#i'm a shameless multishipper what can i say
since you mentioned it, could we please have one from your lemony/beatrice playlist? 👀
Love At First Sight by The Brobecks is the absolute pinnacle of Young Lemonbea, but ALSO Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives
Because I do absolutely see that as Beatrice singing to Lemony (though perhaps that says more about how I headcanon Beatrice than her actual canon character). There are a lot of other songs I could have said and it was very close, but I think these two best illustrate how I see their relationship
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kainagant · 15 days
I've reblogged stuff about like "send more asks!" before and I've decided to be the change I wish to see in the world SO
personally I like sniperhaul as a platonic pairing, not least because i see them both as Gay In The Wrong Direction. like in my mind they're constantly bickering but also refuse to leave each others' sides for more than a day because they both went through the same shit. they don't even dislike each other they're just constantly lowkey fighting for no reason other than habit
Also like. opinions on Bakugo Mitsuki/Tsutsumi Kaina? both in the sense of 'how would these two very different adult women interact' and in the sense of bakugo "i'm gonna be the number 1 hero at all costs" katsuki having tsutsumi "the hero system is fundamentally corrupt and being a hero is shit actually" kaina
(have i sent you an ask before? i think i might have)
hey there! i've never received an ask on this blog before, from you or anyone else, as its only like two weeks old. congrats on being the first 🎉🎉 (if you did send me an ask before, then tunglr ate it)
honestly chisaki kai is one of those characters that i perceive as aroace, which is like fifty percent me projecting and the other fifty is vibes. so whatever pairing i put him in is closer to a queerplatonic relationship than anything else. this is honestly the case for all shipping i do because i'm very aromantic but it's not always on purpose. but i'm also a shameless multishipper and i think that there's no single most correct pairing or even a single correct interpretation of said pairing.
this is all to say i love your take on sniperhaul. i definitely imagine them as the kind of duo who are always being catty with each other. borderline just pure rude if it weren't for the fact that the reason why they can banter freely is because of how well they understand each others' boundaries.
i feel like i have seen kaina/bakugo's mom fics and went. h u h. if you have any recs then i'll definitely read them. i think i was looking for something specific at the time so i scrolled past but now that you bring it up again i'm definitely intrigued. in regards to my first impressions of the pairing though. to be honest there's not a lot of canon information on mitsuki. her personality is assumed to be basically just katsuki but more chill. however i also think that the mothers of feral anime boys deserve to be even more feral because after ren gyokuen from magi something in my brain chemistry was permanently changed. so i'm just going to take liberties here and write mitsuki a personality that's not just "bakugo katsuki's mom".
so its obvious that katsuki takes after her, and she seems to understand that a lot of his mannerisms come from her. so i think she was one hell of a teenager. her quirk basically makes her have flawless skin. mitsuki was the definition of it girl. sorry she can't answer the phone she's at a party. maybe she even hooked up with kaina in college. if you really want to drive the katsuki connection in hard, maybe she was even a bit of a mean girl. though i think she wasn't as problematic as katsuki because she didn't have people feeding her ego constantly in the same way. anyway this is all to say that i think mitsuki mellowed out a lot with age. but she definitely still has something of a youthful spirit leftover from her heyday. her skin can be a metaphor for that.
if mitsuki is a woman who has held onto her youth, kaina is a woman who lost her youth early on. the phrase 'old beyond her years' applies here. she doesn't know how to be a teenager anymore. she forgot. what is it like to not spend every night haunted by the lives she took with her own hands? she doesn't remember.
when they meet then mitsuki takes one look at kaina and tries to ask her out for a drink. it's a small thing, but slowly, kaina is relearning how to be a person and not a weapon. mitsuki is showing her how. and mitsuki can't really understand what makes kaina miserable, what makes kaina wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. but mitsuki can stay awake with her. she can hold her close and say. hey. you're more than whatever you see when you look at your own hands. anyway this got really long. i'm just making stuff up on the fly but yeah they could have that kind of dynamic.
ok ok. cracks knuckles. kaina and katsuki. the thing is that they have surface similarities i think. "so how should i solve this problem i have…" kaina and katsuki both stare at me like im fucking stupid "blow its brains out??" there's a duh here. they're both the kind of person who is smarter than other people assume based off of first impressions. but that's only because they're the straight arrow type. there's no fucking around the point with these two, they're blunt and very goal focused. they tend to hyperfocus on whatever they're currently trying to do, and they don't stop to wonder if it's wrong or just a liiiitle fucked up. cue the rude awakening.
