#i'll read the lyrics carefully later or tomorrow
shobolanya · 1 year
I'm listening to Till's new songs and here are my first impressions
From Nass I really like the beginning, Till's voice is gorgeous there, I like how the singing increases, the guitars are awesome too, and I like how sometimes Till sings certain words, in this case "Nass", not sure how to feel about the autotune, but on Zeit I liked it (after readind the lyrics which i didn't do properly yet)
Lecker has a sound I really like, as someone who enjoys harsh vocals I love this and I like the parts with the clean(?) voice in contrast with the harsher one, no comment on the lyrics
I like Schweiss the most I think after the first listen but mostly because of the chorus that has one of the most beautiful melodies I ever heard in my life, reminds me a bit of Blut also the keyboard is cute (lmao idk)
I'll listen to them again and maybe I'll write more about them, overall I like them!
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heesuits · 29 days
cry baby - lee heeseung ♡
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paring: co-worker!heeseung x reader
genre: soft
! the song lyrics are mentioned at some point.
wc: 3k+
Closed your notebook and stretched your spine... Just finished studying for today, your fingers feel stiff from all the writing, maybe they could even get cramps later. You've been having some online classes at night from different subjects to complement your degree and just got really immersed in it for a couple hours now. You lay your head back at the chair and look at the side glancing at your phone, completely forget about its existence, stretch out your hand to grab it... 10:02 p.m, some notifications and three unread messages:
[8:47 p.m.] heesu: hey wyd :)
[9:12 p.m.] heesu: are you there?
[9:46 p.m.] heesu: there's just something I wanna talk to you about, don't want to bother okay? nothing urgent don't worry, text me back when you can...
Heeseung is a friend from work, you've been working at the same shift for about 3 months now and he kind of makes your days easier with his periodic jokes. Even though he is a shy person overall, you found it funny how it looks like people are always looking for him, trying to find a thing to talk about and make the hours go faster, but you don't judge them, he's definitely a good listener and the big shiny eyes make it easier to know that he's truly paying attention to the issue. But when it comes to the introvert chart you're a full #1 and he's around a #2, cause he often comes to you with some random vent about his life, his meals, his gaming, his love affairs, and you usually just listen carefully and show interest in his matters, rarely opening up about anything, but you can swear he's too good with conversations and still get some facts from you sometimes...
He even caught you crying from stress once, you were hiding at the staircase and he just sat by your side and stayed there for a while not really saying anything but take your time, once you looked done from the crying session you two just got up and went back to work and later that day he brought some chocolate, giving it to you like some sort of secret weapon, claiming that it would help. It surely did. And you've never talked about it but you could feel like since then you've definitely become friends somehow, the atmosphere between the two of you have changed, he always notices when you are having a bad day and keeps looking for alternative ways to help you go through it, and you know when he's just tired of being the listener and needs to open up.
You didn't know what the messages could be about, it's monday, you were working together hours ago and had no other choice than to meet again tomorrow... "I was kind of busy when you texted earlier, here now, what's the issue?" You replied, locked the phone and put it in your pocket. Headed to the kitchen to fill in the water bottle, you were feeling kinda hungry so just got an apple to eat when you felt the phone vibrate, someone is calling, you read the name on the screen: heesu... that fast? Can't help but wonder if there was something happening and just picked up...
"Heeseung? Hello?" he never called before, ever...
"Hi... First of all you're a really bad emergency contact..." he didn't have a worrying tone at least, just the usual.
"And what's the emergency you're needing to contact me about?"
"None actually... did you still not unpacked your bag after work yet?"
"Umm, no... nothing to get off of it today, why?" just too curious at that point.
"I left something there, was wondering why you still didn't say anything about it... go check and then you talk to me okay?"
"I'm not working from home don't even try."
"It's not about that I swear, it's a surprise, cmon go see it."
"Okay mystery man, I'll follow your instructions."
