#i'll probably post the art in a little while :3c
jopzer · 3 months
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt Characters: Roy Kent, Jamie Tartt Additional Tags: 4+1, Falling In Love, Friends With Benefits, Fuckbuddies, Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Smut, First Kiss, First Time, Anal Fingering, Feminization, Facial Shaving, Face-Sitting, Finger Alongside the Tongue, Foreplay, Fantasy Fulfillment, Forests, Frottage, Finger Sucking, fingers in his mouth friday, Filming, Fellatio, fanboy jamie tartt, Flirting, Flexibility, Fame, Face-Fucking, Fist Fights, freak4freak, Fix-It, Feelings Realization, Forehead Touching, Forgiveness, First Aid, Future, Floor Sex, Fireplaces, Freckles, Forehead Kisses, Finished, Fanmix, Come Feeding, Semi-Public Sex, Hair-pulling, Riding, Minor Injuries, Fanart, the second chapter is just the accompanying art!, redated for author reveals Summary:
“Are you asking me to be your fucking friend with benefits, Tartt?” Jamie makes a face, and tilts his head. “Coach with benefits, more like.”
Four times Roy and Jamie avoid their feeling(s), and the one time they don't.
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unorcadox · 7 months
howdy, i'm mabel! it's the 3 year anniversary of unorcadox today, so i've prepared a decent bit of surprises. (and yes that means i started this blog in 2020, which is terrifying to think about.) i'll go into those new things under the cut, but first... check out the carrd linked in the header text of this post :3c
sooo soo so so so where on earth do i begin. uhh honestly let me just break down the new stuff first since i can talk about that more easily.
THE NEW LOOK! ok so like truth be told, i've been a faceless blog on purpose up until now. it wasn't until this summer where i actually liked how i looked or had any solid sense of my own aesthetic or what i wanted to look like. it also made it easier to protect against dysphoria and transphobes in the same breath, as no one could ever comment on any aspect of my appearance, or even the mere suggestion i even had one to begin with! but that all changes now, i'm going to actually have a presence on this blog, as it is MY blog and tbh i'm tired of being so faceless on here. that's why i've been doing more asks and non-edit posts recently, and those will increase in frequency. check out the carrd for more info, my sona's ref, and art credits for assets on here <3
mondays -> MUSIC MONDAYS! so it might come as a shock i'm actually a musician in addition to making stuff on here! i've promoted my music a couple of times by now, but nothing all that substantial. sooo, considering that, i'm going to be replacing monday oc posts with a music post! just a link to a song on my bandcamp and a little description about it. i don't really care if these perform particularly well, but i want to give people a chance to actually hear it without having to deep dive through my entire internet history to get it. i also will be releasing more soon-- whether via compilations of older work or new stuff altogether :3
MORE IN THE FUTURE! i have a couple other ideas up my sleeve, we'll see how they pan out but i wanna keep trying new possibilities on here. i think at this point i've proven my consistency, and it's about time i let myself have a little fun and explore my options. these will be announced individually but probably added here over time as this is the new pinned post lol.
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ok so anyways, i do wanna have the mandatory sappy segment because of course i do. i want to say a couple of things but i'll split them into bullet points again bc yeah i do that.
this year has been really good for me and the blog, in most ways it's been the straight up best year of my life uncontested. not everything has gone perfectly, i had other plans that fell through, but hey that's just how life goes huh. at one point, i was easily projected to hit 20k by the end of the year, and now i'll be happy if i hit 17k lol. tumblr has not been that kind to my blog's growth this year and it's making me consider other options in the future, but everything's so scary rn i don't wanna commit to anything.
as for the blog itself, i've kinda been in a weird spot with it for a while. i've been scraping by on here intermittently for the entire year on and off, and i might have some ways to help keep me on top of the ball during the next year, but i also do wonder how long i can really keep doing this, and how long people will still like weirdcore and my work in particular. i've been considering branching out in terms of my presentation, or format, or style, but i feel incredibly weird about doing so.
in my personal life, this is the year i finally started transitioning and seeking treatment for my most pressing issues. i've finally started dating the love of my life, my best friend of 10 years, and despite some interpersonal turmoil all around me, i think i'm finally finding safe ground and knowing what i wanna do next. i don't really talk about it on here because i'm very private about it, but i've been kinda slowly becoming like a Real Adult Person this year. i didn't really have much of a chance to prior and i still am struggling a lot, but hey i know what i want now!
it's really silly to say but this blog still means a lot to me! it's seen me through the craziest times in my entire life, it's brought me so much perspective and knowledge and opportunities i wouldn't've had otherwise. i wake up every day and go on here and never stop feeling starstruck that people chose to follow me. i know tumblr success means nothing but to me it's the only community i've ever actually belonged to, so thank you all.
ok so like i really just don't have much else to say anymore, so i think i'll end it there! thank you all again, i can't wait for year 4 as it's going to definitely be a crazy one lol. let's hope it's a good one too!
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mizuenalvr · 1 year
Regressor!Mizuki & Caregiver!Ena Hcs!