you mentioned bakugo's hero thing vs kaina's hero thing, but i think that they're not as at odds as one might think. bakugo's hero thing was never a "save everyone" shirou emiya style (thats midoriya's patent). he admired all might because all might was always victorious. kaina probably wouldn't have a strong opinion one way or another. he's obviously missing something to make him a "true hero" or whatever. but she's not stain, for goodness sake. the whole idea of there being a perfect hero feels incredibly fake to her. if anything, katsuki's honest "i'm going to win to save people" approach might be more genuine than some fragile idealism that he can't actually back up. actually. to be honest, katsuki would be exactly the kind of hero that kaina wants to see more of. he doesn't mince words or pretend to be more righteous than anyone else. full transparency: he can be kinda a dick. but if society is going to employ heroes than people need to understand that heroes are people too, and yeah. people can be dicks. pardon my french. i'm channeling katsuki.
i don't think kaina would care one way or another that katsuki is striving for number one. the hero rankings were never really a thing to her. kaina's problem with hero society wasn't the same problem as what stain had. i think people assume that it is, because stain kinda had half of a point, except for the culling the fakes thing. but i think kaina would very much disagree with stain. because stain wanted more pure heroes. he wanted to exalt the ideal hero, put them above everyone else. and kaina just wanted heroes to get off their high horse and admit that they aren't perfect. nobody is.
deep breath. so yeah. thanks for the ask. thanks for reading my incoherent rambles too, assuming you got this far. hopefully i actually answered your questions, but if i didn't then sorry, this definitely got away from me. i also followed you back from my mainblog, so cheers to being mutuals. i'll try to send you a bunch of asks too, since 🤝 be the change you want to see in the world.
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wordsinhaled · 21 days
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @landwriter <3 thank you, gloam!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
14! (yes, only 14)
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
so far, it's been the sandman, good omens, and merlin - though i don't have any published (or finished...) merlin fics. i also just finished dead boy detectives, which may result in a bit of fic - we'll see!
Top five fics by kudos:
just pull on your hair, just pull on your pout - shameless excuse to make dream & hob make out in the cold like teenagers, inspired by the cure & a beautiful fanart of professor hob by @pomegranateruin!
eternity is in us now - dreamling proposal fic <3
if the walls were too thin, you would break right in - this was the first dreamling fic i wrote! :D
while the little moments dream - the one where dream offers hob godhood at the end of the world. soft <3
we are the cosmos fleeing the night - i think this was my second dreamling ficlet? dreamling FWB but make it still romantic
Do you respond to comments?
i'll be honest, i'm pretty bad about responding to comments - NOT because i don't appreciate them! i love each comment i receive dearly and they all mean the world to me. but being less generally flustered and knowing what to say in response to comments is something i'm working on. <3
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
maybe this one? all night or a hundred years is my take on the wine-sharing scene from season of mists. so you know, angst comes with the territory but that one hurts me particularly badly, so it probably fits the bill.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
it's DEFINITELY this one, which has no name and which i should probably crosspost to Ao3 at some point, but it's basically dreamling being sappy and getting married. that's it, that's the plot
Do you get hate on fics?
thankfully i never have!
Do you write smut?
i write... smut-adjacent? i don't think i've ever written like, a pure PWP before or anything i would say rates as explicit. it's just something i've never tried and feel kind of intimidated by tbh, though i'm sure it would be fine if i ever do get around to it! if anyone wants to cheerlead me through my first smut fic i am game, lmao (is there ghost detective smut on my horizon???? IS THERE??? listen. it's not an impossibility is all i'm saying)
Craziest crossover:
i am not sure i've actually written a crossover, but i just finished dead boy detectives and i have many crossover thoughts! oh, also sandman/the old guard, of course. though that's not so much crazy as reasonable, i think
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
i don't believe so, but i would be honored!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
never, but it sounds fun!
All time favourite ship?
well, i'm a multishipper, so this one's hard - i can list my OTPs per fandom... the sandman - dreamling, gaulcienne, hob/destruction (honestly hob/all the endless thanks to @softest-punk but i particularly love how you write hob/desire) doctor who - tenrose / doctor/rose & thoschei my beloveds (particular shoutout to twelve/missy, no one's doing it like them) bbc merlin - merthur, merwaine, mergwenthur dbda - obviously edwin/charles [and edwin&charles of course\ (whatever their ship name is I REFUSE TO CALL IT CHEDWIN... PLEASE... SAVE ME...). but i was absolutely also rooting for crystal/niko in addition to that...
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh my god i have so many. SO MANY. TOO MANY. i really want to finish the dreamling fealty fic one day because i literally have 2k+ words for it already sitting in my drafts, but i have no idea if i will. also it would be nice to finish ANY merlin WIP sometime this century. i am also debating if i want to start any dbda WIPs but they are... percolating still
What are your writing strengths?
i would say conveying atmosphere in a small number of words, if i had to say something!
What are your writing weaknesses?
