#i'll be mostly out this weekend because i legit need to finish my work and also run some errands so behave
spicywhenspeaking · 11 months
If Im There: Chapter Five
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read from part one
Noah x OFC Natalie
Warnings : none! Just family drama and Noah being the BEST BOYFRIEND!
Also! while Noah is based on a real person this is a work of fiction and I just made most of this up in my brain! Also I finished this with out my beta reader so it’s edited only by me! if you see a typo, no you didn’t.
“What are you doing here Dad?” I’m shocked to see him after all this time, it's been four years since he just left.
“Well Jelly, your mom called and told me about what's been going on and asked me to come and talk to you and your brother” he stands from the couch and moves closer to me at the front of the door.
“What exactly did mom tell you?” I ask, looking towards my mom who's staring at the floor.
“She told me that you and your brother have been fighting, that you didn't even spend the weekend here. You were with some boy? That doesn't sound like you at all Jelly Bean”
My mind races trying to decide what to address first.
“Kyle and I weren't fighting dad, he attacked me. Twice. Last time with his hands around my throat so tight I thought he was killing me. We’re siblings, yelling at each other should be normal, but him slapping me? him throwing me to the ground choking me out? That’s insane! And I wasn't spending the night with just some boy. Noah is my boyfriend, and he was there for me after Kyle attacked me, not that I feel the need to explain myself to you.” There is an unmasked anger in my voice.
“Why do you think you just get to show up after all this time and reprise your role? You left us, Dad, you have no right to stand here and question me.”
“And stop calling me that.” I bristle “It's Natalie, I'm not your little Jelly Bean anymore”
Kyle snickers under his breath and whispers “Yeah, I'm sure Noah made sure of that this weekend”
I balk at his crude remark. “You’re a pig, Kyle.” He is such an asshole.
“Noah didn't do anything to me this weekend aside from get me the hell away from you”
“This isn't about this Noah boy” my dad speaks up. “This is about the two of you getting along”
“I don't understand how I'm getting lumped into this.” I feel like I'm losing my mind.
“I'm in trouble because Kyle hit me? Choked me?”
“You're not in trouble sweetie” my mom finally says something “I called your dad because I thought he could help your brother.”
“How are you planning on helping him?”
They tell me that they've decided since there's only a few weeks left of the school Kyle will take his finals early and leave with our dad to work with him at his construction company for the summer. Dad hopes the physical labor will help with his aggression, and give him an outlet for his anger or something.
“You both turn 18 in a few weeks so it's good timing. He'll be 18 once his training is finished so it's all legit.” My dad reasons but mostly with himself because I genuinely don't care, seems like our parents are doing what they do best and sweeping things under the rug. Dad gets cheap labor for his job site and mom will go back on the night shift and pretend I don't need a mom.
“So when are you leaving?” I ask.
“We need a few days to work everything out with the school, but we plan to leave Thursday morning,” Dad informs me.
“What do you think about all of this?” I finally addressed Kyle.
He pauses and thinks for a minute. “ I’m fine with it, I feel like I have no control over my emotions. It's like one second I'm fine and the next I don't know what happened and I'm holding my sister to the ground. I feel sick about it.” he looks like my brother again. “I’ll go with Dad and work and I'll do the therapy once a week while I'm there.” He's looking at me and noticing the fading marks on my neck from last week. “It kills me that I hurt you sissy, I don't want to be this person.”
We sit in the living room and chat awkwardly for a few more minutes before I excuse myself.
“I really should go study for my finals.” I stand up and tell them. My dad approaches to hug me, I freeze but my hands return to wrap around him. “Okay, sweetie. I love you” he tells me and I turn to head up the stairs towards my room.
Seeing my dad for the first time in so long is shocking, but, if I'm honest with myself I'm almost numb to all the shit with my family lately. I just don't have enough space in me anymore for any of this.
Once I'm upstairs in my room I immediately text Noah everything.
