one talks; ushijima obviously isn’t a big talker, and while you’re a bit more outgoing, there’s no need to fill every second of every day with words. sometimes you do something together that keeps you both busy--this is one of those times--but other times you just sit next to each other, each doing your own thing quietly. and both is fine. ushijima likes it that way. you do too, some peace and quiet in an otherwise chaotic life.
“are you going to meet any animals aside from that dog?” you tease him. ushijima frowns, studying his options.
“i like him,” he says finally. you chuckle to yourself, trying to imagine your boyfriend cuddling a persian cat.
“i’ve been wanting to do a fundraising project with this shelter for a while,” you admit. “with some good marketing, we could host events to raise money. more money means better conditions for all the animals. maybe some would even be able to get adopted. it’s super exciting.” your eyes shine hopefully.
ushijima looks at the german shepherd sitting next to him. “that would be good,” he decides. “permanent homes.”
“yeah,” you agree. “somewhere for them to stay forever. somewhere they belong. now come, look how cute this bunny is!”
you deposit a rabbit on his head. he blinks hard, and his eyebrows crease as he feels its claws digging into his hair. it’s mildly uncomfortable, but he doesn’t care much. the sunlight is shining on your face. you look so happy, so hopeful. you’re an angel. and where angels go, sad places become hopeful.
ushijima realizes that animal shelters are sad places, where homeless animals stay. but they are also hopeful places, where homeless animals heal and get a second chance at life. besides, the rabbits all look pretty happy, and his german shepherd certainly isn’t having a bad time here.
as your laughter rings through the room, ushijima realizes that maybe animal shelters aren’t so bad.
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A/N: hi! you were actually one of the first blogs i followed and i'm so excited to be moots! i hope you liked your blind pick 🫶
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Didn't Know What Love Was— Quinn Hughes
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summary: you were somewhat of a cynic when it came to love. you didn't believe in it, and if it was real, you didn't want it. that is, until your best friend sets you up with a certain hockey player named quinn.
warnings: swearing, fade to black smut (like extremely fade to black), fluff
word count: 3.9k+
this is inspired by the song 'didn't know what love was' by kane brown!
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You weren’t expecting to feel this way. 
You didn’t think this feeling was real. 
You’ve said it, you’ve been told it, but all of those instances weren’t real to you. You get to a certain point in a relationship and someone says it first and you think, yeah, I guess that’s what this is. It was nothing like how it was portrayed in the movies, because they were just movies. Movies are fake, so you thought love was, too. It always ended. It always included drama. And then you’d find someone new.
You’ve never been more wrong. 
February 20, 2021
“Mack, have you ever thought of the fact that I’m just not meant for a relationship? It’s all bullshit anyways,” you grumbled. You were laying on your back horizontally on bed with your feet hanging off the edge, settled on the floor. Your best friend, Mackenzie, was once again setting you up on a date. “You’re single now! Find yourself a date!” 
Mackenzie rolled her eyes and sat next to you, “I’m not ready to get back out there! It’s only been two weeks since Jason and I broke up and we dated for seven months. You, however, have been single for almost a year!” 
“You’re only proving my point, Mack!” you said, sitting up. “Relationships end. They’re messy and leave us heartbroken. And maybe the magic blinds you for a while and you get married, but I’ve met more people with divorced parents than married ones. And I’ve seen so many loveless marriages that the couple only sticks together because they wouldn’t know what else to do. I’ve seen couples break up in restaurants. I’ve seen couples fight and scream at a public park.  Love isn’t real. And if it is, I can live without it.” 
Mackenzie looked at you with the most pity filled expression you’ve ever seen. She believes in love. She believes in the shitty romance novels and shitty movies. But you’ve picked up her pieces too many times to even contemplate believing in it. 
“Love is real!” she exclaimed. “How else could people have written sonnets and movies and books and songs about it?”
“People write stuff about monsters, too, but you don’t see any people bursting into flames in the sunlight,” you said. 
“In Twilight they sparkled!”
“I don’t give a shit what they did, they’re still made up,” you laughed. “It’s called fiction for a reason.” 
“You can’t make up a feeling. You can’t make up being so enamored by someone that you miss them so bad it hurts when they’re not with you!” 
“You’re just repeating things you’ve heard in movies about love!” you argued. “You haven’t even been in love. Not truly. You told me so when you broke up with Jason.” 
“So go on this date, and if it all works out, you can tell me what love is. They even call oxytocin the love chemical! You believe in science! And I believe that this guy is the perfect match for you,” your best friend continued to beg. “Think of it as a science experiment.” 
You ended up caving, more so to get Mackenzie to stop begging. It’s not like you were against dating, you’ve had plenty of relationships, but after so many failed ones you stop seeing the point. You could get your needs met without being tied down and risking becoming attached. That’s all that “love” really was. Attachment. Sure, it’s nice to have one person that’s somewhat of a best friend to spend your life with. But adding all of that “girlfriend and boyfriend” stuff to it is destined for failure. And you were done with it. 