FINISHING THINGS! god, and i'm terrible at turning fic ideas into actual writing. the ideas form faster than i can even write them down, but writing the ideas instead of having them play out cool music video-style in my head is SO HARD! also longfic is my kryptonite, i have no idea how authors do it!!!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i think it can work, but if it's in a language i understand i find myself focused on if the grammar is correct and such. russian usually... has not been (stevebucky fandom i'm looking at u)...
First fandom you wrote in?
harry potter ages and ages ago was my first fandom, but i don't recall if i ever had any actual proper finished fics that i posted anywhere, until sandman fandom. i wouldn't say i considered myself a "proper" fic writer until dreamling actually
Favourite fic you've written?
hard to say - i like them all for different reasons but i'm proud of the opposite of blindness !
tagging whoever wants to do it as i'm sure most of my mutuals have already done this! <3
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paepaerest · 1 year
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hello! pae in the houseeee
you can still find me on twt: @kittyamazing4p1 and instagram: @paepaers)
I'm a proud girlfriend admirer and lover and I'm lucky to have her, she is a lesbian butchay who goes by Mirphy <3 @mirkyjerky same as on twt
im fine with all pronouns but he/him
My yap and 2nd art blawg: @taupae
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I'm a multifandom artist whose interests are at the moment (in bold are current special interests):
dickfigures, o'grady, stardew valley, Superjail!, noggin shows, OC's, 1970-1990s fashion/aesthetics, AU's, metalocalypse, Venture Bros, american dad, super science friends, tdi, mlp, niche horror franchises, Hey Good Lookin' (1982), F&H/F&H Terminal, Always Sunny in Philadelphia...
Every day I am still discovering new things...
Some music artists/bands that I love that I can list at the top of my head:
Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys, Ween, Lords of Acid, Jack Stauber, TMBG, Talking Heads, KMFDM, The Neon Judgement, Tres, Bauhaus, Joy Division, The Mission, Iron Butterfly, Strawberry Switchblade, Oingo Boingo, XTC, Cocteau Twins, Freezepop, VAST...
I especially LOVE new wave, romantic, dark wave, goth, ska, punk, electronic, industrial, experimental minimumwave, synthwave, LMAO you see the pattern
I'm also a shameless multishipper... I'm really fond with Petebilly as of currently, I'm so normal about them :)
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I may reblog/like content with mild blood but never to the extreme gore. Along with suggestive context (satire explicit jokes, etc) and artistic nudity.
This account is 16+!!
DO NOT be weird about my content, I will block you. I will also block you if you actively spread discourse about a character/ship/media that I like. Also if you are just really problematic, leave my blog and block me.
I LOVE SHIP POSTING!!!! AND FLUFF! you'll see a lot of it
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Do expect that I often show strong emotion by saying k*s jokes, use caps even when unneccessary among with emojis and a dramatic amount of periods, and i am ANNOYING. if u a selfshippah i fw that too
I will talk a lot how a particular media makes me so ill! Sometimes I don't mean what I say. And sometimes I don't use tone tags, so please tell me if you need them.
This art blog consists of reblogs of my personal interests, exclusively and mostly Superjail!/Vbros fanart or related, and my art! my art tag is #paepaerest art or/and #my art
+ I'm open/all ears for more ship suggestions! and headcannons & for asks, you can anytime! I won't bite ^^
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world-of-horrors-au · 8 months
Hey In no way am I trying to make this sound rude because I love your au and it is very interesting and I’ve has been obsessed with it for a while but what’s up with Blair like her character is very interesting but like she kinda gives Mary sue like why does every character basically know her and obsessed with her and why is the whole universe kinda surrounded around her Again no disrespect I like your Au was just wondering
It took me a bit to answer this, I wasn't sure how. I wasn't offended or anything, just needed to take some time to see where you were coming from. There are a couple reasons for why Briar might seem this way:
1. This au has been going on for several years and you're joining us in the middle of the plotline (well, "plot" but y'know). That's a lot of development you've missed out on, and on the surface that does make her seem kinda Sue-ish. And there are events I haven't actually written yet which might make things more clear and coherent. This au and the blog itself is a mess 😅
2. Briar is the viewpoint character for the world as a whole - I don't want to say main character though a lot people see her that way from what I understand - because she's pretty much clueless about the Horrors and their side of things. It's easier for me, as the creator of the au, to have someone to exposition dump on so I can get her and the characters up to speed
I'm not quite sure where you're coming from with characters being obsessed with her. She does have a lot of romantic options, I'll give you that, but I don't think they're all canon at the same time - there's timeline shenanigans happening in the background of this au. I'm a shameless multishipper tbh, so when someone says "shipping Briar with (person) is fun!" I agree with them! And when they say that about Jeff or EJ or reader pov, I agree with them too. Shipping is fun, and I want to leave the universe open for people to do it, or not if they rather.
I hope this answers your questions! Please send another ask if you want to know anything else! ❤️
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For the ask game: 🙊💪😁🐸
🙊 Your coworkers or classmates stumble across one of your fics, but don't know you're the author. Do you fess up? Or keep quiet?
