#i'll probably put them in da queue though mostly
beneathsilverstars · 5 months
it's so far past my bedtime i stayed up sooo late playing ISAT last week and then kept staying up late to think/post/read about ISAT and i haven't gotten to sleep in even ONCE bc i have to wake up with my actual four year old every morning. so i'm very tired. but i am SOO HYPE RN ABOUT BEING IN A FANDOM AGAIN THAT I'M VIBRATING. being a parent and supporting a family takes over your whole ass life i haven't been active in fandom for. almost four years heehee. but i realized that i need a hobby again or i'll DIE so here i am :333
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howdy ! i've never been matched up before and saw you were doing them so i'm curious to know who you'd match me with ^-^
i think i'm supposed to give a little description of myself first right ? Here i go
i'd say i'm a really stubborn person who doesn't care about others opinions and walk by my own rhythm but my anxiety has kept me from doing so and made me really shy and introverted , if i asked a friend to describe me they'd probably say anger issues (i've been getting better from them and that makes me really proud) and that i'm a people pleaser, i like helping others even when ik they wouldn't do the same for me ( don't put me in the same room as azul cus ik he'll scam me 😭) my hobbies consist of drawing and listening to music , i really like to try my hand at any type of arts and crafts but if I don't get if right the first time i'll probably give up on it 😅
okay so relationship wise i'm looking for someone extroverted who will make time for me and communicate with me , i'm tired of introverted boys who don't put any effort and don't communicate and just let me do all the work . i just want someone who i feel comfortable with , who ik i can joke with without walking on eggshells around them , someone who can be my bedt friend and lover , I mostly show affection through teasing and joking since i have a hard time talking about my feelings .
for the additional information: i'm an Aries sun , Leo moon , and Sagittarius rising and i'm an intp if that helps
sorry this ended up being way too long and clearly i talked as if i was at a therapy session but i hope you don't mind and find time to do my request,if not please just ignore this 😅
I AM HONOURED TO WRITE YOUR FIRST MATCH-UP! *shoots self-love at you* Oh, here he is!
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Kalim Al-Asim
Before everything else, he’s your friend. There to support you in his optimistic, sunshiney, well, Kalim, way. Even before ~da romance~ he is very forward with his feelings and would casually say, “I love you!” But one day everything just came together and he realized that yes, he loves you, and not in a friend way!
Yeah, the two of you are both people-pleasers, but through some growth together, you can both put your foot down and assert yourselves! Kalim will be there to reassure you in anxious situations as well. But he likes seeing you walk to the rhythm of your own drum.
He would giggle and tease you back, albeit his teasing is very lighthearted. He takes the joking like a champ, and you need not to worry about walking on eggshells around him.
Kalim is an open book, he may be busy, but he’ll set aside time for you… or just ditch his duties :D Why would he want to discuss silk prices when he could hang out with his favourite person?!
Even though he would be super excited to see what you created in your sketchbook, he also respects your boundaries. He may ask, but he won’t push. He is your number one supporter though. You don’t like it? Well, Kalim thinks it’s lovely!
Speaking of art, if he so happens to overhear that you want some high end supplies, well, you are now set for life! Kalim would also make you some drawings, or add a post it note on your sketchbook. “This is STUNNING! But not as stunning as you! :D ”
Impromptu dance party! He likes listening to music with you, be it just sitting quietly and moving his head to the rhythm with you, or dancing about and laughing. He would also invite you along to Light Music Club if you ever wanted to see him perform. “This one is for you, my sweet bee!” *queue drum solo*
He would also be there, and be more serious if you wanted to tell him something; be it something small that was bugging you, or something heavy that was weighing you down. He may be cheerful, but he knows when something is on your mind.
"You know, I'm always here if you want to talk, sweet bee."
Hope you like your match-up, Melice! Also, it's an honour to write your first one!
Yes, he calls you his sweet bee; people may think you're "angry" but he just sees a sweet friend trying to live their life. Plus, he also took note that you like the lil fuzzy pollinators, so you are now Sweet Bee!
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empressxmachina · 4 years
Inquiries on WIPs, lore, and what to do with both
I hope y'all are well! I didn't expect to make a journal today, but here I am! I do hope I get some answers because I do have some thoughts and questions.
word wall under the cut
First off, I've done a lot of proofreading and re-outlining lately.
How I keep coming up with ideas, I don't know. Why I can never sit down and write prose except for when I'm meant to be doing something else is even more unknown. But at least I'm thinking, I guess. I like what I'm pondering.  I have done some intensive writing, though.