As soon as he hangs up you almost run upstairs to check on the bag, leaving the water bottle and forgetting about the apple... What could it be? A present? A gift card to get some coffee? A prank? Heeseung often handles you pieces of paper during the shift, some just written [I'm bored x.x] sometimes complimenting your different hairstyles [nice buns :D], [cool bangs u.u], [fluffy ponytail ;D], thought it could be one of those and he just made it dramatic to be fun. You found it, now almost sure about the random piece of paper theory: An envelope, locked with an emoji sticker that I gave him some weeks ago cause you recorded yourself unboxing some stationary in your close friends and he said that he liked it. You sat on bed and opened it... Chocolate! And a... handwritten letter? Your face is confused, you tilt your head to the side and go straight into reading:
Hello there :D (I've never written a letter)
Is my handwriting readable? Hope so...
Where to start from?... I think I worry a lot... I've got this anxious feeling but it goes away for a minute when I'm with you. When it comes to you I think I talk too much and try too hard, I want to listen more. When we talk throughout the day there's this feeling of "I know I'll fall in love with you, and that's not what I wanna do" I can taste my heart breaking from the thought of you saying that you know it... but those are just my anxious thoughts and at least I should be honest and give you the opportunity to know about my feelings and decide about yours by yourself. Every single new thing I learn about you makes me hope that there's some more time to know much more, to fall some more. I swear I wanted so hard to shake my fears away and open up to you about this in person, but as my voice fails courage I hope my writings at least let you feel my honest intentions... Oh, right, the point of the letter...
Would you give me permission to know more about you, and fall even harder? I promise I won't be your cry baby.
[ ] yes
[ ] no
From: Lee Heeseung
You get up and grab a pencil to mark your choice, get your phone to take a photo and send it to him without any text or context...
[ ✗ ] yes
[ ] no
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
May I Have This Dance?
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Yancy x gender neutral!reader
@speedyprofessionalpandaweasel ty for the request
A/N: Idk if anyone actually reads these. I don't. Reader is a shy little bitch. Like me! Yancy is a COWARD w/feelings. Mark is the best of wingmen. No cursing. I've been pretty good about that recently. Rated G because literally NOTHING happens besides a dance and the mention of a shank once or twice. This is a soft one, I think. Enjoy!
Word Count: 1.9k
You leaned your cheek on your hand and gazed at Yancy from across the cafeteria. You traced his features with your eyes, implementing them into your brain. He laughed and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
You had fallen in love with the prisoner over the time you’d been at Happy Trails Penitentiary. You and your friend Mark had spent your first few weeks trying to escape but gave up after some guards threw you in solitary. Who knew the box would have a fairy in it? And who knew she’d be such a chatterbox?
You both decided it wasn’t worth the effort to try and escape, and that you might as well stay in prison. It wasn't so bad. The staff seemed to like you guys, and you had each other. 2-5 years didn’t seem that long.
Then you met a prisoner by the name of Yancy. He had greeted you two a couple of weeks after you showed up. He showed you around the prison, introduced you to some other inmates, and gave you both prison shanks, just in case. You didn’t think much of him.
Then you heard him sing.
And he was suddenly the love of your life.
You were in solitary(you’d picked a fight with a guard who made fun of Mark) when you heard something. Someone, actually. You heard a beautiful voice singing nearby, and you wanted to know who it was. You leaned your ear against the wall, listening. It was better than sitting in silence. Eventually, a guard came and got you. You looked around and saw a door to another cell. It seemed to be where the sound was coming from. You asked the guard who was in the other cell.
“There? Probably Yancy. He gets thrown in there a lot.” he explained. “I feel kinda bad for the kid…”
You started to pay attention to Yancy. He was smart, funny, caring… at least, that’s what you saw. He did have a few anger issues, but nothing really severe. You began to develop feelings for him. From a distance.
“Can you not stare at your crush for five seconds?” a voice snapped you out of your trance. You pulled your head up and saw Mark looking at you weirdly.
“W-What?” You stuttered, embarrassed at being caught. Mark rolled his eyes.
“Are you ever gonna tell him you like him?” He asked. You looked back over at Yancy.