I wish I could say I'd handle this with grace and responsibility and all that, but I know me. If they compliment, I'm going "oh that's me!!! :O" and if they start talking shit, I'm going "o-kay, that's my fic tho >:(" because I don't wanna hear that. Sssso... 💪 What motivates you to write?
Lots of things, including music and my fixations, but especially other people's stories! Like...I literally just turned out a 3K drabble in 4hrs yesterday (that NEVER happens to me, I usually struggle to write over 500 words a day, and even when I'm really inspired it'll only get up to like 2K...) because I read a REALLY good fic. ...Unfortunately, I can't share the damn thing, because it's heavily connected to an rp me and my friend are doing, and would read almost completely nonsensical to anyone who isn't 1. familiar with that rp, and 2. familiar with my headcanons >:Y 😁 What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
Literally any amount of interaction rn, because I'm rather starved for it (;′⌒`) I'm one of those people who, when I DO post, gets like...no reblogs, maybe a like. Or five to ten kudos and no comments. No one sends me asks, nobody asks about my theories or where I'm going next, or about my headcanons or ships...even when I was in a discord server where I wasn't being ignored and tons of praise and fic speculation was going around for everyone else, the response I got to questioning why no one was ever doing the same for me was "oh, well you never talk about your stuff!" which. was nonsense because I actively WAS talking about my stuff and posting updates regularly...
Though, I've nothing for it right now, unfortunately. Hopefully soon, though... Hopefully... 🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
This one's funny to me because I'm not a classic OTP person; I'm a shameless multishipper and whoever my fave currently is, I'm attempting to pair them up with EVERY character I can feasibly put them with. (With limitations to the fact that either I or my friends have to be able to write the other character.) Anyways, I would go with something like Lilo and Stitch, where the destructive lil guy is adopted and loved and doesn't have to be alone.
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dudemanauthor · 2 years
How Ruby Got Fat
Author's Note: As a shameless multishipper, I was very much looking forward to writing what basically turned out to be "what if I shipped Ruby with everyone else in RWBY and JNPR (except Yang)?" Turned out a lot of people liked it. Even decided to write a spicier version (which you'll see in the next post in 2 hours time).
“Ruby, I don’t think you should be hanging out with your friends as much,” Yang said, looking down at her rather rotund sister as the pair spoke. The courtyard was quiet at this time of afternoon, other than the two sisters and their discussion.
“Hey, I thought you wanted me to meet new people here at Beacon. Heck, I live in the same room as some of them. Why can’t I meet up with them?” Ruby asked, a touch incredulous.
“Ruby, I just think your friends might be a bad influence on you,” Yang said, her eyes drifting down to Ruby’s belly that stretched the black fabric of her outfit, a much larger outfit than the one she first arrived at Beacon Academy with. Ruby scrunched her face, trying to figure out what Yang meant.
“I can't think of anything that bad they did. It not like I'm drinking or doing drugs or stuff,” Ruby thought out loud.
“That's not what I meant. I was talking more about this thing,” Yang explained, pointing to Ruby's round belly. To make herself absolutely clear, she grabbed two big handfuls of belly fat and shook them, making Ruby wobble like jelly.
“Hehehe, that tickles,” Ruby said through giggles as she let Yang keep going. Yang let Ruby's belly go, leaving it to jiggle on its own for a moment or two longer.
“C'mon, you have to know this was because of them. You were tiny when you got to Beacon, then you start hanging out with them all the time and you get huge,” Yang exclaimed, trying her best to rein in her exasperation.
“Oh, that's what you meant? Yeah, I think I know how that happened...”
“Uh, Weiss, are you sure we need to order that much food?” Ruby asked, idly fidgeting in her chair. Ruby couldn’t help but feel out of place at any sort of restaurant, let alone one like the establishment that Weiss had brought her to.
“If it was anyone else, I would say no, but I cannot believe that you’ve never had Atlesian cuisine before and that is a tragedy that needs to be resolved by having you try as much as possible,” Weiss explained as she sat, prim and proper, in her chair.
“Yeah, but we ordered, like, a quarter of the menu and that’s only the main meal,” a confused Ruby near exclaimed.
“Yes, but we’re sharing them, and also Atlesian cuisine traditionally has very small…” Before Weiss could finish, a trolley rolled up to the pair’s table. The pair saw three hefty dishes, all of which made full use of the large plates that they came on. The waiter quickly placed them on the table, each of them making a solid thud as they hit the table. Then, as quick as he arrived the waiter was gone, leaving the stunned girls with their massive mountains of food.
“Uh, what were you going to say, Weiss?” Ruby asked, her attention fixed to the massive and hearty meals in front of her.