When you found him at the restaurant, you were taken back. You’d seen pictures of him so that you’d know who to look for, but he looked so much better in person. His hair looked unbelievably soft, and he somehow made the locks seemingly out of place look perfect. His soft eyes were to die for, and the sleeves of his black shirt rolled up made the veins in his arm visible. All you wanted to do was trace them. 
“Y/N?” the boy asked when he noticed you staring. He stood up to greet you, helping you slip off your jacket to hang on the back of the chair as he pulled it out for you. He waited for you to sit down before taking a seat himself. “I’m Quinn.”
“So I’ve heard,” you chuckled. “I’ve been told that you’re the sweetest guy Mackenzie knows and are bound to change my mind about my stance on relationships.”
“I’ve heard you don’t believe in love,” Quinn countered. 
Your eyes widened, and if you were taking a drink, you would’ve choked on it.
“Wow,” you said amused. “Mack jumped to the nitty gritty then? I take it this means that you do believe in love?”
“I do,” Quinn confirmed. 
“Have you ever been in love?”
“Not yet. But I’ve seen it. My parents have the purest love I’ve ever seen. They spread it to everyone they know and everyone my brothers and I know. They make it hard to not believe in it.”
You couldn’t help but feel soft at his statement. You’ve never heard anyone tell you that they believe in love because of their parents. Hell, you haven’t really had a guy firmly tell you that he believes in love. It was always your girl friends swearing up and down that “the one” is out there. 
“Are you going to teach me how to love, Quinn Hughes?” you said flirtily, placing your hand under your chin.
Quinn reached across the table and grabbed your other hand, “I’m going to show you what a romantic date is supposed to be like. And if you like it, I’ll take you on another. And another. And if we get there, I’ll show you how a real man acts as a boyfriend. And hopefully, along the way, we’ll fall in love. And I won’t say it until I know it’s there.”
“How will you know it’s love?” you asked. He already had you melting at his advances. 
“I’ll know when it’s a feeling I’ve never felt before. I’ll know when it’s a feeling that can’t be described as anything but love. Are you in?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. Quinn was serious. He didn’t want a fling. He wasn’t here to get sex at the end of the night. He was here to see if he can find the real thing with you. He was here for a challenge. 
“I’m in.”
Over dinner you two did the usual small chat about yourselves, but that quickly developed into telling full out stories. It wasn’t awkward with him like it had been on some other first dates. You were strangely very comfortable with him. 
He told you about his summer at his lake house with his family and friends, you told him about your trip to London with your cousins. He told you about how he first met Mack when she was drunk off her ass at a party back when she was still dating Brock, the only ex she ended on good terms with and is still friends with, and you told him about how she was not her drunkest at that party, and that one time you two snuck out of a party to have a lightsaber fight but didn’t have lightsabers so you used traffic cones. 
“You did not!” Quinn laughed. 
“We did!” you shouted over your laughs. You were definitely getting stares, but you didn’t care. “I beat her ass, too.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked, quirking his eyebrow. 
“Oh yeah. I totally had the high ground.” 
Quinn walked you to your car at the end of the night. You two shut down the restaurant, neither one of you desired to leave. You boldly grabbed his hand as you started walking and were relieved when he looped your fingers together in response. 
“Did you have a good time?” Quinn asked you when you arrived at your car. 
“I really did. I’m not sure I want it to end,” you admitted. 
You wanted so badly to ask him to come over. But he told you that he wanted to give you a romantic date, not a pre-sex affair. He’s looking for something real. Something that isn’t just sex. 
“Me either,” he smiled. 
As you two looked at each other, your eyes started flickering from his to his lips. He noticed, but you knew that he was doing the same. 
Your hunger ended when Quinn finally leaned in. His hands slid down your waist and settled on your hips, pulling you closer to him. Yours went up and around his neck, happily content feeling the ends of his hair.
Quinn kissed you in a way that you’ve never been kissed before. It was soft. Sensual. It had you aching for more. The feeling that people describe as “sparks flying?” You were pretty sure this was it. 
The kiss wasn’t rough; it wasn’t filled with primal need. 
It left you breathless. Lightheaded. Warm. 
It was the type of kiss that told you there was more to him. And all you wanted to do was learn. 
“That was—“
“Don’t describe it,” Quinn cut you off in a whisper. He reached his hand out to cup your face, “Just feel it.” 
All you could do was nod your head. You felt your entire body quivering at his touch. 
Quinn smiled and opened up your car door for you, “Tell me when you get home?”
“Y-yeah. I will,” you stammered. You couldn’t stop looking at him. 
“Goodnight, Y/N. Drive safe!”
“Goodnight, Quinn,” you smiled. 
You watched him walk away in your rear view mirror, smiling madly. Quinn left you feeling like a giddy little girl. It was something that no one else has ever done. 
March 16, 2021
You were going on your fifth date with Quinn tonight, and Mack was swearing up and down that Quinn was going to make things official. 