He smiled at something someone else said and you got a warm feeling. He turned to you, catching you staring at him. Your eyes widened and you flushed, turning back to your food. You looked up at Mark a few times and he sighed in annoyance. He looked over where Yancy was for a second before tapping on your tray. You took that as a “he’s not looking anymore” and looked at Mark, who was still waiting for you to respond.
“Uh… probably not…” You answered. He sighed.
“You are the most awkward person I know… and I’m me!” He teased. You both laughed. Mark looked back at Yancy and smirked. “He’s looking over here…” the YouTuber said in a sing-song voice. You tilted your head a bit before looking back at the group. Sure enough, Yancy was looking over at you two, but he looked away and pretended to laugh at something when he was caught. You blushed and turned back to Mark.
“He probably just… thinks I’m weird for staring at him…” you mumbled. Mark raised an eyebrow.
“We’re in prison, Y/N. If he had a problem with you staring at him, we’d probably be in the infirmary right now,” He claimed. You shrugged. He saw your sad face and sighed. You looked up at him, frowning.
“Nothing, nothing…” He sat his chin on his palm. “Just thinking…”
Yancy stood in the yard, shank ready in case he needed it. One of the more recent inmates said they needed to talk to him. Privately.
Now, in most cases, he would’ve denied this request. He didn’t know them, he couldn’t trust them. Might as well not even bother. But this inmate was different. This one was friends with someone he intended to get close to. Someone he’d started to like over the short months they’d been there.
He figured that was a good enough reason to take the chance.
He did keep Jimmy nearby in case things got bad.
Yancy heard a noise and turned towards it. Mark entered the yard and walked towards him. He puffed up his chest, trying to look intimidating. Yancy found it funny.
“Ight. What’d youse wanna talk about?” He asked. Mark cleared his throat before speaking.
“Yancy, do you like my friend?” Mark asked. Yancy’s eyes widened for a moment before he re-composed himself.
“What’s it to youse?” He said, his face tinted pink. Mark rolled his eyes.
“They like you too. They’re just too shy to admit it,” He explained. Yancy smiled slightly at the news. “And, apparently, you’re too much of a coward to admit it…” Mark said under his breath. It wasn’t very much appreciated, and Yancy frowned as he took a step towards the other man.
“Now, hold on, youse thinks youse can just--” His intimidating speech was cut off by Mark groaning.
“Yeah, I know, you’re a tough guy, I can’t talk to you like that, blah, blah, blah…” He said, annoyed. Yancy flushed. “I’m only telling you this so that Y/N can stop feeling so depressed and you can stop being so weird around each other.” Yancy scoffed and crossed his arms.
“And how do I know youse ain’t jus’ trying to embarrass me?” He glowered. Mark sighed and looked at the ground, shuffling his feet.
“I just… want my friend to be happy…” He mumbled. Yancy’s face softened as he watched the man. He exhaled through his nose.
He seemed to be genuine, but Yancy was still worried. What if this was all a trick? An elaborate trick to embarrass him in front of his friends? His family?
But… what if it was real? What if you did like him and he could finally do all the couple-y things that people do? Holding hands, cuddling, kissing…
Oh, God, how long had it been since he kissed someone?
“Alright…” He growled. Mark looked at him and smiled. He lunged forward, hugging Yancy. Yancy, who thought this was a fight and had brought out his shank, froze.
“Whoa, are you okay?” Mark asked as he pulled away. Yancy shook his head.
“I’m fine,” he insisted. “Did youse have a plan or somethin'?” Mark smiled and started to giggle.
“Oh, I’m glad you asked,” He giggled, “Just leave it to ol’ Markimoo. I'll talk to you tomorrow.”
“This… isn’t exactly what I had in mind…” Yancy said carefully as he looked around the room.
Mark had somehow convinced the warden to let him have candles, rose petals, a record player?! How much did he suck up to these people?
“Yeah… it is a bit much…” He admitted while scratching his head. “But if I know Y/N, and I do, they’re a sucker for serenades.”
