#i'll do another post some day about Charlie and their emotional regulation as a ghost and how that affects their powers
ashren · 3 years
More Charlie Lore!
I ended up writing a lot more than I meant to so it's once again under a cut bc it's just a wall of text mostly
Their story and background is still a wip so some of these details might change eventually but anyway!! Some more info on Charlie and ghosts in general ☺️
Charlie died at 22, in 2008. They heal in the Afterlife and seem to stop aging. (They find out later they actually just age incredibly slowly)
They also can ‘die’ if they're injured enough. They're still human enough that they need the now ectoplasmic blood flowing through their body, however, they do have enhanced healing, so they can take more damage than a regular human.
They also have the ability to heal others, but at the cost of taking on the injury themselves. So, if they were to heal a paper cut on someone's thumb, then it would appear on Charlie, and would take as long to heal on Charlie as it would for a normal person. (AKA, Charlie can't take on someone's injury and then heal with their accelerated healing faster than the hurt person would have healed. Charlie's a ghost so I'm trying not to make them too op lmfao)
When Charlie visits other Plains, time for their world still moves normally while they're gone. They can't time travel in their own Plain, timelines are still linear, so if they spend 5 months in Halcyon with the crew, when they return back to their version of Earth, 5 months have passed there as well. (Charlie's Earth isn't the same Earth Ren is from, they're just very similar but different Plains)
Charlie grew up in [Redacted], in a shitty apartment in the city with their dad. They didn't grew up with a lot of money, but it never really bothered Charlie, they were happy with their dad.
Charlie’s dad died when they were 16. He got sick.
After that, they end up having a pretty uneventful life for a little bit, aside from lying about their age so they could live alone in the apartment after their dad died and not get taken away. But they keep their head down and finish school with good grades, goes to a community college while working for a few years to save money and eventually gets into a pretty good university with a really good scholarship which is where they start studying whatever the field is that would study the Afterlife or Plains.
(I'm still working on naming stuff bc it turns out world building is hard)
I have some stuff in the middle, too, like Charlie has some friends (whose names i haven't landed on yet) that help them out after their dad first dies and they eventually look into Charlie's disappearance after they die, and a kindly older lady neighbor who pretends not to know that Charlie is 16 after their dad dies and covers for them a lot. She leaves them “leftovers she could simply never finish” all the time, especially when Charlie first starts college, etc.
After Charlie is injured and then dumped in the Afterlife, they heal and spend almost a decade in the Afterlife trying to adjust to being a ghost, because they don't know they're not fully dead yet.
i have a LOT of ghost lore which will probably be its own post some time bc it's a seriously unnecessary amount of lore but the important part for Charlie is that most of the time ghosts can't really use their ‘powers’ for longer than a few seconds, maybe minutes in another Plain, if they can even appear at all. But Charlie, because they're still part alive, can sustain their form in the Real World still.
Howeverrrrrr, Charlie healed with ectoplasm so they also took on a ghostly form. In this world ghosts, when fully visible, look similar to what they looked like while alive, but with everything wrong. Sharp teeth, pointed ears and talon like fingers, glowing eyes, general spooky stuff. Powerful ghosts can disguise themselves as human momentarily (hence ppl seeing non spooky ghosts. cuz some ghosts are just ppl wanting to say hi) and bc Charlie is a weird mix of alive and dead, they can appear human for extended periods of time without using too much energy.
ANYWAY Charlie accidentally figures all this stuff out the hard way when they're sucked through another opening like the one they'd been thrown into when they died, and landed back on Earth in 2017.
and that'a a bit of what i have so far! it's fun writing about a completely originally character but i also am loving the idea of just dumping them in Halcyon for a while hehe
(@the-lastcall (tagging u bc you had asked about more charlie info 👀) )
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