#i'll give it a day rb tomorrow its fine
qbdream · 2 years
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george from wilbur’s stream 8/18/22
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vintagemiserie · 5 years
hey guys!!! this is a really beefy revamped drabble, i am absolutely begging you to read at least part of this, and like/rb this cuz i couldve spent the time i used writing this to write, like,, the essay i have due tomorrow
Patrick knelt down at a specific tree. It looked rather dead from all the cold, but he suspected it would come to life after the prolonged winter found itself ending; on the trunk was a heart with initials inside it. "Joseph, it should be right here. Good luck with the snow, I'm far too weak to help."
The human fixed his collar to cover up his reddened cheeks. "What is it we're looking for, again?" He asked, stepping up. Patrick got out of his way to let him start digging, and adjusted his musket. Though no one had gotten hurt in a month, the townsfolk still reported seeing the undead animals roaming about the surrounding forests, and they had to keep careful.
"A sizeable wooden box. It was a birthday present, I was going to dig it up once the problem with my father was over, but… I suppose I forgot until recent times."
Joe laughed, his breath saturating the air. "I'd love to hear the story behind that," He said, and the snow he shoveled away appeared to be thankfully less packed than it was closer to the town.
It was a beautiful spring day, and Louis had set up an easel, though he was taking a break from his charcoal and paints for the moment. After all, a portrait wasn't the only point of the date. Patrick sat up, as well, and pushed the platter of cheese and fruits closer to Louis. "Is that lace on your collar?" Patrick asked when his love finally pulled off his vest, leaving them both down to just their undershirts and breeches.
"I was hoping you'd notice. I got this shirt tailored while I was in the capital, I thought you'd love it."
"I'd love it more if you took it off, Louie." Patrick grabbed a raspberry off of the platter, leaving it between his teeth for a moment before biting down. "Really, you're very handsome in it. Can I see how your painting's coming along?"
Louis adjusted his glasses and pushed a hand through his thick, dark curls. "I'll show it to you once it's done, Patrick. It'll be better as a surprise."
"The last surprise I had ended up with me sweltering in my room, bandaging up my arm."
Louis, who had been pouring himself a cup of wine, stopped halfway through Patrick's speech. "The differences between your father and I are quite numerous," He said between gritted teeth. "We ought to deal with him soon, hm? I can't bear how depressing it is to see what he's done to you."
"I really can't imagine how things will happen when we confront him. I can't have him turn you."
"Me neither. How about I work for another fifteen minutes before we take another break?"
"Aye, Patrick, we've hit solid ground. Ah, Patrick..?"
He pressed a hand to his cheek and found that tears had begun to freeze. "That's good, Joseph. It can't be more than a foot or two lower." He said, realizing that Joe likely wanted to hear about the story rather than watch him clam up as he thought over it. It was really too late for him to say anything, though, so he instead wiped the tears from his eyes and tried his best to concentrate on his surroundings.
The painting was clearly of the scene, with the beautiful forest and the creek in the background, and with the blanket they were lying on in focus. On it, obviously, was Patrick in the pose Louis had him in, but slightly differently, for Louis had also painted in himself, and it appeared as if they had just pulled away from a kiss. In the foreground was their food, the whole thing painted in a lovely, hazy manner. "Louis, I… this is really quite touching, hm?" He said, finding it difficult to compose words.
"I'd love for it to become a reality," he said, removing the painting from Patrick's grasp and placing it in the box he brought with him. "See, since I know you won't be able to bring these home with you, I was thinking we'd seal the box and bury it, then come back on the birthday after we finish dealing with your father."
"Oh, that's a lovely plan, Louie. Let's get to the kissing part, please."
Louis's lips felt less chapped than usual, tasting of cheese and fruit and wine. It wasn't long before he pushed Patrick down and settled arms around him, and Patrick managed to get a hand behind Louis's head, pulling lightly on his cropped hair. It was quite nice, being able to tilt his head to both better their position and keep his lover's glasses from pressing uncomfortably into his cheek.