“You… You want me to serenade them?” Yancy said in disbelief.
“Yes! They love your voice, it’s the reason they started paying attention to you. I’m sure they’d be happy no matter how you confessed, but this makes it more special!” He explained enthusiastically. How many rom-coms did this man watch?
Yancy groaned and looked at the room again. This seemed… a bit much…
“I don’t know…” he sighed. Mark frowned.
“Yancy.” He said sternly. Yancy raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you love Y/N?”
“Yes…” Yancy responded hesitantly.
“I said,” Mark raised his voice, “Do you love Y/N?”
“Do you think they deserve love?”
“Of course!”
“Do you think you’re good enough for them?” Yancy paused.
“Good enough,” Mark patted Yancy on the shoulder, “Just… do your best! It’ll be great!” He jogged to the back of the room and ducked behind a box. Yancy squinted at him and furrowed his eyebrows. Mark waved his hands, urging him to pay attention to the entrance. Yancy rolled his eyes but turned towards the door. You walked in about a minute later.
“So, Mark, what did you-” You froze when you saw Yancy standing in the middle of the room.
Rose petals covered the floor, along with a few boxes. A record player sat nearby, and it started playing slow jazz music when you walked in. The only light source was a few candles that illuminated his face with a dim, yellow light. It looked like a dream.
You hoped you would wake up before it got too weird.
“Hi,” Yancy greeted, his hands behind his back.
“H-Hi,” You said quietly, keeping your arms straight at your sides.
Yancy looked back at Mark, who gave him a thumbs up. The song’s lyrics were about to begin, so Yancy took a deep breath. He saw your confused and kind of scared face and exhaled all of his breath, missing the lyric cue. This wasn’t gonna work. A serenade would be too much, too fast. For him, at least. He wanted to save that. So what was he supposed to do? He could feel Mark glaring at him, and you were shuffling in place awkwardly. Yancy looked down at his feet, wondering what to do.
Then, an idea popped into his head.
“Youse ever… seen me dance?” Yancy asked suddenly. You blinked, not exactly processing the question at first.
“No… I can’t say that I have, no…” You said.
He smiled and walked towards you. You were a bit worried about what he was going to do. You were in prison, after all.
He held his hand out to you. You looked at it, and then at him. You tilted your head. He chuckled and shook his head as you blushed.
“May I have this dance?” He asked and bowed, hand still extended. You hesitated for a moment before slowly taking his hand.
He gently tugged you to the center of the room. He laid one hand on your waist and moved one of your hands to his shoulder. He interlocked both of your other hands. You blushed and looked down, making him chuckle.
“Hey, no need to be shy… it’s just us here…” He consoled. You looked past him at Mark, who quickly ducked behind the box. “Well, yeah, he’s here too…” You both laugh a bit.
The two of you didn’t exactly dance. Moreso, you rocked back and forth on your feet. It didn’t really matter to either of you. You spent most of the night just talking about yourselves. Learning about each other looked like the best thing to do. You talked, you joked, you gazed dreamily into each other’s eyes…
It was wonderful.
When the night was over, you walked Yancy back to his cell.
“I coulda walked youse back to youse’s cell…” He murmured. You laughed.
“Yeah, but… I figure you get in enough trouble as it is… I wouldn’t want you getting caught…” You explained. He blushed at your thoughtfulness. “You can walk me next time.”
“Uh… th-thanks…” He stuttered. You took his face in your hands and looked into his eyes. You didn’t move for a moment, waiting to see if he’d pull away. He didn’t, so you went ahead and gave him a small peck on the lips. He stared at you after you pulled back.
“Goodnight, Yancy…” You smiled at him as you walked away. He gave you a small wave before walking back into his cell and flopping on the bed. He smiled up when he thought about what you said.
Next time…
God, he hoped there’d be a next time...