Noah: what? the. fuck. 5:30
Noah: are you okay? that's a lot to happen on top of everything else. 5:30
Natalie: honestly. I don't know what to feel. 5:32
Natalie: he just shows up after all of this time, and we just become a happy family again? One family meeting and all is forgiven? And he's just taking Kyle? I guess it's probably best for both of us to be away from each other it's just…I don't know. 5:32
Natalie: He drops everything to come to take Kyle away, doesn't even mention the attacks. What is that? Ugh so fucking frustrating. 5:32
Natalie: Trying to think of pros…a summer with no Kyle, a birthday I don't have to share with Kyle, you could actually hang out at my house if he's not here. 5:33
Natalie: maybe it's not all bad. 5:34
Natalie: okay. Wow. I even ramble in text. 5:34
Noah: I think it's cute when you ramble, even in text. 5:36
Noah: I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this Natty, I can't imagine what it feels like to have your dad just show back up again. Do you need anything? 5:37
Noah: Also, when's your birthday? Honestly pissed at myself for not already having this precious information filed away. 5:37
Natalie: thank you, Noah, I'm okay, I just want to study and blast music in my ears until all I can think about is world history and all the bones in the human body. And then I have to finish my art final project. 5:38
Natalie: my birthday is May 20! Taurus :) 5:39
Noah: ugh I love it when you talk nerdy. 5:41
Noah: OMG! That's so soon! Okay. Filed away and saved foreverrr, keep the day free because we are going out. 5:43
Natalie: deal ;D now I should really study, these finals are going to suuuuck. 5:45
Noah: Okay smarty, good luck studying, I'm trying to perfect this chord progression and then I will have created the best song ever XD. 5:47
Natalie: can't wait to hear it! <3 5:47
I place my phone on the charger and hit play on my CD player and the CD Noah got me started playing at a medium volume, filling my room with the sound of “The Comedown” by Bring Me The Horizon.
Thursday is here before I blink and just like that Kyle is packing and leaving with my dad. He awkwardly hugs me before leaving, which I halfway return. My mom goes back to the night shift the next day.
Noah and I hung out again that weekend. I'm mostly studying and he's writing music but it's perfect. I finally finished my art project, a painted portrait of a young brown-haired girl on her knees crying softly on the floor of a broken home. “Wow, Natty. This is amazing, it's so emotional” Noah says as he examines the artwork “You are so talented” he whispers to me.
We hang out from Saturday morning until almost midnight when he begrudgingly leaves but not after kissing me senseless on my bed. Waiting becomes less important when I feel his hands softly caressing my body, the way he squeezes my sides and holds me closer if a quiet mewl escapes my mouth. Soon, definitely, soon, I think to myself.
We spend the rest of the school year like that, hanging out at my house or Noah's, usually with Nick. They’ll write songs, I'll study or Nick and I will spend hours drawing weird things we make up. Life feels perfect for this time. I have an amazing boyfriend and friends.
Finals begin and end quickly, I pass with high marks and Noah celebrates my grades by gifting me a new Bring Me The Horizon shirt. “To add to the band shirt collection”
The day after school's out for summer I wake up to my phone buzzing, reaching over I answer it half asleep.
“Hello?” I mumble.
“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Nattyyy, happy birthday to you!” Noah's voice blares through my speakers and forces me further awake but with a large smile breaking across my face. “How's my girl feeling? Like an adult? Do you feel the sudden need to vote for something? Or permanently alter your skin?” Noah rapid fire questions at me, I’ve not known him to be a morning person but he's full of energy today.
I laugh softly, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. “Thank you Noah, beautiful rendition.” I laugh.
“Hmmmm…no sudden urge to vote but I might not be totally adverse to a small something tattooed, gotta try to keep up with my boyfriend, he's got a few already.” A few is maybe an understatement, when Noah’s been getting tattoos since he was like 16, apparently in his music scene a lot of guys are also tattoo artists so it was pretty easy for him to get them.
“Sounds like your boyfriend is pretty cool” He jokes.
“Oh he's the coolest, really hot too” I responded.
“Wow, you know i've got a pretty hot girlfriend, hopefully they don't run into each other, he sounds exactly like her type.” he laughs. “You know, I'm actually hoping she gets ready soon so I can go pick her up and take her to a birthday breakfast and keep her to myself all day. Do you think she'd be interested in something like that?” he asks me with a cheeky tone and I melt.
“I think she'd love that” My whole life at home can crumble around me, I don't care. I have Noah and that is enough. “I can be ready in 20 minutes” I say with a grin so wide it might split my face in two.
I start getting ready and I get a text from Nick.
Nick: Happy Birthday!
Image: It's a drawing of a lady knight warrior holding the hilt of a sword that is sticking out of the head of a massive red dragon. Its captioned “Lady Natalia Flameheart: the Dragon Slayer” 8:35
Natalie: WOW! Nick!!! This is AMAZING! Thank you so much :) I’m definitely printing this out. 8:36
I finished getting ready, throwing on some jean shorts and the BMTH shirt Noah gave me, leaving my hair down and going without makeup when I heard a knock at my door. I rush downstairs and open the door, immediately being engulfed in a big bare hug, Noah wraps his arms around me tight and spins us around.