“Y/N/N, trust me!” she said while dramatically shaking you by the shoulders. 
“I want to!” you laughed, shoving her off of you. “I just don’t want to get any hopes up. We’re going out to have a good time and that’s it!” 
“Hopes up you say?” Mack asked as she wiggled her eyebrows. “Does that mean you want Quinn to ask you? Do you, Y/N Y/L/N, WANT a boyfriend just mere weeks after saying you were done with dating forever?”
“I didn’t say forever!” 
“Alright!” she surrendered. “I’m keeping my mouth shut because I don’t want to jinx anything, but just know that I am a very happy girl right now!”
You shook your head at your best friend’s nonsense. Okay, maybe you were hoping what she was saying will turn out to be true tonight, and maybe you were liking the goodnight calls and good morning texts and mid day updates. And maybe you relish in the smile Quinn gives you when you stand at the glass during warm ups at his games while you wear his jersey. And maybe you’ve never felt like this before, and it was making you the happiest you’ve ever been. But you weren’t sure if it was love. Love was still a weary and scary concept for you at this point. But maybe… maybe this is pre-love? Maybe this is the build up. Maybe this is the jump before the fall. 
You weren’t scared of jumping.
Whatever it is, you’re pretty positive it’s too early for love. You’re just now open to the idea of love because of Quinn, so you certainly were skeptical at the notion of “love at first sight.” Although, it’s been a little too long to count as “first sight.” Love at fifth date? Love at hundredth facetime? Call it what you want, but it still felt way too soon. 
You were still doing your makeup when there was a knock at the door, signaling that Quinn was here. 
“Mack, could you—“
“I’m already on it!” she cut you off, rushing down the stairs to open the door. 
You tried to finish up your mascara really quickly, but that only resulted in your dropping it and smearing some across your cheek. 
“Shit?” you heard Quinn ask. You gasped in surprise, and he just laughed as he approached you. He placed his hands on your cheeks and kissed the top of your head before taking a look at you, “Ahh. I see the source of the shit.”
“It’ll wipe off, it’s fine,” you shrugged. “I’ll just need five more minutes?” 
Quinn smiled, “Take all the time you need to feel happy.” 
If you were alone and that was a text, you’d probably be kicking your feet at Quinn’s comment. He didn’t say anything teasing that you take forever, he didn’t use the cliché “you look pretty without makeup” or whatever, he said that he wants you to feel happy with your appearance. You didn’t know why that felt more romantic than a compliment; it just did. He was focusing on your emotions and confidence. He was validating you. Validation and understanding feels a lot more intimate than a compliment about your appearance. 
“I’m ready!” you sing-songed as you climbed down the stairs. 
Quinn was standing at the bottom of the stairs with his hands behind his back and a soft smile on his face. 
You jumped from the fourth step down to the second step. You reached out gently to tilt Quinn’s face towards yours and leaned down to crash your lips against his. You stepped down to the final step to become level with when he deepened the kiss. He released one of his hands to place it at the small of your back in order to draw you in, but the other remained. 
“Whatcha hidin’, handsome?” you asked cheekily. 
Quinn’s other hand quickly whipped around in front of his center and revealed a bouquet of daisies and lavender. You gasped and kissed him quick, taking the bouquet from him and inhaling its sweet scent with a smile after your lips parted.
“They’re beautiful,” you told him. 
“They’re not the only thing,” he whispered. 
“You flirt,” you blushed. 
You both bid your goodbyes to Mackenzie and walked out the door. Quinn rushed slightly ahead of you to open up the passenger door for you before making his way to the driver's seat. It was a quick drive to the mini golf place, and it was filled with you two goofily singing along to the radio. 
When you got there, you were surprised at how many people and families there were. It was a Saturday night, but still. You didn’t know this many people went mini golfing at any given moment. 
You picked out a pink club, and Quinn grabbed a green one. He held out his hand for you to take, and for once, you didn’t feel weird holding somebody’s hand in public. It was a small act, but it was still a big deal for you. You used to do it with previous boyfriends, but that was because you felt like you had to in order to try and feel like you were in a normal relationship. You want to hold Quinn’s hand. You love the way your hand fits in his and how warm his hands are. You love how rough they feel compared to your soft ones. Just this simple action made you feel safe and less overwhelmed by the amount of people. It made you feel like it was just you and him. 
“Ready to lose, Y/L/N?” Quinn taunted you.
“Don’t be so cocky,” you teased back. “I’m a pro at this.”
“You said you haven’t been mini golfing in years!” he pointed out with a laugh. 
“I’m trying to speak me winning into the universe, Quintin!” 
Needless to say, you were terrible, but Quinn gave you two extra puts each round to try and get you more points. It didn’t make much of a difference for how badly he was beating you, but it made you feel good.
“What ever happened to letting the girl win?” you groaned. “Some gentleman you are.”
Quinn softly smiled and walked over to you. Placing his hands on the small of your back, he kissed you gently, “I’m sorry, baby. I just can’t fake sucking.”