“I don’t think this is traditional Atlesian cuisine,” Weiss said, sounding almost disheartened, as well as somewhat concerned. “Maybe we should go elsewhere.”
“No, we don’t need to,” Ruby quickly piped up. “We don’t need to make a fuss, I’ll definitely eat this. I mean, it smells really good, so why don’t we try it. We can go somewhere else next time,” she added as she picked up her fork and began digging in.
An hour and an incredibly stuffed belly later, Ruby was leant back in her chair, her waist cincher almost completely undone to allow for her heavily bloated belly to have some well needed room. Ruby was rubbing her aching belly with one hand and stifling small burps with another. Weiss sat across from her, her flustered face taking on a red tinge.
“I-I can’t believe you managed to eat all of that! You’re practically skin and bone! How can you have an appetite like that?!” Weiss asked, louder than the social decorum of the establishment preferred, judging by the moment of awkward silence.
“I don’t know,” Ruby groaned. “The food was so good though, I won’t say no if you wanna do it again and pay for it,” she added with more of a moan that a groan.
“We must do it again. There is so much Atlesian culture and cuisine that you need to try, and I’ll be sure to help you try it all,” Weiss said, probably a little too excited for someone innocently trying to introduce a friend to her culture. Still, Ruby was more than happy for Weiss to enthusiastically introduce her to her culture.
“Aw, Blake, you didn’t have to bring cookies,” Ruby said sweetly, trying her best to tug her pyjama top down and hold it over the hint of pudge that was beginning to form around her midsection.
“I felt like it would be rude to ask for your help and not reward you for it,” Blake explained, her eyes flicking between Ruby’s eyes and the beginnings of a belly that Ruby was trying to hide. A decently sized bag of cookies and a well-used notebook sat next to Blake, dressed in her normal
“Well, it’s still really nice of you to do this,” Ruby said with a beaming smile as she sat next to Blake on her bottom bunk. “So, what’s this thing you’re writing?”
“Well, it's just a plan at the moment, but it's going to be about two women going against their restaurant-owning families and open their own place together. It’s about their coming of age and friendship while dealing with the difficulties in their life,” Blake said sheepishly as she handed Ruby the notebook. Ruby nodded as she cracked open the bag of cookies and began perusing Blake’s notes.
The pair sat in silence, an anxious one for Blake and a comfortable one for Ruby. Ruby finished with the notebook at about the same time she absentmindedly pawed at the bottom of the now empty bag. That was when her fullness finally hit her. Her stomach began a dull ache as Ruby’s stomach was packed to near capacity. Ruby tried her best to act like nothing was wrong, but Blake could immediately tell. Blake’s cheeks picked up a faint dusting of a red blush as she saw Ruby’s round little belly poke out from the bottom of Ruby’s top. She fought the urge to keep looking and looked up at Ruby, who was blushing just as hard as Blake, the embarrassment of being unable to conceal her belly getting to her.
“S-So, uh, what did you think?” Blake asked nervously, trying her hardest to look at Ruby’s face. When doing that made Blake notice how soft Ruby’s jawline was now, she moved her focus to Ruby’s eyes before her head was taken over by distracting trains of thought.
“I don’t know all that much about restaurants, even with Weiss taking me to one every few days…” Ruby answered, trailing off towards the end as she absentmindedly rubbed her belly. Blake perked up, and silently forced herself to focus on the writing, not the food Ruby was probably eating or the effect it was having on Ruby’s body.
“I’m not an expert on those either, so I would appreciate the help. I can pay in more cookies,” Blake replied. “I can also get more cookies for you when you read drafts and similar things.”
“Sounds fun to me,” Ruby said with a cheery smile, hoping that this didn’t get too out of control.
Ruby was very conflicted as she sat in Team JNPR’s dorm room. On the one hand, she was regretting agreeing to help Jaune test out his cooking. With the regular restaurant trips with Weiss, with more than enough food being ordered for her, as well as plenty of cookie payments from Blake, Ruby was looking a fair bit chubbier than she was at the start of her time at Beacon. It was getting to the point where she would suck her stomach in almost all the time just so her belly would look like it used to and so her cincher wouldn’t squeeze too tightly, as she was doing right now as she sat and waited on Jaune. The food was what was creating the internal conflict, as the food that Weiss ordered for her was always amazing, and Blake’s cookies were borderline addictive. It was only made worse as a delicious smell drifted into the dorm, almost certainly from Jaune’s cooking. That suspicion was confirmed when Jaune strolled in, a big glass serving dish filled with a hearty cottage pie in his oven mitts. That set off a hungry rumble in Ruby’s stomach, despite the generous breakfast Ruby had had not too long ago.
“Phew, didn’t burn it,” Jaune said hopefully. “Yeah, so this is my family’s recipe that they pass down to their kids, and I’ve never gotten a chance to make it, so I really need you to be honest with me and tell me if it needs work.” Ruby’s eyes went wide as Jaune set down the dish, as the pie looked like it would serve an entire family and then some.