“Happy Birthday Natty girl” he says smiling widely as he places me down and bends to give me a kiss. I pull him closer, deepening the kiss until he pulls away and rests his head against mine. “Wow, im happy to see you too baby” I laugh softly and reach to hug him tightly again.
Noah takes me to a diner for breakfast and tells the waiter it's my birthday so they add sprinkles and a candle to my stack of pancakes. He sings happy birthday again before I blow out my candle. I think this is the first birthday I’ve ever celebrated where I don’t have to share candles with Kyle, I kind of liked it. I loved being a twin for so much of my life but for the last few years Kyle and I just became so drastically different. I pull out my phone and decide to text him just a simple message.
Natalie: happy birthday Kyle. 9:30
Kyle: happy birthday sissy. 9:45
After breakfast Noah takes me to the sculpture garden downtown. We walked around for a few hours, spending half the time admiring the art and the other half making out in every tucked away corner we could find. Our next stop is the deli across the street from the coffee shop we had our first date at, we order sandwiches and grab chips and drinks but Noah mentions to the cashier that it's all to go.
“To go?” I question.
He just raises his eyebrows up and down and plasters a shiteating grin on his face.
With our lunch in hand we head back to the car and Noah drives us to the park and we walk to the bench where we shared our first kiss. “I thought this would be a nice spot for lunch” he confesses innocently.
“Noah Sebastian Davis, you are something else you know?” I say as I take the seat next to him on the bench, sitting as close to him as possible. He's not just something else, I think to myself, he's everything and I think I'm in love with him. Nope, I'm definitely in love with him. Before digging into lunch I lean towards him and kiss him tenderly, trying to push all of my appreciation and affection for all he's done for me today.
“Thank you for today, you made it really special” I say against his lips.
“You’re very welcome Natty, I’m just glad I got to spend the day celebrating my favorite person.” he says back returning a quick peck before we dig into our late lunch.We sit for a while longer before Noah drives me back home
“My mom is working late tonight, we already celebrated last night so..” I paused.
“Would you want to come in and watch a movie or something?” Noah nods and heads out of his car. We head up to my room and I bring out my laptop, placing it at the foot of the bed and opening netflix. I find a random action movie and hit play. I honestly have no interest in watching a movie, only getting Noah in my bed. Sitting with his arm around me I give little attention to the computer screen in front of me, instead I turn to nuzzle into Noah's neck and leave small kisses along the columns of his throat.
“You’re the one that chose this movie Natty, you're not even watching” he chuckles.
“Are you complaining?” I ask as I lick a small stripe up to nibble on his ear and I hear his breath catch.
“No, no complaints from me” he says, voice tightening.
He rotates his head to capture my mouth in a searing kiss, quickly adding tongue and moving his hands down to grip my waist. Movie forgotten we glide down the bed in a close embrace, my hands are tangled in his hair as he strokes up and down my sides. I pull away for a second, long enough to rip my shirt off quickly.
“Natalie, what are you-” he starts as his eyes drag down to my chest.
“Noah, I'm ready. Please” I whine.”Touch me”
Next chapter here!
thank you so much to everyone who has been reading and enjoying the story!!! xoxoxoxo
Taglist: @lma1986 @notingridslurkaccount
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irresistiibles · 5 months
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was that dev patel? oh no no, that was just jonathan sims, a canon character from the magnus archives. they are thirty one years old, use he/they, and are not aware that they are not actually from washington dc. too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
probably like 8 months but he believes he's lived here 13 years.
what is your character’s job
he works as an archivist for the national archives (and has worked in the past at george washington university as an archivist and honestly preferred that and might wind up going back to it especially once he's aware again)
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
see that's a great question and kinda why he's unaware until i finish this relisten. he's not gonna be unaware too too long but i'm trying to figure out if i want him more middle of the series around season 2 or 3 or more at the end. if other people bring characters i'll probably see about potentially matching that or not to cause problems
has any magic affected your character
memories are gone!
more info:
**i'm going to keep spoilers light though it will mention some abilities jon has which are spoilers for like season 3? but i won't go into details about how or why he has those abilities
so unimportant but according to the wiki both john and jon are fine as spellings and i'll mostly be using jon.