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this is written for me and me specifically, their dynamic platonically or romantically is my fav ever and I wanted to share silly thoughts. a few of these are general hcs of mizuki regressing and not them together but 99% are of them, hope you enjoy (๑˃ᴗ˂)!!
mizuki usually regresses to 1 - 5
they're even more talkative than usual
ena is their main caregiver, they always try to go to her first if they can
ena always tries to make time for them
they usually regress when they're highly stressed or just feel bad at all
ena's main names for them is baby, princess, and angel. it always makes mizuki all giggly whenever they're called any of them
mizuki is a massive trouble maker, will hide ena's art supplies if they think she's paying too much attention to art and not enough to them
she'll sit them in front of the tv with sailor moon if she needs to do something
distracts them for a while, but they often switch shows
ena will come back to check on them and see them on shows they're not supposed to watch
"hey! you know you're not supposed to be watching that" "hmph>:T"
mizuki is often a brat, usually for attention but will pout when they get the attention since they get in trouble
whenever ena puts them in timeout they just walk away
it ends up with them having to be in time out somewhere where ena can see them the entire time
ena is bad at going through with punishments though, they're too cute to be upset at
"no dessert, you haven't listened to me all day." "!!! no please, I'll listen! pleaseeee I want desserts!" "...ugh fine, but be good okay?"
mizuki's fav dessert is just whatever sweet ena is eating, which is usually cheesecake. they like whatever she has
their fav plushie is a pink kitty ena got for them
they love any plushies though, any of the cute ones
mizuki often asks ena to play with them, is the type to change the rules in the middle of playing.
"nuh uh, you can't do that!!" "but you did?" "yeah but I can do it, you can't!!"
whenever ena really needs to finish something but mizuki really wants her attention, she'll sit them in her lap while she draws or paints.
mizuki accepts it since they're still getting attention
mizuki often throws fits over something small, not massive fits but just loud sobbing and yelling
ena always makes sure they're calm before trying to talk to them again, knows mizuki can have hard time expressing their needs or wants through words so always patient with them
they throw fits the most when they have non verbal episode since they get super frustrated
calms down easy when ena just holds them, just feels comfort in her touch
will probably write small little drabbles or post random other hcs too!!! mizuki is so me so I project onto them hehe :3c
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shirogane-oushirou · 2 months
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hi it's time for a dive into * .✧ ro's ancient oushirou art ✧. * on this lovely oushiversary!!
(aka i don't wanna reblog any of this art directly from the source bc a number of the posts include my old name ^_^ also there's a lot and i'm already spamming y'all with old art KJNASFKJN)
↑ early college era -- still hadn't taken coloring classes, but i had taken anatomy classes and was using my favorite boy as practice outside of classwork :o)
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↑ that first one was from when i was drawing my own dakimakura cover bc i figured honeybee would never deliver on an official one (and also a nod to the fact that i had just had my first taste of nutella and it broke my brain (positive)). and i could be wrong but i thiiiink the second one was around when the official one was announced...? maybe?
i just needed a daki so badly. when i FINALLY got my hands on the daki cover, pillows of that size weren't standard over here, so i actually had to make my OWN dakimakura by sewing two standard pillows together... in a larger case comprised of a sheet... which i did all by hand bc i didn't have my sewing machine at the dorm... i was Committed. 😊👍🏻✨
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↑ The Sillies. i'm saving everyone from being subjected to all of the oushipug drawings but. ousheep.... ough... and i included the third one in my nick-gave-me-a-pass-to-gush post, but i'm putting it here too bc. it's cute. :3c
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↑ practicing with the yoh yoshinari sections in the PSG design books. good stuff, highly recommend taking a look if you're into very interesting western-japanese animation style mixes.
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↑ shortly after getting my hands on after winter -- the bouquet is a drawing of a scene from his route ;w; he's so sweet... and so clumsy... top left is from the time when i was watching the end of clannad during all-nighters while working on assignments. can you tell just from that sentence that i was Quite Unwell at the time? KJASNFKJN. (still love miku!oushirou so much tho. honestly love this style. i want to study my art from around this time at some point, maybe regain some things that were uhhh Firmly Discouraged, to put it nicely, during my later college years.)
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↑ doodle dumps! first one is from shortly after playing AW, second is from maybe... junior year with a couple from sophomore year? just a lot of style practice. third is mostly from the end of college when i was. struggling kJNASFJKN. SCAD Profs I Will Not Name made me feel like shit for drawing "too anime", then a couple of years later said their "anime" students were their favs, so my style was. very mixed and not confident. skjdnf.
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↑ random gifs! wish i could find it, but i also have one somewhere of him blasting off team rocket-style KJASNKDJN and another of him getting scared from a horror game? movie?
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↑ first anniversary pic!! and a reblog meme of "draw your favorite character wearing what you're wearing right now", and i was dressed to drive down the street for some late night gas station food w roommates.
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↑ selfship-before-selfship "wife blog" art from 12yrs ago!! kazuaki, the series's artist, has drawn catboy oushirou in design docs before, so he'll sometimes pop up in my art as well ksjdnfnkj. also, naturally, self insert art babey. and he's being a little asshole ksjnd.
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↑ the one on the left is like. right around when i graduated?? the one in the middle was for his bday, probably 2020, when i was just starting to get back into art, the one on the right is a college sketch that i redrew as practice to ease myself back into drawing in 2020.
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↑ bday cupcakes for the bday boy!!!! around like. 2013 or 2014? i used to do a lot of baking for his bdays before i had dietary restrictions kJNASKJFN, though i sometimes sneak a little treat in on his bday if i can find one.
maybe as i sift through posts on my old blog i'll collect all of the weird art i've done and post them in chunks like this. nice way to put them someplace without spamming people with old curiosities ksjdnfk.
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