A hand found its way to Patrick's waist, tugging on his shirt in a way that suggested to Patrick that, for how smart and clever Louis was, he still struggled with undressing someone. That was fine, though, since Patrick could use his hand to pull Louis off of his for just long enough to pull off his shirt, and it was at this point that Patrick realized he couldn't do much else but tug near Louis's collar to have him reciprocate the action, not wanting to dirty the lace.
For some reason, Louis started to laugh, a giggle stifled by a sleeve. "Oh, my love, my darling, my—" He stopped, pulling off his shirt and knocking his glasses off with it. "When should we stop and head back?"
"Well, not now, we only just started kissing."
"It'll get dark come a couple hours."
"I can handle my father being mad at me, just… let's keep going, darling."
Louis thought a moment, then obliged.
Joe grabbed Patrick's arm and pulled him to the hole that was dug. "I know how weakened you are in this cold, but I won't be able to pull this out by myself."
"I… yes, I suppose I can try to help. How are you planning on doing this?"
"Well, there's most of the perimeter cleared out, so if we can get our hands under it, we should be able to pull it out just fine. Seems well preserved."
"Good, good, that's good."
It took less time than either of them thought for it to be removed, and after deciding against going through the trouble of covering the whole back up, they began to head back home, Patrick promising he'd open it up and examine the contents by the heat of the fireplace.
Louis had gotten on to digging a hole for the box before Patrick had even pulled his stockings back on, his cheeks still feeling overly hot. "People don't get to sleep this disheveled," He mumbled, grabbing his vest and watching how beautiful Louis was whenever he did anything.
"I think I've got a comb and hand-mirror somewhere in my bag, my love."
Patrick laughed. "How egotistical of you. Lucky you're so handsome, otherwise I bet I'd hate you."
"And if you weren't so handsome, I'd say that that's shallow of you," Louis quipped. He turned and grabbed the box, settling it in the hole he dug and repacking the rest of the hole with dirt. Watching for a moment how Patrick was still pulling on clothes, Louis headed to his bag and threw a comb in Patrick's direction. "Here, to make sure we remember where it's buried, I'll carve something on this tree, okay?"
Patrick pulled on his overcoat and shoes, and fixed his hair as best he could. "You're so smart, Louie, darling. I'm so glad you haven't left town for something bigger, yet."
"I'm not gonna leave until you're father's taken care of. Then I'll go and work for the royal court, and I'll come back as much as possible to see you. You'll become Marquis, won't you, after your father's taken care of?"
"Oh, yeah, I suppose that's what'll happen to me. Wonder how that'll work, hm."
They cleaned up and, with Louis's hand at Patrick's back, they headed back to town.
Once they got the box open, its contents were clear. Patrick pulled out the painting first and tried his best not to start crying right then. "Your great grandfather was an incredible man," He mumbled, setting down the canvas. "We'll have to find a frame the right size, for this."
"You knew him?" Joe asked.
"Better than I've ever known anyone, Joseph," Patrick said. "I forgot about the painting, but if you're curious as to what my life was like a hundred years ago, I suppose you can stare at it for a while."
The rest of the box held a beautiful but now old-fashioned coat, some jewelry, and a few letters that Patrick decided against reading immediately, out of fear that he would break down then and there. "Patrick, something's written on the back of this," Joe said. Without giving the vampire so much as a moment to set down the coat and glance over, he began reading it. "My love, though times are tough, I promise you that you'll be remembered by me forever. Though I fear our time together is short, I'll—oh, he was rather, ah, raunchy, hm..?"
Patrick laughed and hoped Joe couldn't hear the lump building in his throat. "Louis was the smartest, funniest, most handsome man I've ever met," He, keeping his gaze away from Joe. "It was so easy to be with him."
Joe snorted. "Yeah, clearly. I'll see if I can find a frame in my father's manor."
"I'd bet you could find more of his paintings there, too. Your mother, his granddaughter, would be good to ask—she has kept most of them, I do believe."
"Will do, Marquis. Y'know, I didn't think of you as, like, someone who ever had love. Let alone having it be, um, my great grandpop."
Patrick laughed, though perhaps it could be described more accurately as a sob.
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