head archivist from the magnus archives it's jon's job to go through statements from people about things of potentially paranormal activity
it's a horror podcast so obviously things devolve pretty fast but i won't get too far into it.
he's not the easiest to get along with in first meeting. he can come across as pretty rude and dismissive and condescending. he prioritizes his work over being nice and isn't the best at being social
but they are nice, they just aren't very good at being nice. jon can get very in his own head and tends to trust himself far more than others, which obviously leads to him being uh, just kinda obnoxious sometimes idk how else to say it
he thinks he moved to dc at 18 from britain in order to get his bachelor and masters in the us and wound up staying there after being offered a good job opportunity he couldn't turn up, so while he didn't grow up in dc he's been here a while
they're aware of the weirdness in dc, and have been doing some independent research on it, though jon is sure there's a reasonable explanation for it all that just hasn't been discovered yet
records all his research on a tape recorder of course.
honestly right now he's easier to get along with than he would be with his memories. yeah, they're a bit standoffish, and too smart for his own good with a tendency to pry, but jon is relatively nice beyond that and can be a bit of a pushover and easy to get around.
has some light powers of compulsion but does not know this at the moment and definitely has the chance to do it by accident. this is mostly used in terms of compelling people to answer questions he asks and we can definitely plot stuff with this is desired
asexual and biromantic
potential plots:
anyone he knows from work. government officials who have gone to him to retrieve records, students, what have you. listen my knowledge on legit archivist work is light but we'll make it work
a roommate as long as they're cool having a cat
some friends? honestly he's not hard to push into friendship if you can deal with their personality
definitely friends that drag him out to a bar or cafe or whatever because otherwise he will work late nights and weekends the guy needs to get out
someone they butt heads with, maybe met through work or something similar. jon is so easy to butt heads with if you take first impressions seriously.
maybe a barista jon sees all the time. he gets a lot of tea and would have a preferred particular order so
someone could absolutely get him hooked on energy drinks
some one off dates either past or present
since he's trying to research washington if your muse is aware and wants to talk about home or any of the crazy events jon would love to do an interview
i'll come up with more as i add him to my plot doc.
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formulinos · 2 years
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man. this round was genuinely tiresome. until 10 pm my time, we had a total of 5049 votes, of which i considered 3778 valid. if you guys have been keeping attention, this is much more than we usually get per round, especially since i got shadowbanned. i legit thought the tournament had died down a bit, and i still do! but it's ok.
given that the semifinals matches weren't easy at all, a group of people decided to vote as much as they could. at first i even suspected they were bots, but after i asked them to signal their raid voting sessions, they kept their word and they spent literally all day today at it. since i never said it was forbidden and i'd just discard bot votes, that was fair play of them and i truly appreciate how much they care and took their time to vote. it would be super unfair of any of us to call them out or throw a fit because they played fair and square, so don't do it! however, i have to admit i never considered the hypothesis of only one or two particular groups voting so strongly that it overtips the scales of the tournament, since last year no matter what happened voting was pretty heterogeneous. so, as A Scientist, i think that a possible suggestion for future tournaments would be indeed to limit the number of votes so that we get a proper view of what f1blr feels. but I won't host another tournament next year HAHAHA so that's on whoever feels like doing one! anyway, just wanted to give you guys some explanations as i've tried to keep things as transparent as possible, any questions the ask box is open!
before i give you the finalists, i also wanted to tell you i'm making a Hall of Fame, in order to give some of the other drivers some love! a lot of your suggestions were already written in my notebook, and i'll add later on the form who suggested the ones i hadn't considered (it's over midnight now and i legit need some sleep as i worked all day and then watched elvis, shit movie). i'm sorry for not being able to take hottest livery and hottest TP, but with the exception of one category i wanted to focus on the nominees that we had this year. here are your new categories:
Best Girl Hottest Classic Driver Hottest Striker Hottest Y2K Driver Hottest Liberty Media Driver Hottest Forgotten Driver Hottest DILF Hottest Twink Hottest FE Driver Hottest Senna
and, without further ado, here are your finalists (does the gif of the guy throwing fries inside a pan filled w boiling oil that catches fire)
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i wish you all a happy voting. we end at 8 pm (GMT+1) on monday, and the results will come out at 9 pm (also GMT+1). remember that this tournament doesn't mean a lot to the guys, so have fun during this weekend, go out and enjoy a bit of our summer break as well!
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