I finished this at 11:00 pm I'm so tired
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gastcrrific · 5 years
fifth member - chapter 1: queen
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a/n: i'm pretty excited for this one. hope you enjoy!
so just to note a disclaimer: history itself is connected but they're not really precise! what would be true will be the more known events (i.e. rainbow '74, live aid, some various anecdotes, etc. etc.)
^^^ i may be putting that to every chapter of the story as well.
contains: roger being an annoying lil shit (don't worry it'll go away p soon), a bit of tension.
૮ɦαρƭε૨ 1: φµεεɳ
1972, 12:50 PM
A week had passed since the last performance and since when the two of you met the band. You were getting along pretty well with the three and so was Deaky.
Everyone in the studio are currently studying their part, Brian and John rehearsing their chords, Roger testing the tempo, meanwhile you and Freddie are discussing about your part.
"So, Y/N, there won't be any piano present in this song, but, you can be part of the backing vocals." Freddie stated, handing you a handwritten copy of the lyrics.
It reads... Liar.
"You can pair with me for a while, since you haven't known the melody yet."
You nod, "Of course!" and found yourself doing a vocal range with him. Thankfully, you were a fast learner and got everything right. One thing you were missing is that you didn't have your own mic.
Freddie gathers everyone to rehearse his newly planned set list, as you followed.
He had already taught you your choreography together with him, which makes it look like both of you are the main focus of the audience.
Finding another mic stand, you try to adjust it to your height, yet one of the clips broke and left you holding the half of it. "This is absolutely fine, is it?" You awkwardly asked, as the singer comes in with the same equipment. "It probably is, B..." Deaky chimed in with your nickname, smiling as he rests his hands on top of his bass. You let out a small laugh and lightly bit your lip from smiling.
B is a running nickname for you that he always used through the years of your own friendship with him. He found it really pleasing and soft to call you that.
Oh how I wish she was mine... He swooned in his thoughts, his cheeks getting flushed.
You were completely nervous about this, even though he was told by Freddie that you and him will be by his side to sing during the bridge of Liar.
Nothing awkward happened, thankfully. The whole rehearsal went smoothly.
"Thank god we finally did it flawlessly!" Freddie flicks his hair, placing his mic stand carefully on top of a large amplifier. Roger huffs his breath out, throwing his drumsticks in the air and catching it in his hands. Brian sets his instrument down and so does Deaky. You also placed your mic stand next to Freddie's, but it had a different color.
You follow your best friend to make your way to the mixing room, but suddenly you didn't see the wire that's hanging from the amplifier. Ever since your habit has grown, you've told your clumsy self, "Once you embarrass yourself, there's no going back." majority of your own accidents always ends up to that. But this one doesn't seem to go that way.
"Oh!–" You exclaim, holding onto someone's arms, unexpecting the impact. Catching your breath and looking up, both of you had an astonished expression.
It was John.
He's holding you in his arms, few inches away from your faces. If it had gotten more closer, your lips would be meeting with his.
A heated tension fills up between the two of you.
Cheeks reddening, you slightly pulled away and stood up gently, "T-thanks, Deaks. God– I should be more careful next time..." Muttering the last part, he softly rubs your shoulder with a reassuring, yet shy smile. "It's okay Y/N... You're welcome." He hummed in the most adorable way possible as he helped you up, and made your heart skip beats.
Witnessing this endearing moment, Roger in the mixing room gives a fishy look at the curly haired guitarist, who's clearly unamused. "No. This is clearly none of your business. They're just friends remember?"
"Yeah but what if they're friends with benefits?" The blonde nagged, causing Brian to gasp in disgust.
The lead vocalist playfully slapped the drummer's shoulder, "Roger, get your fucking mind out of the gutter!" he had his arms crossed and a smug look. "Okay! Okay! I'll stop!"
You and Deaky have finally set foot inside the mixing room just as when the chaotic blonde had gone quiet. Sitting at the velvet textured couch, there was still a tiny amount of tension between the two.
That was your first time getting your clumsiness caught by him. He was never present when you had small accidents, but it sure did felt like you had been egged in the face.