“Uh, Jaune, is it meant to be this big?” Ruby asked sheepishly. Jaune raised an eyebrow, before pulling the recipe from his pocket and studying it again. After a moment long enough for Ruby to bathe in the intoxicating aroma of the pie, Jaune put his face in his hand.
“It serves six, this is way too much for you,” Jaune said, embarrassed and anguished.
“No, wait, hey, I can eat this, or maybe some of it. I’m kind of a big eater these days, even if I don’t really try to be,” Ruby reassured quickly.
“Hey, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Don’t overfill yourself just because I made food. I already learned that one the hard way,” Jaune warned. Before he could carry on, Ruby was already motoring through the pie.
“Mmm, this is pretty good,” Ruby said through a mouth full of pie. Jaune beamed with pride at Ruby’s muffled words.
“Th-thanks,” was all Jaune could get out as he spotted Ruby’s belly filling out as she stopped sucking it in. Ruby’s belly spilled over and under the cincher and pushed it loose as her belly grew fuller and fuller and larger and larger.
As Ruby forced the last of the pie into her mouth, her cincher managed to work itself undone, falling to the side. Ruby was more than happy to be rid of it, since it was just getting in the way nowadays. Ruby let out a loud burp as she rubbed her belly.
“Oh yeah, that was some good pie,” Ruby near moaned. Jaune’s face went bright red as he held his mitts over his crotch for absolutely normal reasons and he definitely wasn’t hiding anything.
“Oh, uh, coolcoolcool. Hey, so, can you think of any improvements, maybe?” Jaune asked, trying to distract himself. Ruby thought long and hard before coming up with an idea.
“Maybe try do something unique and special with it. I mean, my dad’s ‘special recipe’ for this soup he likes making is a recipe from a book his parents gave him that he just added stuff to,” Ruby suggested, before letting out a groan as she shuffled in her chair to let herself lean back a little more and a little more comfortably. “If you need a taste tester, I’m usually free, just not right now because I am way too full.”
“Alright, great!” Jaune said, his voice cracking slightly with not very well-hidden excitement. “I’ll start coming up with new ideas now.”
By now, Ruby had definitely reached the acceptance stage of being fat. Sucking it in didn’t stop Ruby from being at least a little bit round, and it certainly wouldn’t hide how much she had filled out pretty much everywhere. From her face to her thighs there was obviously a fair bit more pudge than there used to be. Ruby didn’t let it get to her, after all she still had very loving friends, all the incredible food she could want, and she still kicked plenty of Grimm and people butt, no matter her size. She was probably luckier than most, since her classmates were mostly the sort of people to not bully her for it, and the few that did didn’t want to bully her enough to risk provoking Yang Xiao Long. Of course, Ruby was only getting bigger with all of her regular food-based commitments. The Ruby Rose of a few months ago would definitely have turned down more, but when Pyrrha asked Ruby to come along with her to a dinner held by one of her sponsors, Ruby was more than happy to say yes. Pyrrha didn’t even get a chance to offer to buy her a dress that fit and nice shoes that weren’t ‘lady stilts’, but Pyrrha still made the offer and Ruby was well and truly sold.
Ruby probably felt even more out of place at the sponsor dinner than she felt even at the restaurants that Weiss brought her to, but she was here with Pyrrha and she was getting free food, so she was more than happy. She didn’t fully realise what she had agreed to until she got a gentle tap on the shoulder.
“Ruby, I’m sorry, but could I put some of this on your plate?” Pyrrha asked in a barely audible whisper. Ruby raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“You don’t want it? It’s really nice,” she said somewhat quietly after quickly swallowing the mouthful she nearly instantly snatched up. Weiss had made it very clear not to talk with her mouth full and that lesson stuck with Ruby, at least when she went anywhere nice.
“It is nice, but I can never eat very much at these events. I just don’t feel comfortable like this,” Pyrrha explained in her incredibly quite whisper. “Sorry for doing this to you, but…”
“Relax, it’s fine,” Ruby said with a dismissive wave, before giving her belly a pat. “This bad boy can fit so much food in it, I can totally fit yours.”
“Thank you, so much,” Pyrrha said, looking like a weight had lifted from her shoulder as she subtly slid most of her food on to Ruby’s plate.
“Psh, this all I need to eat? This is easy for me,” Ruby said confidently, looking at what she would consider a normal dinner for herself.
“There’s more courses to come, and they are shockingly large courses. There is also the dessert that you’ll need to finish for me,” Pyrrha warned. “If you need to stop, please tell me.”
“I’m sure I can handle it,” Ruby said before digging in to her meal. Five courses for nearly two later and Ruby was feeling pretty full. She had been fuller, no doubt, but that was a long time ago before the regular mountains of food dramatically improved her stomach capacity. Ruby let out a long breath and rubbed her packed belly through the tight crimson dress.