You dramatically threw your head back, groaned, then gave him a pout when you looked back at him. Quinn laughed and kissed you again, effectively wiping the pout off your face.
This was also something big for you– kissing in public. PDA. You’ve never done that. You always pulled away or forced the kiss to be a quick peck instead. You were worried about people staring and judging. But not with Quinn. You didn’t care who was around, you wanted them to know that you were happy. 
Unsurprisingly, Quinn won. He cheered with his club in both hands being held above his head, sending you into a fit of giggles. 
“Stop parading around like you just won the Stanley Cup!” you shouted. 
Quinn whipped his head towards you in mock offense. He walked towards you and kissed you again, much more firmly this time, “I’m sorry you sucked.”
“It’s okay,” you chuckled. 
“I do believe me winning deserves a prize!”
“Oh yeah? And what did you have in mind?” you smirked. 
You were expecting his answer to be something along the lines of another kiss or going out for ice cream, but what he said proved your best friend to be correct.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked you softly. He was confident in his question. He had the biggest smile on his face that was filled with so much hope and admiration. 
“I’d love to,” you answered. 
Now Quinn really looked like he won the Stanley Cup. His eyes lit up brighter than you’ve ever seen them, and his smile looked like it hurt. You should know, because your smile was so big that it did hurt. Quinn hugged you so tightly that your feet kicked off the ground and he spun you in a circle. When he put you back down, he kissed you passionately. It was different than every other kiss you two have shared, given that is a small number since this was only your fifth date. This one meant more. This one said more. 
When he walked you to your door and kissed you goodbye, you reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him. He turned around slowly, and you knew that the look in your eyes said all that you wanted to say.
“Are you sure?” he whispered.
Mackenzie was already in her room for the night, much to your relief. You and Quinn kissed all the way up the stairs and into your bedroom. The second your bedroom door closed; clothes began to be thrown off. He threw you on your back onto your bed like it was nothing, then he climbed on top of you and began to pepper kissed up your stomach, through your neck, across your jaw, until he finally reached your lips again. 
“Just tell me if you want me to stop,” he said low.
“Don’t stop,” you panted. “Please don’t stop.”
April 14, 2021
You were pretty sure you were feeling it. No, you knew you were feeling it. 
You were feeling just like the movies and love songs and poems said– you were enamored by Quinn. You missed him so bad that it hurt when you weren’t with him, especially when he was on roadies during the season (you were selfishly glad that it’s over for the time being). You felt like the best version of yourself when he was around. But you were also learning that your definition of love was so much more than that.
“OH MY GOD! I KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN! I KNEW IT!” Mackenzie screamed when you told her. 
“Alright!” you giggled. “You knew it, you did it, congratulations! Now how do I tell him? Do I wait for him to tell me? What if it goes away and I don’t–”
“Are you sure it’s love?” she cut you off.
“I am. It’s new, and it’s freeing, and it’s–agh! It’s perfect. It has to be,” you said, covering your hands over your face so that she couldn’t see how wildly you were blushing and grinning. 
Mack grabbed your wrists and yanked your hands off your face, “I don’t think that’s going away, babe! Now tell me! The deal was that you’d tell me what love is! Spill it! And don’t quote the movies!”
“I think love is different for everybody. I’m feeling the stuff that they say in the movies and the sonnets and the songs, but it’s so much more than that. Love is… wild. Love is like a never-ending joy ride with the windows down and your favorite songs blaring on the stereo. Love is like that feeling you get in your body when you hear a new song, and it absolutely consumes you to where you heat up and feel like you're vibrating. Love is feeling like you could do the impossible as long as your person is right there beside you. Love can feel like you’re flying.
“But love can also make you feel safe. Love is feeling at home with your person, no matter where you are. You could be in the backseat of a car, but if you were with your person? That could be home for the time being. Love is like that feeling of pride and relief when you deep clean your house for the first time in forever. Love is like sitting by the ocean and watching the waves crash against the sand, and none of the sand ends up in your shoes. 
“Loving Quinn feels like a breath of fresh air. Loving Quinn makes me feel like I finally know who I am and who I could be. Loving Quinn makes me feel alive for the very first time. It’s everything.”
Mack looked like she could burst into tears then and there. You were about to hug her when an all too familiar voice ceased your movements.
“Did you mean that?” 
You turned around so quickly that your head spun. There, standing at the edge of your living room, was Quinn.
“Yeah,” you whispered with a nod. “Every word.”
Quinn rushed towards you and cupped your face, slamming his lips onto yours. You heard Mack clap with glee, but you didn’t care. She was slipping away, and only you and Quinn existed in the world at this very moment.
“I love you,” you breathed when you two had to come up for air.
“I love you,” Quinn echoed. “You described it perfectly. I felt every word. I am helplessly, irrevocably, completely, and utterly in love with you. I’ll never stop saying it. Not now that I know what it means.”
“I didn’t believe in love before you. I didn’t know what love was. It’s you, Quinn. My love is yours, and only yours.”