Looking down, nervously fumbling with your own hands and your heartbeat pacing faster, you stutter, "I'm really sorry, John, I always avoid to be this way but I just basically embarrassed myself–"
Suddenly he raises his hand to pull you close and rub your back. Deaky gives you a comfortable grin, "Hey, B, I said it's okay.. You don't have to apologize." and finally, he warmly pulls you into a hug, burying his face to your neck, smelling your fragrant lavender cologne. Startled, you slowly wrap your arms around him, hugging back. "Thank you..."
As you two broke apart, Freddie had let out a noise of excitement which made you look at him. "Tonight, 7:30 PM, at a bar. We should be preparing ourselves soon!" He announced, earning a nod from everyone. "So, you know the drill."
"Roger, be attentive. Don't stare at the audience for too long!" The drummer nods and simply replies with "Alright!"
"Brian, double check your strings and let your inner rockstar out!" The guitarist gently tugs a grin, nodding.
"Deaky, remember to bust out your bass lines. The bassist needs more appreciation!" Your best friend smiled sweetly and nodded as he was flattered.
"And Y/N, you're always one to count on. Be graceful with me onstage!" You can't help but happily smile and giggle at his enthusiasm. "Yes, sir!" You playfully saluted.
6:55 PM, at a well-known bar...
Your band is queued next right after some light polka band is done performing for the audience, everyone's excited, except for one.
You had been noticing him taking deep breaths every minute or so. He tried to seek comfort from you, but to no avail, he never did. Being the good friend you are, you called out for him.
"Hey, Deaks. Everything's gonna go well with our performance, alright? If you think it's gonna go badly, it sure won't. I promise." He listens, calming down. "All you have to do is focus." You smiled fondly, and gave him a warm hug.
Just as the hug ended, the speaker outside had called for your group. "The next performers will be: Queen!"
"Let's kill it, darlings." Freddie mumbled loud enough to hear.
Stepping up on the stage, he greets everyone in the audience and started introducing every single one of you. "And these two lovelies are new ones! Meet Y/N L/N and John Deacon!" He waved and so you did, some people in the audience already likes you and the others despise you.
After the introduction got out of the way, the show has begun. It was only 4 songs so it wasn't too long. Nothing did go wrong in fact. The longer the songs progressed, the more wild the audience got. This was more than what you expected, and so did everyone else in the band.
"Thank you and good evening!"
8:04 PM
Right when the show has been done, all of you are finally in the van, a ride on the way to Freddie's flat. The conversation that he opened was about having to release an album.
"Where would we be getting the money for it then?" Roger stated, going to a sharp turn to right. "How much do you think this van is worth?" The singer questioned, and left the blonde to wonder. "Maybe we can discuss this later, Fred. We'll figure this out."
Reaching the destination, you and Deaky stay outside the front door, just realizing that your shared flat is just a few stops away.
"Deaky and Y/N, why don't you two come in?" He offers, but your friend protested, "It's fine, Freddie, our flat is just two blocks away." You also added "I think we could move there soon and live with the rest of you three." and smiled. "Ah, I see. Stay safe out there dearies!" The two of you bid goodbye, and headed to your shelter.
Finally getting inside, you huffed out your breath, decided to march straight to your own bed and flop on it face first. John quietly giggles while changing to his usual sleepwear, "Missed your bed, hm?" You rotate yourself so you lie down on your back to see him. "Definitely! Actually hold on let me change for a moment." You stood up carefully and changed to comfortable F/C colored pajamas. Not a second you're already back on your bed.
Even with numerous times you've seen Deaky only in his jogging pants and topless, you never stopped blushing. But eventually you manage to hide it from him. You turned off the lamp by your bedside table.
"Deaks, should we start moving at Freddie's tomorrow? It's the weekend tomorrow anyway, isn't it?"
"About that, I think we probably should... We have plenty of time to pack our clothes and other important things in the morning."
"Okay, noted. Goodnight, John!" You softly chuckled.
"Goodnight, Y/N!" He gently laughed.
What else would happen tomorrow?
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