#i'd sell my first born for a code
olomaya · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
I was tagged by @sim-songs @nectar-cellar @simsdeogloria @tragicpixel and I've had fun reading other people's so here it goes!
Are you named after anyone? I think my mom because it's her middle name but my name is super common in my region so I could have been named after the lady selling oranges on the street when my mom was having a craving, who knows?
 When was the last time you cried? Maybe this morning. Too often to track. Show me a video of a child finally getting adopted or a family member surprising someone they haven't seen in ages and I'm a mess.
Do you have kids?  No, I like being the fun aunt.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yeeesss! And it's a problem. Trust issues/emotional deflection, etc.
What sports do you play/have you played? Boxing is a sport, right? It's in the Olympics so yes. I love boxing! I feel so strong and powerful when I do it. Mind you, if were ever in a real fight, I'd probably throw a suckerpunch and run for my life.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? I think their teeth or their hair? I'll have to check next time
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings? I don't have the stomach for horror.
 Any special talents? Sadly, no
 Where were you born? New York, baby! I was an anchor baby and we peaced out the second after I was born so I don't claim New Yorker status.
What are your hobbies? Reading, writing fiction, gaming, swimming, hiking, coding, playing around with AI generated images as of late. I had to update because I can't believe I forgot to mention cooking! I spend A LOT of time just looking up recipes and planning out meals.
 Do you have any pets? atm, no but there has been talk of a kitty...
 How tall are you?  174 cm (5'7")
 Fave subject in school? I was a nerd so basically all of them but especially history, english literature, and biology
Dream job? To not have one. Capitalism sucks.
 Eye color? Dark brown
Tagging @echoweaver @zoeoe-sims @twinsimming @desiree-uk @lucky-palms @tragicpixel @tsims (sorry in advance if you did/got this already)
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viktorhargreeves07 · 2 years
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