The smile on Quinn’s face was contagious, but your face was already painted with one. You didn’t expect to fall in love, and you certainly didn’t expect to say it first. Maybe it was fate, maybe it was a god, maybe it was the stars aligning. You didn’t know why, but you did know that you were made to love Quinn Hughes alongside all of the other things you were made for. 
Love was real. And you can’t live without it. And you’re so glad that you learned that. 
reblogs appreciated! it helps spread the fic <3
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taytrashmouth · 10 months
Heyy I was wondering if u could do prompt 22 with peeta I’ve been having peeta brainrot for so long 😭
This is so real!!!!! Peeta supremacy. I really hope you love it.
Prompt 22: “You’re staring!”
Requests are open so please send them in!!!!!!!! Prompts under my profile.
(Set before the games)
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It was a cold day in district 12, the snow had started to fall. But it was a good day, because you had somehow giggled your way into getting a date with Peeta Mellark.
You pulled your small brown bag, that’s been patched up so many times you couldn’t tell which fabric was the original. And began to walk to the bakery.
You pulled your dark blue beanie over your ears as you approached the door. You contemplated for a minute before knocking.
Peetas family were gathering supplies from the local market, they wouldn’t be back for the next few hours.
He opened the door and smiled the minute he saw you. You smiled back.
“Hey.” He ushered you inside, looking at the snow that dusted your shoulders.
“You must be freezing.” He took your coat and put it over the chair by the entrance.
“Only slightly.” You joked.
“You’ve got- umm snow.” Peeta pointed to your eyelashes. You giggled “oh, would you?”
You closed your eyes and he gently dusted the snowflakes off of your long eyelashes.
His hand lingered on your cheek as you opened your eyes.
“Thanks.” You spoke just above a whisper.
“I’m making bread.” He let out as he pulled his hand away. You smiled at his awkwardness.
“I’m glad! Your bread is like what I look forward to the whole week.” You told him as you walked to the kitchen.
He smiled shyly.
“I just need to get this in the oven and then we can do whatever you want.” He spoke, walking over to a metal bowl where the dough had been rising.
You sat on the kitchen counter and watched him knead the bread. You were mesmerised by the muscle in his arms, and the way he used his whole body to knead the dough.
He was talking about something but if you were honest you didn’t know what.
“Y/n-“ he called and you broke out of your trance. “You’re staring…” he smiled cockily.
You turned crimson looking at your hands and swinging your legs. “Sorry-“
“Don’t be…” he let out as he placed the bread into the oven.
“Come on.” He spoke and helped you down from the counter by your hips.
You blushed more.
He led you to the living room where a fire was going, it was small like all the houses in 12. But it was nice. Cozy.
You took your beanie off and attempted to smooth out your hair. Messy curls bouncing everywhere.
There was a severe lack of chairs in the living room. All single chairs in every corner of the room and a huge table in the middle. Furniture wasn’t one of the luxuries the Capitol provided.
You noticed some daisies lying on the table. Peeta picked them up. “I- I uh picked these for you. They grow down by the river.”
You smiled. “They’re beautiful.” You smelt them.
“Like you.” You both blushed then.
He took a daisy out of the bouquet and placed it behind your ear.
After a while of talking Peeta spoke “what do you wanna do? Unfortunately when it’s snowing there’s not much to do is there?”
“We could read.” You suggested fishing a book from your bag.
“Where did you get that?” Peeta examined it in awe.
“My dad, he knows a guy in 7 that owned a library before the rebellion. He’s really old. But every month my dad travels to get wood from 7 for our district and he gives him a book for me to read.” You explained.
“That’s amazing.”
“Yeah, when I was little he said that if the Capitol ever crumbles the library’s mine.” You smiled at the memory.
“You’ll have to take me with you.”
“Always.” You looked at every feature on his face. “You can lend some of them anytime you want. I have a feeling we’re gonna have to wait a long time for the whole library.” You joked and Peeta laughed
I would love to, but I’m not that great at reading.” He hesitated to speak. You could tell he was embarrassed.
“That’s okay, my mom taught me. Honestly I don���t blame you, schools here just care about coal and the rebellion.”
“Yeah…I’m sorry by the way.” He was talking about your mom. She died a few years back.
“It’s okay.” You smiled sadly.
“I can read to you if you want.” You offered.
He nodded. Hiding his excitement.
He sat on one of the chairs, and you sat on the floor next to him.
“Hey don’t sit on the floor.” Peeta sat up.
“No no! I’m fine, you won’t hear from over there, really.” You insisted.
“Sit with me.” Peeta suggested.
Blush crept into his face the second he said it.
“You don’t have t-“
“I want to.” You stood up.
He sat back onto the seat squeezing as far right as he could. You tried to squeeze next to him but you were half on top of him. You were both tomato’s.
He carefully placed his hand on your lower back and under your thigh. You took a sharp breath in as he moved you to sit on his lap, legs over the armrest.