I made a manip that's been done and in the queue for months, and I liked it so much that I've made a whole novella (novel?) idea for it. If I do it right, then I hope to get about twelve (12) parts from it - they're all now planned - of which I've completed seven. I'm closer to eight (8) than not, so that's good, right?
Since the pic is done and so is its relative part in the story, should I just release it/them, or should I wait until it's all done?
I've even made a Wattpad/book cover for it; that's how much I like what I'm doing.
Regarding Welcome Home, Sasha, specifically, it's been plotted for months, too. But I'm having some issues with writing an expository soliloquy, aka the explanation of what the fuck happened to Earth.
The actual information is cut-and-dry, but I don't know how to best frame it. I find Ki to be an analytical person - sensible for a scientist, I suppose - but with a flourish. Putting his brotherly, almost fatherly love of Sasha on top complicates things further since he wouldn't want to break his heart... and the answer will definitely bruise at the very least.
Luckily though, how he'll react and everything after that is as straightforward as an apocalypse can be. Will I ever write it, though?
I technically have three (3) or four (4) continuations to long fics, but I don't know why I'm not releasing them. I want to, yet I don't? Is this my mediocre perfectionism in action? Is this normal?
Syntrophy has changed in my head, like, four times, regarding the relationship between the two MCs. Their separate stories have maintained but not how they connect to each other.
I wish I was kidding. There's so much I've deleted.
I've been adding excerpts to my manips and making visuals to go with stories. Read more about that in the next section.
Secondly, I've been conceptualizing visuals like mad!
Ideas just keep coming, and they don't stop coming.
The queue is probably at peak fullness, which is cool. I was hoping I wouldn't have to widen time between posting stuff because as much as popularity doesn't affect whether I make something, I wouldn't want y'all to just forget about me. You know?
I know some people don't even have a schedule or set up expectations, so I might just say "Fuck it," and leave submission dates to RNG. It hasn't been a problem, but I don't want pressure from time restraints to become a problem. We'll see.
Like the unnamed, new fic way above, some of my ready works are images from tales not-yet-released. I've done that before numerous times, but one in particular literally happens in what would be the literal next part to post, and I'm not done with writing it, yet, at least to where I'd like it to be.
Should I post the pic anyway, despite context being right behind a corner? I kind of want to, but I've already been putting it off so much...
I just really need to get motivated and focus using Pomodoro or something. Maybe I'd knock everything out if I did.
My most recent completion from literally this morning might just be my favorite in all my years of manip-making.
Meanwhile, the one finished right before it might be the worst thing I've ever made, and its excerpt just makes it worse. I enjoyed it thoroughly, though, which makes me question myself as I'm seeing patterns...
I want to draw/paint again. I've done stuff for IRL projects but not size content.
I need inspiration to just sit down and pen for hours or days.
Would y'all mind me doing sketches again? That'd be quicker.
Lastly, the real reason why I chose to make a journal:
I'm really considering putting expanded, not-yet-seen lore for my stories on my blog site (on WordPress), and I feel like I've pondered this before.
As repeatedly mentioned, I have too many ideas but not even drive to collect them all into something worthwhile. But I'd like to get them out there somehow so others can indulge in my babies as much as I do. Some creators have blogs just for certain stories and their characters, settings, etc. that I adore, and I want to feel that in a way, too. However, most people don't have ten (10) or more stories at once that they equally love. Fuck, I need to edit my blog with more pages for more things I've conjured but isn't there, yet.
I feel that by doing so on my site,
People who do want to know how a plot of a tale will go, because I write as quickly as molasses runs yet have an outline for everything, can know.
It'll be organized as I see fit but my own control (unless WordPress does something drastic).
In addition, the data wouldn't be directly attached to the works on other sites like here, either, in case ideas change or people are averse to spoilers and want to stay away.
Reading all this over, couldn't I put the same data/lore in DA journals, Tumblr posts, etc., too, adding tags or titles to mark what's what? Couldn't I also put the works themselves that are here or even the damn music list on my site, too? Should I?
Am I overthinking this? I think I'm overthinking this.
That's it, I think.
Does any of this make sense? Please let me know your thoughts on anything but mostly the blog stuff if you can.
(I've also put this on DA if you'd prefer to respond there.)
Stay safe, and Happy Equinox! I'm glad I'll see flowers blooming again soon.
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