“Are you okay, Ruby?” Pyrrha asked as she offered a hand to help Ruby up and out of her seat. Ruby nodded slowly.
“That was more than I expected. I thought fancy people food was all tiny food and fancy drawings with the sauce,” Ruby said as she slowly and unsteadily rose to her feet. “Not that I’m complaining, more food is way better than stuff like that.” The pair made their way out of the place, Pyrrha making just enough farewells to stay polite while still getting out quickly.
“That was much better with you here,” Pyrrha said with a sigh of relief as she put an arm around Ruby’s shoulders, bringing Ruby in close enough to just begin to sink into Ruby’s soft side. “Would you like to come to more of these events? My sponsors seem to keep inviting me to these things, so this might go on for a while.”
“If you keep paying for dresses my fat bod will fit in, I’ll keep coming,” Ruby said with a friendly smile.
Ruby’s bountiful belly was on display as she sat at Team JNPR’s breakfast table with Nora. Ruby was well and truly too big for her old pyjama top, but it was cute and she was starting to enjoy having her belly out, along with most of the other aspects of her new size. Having to get new pyjama pants, along with a lot of other clothes, wasn’t one of those aspects, but it definitely helped Ruby focus on just how big she was getting now. Her size was only sort of going through her mind as she idly rubbed her hungry globe of a bare belly while her and Nora waited.
“Oh man, I’m so glad you’re joining me for pancakes, Ruby!” Nora cheered. “Seriously, these pancakes Renny makes are super good and it’s gotta be a crime to not share them. Plus, he can make all sorts of pancakes, strawberry pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes, even bacon pancakes like from this show I watch…”
“I want all three of those things, and I want a lot of them,” Ruby said, practically almost drooling at Nora’s words. Nora leaned back and turned to the kitchen where Ren was cooking up a storm.
“You hear that, Ren?!” Nora said, probably louder than she needed to, since Ren was only on the other side of the room.
“Already made them,” Ren responded as he plated up about two dozen pancakes. He brought two plates over with a dozen each, each plate having a variety of pancakes on offer.
“Thanks babe,” Nora said, shooting finger guns at Ren, who took it with a gentle and warm smile. Ren quickly went back over to the kitchen as Ruby processed the interaction, thinking it over with a forkful of pancakes in her mouth.
“Wait, are you two a thing?” she asked carefully. “Like, a dating thing.” Nora shrugged.
“Sorta. We’re not, like, official or exclusive or anything, we just like each other,” Nora said, her eyes flicking over to Ren as she talked and a soft smile hitting her face as she watched Ren pick up his own plate and walk over to join the girls. Ruby hummed in thought for a moment as she kept eating, before a dejected look hit her. She tried to quickly cover it up with a broad smile.
“Aw, that’s cute,” she said sweetly and completely honestly before the smile began to fade a little. “Not gonna lie, I am a little jealous. I doubt I’m gonna end up with a cutie to date, which I’m not super worried about, since everything else is pretty good with me, but it is still kind of a shame,” she added, poking at her plate with her fork. Ruby looked down and saw that most of the pancakes were already gone, surprisingly enough, and she began to feel a comfortable and satisfying fullness as her hand instinctively went back to rubbing her exposed belly. “Oh, oops, I didn’t notice how quickly I was eating. Heh.”
“Hey, Ruby, don’t beat yourself up over stuff like that,” Nora said with a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “I’m pretty certain there’s people out there that would love to date you, and, like, specifically you and not just a girl like you.”
“Nora, I think you should make it more obvious,” Ren suggested as he meandered his way through his breakfast.
“Make what more obvious?” Ruby asked, her confused face emphasising her chubby cheeks and generally round face. Nora took in a deep breath.
“Okay, I guess we’re doing this,” Nora said, sitting up nice and straight before looking Ruby straight in the eyes. “Alright, so here’s some stuff you should know…”
“I’m sorry, what?!” Yang asked, nearly recoiling from Ruby’s story.
“Yang, I’m almost an adult now, I can date if I want to,” Ruby said, folding her arms.
“I… Well yeah, but six people at once?!”
“Hey, it’s working pretty well at the moment,” Ruby defended.
“Maybe a little too well,” Yang responded under her breath, before letting out a sigh. “Look, Ruby, I’m just doing this as your concerned sister. I know how much being a huntress means to you, and I don’t want this getting in the way of that.” Ruby’s eyes lit up.
“Oh, wait, that reminds me. I’ve got this sweet new move now that I’m big. Wanna see it?” Ruby asked excitedly. Yang raised a sceptical eyebrow.
“Alright, hit me with it,” Yang accepted, moving into a more combat ready stance.