“Is this okay?” He asked.
You began to read and he held onto every word. He was in deep and he knew it. He watched your lips move and the way you smiled when something good happened. And giggled when something romantic happened.
“Peeta-“ he broke from his trance when he realised you weren’t reading anymore.
“You’re staring.” You smirked.
Now he was the blushing mess. “It’s hard not to.” He moved some hair behind your ear.
You squealed and hurried your head in his chest at how perfect he was. He chuckled and stroked your hair as you continued to read, head on his chest.
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btsqualityy · 1 year
BTS Dating Series #15: Insecurities
Members x Reader
Genre/Rate: 18+, fluff
Summary: Insecurities pop up in every relationship. These are yours/his.
Warnings: None to note.
Kim Seokjin
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You and Jin were laid out on the bed in his bedroom, your lips pressed against his as the two of you made out. It had been a hectic week for the both of you with your jobs so once the two of you finally saw each other, it didn’t take long for you to be on each other.
“Mmm, that feels good Jinnie,” you moaned as Jin’s lips trailed downwards and attached themselves to your neck. 
“Good baby, good,” he murmured huskily and you bit your lip as you contemplated your next move. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you reached down and set your hand on the crotch of Jin’s pants, squeezing his growing bulge gently. 
“Jagi?” Jin mumbled as he pulled away from your neck in order to look at your face. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Why do you ask?”
“You’re touching me,” he chuckled, reaching down and pulling your hand off of his crotch and instead intertwining your fingers with his. “You never do that.”
“Did you not like it?”
“I did but I’m curious as to why you did it so suddenly,” he said and you sighed heavily at how well your boyfriend knew you. 
“Well, I thought you must be getting tired of the same old routine that we do, you know?” You began. “Us making out but it never going any further.”
“But you’re not ready for that yet.”
“I could be,” you shrugged noncommittedly and Jin just sighed. 
“Baby, you don’t have to try to force yourself to do anything that you don’t want to just because you think I’m getting bored,” Jin stated firmly. “I love you and that means I’m willing to wait as long as you need me to, ok?”
“You sure?”
“Absolutely and whenever you do decide that you’re ready, I’ll be ready too. More than ready, actually,” he joked, making you laugh. “I love you, Y/N-ah.”
“I love you too,” you smiled before kissing him again. 
Min Yoongi
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“You look so handsome,” you cooed once Yoongi walked up to you backstage at the MMA awards. Since your relationship still wasn’t common knowledge, the two of you had avoided walking the carpet together and once Yoongi had gone for his photo opps with the members, he came right back to you. 
“You look pretty fucking good yourself,” Yoongi smirked, making you smile as you fixed the lapel on his blazer. 
“Y/N? Is that you?” A voice called and when you turned around, you were surprised to see your ex-boyfriend, Choi Ji-ho, walking towards you. 
“Ji,” you smiled, giving him a short one-armed hug as he pressed a kiss to your cheek in greeting. “How are you?”
“I’m good, here to present the award for Artist of The Year,” Ji-ho replied. “What about you?”
“I’m here supporting my boyfriend and his group,” you said as you turned to glance at Yoongi. “Ji, this is my boyfriend Min Yoongi. Yoongs, this is my ex Choi Ji-ho.”
“Ah, Suga from BTS, right?” Ji-ho wondered. 
“Yep. And you’re an...actor?” Yoongi muttered. 
“That’s me,” Ji-ho chuckled. “Wow, Y/N-ah. I remember you said you’d never date another well known person after me.”
“Well, what can I say?” You smiled as you wrapped your arm around Yoongi’s. “He’s pretty special.”
“He has to be, to have bagged you,” Ji-ho smiled sadly. “Well, I’ll get going and let you two enjoy yourselves. Have a good night.”
“You too,” you replied as you watched him turn and walk away. You then turned to look at Yoongi, who was biting his lip and avoiding eye contact with you. “He means nothing to me.”
“I didn’t say anything,” he muttered. 
“Yeah but I know you,” you continued. “I’m with you because you know me better and treat me better than Ji-ho or any other shithead I’ve ever dated has.”
“Call them a shithead again,” Yoongi suddenly requested with a smile. “Makes me feel better.”
“Come on, Drama King,” you laughed as you began to pull him towards your seats. 
Kim Namjoon
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“Y/N-ah, have you seen this?” Namjoon huffed as he flopped down next to where you were sitting on the couch, engrossed in a book. 
“What’s that?” You murmured without even looking up at him.
“Scientists have this new working theory about space and it’s so interesting,” he began before he began to ramble on about the newest finding. As he talked, you looked up and as hard as you tried to pay attention, you just couldn’t make sense of the words your boyfriend was saying. Now, this was typical for you in all honesty but that very realization left you unsettled. You found yourself confused often whenever Namjoon went on random tangents about things that he found interesting and it made you feel....less than, almost. 
“Y/N-ah, you ok?” Namjoon stopped himself after noticing the spaced out look on your face. 
“I just,” you sighed before deciding to be truthful. “I just can never follow you when you talk about things like this.”
“That’s ok,” he shrugged. 
“No, seriously,” you said. “And it makes me feel a little dumb sometimes.”
“You are literally the smartest person I know,” Namjoon chuckled in disbelief. “So what you don’t know about theories and space? That doesn’t matter me to. The fact that you even listen to me when I’m rambling is more than enough for me.”
“Really,” he nodded. “I love you for you, all of you.”
“I love you too,” you smiled before leaning over and kissing him firmly.
Jung Hoseok
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You stood against a wall in the midst of the bustling album release party, swirling your drink in your hand as you watched the crowd. Hobi had been invited to Drunken Tiger JK’s latest album release party and as his girlfriend, he naturally invited you along as his date.
You’ve always known your boyfriend was a social butterfly; hell, it was how you even met him in the first place. However, seeing him make his way around the entire room and have what seemed to be the most engaging conversations with each and every person he came across made you feel a little....weird. You didn’t feel like jealous was the right word to describe how you were feeling but the more you watched your boyfriend laugh animatedly with some girls in a corner, it was the only word that you could come up with. 
“Hey!” Hobi exclaimed as he made his way over to you. “Feels like I haven’t seen you since we got here.”
“I’ve just been here, enjoying the view,” you smiled softly.
“Nah, something else has to be up,” he deduced correctly. “You’d usually be three drinks deep by now and dancing horribly.”
“Just saying,” he chuckled. “Now, what’s up?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “It just takes me off guard when I see you being so...friendly.”
“Am I supposed to be a jerk?”
“Not at all,” you shook your head. “Never mind, forget that I said anything. It’s stupid.”
“Hey, how you feel is never stupid,” Hobi stated firmly. “I admit, I can be unaware of how things may look and though you know my intentions, you can’t help how you feel, right?”
“Pretty much.”
“So, I’ll make sure to be more mindful of that for you,” he promised. “Is that ok?”
“More than,” you smiled before leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. 
Park Jimin
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“Fuck,” you sighed heavily as you walked up the stairs towards your apartment. You had had a long and insanely busy day at work and once your shift was finally over, you basically ran out of the building before booking it to your car. 
After you took out your keys and unlocked the front door, you walked inside and shut the door behind you. As soon as you turned around though, you were met with a visibly angry looking Park Jimin. 
“Jimin-ssi?” You smiled softly. “What are you doing here?”
“Where have you been?” He demanded to know from his place on the couch and you instantly arched a brow at his tone. 
“I was at work,” you told him as you worked on taking off your shoes. “You know that.”
“Do I?” He wondered and you scoffed as you began to walk over to him. “I texted you earlier and you never responded. You always respond to me.”
“It was a busy day,” you shrugged as you sat down next to him. “I didn’t think it was a big deal.”
“Well, it is,” Jimin declared. “I always start to worry when I don’t hear from you, especially when you’re at work because you have so much going on. I can’t help it.”
“Aww Jimin-ssi,” you smiled, leaning over and pressing a soft and slow kiss to his lips that lasted a few seconds before you pulled away. “I appreciate you worrying for me and I promise, I’ll try to keep you updated as much as I can.”
“Alright,” he huffed.
“Still mad at me?” You whispered as you leaned over and began pressing open mouthed kisses against his jawline. “If you are, I can make it up to you.”
“I don’t think you can but you can try,” Jimin chuckled and you smirked knowingly. 
Kim Taehyung
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“Oh my fucking God,” Taehyung gasped as you walked into the room. You had put on your best dress, per Taehyung’s instructions, for the date that the two of you were going on. 
“Like it?” You smiled as you twirled in a little circle. 
“I love it,” he nodded as he held his hand out to you, waiting until you grabbed onto it to pull your body closer to his. “You look so beautiful, Y/N-ah.”
“Thank you,” you replied before giving him a quick peck on the lips. “So, where are we going for dinner?”
“Mino’s,” Taehyung announced proudly and you couldn’t stop the way that you face fell slightly. Your boyfriend, being ever the perceptive being, noticed right away. “What’s wrong?”
“We’re always eating or going out to some fancy restaurant,” you began. “And there’s nothing wrong with that but it just seems like you fit into places like that so well and I don’t.”
“Ok, that’s fair,” he acknowledged. “But you don’t have to worry about that, you know why?”
“Because you fit with me,” he told you, making a wide smile appear on your face. “Wherever I am is where you belong, and the same goes for me.” 
“Same here,” you whispered.
“Now, what do you think about me canceling our reservations and us having a fancy, dressed up movie and pizza night here?” Taehyung suggested. 
“Sounds perfect.”
Jeon Jungkook
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“What is up with you?” Jungkook sighed, following behind you as you made your way into your bedroom. The two of you had just come from the MAMA awards, your first awards show as a couple, and you had been suspiciously silent towards the end of the show and on the ride home. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you shrugged. 
“Yeah right,” he chuckled. “You’ve been quiet and you’re never quiet so come on, tell me.”