“Okay, here we go,” Ruby said with a nod. “Speed!” She moved into a runner’s starting position, aiming right at Yang. “And!” Yang put her arms up to try and block, the realisation dawning on her of what Ruby’s move was going to be. “Weight!” Ruby shot like a cannon, launching directly at her sister. Yang took the hit and went flying through the air, tumbling as she flew back. She hit the concrete ground hard and rolled head over heels before eventually sliding to a stop. “Uh, Yang!? You okay?!” Ruby called out as she slowly jogged over to Yang, her body wobbling aggressively all the way. Yang sat up, still very dazed from the hit.
“Okay, I’ll admit it, that was a good hit,” Yang said slowly, getting up very carefully.
“So, does that mean you’re not gonna worry about me being big?” Ruby asked quickly. There was a pause as Yang thought.
“Yeah, you can probably handle yourself. Just make sure you keep the weight low enough to keep the speed up. Won’t be much of a hit if you’re waddling at them,” Yang said, sounding confused at her own advice. Ruby’s stomach took the moment’s quiet and filled it with a demanding rumble.
“Heh, guess that worked up an appetite for me,” Ruby said with a smile as she patted her loud belly. “Thanks for the advice, sis! Now I gotta go get me some food. I wonder if anyone’s free for a meal with me…”
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nottonyharrison · 4 years
7 9 18
7: would you rather read a plot-focused fic or pwp?
100% plot focussed says the person who writes mostly PWP 😅. Nah like idk I will read a solid pwp if the setup is right and there's a good focus on character, but if it's just some people doing the nasty where you could pretty much put any character their place then it's not for me.
So yeah plot will generally be the first thing I click on and with pwp it depends
9: what are your favourite ships to read fics for?
Oh gosh so many. At the moment very much Beth/Rio (Good Girls), Echo/Bellamy (The 100), Cara/Mando (the Mandolorian). All time ships include just about every combo you can imagine in Marvel canon, Stephanie/anyone other than Ranger it Morelli from the Stephanie Plum novels, Hermione/anyone who will respect her as an individual, I could go on. I'm a shameless multishipper.
18: have you ever read fics you would not confess to reading?
Hahahaha no. Because I will freely confess to reading them. Heck I have a bit where I admit on stage to reading a Tetris pwp when one of my friends brought it to my attention. Tetris.
Reader asks 💕
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frijolitc · 2 years
{ 𝑅 𝑈 𝐿 𝐸 𝑆 }
Hola! I'm 217, also known as Two, and as my hyperfixation on Encanto isn't stopping any time soon, I now have a rp blog! I use they/them pronouns and I am 24 years old, I've been rping on and off for 6+ years but not on tumblr, so hopefully you can excuse me while I figure things out!
Tumblr media
• MUSES; Currently this blog features my Encanto OCs Fabio, Jules and Tico, but I may add more OCs for the same fandom in the future! Depends on how well I figure out rping on tumblr ✌🏻
• AGE RESTRICTION; I'm willing to rp with people of any age in a casual setting, but for any sort of romance or darker themes, I'd prefer my partners to be 18+. I'm an adult and just not comfortable getting into deeper business with minors.
• NSFW CONTENT; Fabio is 15 years old and Tico is 14, therefore there will be no nsfw regarding them! For Jules it can be discussed, however even so it strongly depends on how well I vibe with my rp partner. Not a strict no, but definitely not the main purpose for this blog. If I do post any suggestive content, it will be tagged as "not for kids" so please blacklist that if you'd rather avoid it!
• SHIPPING; so I admit I am weak for ships, but I'm not much of a multishipper so exclusive stuff would need to be agreed on and stuff. If something develops naturally though, I'm all for it! (I'm always up for shipping in dm, though)
Fabio is shipped exclusively with @little-mariposa's Mirabel
Jules' preferred ship is Bruno because I am a shameless simp, but platonic interaction is very welcome too! Please don't be put off by it lol
• SLOW REPLIES; please be patient with me as I am autistic and have severe depression/executive dysfunction, so writing is very difficult for me on a good day. My brain and I are not the best of friends and it does not always like words. I'll do my best though!
• TRIGGERS; I don't have any triggers per se, in fact I'm a garden tool for angst and I love dark themes as long as it's been discussed beforehand! I do however have severe emetophobia, so I ask that any mention of v**it or even excessive drooling be avoided, even the word itself sets me off.
• EXTRA NOTE; if you lie to me and then get upset if I act according to what you made me believe, I will not take blame for it. If you're uncomfortable with something, tell me. If you don't want to rp a certain thing, tell me. Please. I can not read your mind. But if you assure me multiple times something is fine when I explicitly ask, and then it turns out it is not, that's on you. I can't believe I have to even say this.
• I'm trying to learn spanish on duolingo but I am not good at it yet so please excuse any mistakes and feel free to correct me!
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