“It’s dumb,” you mumbled as you took your heels off. “But it’s when IU was performing and you were loosing your shit.”
“I always lose my shit when IU performs,” Jungkook laughed. “And you should know, you lose your shit with me half the time.”
“No I know but when one of the cameras focused on you, it just made me feel weird.”
“Ok, what exactly did it make you feel like?”
“Do you ever regret not going for your ideal type, a girl like IU?” You questioned suddenly. “I mean, I’m nothing like her but you’re with me.”
“And that’s for a reason,” Jungkook chuckled. “Sure, you might not have been what I thought was my ideal type but it doesn’t matter because you’re everything I didn’t even realize I was looking for.”
“Really,” he nodded. “I don’t know what I’d do without you baby.”
“Same here,” you smiled before wrapping your arms around his neck. “Now, how many rounds of sex do you want for all of the amazing wins you and the members got tonight?”
“How about 5, one for every award?” He suggested. 
“Hm, tough order but I think I can make that happen for you,” you smirked before kissing him passionately. 
Tag List: @addictedtohobi @brittneymccray @cursedcursives @arata18nanami @leftieaquarius @devilsbooksworld @starmyy @werewolfbanshee-love @li-moonchild-il @kpop-servant @cheysjimin
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olympico · 9 days
Take a chance on me. Pt. 1.
Summary: Ona meets you in one of your college classes and is determined to get to know you better despite your skepticism.
Ona couldn’t believe her luck when you sat down next to her in her college communications course. Only seniors were in this class and she was certain she’d never seen you before.
You were so incredibly gorgeous with your sparkling eyes and long hair - she couldn’t resist introducing herself.
“Hello, I’m Ona. Nice to meet you,” she smiled.
You turned your shoulders, momentarily inviting the conversation before class began.
“Hi, I’m Y/n,” you returned the smile.
You thought introductions were over and started to face forward but the brunette continued. “I’ve never seen you in these classes before. Did you transfer here?”
The brunette was attractively fit, there was no denying that, but you were very familiar with the behaviors of those… types of women.
Hell, your dating history was littered with athletes, so much so that you’d sworn them off. If Ona’s school-sponsored jogger set was any indication, you need not waste your time.
Even if she was really fucking hot.
You decided to be polite, smiling while shaking your head. “No, I’ve been here since freshman year but I changed my major.”
“Oh, cool! I’m happy you’re here to keep me company; I hear this class is boring,” the brown-eyed woman continued to engage.
You’d heard the same but didn’t want to give Ona an opening to prolong the small talk - you’d never much cared for it.
“Good to know,” you replied, giving another polite smile before the professor walked in to save you from anymore awkward conversation. You turned your attention to the front of the class and opened your notebook.
Ona on the other hand was confused. She rarely received a blow-off from someone she wanted to get to know. She spent the next hour intermittently contemplating what went wrong before the professor signaled the end of class. The brunette wanted another chance to talk with you but before she knew it, you’d raced out of the room.
The brunette sighed before gathering her supplies - she’d have to try harder.
Several days later, you’d just unpacked your bag when a familiar voice broke your silence.
“Hi Y/n, it’s good to see you again. How’s your week been?” Ona asked as she sat beside you.
You’d switched rows with hopes the brunette would keep her original seat but it seemed the athlete was set on talking to you, for what reason you didn’t know.
“I’ve been busy but it’s been good, how about you?” you asked absentmindedly as you rifled through your book to find the last classes’ notes.
Ona noticed how uninterested you seemed and jogged her brain for a topic that might interest you. The brunette didn’t understand the pull she felt towards you but it wasn’t a common occurrence for her - she wanted to explore it if you’d only give her half a chance.
“Good! Busy for me, too. So… do you like sports?”
You briefly glanced at the tanned woman and for the first time you noticed the freckles scattered across her face.
They suited her.
“I like some sports,” you answered, the follow-up statement almost being too easy to predict.
“I play for the school soccer team!” she excitedly told you.
Ona was smiling like a kid in a candy store so you hated to burst her bubble. “The soccer apparel was my first clue,” you smirked and gestured to the emblem on her hoodie.
The brown-eyed woman felt a bit idiotic, getting excited over something that was clear and obvious to her classmate. She tried not to let it get her down.
“Oh, right. I forget what I’m wearing sometimes. We have a game over the weekend - you should come!” she invited, anxious energy seeping from her pores.
Despite how happy Ona looked, you really didn’t want to get involved with the athlete - in her experience they were nothing but players who only cared about themselves and their image. Granted, the freckled woman didn’t give off these vibes, but you’d been burned so many times.
In order to let her down easy, you gave your best convincing smile and said, “Maybe, I have a lot of work to do this weekend. But if I’m free I’ll try to make it.”
The shorter woman showed her pearly whites, apparently satisfied with the response for now.
Ona heard the class quiet down as the professor walked in but she didn’t care - her mind was now full of hope of what could become.
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